Hosting For An Internet Radio

Feb 1, 2008

I've just picked up an interesting project, an internet radio.

Internet Radio is not something I've done before so I'm looking around for info on it :

1. The Kind of hosting for streaming that is required.

2. Any good hosts (not your own of course )

3. Any helpfull resources, tutorials, explanations etc on the subject.

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Starting An Internet Radio Station

May 7, 2009

I'm just a simple web designer at a non-profit organization in Canada. We are planning to start an Internet Radio Station with approximately 500 max simultaneous listeners and would like to seek some advice from more experienced people regarding this topic.

We do not have a set budget as long as the cost is reasonable. After much research, I have ruled out using full service providers like Live365 because of the huge costs involved in maintaining the service.

Running a server in our office as the stream source is also not a viable option because our allowed upstream will not support up to 500 listeners.

So I am left considering between two options:

1. Paying for a AutoDJ streaming service that will host and stream our music to a streaming server.

2. Paying for a VPS and install all the necessary applications involved for running our own AutoDJ and stream it to a streaming server.

This is were I am unsure how to proceed. Option 1 would be the easiest, however, I am having a difficult time finding a service provider who offers AutoDJ applications. I have only came across one I'm comfortable with using so far.

Option 2 seems the most cost effective, but I would have to go about installing all the applications required to run an Internet Radio station and I'm unsure how to go about doing that.

The general idea I got was that I will need to install a streaming server application and a source management application. So I was looking at IceCast for streaming and Centova for management. Will this be all I need? and how difficult will installation be?

Am I better off paying for installation?

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Internet Radio Shoutcast - Bandwidth

Nov 2, 2008

i own <<an internet radio station>> and im in need of some expert help im looking for a good deadcated server i push a high vol of listeners 3 months ago i was at 1.4 million listeners and was number 78 on shoutcast stats now im 144 <<removed>> i have had 2 deadcated servers and each time i was running to much bandwidth that's what they said and that i need to pay more money i need to find a company that can handle the load of my listeners

im also looking to maybe do a a paid subscription so is there any 1 here that know how to do authorization type stuff where people pay then they get a pass word and can log in and listen to the music if u can help me hit me up

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Hosting Home PC To Internet

May 5, 2008

I am having Tomcat 5.5.26 version running in my PC I want to Publish all to the internet. Moreover I am having static IP address and Domain Name.

The actual problem is : I am having the Internet Connection through the following way.

We are having the router which is connected with HUB. my PC is connected with HUB, There are another 4 PC's also connected with the HUB. now If I tried to open my domain name for example. http mydomain net it opens my routers home page but I need to open my PC's tomcat home page. How can I get this done.

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VPS For Radio Site

Apr 3, 2009

One of my client want to start a new radio site.So will a VPS work out for him?

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Online Web Radio

Oct 26, 2008

I'm in the process of putting together an online radio show, which will require live stream for a small audience at the beginning. I'm not familiar with online stream so I would like to hear from some of the expert on how to proceed.

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IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Hosting

Aug 12, 2007

Im looking to host an irc network, ill need a few VPS's in EU / USA. can anyone reccomend me some providers? im looking for fairly cheap, unmanaged.

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VPS Hosting Of An IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Bot

Sep 28, 2008

I currently have two servers with vaserve, one under the a2b2 brand and the other under the EpicVPS brand, which I am very happy with, but they don't allow the hosting of IRC or bots in any way.

I was wondering if anyone could suggest a (very) low cost (very) low spec plan that would allow me to host a single IRC bot. I'm looking for something around 64mb ram, and whatever disk/bandwidth you think would be enough for the bot.

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Wixed Internet - Excellent Hosting

Nov 3, 2008

Wixed is an amazing hosting company, never had or encountered downtime and if I have a question the staff is always there to help me out. And this for good prices.

- uptime: 10/10

- service: 10/10

- professionalism: 10/10

Overall the perfect host i've had!

Short but it has all you need to know.

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What Do I Need For This Website Online Radio

Jan 4, 2009

I am making a plan to make an website that will have an radio fucntion that will play whatever the user would like play, from what I have made available and the radio would have different channels. Also there will be an Forums section and an article section.

The article section woulbe be articles that I wrote.

I would like some advice on what technology should I used to acheieve my results. Also what type of web hosting would I need? From the above specs would I need a database?

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Internet Relay Chat (IRC) :: Channel Hosting

May 26, 2008

I am not the brightest when it comes to IRC. Ideally we want to create a "Chat Room" for our website members. We only need one room, so I am thinking a whole server is over kill However I am interested in knowing if not requiring a whole server, is there a service perhaps that allows us to have our own branded irc channel, IE: ?

I am only thinking IRC as we want our users to use the web based interface, and there is a plethora of these that can run through a java applet to the IRC channel. Or are there better solutions?

I am open to suggestions, we are only looking to have about 30 people in the chat room.

