The VPS Option With Gate Is Good

Jul 3, 2007

do you think that Service and price in gate is good?

Monthly Rate $49.95/mo.
Annual Pre-pay Price $499.50/yr.
Setup Fee $19.95
Windows 2003
Disk Space 25GB
Data Transfer 1000GB
Guaranteed RAM 512MB
Websites/Domain Names 10
Mailboxes Unlimited

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What About

Mar 10, 2009

whats your experience or heard about

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Jun 28, 2007

here is my experience with

I went to their website to order a VPS. They had a special offer on the Linux server, and I asked a sales rep via the telephone if that offer could also apply to the Windows VPS and I could just add the difference. She told me yes, and that I should order the VPS, and then call their support line and have them add windows to it once it is up.

Well the site was confirmed after hours, but they have an 866 number up at the top, so I called that.

Their technical support girl answered, and she said that she couldn't add windows to it, because it was a special. I explained the situation to her and she said call back on Monday (this was Friday).

So then I notice two charges on my credit card, one for 19.95 (the sale price, it was 1st month free, and i just had to pay setup fee) and one for 15.00

So when I checked into it Monday they said that they said that the 15$ charge was for their "technical support call" when I was told technical support was free for the servers. Then I asked about having it changed to windows and they said they could NOT add windows to it, that I'd have to pay regular price. I said well that's not a big deal, I didn't mind. But they would not refund the setup if I placed a new order, so I would be out the $20.00 on that, even after I explained to them the situation. Then they finally refunded the $15.00 technical support fee, and I closed my account. In the end, I'm out 19.95 and waiting for the $15.00 to come back, not a big loss for the knowledge but, a loss none the less.

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Need Reviews

Jun 15, 2008

I'm thinking of signing up with I'm looking for positive and/or negative experiences.

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My Review Of

Apr 14, 2007

just thought i would post my experience with i ordered their biggest vps plan, with 512mb or memory. i was pleasantly suprised when i logged in and found they had actually given me 1GB. the problems started when i went to login to plesk, they had not installed it, but they fixed that quickly. (although tech support for anything other than this would cost $15 per incident) the biggest problem with them is it appears that they oversell the lines to the dedicated servers, and for much of the time, it takes a VERY long time to load pages, if they even load at all. i cancelled my account though, without any of the problems i have heard they have with cancellations.

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Gate, Hostway, And KickAssVPS Experiences

Sep 23, 2008

I have used this forum a lot recently and just wanted to give back.

I had my site hosted with for about 2 years which had been "OK". I wanted shared windows hosting with a real SQL Server account included and there weren't many options. was only $10 at the time for a shared windows site with 100MB MS SQL included. Down time has been nowhere near 99.99%. Several times a year the the site was down for days at a time. I was nearing my 100MB SQL limit and noticed that SQL was no longer included with their new plans, so I started doing some research on this site.

Right after that they migrated to new servers. Based on some domain names, setup screens... that I've seen recently, I believe that they were bought out by Since then, everything has been horrible.

They moved my SQL database to a new server, but kept the old one with the old name visible on the web. Since you can't have 2 computers with the same name and they didn't tell me about the change, the new server had to keep the old name but I couldn't access it with that name. They never told me about this change and never gave me access to the new server. After calling, one tech support guy actually gave me a CNAME as the server name. Like I could access the server using a name ending in hostway. <- yes, not .com, just a dot at the end.

The aliases that were pointed to my domain were redirected to some investment club. One tech guy tried to fix it by deleting the alias from my account and then re-adding it.

The script he used to do this automatically charged my credit card for $10 for each alias and only worked for one of them. He said it was up to me to contact billing to fix this. Three weeks later, the alias that worked was broken again - pointing back to the investment club. also had phone support (originally a plus), but hold times during this transition period could take an hour. Filling out a ticket took 3 weeks for a reply.

I had already decided I wanted to try out a VPS because I had a couple more sites I wanted setup and I didn't want to get nickled and dimed for each one. Again, I wanted Windows Hosting with SQL Server included. Based on some reviews I read here I decided to go with Their Plesk license includes 10 domains for free (I need 6), they have a free SQL Server 2005 1GB coupon (still available on this site until October 1st), and RAM was great at 960MB which I now realize is a lot more than I need.

