Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Unable To Migrate All Subscriptions Of Old System Into New One
Oct 13, 2014
I got a new Server with Plesk 12.0.8 (old one has 11.5.30). Now I have to migrate all Subscriptions of the old System into the new one.
I tested it with one item and all time I get this warning:
Warning:SSL certificate "default certificate" Execution of /opt/psa/admin/plib/api-cli/certificate.php --create default certificate -cert-file /opt/psa/PMM/tmp/pmm-cert-GzVcei -key-file /opt/psa/PMM/tmp/pmm-privkey-PgXbaU -print-signature -admin -ignore-nonexistent-options failed with return code 1. Stderr is Unable to create certificate "default certificate": Unable to set the private key: Probably, the private key format is invalid.
I have a 'Service Plan' which has 270 subscriptions associated with it. When I navigate to 'Service Plans' page, underneath my plan it reads "Unable to sync subscriptions with the service plan" along with a yellow exclamation mark.
If I go into the plan there is another message near the "Update & Sync" button stating that syncing will take time and therefore be run in the background. When I click the "Update & Sync" button nothing appears to happen. If I then click on the plan again, as if to edit the settings I get the following "Warning: Subscriptions are currently syncing with the service plan. Please wait until the sync process is finished." and it prevents me from accessing the plan settings.
If I wait a while, I can eventually get into the plan settings again, which should mean that the Update & Sync has completed. However the "Unable to sync subscriptions with the service plan" warning is still present under my custom plan on the 'Service Plans' page and if I navigate to a subscription to check if it has been updated it hasn't.
If I change the subscription plan to another plan and then change it back to my original plan again, then the changes are reflected. But this is obviously a workaround.
Why doesn't the "Update & Sync" button do as it should?
Why is my plan "Unable to sync subscriptions with the service plan"?
I can't add subscriptions, not even for the administrator account, comes up with:
Error: Filename: ?C:inetpubvhostsmygclive.comhttpdocsweb.config Error: The configuration section 'system.webServer/rewrite/rules' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration In module Exception type: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COM
I want to be able to copy 1000's of files from one subscription to another or rather from one domain to another on the server without having to FTP them each time. Is there a way which this can be done directly in Plesk and avoid the need to ftp the same 1000's of files into each subscription ? FTPing on my connection is really slow and takes 2-3 for each subscription / domain, whereas if I could just FTP to the server once and then copy&paste the files between subscriptions then this would save me a huge amount of time...
After upgrading (i know, i should not do this) from Squeeze to Wheezy i have got a problem with subscriptions.Plesk seems to work, but whein i want do manage a domain/hosting. i just see 502 Bad Gateway nginxClick to expand...
I can access 4 out of 5 domains in my subscritions, but one domain dosn't appear in the list.
The 4 working domains are "Default Domain", the one i can't access is "unlimited".
In the list of packages i can click on the number of subscriptions and see the domains, but if click on the 1 unlimited subscription nothing gets listed / no elements found.
The domains is online, but i can't access it with plesk.
Can't add new subscriptions or domains/ subdomain after upgrade. Upgraded to 12.0.18 today and can no longer add domains or subdomains. When I try create a new subscription I get the following error:
New configuration files for the Apache web server were not created due to the errors in configuration templates: Template processing failed: file = /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/templates/default/domainVhost.php, error = Template_Exception: No data. file: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/Template/Processor.php line: 28 code: 0 Previous error: Template_Variable_Exception: No data. file: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/Template/Variable/AbstractCachedData.php line: 67 code: 0.
Detailed error descriptions were sent to you by email. Please resolve the issues and click here to generate broken configuration files once again or here to generate all configuration files.
Trying to generate all configuration files OR generate broken configuration files doesnt work. Still get the same error.
When I try can create a subdomain I get the error:
............. Error: proftpd-config failed: mktemp: failed to create file via template `/etc/proftpd.d/50-plesk.conf.XXXXXX': No such file or directory Can not create temporary file ...........
This solution [URL] ..... doesnt work that just says 'ls: cannot access /etc/proftpd.d/: No such file or directory'
I tried yum update proftpd to see if that would do anything but get this...
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * atomic: 193 packages excluded due to repository priority protections Setting up Update Process No Match for argument: proftpd No package proftpd available. No Packages marked for Update
In plesk, ProFTPD ftpserver is showing as installed.
Any time I attempt to create a customer, subscription, domain, anything I get the error "The password should be between 5 and 20 characters in length.". The password is exactly like that. On some pages it gives an error to the username I chose and the error just explains what a username is (??)....
The only actual error I've seen is one from creating an account via the command line. It was a PHP error relating to a function having issues with the encoding or something. (I think this is only relating to sending feedback though?)
Error occurred while sending feedback. HTTP code returned: 502 PHP Notice: iconv(): Wrong charset, conversion from `ISO-8859-1' to `UTF-8//TRANSLIT' is not allowed; File: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/api-common/cu.php, Line: 599
Error occurred while sending feedback. HTTP code returned: 502 PHP Notice: iconv(): Wrong charset, conversion from `ISO-8859-1' to `UTF-8' is not allowed; File: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/api-common/cu.php, Line: 597..I've tried OpenSuSE 12.3 with Plesk 11.5 and 12 and I'm now on OpenSuSE 13.1 with the latest Plesk 12.
I've been happily copy databases between subscriptions in Plesk 11.5xx for years but having updated to 12 the feature no longer works.
In the copy database screen when the 'local MySQL server' option is selected in the drop down the 'Copy to existing database' radio button is disabled.
My service provider tells me this is a feature change.