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Who Do You Think Is The Worst REAL Hosting Company On The Internet

Mar 25, 2009

So far seems to be the worst I've ever dealt with. I think they should fire the call centers they're hiring and actually find people to represent their company who actually care about their customers. All the people they are currently using sound so ignorant that I feel like I'm speaking to a robot. Through your personal experience, who do you think is the worst?

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Shared Hosting With Mysql Internet Access

Jan 14, 2009

I'm working with a non-profit and we're looking for an inexpensive hosting but we also need to be able to access MYSQL (port 3306) through the internet.

We use Crystal Reports and need to get to the database directly for reports.

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Looking For Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Allowed Dedicated Hosting

Jul 29, 2008

I'm looking for a good place to get a dedicated server from that allows IRC other than Staminus and has decent DDoS mitigation just to be safe. I would prefer total network bandwidth capacity to be no less than 10GB/s that pier with premium tier-1 bandwidth providers.

Processor: No less than a dual core
HDD: No less than 150GB HDD
IPs: 64 or 128 IP Addresses
No less than 1500GB/m bandwidth on 100MB

Budget: $150 - $190 USD

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Suitable Internet Speed For Dedicated Server Hosting About 30 VPS

Oct 16, 2009

What is the suitable internet speed for dedicated server hosting about 30 VPS?

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Is It Possible To Build An Automated Server That Could Record Radio From The Net

Nov 13, 2008

I run an online music archive site . Djs can upload their mixes to share and we also archive radio shows for people to listen back to.

Basically I was wondering if it would be possible to build a secondary server that could do this for me.

The secondary server could have multiple cast rippers running and could record internet radio shows, then once finished recording transfer it could send them over to my primary server to add to the website for people to download.

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Internet Relay Chat (IRC) :: VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting

Jul 28, 2007

I am looking for somewhere in the US or Canada that can host a VPS with the following requirements:

10gb space
256mb ram - burst 512mb
200gb bandwidth
2 ips (or 1 with cheap price for an extra ip)
Public IRC Capable (not linking with EFNet, etc.)

I've been searching for something that can meet my needs but I've been at a loss. BuyAVPS became a big issue, and I pulled out quickly before the most recent downtime, SolarVPS before that with their lovely billing problems and collection threats.

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ShoutCAST :: Radio Server With 500 Max Listeners At 320kbps Bitrate?

Sep 30, 2008

I have a question regarding shoutcast radios. How would you deal with a client who requires a radio server with 500 max listeners at 320kbps bitrate?

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TurnKey Internet

Apr 16, 2009

I recently placed an order (based on an add I found while browsing this forum) for a quad xeon. Everything went smoothly and their live support was very helpful. About 2 hours after receiving my confirmation I received an email containing a credit card form. The form is asking me to fill out everything I filled out during the billing process (including my credit card number, security code, and bank number). I know this form is basically a contract so they can bill me if I go over my bandwidth limit, but it seems pretty odd. Is this a normal thing or should I be weary about filling this out?

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Solid Internet

Sep 14, 2009

My site/e-mail/etc that is hosted by Solid Internet has been down for almost 2 weeks. This is causing me some major problems.

Their support forum doesn't work, their phones go straight to voicemail, their voicemail inbox is full, they don't respond to e-mails or support tickets. I'm not sure what else I can do to find out what the problem is?

I've only just renewed for a further year too so I'm not overly keen on flushing all that money down the toilet.

I don't think I have any site back ups, certainly no recent ones so I don't want to lose everything which I assume I'll need to do to move to a new host?

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Vps @ TurnKey Internet

Jan 17, 2009

first off i will start by saying, as you can see.. this is my first post. Normally i just browse around, but i had to sign up and post a brief thread, about the awesome service i have received over at TurnKey.

A few weeks before christmas break, i signed up with Turnkey VPS, which was quickly setup. I've never really worked with a vps before, or much with servers at all really.

But their prompt and detailed explanation of how things work inside the control panel really helped me out. Then, a week after christmas break, with the economy going south, i had got laid off from work. I sent them an email saying that i wished to cancel cause of my current job status, and was suprised to see that Adam, their president had emailed me back himself and offered me a 90 day free run till i could get back on my feet. and if at the end of the 90days i hadent got on my feet, i could cancel completly. Since then, my job had announced that it would only be set backs and not termination - so i still have my job, and i dont have to cancel anymore!

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Wholesale Internet

Dec 1, 2008

It has been 3 months and I have yet received my refund. If your server is up then its fine but I have contacted Aaron (great guy) 30+ times but he's always busy

Here's the issue. In ubersmith we have paypal + a spare credit card running. I setup a paypal subscription so I was to be billed automatically.

Ubersmith however was not tracking the subscription payments and instead billed our credit card.

This left me with double the charges for 3 months on my credit card and paypal ...

I have asked for a refund since September and have heard NOTHING.

I have vouched for Wholesale internet plenty but if this does not get taken care of Aaron I will be chargebacking every single charge for the last year ... maybe that'll get your attention

The billing department = Rebecca - a woman who neither answers the phone nor emails

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Wholesale Internet ..

Jul 25, 2008

We aquired a dedicated with wholesaleinternet a few months back. Other than slightly annoying but very short periods of downtime several times a week there were no major problems. Then the server became unreachable.

