OnLiveGlobal -> Worst Customer Support Outsourcing Company

Feb 3, 2008

Alright, I do not know why but all my technicians who I had hand picked right here from WHT started to leave one by one. I definitely do not think its due to price or work-load cause ALL of them first worked as staff on our help desk for a week and then fixed price themselves. I did no barging at all ~ so I suppose it was a personal problem.

I'll never forgive myself for this, but I took someone's advise and thought to give a shot at outsourcing technical support. I went up to this company called "OnLiveGlobal" - they are all Indians and thats what I needed exactly cause 50% of my customer base are Indians; I assumed I had a perfect match. And was just dreaming of all the money I could save in the process...

First Day
- excellent work; all support tickets are being answered within 20 mins and resolved withing an hour - WOW!

Second Day
Now comes t
- excellent work; all support tickets are being answered within 20 mins and resolved withing an hour - WOW!

Third Day
Ticket is open 2 hours... 3 hours... I reply and resolve it eventually. A few more tickets are opened in the process and I resolve all of them.

Then I ask for a refund on the 4th day of the service (doesn't their website say 7 days money back?) just due to the lack of service (forget satisfaction for now ). The guy named 'Sooraj' says I'll be refunded in 24-48 hours; alright I'm cool.

48 hours passes by, nothing done. I check MSN, no one is online! All the reps have probably blocked my address and/or deleted me completely of their contact list. So I find this user "onliveglobal" on WHT and PM him and ask him for some help regarding the refund. No continuous response - I fill a dispute in PayPal and now you guys have to read this... its hilarious:

I have censored and clipped a lot of personal information in the quotes below.

PayPal Transaction Details


Seller Name & Email: OnLiveGlobal,
Transaction Amount: XXX USD
Transaction Date: 10-Jan.-2008

Message From Seller


We did get start working on their services as per our SLA. We did work on their Helpdesk and resolved tickets ABC-123456, XYZ-123456, PQR-123456, ABC-123456, XYZ-123456 and many others which are unlogged for over 2 to 3 weeks from Jan 03 and after nearly one month of using our services, the buyer claims saying he is not satisfied.

After reading this; instead of getting upset or whatever, I was just laughing for a full minute.

I am sure many of you will state that out-sourcing is wrong from the bottom, right and I couldn't agree any less - I wont do that mistake again (and wont dream of saving loads of $$$). I have already picked a few techs again and all good and going now

If the OnLiveGlobal representative even replies to this thread and tries to prove a point, I least care. Who ever reads this is gonna have a laugh and thats what I care now...

Just after that incident I did come across a few other companies; ThinkSupport, TouchSupport, BobCares, etc and heard that their near to perfect. I haven't lost complete faith over the outsourcing phenomena but lets see if I choose to outsource later on for something else...

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Anyone Know Of A Good Email Outsourcing Company

May 7, 2008

I am taking on more clients and want to outsource all email to an established company so I can focus on what I do best. What are some excellent companies with great customer service for this service?

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Wiexed, The Worst Company

Nov 29, 2008

I rent a dedicate from wixed two months ago.

At first the speed is okay and sometimes need reboot.

Since last week my server down again and I submit ticket to request a reboot,no one responsed.Four days ago,final the support sent a mail to me which it said:

Please forward a reboot request with your CL number to

All right,I do that.Then I wait another two day.The server also down.I request again,this time they said:"We are waiting on the NOC."

So far the server down over seven days.

I can't image how many loss I have.I suggest the guys who want to rent their server have a careful consideration before pay it.

View 12 Replies View Related Vps - Worst Company Ever

Oct 8, 2007

I usually don't post much, but I'm having the worst hosting experience of my life, and I wanted to let everyone know.

I ordered a VPS solution from about 2 weeks ago. I was looking for an offshore solution (I send double optin newsletters, but I get a spam complaint once a week. This was a problem for slhost, so I decided to go offshore).

From day 1, the server didn't work. I didn't put any data on it at all, 0 Megabytes. I also have no traffic going to the server. I thought this was a managed solution, but apparently it wasn't .

