Good Webhosts Not Effected By The DMCA

Feb 27, 2009

I just had the pleasure of having my entire host containing multiple sites,being suspended by Godaddy because someone sent them a notice of infringement. Even though I had resolved the issue with the copyright holder 8 hours before Godaddy suspend the host.

Which brings me to my question, anyone know of a host that's reliable, well priced and not effected by the DMCA?

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Can Any GOOD Webhosts In The UK Give This ?

Jun 29, 2007

Speaking from personal experience only, who are the good, helpful hosts, who can give a reseller account, with servers physically located in the UK, giving 20Gb Bandwidth and 1Gb Disk space, has excellent email support (in English!!!!!) within 20 minutes of sending the email, full access to Cpanel including access to HTAccess, all for less than 20 pounds a month.

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If The DMCA Is US...

Jun 8, 2009

Im trying to get abit more information, if the DMCA is a US law/ agreement whats the british version or european version?

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Changing Webhosts

Oct 25, 2009

I'm changing my webhost after getting screwed around with countless downtimes and now their own site is completely down.

I'm looking for a new host, and had been looking at alot of review sites. After looking at a few of them, found that they were obviously fakes with almost 100% good reviews for some hosts, completely dissing some other hosts, and the complete opposite on some other sites.

Looking for recommendations for your own host, do state your site too so I can try out the response.


excellent uptime
responsive support + live support chat
h-sphere preferred, but not a must have (I like having subdomains in directories at the same level as domains)
does not ridiculously overload their servers (well, who can tell?)
good site response time
budget at 10usd per month
allows many domains/sites, no need for super high bandwidth as I just host many small sites
PHP with .htaccess access + imagemagick/gd

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Registrars Or Webhosts

Feb 27, 2009

Anyone know where I can get <2MB of webspace + DNS hosting and a .su domain, as cheap as possible? The normal registrars/hosts don't sell them

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Way To Partner With WebHosts

Mar 31, 2009

know what the best way is to go about approaching webhosting companies regarding our 'CloudBased' solution that fits into CPanel.

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ThePlanet DMCA

Jun 8, 2009

First off thank you WHT for providing these forums and please forgive me for my first post being a huge rant!

We have contacted ThePlanet multiple times with DMCA requests to have a website remove illegal copies of our software from their website. The website is (*****.com *removed link*), and ThePlanet hosts them.

This issue has been ongoing for over 10 days, our original DMCA from them was ignored.

We resent another on Tue June 2, 2009, that one was responded to. Either no one from ThePlanet bothered to visit the warez website or they encourage warez on their networks because the website is still up; they initially removed links to our software but added new ones hours later.

We contacted ThePlanet again hours later with our email again to be disregarded. We sent another reply last Friday, ThePlanet responded back that our email was not in proper DMCA format; but do not bother to see the entire website is nothing but warez. Do these guys just not care that warez is on their network? I didn't realize the economy has gotten so bad they now cater to warez websites.

Visit the website and see that is has full ISO copies of Windows and other software, has full dvdrip movies and copies of games, as well as crack patches and keygenerators.

Why is it that ThePlanet allows these websites to operate and that their AUP is a total joke? Obviously if you want to distribute warez ThePlanet seems like the best place to do it.

We also hosted our websites on ThePlanet but intend to cancel service with them due to this issue. I encourage anyone that is a software developer and uses ThePlanet to also dump their service.

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DMCA And HostGator

Sep 17, 2008

I contacted HostGator a few days ago in regards to a website being hosted on their network. The blog post had a link to a decompiler that would decompile applications written by a certain program. The responses I received from Richard F. (Network Security Administrator) of HostGator was not what I expected.

At first, Richard F. wants to see the EULA of the software that the decompiler is made for. So, I send him the URL and even quote the EULA. It states, "Neither you nor any third party may modify, adapt, decompile or reverse engineer the Games." In addition, I pointed Richard to the author's blog where the author is not happy about the decompiler as people can use it to steal and ripoff games and applications written with this software. Richard F. then defends the decompiler by stating the following:

"Well, this is a complicated situation. Having the decompiler available is in itself not any violation of the EULA. However, if someone uses it then it's a violation of that EULA. Making the decompiler available solely as a source of information is not in any way infractionary, this has been held up in court cases with companies such as Microsoft."

It seems he is trying to use some alleged loophole of having it available for "information purposes only" does not make it illegal or a violation of HostGators TOS/AUP. I then notify him that it is also a DMCA violation as the only reason for reverse engineering per the DMCA is if the software is no longer available nor the author available. Neither of these conditions are met as the software that is decompiled is still being made and the community that uses the software is active. Richard F. then makes the following illogical analogy:

"Yes it could be seen as a violation of the DMCA. However, again, as an informational source, it is not in any violation. If we wanted to go on a tangent and say that this tool was written in, say C#, we could then hold Microsoft liable for creating both the C# language and an IDE to allow someone to write this tool. But they're not liable for what is created with or done with their tools, they merely provide them. This is where we are in this situation. Simply providing the information is not illegal."

