Hosting Space For You "H.S.4.U" Is A Scam

Aug 30, 2008

BEWARE! of this company or operation: "Hosting Space for you" are definately crooks and a scam. After they got my yearly subscription, my account was activated for 3 weeks and then it disappeared. I mean LOST, not able to login, sites down, etc...

4 weeks of writing to their support resulting only in one automated reply that I will be contacted soon.

View 8 Replies


Companies Selling Provider Independent IP Address Space? Scam

Jul 29, 2008

They seem to sell or help you get Provider Independent IP space and AS numbers, is this a scam or is it something allowed by ARIN?

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RapidVPS - Hosting For Scam And Phishing

Sep 18, 2008

I want post here about RapidVPS hosting,
they host all scam and phishy sites like Hyip.
What is Hyip? Here-> [url]

My proof:

ablehyip. com/hyip/ (IP:
globalmarketsol. org (IP:
forexco. us/index.php?a=home (IP:
xlinvestment. us (IP:
topprofitworld. net (IP:
real-onlineforex. com (IP:
fx-88. com (IP:
marvelpartners. us (IP:
and so on too many hyip scams, very big list.

All provided IP addresses are rigistered with
OrgName: Infinitum Technologies Inc. (RapidVPS)
Address: 873 Grand Regency Pte.
Address: Suite 201
City: Altamonte Springs
StateProv: FL
PostalCode: 32714
Country: US

All IP addresses are provided for
network: Organization-Org-Name:NVHSERVER Inc
network: Organization-Name:Ha Nguyen
network: Description-Usage:Internet Service Provider

I have contacted with RapidVPS admin and this guy (name is Rick) never answer my reports,
just ignore me, ban me, I'm sure he is owner of all this scam.

I have created account on the RapidVPS forum,
and Rick ban me for my first post about hyip scam on their servers,
here is proof: [url]

If you wanna ask about this issue, contact Rick directly: rickb@rapidvps.c0m

Guys what you think about this issue or maybe it's normal for all US hosters?

Please your comments.

Thanks for this post reading and your time.

Here is more info about hyip scam:

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A Shared Web Hosting Service With Unlimited Space/bandwidth, Or A Dedicated One With Limited Space/bandwidth

Jul 29, 2008

which case is more preferred: a shared web hosting service with unlimited space/bandwidth, or a dedicated one with limited space/bandwidth?

View 4 Replies View Related

Hosting Considerations For Space Resale

Feb 4, 2009

I've coded a small blog / file management system that I'd like to charge for space after 25mb (or so). In looking for hosting what should I consider? Will most hosts allow me to resell space like this? Will they even notice? What about when I need more space? Backups?

View 7 Replies View Related

Low Space And Bandwidth, Reliable Hosting

Aug 30, 2008

I am planning to create a website for my business. Its a bulk exports business and there will be very few visitors, less than 1000 a month. Also space needed should also not exceed 100 mb as I will only have some html information pages and a few pictures of my products.

However, the webhost should be reliable and have an easy to use interface as I am a beginner in this field (I hear cPanel is good). Also I have 2 more domains/businesses which I hope this same hosting should cover so it should have addon hosting.

Please recommend a reliable hosting provider with a good interface and price under $25 per year.

The registrar I will be using for the domain is Namecheap as I am planning to register a .in (India) domain name and very few have that option.

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UK Web Hosting 500MB Space 1GB Bandwidth Existing Domain

May 3, 2008

I'm the webmaster for a church website: and our domain & hosting renewal is coming up, so I'm looking to see if there's a better deal.

We're with (and have been for 2 years with no problems at all) on their Professional package. The renewal fees are 105GBP (web hosting) + 5.90GBP (domain name) + 17.5pc VAT to cover the next 2 years, which comes to 130.31GBP.

The site is powered by WordPress, so PHP and MySQL are needed. And we upload lots of photos, so need at least 250MB webspace I'd have thought. So far, our highest monthly bandwidth usage has been under 800Mb, and our visitor numbers are increasing and our highest monthly figure so far was 401.

Any recommendations gratefully received. There seems to be many different companies out there who offer what I want, so I'm after some personal recommendations please.

I've already used this site to discount due to bad reviews.
I'm looking at and - any thoughts?
I've also come across - has anyone had any good or bad experiences with them?

