Exim Abandoned: Unknown, Malformed, Or Incomplete Option -s

Jul 6, 2008

Got this error message when ssh into one of my servers:

After last login infos...

exim abandoned: unknown, malformed, or incomplete option -s
exim abandoned: unknown, malformed, or incomplete option -s
-bash: echo: write error: Broken pipe

I did check logs, nothing regarding exim's error!...

View 3 Replies


/etc/named.conf:87: Unknown Option 'e'

Aug 11, 2008

I have the following problem:
When i try to restart the nameserver service i get the following error:

# service named restart
Stopping named: [ OK ]
Starting named:
Error in named configuration:
/etc/named.conf:87: unknown option 'e'
/etc/named.conf:120: unexpected end of input
my named.conf as follows:

include "/etc/rndc.key";

controls {
inet allow { localhost; } keys { "rndc-key"; };

options {
/* make named use port 53 for the source of all queries, to allow
* firewalls to block all ports except 53:
query-source port 53;

// Put files that named is allowed to write in the data/ directory:
directory "/var/named"; // the default
dump-file "data/cache_dump.db";
statistics-file "data/named_stats.txt";
/* memstatistics-file "data/named_mem_stats.txt"; */

logging {
/* If you want to enable debugging, eg. using the 'rndc trace' command,
* named will try to write the 'named.run' file in the $directory (/var/named).
* By default, SELinux policy does not allow named to modify the /var/named directory,
* so put the default debug log file in data/ :
channel default_debug {
file "data/named.run";
severity dynamic;

// All BIND 9 zones are in a "view", which allow different zones to be served
// to different types of client addresses, and for options to be set for groups
// of zones.
// By default, if named.conf contains no "view" clauses, all zones are in the
// "default" view, which matches all clients.
// If named.conf contains any "view" clause, then all zones MUST be in a view;
// so it is recommended to start off using views to avoid having to restructure
// your configuration files in the future.

view "localhost_resolver" {
/* This view sets up named to be a localhost resolver ( caching only nameserver ).
* If all you want is a caching-only nameserver, then you need only define this view:
match-clients {; };
match-destinations { localhost; };
recursion yes;

zone "." IN {
type hint;
file "/var/named/named.ca";

// include "/var/named/named.rfc1912.zones";
// you should not serve your rfc1912 names to non-localhost clients.

// These are your "authoritativ
zone "smpl.splinteredmedia.net" {
type master;
file "/var/named/smpl.splinteredmedia.net.db";

e" internal zones, and would probably
// also be included in the "localhost_resolver" view above :

view "external" {
/* This view will contain zones you want to serve only to "external" clients
* that have addresses that are not on your directly attached LAN interface subnets:

recursion no;
// you'd probably want to deny recursion to external clients, so you don't
// end up providing free DNS service to all takers

// all views must contain the root hints zone:
zone "." IN {
type hint;
file "/var/named/named.ca";

// These are your "authoritative" external zones, and would probably
// contain entries for just your web and mail servers:

// BEGIN external zone entries


zone "smpl.splinteredmedia.net" {
type master;
file "/var/named/smpl.splinteredmedia.net.db";

I have cPanel installed on a CentOS 5.1 VPS

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Configuring Slave DNS Manager - Unknown Option

Aug 1, 2014

I have setup bind in centos 6.5 and then edited /etc/named.conf and added the lines

The extension produced but I am getting the following error when restarting the bind service

Error in named configuration:
/etc/named.conf:2: unknown option '...'
/etc/named.conf:14: unknown option '*'
/etc/named.conf:21: 'options' redefined near 'options'

The following code suggested by plesk slave dns manager extension


options {
allow-new-zones yes;
key "rndc-key-mainserver ip" {

[Code] .....

After I removed ... from the options now I get the following error :

/etc/named.conf:51: unknown key 'rndc-key'

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FFMPEG :: Unknown Option ".enable-libmp3lame"

Jul 7, 2009

installing this.

when i came to


Install ffMPEG:

cd /usr/src/ffmpeg/

mkdir tmp

chmod 777 tmp

export TMPDIR=./tmp

./configure –enable-libmp3lame –enable-libvorbis –disable-mmx –enable-shared - i came here

It said


root@moon [/usr/src/ffmpeg]# ./configure .enable-libmp3lame .enable-libvorbis .disable-

mmx .enable-shared

Unknown option ".enable-libmp3lame".

See ./configure --help for available options.

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Exim: User Unknown (domain Forward)

Dec 3, 2007

One of my clients has 2 accounts:

- foo.com, with a mail account info@foo.com.
- bar.com, with domain forwarding to foo.com.

Sending an email message to info@foo.com works.

