Who Do You Think Is The Worst REAL Hosting Company On The Internet
Mar 25, 2009
So far 1and1.com seems to be the worst I've ever dealt with. I think they should fire the call centers they're hiring and actually find people to represent their company who actually care about their customers. All the people they are currently using sound so ignorant that I feel like I'm speaking to a robot. Through your personal experience, who do you think is the worst?
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Aug 4, 2008
we have lots of web sites and traffic
our company needs real high bandwidth
we worked with layeredtech but it was not enough, too
do you have any advice? a real datacenter with real 1 or 2 gig real internet connection?
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Nov 29, 2008
I rent a dedicate from wixed two months ago.
At first the speed is okay and sometimes need reboot.
Since last week my server down again and I submit ticket to request a reboot,no one responsed.Four days ago,final the support sent a mail to me which it said:
Please forward a reboot request with your CL number to reboots@wixed.co.uk
All right,I do that.Then I wait another two day.The server also down.I request again,this time they said:"We are waiting on the NOC."
So far the server down over seven days.
I can't image how many loss I have.I suggest the guys who want to rent their server have a careful consideration before pay it.
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Oct 8, 2007
I usually don't post much, but I'm having the worst hosting experience of my life, and I wanted to let everyone know.
I ordered a VPS solution from Shinjiru.com about 2 weeks ago. I was looking for an offshore solution (I send double optin newsletters, but I get a spam complaint once a week. This was a problem for slhost, so I decided to go offshore).
From day 1, the server didn't work. I didn't put any data on it at all, 0 Megabytes. I also have no traffic going to the server. I thought this was a managed solution, but apparently it wasn't .
From day 1, I started getting errors sent to my email. This has now increased to hundreds of varied messages a day.
Tech support tells me that I need a more powerful solution (i.e. more expensive), that this server doesn't fit my needs. I'M NOT EVEN HOSTING ANYTHING ON IT YET! They keep telling me that I'm using to much RAM. BUT I'M NOT EVEN USING ANY RESOURCES ON THE SERVER!
I've contacted tech. support over 10 times, billing, and sales. No ones been of any help and I'm now going to have to dispute the charge with my CC company.
My projects are all delayed now as all. It's been a really big headache, and I advise others to stay away. If anyone needs proof, I can show the emails.
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Nov 15, 2007
This company is going down hill as far as I am concerned. There are too many other options out there than to waste your time with this company. They used to be great... I have set-up 3 accounts with them and referred others there as well... I also have a web designer friend who uses them all the time is also becoming concerned. He also said that their security certificate is expired.
My problem is a large percentage of emails sent to me from various addresses are now rejected by their server and I am receiving phone calls from numerous people saying they can no longer email me. Onsmart refuses to address the issues and has been extremely rude and unhelpful. The error messages clearly say they are rejected by them.. go figure? They are not willing to help me with the problem and are at the point of ignoring me as well.
I switched hosts (did not have a choice) and I am now receiving flawless performance. Peter one of the Reps closed a chat window on me after replying with a rude comment and Sandy then came on with no greeting and took forever between replies. Personally I have done nothing wrong but unfortunately they do not feel that way. You get the feeling they sit around complaining about you when you have a problem. Here is the chat log right after being "hung up" on by Peter. Save yourself the hassle they are the most unreliable host I have ever dealt with and have the worst customer service.
Chat InformationPlease wait for a site operator to respond.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with 'Sandy'
Sandy: hi (note there was a long pause here)
myname: Hi there... I was in the middle of talking to Peter and then it said chat ended?
Sandy: ok (even longer pause here)
myname: I am sure you are getting frustrated with me but I am really trying to find out why I am receiving numerous calls ect why people cannot send emails to me?
Sandy: Please hold while I check on it.. (they always say this and do nothing)
myname: thanks
Sandy: I've send email to xxxx@xxxx.com
Sandy: and its deliverd properly
Sandy: here are logs from server
Sandy: 2007-11-14 13:29:58 removed for privacy
myname: Thanks I realize that. I can send emails to myself aswell. But am not sure why all of a sudden people who regularly email me get these error messages along with new people. I know it is easy to blame them which I would love it if it was the case.
myname: Do you know why it may be happening to them?
