Real Meaning Of RDNS Or The Real Function?

Oct 26, 2008

what is the real meaning of RDNS or the real function?

Because i have an account with reseller, then i need to hide the Name servers of a shared IP into my own name server IP.

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A Real Datacenter With Real 1 Or 2 Gig Real Internet Connection?

Aug 4, 2008

we have lots of web sites and traffic

our company needs real high bandwidth

we worked with layeredtech but it was not enough, too

do you have any advice? a real datacenter with real 1 or 2 gig real internet connection?

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Does Mod_cache Use Real Disk Space Or Real Memory To Locate "cache"?

May 18, 2009

does mod_cache use real disk space or real memory to locate "cache"? I mean if i use mod_cache, does my vps/server will use more disk space/memory?


mod_cache implements an RFC 2616 compliant HTTP content cache that can be used to cache either local or proxied content. mod_cache requires the services of one or more storage management modules. Two storage management modules are included in the base Apache distribution:

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VPS Is It As Real As It Seems

Nov 25, 2007

How do you really know, you get what you pay for

example I pay for half a dedi (1GB ram 50% CPU)

I see the full server ram in TOP 4gb most in use, who uses this?

I see high loads as well even tho it aint my bit

All I know is I could be on a server with more then 1 other, maybe 4 others etc..

Can any of the info be tempered with, false reading in TOP / beancounters

I was going to move to full dedi, but only 40GB space makes me think, as most dedi have far mor space

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Dotxm Real

Mar 27, 2009

I have been unable to talk to dotxm sales but after looking at there site it says they have been open since 2000 but there domain is registered in 2009. and there using a free template which worries me slightly if there using free templates after 9 years of buisness. So after not being able to contact sales or tech support has anyone used them or have reviews on them?

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Where Have All The REAL Hosts Gone

Mar 22, 2008

My company has 20+ clients ranging from small single-person businesses to medium-sized corporations. I've been hoping to eventually consolidate them under one hosting company.

Despite bad things I'd read, I THOUGHT I'd found a good home in Bluehost. Until yesterday. I'll leave out the story as it would be a short novel, but I'll just say that they proved to me that they are not a suitable host for an important corporate client, nor do they have any desire to be.

It's obvious to me that I need to stop looking at these discount hosting companies. But while my larger clients may be happy to pay a decent amount of money for reliable service and server admins who are willing to tweak a server setting for them on occasion, I also need to be able to provide a reliable host for my smaller clients who may be used to paying $6.95/month for hosting and don't want to go too much higher than that.

I see ad after ad for hosting companies, but that tells me nothing about how good a host really is. Asking on forums, searching the internet, you'll find everything from how great a host is to how they're the worst host on the internet. But you all know this.

Years back when I was first searching for hosting, I found a site that tracked hundreds of hosts and compared their pricing, services, support, uptime, etc. Are there any reputable sites like that these days?

Ideally, I'd like to find a host that offers it all - packages suitable for everything from small clients with tight budgets to larger corporations willing to spend what it takes for good service. I need extremely reliable hosting with tech support who will do whatever it takes to quickly solve problems and keep sites working properly. (Edited to add: 24 hour phone support is an absolute requirement, and 24 hour chat support is highly preferred along with that.) Does such a creature exist? If not, I'd be happy with one GOOD discount host and one GOOD corporate host. If there are any hosts out there who are well-known for their excellent service, I sure haven't found them. I'm very much open to suggestions.

I always tell my clients that my job isn't finished until they are 100% happy with the service I give them, and I want to be able to provide them with hosting where they will be treated just as well.

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Is EuroVPS A Real Company

Sep 22, 2009

I signed up with them for testing a project of ours, several days ago, nothing..

Emailed tech support this morning, they said they would look into it, 10 hours later, nothing.

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Do You Use Real Power Supplies

Aug 28, 2008

I've been wondering if datacenter owners would use good (real) power supplies, or cheap ones, in dedicated servers.

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Real Web Host - Disappointed

Jul 18, 2008

Just thought I would write a review of Real Web Host and how I came to be disappointed with them and there services.

