Can Any GOOD Webhosts In The UK Give This ?

Jun 29, 2007

Speaking from personal experience only, who are the good, helpful hosts, who can give a reseller account, with servers physically located in the UK, giving 20Gb Bandwidth and 1Gb Disk space, has excellent email support (in English!!!!!) within 20 minutes of sending the email, full access to Cpanel including access to HTAccess, all for less than 20 pounds a month.

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Good Webhosts Not Effected By The DMCA

Feb 27, 2009

I just had the pleasure of having my entire host containing multiple sites,being suspended by Godaddy because someone sent them a notice of infringement. Even though I had resolved the issue with the copyright holder 8 hours before Godaddy suspend the host.

Which brings me to my question, anyone know of a host that's reliable, well priced and not effected by the DMCA?

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Changing Webhosts

Oct 25, 2009

I'm changing my webhost after getting screwed around with countless downtimes and now their own site is completely down.

I'm looking for a new host, and had been looking at alot of review sites. After looking at a few of them, found that they were obviously fakes with almost 100% good reviews for some hosts, completely dissing some other hosts, and the complete opposite on some other sites.

Looking for recommendations for your own host, do state your site too so I can try out the response.


excellent uptime
responsive support + live support chat
h-sphere preferred, but not a must have (I like having subdomains in directories at the same level as domains)
does not ridiculously overload their servers (well, who can tell?)
good site response time
budget at 10usd per month
allows many domains/sites, no need for super high bandwidth as I just host many small sites
PHP with .htaccess access + imagemagick/gd

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Registrars Or Webhosts

Feb 27, 2009

Anyone know where I can get <2MB of webspace + DNS hosting and a .su domain, as cheap as possible? The normal registrars/hosts don't sell them

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Way To Partner With WebHosts

Mar 31, 2009

know what the best way is to go about approaching webhosting companies regarding our 'CloudBased' solution that fits into CPanel.

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Are There Webhosts In New Orleans

Aug 24, 2008

More importantly, do I need a local webhost? Does it make a difference in speed?

I'm using the Bravenet thing because it was free and easy. But now I need to set up a vBulletin for computer repair and I only know how to navigate php in CPanel. (I had a bad experience with Plesk a few years ago)

Bottom line: I'd like to know if there's any local webhosts, that have servers in New Orleans that can get me on the CPanel.

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What Are Your Top 3 Worse Webhosts

Jul 9, 2008

I started the top 3 best thread now lets do your worse webhosts.

In my opinion i have not had any really bad hosts.

Drgservers i wasen't 100% happy about was there customer support lacked.

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SEO Hosting - Same As Multiple Webhosts

Mar 20, 2009

Just found out about "SEO Hosting", such as:

and many more...

Is this hosting just the same as getting accounts on 10 different webhosts to get different class C IP, or is there any advantages to choose a "SEO host"?

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Why Criticize The Overselling Webhosts

May 8, 2008

I am owner of a web hosting company with a plan with overselling and I see plenty of criticism lately for resources that we offer.

In the country where we work, offer such a plan has allowed us to grow our business and invest in infrastructure that other web hosting companies can not afford. We have a large number of servers (Dell 2950, Xeon Octo Core, +8GB, Large RAID 10, ISCSI remote backups) and a network increasingly large/quick.

In addition we have highly qualified technical staff and technical support 24/7.

All this (managed correctly) allows us to accommodate all types of customers even if they have a relatively high use of resources. In conclusion, our customers are generally very satisfied.

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Blacklists - Spam - Webhosts

Mar 10, 2007

Anyone know where to find the publicly available blacklists, that are mentioned on the link below please?


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Which Webhosts Offers Real Unlimited Shared Or Dedicated Hosting?

Mar 26, 2007

which webhosts offers "real" unlimited shared or dedicated hosting? alot of companies say unlimited but in their terms it says they'll suspend your account if you exceed reasonable use and they don't tell you what this is.

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List Of Good Hosters With Good TELEPHONE Tech Support

May 6, 2008

I'd like to start an ongoing thread here listing the 'Good Hosters with Good TELEPHONE tech support'. In other words, out of the 1,000s of host companies, this may cut it down to less than a dozen.

( And for all you Hosters out there who really want your company to grow, and want to know how, - it's easy: just read here.)

Good telephone support is the #1 ultimate requirement, because:

-It's a lot faster and easier for both the user and the host company, because you can state and answer all questions and clarifications on the spot, you don't need to continually pass new emails with new questions and clarifications, back and forth for days on end, until the issue is solved. It saves tech time and user's time. And saves a lot of nerves.

- It's the best way to sort the good guys from the bad. A bad company isn't going to bother to answer the phone, - or will make you wait way too long, - because they are likely getting endless complaints. The good guys are always ready to answer the phones, with a friendly voice, - because they really WANT to please the customer.