Sending an email message to info@bar.com doesn't work. When using the ZoneEdit SMTP test utility I get the following error message:

> RCPT TO:<info@bar.com>
< 550 5.1.1 User unknown: info@bar.com
I checked "/etc/vdomainaliases/bar.com" and "/etc/localdomains", they are configured properly.

Any suggestions?

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Rkhunter :: 'not Found' In Local Files And Unknown For Exim And Php 5.2.5

Apr 11, 2008

how to fix rkhunter from; 'not found' in local files and unknown for exim and php 5.2.5.

System checks
* Allround tests
Checking hostname... Found. Hostname is
Checking for passwordless user accounts... OK
Checking for differences in user accounts... OK. No changes.
Checking for differences in user groups... OK. No changes.
Checking boot.local/rc.local file...
- /etc/rc.local [ OK ]
- /etc/rc.d/rc.local [ OK ]
- /usr/local/etc/rc.local [ Not found ]
- /usr/local/etc/rc.d/rc.local [ Not found ]
- /etc/conf.d/local.start [ Not found ]
- /etc/init.d/boot.local [ Not found ]

* Application version scan
- Exim MTA 4.68 [ Unknown ]
- GnuPG 1.2.6 [ Old or patched version ]
- Apache [unknown] [ OK ]
- Bind DNS 9.2.4 [ OK ]
- OpenSSL 0.9.7a [ Old or patched version ]
- PHP 5.2.5 [ Unknown ]
- PHP 5.2.5 [ Unknown ]
- Procmail MTA 3.22 [ OK ]
- OpenSSH 3.9p1 [ OK ]

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Warning: Unknown: Failed To Open Stream: Permission Denied In Unknown On Line

May 8, 2009

I have set up my Virtual Private Server and uploaded all my site's files to /var/www folder. Before that, there was an old simple 'index.html' file

<h1>IT WORKS!!!!</h1>
and when I typed the address www.mydomain.com it displayed correctly. Then I deleted this html and uploaded my files through FTP and now the browser says :

Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0

Fatal error: Unknown: Failed opening required '/var/www/index.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in Unknown on line 0

View 13 Replies View Related

DoS Style Malformed GETs From Ronzoo.com

Feb 12, 2008

Has anyone else here experienced a 24 hour barrage of malformed GETs with "ronzoo.com" showing in the Agent or Referrer log entries. At first it looks like a genuine search engine spider, with a GET to the default "robots.txt" which is then followed by a 18 to 24 hour barrage of malformed GET requests coming in at the rate of 7,500 to 8,000 a minute.

The malformed GET takes the form of:


The above is just an example - but the resultant 404 error then shows just the "Go" part. In the original request you sometimes see "ronzoo.com" in the referrer.

These started showing up on the 27th January and are continuing every 2 or 3 days. The source IP addresses are changing between RoadRunner and Hughs.Net DSL accounts, three examples:

We have had 18 attacks - which is really what they are - across a number of different servers we own and operate - against popular websites owned by our clients. The worst lasted 36 hours before we were able to block the source IPs at our perimeter firewall. The shortest attack lasted 5 hours.

We have alerted the relevent ISP's but would be interested if anyone else here has seen this in their logs.

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Incomplete Download

Nov 8, 2009

My site is hosted on eUKhost, and there are some users who get an incomplete download of an msi-file (about 12 MB in size) hosted on my website. They don't get an error in their browser, it's just like they have a complete download.

The incomplete file users download is usually about 2.7 MB big. When they re-download the file afterwards, they never seem to have the problem again.

It seems to happen completely at random and I haven't got a clue what the reason could be.

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Incomplete Downloads

May 18, 2008

My site is hosted on siteground, and i offer a few mp3s for download on my site. But, when my visitors download the songs, only a part of the song is downloaded, not completely. Siteground says this problem is about the apache server limitations on the http protocol downloads.

Can any user defined apache handler be defined to increase the http timeout value? I am on shared hosting.

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Malformed Htaccess Kills Apache

Jun 13, 2007

Does anybody know any solution to prevent this?

Basically every customer can bring server down with malformed htaccess.

Is there any solution to prevent this?

This doesn't help:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteOptions MaxRedirects=5

this htaccess causes problems:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

View 6 Replies View Related

Check For Incomplete Tcp Packet

Apr 25, 2007

How to check in Unix machine? My server is sending a Reset packet to the specific IP.

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Error: Array Type Has Incomplete Element Type

Dec 15, 2008

When i try to install BotNET 1.0 on my dedicated, i got this error :

root@leet [~/botnet/BotNET-1.0]# . install.sh
Compiling source code . . .
In file included from src/main.c:9:
src/../include/bot.h:43: error: array type has incomplete element type
src/../include/bot.h:57: error: array type has incomplete element type
src/../include/bot.h:89: error: array type has incomplete element type
src/main.c: In function:
src/main.c:146: error: type of formal parameter 1 is incomplete
Here is my install.sh file:
# BotNET installation script.
# If this script causes problems, try "make all" instead.
# Usage: . install.sh


echo "Compiling source code . . ."

bot=`$cc src/main.c src/launch.c src/memo.c src/seen.c src/parse.c src/help.c src/log.c src/info.c -o bin/bot -pthread || (echo 1)`
botnet=`$cc src/botserv.c -o bin/botserv || (echo 1)`

if [ "$bot" != "1" ]; then
echo "Installation complete."
echo "Executables will be found in bin/"
echo "Errors encountered during compilation!"