I first came across Real Web Host some time ago, a friend had recommended them, and hosted a number of web sites with them.

After a period of time hosting with them I decided to leave to set up a project I was working on, I worked on my project for about a year but things did not work out so I decided to cut my losses and close the project down.

This left me needing hosting for a couple of web sites I still had so I went back to Real Web host last year and bought hosting for my 2 web sites.

During the last 4 or so months I kept getting problems with connecting to my web sites and FTP, they did not last for long but they seemed to be happening more frequently of late.

Now normally one would submit a ticket if something like this keeps happening but I didn't and my reasons for that is from my experience of replies to previously submitted tickets.

To clarify the above paragraph, when I submitted a ticket about a problem with my hosting I would often get a short and somewhat rude response saying there is no problem and to check again, obviously I would check again and the problem would have mysteriously have disappeared, this would be the scenario for many different problems I submitted tickets on, I would report a problem, they would reply saying there is no problem and miraculously the problem that I reported had disappeared.

Now I appreciate from time to time there may be problems with a hosting account but what I do not appreciate is being treated like an idiot when I report a problem with them fixing it and then telling me there was no problem to begin with and often they would do this in a condescending and rude manner.

Now due to my two experiences of hosting with Real Web Host and the current economic climate I find myself in I decided to cancel my accounts with them and move my 2 sites to where I could get the best value and services for my money.

I searched the Real Web Host web site for information on cancellations and came across the following page [url]

On this page it clearly states that: "Customers can cancel service any time and be refunded any full months that are pre-paid"

I had paid for both on my accounts a year in advance so I submitted 2 tickets to there billing department, one for each hosting account, informing them that I wished to cancel my hosting with them and that I respectfully requested a refund for the 2 full months that were remaining on each account, 4 months in all totalling $32

I received a reply asking why I had submitted 2 tickets on the same issue and that one was good enough, they also linked to there rules page and told me to read it with regard to cancellations and refunds.

I replied to them saying I had submitted 2 cancellation tickets because I was cancelling 2 hosting accounts, I also replied saying that I had read there rules page but that it contradicted another web page on there web site which says "Customers can cancel service any time and be refunded any full months that are pre-paid" I also linked them to the page.

The reply I got back was a quote from there rules page about cancellations and an instruction to read them again.

I then replied to that ticket saying that I had already read there rules page and did not need to read it again and I again linked them to the page on there web site that said "Customers can cancel service any time and be refunded any full months that are pre-paid" and I respectfully asked them to honour this and refund me for my unused months.

I got a reply back sating that the page I linked to was incorrect and that there rules page has been the same way for 5 years and it overrides any other information that I see or find on there site.

I took there latest reply to mean that they would not be honouring the statement on the page I linked them to on there web site that clearly states "Customers can cancel service any time and be refunded any full months that are pre-paid" and that no refund would be forthcoming.

In closing what started out as a good experience with Real Web Host turned into one of disappointment over time, with condescending and rude replies to tickets that often treated me like I was an idiot down to them not willing to give me a refund for my unused months even though it clearly stated on there web site that they would refund for any unused months.

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Anyone Dealt With Real-Hosts

Dec 16, 2008

Has anyone dealt with these guys or heard about them, was thinking of buying one of their dedicated packages but I'm a bit hesistant as it doesn't look very professional, I know looks aren't everything but I thought I'd ask to be safe.

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Real Audio Server

Jul 18, 2008

to stream rm files via rtsp , ie users will listen to songs using real audio player using rtsp://servername/...

I could find a free program but only with 10 licenses. Do you guys know how can I stream for free unlimited (atleast 100) streams. Helix ? Real Audio server ?

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What's The REAL Definition Of A Unique

Apr 29, 2007

Got a bit of a debate going here because I have a site that is showing wildly varied results for traffic between different trackers.

The three we are watching are:

extreme paid version



Extreme shows 70k uniques for this month while awstats is showing 16,555 then to make things even more confusing webalizer is showing 22564.