Sandy: or our server IP address blocked in their network
Sandy: so many reasons not to get emails
myname: I know but honestly if you had an email address you have been using for almost a year and then 5+ of people you know say "hey I can no longer send you emails..." wouldn't you be concerned? I'm not trying to be difficult I really don't think this is their problem but just don't know what to do...
myname: I haven't received your email yet either...
myname: ok I just received your email... (like 5 minutes later)
Sandy: did you check xxxx@..
myname: just got it
Sandy: humm..
Sandy: ok
myname: I understand this is a weird problem I am sorry. I am sure you feel that everything is working but I honestly don't believe it is. I appreciate your time but as of now my emails don't work all the time.... can you contact me if you find anything cause clearly this isn't going anywhere...
myname: I think I may need to find another host if this persists.... see ya
Sandy: did you check through webmail
Sandy: ok
myname: I tried that
Sandy: ok
myname: They werent there either
myname: if you find out anything just let me know. thanks
near the end of the chat I was waiting minutes to receive a response... couldn't help but feel they were trying to get me to close the window.
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Sep 22, 2009
I signed up with them for testing a project of ours, several days ago, nothing..
Emailed tech support this morning, they said they would look into it, 10 hours later, nothing.
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Feb 3, 2008
Alright, I do not know why but all my technicians who I had hand picked right here from WHT started to leave one by one. I definitely do not think its due to price or work-load cause ALL of them first worked as staff on our help desk for a week and then fixed price themselves. I did no barging at all ~ so I suppose it was a personal problem.
I'll never forgive myself for this, but I took someone's advise and thought to give a shot at outsourcing technical support. I went up to this company called "OnLiveGlobal" - they are all Indians and thats what I needed exactly cause 50% of my customer base are Indians; I assumed I had a perfect match. And was just dreaming of all the money I could save in the process...
First Day
- excellent work; all support tickets are being answered within 20 mins and resolved withing an hour - WOW!
Second Day
Now comes t
- excellent work; all support tickets are being answered within 20 mins and resolved withing an hour - WOW!
Third Day
Ticket is open 2 hours... 3 hours... I reply and resolve it eventually. A few more tickets are opened in the process and I resolve all of them.
Then I ask for a refund on the 4th day of the service (doesn't their website say 7 days money back?) just due to the lack of service (forget satisfaction for now ). The guy named 'Sooraj' says I'll be refunded in 24-48 hours; alright I'm cool.
48 hours passes by, nothing done. I check MSN, no one is online! All the reps have probably blocked my address and/or deleted me completely of their contact list. So I find this user "onliveglobal" on WHT and PM him and ask him for some help regarding the refund. No continuous response - I fill a dispute in PayPal and now you guys have to read this... its hilarious:
I have censored and clipped a lot of personal information in the quotes below.
PayPal Transaction Details
Seller Name & Email: OnLiveGlobal, paypal@onliveglobal.com
Transaction Amount: XXX USD
Transaction Date: 10-Jan.-2008
Message From Seller
We did get start working on their services as per our SLA. We did work on their Helpdesk and resolved tickets ABC-123456, XYZ-123456, PQR-123456, ABC-123456, XYZ-123456 and many others which are unlogged for over 2 to 3 weeks from Jan 03 and after nearly one month of using our services, the buyer claims saying he is not satisfied.
After reading this; instead of getting upset or whatever, I was just laughing for a full minute.
I am sure many of you will state that out-sourcing is wrong from the bottom, right and I couldn't agree any less - I wont do that mistake again (and wont dream of saving loads of $$$). I have already picked a few techs again and all good and going now
If the OnLiveGlobal representative even replies to this thread and tries to prove a point, I least care. Who ever reads this is gonna have a laugh and thats what I care now...
Just after that incident I did come across a few other companies; ThinkSupport, TouchSupport, BobCares, etc and heard that their near to perfect. I haven't lost complete faith over the outsourcing phenomena but lets see if I choose to outsource later on for something else...
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May 10, 2008
I am moving one of my sites to a dedicated server and I need a good place to back up too.
I don't need much space a GB would be more then enough as what I'm backing up is only about 250mb currently.
Does anyone know of a good company that offers FTP backup space for a real low price.
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Jul 23, 2008
I have read a few of the threads here bashing 1&1, and have just had my own problems with them culminating to today. If you are thinking of purchasing from 1&1 don't do it!
In the fall of 2007, a friend and I where going to start a small local website. We found 1&1 which offered cheap hosting with all of the server specs that we needed. I purchased 6 months of hosting from them using my CC. Unfortunately our website did not last any longer than a few months, and by the time those 6 months where up I no longer needed the hosting. Thinking that the host would simply expire (unless I authorized another payment) I just let it go, only to see a charge for another $29.95 on my bank statement.