My OS is centOs 5.x
Kernel : Linux 2.6.18-53.el5 #1 SMP Mon Nov 12 02:22:48 EST 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
* I have tried all other way to install (make all) and other *

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Exim - How To Remove Rbl Lists From Exim.conf

May 2, 2007

I am having issues in receieving emails. For some reason, the rbl lists I had setup are causing the server to reject emails (retry - timeout). So, I need to take this rbl list completely. How can I do that? exim.conf is locked and using the advanced editor is no fun even though I tried it putting the dnslists without the rbl causing the problem.

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Mysqldump -a Option?

Aug 4, 2008

Can anyone tell me what the "-a" option is for in mysqldump? I've seen it in use but can't seem to find it in the documentation.

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40 GB Of Unknown Folder

May 21, 2009

I host a website on a windows server

and once in a while, i check all the root folders to find a folder that holds 40GB of folder in a folder in a folder... (i never get to the actual files)

Is there a way to prevent this?

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What Are Those 'unknown' Browsers

Aug 4, 2008

I was reviewing my cPanel awStats today.

The brower stats looked something like this: Firefox 42.9 %
MS Internet Explorer 21 %
Mozilla 17.3 %
Unknown 5.8 %
K-Meleon 5.4 %
Safari 3.7 %
Opera 3.1 %
Netscape 0.1 %
BonEcho (Firefox 2.0 development) 0.1 %

Anyone care to venture a guess as to what the 'unknown' browsers might be?

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Unknown Filesize

May 15, 2008

The thing is that my sysadmin told me that he get filesize and eta when downloading a file from my server while all of my user and myself get unknown flesize and no eta. got Web Server apache2handler centos 5.1 64bit

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CSF: Iptables Unknown Arg

Oct 5, 2007

I have something weird going on with CSF on a new server. When starting the firewall I get this:


lushing chain `INPUT'
Flushing chain `FORWARD'
Flushing chain `OUTPUT'
Restarting bandmin acctboth chains for cPanel
ACCEPT all opt -- in lo out * ->
ACCEPT all opt -- in * out lo ->
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
LOG tcp opt -- in * out * -> limit: avg 30/min burst 5 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix `Firewall: *TCP_IN Blocked* '
LOG tcp opt -- in * out * -> limit: avg 30/min burst 5 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix `Firewall: *TCP_OUT Blocked* '
LOG udp opt -- in * out * -> limit: avg 30/min burst 5 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix `Firewall: *UDP_IN Blocked* '
LOG udp opt -- in * out * -> limit: avg 30/min burst 5 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix `Firewall: *UDP_OUT Blocked* '
LOG icmp opt -- in * out * -> limit: avg 30/min burst 5 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix `Firewall: *ICMP_IN Blocked* '
LOG icmp opt -- in * out * -> limit: avg 30/min burst 5 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix `Firewall: *ICMP_OUT Blocked* '
LOG all opt -- in * out * -> limit: avg 30/min burst 5 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix `Firewall: *BLOCK_LIST* '
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
INVDROP all opt -- in eth+ out * -> state INVALID
INVDROP tcp opt -- in eth+ out * -> tcp flags:0x3F/0x00
INVDROP tcp opt -- in eth+ out * -> tcp flags:0x3F/0x3F
INVDROP tcp opt -- in eth+ out * -> tcp flags:0x03/0x03
INVDROP tcp opt -- in eth+ out * -> tcp flags:0x06/0x06
INVDROP tcp opt -- in eth+ out * -> tcp flags:0x05/0x05
INVDROP tcp opt -- in eth+ out * -> tcp flags:0x11/0x01
INVDROP tcp opt -- in eth+ out * -> tcp flags:0x18/0x08
INVDROP tcp opt -- in eth+ out * -> tcp flags:0x30/0x20
INVDROP all opt -- in * out eth+ -> state INVALID
INVDROP tcp opt -- in * out eth+ -> tcp flags:0x3F/0x00
INVDROP tcp opt -- in * out eth+ -> tcp flags:0x3F/0x3F
INVDROP tcp opt -- in * out eth+ -> tcp flags:0x03/0x03
INVDROP tcp opt -- in * out eth+ -> tcp flags:0x06/0x06
INVDROP tcp opt -- in * out eth+ -> tcp flags:0x05/0x05
INVDROP tcp opt -- in * out eth+ -> tcp flags:0x11/0x01
INVDROP tcp opt -- in * out eth+ -> tcp flags:0x18/0x08
INVDROP tcp opt -- in * out eth+ -> tcp flags:0x30/0x20
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
LOGDROPIN all opt -- in eth+ out * ->
LOGDROPOUT all opt -- in * out eth+ ->
LOGDROPIN all opt -- in eth+ out * ->
LOGDROPOUT all opt -- in * out eth+ ->
LOGDROPIN all opt -- in eth+ out * ->
LOGDROPOUT all opt -- in * out eth+ ->
LOGDROPIN all opt -- in eth+ out * ->
LOGDROPOUT all opt -- in * out eth+ ->
LOGDROPIN all opt -- in eth+ out * ->
LOGDROPOUT all opt -- in * out eth+ ->
SPAMHAUS all opt -- in eth+ out * ->
iptables v1.3.5: Unknown arg `-j'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
Flushing chain `INPUT'
Flushing chain `FORWARD'
Flushing chain `OUTPUT'
Flushing chain `BLOCKDROP'
Flushing chain `DSHIELD'
Flushing chain `INVDROP'
Flushing chain `LOGDROPIN'
Flushing chain `LOGDROPOUT'
Flushing chain `SPAMHAUS'
Flushing chain `acctboth'
Deleting chain `BLOCKDROP'
Deleting chain `DSHIELD'
Deleting chain `INVDROP'
Deleting chain `LOGDROPIN'
Deleting chain `LOGDROPOUT'
Deleting chain `SPAMHAUS'
Deleting chain `acctboth'
Error: iptables command [/sbin/iptables -v -I OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j ] failed, at line 544