So that leads us to the question, what exactly is a unique and is there really any precise definition of how a unique should be counted. is it:

1. one unique IP visit for the whole site

2. one unique IP visit per page on the site

then on top of that we have to factor in the time frame so now is it:

1. one unique IP visit for the whole site per day

1. one unique IP visit for the whole site per month

3. one unique IP visit per page per day

4. one unique IP visit per page per month

Now some may say the above is being picky BUT how many site owners do you hear saying "I get 100,000 uniques per month". This comment alone begs for an answer to this question. I don't think I have ever heard someone come back at a comment like that with "Really, How do you count your uniques?"

With all the trackers out there and all the companies that are relying on accurate statistics to sell advertising and / or value the site this is one of THE grayest areas around ......

So again, the question is:

What the heck is the definition of a unique and for that fact is there one?

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Real World Testing

Feb 25, 2007

We have recently moved to a new datacenter and I was wondering if anyone on these forums could provide their experiences with "real-world" testing.

Upon move-in, we had a few issues. Obviously now the executives in the organization I work for are looking for justification for moving to the new colo.

software, or an online service that will stress test our current setup? Obviously I have MRTG, Awstats, and a few other of the most well known polling packages installed and working correctly, but what does everyone else use for stress testing?

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How Can This Be Done? IIS Multiple Vir. Dir. Or Real Folders

May 12, 2007

The scenerio is client want to enable unlimited URL for his individual customers.
Platform: W2K3 IIS6

I only know two ways doing it

1. Create a real folder /username1, /username2, but this will be real messy, and I remember there is a limitation for up to 36,000 sub-folders within a root folder under Windows (correct me if I am wrong)

2. Create virtual directories under IIS Manager using ASP/ASP.NET script, this is easiest, but having two problem.

a. If I have say 10,000 vir. dir., and then I try to expand that root folder under IIS manager, IIS manager will hang for sure.

b. Having such huge vir. dir will inevitably having a huge IIS Metabase, this means a great chance of corrupting it, so it's very dangrous.

I really hope someone can give me some hints how to do this in a scalable way? I know many Web2.0 site do this even using IIS6 ie, [url]

View 0 Replies View Related - DDOS Protection For Real?

Mar 29, 2009

About a year ago, I had been shopping around for dedicated server with good support and DDOS protection and finally decided to go with DMEhosting.

I am generally happy with their service as they usually reply in short time and prices are good, however, recently the server has been DDOS'ed (small attack) and the host is now requesting for extra charges although all of their packages mentioned "DDOS Protection: Yes".

Is this normal/fair reaction of hosts in general?

If not, how do I get the free DDOS protection they included in price.

Also, are there any other dedicated service providers with good DDOS protection and reasonable prices (Dual core, 2-4 GB RAM, 10 mbps unmetered, 200-300GB drive)?

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BibiHost Review: (by A Real Customer)

Nov 1, 2009

I am really happy that I found hosting. I have used their services for sometime and I am quite pleased with their servers.

3 Reasons why I am happy

Cheap - I mean really cheap, less than $10 per year

Proxy Hosting - They allow proxy hosting, to put it in their words any script is allowed as long as your activity is legal

Responsive Customer Service - I found their customer service fast and they do answer try to solve your problem by answering questions instead of sending canned replies.

At $10 per year this is enough to make any customer happy.

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Addressing My Real Domain To Wamp

Apr 30, 2009

I have purchased a domain, and installed WAMP on my local computer. Now, I want to attach the domain name to WAMP such that when I entered my designed site on WAMP on my computer, I'll see my own domain instead of C://localhost/.../...

I have been told that the company that owns my domain should address its DNS to my own DNS?

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What Is The Real Importance Of Server Location

Jan 5, 2009

I am almost ready to choose my host (as reseller) but I would like to know how is possible to determinate the importance of server location ?

In fact am located in Switzerland (middle Europe) and my targeted customer are especially located in my Switzerland, France and Belgium. In Europe is difficult to find nice host reason why I take a look for US hosting. It is a lot important to choose a host near my country ? It is just a story of access time to a website or something else ? Actually I have some website hosted in France and US but I don't see really a big big difference when a site load...It is a story of maybe 1 or 2 seconds more...and sometime the site hosted in France (and so more near to my location) take little more time to load..