I called them, and was sent to cancel.1and1.com (a URL that is suspiciously absent from their website) and followed the instructions to cancel the account. I requested that the site be canceled at the next billing date (figured I could use it as a development server or something since I had already paid for it).
In January of 2008 (1/22/2008 to be exact) I received yet another charge from them! I called again explaining my situation, and said I had tried to use the online cancellation form but apparently the account was not canceled. The customer support representative requested information from me, and verified that he had personally canceled the account and that I would be receiving a full refund. I was satisfied (at the time) and rather naively forgot about the whole ordeal.
Today (July 22, 2008) I received ANOTHER charge for another 6 months of hosting. Keep in mind I haven't used this account since January . . . I requested a refund for January - July (as I didn't want, nor did I use this account). I was told my name wasn't on file and therefore I couldn't cancel it. Despite the fact that I was told the account was canceled twice, and I had the credit card information, billing address, and security questions (among other things) to prove I was the owner of the account.
One representative in particular even yelled at me, and basically told me I was incompetent. So I asked to speak to her supervisor. Her supervisor wasn't any more helpful and he told me: "I will not be canceling your account and I will not be giving you a refund. I'm not continuing this conversation" and hung up on me.
I have filed a credit dispute with my bank, and had to change my credit card number to prevent them from charging me again. I also filed a complaint with the BBB (not surprisingly they have an 'unsatisfactory' rating there), The Federal Trades Commission, and sent a letter to the Attorney General.
Now i'm waiting for my collections letter . . . as so many of you have received before. Absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable. No other hosting company has ever come close to being this much of a hassle!
I have submitted my story to Digg if anyone is interested:
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Mar 11, 2009
I sign up iPower Hosting package since 5th march 2009, and trying to migrate my database from my current cpanel over their control panel but thing does not works, and I have submit the ticket over there. but the respond from them very slow, and each reply does not help much.
the question has asking repeat again and again, the information I provide also again and again.
see how their respond time for my ticket ...
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Nov 24, 2008
I opened an account as a reseller with DSI hosting. Moved all my accounts over to them.
Within a week of the final move I started getting down times Every night for about half an hour or so. So I dropped them an email kindof hey guys is this some kind of reboot time nightly or what this downtime is making me look bad. After 450 minutes of downtime in the first week of November I get this email from them.
Due to recent employee changes and continuous server attacks we regretfully have to discontinue service.
We can no longer provide reliable customer service and server uptime. All servers will remain up for a period of 10 days from this notice for clients to generate backups and remove their accounts. You should due this ASAP.
Server port 80 is under constant attack and will be kept up as much as possible, all other ports including whm, cpanel, ftp and webmail have been going all along with no interruption (as of today).
There is no easy way to resolve these issues without destroying customer data and assigning new ips or just blocking all server access.
With this being said this is the best solution for our current clients. Please backup and remove all data ASAP.
Ryan Gadmin@dsihosting.net
Now the website says nothing about them closing. In fact everything looks Business as Usual.
I have been doing this a couple of years now mostly just for friends but can only imagine how devestating something like this would be to someone who has quite a few accounts.
Just beware that if you are wanting a host this is not the one to choose.
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Jul 15, 2008
I bought a hosting package from Yahoo Small Business India.
Initially i was happy because the package was cheap and had good features. Database was easily set up I installed php admin tool also with one click install. No other packages are available. One has to manually upload and install.
I tried to upload phpbb but i wasn't able to upload some files. I emailed them and asked why the server gives an error while uploading .htaccess files, the reply was we don't support it. I uploaded it without .htaccess and installed it. I installed wordpess and wanted to have clean URLs but yahoo does not support mod rewrite. I don’t know much about php and databases.
9th July 2008: While I was learning I modified some tables due to which my database administrator permissions were lost. I was able to login using phpadmin but unable to create new databases and modify previously created databases and tables. I emailed customer care regarding the problem and got a useless reply on 10th July that I should change the password of the database administrator.
I changed the password but the problem was not resolved. On 11th I again emailed the problem in detail with screenshots to the customer care. On 12th, I got a reply “we have forwarded this issue to the technical team and we will inform you once this issue is resolved.”