And yes, I have submitted my details to the "request quote" thing.

View 11 Replies View Related

Web Space Storage Or Get Additional Space From Another Server

Oct 14, 2008

im running out of space on one of my sites but i have more then plenty of data transfer.

Unfortunately my hosting packaged it weird where they provide not enough hd space. Im trying to figure out is there a way where i can use another server or hosting company that can provide space only and use their servers just for space?

i think offered this but wasnt sure how exactly this works.

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Apache :: ProxyPass Has A Space Will Not Start With A Space

Sep 19, 2013

Apache 2.2.25 on windows 32

I have a ProxyPass that looks like

ProxyPass /Share Documents http://partner2/Shared Documents/

But Apache will not start with spaces. I tried

ProxyPass /Shared%20Documents http://partner2/Shared%20Documents/

Apache would start but the passthrough doesn't work. What do I need to do? I have several url's with spaces.

View 3 Replies View Related

DO NOT USE Lunarpages (scam)

Aug 2, 2008

Lunar pages is a scam

DO NOT USE Lunarpages

From Me to Support I noticed that my inodes are set abnormally low to 200,000 we just upgraded to VPS plan per lunars request at we are at 160,000 on second day of operation on new vps server. From Sarwan singh Jassi to siteadmin(ME) When you reach 200,000 inodes you will need to upgrade to dedicated plan However and Email from the sales guy states the following. We do not force upgrades do to inodes, we just increase your inodes as you need them. Server crashes occur all the time about 1-3 times a month. Do not use lunar

They also run the old 90's upgrade scam, they claim your script utilize high resources for php, mysql.

Their claim

CPU%: 3.15
MEM%: 1.70
MySQL: 0.9
Top Process %CPU 50.0 /usr/bin/php
Top Process %CPU 48.0 /usr/bin/php
Top Process %CPU 44.0 /usr/bin/php

After fighting with these people telling them that their server is configured incorrectly because we have load tested each and every script and that these scripts are used on 1000's of sites and the traffic we have does NOT warrent the useage they claim we went a head and upgraded per their recommendation.

So we get a brand new vps plan(see complaint above) and on the VPS server our usages look totally normal with proves they don't know what they are doing.

Directly from Pesky Plesk on the second day of getting our upgrade

CPU%: 0.15
MEM%: 0.19
MySQL: 0.2
Top Process %CPU 17.0 /usr/bin/php
Top Process %CPU 19.0 /usr/bin/php
Top Process %CPU 15.0 /usr/bin/php

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Bluehost Scam

Oct 18, 2006

They are scammer, we sign up with them and they ask us to submit credit card detail which we do.

Guess what , they use our credit card to purchase server for their own use, we contact them and they ask us to charge back if we wish, I think as they are now no longer need for the server

They are a scammer Scammer and poor DC will suffer a lost becasue I will chargeback all the charges for the server

May I Know is there any way to report this company (I am not in US) cause they must be punish for this issue

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SolarVPS = Scam

Aug 14, 2007

I'll tell you my story right now. I got the VPS and they charged me $60. The page didn't even look like a paypal page and I didn't know when I went through the order process that I have been charged. They accepted my payment even though they had the radio button that said first month a dollar. They even didn't have cpanel installed at first! They gave me the email and I had to contact them to install cpanel! They have this stupid contrat thing and they will take you to a collection agency for failure of the billing system that they have. It says DO NOT MAKE PAYMENT! but how can you tell? They are a complete total scam! The vps firewall was dropped for no reason during the morning. I asked why and they left the chat. They have good VPS if you got the extra $59 to cover the beginning.

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Apr 16, 2009

EuroVPS company received the payment for VPS server and does not give me the settings finding different reasons for that and does not want to refund my money.
Date 28-Mar-2009

That was 11 April when I last received e-mail from them saying that Accounts department would consider possibility of refunding the money to my paypal account.

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Apr 20, 2009

Buy a few days ago the first package in

The charge was for $ 75 but I think I charged $ 110. I went to the bank but the transaction does not appear.I have only 110 dollars less.

jumplaunch is fraud?....

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BoxVPS Is A Scam

Oct 4, 2009

I saw an offer from BoxVPS that was too good to be true. And in fact it was. It's been nearly a month since I paid for a VPS and still no service. My client login is disabled and they won't respond to requests for service or for a refund.