Firstly, no one ever went on any tangent. Next, his analogy makes no sense. The fact of the matter is that the website being hosted on HostGator's network is distributing a decompiler that circumvents security measures in a program. People that use this particular software to compile their games and applications can have their source code revealed by a person simply running this decompiler.

I guess Richard F. is not used to dealing with techniaclly adept people. Therefore, he pulls a bunch of technical BS out of his gator butt and expects me to believe it.

I have forwarded this issue to The Planet as well as to the author that made the software being decompiled. I have notified him of HostGator condoning the use and distribution of this decompiler. I think it's pretty sad when a hosting company starts to defend immoral and unethical activities. And to think, this joker is actually has the position of "Network Security Administrator." He sounds like some kid barely out of high school computer science class.

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Are There Webhosts In New Orleans

Aug 24, 2008

More importantly, do I need a local webhost? Does it make a difference in speed?

I'm using the Bravenet thing because it was free and easy. But now I need to set up a vBulletin for computer repair and I only know how to navigate php in CPanel. (I had a bad experience with Plesk a few years ago)

Bottom line: I'd like to know if there's any local webhosts, that have servers in New Orleans that can get me on the CPanel.

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What Are Your Top 3 Worse Webhosts

Jul 9, 2008

I started the top 3 best thread now lets do your worse webhosts.

In my opinion i have not had any really bad hosts.

Drgservers i wasen't 100% happy about was there customer support lacked.

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Hoster Who Does Not Comply With DMCA

Apr 25, 2009

my host freaked up when getting a letter from a company about DMCA, and quickly shut my site down.

Does anyone know of a dedicated server hoster who does not jump the gun and shut down sites from a little Cease and Desist letter for around 299 EUR a month?

The site gets roughly in the thousands of hits per day.

(Off-shore hosting is fine too)

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DMCA Notice With Softlayer

Oct 25, 2009

I have sent a DMCA notice to softlayer because I saw warez forum thats abusing USA laws and they are giving away lots of hacked rapidshare accounts to its users. So I have made my complaint but I didnt said what infringed my copyrights. And softlayer can see the warez site and decide them selves.

So this what I got in reply after 2 weeks-


Please review our DMCA procedures which follow the OCILLA. Also note, the sworn statements and all other information listed on our DMCA page are not only required but mandatory for any DMCA report. This will allow you to specifically identify the intellectual property that you own and is being infringed upon, which is required by law.

There are many verified third party DMCA/COPYRIGHT agencies who act on behalf of the intellectual property holders who can verify and submit these claims on behalf of the intellectual property owners. This will insure that legally, the intellectual property owner and the ISP is protected in the event of an account termination.

Softlayer DMCA information [url]



And they didnt took any actions against that site and what I see is that warez site is operating till now on softlayer servers. Looks like softlayer didnt warned the site admins too. 1 month passed after my complaint and its still operating.

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SEO Hosting - Same As Multiple Webhosts

Mar 20, 2009

Just found out about "SEO Hosting", such as:

and many more...

Is this hosting just the same as getting accounts on 10 different webhosts to get different class C IP, or is there any advantages to choose a "SEO host"?

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Why Criticize The Overselling Webhosts

May 8, 2008

I am owner of a web hosting company with a plan with overselling and I see plenty of criticism lately for resources that we offer.

In the country where we work, offer such a plan has allowed us to grow our business and invest in infrastructure that other web hosting companies can not afford. We have a large number of servers (Dell 2950, Xeon Octo Core, +8GB, Large RAID 10, ISCSI remote backups) and a network increasingly large/quick.

In addition we have highly qualified technical staff and technical support 24/7.

All this (managed correctly) allows us to accommodate all types of customers even if they have a relatively high use of resources. In conclusion, our customers are generally very satisfied.

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OVH DMCA/Abuse Address

Nov 13, 2008

Does anyone have the abuse/DMCA complaint email for OVH as I need to file a complaint but cant find it.

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Provider With DMCA Complain

Dec 6, 2008

We recently discovered another host had stole parts of our page and use it as theirs. Right now we are currently looking to contact it's service provider to submit the DMCA complain. However we have no success of contacting their provider XO. So now we are looking to contact their actual provider (reseller of XO) but we were unsuccessful in finding such info. If anybody here could give us a hand?

The site in question.[url]compare to ours[url]
as you can see the table is identical.