From day 1, I started getting errors sent to my email. This has now increased to hundreds of varied messages a day.

Tech support tells me that I need a more powerful solution (i.e. more expensive), that this server doesn't fit my needs. I'M NOT EVEN HOSTING ANYTHING ON IT YET! They keep telling me that I'm using to much RAM. BUT I'M NOT EVEN USING ANY RESOURCES ON THE SERVER!

I've contacted tech. support over 10 times, billing, and sales. No ones been of any help and I'm now going to have to dispute the charge with my CC company.

My projects are all delayed now as all. It's been a really big headache, and I advise others to stay away. If anyone needs proof, I can show the emails.


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OnSmart Worst Company To Deal With

Nov 15, 2007

This company is going down hill as far as I am concerned. There are too many other options out there than to waste your time with this company. They used to be great... I have set-up 3 accounts with them and referred others there as well... I also have a web designer friend who uses them all the time is also becoming concerned. He also said that their security certificate is expired.

My problem is a large percentage of emails sent to me from various addresses are now rejected by their server and I am receiving phone calls from numerous people saying they can no longer email me. Onsmart refuses to address the issues and has been extremely rude and unhelpful. The error messages clearly say they are rejected by them.. go figure? They are not willing to help me with the problem and are at the point of ignoring me as well.

I switched hosts (did not have a choice) and I am now receiving flawless performance. Peter one of the Reps closed a chat window on me after replying with a rude comment and Sandy then came on with no greeting and took forever between replies. Personally I have done nothing wrong but unfortunately they do not feel that way. You get the feeling they sit around complaining about you when you have a problem. Here is the chat log right after being "hung up" on by Peter. Save yourself the hassle they are the most unreliable host I have ever dealt with and have the worst customer service.

Chat InformationPlease wait for a site operator to respond.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with 'Sandy'
Sandy: hi (note there was a long pause here)
myname: Hi there... I was in the middle of talking to Peter and then it said chat ended?
Sandy: ok (even longer pause here)
myname: I am sure you are getting frustrated with me but I am really trying to find out why I am receiving numerous calls ect why people cannot send emails to me?
Sandy: Please hold while I check on it.. (they always say this and do nothing)
myname: thanks
Sandy: I've send email to
Sandy: and its deliverd properly
Sandy: here are logs from server
Sandy: 2007-11-14 13:29:58 removed for privacy
myname: Thanks I realize that. I can send emails to myself aswell. But am not sure why all of a sudden people who regularly email me get these error messages along with new people. I know it is easy to blame them which I would love it if it was the case.
myname: Do you know why it may be happening to them?
Sandy: or our server IP address blocked in their network
Sandy: so many reasons not to get emails
myname: I know but honestly if you had an email address you have been using for almost a year and then 5+ of people you know say "hey I can no longer send you emails..." wouldn't you be concerned? I'm not trying to be difficult I really don't think this is their problem but just don't know what to do...
myname: I haven't received your email yet either...
myname: ok I just received your email... (like 5 minutes later)
Sandy: did you check xxxx@..
myname: just got it
Sandy: humm..
Sandy: ok
myname: I understand this is a weird problem I am sorry. I am sure you feel that everything is working but I honestly don't believe it is. I appreciate your time but as of now my emails don't work all the time.... can you contact me if you find anything cause clearly this isn't going anywhere...
myname: I think I may need to find another host if this persists.... see ya
Sandy: did you check through webmail
Sandy: ok
myname: I tried that
Sandy: ok
myname: They werent there either
myname: if you find out anything just let me know. thanks

near the end of the chat I was waiting minutes to receive a response... couldn't help but feel they were trying to get me to close the window.

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Who Do You Think Is The Worst REAL Hosting Company On The Internet

Mar 25, 2009

So far seems to be the worst I've ever dealt with. I think they should fire the call centers they're hiring and actually find people to represent their company who actually care about their customers. All the people they are currently using sound so ignorant that I feel like I'm speaking to a robot. Through your personal experience, who do you think is the worst?