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Check If It's Real Dedicated Server Box

Nov 24, 2008

if you rent a linux dedicated server from a server provider and you're provided with ssh access to the server,

how do you check and make sure that the ded server you're using is real ded server box, rather than a vps? let's just say that you are suspecting that the company is cheating on you.

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Creating A Real Mail Using A Domain Name

Jun 8, 2008

i have just asked about it a local hosting copany and they show unable to understand what i was asking in the beginning and to give me a proper reply when they finally did.

What i want is to create several mail accounts using my domain names (several mail accounts for each domain name using it)

The usual answer is to use mail forwarding that every registrar offer for free when you register a domain name with them.

So you get a

free mail account

domain name

and you create a forwarding such as to

then you give so they can write to you using that fake mail, the message will bounce in your registrar and will send it to

but what if i want a real mail because i want to write replies from that address.

With mail forwarding as long as i know you can receive mail using the fake mail forwarding address but as mail is not a real one you then are forced to reply from the real account behing the forwarding one

Can i do that, is that a service included in hosting plans or somewhere. Or am i wrong and its simpler than that.

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How To Check Server Real Space Available

Sep 2, 2008

may i know how to check it?

any php code can recommend?

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SAS6iR - Real Or Fake RAID

Dec 19, 2007

Is the SAS6iR on a Dell R200 under Linux a real hardware RAID solution or is it a fake-raid setup where the CPU ends up doing all the work? We are just looking at some and deciding if we should go with the onboard or put in a 3Ware 9xxxx

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How To Use A Large Mail Box In Real Life

Nov 6, 2007

I see that with 99% of hosting companies you can create your gibibyte email account (or even bigger). I have, but at one point when you have hundreds of emails, your email client gets really really slow if you use IMAP. Also, the search feature doesn't work very well, you search something that you know should return results but you get no results... If you use POP, you don't have these problems, but you can't access your mails from any computer, as you download them onto your local computer (and your mailbox is empty 99% of time).

In the end, Gmail, which is free, works better than a paid mailbox from a web hosting company because your inbox pops up instantly, when you search something, you get the search results in half a second. And you can use several gigs easily, it makes no difference.

How can I use a gibibyte mailbox with thousands of mails, lots of attachments, with a fast/efficient search feature, and have it working as fast as Gmail? Is IMAP flawed?

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Cloud Computing On Real Dedicated Server?

Jul 3, 2008

I noticed some cloud computing service providers, like, amazon, gogrid, etc. are all based on XEN server, is there any provider offers cloud computing on real dedicated server?

another question is, anyone knows the difference between traditional cluster and cloud computing. I did not see big difference based on their own description.

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Who Do You Think Is The Worst REAL Hosting Company On The Internet

Mar 25, 2009

So far seems to be the worst I've ever dealt with. I think they should fire the call centers they're hiring and actually find people to represent their company who actually care about their customers. All the people they are currently using sound so ignorant that I feel like I'm speaking to a robot. Through your personal experience, who do you think is the worst?

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Which DC Have The Real Ddos Protection For Website In US Or EUROPE

Jan 7, 2009

which DC have the real ddos Protection for website in US or EURO? gige,awk and staminus only can Protection IRC. and gige Protect application based attacks need $1500/month. and i think it is not a good idea. it is too much money. and i am worried it is not useful.

china have the real ddos Protection. but some website can not host in china.

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What's Real SATA2 Hard Drive Performance

Jul 31, 2008

how much traffic SATA 2 HDD can handle?

While transfer speed is 300 MB/s, it's really not possible to keep transfering data at those speeds 24/7? Or is it?

Wouldn't network line (100 mbps) die first?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: How To Set Nginx To Show Real IP

Mar 23, 2015

Is here a tutorial special for plesk 12 that show me how set nginx to show real visitor ip in access_log and php?

Actual nginx show for IPv6 visitors the own server IPv6 in access_log and php.

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Learn Apache Mod_rewrite: 13 Real-world Examples

Apr 8, 2009

Notice: This is a discussion thread for comments about the SitePoint article, Learn Apache mod_rewrite: 13 Real-world Examples.

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