Low Space And Bandwidth, Reliable Hosting

Aug 30, 2008

I am planning to create a website for my business. Its a bulk exports business and there will be very few visitors, less than 1000 a month. Also space needed should also not exceed 100 mb as I will only have some html information pages and a few pictures of my products.

However, the webhost should be reliable and have an easy to use interface as I am a beginner in this field (I hear cPanel is good). Also I have 2 more domains/businesses which I hope this same hosting should cover so it should have addon hosting.

Please recommend a reliable hosting provider with a good interface and price under $25 per year.

The registrar I will be using for the domain is Namecheap as I am planning to register a .in (India) domain name and very few have that option.

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A Shared Web Hosting Service With Unlimited Space/bandwidth, Or A Dedicated One With Limited Space/bandwidth

Jul 29, 2008

which case is more preferred: a shared web hosting service with unlimited space/bandwidth, or a dedicated one with limited space/bandwidth?

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UK Web Hosting 500MB Space 1GB Bandwidth Existing .org.uk Domain

May 3, 2008

I'm the webmaster for a church website: stpetersbraunstone.org.uk and our domain & hosting renewal is coming up, so I'm looking to see if there's a better deal.

We're with namehog.net (and have been for 2 years with no problems at all) on their Professional package. The renewal fees are 105GBP (web hosting) + 5.90GBP (domain name) + 17.5pc VAT to cover the next 2 years, which comes to 130.31GBP.

The site is powered by WordPress, so PHP and MySQL are needed. And we upload lots of photos, so need at least 250MB webspace I'd have thought. So far, our highest monthly bandwidth usage has been under 800Mb, and our visitor numbers are increasing and our highest monthly figure so far was 401.

Any recommendations gratefully received. There seems to be many different companies out there who offer what I want, so I'm after some personal recommendations please.

I've already used this site to discount streamline.net due to bad reviews.
I'm looking at fuzioned.com and redfoxhosting.co.uk - any thoughts?
I've also come across no-wires.co.uk - has anyone had any good or bad experiences with them?

And yes, I have submitted my details to the "request quote" thing.

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Unlimited Space And Bandwidth For 4$

Oct 1, 2009

while looking for a host I've found that there are many hosts that offer unlimited web space and unlimited bandwidth for very little money like 4$ per month and there are also expensive web hosts that offer limited but big webspace and high bandwidth for much more money. What am I missing here? If a big website like yahoo decides to buy that 4$ per month host and move there, what would happen? Would the bandwidth really be enough and not slow down? If it wouldn't carry yahoo then why do they say it's unlimited? I'm confused because I've heard about people spending thousands of dollars for big websites every month.

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Unlimited Space And Bandwidth ...?

Dec 15, 2008

Unlimited space and bandwidth... totally lying?

I bought hosting with unlimited bandwidth, space, domain, etc. A few days ago I install script to sell photos. So I upload huge of photos and maybe eat their bandwidth and space. And today my account is deleted without any warning! I tried to ask this but no answer yet.

Is the Unlimited space and bandwidth is totally lying??? But why even hostgator selling the unlimited features?

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Host That Doesn't Lie About Bandwidth Space?

Oct 8, 2008

I am sure this thread was most likely created before but I haven't been able to find anything on the particular host I just had an issue with.

It goes like this.

I've been through web hosts ever since 1998. I've grown accustomed to web hosts deceiving their customers by listing '20 gigs of BW use, or 'Unlimited BW' (which we all know is BS) but for the past few years, I actually had a host who didn't lie about how much BW their customers got with the packages. I signed up for a 20 gig BW account with HostVector and I've used up to 19 gigs and they have never said a single word. I left them recently because they were bought out by Millennium Services and ever since then, its been a nightmare. Constant down time, tech support nowhere to be found. Sadly to say, I had to leave that host due to fact that their new owners have no clue what they are doing.

I found ELIEF and thought they looked promising. I signed up for the package that listed 20 gigs of BW, now at first I thought okay.. this may be fishy, but if this was a flake, they would have specified that customers really won't get 20 gigs of BW.

Regardless, I trusted them the way I trusted HostVector. Seeing how I am a musician, I uploaded a 80MB pack and sent it to some friends to download and not even a 12 hours later. My account was suspended because it apparently caused their server to crash?

I checked the stats and only 68 users downloaded that 80MB file.

This is beyond aggravating. I know there are countless web hosts who lie about this type of stuff but why cant at least specify someplace on their page a more detailed info about bandwidth usage? Maybe put an asterisks next to the BW section like some hosts do and explain that what is listed there is not the reality.