Simply stated - BoxVPS is a scam. Do not succumb to their offers, no matter how attractive they might seem. This is apparently just another in a long line of scams appearing with startling frequency on WHT. This phenomenom makes it difficult to give new hosts a try.

View 14 Replies View Related Is A Scam

Mar 7, 2008

I am a very diplomatic person and I believe in doing fair business. This is why I've decided to write this post in your forums as well as my own and a few others. I want to share with the world our horrible experience with in hopes of saving the rest of you from their lies.

I am not one to openly bash people online but I feel the need to spare all of you from falling victim to this company!

In order to offer the most stable listening experience to all of you, we needed to add another European server. Doing a little research in Google, we fell on (a German company).

Here is an example of what they promote (in German):

AMD Athlon 64 X2 3400+,
DualCore 64 Bit,
1.024 MB DDR2-RAM
1x 160 GB SATA-HDD
Betriebssystem: OpenSuSE,
Fedora, Ubuntu und Debian
Plesk 8.2 - 10 Domains
Unbegrenzter Datentransfer (which means unlimited datatransfer)
Kostenloser Support per
E-Mail und 0800-Hotline

Before hand, we verified with them that the unlimited datatransfer package was accessible for streaming. Most companies don't allow this so it is always the first question to ask. They confirmed that there was no problem at all!

Well, after 2 months of service with them, they are telling us that we must limit our datatransfer to 75GB/day or 2TB/month. You might think that this is already a lot but this is standard for most dedicated servers and this suddenly makes them pretty expensive (even for North-American standards). Note that European bandwidth is known to be significantly cheaper than North-American bandwidth.

This was one of the few times I've had to sign a contract for hosting. So for the next year, I'm stuck paying for cheap/mediocre quality bandwidth that's suddenly not even unmetered anymore! I would walk away from them if I could (contract or no contract, I don't care) but since we're outside Germany, they made us pay for 12 month in advance. So if I want to get anything out of that money, I have no choice to use their low grade bandwidth.

Basically, consider yourself warned! Don't do business with Server4you!

They actually disconnected our servers without warning or even messaging us because we had apparently reached this new bandwidth quota which had never been mentioned in the past!

View 11 Replies View Related


Dec 21, 2008

Yesterday I got a call from (caller id read AFTERGEN INC. tel: 409-938-0691)
The man with the Indian accent of some advised me that my webhosting has been active since 2001 and he said I owe them $750 or so. I told him I haven't hosted with them since 2001. He advised me that they the hosting account has been active since then.

So I tell him that you waited 8 years to call me? He said well "we couldn't get in touch with you at your hotmail account". Yea but still 8 years to call me? He tells me that I didn't cancel hosting with them.

I know for a fact that as soon as you don't renew hosting with or any other webhosting service, they will give 1 or 2 weeks to pay or they will delete your account. Then I said I won't pay them a dime! He tells me that he can give me a discount. Can you believe this scam? I hang up the phone on them.

SO NOW I OWE $750 to for past fees and they are claiming that I never cancelled hosting with them and I didn't notify them.

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Best Way To Tell A Scam Web Host

Oct 11, 2008

Before I got into web hosting business, I too, searched the whole World Wide Globe for a good web hosting company. And like many fall for some scams and learned from my experiences. Here are some ways you can tell a web host that is not safe.
Sign-up Page isn't secure.

Request a server IP to ping. This way you can figure out if the company is on a VPS, Reseller or a computer in someone's apartment [Reverse IP Check]

Unlimited Everything (well back in the day it was part of it until Yahoo decided to go solo) Company website itself goes down.

Can't find any of their representatives online (e.g. forums, blogs).

Doesn't have a Phone Number to reach.

Private Domain Registration (would you really send your money to a unknown company's PO.BOX address?)

Lies to you (e.g. Gives you 1 TB Bandwidth, but if you use up 50 GB and they close your account)

Asks for SSN/EIN for security purposes (hmm... complete B.S)

Doesn't tell you exactly how they protect your data, how secure the server is and so on.
Asks for your PayPal Username & Password on their website (also known as phishing)
Do a WHOIS Search and check how long they have been on business. (added by maccrazy)

Those are just some of things I found in a scam web host. I am sure there are many, please feel free to share your story and precautions you take.