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BustNET Technical Support Is The Worst

Nov 9, 2008

I have been in internet business since 1996 and I never have such a bad hosting provider as BurstNet, I am really amazed of the quality of the technical support.
Since friday 19:00 till today I have no web services because an error causing high CPU load averages of almost 270%.

The restarted my server twice that day (see it on my logs), I really dont know why, and they dont want to tell me, and since then the server has this problems.

Looking to my logs I found errors provoking high I/O waits, I explain all this and send this and other logs:

Nov 8 09:53:16 ***** kernel: [47129.296313] sd 2:0:0:0: SCSI error: return code = 0x08000002
Nov 8 09:53:40 ***** smartd[6316]: Device: /dev/sda, 1 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors
Nov 8 10:03:54 ***** kernel: [47129.296316] sda: Current [descriptor]: sense key: Medium Error
Nov 8 10:07:27 ***** kernel: [47129.296319] Additional sense: Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed
Nov 8 10:11:47 ***** kernel: [47129.296326] Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):
Nov 8 10:15:22 ***** kernel: [47129.296329] 72 03 11 04 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 00
Nov 8 10:18:09 ***** kernel: [47129.296340] 00 33 1a b2
Nov 8 10:18:21 ***** kernel: [47129.296345] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 3349170
Nov 8 10:18:21 ***** kernel: [47129.296373] ata3: EH complete
Right now the load averages are 0 because I stopped Mysql that seems that is causing the high cpu load (because of the hard drive error).
After 14 hours waiting for the URGENT TICKET they say:
Brian S.11-09-2008 - 12:04AM
I am seeing no unusual load on your server at this time:
login as: root
root@'s password:
Last login: Sat Nov 8 13:00:44 2008 from
[root@**** ~]# uptime
22:54:03 up 1 day, 2:34, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
[root@**** ~]#
Again, I explain it again, now I receive this answer:
Kevin B.11-09-2008 - 11:28AM
This server seems fine.
[root@***** ~]# w
10:18:50 up 1 day, 13:59, 2 users, load average: 0.07, 0.02, 0.00
Why If I explain there is an error, with log files proving it, they don't read my messages! the simply don't read the messages or what is going on? I really don't get,

I explain the problem!
Maybe the only way they can put attention is driving the server again to that high load averages right?

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Lunarpages :: What A Bad Customer Support

Jul 5, 2008

I was host with one day I got a mail from them that my account has been deleted. Sent them mail for the reason why my account was deleted because I need my account I register for two year and they have host me about one year, up to date I haven’t got any explanation from them and they have stop responding to my mail I have 5 domain with which need it badly could any one help me to get my domain from them. Right now I have register with deferent hosting company

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3dgwebhosting - Very BAD Customer Support

Oct 19, 2009

I have no choice but to post this. I purchased a vps plan from them and couldn't login.

It was over the weekends. I tried to email them. No reply for more than 1 day. I emailed again, still no reply after many hours. I was quite shock because I read review that says support is supposedly good, even during the weekends. Have they closed down or are they posting good review for themselves?

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Leaseweb Customer Support

Oct 12, 2009

I usually don't do this kind of stuff but when somebody does a good job it's right to let other people know, most of all in this industry.

it was Saturday, 12:52AM Euro time, i had an issue with the DNS of our new server, sent an email to Leaseweb support, within 5 minutes i had the answer.

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How To Difficult Customer Support

Feb 4, 2008

For those of you who run your own dedicated server, How difficult is it to manage your customers? How many phone calls per day do you get from customers asking questions? Lets say you had 50 web sites set up on your server...How difficult, or how much time per day do you spend dealing with your customers or the server itself?

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Good Hosting Customer Support

Oct 10, 2009

It's imperative for you to know that web host features does not just stop with Unilimited disk space and unlimited bandwidth. There are other very salient features to which some people looking for a host provider have ignore, it is CUSTOMER SUPPORT.

You will not value the importance of a good customer support until you start having problems which you want resolved in the shortest possible time. For some host providers this is like telling them to do the impossible.