If you would disable a subscription and reloaded that domain name. You would be redirected to a default subscription. How can i change this default landing page?
After a migration I did this weekend I mis a couple of the migrated domains in the subscription list. The domains are working great, but I cannot find them in Plesk.
I got this errors in the migration manager:
Info: The password was generated for user 'Domain Administrator ('. New password is 'GA66QgQ'
Warning: Execution of /opt/psa/admin/plib/api-cli/user.php --create -owner admin -guid cfa43606-e8b0-444c-a005-660984840498 -cname Domain Administrator ( -passwd '' -status disabled -domain-admin true -email '' -external-email true -role Domain Administrator ( -country NL -legacy-user false -subscription-name -ignore-nonexistent-options failed with return code 1. Stderr is Error during user creation: Owner with id 1 has not subscription with id 69
Warning: domain "" Execution of /opt/psa/admin/bin/backup_restore_helper --restore-legacy-dlu -dlu-info /opt/psa/PMM/tmp/deployer_legacy_dluIrjcWa -ignore-nonexistent-options failed with return code 1. Stderr is Unable to create Account object: Account: unable to select: no such row in the tableClick to expand...
Logged into my panel today to run a database backup on a site I'm working on to be confronted with the following:
Unable to backup database 'XXXXXXXXXX' Cannot open backup device 'C:Program Files (x86) est'. Operating system error 5(Access is denied.). BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
(Error code 21)
I'm not sure why permissions would change on their own, I'm also not sure how to fix the permissions error. I get the same error on all databases.
PrivateTemp folder appears to have write permissions for Group MSSQLSERVER
At my company we have running some Helm 3/4 servers and we've installed a new server with Plesk 12 for testing.Do you know a good way to migrate these servers (more than 6) to Plesk 12?.Helm is bringing to me a lot of problems and also servers must be renewed.
Recently I've tested the usage of domain keys on my plesk 12 server. The feature works without problems. I'm wondering however if it's possible to activate the domain keys by a service plan or subscription model. If not, for all my domains (65) I've to activate them manually and for each domain iIll create in the future I have to activate it too.
im trying to migrate my plesk 11 linux server (i installed the PPA Moving Tools) but when im running the assimilate command: ppa-assimilate generate-migration-list getting this error:
I have following Warning when creating a new Domain inside a Subscriptions:
I found this Article: [URL] .....
But in my case this does not solve the Problem.
1> All permissions are right. 2> When I type command '/usr/local/psa/bin/repair --restore-vhosts-permissions' i get the answer 'Directory permissions were successfully updated.' 3> The Order of Webuser and FTPUser (as described in the article) could also not be the problem, because in my case there is only one user (There is only Webuser and no FTP-User.) 4> When typing '/usr/local/psa/bin/repair --update-vhosts-structure' I get the following error 6 times each:
Unable to update the structure of the home directory: an unexpected error has occurred. update-vhosts-structure failed: mkdir: cannot create directory `./': File exists ERROR: Cannot relink logs. Target directory '/var/www/vhosts/' is in invalid state.
To get the error 6 times seems to mean, that i have this problem with 6 Domain.
I generate the ssl for my customer going into this direction:
Tools & Settings > SSL Certificates > add new
I put the key there its ok until here.
Then I follow this: After adding an SSL certificate to a domain, you need to enable SSL support and select that certificate in the website hosting settings: Websites & Domains > Hosting Settings of this domain > Security.
But the dropdownlist there are not SSL with the name that i create on panel.
I have migrate Hosting from Cpanel to Plesk, but mailbox not create successful.
mbox_quota 262144000 -forwarding false -ignore-nonexistent-options failed with return code 1. Stderr is
Unable to set the mailbox size limit for the domain: The size of this mailbox must not exceed the limit on amount of disk space allocated for mailboxes in this domain.
Default mailbox of Cpanel is 250MB.
How to change default mailbox size to 250MB to change mail from Cpanel to Plesk.
I had made the backups of subscription and of whole plesk too and migrate it to other server. It seems all to be fine, but I cannot send or receive emails In Tools & Settings -> Server-Wide Mail Settings - > Mail Queue I see all mails stored there. The IPs was changed yesterday, and now I can see that WHOIS Infos was chanfed too, the domains are online.
On old server I had no problem with sending of emails (post), it is stil on, because I had not by all domains changed the DNS-Records yet.
We've migrated a web hosting account from a Plesk 10 server to a Plesk 12 one but the customers Horde calendar and events settings haven't transferred over.I've tried exporting and importing the data manually and that seems to work, but why doesn't the migration manager bring this information across?
When I try to migrate from old server to new server, I get this error:
Warning: Deployer has been terminated by exception: Line 471 error: Element 'certificates': This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( sb-config, backup-settings, server-preferences, spamassassin, grey-listing, virusfilter, kav-settings, coldfusion, gapps-services, events ).
I'm using the migrate tool to clone our production server to a backup server.
I'm using the following command
Code: cd /opt/psa/bin/ ./migrate --migrate-server -host x.x.x.x -password mypwd
I've noticed that the per-domain PHP settings (like open_basedir and include_path) are not transmit to the backup server. Is that the expected behavior ? I would have prefer the migrate tool to include all settings....
We recently started migrating some cPanel accounts to Plesk. Besides the obvious that it doesn't create customer accounts it contains a pretty frustrating bug:
When an mail forward in cPanel has multiple addresses, only one the first mail forward address is migrated to Plesk.
so, E.g. on cPanel: is forwarded to,,
after migration to Plesk: is forwarded to only. The other addresses are not migrated.