Have only had the site for a 9 days but so far I am happy. Registered the account late on a Saturday and it was setup by 11PM that night. Questions have been answered in a couple of hours. The site doesn't have the greatest support, but you aren't using any custom tools from them. Help for Plesk, Virtuozzo, DNS setup, IIS... can all be found online and so far I haven't had much of a problem.

I get about 8500 page-views a day and RAM is still under 300MB. Having SQL off server instead of using SQL Enterprise Express is great. Users of the site have commented that the site and chat both respond noticeably faster now. Remote Desktop is also very fast.

Uploading about 1GB of images took a very long time, but not sure if that was on my end or the server.

Sorry for the long rant. Just needed to release some aggression against my old provider.

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List Of Good Hosters With Good TELEPHONE Tech Support

May 6, 2008

I'd like to start an ongoing thread here listing the 'Good Hosters with Good TELEPHONE tech support'. In other words, out of the 1,000s of host companies, this may cut it down to less than a dozen.

( And for all you Hosters out there who really want your company to grow, and want to know how, - it's easy: just read here.)

Good telephone support is the #1 ultimate requirement, because:

-It's a lot faster and easier for both the user and the host company, because you can state and answer all questions and clarifications on the spot, you don't need to continually pass new emails with new questions and clarifications, back and forth for days on end, until the issue is solved. It saves tech time and user's time. And saves a lot of nerves.

- It's the best way to sort the good guys from the bad. A bad company isn't going to bother to answer the phone, - or will make you wait way too long, - because they are likely getting endless complaints. The good guys are always ready to answer the phones, with a friendly voice, - because they really WANT to please the customer.

- If a company can't be bothered to pick up the phone, we can't be bothered to even consider them. They're a joke, and so won't be listed here on this thread. (So, before adding or listing any Hosters here, please verfify that they do have Good, quick, friendly, telephone support,; ideally 24/7, but 9am to 10pm might be acceptable, if it was supplemented by some emergency contact.

- Hoster ALSO needs good EMAIL support (and preferably, Chat online, extended hour availability). (I spend a lot of time overseas). It sems all emails should get a non-automated response within about an hour, - and then support should jump on fixing any problem.

I only need support a few times a year. To answer some questions, or fix a problem, or do an install. That's lesss than 1 hour total, so any company paying maybe $18/hour tech support should be able to handle this. It IS reasonable to charge a custm for extended calls, beyond say, 90minutes a year, IF you don't count the 80%? Of times an issue is the Hoster;s fault of stmg gone wrong, and don't count the 'hold' times.

- Uptime
- site Speeds
- Monthly plans, no contract (Only a dishonest host will try to force you into a contract, where they can then ignore you.)
- Reasonable price. (? Maybe $12 to $18/month for a basic business site. We don't need massive bandwitdths, - we all know that's an overselling scam, and can't ever be delivered.)
- a good upgrade plan of bigger options. Maybe even VPS.
- Dedicated IP, and availbility of SSL
-PHP 5, mysql, phpMyAdmin, etc
- cPanel ( Some Hosts are using problematic panels, like Hsphere, which are slow to load, slow in operation, require many more clicks, have too many options, spread apart on many separate pages. Time is money, and this really slows down the ability of a small business to manage his own site in effective time. For example, one WHT user wrote somewhere: "I don't feel that HSphere's interface is nice at all, although I have worked with cPanel and DA all my life... I just found it to include un-necessary features or split features up in to different hard to find pages, such as backups - mysql backups you had to find on a completely different page than file backups, and then there were options to have it in the home directory or server-end backup, in which then you had to wait a good 10 minutes before it was ready. cPanel, just hit backup and hit download and instantly it does everything you need...".

I have used several hosters. Currently on and Godad, which have phone support, and mediocre service.