On 12th I emailed to ask when the problem will be resolved but got no reply from them. Till date (15th July) the problem is not resolved. No one even wants to reply to emails.
See below my emails and replies given by yahoo customer care:
My email to yahoo customer care on 9th July:
I have some problem with database. By mistake i modified my original user name which i created while setting up the database. Now i can't access the tables that were created with previous user name. When i log in using phpadmin and try to see any tables i get the message. Access denied. Moreover, I also cannot create any new tables. I have NOT modified the yroot user;. Can it be recovered.
Please help.
Reply to the above query from Yahoo India on 10th July
From: Yahoo! India Small Business <in-cs-ysb@cc.yahoo-inc.com>
Subject: Re: Troubleshooting (KMM90534089V76144L0KM)
To: "Vinay Chhabra"
Date: Thursday, July 10, 2008, 1:19 PM
Thank you for writing to Yahoo! India Customer Care.
With regards to your query, follow the below steps to assign a new user
name and password to access your database:
1.Logon to your "web hosting control panel".
2.Go to "create and update" tab.
3.Select "MySql databases".
4.Select "database administrator" and assign your user name and
password and click "submit".
For further assistance please write to us.
Thank you again for writing to Yahoo! India Customer Care.
Senior Customer Care Specialist
Yahoo! Customer Care
My email to yahoo customer care on 10th July:
Dear Sir,
Thanks for your reply. I have already done that from database administrator link but the problem is not resolved. This problem has started since yesterday because of my mistake. I modified the original database administrator "user name" from the database "mysql". After modification all my permissions have lost. I have not modified the yroot user. So can you grant the administrator permissions to new user The problem is that after logging in using phpadmin i don't have permission to create a new database. The databases and tables that I created earlier are also not available to me. I am also attaching the screenshot (.gif) of what error i am getting. When i click any database in phpadmin i get the following message:
SQL query:
MySQL said:#1044 - Access denied for user to database 'wpress'
If there is no solution then please reset the database, so that MySQL database can be set up again.
(Vinay Chhabra)
Reply to the above query from Yahoo India on 11th July
From: Yahoo! India Small Business <in-cs-ysb@cc.yahoo-inc.com>
Subject: Re: Troubleshooting (KMM90547155V54693L0KM)
To: "Vinay Chhabra" < >
Date: Friday, July 11, 2008, 11:09 AM
Hello Vinay Chhabra,
Thank you for writing to Yahoo! India Customer Care. With regards to your mail, we have forwarded this issue to the technical team and we will inform you once this issue is resolved. Thank you again for writing to Yahoo! India Customer Care.
Senior Customer Care Specialist
Yahoo! Customer Care
My email to yahoo customer care on 12th July:
Dear Sir,
When can i expect the problem to be resolved. I reported the problem on 9th. Today is 12th. If there is problem in resolving then please reset the database. I think it will be much more faster.
Vinay Chhabra
I have emailed them several times but no replies……………………
If you want good customer support then do not buy any package from Yahoo.
Technical service: 0 out of 5
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May 20, 2008
I am an established web developer and a project manager in one of the TOP e-commerce company. Just giving you these details so that you can ACCOUNT and RELY on my review.
I have signed up with Hostforweb.com on 26th April 2008
On weekends I work for my business (my own not the company's for which I work full time).
Uploaded the few websites that were lying there for quite some time.
On 29 th April the websites went down, for which I opened a ticket with hostforweb.com support and got a reply from them saying that
"there was some mis configuration in the nodes which is rectified."
Today all of the sudden they suspended the account and sent a message saying they got a message from "Bank of America" (because of phising activity)
One of my business staff phoned me to my work place and informed about this and for which I was like "WHaTTTT"
I am being in the online business since 1998 and never had a complaint from any of my previous hosting or present hosting providers other than this silly service.
After reaching home from office (which is an 1hr 15minutes ago), I opened a ticket in their support section and the ticket was forwarded to account & billing department by level2 support person.
Later I got a reply from their accounts & Billing department which had a reply saying ...
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Apr 6, 2008
Well friends I was just ruunning an blog facing 60% of downtime daily over months , but this was an small part of disaster waiting for me ahead as i tried to use some of the fake bandwidth they pretend to give , and i uploaded few files next day I find my sites suspended ,Reason being
"It is not allowed to host filesharing services on our servers. Reason beeing that such sites are often used to share copyrighted material."
Well thats what writen in there TOS itself.