Their IP-
XO Communications XOXO-BLK-11 (NET-209-31-0-0-1) -
SECURE-24 XOXO-209-31-112-0 (NET-209-31-112-0-1) -
# ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2008-12-05 20:12
Have sent in a claim as instructed on this page [url], but havn't heard a reply yet.

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Blacklists - Spam - Webhosts

Mar 10, 2007

Anyone know where to find the publicly available blacklists, that are mentioned on the link below please?


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How Well Does ThePlanet Handle DMCA Complaints?

Dec 10, 2008

How well does handle DMCA complaints?

Recently got shafted by a client for over $30K (3 months of work plus our own out of pocket expenses). To make matters worse, this crook took the PHP source code which my company offers as a hosted solution and installed it on a dedicated server at

I have sent DMCA take down notices to theplanet, following their procedure (which is the standard legal procedure) but they have not done anything to the perpetrator. He has managed to spring up 2 websites already, and is no doubt planning to launch more.

Not sure if anyone else has been in this type of situation but I need to get something done about this. I have no doubt in my mind that even if theplanet did shut his sites down, or at least wiped the infringing software from the disks, he would jump over to another host and do the same thing again. My company doesn't have time to waste chasing him around, however the software he has contains a lot of proprietary code that we created and was never intended to be public.

So far both of the domains that he is using have Network Solutions as the registrar. Does Netsol assist with this kind of thing? Hopefully someone with similar experience can chime in with some advice.

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DMCA Friendly Streaming Server

Mar 23, 2009

We run into DMCA problems (Windows Media Streaming) 3-4 times a year and most of these requests come for content that are not even governed by US laws.We currently have Ecatel and they have been good with DMCA but their quality has been a major drawback (Stream buffering big time, even for a dedicated server)

We are looking for a Windows server 2003 streaming server with at least 100Mbps dedicated unmetered connection (will upgrade to 500 or even 1Gbps dedicated if the quality is reasonable).

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InterServer Doesn't Care About DMCA

Apr 27, 2009


Mods, Please put this in correct section.

There is a website hosted on a server provided by This website is copying lot of data, which is copyrighted information of my client.

I have filed DMCA against the guy who is copying with, but they have not responded for 5 days.

The guy running the site has given fake contact information and whois is private. The hosting company is also with some fake contact information.

And, the server provider doesn't respond.

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Which Webhosts Offers Real Unlimited Shared Or Dedicated Hosting?

Mar 26, 2007

which webhosts offers "real" unlimited shared or dedicated hosting? alot of companies say unlimited but in their terms it says they'll suspend your account if you exceed reasonable use and they don't tell you what this is.

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List Of Good Hosters With Good TELEPHONE Tech Support

May 6, 2008

I'd like to start an ongoing thread here listing the 'Good Hosters with Good TELEPHONE tech support'. In other words, out of the 1,000s of host companies, this may cut it down to less than a dozen.

( And for all you Hosters out there who really want your company to grow, and want to know how, - it's easy: just read here.)

Good telephone support is the #1 ultimate requirement, because:

-It's a lot faster and easier for both the user and the host company, because you can state and answer all questions and clarifications on the spot, you don't need to continually pass new emails with new questions and clarifications, back and forth for days on end, until the issue is solved. It saves tech time and user's time. And saves a lot of nerves.

- It's the best way to sort the good guys from the bad. A bad company isn't going to bother to answer the phone, - or will make you wait way too long, - because they are likely getting endless complaints. The good guys are always ready to answer the phones, with a friendly voice, - because they really WANT to please the customer.

- If a company can't be bothered to pick up the phone, we can't be bothered to even consider them. They're a joke, and so won't be listed here on this thread. (So, before adding or listing any Hosters here, please verfify that they do have Good, quick, friendly, telephone support,; ideally 24/7, but 9am to 10pm might be acceptable, if it was supplemented by some emergency contact.

- Hoster ALSO needs good EMAIL support (and preferably, Chat online, extended hour availability). (I spend a lot of time overseas). It sems all emails should get a non-automated response within about an hour, - and then support should jump on fixing any problem.

I only need support a few times a year. To answer some questions, or fix a problem, or do an install. That's lesss than 1 hour total, so any company paying maybe $18/hour tech support should be able to handle this. It IS reasonable to charge a custm for extended calls, beyond say, 90minutes a year, IF you don't count the 80%? Of times an issue is the Hoster;s fault of stmg gone wrong, and don't count the 'hold' times.

