Plesk 12.x / Windows :: How To Limit Customers Being Able To Use PHP

Feb 16, 2015

We have separate hosting environment of Linux Plesk and Windows Plesk where we do not allow PHP on Windows Plesk.

However, it seems to be next to impossible to find out how we can limit customers being able to use PHP.

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Cannot Create New Customers - ODBC Error

Apr 20, 2014

I suddenly started to get the following error

Windows 2008 server 64 bits 24 gigs ram sql express php plesk 11.5.30 latest update passed the latest self test with no problem

Internal error: ODBC error #42S02: [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.5.31]Table 'apsc.aps_package' doesn't existODBC error #42S02:
Message ODBC error #42S02: [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.5.31]Table 'apsc.aps_package' doesn't existODBC error #42S02:
File aps_php.php
Line 11933
Type Exception

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Application Updates For Specific Customers Is Being Sent To ALL Customers

Jul 11, 2014

I've got a e-mail notification problem since i upgraded from Plesk 11.5 to Plesk 12: One specific Application Update for customer X is being sent to all my customers.

Last week we did have a problem with a busted customer portal. ( not customer X, plus still on Plesk 11.5 ) I fixed this by using this procedure: [URL] ..... Restored two records and problem solved.

As a temporary resolution we disabled Application Updates for our customers, but I do want that my customers receive Application Updates, but just the one where they are the recipient.

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: SMTP Mail Send Limit?

Jul 31, 2012

I am using SMTP for mail service. Is there any limit for maximum that mail can be sent for a month or day? If limit is der then how much i can send?

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Limit Notification Emails To Specific Administrator

May 21, 2014

The 'Additional Administrator Accounts' feature enables a Plesk login to be created for each administrator, so they don't have to share a login, which is good practice.

However, Plesk sends notification emails (e.g. Notification of problem domains) to all the administrators. How can we control who is sent notification emails? In our case, we only want them to go the main admin account.

In the 'Additional Administrator Accounts' form, the 'email' field requires a value. We could set this to a dummy value, but this would probably generate non-delivery emails.

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: How To Limit Outgoing Mail Hourly Or Daily

Mar 26, 2013

How can I limit outgoing mail hourly or daily (per mail account) on Plesk 11 Windows? I know I can do that with MailEnable Enterprise version, but I want to know if there any other way to do that.

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Limit Reseller Self-created Service Plan Resource Usage

Jan 23, 2015

When a reseller create a service plan there any way to limit the CPU and memory setting for the application pool to recycle on their own created plan?

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: How To Limit Access To Few IP Address To Access Port 8443 On Firewall

Aug 28, 2012

How can I allow only one ip or a list of ip addresses to access port 8443.I need to limit access this port to few ip addresses and not everyone

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Windows Customers, Ensure You Are Properly Secured

May 31, 2008

There has been a recent rash of Windows 2003 customers being hacked and having "UTorrent" installed, as well as having their Administrator password changed, rendering the server inaccessible.

At the moment, we have yet to determine the vulnerability in Windows allowing the hackers to breach the systems however we believe it is related to RDP.
We highly suggest you are complying with the following, to lessen your risk of having your server compromised:

1) Run RDP on a non-standard port

2) Run a software firewall on your machine, blocking ALL unnecessary ports on your server. You should only have the bare minimum open.

3) Limit any non-public access to your IP and trusted IP's only. This will prevent any other outside networks or servers from reaching your machine through ports which are not meant to be public (http for example)

4) Ensure you have FULL updates for your Windows O/S, immediately.

5) Ensure any 3rd party software you are running, has also been fully updated to the latest version including any patches.

Please make sure these suggestions are implemented immediately to lessen you risk of being hacked by the current wave of exploits.

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Incorrect Notifications Being Sent To All Customers

Oct 9, 2013

How can I completely disable ALL notifications from plesk? We NEVER want plesk to notify customers of overages.

Not only do we want to disable all notifications but I want someone at parallels to know about the bug.. It notifies people that they are over or approaching limits when they aren't anywhere near it.. Here is a sample of one of the notifications emails sent. Names and emails changed of course...

From: My Name []
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2013 3:38 AM
To: My Customer Name
Subject: <> Notification: Resource usage by subscription has exceeded the allotments.

The '' subscription, owned by user 'Customer Name', is approaching or already exceeded the resource usage limits:

Traffic:25 GB/month limit / 384.3 MB/month (2%) used / 24.6 GB/month (98%) remaining

As you can see, the subject clearly says they have exceeded, yet the body of the message shows they are no where near it!

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Move Websites To Other Customers?