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Webhostingpad Is A Scam

Jul 3, 2008

webhostingpad has terrible service and disconnnects its phones when it has technical issues. Dozens of people have been victimized by this company and lost business thanks to their incompentence. They give all web hosts a bad name--please get the word out!

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SmokyHosts A Scam

Aug 11, 2008

For the past 7 months i have a vps.

The first months i had 380mb as i thought that would be enough.

After alot of privvm going sky high and a lack of support i decided to upgrade the ram to 640.

However it is still slow. They say they give 24/7 support but you can wait day's for them to report back.

This is what i get with top if i have disabled almost every service.:

Is this normal?

top - 13:34:06 up 57 min, 1 user, load average: 0.03, 0.03, 0.16
Tasks: 26 total, 1 running, 25 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 0.0% us, 0.2% sy, 0.0% ni, 99.8% id, 0.0% wa, 0.0% hi, 0.0% si
Mem: 2062764k total, 2045320k used, 17444k free, 59740k buffers
Swap: 4192956k total, 150964k used, 4041992k free, 1071364k cached

1 root 16 0 1628 596 516 S 0 0.0 0:00.09 init
20246 root 15 0 1456 392 336 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 courierlogger
20248 root 16 0 1804 608 500 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 authdaemond
20259 root 16 0 4016 1128 832 S 0 0.1 0:00.11 sshd
20268 root 16 0 1804 248 140 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 authdaemond
20269 root 16 0 1804 248 140 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 authdaemond
20324 root 16 0 7448 2752 1136 S 0 0.1 0:00.02 chkservd
20336 root 18 0 1460 304 252 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 courierlogger
20337 root 18 0 1568 488 412 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 couriertcpd
20343 root 22 0 1460 304 252 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 courierlogger
20344 root 18 0 1568 488 412 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 couriertcpd
20349 root 18 0 1460 304 252 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 courierlogger
20350 root 18 0 1568 488 412 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 couriertcpd
20356 root 20 0 1460 304 252 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 courierlogger
20357 root 18 0 1568 488 412 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 couriertcpd
21648 root 16 0 7168 1376 1064 S 0 0.1 0:00.05 pure-ftpd
21651 root 15 0 6704 992 796 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 pure-authd
21925 root 18 0 12324 6784 476 S 0 0.3 0:00.00 cpdavd
21952 root 35 19 9488 5836 1548 S 0 0.3 0:00.22 cpanellogd
21988 root 18 0 4052 804 576 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 saslauthd
22020 root 18 0 1488 396 324 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 portsentry
22168 root 16 0 16424 7476 912 S 0 0.4 0:00.01 cpsrvd-ssl
3626 root 16 0 7056 2288 1840 S 0 0.1 0:00.13 sshd
3695 root 16 0 5436 1468 1192 S 0 0.1 0:00.07 bash
29799 root 16 0 1456 284 212 S 0 0.0 0:00.18 minilogd
8103 root 16 0 1888 952 776 R 0 0.0 0:00.15 top

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Tagbridge Is A SCAM

Jun 19, 2008

TagBridge is by far the worst company to get involved with. I purchased a VPS and they said in a support ticket 5 hours after I bought it that it will be setup in a few minutes. 24 hours later I cancel and request a refund and I went with veritynet.. 12 hours later my VPS was made and I still have a cancellation request in place which they ignored. It has been a week now and I'm still attempting to get a refund. Jamie blocked me on MSN to avoid my conversation. I talked to a friend of his and everytime has asks Jamie for a refund jamie doesn't respond. HORRIBLE SUPPORT. Now I have a VPS I have no use for, that of which I canceled 12+ hours before it was even MADE and they refuse to message me back regarding my refund.

This will be posted EVERYWHERE till I get my refund. This business is a scam and I don't want to be involved with it anymore.

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Confirm That Is Scam

Jan 15, 2009

I registered an VPS with , but now cannot login.

(My domain :

See their annoucement:

Dear customers,

Due to recent technical issues, your account information in the client center was corrupted and unrecoverable. Therefore, we need you to re-register. Then immediately notify our technical support team with your server IP address(es) AND last payment receipt so we can update your account with the correct server information.