So here I am, my domain is suspended. My fans/listeners/friends are wondering what happened and I am sitting here angered beyond belief because I thought this type of lying was something that hosts stopped doing in the late 90s.

Any recommendation guys? Does an honest web host who actually offers the same amount of BW they list on their hosting packages, exist anywhere?

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Need Huge Space & Bandwidth Hostgator

Nov 6, 2009

i need around 300+GB bandwidth, 20+GB space with 2-5MB of sql database. is it suggestible to take hostgator starting plan (hatchling)?

is hostgator worth that?

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Need 1000GB Disk Space/200TB Bandwidth?

Aug 28, 2008

OK so I've been in the hosting industry a very long time now and I have noticed that overselling has got more and more crazy over time. 7 years ago, 2GB of disk and 10GB bandwidth was considered overselling. Today, its common to see offers at 1000GB/1000TB.

So my question, to all you looking for web hosting, do you really think you will need all that space and bandwidth?

I'm going to let you in on a little secret. (Some might hate me for this!) Out of all my customers, 99% use less than 1GB disk and 5GB transfer.

Every hosting provider out there knows this, and will tack on a bunch of 0s to their offer to make it look more enticing . The thing is, if you aren't using the space, you aren't getting any extra value. If you come even close to the amount they offer, I am willing to bet you will be suspended faster than you can blink. This advertising tactic is very misleading and a lot of newcomers base their decision off the meaningless numbers they see. <<Snip>>

Bloggers - Think again if you believe you need anything more than 1GB of space. You could type blog posts until you are blue in the face before you come close to using 1GB(unless you incorporate a lot of videos and images)

Forum owners - Considering most forums are text based, forums use hardly any bandwidth. If you run a highly active forum, eventually you will start consuming decent amounts of disk space. However, there is no way that a shared host would allow such a forum to exist on the servers. You will be shut down before you use even a fraction of that 100gb/1000tb.

What should you consider than? If you see a host offering such impossible amounts of resources for an even more impossible price, look elsewhere. If you want a decent service, look to spend $5-10/m for a reasonable amount of disk space and bandwidth.

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Do You REALLY Need 1000GB Disk Space/200TB Bandwidth

Aug 28, 2008

I've been in the hosting industry a very long time now and I have noticed that overselling has got more and more crazy over time.

7 years ago, 2GB of disk and 10GB bandwidth was considered overselling.

Today, its common to see offers at 1000GB/1000TB.

So my question, to all you looking for web hosting, do you really think you will need all that space and bandwidth?

I'm going to let you in on a little secret. (Some might hate me for this!) Out of all my customers, 99% use less than 1GB disk and 5GB transfer.

Every hosting provider out there knows this, and will tack on a bunch of 0s to their offer to make it look more enticing . The thing is, if you aren't using the space, you aren't getting any extra value. If you come even close to the amount they offer, I am willing to bet you will be suspended faster than you can blink. This advertising tactic is very misleading and a lot of newcomers base their decision off the meaningless numbers they see. Here is an article that covers web host overselling a little more.

Bloggers - Think again if you believe you need anything more than 1GB of space. You could type blog posts until you are blue in the face before you come close to using 1GB(unless you incorporate a lot of videos and images)

Forum owners - Considering most forums are text based, forums use hardly any bandwidth.

If you run a highly active forum, eventually you will start consuming decent amounts of disk space. However, there is no way that a shared host would allow such a forum to exist on the servers. You will be shut down before you use even a fraction of that 100gb/1000tb.

What should you consider than? If you see a host offering such impossible amounts of resources for an even more impossible price, look elsewhere. If you want a decent service, look to spend $5-10/m for a reasonable amount of disk space and bandwidth.

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How Much Disk Space And Bandwidth For Single Wordpress Blog

Jun 2, 2008

how much disk space and bandwidth would be needed to run a single Wordpress blog. I'm not a popular name, so I doubt I will have too many viewers besides my closest friends. In addition, I tend to make layouts which are a "teensy-bit" graphic-heavy :p

Is 2GB (disk space) and 30GB (bandwidth) supposedly enough?

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Webmin Creating Folder/user With Space And Bandwidth Quota

Jun 14, 2008

how can i create directories in my (public_html / htdocs folder) that have disk space and traffic quota?

i activated the disk quota to the native linux file system and i tried to create a user but i could not put this user in any folder in the public_html (i dont know how to do this) also there is no option to create bandwidth quota..

one more detail is that the folders need to be protected with login and password because people may try to enter this folders (e.g. www.mydomain.com/protectedfolder)

all this using webmin or another free good script.