Jan 27, 2015

how can i move 1 or more Websites to a other Costomer?

Plesk 12.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: How To Sync Customers With WHMCS

Jun 11, 2014

I'am using Plesk 12 Web Pro Edition, I would like to know how can I sync my customers with WHMCS? I have config Plesk Server (at whmcs, module version Plesk 10/11) according to WHMCS. But I still with error and without can sync, users, domains, etc... from plesk web pro to whmcs.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: How To Make Different MySQL Settings For Customers

Oct 13, 2014

We are running Plesk 12.0.18 with MySQL (Server Version: 5.5.33-MariaDB - openSUSE package) on OpenSuSE 13.1

MySQL is running in strict mode and its fine for the most of our customers. But some are trying to run Contenido, thats a CMS, which could work with this mode and we have to disable mysql strict mode.

So my question is: Is it possible to disable mysql strict mode just for choosen customers?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Can't Create Customers / Domains / Subscriptions

Jan 22, 2015

Any time I attempt to create a customer, subscription, domain, anything I get the error "The password should be between 5 and 20 characters in length.". The password is exactly like that. On some pages it gives an error to the username I chose and the error just explains what a username is (??)....

The only actual error I've seen is one from creating an account via the command line. It was a PHP error relating to a function having issues with the encoding or something. (I think this is only relating to sending feedback though?)

Error occurred while sending feedback. HTTP code returned: 502 PHP Notice: iconv(): Wrong charset, conversion from `ISO-8859-1' to `UTF-8//TRANSLIT' is not allowed; File: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/api-common/cu.php, Line: 599

Error occurred while sending feedback. HTTP code returned: 502 PHP Notice: iconv(): Wrong charset, conversion from `ISO-8859-1' to `UTF-8' is not allowed; File: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/api-common/cu.php, Line: 597​..I've tried OpenSuSE 12.3 with Plesk 11.5 and 12 and I'm now on OpenSuSE 13.1 with the latest Plesk 12.

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Windows Server 03 2TB HDD Limit

Sep 22, 2007

I am sitting here taking a day off from all the craziness in my life (saturday night!) and just catching up on things trying to stay organized and I been searching on google about windows server 2003 and its hard drive limitations.

Let me start by saying I have a colo server hosted somewhere that contains the following hardware:

Dual Opteron 246
750GB x 5 (approx 3.5TB after OS partion)
3ware 9550SX PCI-X-to-Serial ATA II 9550SX-16ML

Now right now my windows server has a big 2TB partion and its on RAID 0 but I have another 1.5TB unallocated space that I cannot use due to this 2TB limit that seems to be. Now I got this from my host (support) saying that its the limit.

[url] here it exaplins that 2TB its the limit but if its on "GPT" it can have much more storage now I don't know what this means at all I just want some way (or know) what I have to do so I can use all of my space. I honestly do not want to touch Linux for the reason that I am rarely unexperienced by it. I run perfectly on 2TB but I do have extra hard drives that I should be using.

If I had to delete my data I would do so anything to be able to use more space is awesome on windows.

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Plesk Automation :: Disable Changing System User Name (FTP / SSH) For Customers?

May 26, 2015

Is it possible to disable the option to change the system user (FTP/SSH) for customers. I can disable this for the control panel user but not the system user (FTP/SSH). Is there any option to do this that I didn't see?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Customers Emails Coming Into Root Email

Jun 26, 2015

For some reason a customer is receiving emails from and its coming into our main email. How can this be disabled or modified?

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Any Firewall For Windows To Limit Connections Per Ip

Apr 26, 2008

windows 2003

limit connections per ip to a port

im currently using routix netcom

it can limit the connections( NOT bandwidth) only but not per ip

another firewall which limit connections per ip

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Limit Resources Per User On Windows

Jun 28, 2007

I want to limit resources like CPU and RAM maybe as a per user setting on a Windows Server 2003.

I've read about Windows System Resource Manager but from what I see it applies to per-process.

Is there a solution (freeware maybe) for this?

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Windows 08 - IIS7 - Limit Disk Usage & FTP

Aug 30, 2008

I'm starting a webhosting business in the next few months (working on the panel), and was wondering what is the best method to limit the amount of disk usage the user can use? I know about Disk Quota, but that would be a pain to use. Is there anything built into IIS7?

Also, is it possible to use a SQL 05 DB for FTP user accounts with IIS7? If not, is there any other way to have FTP accounts *without* having to create a windows user account?

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2MB Upload Limit {Windows Server 2003}

Nov 8, 2008

I have issue on my windows server 2003..

I have a file hosting script, but server uploads only 2MB...