My LIST So Far:
- Liquidweb: a very impressive company with good, 24 hour support. But to get dedicated IP, you need to go with their $25/month plan. Yikes!
- A very small company. My call was returned, and the owner chatted with me for an hour on the phone! Plans have small bandwidth, but promises No overselling, and personalized attention. Extra $5 for dedi IP. He specializes in Small business sites, and small eCommerce sites. He has only 250 accounts, on 3 servers. He rents servers from the Equinox data center of Chicago. Seems exceptionaly honest.
- MegaHosters. Excellent phone support and WHT reviews. But company was taken over by another company, and so may well go downhill in future. Another problem: uses Hsphere.
- Steadfast. Has a good rep on WHT, and seems impressive. Tech answered the phone immediately, but they say they prefer emails. Sales phone has limited hours. Good price on $20 SSL. But, uses Hshhere.
- JodoHost 24 hour phone. But, uses Hsphere. An Indian company with office in Florida, and good rep. I like the idea of outsourcing phone support, if it makes it more available and affordable. But, the accent on the phone was very hard for me to understand, so maybe this might not work.....
- Hostgator. Yes, it's a big overseller, but seems to get good reviews/results anyway, and good phone support.
- ? ThePrimeHost ?? Mostly good WHT reviews; some dissenters. Site says 24hour phone, but when I called on several nights, no one ever answered...
- Can anyone add to this list? Please list only hosts that meet the above minimum requirements of phone support, etc. Especially useful is hosters you've tried.
- Avoid Arvixe. I had a horrid experience with them, here: [WHT forum]:/showthread.php?p=5097822#post5097822
- Avoid WebHostingBuzz. This company never returned my phone msessage inquiries.

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Mysqldump -a Option?

Aug 4, 2008

Can anyone tell me what the "-a" option is for in mysqldump? I've seen it in use but can't seem to find it in the documentation.

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Plesk - Fantastico-like Option?

Dec 30, 2008

I'm using Plesk on one of my webhosts (GoDaddy) and would like to know if anyone knows of a good Cpanel Fantastico-like option that allows you to update a string of sites with the latest updates. I'm more familiar with Cpanel.

Do you know of any?

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Migrating From 1&1 Shared - Best Option

Aug 18, 2008

I'm fed up with the overloaded 1&1 shared hosting, looking into VPS now as I'm finally getting serious about one of my sites.

I tried offloading scripts and images to amazon s3, which helps a bit, but any sort of php application processing is painful.

Admittedly, I haven't implemented caching at all yet and my query count is definitely bad but even so load times seems excessive as the site isn't getting any real use yet, just me testing (and I will make heavy use of caching for all entry points in the near near future).

My must-have:


-2 seperate MySQL databases


-fast initial response time on loads

-unlimited subdomains would be nice

Don't really care about the control panel as long as it does what I need. I'm fine with command line and managing myself... looking for a cheap option that will allow me to grow to a medium sized site before I consider a full dedicated option.

Also, don't need an outrageous amount of bandwidth as I'm using S3 for css,js,images, and video right now.

I will be running two domains on this site... one is the actual site and one is a single sign on gateway that won't put too much load on the cpu but needs to serve up pages in timely fashion.

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Perhaps Skip The Cpanel Option

Jun 5, 2008

if I should continue paying an extra $25 per month for Cpanel. Is it that hard to do without it? All I really do with Cpanel is configure Spamassassin, setup emails, and backups.

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Ntfs Or Fat32 Option

May 28, 2007

I am planning to install windows2003 server. Do I need to choose fat32 option or NTFS as file system?

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50+ Domains, What Is The Best Option? Seo, Mirroring, Forwarding, Etc?

Jul 22, 2008

I have a client that has one main ecommerce site and search engine ranking is very important.

They also have about 60 other domain names that are relevant to their main domain. example: &

The question I have is what would be the best way to utilize these domains without getting search engines mad (lose rank). Mirror? Forward? Or should I populate them with the same files? Or same files but change the text around as much as possible?

The last question is basically the same but they also have international domains with the same situation;,, etc. Would this be any different or does anyone have suggestions how to treat international domain names for ranking in US & the corresponding country?