Without file sharing how can one imagine to use 5000 GB/month + with the limit of 4lacks click also there.
Servage is my worst Nightmare come true.
Why one should not host on Servage.net ??
1. Fake stats they overcount the bandwidth and space.
2. 4 lacks hit limit after that your site gets suspended in real its only 4000 thanks to there fake stats once again.
3. Sql errors ,thats became part of daily life once you host on servage.
4.servage 404 not found page everywhere ,well they would not miss an single opertunity to advertize from your site , whenever they like they would put there own 404 not found page and wait for you to complain. This is the way this cheap hosting gorws.
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Oct 14, 2009
Ticket ID : #919385
We have serveral vps servers from dmehosting.com. I would say never choose dmehosting.com for your sites. A vps server is down for more than 14 hours and still down. They do not reply to my tickets. They do not inform about the issues.
I had have many issues with them like 1 - 2 hours downtime but that's not really matter.
Now the server is down for more than 14 hours and still not up. I have even asked them to transfer this vps server to another working node but they are not responding.
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Nov 6, 2008
I signed up for hosting with IX Web Hosting in April of 2007. There have been two occasions that they provided the perfect example of Terrible Customer Service. So much so, my last pony ride with IX Web Hosting was my last. I decided to call it quits and move my account to Host Gator.
I keep my most important sites on a dedicated server at Servint.net. If you are interested in a dedicated server or VPS, I highly recommend Servint. You will not beat the level of service and professionalism this company offers. But that’s another post in itself.
The point is, I had some SEO tests I wanted to perform and I was looking for a hosting company that would allow me to host 10 different domains in the same account on different ip addresses. IX Web Hosting had the plan I was looking for. So in April of 2007, I signed up for a hosting account.
Overall, I was pretty satisfied with the server performance at IX Hosting. I experienced very little if any downtime from server issues. They don’t offer a standard cpanel interface like most web hosts. It appears to be a proprietary / in house control panel.
It was pretty straight forward and with a little time I was up to speed.
Then on June 5, 2008, I got the following email from a System Administrator at IX Web Hosting.
My name is Anthony, and I am a system administrator at IXWebhosting. I’m here to ensure a reliable and fast hosting / e-mail environment. This is the reason why I ask you to get in touch with us.
We have received numerous complaints from third-parties about spam originating from your website. As you may know, spam is an on-going problem for all internet users, hence all companies have very strict rules against spam. I am here to ensure that neither you nor any other customer is facing any downsides which could be the result of these spam regulations.
We ask you to immediately cease and desist any such activities. If you are unaware of this activity, please contact me or any of my colleagues via this ticket, phone or live-chat so that we can find the reason for the spam activity together and fix the issue instead of the symptom. Viruses and things of that nature may be installed on your computer and will cause the spamming. We recommend that you run an anti-virus program. If you currently do not possess an anti-virus program, you may download a free version. Please just follow the link below to find Google’s best links for free anti-virus software:
google.com/search?q=free+anti-virus+software [url]
In order to ensure your hosting and mail environment is working flawlessly, we ask you to get in touch with us within the next 72 hours. I highly appreciate your time.
Best Regards,
Anthony Washington
System Administrator
They identified the domain as bestadtracking.com. This is a domain I own but have never promoted. Not only had I not sent spam through IX Web Hosting, I averaged less than 200 sent email a month on all the domains on my account. So on June 6, 2008 I responded to IX Web Hosting with the following two messages.
Hi Anthony,
I can assure you I am not sending spam from this domain or any others. I’m a little surprised that this domain is in question? I set it up over a year ago and haven’t ever promoted it. I don’t send any type of email over this domain. I have no reason to. It gets no traffic or inquiries.
Are you sure there isn’t some type of mistake? Otherwise, there are a couple of php style contact forms on that site. Could a hacker use that sort of thing to send spam? How can we track this down?
Brent Crouch
Here is the second email I sent on the same day.
Hi Anthony,
I am using AVG on my computer and the scan completed finding no viruses. Besides that, I am using Outlook to manage the mail on several of my domains. I don’t even have a send account setup for bestadtracking.com on my computer. As I stated in the previous reply, I have no reason to since this domain is not promoted.
Can you give me the IP address of where the spam originates? I’d like to compare that to my IP address here at home and office.
Brent Crouch
I had no information to track the issue any further. The lack of response from IX Web Hosting left me to believe the issue had been resolved or there had been a mistake. Then 4 days later on June 10, 2008 I got this message.