- Uptime
- site Speeds
- Monthly plans, no contract (Only a dishonest host will try to force you into a contract, where they can then ignore you.)
- Reasonable price. (? Maybe $12 to $18/month for a basic business site. We don't need massive bandwitdths, - we all know that's an overselling scam, and can't ever be delivered.)
- a good upgrade plan of bigger options. Maybe even VPS.
- Dedicated IP, and availbility of SSL
-PHP 5, mysql, phpMyAdmin, etc
- cPanel ( Some Hosts are using problematic panels, like Hsphere, which are slow to load, slow in operation, require many more clicks, have too many options, spread apart on many separate pages. Time is money, and this really slows down the ability of a small business to manage his own site in effective time. For example, one WHT user wrote somewhere: "I don't feel that HSphere's interface is nice at all, although I have worked with cPanel and DA all my life... I just found it to include un-necessary features or split features up in to different hard to find pages, such as backups - mysql backups you had to find on a completely different page than file backups, and then there were options to have it in the home directory or server-end backup, in which then you had to wait a good 10 minutes before it was ready. cPanel, just hit backup and hit download and instantly it does everything you need...".

I have used several hosters. Currently on and Godad, which have phone support, and mediocre service.

My LIST So Far:
- Liquidweb: a very impressive company with good, 24 hour support. But to get dedicated IP, you need to go with their $25/month plan. Yikes!
- A very small company. My call was returned, and the owner chatted with me for an hour on the phone! Plans have small bandwidth, but promises No overselling, and personalized attention. Extra $5 for dedi IP. He specializes in Small business sites, and small eCommerce sites. He has only 250 accounts, on 3 servers. He rents servers from the Equinox data center of Chicago. Seems exceptionaly honest.
- MegaHosters. Excellent phone support and WHT reviews. But company was taken over by another company, and so may well go downhill in future. Another problem: uses Hsphere.
- Steadfast. Has a good rep on WHT, and seems impressive. Tech answered the phone immediately, but they say they prefer emails. Sales phone has limited hours. Good price on $20 SSL. But, uses Hshhere.
- JodoHost 24 hour phone. But, uses Hsphere. An Indian company with office in Florida, and good rep. I like the idea of outsourcing phone support, if it makes it more available and affordable. But, the accent on the phone was very hard for me to understand, so maybe this might not work.....
- Hostgator. Yes, it's a big overseller, but seems to get good reviews/results anyway, and good phone support.
- ? ThePrimeHost ?? Mostly good WHT reviews; some dissenters. Site says 24hour phone, but when I called on several nights, no one ever answered...
- Can anyone add to this list? Please list only hosts that meet the above minimum requirements of phone support, etc. Especially useful is hosters you've tried.
- Avoid Arvixe. I had a horrid experience with them, here: [WHT forum]:/showthread.php?p=5097822#post5097822
- Avoid WebHostingBuzz. This company never returned my phone msessage inquiries.

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Good Avocado Really Good

Oct 20, 2008

Any experience with Good Avocado and their reseller plan?

What about Thinkhost, good avocado is partnering with?

Wind and solar energy, it sounds all good, the reseller plan is awesome.

Any real life experience?

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Dec 1, 2008

I have dedicated servers - which are overkill as I only host 10 sites (small). I am now looking to move to a VPS solution and would like to know if anyone can recommend a good UK company (that offers true UK hosting) with good uptime and support?

Cpanel and Unix VPS, but may also require windows vps - so a company that offers both will be beneficial, but long term view to migrate over to Linux

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The Ny Noc - Good Or Bad

Apr 14, 2008

does anyone have any views of The NY Noc they could share with me, before I shift my site over there (and hope for the best) ?

I know they've been around a while, but I heard some bad stuff about their VPS servers,

I want to make sure I'm going for some good hosting..

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How Good Is 128 MBs VPS

Jun 7, 2007

my web site has about 4,000 pageviews and currently working fine on shared host. i plan to build a forum to support my products. i just want to know if the 128 MBs VPS is good plan for my web site?

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What Is A 512 MB VPS Good For

Nov 28, 2007

I am considering the following VPS:

40 GB Disk Space
Fairshare of a Dual Xeon/Opteron CPU
512 MB Dedicated RAM
2 GB Burstable RAM
750 GB Premium Transfer
Fully Managed

I have about 10 sites that run straight HTML and 5 WordPress low traffic sites (which obviously use a database). Will the server above support my needs adequately?

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Cheap Vps Is Good?

Aug 22, 2008

Is cheapvps a good provider for cheap vps'?

I searched and didn't find anything.

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LunarPages VPS Good Or Bad?

Jun 1, 2007

I need managed services since I don't know anything about server maintenance and I saw LunarHosts VPS (

The deal sounds pretty good - 1000 GB Bandwidth, 20 GB Space, PHP, MySQL and managed services for $50 a month.

I wanted to know if anybody has tried them out? Are they good? Is their a better value anywhere else?

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Is GoDaddy Any Good?

Sep 5, 2008

is GoDaddy any good?

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Is Bluehost Good?

Jun 6, 2009

I heard many blogger appreiate this company, but I a little hestitate to use their service because I have to pay one-year fee once.

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