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Rkhunter :: Invalid Option Specified: -cronjob

Sep 18, 2009

Server Detail : Ceontos / Cpanel

i have installed RKhunter several days ago , after installation i`m receving below email everynight

subjectDaily Rkhunter Scan Report
Invalid option specified: -cronjob

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Corei7 Kernel Config Option

Jun 16, 2009

I just got one of the new corei7 boxes, it looks pretty sweet. I am compilig a custom kernel now, doing linux- (latest grsecurity test patch kernel) and I do not see an option for the corei7, just Core2/Newer Xeon. I had been googling and seem some posts about kernels now supporting i7 but no info on the config. I do know the installed distro - centos5 64 bit, it ran fine on the first old kernel and latest kernel got in yum update.

Does anyone know of any patches or anything out there that will help harness the full capabilities of the i7? Or has anyone else compiled custom kernels for your i7 without issue and what processor type did you choose?

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Disable Backup Option In Cpanel

Mar 15, 2008

Is there any way to disable backup option for a reseller's accounts.

Please don't ask why I want this, there is lot of reasons for this.

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/etc/named.conf:87: Unknown Option 'e'

Aug 11, 2008

I have the following problem:
When i try to restart the nameserver service i get the following error:

# service named restart
Stopping named: [ OK ]
Starting named:
Error in named configuration:
/etc/named.conf:87: unknown option 'e'
/etc/named.conf:120: unexpected end of input
my named.conf as follows:

include "/etc/rndc.key";

controls {
inet allow { localhost; } keys { "rndc-key"; };

options {
/* make named use port 53 for the source of all queries, to allow
* firewalls to block all ports except 53:
query-source port 53;

// Put files that named is allowed to write in the data/ directory:
directory "/var/named"; // the default
dump-file "data/cache_dump.db";
statistics-file "data/named_stats.txt";
/* memstatistics-file "data/named_mem_stats.txt"; */

logging {
/* If you want to enable debugging, eg. using the 'rndc trace' command,
* named will try to write the '' file in the $directory (/var/named).
* By default, SELinux policy does not allow named to modify the /var/named directory,
* so put the default debug log file in data/ :
channel default_debug {
file "data/";
severity dynamic;

// All BIND 9 zones are in a "view", which allow different zones to be served
// to different types of client addresses, and for options to be set for groups
// of zones.
// By default, if named.conf contains no "view" clauses, all zones are in the
// "default" view, which matches all clients.
// If named.conf contains any "view" clause, then all zones MUST be in a view;
// so it is recommended to start off using views to avoid having to restructure
// your configuration files in the future.

view "localhost_resolver" {
/* This view sets up named to be a localhost resolver ( caching only nameserver ).
* If all you want is a caching-only nameserver, then you need only define this view:
match-clients {; };
match-destinations { localhost; };
recursion yes;

zone "." IN {
type hint;
file "/var/named/";

// include "/var/named/named.rfc1912.zones";
// you should not serve your rfc1912 names to non-localhost clients.

// These are your "authoritativ
zone "" {
type master;
file "/var/named/";

e" internal zones, and would probably
// also be included in the "localhost_resolver" view above :

view "external" {
/* This view will contain zones you want to serve only to "external" clients
* that have addresses that are not on your directly attached LAN interface subnets:

recursion no;
// you'd probably want to deny recursion to external clients, so you don't
// end up providing free DNS service to all takers

// all views must contain the root hints zone:
zone "." IN {
type hint;
file "/var/named/";

// These are your "authoritative" external zones, and would probably
// contain entries for just your web and mail servers:

// BEGIN external zone entries


zone "" {
type master;
file "/var/named/";

I have cPanel installed on a CentOS 5.1 VPS

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Backup Option In Master Reseller

Jun 18, 2008

I have bought a Master Reseller recently.

I have some technical question in my mind regarding backup.

I will start step by step.

1) I login to the WHM.

2) I click to WHMreseller Master Resellers placed on the bottom of the left menu.

3) There I saw some options at the bottom , 'Migrate' , 'Backup' ,'Change Owner', 'IP Delegation'

4) I clicked on 'Backup'.

5) There I saw two check boxes:

Enable Weekly Automated FTP Backups

Enable Weekly Automated Local Backups (will only run if cpbackups are disabled by root)

My questions are very simple:

Q1) What these two check boxes mean ?