We tried to reach you today in order to resolve this issue, but unfortunately it has been well over 72 hours since this ticket was placed. We must sadly suspend your services, please do not hesitate to call us at 1-800-385-0450 any time, day or night.
Best Regards
Amazing! They give me no information to solve this problem. On top of that, they don’t respond to my ticket in 4 days and because I didn’t answer the phone when they called they suspended not only the domain in question but every domain listed in my account.
I called in and spoke to a tech support guy who allowed me to remove the domain in question and in return, he restored my other domains. He also left a message to have the tech support manager call me the following day.
The manager I spoke to apologized for the way the ticket was handled and the lack of information that was given. He said he would follow up with the employees that were responsible for the ticket and make sure it never happened again. He was helpful in looking at the server logs and determining how someone had loaded a spam bot onto my site.
Apology accepted. Stuff happens. I considered it water under the bridge and not a big deal. Not so much…..
After my first run in with IX Web Hosting, I wrote the whole incident off as a fluke. The manager I spoke to seemed very sincere and assured me that wasn’t proper protocol and wouldn’t happen again. I was trucking right along until I got this email from them on October 26, 2008.
Dear Brent Crouch,
We have received notification of phishing material in your account. Phishing files are usually placed through some type of exploit of out dated code, weak file and folder permissions. Packaged shopping carts and photo galleries are usual sources as hackers find exploits and developers fix them almost daily, so unless you constantly update the software or completely secure it things like this can happen.
You must agree to remove this content and update any software that has resulted in security holes. To protect your account from further action you must agree to our request for compliance. Please respond to this message stating your intent to do so. You may either log into your control panel with us, and access this ticket via the 24/7 help desk, or provide this ticket number to our Live Chat or phone representatives. Failure to respond to this message within 72 hours will result in the suspension of the affected domain with us until such a time as this matter is resolved.
The email gave me no indication of which domain had been hacked. When I wrote to live help and gave them the ticket number, I spent 10 minutes waiting only to be told they didn’t know which of my domains had been effected. They recommended I reply to the online support ticket.
Here is the email I sent them in response on October 27, 2008.
I replied to live help and they could not find any information. So far you haven’t told me which domain is a problem.
Please give me the info I need to correct this problem and I’ll take care of it.
Brent Crouch
Eight hours later, I was able to find the problem by viewing all the files on my domains and looking for the files that had been recently changed. It turned out my brentcrouch.com domain had been hacked and setup with all sorts of eBay and bank phising pages. The site operates on a Wordpress platform which is widely used and is a big target for hackers.
I wrote back to IX Web Hosting for a second time on October 27, 2008.
I found the problem on my brentcrouch.com domain. I updated the wordpress software to the latest and cleaned up the problem. The only exception is the brentcrouch.com/forum directory. I am unable to delete this directory as the hacker has removed my access. Please delete the directory.
Brent Crouch
The following day, here is the email I got back from IX Web Hosting.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. Per your request we have removed:
/brentcrouch.com/forum - deleted
We will be closing this ticket at this time. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to assist.
Please note that this is the second time this problem occurred. Unfortunately, I have to bring to your attention that as per our terms of service a third instance will result in immediate account termination without notice. No backups will be provided. If you have any questions about how to avoid this from happening again our support team will be glad to advise.
Support Tech Representative
When I seen that response, I was pissed! I run my own server at Servint.net. I’ve hosting accounts at several other hosting companies. I’ve never had a site hacked except from IX Web Hosting.
In 4 months, I’ve had two sites hacked. In both instances, IX Hosting was zero help in locating the source of the problem. In the first incident, they didn’t even reply to my ticket for 4 days. In the latest incident, they couldn’t even tell me what domain was hacked.
Then they send me an email telling me if it happens again not only will they suspend my account, they’ll deny me access to my files! Huh?
That’s not a risk I’m willing to take. With the high costs of obtaining customer’s in this business, I’m a little surprised they don’t do a better job of trying to retain them. In my opinion, this policy is unacceptable and makes IX Web Hosting one of the worst hosts I’ve ever dealt with.
I just signed up for a hosting account with Host Gator and have already moved all my domains over. So far, so good.
What’s your experience with IX Web Hosting?
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Oct 26, 2008
what is the real meaning of RDNS or the real function?