I have edited my script to 100 Mb, but still same issue...

Than i tried editing php.ini file and increased:

Max Upload size to 100 Mb

Max Post Size = 100 Mb

Than Rebooted IIS.. and even server.

but still same issue... i can't upload a file larger than 2mb on Windows server...

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Hide (Apache Configuration Files) Related Messages From Plesk Customers / Resellers

Nov 25, 2014

How to hide from our clients (end users: Plesk customers/resellers) any message related to Apache configuration files failed, like this one:

"Error: Web server configuration for some of your domains may be inconsistent. Please contact server administrator to resolve the problem."

We already see the message within Plesk admin interface, so our customers don't really need to see that, as there's nothing they can do for that.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: (Notify When Disk Space / Traffic Usage Reaches) Sending To Customers Not Admin

Jan 29, 2015

I migrated from one server running Plesk 10.4.4 Update #59 to a new server running Plesk 11 which I then updated to 12.0.18 Update #32. Since moving to Plesk 12 the "Notify when disk space/traffic usage reaches" emails have been being sent to our customers set up on the server whereas previously they were sent to the server admin email address.

Is this a change with this version?

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: How To Increase PHP Memory Limit

Feb 1, 2014

why, or when this happened, but all of a sudden the PHP Memory Limit for all of my domains is 64M? I used to have it set to 128. How to change this setting so that all domains have the ability to go to 128M ?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Limit-out - Postfix / Dovecot

Aug 15, 2014

on a fresh debian 7 64bit openvz system we actually have a problem with the new plesk 12 feature of limiting outgoing mails.We migrated about 25 systems to plesk, this is the first that makes problems.If limiting outgoing mails is activated (i double-checked all possible checkboxes in plesk) a fresh mailbox gives us the following error while trying to send via smtp:

Aug 15 13:09:32 2d4 postfix/smtpd[8645]: connect from unknown[XX.XX.XX.XX]
Aug 15 13:09:32 2d4 postfix/smtpd[8645]: E9AF61C58851: client=unknown[XX.XX.XX.XX], sasl_method=PLAIN, sasl_username=XX@XXX.XX
Aug 15 13:09:32 2d4 greylisting filter[8651]: Starting greylisting filter...
Aug 15 13:09:32 2d4 /usr/lib/plesk-9.0/psa-pc-remote[8611]: handlers_stderr: SKIP


After deactivating the feature all mail is sent without any problems. We use postfix + dovecot.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Upload File Limit?

Jun 22, 2015

I have a big problem concerning the file upload limit (I need a large size, around 2Go) : I was using my app in /var/www/vhost/default and it was working perfectly, I decided to change it and use /var/www/vhost/ to have it throught the plesk panel, and there I have an upload limit than I need to push. I can't upload files larger than 128Mo and I don't know why.

- I have checked all php.ini files (with locate php.ini) and they are all correct.
- I used plesk panel to set php conf -> done.
- I put :
php_value memory_limit 2000M
php_value upload_max_filesize 2000M
php_value post_max_size 2000M
in my .htaccess in htdocs


I reload/restart apache2, psa, ... And it still doesn't work, I have no more idea every conf file seems correct. It's not a permission problem because I can upload some 80Mo files but not 500Mo ...

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: How To Limit Outgoing Mail From PHP Scripts

Mar 27, 2015

Where do I setup limits for email sent by PHP scripts?

They do not seem to be throttled by the plan's outgoing limits at all.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Cannot Limit Number Of Backup Files

Oct 30, 2014

I'm running Plesk v12.0.18 #22 on Ubuntu 12.04.

In the plesk backup-settings I've set the max. number of backup-files to 5.

Actually Plesk doesn't limit the number of backups stored in the local repository.

So unfortunately the partition is running out of space.

What can be done to solve that problem?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Outgoing Mail Limit - How Is It Counted

Sep 29, 2014

How is the Number of outgoing Mails counted by mails or by recipients?

With a limit of 25 mails per hour is it possible to send 25 mails with 200 recipients each before they will be blocked or will one mail with more the 25 recipients exceed the limit?

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Unable To Increase Upload Limit

Feb 5, 2015

I have tried the links below and it still has not made a difference to the upload limit. I am still getting a 500 error.

[URL] ,.....

In the error logs it is still saying

'mod_fcgid: HTTP request length 16777994 (so far) exceeds MaxRequestLen (16777216)'

I did not try editing last_httpd.include as it was recommended that this was not edited in the post above.

Is there something I am missing!

The Parallels version is 11.0.9 on Linux. It is a VPS package. Is it possible that the host is not allowing the increase or is it all down to my setup?

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