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Fast Webhost, Little Disk Space, With Php, Mysql, Phpmyadmin, And Alot Of Bandwidth

Apr 1, 2008

The most important requirement is that the webhost must be fast. It must have alot of bandwidth.

The disc space is not so important. 200 MB would be enough.

It must have PHP, MySQL and phpmyadmin installed.

Must be accesable through FTP.

There are offcourse more requirements. But the main thing is that i want it to be fast.

My pages will be only informative and exists of just mainly text and an image every now and then.

Do you know any fast webhosts that is good to handle websites with large amounts of visitors?

I'm looking for something around 6 dollars per month.

I dont know much about webhosting at all, so i'd appreciate any help i can get

Also i see websites where you can register a domain. But the prices vary, isn't a domain just a domain? What makes this price difference?

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Reliable VPS Hosting

Apr 13, 2009

I've been using a Ubiquity VPS for a bit over a year now, and have been generally satisfied, for two reasons:

1) The performance has been excellent. It's still pretty fast considering how much we're using it, and I was able to record just over 200 days uptime.

2) The support seems to be competent and no-BS. Nothing ticks me off more than being lied to, or being told that something that is clearly beyond my control is my fault. While there have been various teething problems (I signed up just before they did a big infrastructure upgrade, and then the whole "someone pulled the plug on the entire company thing".

We're now looking to procure some additional virtual boxes. Not out of any slight to them (primarily to do with SEO, but also a matter of eggs and baskets), we'd like to get them from different firms.

I can generally handle the technical stuff running on the VPS myself, so in terms of ongoing support (once the basic "provision everything, get forward and reverse DNS for the server's IP set up" is done), all I really need is a company that will keep the lights on, the machine plugged into the network, and replace hardware when it fails promptly-- in short, self-managed VPS.

Each one would likely host only a single site, but the sites are apt to be fairly database-intensive. Linux-based.

So what I was thinking, to start with, would be:

* 512M memory
* 20G disc
* 500G transfer

or higher. I'd honestly prefer a bit more memory (the current VPS, hosting probably 75 domains of minor traffic, is a 1Gb setup, and will occasionally breach the red line; I've kept it reined in to 20 simultaneous Apache processes to keep memory use low).

I shopped around a bit, and was able to find a variety of providers offering packages of this size (and frequently larger-- 768M/40G/600G seemed a common size) at about $50-60 per montt.

I'm leaning towards a VPS primarily because of the assumption that the low end fully-dedicated boxes are relatively poor spec-- low permanent capacity (compared to the burst capacity I could get on a decent VPS), and most importantly, no redundant drive subsystem. Data loss is my big fear. That, and really weak performance.

But of course, nobody is going to tell you "Your VPS is on a Duron 750 shared equally between 32 VPSes", "We have RAID. When there's a roach in the lunch room, we spray it." or "We really suck at support and end up taking it out on our customers."

So who can be trusted in those departments?

I'd prefer someone with no-gimmick pricing, because we're researching today but may not provision immediately.

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Reliable ASP .NET Hosting

Jan 8, 2008

We currently have our sites hosted with 1&1 but after a nightmare of intermittent downtime, poor service and complex setup requirements for basic ASP .NET sites we have given up!

We want to leave the domain registrations with 1&1 as they do that side of things well and I don’t want the issues of moving domains to another provider.

But what we need is a fast reliable host that will allow us to leave our domains with 1&1 and will host our websites, their subdomains (and hopefully emails if possible) with the domains still registered at 1&1.

Also the things we need to resolve from 1&1 are:

1 - using asp or aspx custom error404 pages for all webpages, we can do this for aspx sites though our web.config but all other extensions go to a single .html page (not very dynamic)

2 - different error 404 pages per domain

3 - ability to do extension-less url rewriting in ASPX - we could not do this with 1&1 due to the inability to change IIS settings for the application to forward all requests to the asp .net application

4 - different IIS applications for each domain without requiring a folder in the url, 1&1 require us to move the domains into folders for this to work but moving our domain to a sub folder therefore loosing links to pages in google etc

5 - great technical service and attention to problems

Also all of our customers are in the UK, is there any latency or issues with slow loading using say a US based host?

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Most Reliable VPS Hosting

May 19, 2007

Which company provides the most reliable VPS hosting?

