Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Enabling Iis-app-pool For Customer Through API
Mar 20, 2015
We are trying to enable the dedicated IIS pool for some customers through the RPC API (Plesk 12, Win2k12R2) but couldn't find a way to. I understand we can do it through CLI with "client_pref.exe --set-iis-app-pool-settings <login_name> -iis-app-pool-turned-on true", and also through web interface, but is it possible via API? it would be really easier and cleaner.
I made plans with the option of "dedicated pool" but the plesk INSISTS create the account and shared pool in most cases. Only a few dedicated it creates.
How can I set dedicated IIS Application Pool for each domain/subdomain? I only can found the setting assign one application pool for each subscription. But my subscription have two subdomain (one subdomain have virtual directory to share to other subdomain) and would like have two application pools.
I have a server setup and running shared hosting perfectly. I duplicated one of the plans and just set it to DEDICATED IP. This is for users that will be requiring SSL.
I then went into my panel settings and added in all the additional ip's. It even says in the panel listing "6 dedicated ip's available".
Yet, when I try to re-run the task for provisioning it constantly fails with the message:
Unable to create hosting. Ip address does not exist in client's pool ....
when im trying to enable spam filter for a particular email account i get this mysql error:
Error: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '' for key 3 (mail id i hid it for security reasons
i searchd in the psa database but could not find any duplication...
I use Plesk 11.5.3 and have a problem with adding new customer. When i have add a new customer and type the domain in my browser, I have to authorisize, but I haven't set up a protect folder know. What's wrong with my plesk? I think this is a permission problem with IIS.
I am trying to change the cname through a batch.. It is successfully done for English language but I want to use Arabic language. When I am using Arabic it appear like this "????".
Company is using software Parallels Plesk Panel 11.5.30 for Windows And There currently are in trouble about how some websites it's can't active Customer, domain or Subcriptions on 1 Resellers.
I want to know if I altered the specified php.ini for a domain and added the [php-fpm-pool-settings] section, how can I regenerate the pool for that domain?
It would be great to have this section as a textarea in the PHP settings for a Service plan as it would give the basic control to alter some settings that some of us really would like to control them faster and easier.
How can we add a range of IPs say x.x.x.1 - x.x.x.250 and exclude certain IPs within this range?Say x.x.x.10, x.x.x.15, x.x.x.17, and so on, must be reserved and not used by PPA. If this is not possible, can this please be implemented?
We are running the latest Plesk 12 under CentOS 7.
While I can see the App Owncloud as Admin in the Application Vault my users cannot see that particular app in their Application pool. They can see all other apps though. Just not Owncloud.
All resellers and customers are allowed to install everything from the pool and i selected Owncloud in the Vault already and "made it available" .. Though it is not shown.
Centos6.6 x86_64 Minimal install + Plesk12 installation completed without problem.
However when I logged into Plesk Panel i get this message.
ERROR: PleskException Up Level Unable to configure control panel: nginxmng failed: [2014-12-02 07:32:44] ERR [util_exec] proc_close() failed enabling nginx proxy failed: 255 Service /etc/init.d/httpd failed to start Service /etc/init.d/httpd failed to start
Nginx proxy changes had been reverted.
Everything seems to work but i would like to have it enabled for performance reasons, when i check it # /etc/init.d/nginx status nginx is stopped
Then I try to start it manually /etc/init.d/nginx start Not starting nginx as it is disabled in config
then i try to force it /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/nginxmng --enable
[2014-12-02 08:19:48] ERR [util_exec] proc_close() failed enabling nginx proxy failed: 255 Service /etc/init.d/httpd failed to start Service /etc/init.d/httpd failed to start Nginx proxy changes had been reverted.
For some reason my nginx doenst start and I get the following error:
Error: Unable to start service: Unable to manage service by nginxmng: [2015-05-30 01:03:20] ERR [util_exec] proc_close() failed enabling nginx proxy failed: getsebool: SELinux is disabled
255 Service /etc/init.d/nginx failed to start getsebool: SELinux is disabled
Trying to enable Tomcat Java Servlets using autoinstaller via ssh, but I'm receiving the following error:
Exception: Failed to solve dependencies: 2:apache-commons-discovery-0.5-9.el7.noarch requires mvn(commons-logging:commons-logging)
ERROR: The Yum utility failed to install the required packages. Attention! Your software might be inoperable. When I try through the admin UI, I just get "The Yum utility failed to install the required packages"
We are migrating Plesk servers to PPA. Is it possible to upgrade a customer to reseller? Is it possible to move a subscription to another customer or reseller?
I have recently setup PPA and already use WHMCS.I can provision accounts without any issues, however i need to be able to send a good looking welcome letter like the regular plesk panel integration.As i don't know which server the account is provisioned to, i can't really send any IP informations to the customer.
Should the welcome e-mail be sent from PPA..Also, i noticed that FTP username and password does not follow the WHMCS login.username is like sub2_ 87 or similar with a password i don't know.Last, the configuration options was not created as the documentation states.Is there an easy way to add them?
unfortunately I can not move a customer to another reseller, because of this error:
"Einige der ausgewählten Kunden wurden nicht zu **** **** verschoben. Der ausgewählte Reseller besitzt nicht die Berechtigung 'Verwaltung der DNS-Zonen', aber einige der Kunden besitzen sie."
which means "Some of the selected customers could not be moved to **** ***. The selected reseller does not have permission to configure DNS-Zones, but some of the customers do."Well, the customer does not have this permission, because no DNS-service is installed on the server.If I check the customer's permissions there is no point "DNS configuration" or something like that.