It is sad that some of the so-called reputable host don't even have a ticket system not to talk of an on-line chat system where you can ask questions and receive answers in real time.

So, for those of you that are new to hosting or want to change your host, then you had better look for a host that offers good customer support either by Chat, ticket system or forum.

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Hosting Reseller That Handles Customer Support

Nov 15, 2007

Is there a good hosting reseller out there that handles customer support?

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SoftLayer - Good For Network Performance And Customer Support?

Mar 12, 2008

I need to get a couple of dedicated windows servers and am trying to decide between SoftLayer and a couple other providers.

So, how is SoftLayer for customer support, network performance/uptime, pricing, and just overall?

Any recommendations?

View 7 Replies View Related

Windows Server Support Company

Mar 12, 2008

Is there a good windows server support company? There seem to be plenty for linux and Cpanel but not for windows. We are looking to do a per issue or per ticket support plan as we have multiple servers. We would also like someone that knows windows VPS - virtuozzo.

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Vps Company Support The Payment With

May 4, 2007

about vps company support the payment with

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Outsourcing Backup

Apr 20, 2008

I don't have a control panel.

Any companies out there or systems available to do:

- bi-daily/daily backup of php and image files

- hourly/bi-daily/weekly backup of mysql databases

With easy backup and restore system.

OS is Centos.

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Outsourcing Hosting Vs. Go-It-Alone? Which Way To Go

Nov 17, 2008

I am about to embark on a web project from home.

I have the dev machine and will need a database server and a web server (I may also want a middleware server but am undecided as of

I will be using Akamai for video.

I am trying to decide about using a hosted facility or not during development (probably a few months or so). Ultimately, the site will wind up at one due to support, back-up, load handling, etc. But, for now, I am wondering if it is the way to go?

I have looked at Dell's site. As I see it:

1) option one is to buy a 24U rack and 2 pizza-box style servers. Put it in my home for pre-release development then, when I am ready, move it to a hosted facility.

2) Option two is to rent server space at a hosted facility and upload changes accordingly.

The issues for me are - good hosted facilities are expensive and many of them don't allow
remote desktop to a server. On the flip side, I have found that some larger hosted facilities (where the site will ultimately end up) won't allow me to bring my own
hardware. So, once I buy the Dell gear, it will be pretty much useless once the site goes
to the hosted facility.

Regardless, I am leaning towards buying a rack and a few servers and having that level
of control over my hardware during development. Its an expensive initial investment but
I feel like it will save me money and headaches down the road? I'd be very interested in experienced advice along these lines.

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Outsourcing Email Hosting

Aug 1, 2008

I have a few servers that host my sites, but managing the mail servers has been a pain. The configuration files are arcane and sometimes I just can't figure out why a mail doesn't show up for half an hour or more.

I looked at FuseMail but read recent reviews of them having delayed delivery and account throttling issues... so I ruled that out.

MailTrust looks clean so far, and I can do $30 per month for 10 mailboxes.

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E-mail Outsourcing / Forwarding

Mar 6, 2007

I recently moved our e-mail from our dedicated server to now being handled through Google Apps premier.

I changed the MX records with our DNS provider, and have them now pointing at the Google mail servers. Thus, any mail sent to our e-mail addresses are now properly routed to the Google servers.

HOWEVER, if people use the 'contact us' form on our website, those e-mails still get routed to the old e-mails system, hosted on the machine itself.

Is there a DNS cache on this machine, telling it to send the e-mails to itself?

Or, is this just something we can't fix, since the machine doesn't look to outside DNS, since it's trying to send mail to the domain it hosts?

I forgot to mention this is on CentOS 4.4, running WHM as well,

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Outsourcing Server Management

May 7, 2007

Does anyone here have any experience outsourcing server management? I've setup and run my own Linux server and configured my own database and PHP and Apache but I just don't have the time to keep everything running, backed-up and updated.