This incident did not effect your server operation. However, once we received your respond, we will then verify the information and bring your server online. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience caused and we do appreicate your business.

If you have questions, please send us an email
Internet Operation Team.

When I send my contact with the bill & Ip, they answer ...

View 14 Replies View Related

SCAM Alert :

Apr 16, 2009

has anyone purchased a server from the op and received it yet?

View 14 Replies View Related And Is A SCAM

Oct 10, 2008

DO NOT use or! BOTH are owned by a scammer: and
1685 H STREET, SUITE 433, 98230
Blaine, Washington
United States
Phone: 360-303-0369

I WARN ANYONE WHO IS ABOUT TO USE EITHER OF THESE SITES THAT THEY ARE RIP OFFS! The owner, Joseph Spencer, has stolen ALL the content he sells, gives credit to himself, and even locks the content with a license to his name!!

If you do buy content from him, it has been stolen, and there is a chance it will be taken down at ANYTIME. Not only that, but Joseph Spencer plays the "nice" game with you so you purchase one little item. Their is always by coincidence a problem with the item leading to you having to purchase another one of his items or services. He is a COMPLETE scammer!

Look.. Two other pissed off customers:


My recommendation is to just STAY AWAY from those two websites to avoid legal issues and harassment from Joseph Spencer.

View 13 Replies View Related Scam - Be Aware

May 23, 2008

i have hosting at 2 jrs already and one nice day they decided to delete all data on my account (like 5 gb of data) and 25 websites are gone and 2 developing projects, i didnt had backups for most of them... (80%)..

the most funniest thing is the answer:
Hello Ivo

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused
There was an storage issue which caused the trouble. We have added <b>one month free hosting</b>.
Please reupload your data.
Thank you.

Kind regards,
Nick, Support
Servage Hosting


so my question would be , how can i sue motherf****s? or what are my options?

please post your experiences here with this scummy hosting that we can assure that this don't happened to anyone again.

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Alphared/ Scam

Dec 19, 2008

I got a email yesterday from a company called saying that i signed up for their account and that i authorized AlphaRed to debit the account automatically.

I never gave AlphaRed or this clickandbuy to create or debit any account. Whats their angle on this scam? i don't get it.

I was a customer w/AR back in June for one month. I canceled and got my money refunded because their network was not performing.

View 10 Replies View Related = Scam - BEWARE

Sep 27, 2008

yet another review, yet another VPS burned through because of incompetent sales staff, incompetent DC staff, and even more incompetent network admins.

Since noon, I have been getting alerts off and on that my vps (monitoring, off site support, a few projects) was down. Not a worry, I open a thread here. Now, maybe it's just me, maybe not, but that's not the point. The point is that for 3.5 hours, my VPS with nynoc was down.

Now, I opened a ticket with them about this, giving them the options which were fair:
credit me with a month (reasonable, given my going rate, or the going rate for ANY tech @ hourly rates) and apologize for downtime, or

Refund my $10 credit (overpayment) and I'll find service elsewhere starting Oct. 7th.

Their response? "There was no downtime".

Ok, so they deny downtime, not a surprise, others like to pull the same thing. I show them proof of downtime, to whit, they respond again "There was no downtime".

So, I show them more proof (this time from their own systems). Their response? We're not going to argue, there was no downtime. Immediately after that, they locked my account in WHMCS like little children, and locked me out of my VPS (thankfully I was still able to restart it).

So, is this wrong? nope, not at all. Not UNLESS you're holding someone else's money for services rendered, and refusing to deliver said services.

A bit of an explanation on the 'overpayment' part:
Somehow, when the system created the email subscription link (via paypal), their system created it @ $5.x more than it should be. So, the subscription continued on paying $5 or so more a month , which WHMCS rightfully put in as 'credit'. My thoughts were that I'd let it build up, catch up to a month, and then cancel the subscription, resuming when it was necessary. not a bad idea really.

Now, for the proof here, the same stuff that was shown to them:
Image 1 - From their network and VPS node - shows downtime from approx. noon to approx 3.30

Image 2&3 - My network - same thing
Image 4 - Total downtime today, again , from my network.

So, is it unreasonable to expect individuals reimburse you properly for downtime? Not at all. Consider that the reasonable tech makes $30-50/hr, and 3 hours of sitting and waiting for someone else to come up and deal with the problem, so the tech can resume work. Yeah, that's a bit of a rip off, and it's unrealistic to expect full reimbursement (which I didn't). A month's credit for their screwups is more than reasonable given the amount of time loss.