Q2) If i check 'Enable Weekly Automated FTP Backups' and save these settings then every week , back of my all cpanels including cpanels of reseller will be generated or wht?

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Squirrelmail Password Change Option

Sep 12, 2007

I have 2 question regarding squirrel mail web interface..

1- Can a user change his mailbox password?

2- Is mailing forwarding option include in it?

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Cp: The --reply Option Is Deprecated! Some Alternative

Sep 14, 2007

All time in cron on my servers I using:

cp --reply=yes /dev/null /dir/logfile

but on my new server this don`t working and error is:

cp: the --reply option is deprecated; use -i or -f instead

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Cannot Add New SubDomain - No Such Option

Feb 21, 2015

After I post my desired subdomain as on /

I get "Error: phpinimng failed: Usage: phpinimng [options] [php_ini_file] phpinimng: error: no such option: --global-config" on main window.

Tried to search how to fix this error, i managed to find that there is also " missing or incorrect /usr/local/sb/include/init.php ". As for this error this doesn't work [URL] .... It's already correct permission 755.

The subdomain appears only in DNS records on my domain. But not in the main plesk panel window.

OS is Debian 7.6 and Plesk 11.5, mysql runs over sock

Maybe I could create manual configuration over ssh in /var/www/vhost/ dir ..?

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Best Option Backing Up Cpanel Server To A Cloud

Sep 26, 2009

I'd like to back one of our servers up using S3 but I'm not sure the best way to go. Server is using CPanel. Obviously I want to keep costs down.

I need the files to be secure, backups need to be nightly incremental, and I need to be able to restore to another CPanel server fast in case of hardware failure. CPanel supports FTP for backups. I currently back up to another server, but I want to move to the cloud.

Specific questions I have:

1. Any recommendations on a cloud backup service (S3, Rackspace, etc?), and why?

2. Any recommendations on tools? I want this to be simple to set up. As easy as setting up an FTP account.

3. Is there another option I should consider? That server has about 62GB of data on it to be backed up.

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Best Unmetered Option For Starting My Viral Site

Oct 26, 2008

What benefits/features do you think an unmetered dedicated server will need for a starting file hosting website that will market agressively/daily in forums/warez with the free benefit of 500mb of free hosting?

Simple/ but important details:

*I would like to manage the server myself with cPanel/WHM + Fantastico as I control about 60 of my websites in hostgator shared baby account(however, hostgator prices are way to high for dedicated)

*I have never had experience with dedicated server management and only have done dilligence as of today

* My budget is from $65.00 to $100.00

Will this next unmetered example be the perfect solution for fast uploads/downloads to start?

No Setup Fee

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Does The Planet Offer Bi Yearly Payment Option

Oct 24, 2008

I currently have one server at The Planet, paying 147/mo. Anyone know if they have any options to pay every 6 months at a slightly discounted price? I have no plans to move, so figured I'd look if I have that option to save money. Suppose it's something I could of asked them directly but thought I'd ask here in case anyone knows or has experience doing this, and whether or not it's worth it.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: No Email Option For Domain

Jan 24, 2015

I can't find email option in my plesk panel

I have installed mail servers in components, and i see mail settings under server tab but i just cant figure out how to enable mail for specific domain

If i go to i opens default home page, webmail subdomain points to my servers ip address in DNS, roundcube is also enabled in webmails....

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Option Of Dedicated Pool

Dec 3, 2012

I made plans with the option of "dedicated pool" but the plesk INSISTS create the account and shared pool in most cases. Only a few dedicated it creates.

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Shared Hosting With Outgoing Mail Copy Option

Sep 23, 2008

a shared hosting provider where we can host around 10 websites. Webspace and bandwidth required are not too high as these are normal marketing websites. Our most important requirement is to have an option in the control panel for getting a copy of all the incoming & outgoing mails sent thru each domain.

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Exim Abandoned: Unknown, Malformed, Or Incomplete Option -s

Jul 6, 2008

Got this error message when ssh into one of my servers:

After last login infos...

exim abandoned: unknown, malformed, or incomplete option -s
exim abandoned: unknown, malformed, or incomplete option -s
-bash: echo: write error: Broken pipe

I did check logs, nothing regarding exim's error!...

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