I'd love to have someone who I could just send jobs to, such as upgrading to PHP 5.2.2 or figuring out why Postgres doesn't start up correctly or why the logs aren't getting rotated automatically anymore or making sure the backups are happening or recovering from a hard disk failure, etc. I'm sure I could figure all this out (maybe on the second or third tries too), but I just don't have the time or the expertise these days.

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Understanding Email Outsourcing

Jul 27, 2007

I use my dedicated server to host my own large site and web forum, and I want to stop hosting my own email server so I don't have to manage it. I want to use Google Apps for Your Domain to manage my email, pointing my MX records to Google. However, I am not clear on how this will effect PHP scripts sending email on my server. My vBulletin installation sends 1,000+ email notifications every day, which far exceeds Google's 500/day sending limit, so I obviously can't use their SMTP servers. If I'm sending mail from my own server via PHP, though, and my MX records point to Google's, how can vBulletin send an email from an address at my domain? I've been reading up on how email works, but I just can't seem to figure out how this works...

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Resellerways Is Worst

Apr 2, 2009

I buyed vps two weeks ago,
but my vps down two days ago and delete my account whmcs system on

and again register support system, and open help ticket, but not fix my problems, and not answered my tickets and still down vps

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1&1 Hosting, The Worst There Is

Jul 23, 2008

I have read a few of the threads here bashing 1&1, and have just had my own problems with them culminating to today. If you are thinking of purchasing from 1&1 don't do it!

In the fall of 2007, a friend and I where going to start a small local website. We found 1&1 which offered cheap hosting with all of the server specs that we needed. I purchased 6 months of hosting from them using my CC. Unfortunately our website did not last any longer than a few months, and by the time those 6 months where up I no longer needed the hosting. Thinking that the host would simply expire (unless I authorized another payment) I just let it go, only to see a charge for another $29.95 on my bank statement.

I called them, and was sent to (a URL that is suspiciously absent from their website) and followed the instructions to cancel the account. I requested that the site be canceled at the next billing date (figured I could use it as a development server or something since I had already paid for it).

In January of 2008 (1/22/2008 to be exact) I received yet another charge from them! I called again explaining my situation, and said I had tried to use the online cancellation form but apparently the account was not canceled. The customer support representative requested information from me, and verified that he had personally canceled the account and that I would be receiving a full refund. I was satisfied (at the time) and rather naively forgot about the whole ordeal.

Today (July 22, 2008) I received ANOTHER charge for another 6 months of hosting. Keep in mind I haven't used this account since January . . . I requested a refund for January - July (as I didn't want, nor did I use this account). I was told my name wasn't on file and therefore I couldn't cancel it. Despite the fact that I was told the account was canceled twice, and I had the credit card information, billing address, and security questions (among other things) to prove I was the owner of the account.

One representative in particular even yelled at me, and basically told me I was incompetent. So I asked to speak to her supervisor. Her supervisor wasn't any more helpful and he told me: "I will not be canceling your account and I will not be giving you a refund. I'm not continuing this conversation" and hung up on me.

I have filed a credit dispute with my bank, and had to change my credit card number to prevent them from charging me again. I also filed a complaint with the BBB (not surprisingly they have an 'unsatisfactory' rating there), The Federal Trades Commission, and sent a letter to the Attorney General.

Now i'm waiting for my collections letter . . . as so many of you have received before. Absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable. No other hosting company has ever come close to being this much of a hassle!

I have submitted my story to Digg if anyone is interested:

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Cirtex Is The Worst

Dec 12, 2008

I paid for 6 months because it was a very good deal. During that time, it was down more than 10 times for extended periods... I was on the scratchy server, which sucked.

I never used it for any of my important sites, but still.

So, it was set to renew on December 16th. I didn't want to continue the service, because, uh, it sucked. I sent in a ticket asking to cancel, but that I didn't want my service shut off until the my pre paid time was up. They told me to use the cancellation form.

I did this, and I got an email asking why I was quitting. I said my site was down all the time, they couldn't really argue with that.

Fast forward to the next day, and there we have it. The sites are down. The account is deleted. What a bunch of sleazeballs... I specifically said not to close my account.