- If a company can't be bothered to pick up the phone, we can't be bothered to even consider them. They're a joke, and so won't be listed here on this thread. (So, before adding or listing any Hosters here, please verfify that they do have Good, quick, friendly, telephone support,; ideally 24/7, but 9am to 10pm might be acceptable, if it was supplemented by some emergency contact.

- Hoster ALSO needs good EMAIL support (and preferably, Chat online, extended hour availability). (I spend a lot of time overseas). It sems all emails should get a non-automated response within about an hour, - and then support should jump on fixing any problem.

I only need support a few times a year. To answer some questions, or fix a problem, or do an install. That's lesss than 1 hour total, so any company paying maybe $18/hour tech support should be able to handle this. It IS reasonable to charge a custm for extended calls, beyond say, 90minutes a year, IF you don't count the 80%? Of times an issue is the Hoster;s fault of stmg gone wrong, and don't count the 'hold' times.

- Uptime
- site Speeds
- Monthly plans, no contract (Only a dishonest host will try to force you into a contract, where they can then ignore you.)
- Reasonable price. (? Maybe $12 to $18/month for a basic business site. We don't need massive bandwitdths, - we all know that's an overselling scam, and can't ever be delivered.)
- a good upgrade plan of bigger options. Maybe even VPS.
- Dedicated IP, and availbility of SSL
-PHP 5, mysql, phpMyAdmin, etc
- cPanel ( Some Hosts are using problematic panels, like Hsphere, which are slow to load, slow in operation, require many more clicks, have too many options, spread apart on many separate pages. Time is money, and this really slows down the ability of a small business to manage his own site in effective time. For example, one WHT user wrote somewhere: "I don't feel that HSphere's interface is nice at all, although I have worked with cPanel and DA all my life... I just found it to include un-necessary features or split features up in to different hard to find pages, such as backups - mysql backups you had to find on a completely different page than file backups, and then there were options to have it in the home directory or server-end backup, in which then you had to wait a good 10 minutes before it was ready. cPanel, just hit backup and hit download and instantly it does everything you need...".

I have used several hosters. Currently on and Godad, which have phone support, and mediocre service.

My LIST So Far:
- Liquidweb: a very impressive company with good, 24 hour support. But to get dedicated IP, you need to go with their $25/month plan. Yikes!
- A very small company. My call was returned, and the owner chatted with me for an hour on the phone! Plans have small bandwidth, but promises No overselling, and personalized attention. Extra $5 for dedi IP. He specializes in Small business sites, and small eCommerce sites. He has only 250 accounts, on 3 servers. He rents servers from the Equinox data center of Chicago. Seems exceptionaly honest.
- MegaHosters. Excellent phone support and WHT reviews. But company was taken over by another company, and so may well go downhill in future. Another problem: uses Hsphere.
- Steadfast. Has a good rep on WHT, and seems impressive. Tech answered the phone immediately, but they say they prefer emails. Sales phone has limited hours. Good price on $20 SSL. But, uses Hshhere.
- JodoHost 24 hour phone. But, uses Hsphere. An Indian company with office in Florida, and good rep. I like the idea of outsourcing phone support, if it makes it more available and affordable. But, the accent on the phone was very hard for me to understand, so maybe this might not work.....
- Hostgator. Yes, it's a big overseller, but seems to get good reviews/results anyway, and good phone support.
- ? ThePrimeHost ?? Mostly good WHT reviews; some dissenters. Site says 24hour phone, but when I called on several nights, no one ever answered...
- Can anyone add to this list? Please list only hosts that meet the above minimum requirements of phone support, etc. Especially useful is hosters you've tried.
- Avoid Arvixe. I had a horrid experience with them, here: [WHT forum]:/showthread.php?p=5097822#post5097822
- Avoid WebHostingBuzz. This company never returned my phone msessage inquiries.

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Using A VPS To Give Off Shells

Apr 11, 2008

I am trying to make a free shell service, and i was wondering if it was possible using a FreeBSD VPS, with CPanel, and additional IPs. Or would a dedicated server be required to do that?

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Can Any One Give Me A List Of Non Over Reseller?

Mar 10, 2008

I can see that almost all the web hosting companies have been overselling. Can anyone give some suggestion.Tell me a couple of non overseller.

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Pc-Core Won't Give Refund

Jun 2, 2008

I've sent in for my refund over 7 days ago and still nothing. I've also got a ticket here which hasn't been replied to within 72hours. Pc-Core just give me my refund all I want is my money. I'm sorry you might be busy or something but just give me my money.

I've been waiting forever you should just give me my money!

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How To Give All Resources To MySQL

Aug 16, 2008

I got a dedicated server running, which is administered by DirectAdmin, which I mainly use as a mysql server. Now my question would be, what would I do to give all resources possible to mySQL? I mean I donīt wanna take down directadmin and setup mySQL only, so I want to keep directadmin but give almost all server resources to mySQL?