By reliable I ALSO mean the following:
short response times for tickets (under 1 hour)
REAL 24/7 support
true 99.9% Uptime

but most of all I would like you to suggest a host that you are 100% satisfied with. I want a really reliable VPS host to move to, besause I have already been very very unsatisfied with my VPS hosting company.

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Reliable .NET Hosting

May 29, 2007

Are there any webhost, besides discountASP.net that offers .NET hosting, and are actively updating their software, SDKs whenever Microsoft releases something new?

I'm looking for a host that offers .NET 2.0, MS SQL 2005, MS AJAX(Atlas) to name a few.

I like what discountASP offers, but it's a bit pricey as I have to pay $10/month for the basic plan, and another $10/month for MS SQL. Somewhere between $10-$15/month would be good.

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Reliable Web Hosting

Dec 10, 2007

I am currently with Yahoo web hosting, but I will move to another company because Yahoo does not support PHP 5.

What I am looking before all is a solid, reliable web hosting company:
- a company that will still exist 5 years from now
- a company that will not lose my customers data
(this is the prime reason I was with Yahoo)

Besides that and supporting PHP 5, the only other main requirement is scalability: being able to move easily from shared host to dedicated server.

Money is not a key factor: I am not looking for the cheapest deal.

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Any Reliable Torrent VPS Hosting

Feb 3, 2009

Does anyone know a good torrent VPS hosting service? It does not matter if they have seed hosting or not, I just want to be able to host my torrent site which have links to other seed links.

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Reliable Windows Hosting

Mar 23, 2007

do you know for some reliable (with up time really >= 99.99%) Windows hosting? I have a hosting provider which have a lot of down time and I need to change it.

I need this:

- multidomain support (at least 3 web sites allowed)
- MySQL database
- ODBC, Access
- 100GB bandwidth (with possibility to upgrade to larger plan later)
- 500MB disk space
- MS SQL Server database is a plus, but not neccessary at this time

Does it exists anywhere?

I see CrystalTech includes all of these in Intermediate plan [url],although there is no "real" multi domain.
Anybody know something about CrystalTech, especially support and server's up time?

I found IX too, [url]

Their unlimited plan looks excellent, is it really that good after you buy it?

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Cheapest Reliable Dedicated Hosting

Jun 6, 2009

I am currently with SoftLayer and the minimum fee I paid is around 180$ per month.. I was wondering for the same plan like in SL, is there any other companies provide better price?

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Cheap And Reliable Reseller Hosting?

Feb 25, 2009

Please recommend me a linux & windows (dual) reseller web hosting that is cheap and reliable with automated billing software and anonymous name server along with 2 dedicated IP.

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Reliable Hosting For A Vbulletin Forum

Oct 9, 2009

I am the owner of the vbulletin forum. The forum is young but it is growing rapidly. It has 11000 posts, 800 members and about 30 users online. I use many mods which are server intensive.

I was on a semi-dedicated hosting (Westnic), which I shared with my friend to reduce the costs. Now I feel I should move on, because this package is becoming too small for both of us.

I wanted to upgrade my hosting package to a bigger one, but now when I have read so many horrible stories about this host, I really don't want to stay with Westnic.

So I am looking for a reliable host for my forum.

I am still now sure whether I need a semi-dedicated, VPS or a dedicated server. Also, I am not sure how much dedicated memory a forum like mine would need. Also, I am not sure about the location of the server - does it really matter?

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Find A Reliable Hosting Provider

Jun 16, 2009

find a hosting provider which will meet the following requirements

1. Multiple sites (more than 6)

2. MS SQL Server 2005 or 2008 (two will be enough may need 500Mb on one)

3. More than one FTP user

4. ASP.NET 2.0 and 3.5 Support

5. PHP support also needed

6. $10 monthly (120$/Year) maximum

Supporting more than 2 sub domains on each domain will be an added advantage

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Fast, Reliable File Hosting

Nov 4, 2009

I have a VPS account now and I host a setup.exe file on my site, but about 10% of all downloads are incomplete and result in a corrupt setup file. I am guessing that maybe it's because too many people are trying to download the file at the same time? Whatever the reason, I need more reliable file hosting. Can anyone suggest a place to host just my files, which will provide speedy, reliable downloads? I'll still keep the VPS for my site, but need to put the files elsewhere. I don't want any free, ad supported sites, or ones that require the user to visit another site first.

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Starting A Business Need Reliable Hosting.

Jan 20, 2009

I have started up a UK based company with a few people and our work is mainly based with online websites.

I need a reliable UK web host, with servers based in the UK and the availability to call up for any support.

The company needs to have many years in the business and are available to transfer my CPanel accounts.