I can't in good conscience recommend Cirtex. Steer clear.

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FDC Servers - Worst VPS Ever

Nov 13, 2007

i decided to move back into sites after a half a year gap and thought rather than shelling out on the full price of a dedicated server id give a vps a go. Now i understand the risks of shared usage but this takes the monkeys!

Here is an email ive sent to them which will detail my issues

I have been asked to use this email to express my issues because your normal support staff are unable to deal with this request.

I began hosting with you with you about 5 days ago with the account below512MB RAM
100GB Disk Space
100Mbit Burstable Unmetered.
30 IP Address (max allowed. Not assigned at setup)
IRC Allowed
In the days ive hosted with you not only has there been the issue of not recieving what i actually paid for but there have been actual issues with the underlaying service.

Firstly you never sent me the account password meaning i had to send a support message through this email just to get access to my account.
Secondly you installed a faulty copy of WHM cpanel meaning that on account creation there wasnt actually a folder for the site files to sit in.
Ive had to send 3 support issues in regards to Cpanel licence issues.

Now the problem i am having is with the Quota's.
On the issue of RAM i was told im sharing with 4 people on my node sharing a total of just under 1GB of ram
these are the results of a *top* command in shell
Mem: 966368k total, 903952k used

Currently on my account is a completly blank installation of whm with absoloutly nothing on it or setup. based on that its presumed my ram quota is 50mb! - One of your assistants told me that ram is delagated as needed on each server but aswell as being plain insufficient to carry out what you claim to be giving me as a customer. Not to forget there is no mention whatsoever of ram being *bursted* between users on the account sign up page. For you to now say its bursted is infact a breach of the trade descriptions act.

Another issue is the bandwidth now here i take a quote from your site

Q: What kind of transfer speeds and how much data transfer can I expect on the 100Mbit shared bandwidth plan ?

A: You can expect 15-30Mbit/s transfer speeds and 5TB-9TB monthly data transfer.

The average download speed when i manually installed cpanel yesterday was 11kb/s - It doesnt take a genius at all to realise that 11kb/s is clearly a speed you could expect from a 1m/bit connection not a 100m/bit connection. I understand it is shared but the claim above is not what im recieving.

Most replys that i have had from your staff end in - If the recources you recieve at the moment arnt sufficient then get a dedicated server. But the recources i am told i should have are far more sufficient than i need. You just dont provide them, if this is the best vps package then what could i expect on the lowest. What you are actually telling me was if you want to run 1, 1 paged website then the vps is not sufficient for your uses!

All i ask is that either i am given my full quota with an acceptable connection speed as promised or a full refund.

This message is send in confidence of Nick carswell, the views expressed in this communication may not be those of Nick carswell, if you recieve this copy in error please notify me immediatly and delete any copies you may have.

I will post any replies that they send me in relation to this issue, but i appear to not be the first person who has found issues with their service and delivery of service

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Are IPower Hosting That Worst?

Mar 11, 2009

I sign up iPower Hosting package since 5th march 2009, and trying to migrate my database from my current cpanel over their control panel but thing does not works, and I have submit the ticket over there. but the respond from them very slow, and each reply does not help much.

the question has asking repeat again and again, the information I provide also again and again.
see how their respond time for my ticket ...

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MyWebsHost The Worst Service Ever

Feb 8, 2009

If I want to write the infinite problems with the worst hosting service I ever seen (MyWebsHost) I could write 1000 page, this is a brief description about their service:
Note: I have a reseller account ($740/year)

1- First downtime (7 hours), no one replied to my emails, and after they fix the problem they apologized and they promised that this will not happen again.

2- Second downtime (+10 hours) no one replied to my emails, and after they fix the problem they apologized and they promised that this will not happen again.

3- 4 times server slow performance, they fixed the problem, no one replied to my emails, and after they fix the problem they apologized and they promised that this will not happen again.

4- They transfer my account with all websites to another server without notifying me, and another 10 hours downtime.

5- My customers loosed their databases and no backup found!