What I did so far is adjust all tables, do indexes and stuff.

The background is that at certain times I face server loads of 40 caused by many external servers of mine querying the mySQL database on the server I am talking about.

So while the load is mainly below 0.1 it sometimes goes up to 40. So this peak I wanna slow down a little bit by giving all resources to mySQL. To say that beforehand splitting the queries from external servers is not an option - they all need to be done at the same time.

So I would really be interested and thankful in what you would advice to do to optimize the mySQL service?

BTW system is running on debian.

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Anyone Can Give Me A Free Hosting Site?

Apr 30, 2009

My quetsion is just the title,i have not build a website by myself,and i have not enough money to do it.

Now i want to creat a site,so could you tell me which site have free host,and it support php and sql.

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Pronet Give Their Homepage A Revamp

Jun 1, 2009

The'v changed their homepage design and this time I personally think that the old design was a bit better than the new one,This one might work In terms of performance but I personally think that the new design might not work out pretty well.

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Should You Give Your Password To The Support Agent

Apr 6, 2009

My dedi host, was having all sorts of problems with simply just setting up a box, taking them roughly a week, and I'm still waiting for a resolution.


Windows validation failed, I contacted them to open up a ticket, They wanted the password to root because I've changed the default password they gave me, so I gave them the password

(1)Should I not be doing this, or do you have to give them the password when they ask.
(2)Can this have been resolved without giving them password to root.

They said it'd be resolved in an hour, I emailed them back and they said they'll email me when it's done. But they've closed off the ticket.

(3)Issue hasn't been resolved, how's anyone going to be working on it if the ticket is closed? Shouldn't that ticket be left open till the issue is resolved?

Wow I'm so green behind the ears with all this stuff.

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Just Wanted To Give JaguarPc A Recommendation

Jul 21, 2008

I've been with JaguarPc since 1999 and I just realized that through all my years here I never gave them a shout out. These guys are very helpful and it's amazing the type of service they offer for the money. I have 2 virtual private servers with them and absolutely no issues. They manage the entire server for me for $33.95 a month. So if anybody needs good hosting:


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Should I Give Up VPS And Go Back To Share Hosting

Nov 26, 2007

I know nothing of server management, nothing about how to manage my VPS Can't even install a simple software and do not know how to secure my VPS on the other hand I am so busy I can't learn at least for a few months have trouble

Should I go back to share hosting?

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Apache Won't Terminate Connections, We're About To Give Up!

Apr 19, 2007

I've got an older "Super Server P4" series server @ ThePlanet - it's been a great box for years. We recently upgraded php4 to php5 and did a mysql upgrade as well. Ever since, randomly, without warning, Apache stops terminating connections, so the max connections fills up, and httpd won't respond. Apache doesn't stop running, it just max's out and stops accepting new connections, so customers assume the server is "down", although email/FTP work fine.

The server never crashes, the loads stay down, but httpd just fills up and won't accept more connections. We can't increase max connections (we actually DECRESED IT), because they'll just keep piling up, never terminating, and then ultimately, it will crash the box.

My admin has worked for nearly 2 weeks trying to figure it out, and Scott (AtomicRocketTurtle) and his team have been evaluating it for about a week - it's happened 3x in 2 days ... last night, httpd quit responding for about 7+ hours and since we didn't have httpd monitoring, we never knew until the office opened this AM and I had two very angry customers. Scott suspects it may be some rogue application that triggers it that didn't affect it prior to the php5/mysql upgrades.

Both Scott and Parm, my admin, have about thrown in the towel and are recommending we retire the server and migrate to a new box.

It's older - much older .. I'm pasting specs below, RHEL3, Plesk 7.5 .. but just wonder, before retiring an old server that was RUNNING GREAT prior to the upgrade, maybe someone has seen this happen before?

If so - PLEASE LET US KNOW before I spend the $$$ on a new box.

Current box's specs:

CPU GenuineIntel, Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
Version psa v7.5.4_build75060118.18 os_RedHat el3
OS Linux 2.4.21-47.0.1.ELsmp
RAM: 1GB, with 2GB swap
apache 1.3.31
bind 9.2.4-20.EL3
coldfusion Component was not installed
coldfusion-support 7.3-2.96.128
courier-imap 3.0.8-rhel3.build75050824.12
drweb 4.32.2-rh7_psa
drweb-qmail 4.32-rhel3.build75050824.12
httpd 2.0.46-61.ent
jdk 1.4.2
logrotate 3.7
mod_perl 1.99_09-10.ent
mod_python 3.0.3-5.ent
perl-Apache-ASP 2.57-rhel3.build75050824.12
phpmyadmin 2.5.3
phppgadmin 2.4.2
postgresql 7.3.6-7
postgresql-server 7.3.18-1
proftpd 1.2.9
psa 7.5.4-rhel3.build75050824.12
psa-agent 1.3.2-2_psa7.1
psa-api-rpc 7.5.4-rhel3.build75050930.11
psa-bu 7.5.4-rhel3.build75050926.17
psa-horde 3.0.5-rhel3.build75050824.12
psa-imp 4.0.3-rhel3.build75050824.12
psa-logrotate 3.7-rhel3.build75050824.12
psa-manual-custom-skin-guide 7.5.4-rhel3.build75050824.12
psa-migration-manager 7.5.4-rhel3.build75050930.11
psa-proftpd 1.2.10-rhel3.build75050824.12
psa-qmail 1.03-rhel3.build75050824.12
psa-qmail-rblsmtpd 0.70-rhel3.build75050824.12
psa-spamassassin Component was not installed
psa-tomcat-configurator 7.5.4-rhel3.build75050824.12
psa-turba 2.0.3-rhel3.build75050926.17
qmail 1.03
rblsmtpd 0.70
samba 3.0.9-1.3E.12
spamassassin 3.1.3-1
SSHTerm 0.2.2-rhel3.build75050824.12
stunnel 4.04-4
tomcat 4.1.24-full.2jpp
webalizer 2.01_10-15.ent

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Any Provider Give Over 100gig Of Space

Oct 24, 2007

do any vps providers give over 100gig of space and 20mbs

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Can I Lock A File From Being Downloaded Even If I Give Someone Ftp Access

May 22, 2009

if i can lock a file from being downloaded or viewed in ftp editor even if i give some one ftp access?

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How Do I Give Limited Access To Linux Users

Feb 24, 2008

I have taken over management of a bunch of a dedicated servers and have a question.

What are the commands on Linux (RedHat, RHL) for giving a User access rights to a directory(ies) only.

So that this user can FTP and Telnet to the server but will be able to:

1- only upload files to these directory(ies)

2- only delete files/dirs from these directory(ies)

3- only execute programs residing in these directory(ies)

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LiquidWeb Hosting GIVE Honest Review

Nov 27, 2008

What you guys think about liquidweb hosting?

how fast the speed is? i have doubt because when i visit their main page are slow but i read some feedback its good

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Give User Permission To Compile (cpanel)

Feb 15, 2008

I'd like to give my username on my server permission to access g++ to compile custom C++ programs. I know I can just su - and compile as root, but I really don't like that.

What do I need to do to allow ONLY my username permission to do that?

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Apache :: Give Someone Access To Modify Settings Through WHM?

Nov 13, 2013

I have WHM and Cpanel on my dedicated server. Is there a way to give them access to change this? I dont want then to have access to everything either.

Edit your httpd.conf file.

Timeout 50
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 120
KeepAliveTimeout 10
MinSpareServers 10
MaxSpareServers 20
StartServers 16
MaxClients 125
MaxRequestsPerChild 5000 

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FastCGI Randomly Give Internal Server Error

Apr 17, 2009

I have the same error mentioned in this old tread:

Once in a while the user have "Internal server error"

when accessing any php page.

The php is php v4 compile as fastcgi on Centos 5.

The warning/error sequins is always like this:

[Fri Apr 17 09:09:49 2009] [warn] FastCGI: (dynamic) server "/home/fastcgi-scripts/abc.fcgi" (pid 22726) termination signaled
[Fri Apr 17 09:09:49 2009] [warn] FastCGI: (dynamic) server "/home/fastcgi-scripts/abc.fcgi" (pid 22726) terminated by calling exit with status '0'
[Fri Apr 17 09:09:49 2009] [error] [client] FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server "/home/fastcgi-scripts/abc.fcgi", referer:

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How Can A Hosting Company Give Away A Free Domain Name For Life

May 30, 2008

I am just curious, I know that it is a great customer retention hook, but really, and how about unlimited bandwidth? This is my first post on the forum, and I will be asking many more questions as I want to get the inside scoop before I take the reseller plunge.

At first glance it seems as though the advertising is throughout the site and not just in the advertisement section. I know it's only $7.95, but for life? I guess if they're paying for 2 years at a time, but month to month there is no way. They would end up with a ton of registered domains, and allot of parked domains. Oh well just thought I would ask.

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How Can I Give A Customer Access To His Specific Domain On Godaddy

Apr 14, 2008

I have an account on godaddy, with more than 20 domains registered and well, so far i have been in charge of the updates of these domains and the websites they represent. But now I have this customer who is asking me to have access to his specific domain so he can upload files by him self, the thing is that i dont have a clue of how to do it. I tried to create a new account in godaddy for this customer and tried to transfer this domain into his account and I was not allowed to. I cannot give him my username and psw cause he wont only have access to his website but all those i have registered under my account. I will really appreciate some advises to help me work this out.

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