Is it unreasonable for individuals to expect 'credit' to be paid appropriately? Not at all. Again, if the business didn't want it to be paid appropriately, they should turn it off immediately. If they let it build up, they are responsible for refunding it, in case the customer DOES decide to leave.

This brings us to this:
Is it reasonable for a company to simply 'terminate' service, and lie to the customer because they don't feel like admitting their wrongdoings? Of course no, that's the childish way out.

Taking people's money, early termination of service = theft, no matter how you slice it (and yes, I DID give them a specific termination date if they chose to go that route).

Now, it's back to the grindstone, yet again, trying to find a VPS that is actually respectable, reasonable and well known, while being reasonably priced!

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DrVPS Is The Biggset SCAM ! BEWARE

Oct 8, 2008

i toke a VPS from that company and once they get the money they cancel it

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FumiNet And Dawson Is A Scam Artist

May 24, 2008

See thread:

I know the the threads on FumiNet have been closed, but I wanted to share some information AS an actual customer of FumiNet and after getting a little bit more information.

Dawson actually offered to host a non-profit client of mine for free and about 2 weeks after that I was starting a new project and figured I would get a server with him, as he had good prices.

I paid for the server and 2 days later I bought an SSL certificate. All communication was directly with Dawson. Well come about 3 days ago, my 1 year SSL certificate expired (after 30 days), he actually set me up a 30-day free trial certificate.

So, among all the other odd things, I think that is a pretty good piece of evidence that he did something shady. And he caused some serious damage for a non-profit organization...

View 14 Replies View Related Bait And Switch Scam

May 12, 2008

I am posting here as I did not see any place else to post. I do not think they are window based web hosting. so here it is:

Beware! they say anything to get you to sign up and then you are stuck because there is a $30 cancellation fee plus you have to pay $15 "free" domain that I did not even need!

I went on chat (before purchase and during) and must have asked every which way if unlimited domain meant unlimited website. I even said I wanted to work on a few websites that I already owned domain name for and that is what I would be doing 1st.

apparently their term for websites is "add on". Because I did no use that term, I did not know there was a $15 charge /website per year! I told them that was not what i was told before I signed up. It took me 8 time of asking where was the link explaining this before they finally told me it. I looked all over and could not find this charge in all of their packages and prices. I had to ask again where exactly is this information.

She told me to scroll all the way down to where it says "add on" I asked what is add on? Thats website add on! It does not say web site add on but thats what you are suppose to figure out for your self after you do an extensive search of their website and ask the sale representative who lies to you and tell you can have unlimited websites!

Do not be scammed like I was. fortunately this all took place w/in a 12 hour period so I should be able to cancel on my credit card company. I am sure others have been taken by this deception.

I am back in the hunt for a honest vbullettin and joomla friendly web host provider and allows for at least 10 website on one account and not extra charges for website addition. And will be upfront about any additional charges just to get my site up and running. I been at this for over 2 weeks now. Right back where I started.

View 14 Replies View Related

HostGator Being Targeted By Australian Phishing Scam

Jun 2, 2009

I know Brent from HostGator reads here so thought I share this, If you are an Australian you are more than likely getting phishing emails supposedly from Commonwealth Bank (Australia's largest bank). I get about 20 a day to all my email addresses, here's one I got today:

We recorded a payment request from "HostGator Reseller Web Hosting"
to enable the charge of $74.95 on your account.

Because the order was made from an African internet address, we put an Exception Payment on
transaction id #POS PAYM7284 motivated by our Geographical Tracking System.


If you made this transaction or if you just authorize this payment, please ignore or remove this email
message. The transaction will be shown on your monthly statement as "HostGator - Reseller Web Hosting".

If you didn't make this payment and would like to decline the $74.95 billing to your card, please follow
the link below to cancel the payment :

Cancel this payment (transaction id #POS PAYM7284)

NOTE: Because email is not a secure form of communication, please do not reply to this email.

© Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2009 ABN 48 123 123 124

Of course I'm not a customer of this bank nor am I with HostGator, but these emails are getting more sophisticated by the day.. please also see [url]

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