6- The latest downtime is still until the moment of writing this post, THREE DAYS until now, after 20 email they replied and they told me that it is a Hardware failure, I requested to refund the remaining amount after deducting the used period and the refused.

I don't know what to do with them, I also can't access the contents of my customer's websites, is there any way to find a solution and to force them to refund my money?

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What Is The Worst Host For Joomla

Jun 5, 2009

What is the worst host for Joomla?

Had a problem with your Joomla site? Which host were you with and what was the problem?

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Directclanhosting Worst Experience

Jan 2, 2009

I have had the worst experience...

I was impressed by their prices and server specs so i decided to buy one monthly. At 49.99 what could go wrong. Set-up within 2 days was stated. To this day i have not had it set up. 30 days later... They haven't set it up. Instead of refunding me like i asked.

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HiVelocity - The *WORST* Experience EVER

Apr 16, 2009

First let me say I cringe whenever the thought of changing dedicated providers enters my mind. Sorting through the resellers and all of the broken promises is a tedious process and I like many others have been screwed over too frequently.

I came across HiVelocity yesterday and their offer for a quad core, 8gb 500 drive for $199. Sounded great, plus they offer free KVM over IP which was a bonus.

Yesterday about 4:45pm eastern I went on live chat with sales at HiVelocity and spoke with Kevin B. I asked if he could get this server online quickly and he said all servers are built after 5pm for the day and are usually online that night. We went over the details of my order and I quickly sent a paypal payment. I was undecided on Windows 2003 or 2008 but I went with 2003. At about 8pm Kevin leaves me a voice mail on my cell and tells me they ran out of Heat Sinks and that the server would be delayed until Wednesday. "Ran out of heat sinks" sounded a little odd like I was being BS'ed but I figured it was fine because I did want 2008 installed on it and decided the $50/month extra was worth it. I went back to on to Live Chat about 10pm and Kevin said he would have a day tech get to the server for me in the morning (Wednesday) and I also upgraded the O/S to Server 2008 DataCenter and increased the bandwidth to 100Mbps. I sent over ANOTHER paypal payment to upgrade. Grand total $248 + $55 (for 2008 upgrade and dedicated kvm). $303 later and...

This morning (Wednesday) I make contact again and Kevin says he has a day tech working on it. 3pm rolls around, contact again and he says its built and ready. HiVelocity provides a link to a supposedly "live" server build page that shows you the status of the build. Status never said built but I took his word for it and waited for the welcome email so I could finally get my sites online and meet my deadline.

Well 9:30pm rolls around and NO SERVER YET!

I go to live chat again and talk to Andrew. He says sorry for the delay, you can check your status at the status page. I lost it at that point and pretty much told him I lost 31 hours so far "waiting" for a server to be built when I could have gone with another company and had the thing online at least within 14-18 hours and spent the remainder with configuring and migrating data. Told him 10:30pm the server better be ready or I'm canceling and disputing the charge with Paypal.

It is now 11:17 and I've been writing this whole time. I kept checking my email and even gave andrew my cell phone number to give to anyone there who cared and wanted to keep me as a customer. Still no email, no server, out $303, lost over 33 hours as of right now and its looking like the hosting hunt will begin again *^*(o.o)*^*

So anyway I wanted to share this horror story. This is why I HATE shopping for a dedicated server.

I read a lot of mixed reviews for HiVelocity and I really don't want to give them more bad press but the way I've been promised everything and NOTHING was done justifies me posting this for everyone to read.

If you're looking for a dedicated server, I would advise to pass this MAJOR HASSLE of a company. "Impressive Support" my @!#.

AND YES, everyone I spoke with BEFORE THE PURCHASE was well aware that I needed this pronto and I was assured it would get done! Now they are silent and ignoring me.

And if the guy that mods for HiVelocity on these boards reads this, the damage has been done. Instead of handling AFTER CARE for people on the boards, how difficult is it to communicate. I don't care if it wasn't going to get done at least I would have known and gotten another box somewhere else and used this as a backup. Making sure your account managers don't talk #$@#%$ and not deliver should be of more concern.

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