Because i have an account with reseller, then i need to hide the Name servers of a shared IP into my own name server IP.
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Mar 26, 2007
which webhosts offers "real" unlimited shared or dedicated hosting? alot of companies say unlimited but in their terms it says they'll suspend your account if you exceed reasonable use and they don't tell you what this is.
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Dec 5, 2007
Not a virtual machine, sorry for typo. The OS is Fedora,
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May 18, 2009
does mod_cache use real disk space or real memory to locate "cache"? I mean if i use mod_cache, does my vps/server will use more disk space/memory?
mod_cache implements an RFC 2616 compliant HTTP content cache that can be used to cache either local or proxied content. mod_cache requires the services of one or more storage management modules. Two storage management modules are included in the base Apache distribution:
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Apr 16, 2008
if i want to make image hosting such as allyoucanupload or imageshack , where hosting should i go to,... i was with hostgator and they suspended me for it.
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Feb 1, 2008
I've just picked up an interesting project, an internet radio.
Internet Radio is not something I've done before so I'm looking around for info on it :
1. The Kind of hosting for streaming that is required.
2. Any good hosts (not your own of course )
3. Any helpfull resources, tutorials, explanations etc on the subject.
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May 5, 2008
I am having Tomcat 5.5.26 version running in my PC I want to Publish all to the internet. Moreover I am having static IP address and Domain Name.
The actual problem is : I am having the Internet Connection through the following way.
We are having the router which is connected with HUB. my PC is connected with HUB, There are another 4 PC's also connected with the HUB. now If I tried to open my domain name for example. http mydomain net it opens my routers home page but I need to open my PC's tomcat home page. How can I get this done.
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Aug 12, 2007
Im looking to host an irc network, ill need a few VPS's in EU / USA. can anyone reccomend me some providers? im looking for fairly cheap, unmanaged.
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Sep 28, 2008
I currently have two servers with vaserve, one under the a2b2 brand and the other under the EpicVPS brand, which I am very happy with, but they don't allow the hosting of IRC or bots in any way.
I was wondering if anyone could suggest a (very) low cost (very) low spec plan that would allow me to host a single IRC bot. I'm looking for something around 64mb ram, and whatever disk/bandwidth you think would be enough for the bot.
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Nov 3, 2008
Wixed is an amazing hosting company, never had or encountered downtime and if I have a question the staff is always there to help me out. And this for good prices.
- uptime: 10/10
- service: 10/10
- professionalism: 10/10
Overall the perfect host i've had!
Short but it has all you need to know.
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May 26, 2008
I am not the brightest when it comes to IRC. Ideally we want to create a "Chat Room" for our website members. We only need one room, so I am thinking a whole server is over kill However I am interested in knowing if not requiring a whole server, is there a service perhaps that allows us to have our own branded irc channel, IE: irc.ourwebsite.com ?
I am only thinking IRC as we want our users to use the web based interface, and there is a plethora of these that can run through a java applet to the IRC channel. Or are there better solutions?
I am open to suggestions, we are only looking to have about 30 people in the chat room.
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Jan 14, 2009
I'm working with a non-profit and we're looking for an inexpensive hosting but we also need to be able to access MYSQL (port 3306) through the internet.
We use Crystal Reports and need to get to the database directly for reports.
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Aug 31, 2009
I'm planning to launch an e-commerce website for photo and gift printing. I went on Google and found a few websites having Top 10 web hosting companies information. I am really confuse which one is the best for my website.
I'm not sure how many users and traffic the website will get and don't want to pay extra $$$s for VPS or dedicated servers
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Sep 21, 2007
I was wondering if you guys would recommend a hosting company to use a VPS? I am a web designer and as a side job i am thinking of selling reseller accounts for very cheap prices. I am mainly concerned mainly because of the RAM most VPS have . I mean is 248 and 512 mb really ok? Also , anyone have an insight on "burst ram"? What does this mean?
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May 27, 2007
I will be starting up a new hosting company that will offer free and paid hosting. My question is, should I start out with a reseller, and move on as needed? I was simply thinking of starting out with a VPS, so I could simply skip the reseller part. I read elsewhere that some simply get a reseller and get another reseller when they need it.
What path should I choose. I could always get a VPS later on, but why not get one now? This is one reason I ask, because since reading about the reseller post, I am now split on this.
To note, have used a reseller before, but not a VPS. I do want to eventually learn to run a VPS, so this could be the time to do so.
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