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Reliable Hosting Which Support LayeredPanel

Nov 6, 2008

I'm currently with hostgator and bought website which uses LayerPanel control panel under another hosting provider which down always, and hostgator not support that panel only CPANEL, please advice any reliable hosting like hostgator which can support LayeredPanel with live chat support 24/7 as it's at HG.

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Professional And Reliable PostgreSQL Hosting In The US

Apr 10, 2008

As the topic says, I need a host who knows what they are doing with PostgreSQL and is located in the US.

Budget is $40/month. 40GB+ bandwidth and 2GB+ HDD.

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Reliable Shared Windows Hosting

Jul 10, 2007

Long story short, my client has had issues with the last couple of hosts. We now need a new reliable yet affordable windows host urgently.

He has an ecommerce shop running on a shopping cart called Product Cart.

Basically need the following:

Budget: No more than $20 a month

At least 500mb of web space
MS SQL DB 50MB minimum
Ability to use third party private SSL certificate
Supports Linkpoint Connect payment gateway.

The recommended server configuration runs Windows 2000 or 2003 Server,

We've already tried CrystalTech but they don't include ASPupload.
We were ready to sign up for DiscountASP but it turns out to be $30 a month if we use a private SSL certificate and SQL DB.

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Quality, Reliable Hosting For Up To $10 A Month

Feb 14, 2007

I am about to open a third web site and am looking for a good place to host it. My two existing sites are currently with a local (Croatian) The Planet reseller which has quite good support (and are partly sponsoring me), but tend to be a bit too weak when it comes to high load peaks (when sites get dugg mainly).

So for a third site I am considering something else. Having read some discussions I can conclude that these days the actual amount of space and bandwidth isn't such a good measure of actual quality and these numbers are mainly used for marketing.

I also learned that best web hosting depends on specific needs and desires. So here is what I want and I hope you can make some good suggestions.

I want a reliable, high uptime, fast web hosting with great customer support (24/7, quick, knowledgeable and friendly) which wont impose bad mysql limits and will not crash when slashdotted or dugg.

It would be good if it would use some sort of a reliability boosting system like clustering (although I guess it doesn't have to be clustering necessarily).

I also need it to have at least 2GB of web space and more than 100GB of monthly bandwidth but with an option of extending this if need arises *without downtime*.

If it would anyhow be possible for it to be Free Open Source Software friendly, possibly offering a webmin control panel in addition to or instead of cpanel. Of course, it has to run on GNU/Linux. I don't need *anything* Microsoft related on it.

It needs to have a good track record. Please don't advertise your own hosting companies here. I'd like to hear recommendations from real people with real experience.

My budget is up to $10 a month or $120 a year. I believe I should be able to get roughly the above with a good host for that price these days. It's a competitive market. Someone honest has got to fit the bill.

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Very Cheap Windows Hosting...but Reliable

Aug 5, 2007

Can i find a good windows provider...for $7...?

It doesn't matter the space...but i need it to support AJAX.

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Reliable Low Cost WHM & CPanel Hosting Available

Aug 24, 2007

I am having really bad experiences with my current host. I guess I've overlook "quantity" over "quality". I got my current hosting account (almost 3 months now) from ebay...I guess that sums up pretty much everything. Actually I knew it was a newly startup company, but they offer WHM as well (which a function I really want for other reasons) for a really low price of one year with unlimited everything. I know.....I know.....there is no such thing, but I've figure I would not reach their limits anytime soon. So I went for it.....test drive I would rather put it. Let's make the long story short:

* 2 weeks after account setup, server down for 7 days (because their servers got hacked).

* Received email, everything was lost and "all accounts will be move to their new SUPER FAST servers (yes indeed, I've to say !) in the next couple of days".

* Waited another 4 days, nothing. Summited a support ticket; their response was all their clients account was already moved to the new servers with an new ip which I did not get notified.

* Fine, re-setup everything and.....cross my fingers!

* Everything went well for...almost a month and half. (Well...other then the company was brought by another company ) Other then that, server will be down 10, 20 mins. at a time here & there.......

* Until yesterday.....I thought it was like the usual 10, 20 mins., but it was more than half an hour, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours,.....I went to check on "their" web site, no longer accessible. Then I know it's time for me to look for a new host.

Anyway, sorry for the long post. I think I should rather change the title to "Really bad hosting experience from....." (Rather not to mention who, but if anybody care to know...)

Well, any offers from any web host in here?

Yes, THIS is one of my site. Let me know if / when it is working! Post the time if possible.

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