Unknown arg `-j' ? I've been Google'ing, searched WHT and the CSF forums but can't find a solution...

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Plesk - Fantastico-like Option?

Dec 30, 2008

I'm using Plesk on one of my webhosts (GoDaddy) and would like to know if anyone knows of a good Cpanel Fantastico-like option that allows you to update a string of sites with the latest updates. I'm more familiar with Cpanel.

Do you know of any?

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Migrating From 1&1 Shared - Best Option

Aug 18, 2008

I'm fed up with the overloaded 1&1 shared hosting, looking into VPS now as I'm finally getting serious about one of my sites.

I tried offloading scripts and images to amazon s3, which helps a bit, but any sort of php application processing is painful.

Admittedly, I haven't implemented caching at all yet and my query count is definitely bad but even so load times seems excessive as the site isn't getting any real use yet, just me testing (and I will make heavy use of caching for all entry points in the near near future).

My must-have:


-2 seperate MySQL databases


-fast initial response time on loads

-unlimited subdomains would be nice

Don't really care about the control panel as long as it does what I need. I'm fine with command line and managing myself... looking for a cheap option that will allow me to grow to a medium sized site before I consider a full dedicated option.

Also, don't need an outrageous amount of bandwidth as I'm using S3 for css,js,images, and video right now.

I will be running two domains on this site... one is the actual site and one is a single sign on gateway that won't put too much load on the cpu but needs to serve up pages in timely fashion.

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Perhaps Skip The Cpanel Option

Jun 5, 2008

if I should continue paying an extra $25 per month for Cpanel. Is it that hard to do without it? All I really do with Cpanel is configure Spamassassin, setup emails, and backups.

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Ntfs Or Fat32 Option

May 28, 2007

I am planning to install windows2003 server. Do I need to choose fat32 option or NTFS as file system?

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The VPS Option With Gate Is Good

Jul 3, 2007

do you think that Service and price in gate is good?

Monthly Rate $49.95/mo.
Annual Pre-pay Price $499.50/yr.
Setup Fee $19.95
Windows 2003
Disk Space 25GB
Data Transfer 1000GB
Guaranteed RAM 512MB
Websites/Domain Names 10
Mailboxes Unlimited


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Unknown Iptables Module

May 28, 2009

I've bought a basic unmanaged VPS, purely to learn things from it. The best way to learn imo is to hammer the hell out of things, break it, then try to fix it. Anyway, I think I'm part way there, pretty sure I've broken something

When I start the consoleSSH I get this at the top:

Warning: Unknown iptable module: xt_NFQUEUE, skipped
Warning: Unknown iptable module: xt_mark"IPTABLES="ipt_REJECT, skipped
Warning: Unknown iptable module: xt_NFQUEUE, skipped
Warning: Unknown iptable module: xt_mark"IPTABLES="ipt_REJECT, skipped
Warning: Unknown iptable module: xt_NFQUEUE, skipped
Warning: Unknown iptable module: xt_mark, skipped

Any ideas what's causing it and how I can fix it? ..............

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