After many hours I finally get a tech response to my priority TT stating a fsck had to be performed. My initial worry was that the HD was failing as huge sectors should not be corrupt - certainly no software was running to cause this.

Over the next 2 weeks the server went down every 24-48 hours with exactly the same problem and the same resolution. Each time it took over 4 hours for a priority TT to be responded to and for the problem to be fixed. 8 hour waits were far from uncommon.

After pointing out the HD worries several times (what else could it be at this stage?) 2 weeks later the girl 'looking after the problem' finally agrees with us and agrees to replace the HD. I drag off any data I need (ie since the last backup) in a brief period of uptime and give her the go ahead. The server goes down again and over 48 hours later they tell me a new HD has been installed.

BEFORE the server went down for the final time we made it very clear that we simply cannot wait any longer and had no choice but to cancel our account. This was ignored and the HD changed anyway. We also made it clear that the huge problems caused should mean that there was no way we should require a month's notice to leave them. The downtime, huge delays in responding to priority tickets and inability of tech staff to recognise a simple HD failure means we need to go elsewhere. The downtime has cost us a LOT of money and several very good google results still have not recovered so the cost to us continues in a big way.

Despite the 2 weeks of more or less continual downtime causing us to have no choice but to switch hosts they now have the audacity to send debt collectors after us for not giving 1 months notice. On cancelling the account my reasons were made very, very clear and that given the situation I would not expect to need a months notice and certainly not to be charged.

So my advice...look elsewhere. There are some very professional companies about with competent tech staff and who give a damn about even their lower end customers.

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BQ Internet Corp.

Mar 28, 2008

I have used BQ Internet (bqbackup) for a dedicated server backup for months... On one occasion a while back, I started getting the now infamous "out of space" error message.

They fixed it, that time, fairly quickly telling me it was because they were "changing servers..."

Now, for the last two weeks, their server is telling me it's outta space, and I am getting absolutely no response from them whatsover...

I have sent emails using my regular email accounts plus sent emails using a gmail account.

Are they in some sort of trouble or something?

I guess I am going to have to look for another rsync backup provider...

"Offsite" backups are extremely important to me and my customers, and not having it available for two weeks is completely unacceptable.

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Wholesale Internet

Nov 21, 2008

I've been with wholesale internet services for a few months now and I must say working with Aaron (when available) has been a pleasure. However, working with anybody else on the team...Billing Departement I'm looking at you has been a COMPLETE Nightmare.

I orderded an extra IP Subnet range only to take it days (more than three) and a few tickets later to order. Their Billing/Sales department takes days to answer.

I then cancelled my services and was confirmed cancellation only to find out today that I've been billed and my credit card has been charged.

Not impressed with this incompetent operation. Aaron you do a great job but your team is nothing like you! I have yet to receive an e-mail back from sales about refunding me the money for the current billing statements.

I'm creating yet another ticket now in hopes that somebody there responds.

The server was fine as was the network, never had any issues, but the lack of support for billing was not.

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Heart Internet

Feb 19, 2008

their servers are down more than they are up, they claim to have 90 odd plus servers and it always seems to be that 4 servers in a row are down at a time, i would stay away from these ppl, we started as a reseller of theirs and it was terrible, lost a few customers cause of the bad service, and frorget about support,

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Heart Internet

Feb 14, 2008

Has anyone used Heart Internet? [url]

I'm thinking about creating a resellers account with them but there seem to be a lot of mixed reviews, some people say they're the best hosts they've ever used, other strongly disagree.

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Wholesale Internet

Aug 28, 2008

I decided to let everyone know about WholesaleInternet ( company and how people from this company treat clients.

2 days ago my server was taken offline. After contacting support team, I was told someone was hosting phishing page. However, they didn't send me any email. I asked them to send abuse report for me.

As soon as I got it, I told that I will remove bad site from server as soon as they will activate server. Since then they just ignore all my tickets. Server is down for 2 days, I have opened support ticket and all my requests are ignored. Phone support is total 'scam', because I always here same message 'We can not answer your call' for 2 days.

I understand this company is being managed by single person only, but I didn't believe it's so awful.

My server is still down, and I have no idea what to do next. They even don't allow me to remove bad site or move all sites from server to another provider.

And yes, I also PMed Aaron via this forum, but he just replied 'Abuse has the impression that you are intentionally using the server for illegal activities. I looked at the ticket and I can see why they think that especially when you tell them you will move the phishing site to another server.' Then he started ignoring all my messages too.

What abuse team!? Company of single person has abuse team? Sure... I can't believe that moving site to other server (after removing phishing content from it) is treated as illegal activity by Wholesale Internet.

Well, I lost hundreds of dollars already, and it looks I need to start everything from 0 (because company just ignores me), so the only thing I can do - tell everyone RUN AWAY from this awful provider as soon as you can. Because if someone will hack one of your customer accounts and upload phishing page, they will destroy your hosting without any questions asked.

I will post more detailed review about this company later, including screenshots from my support desk, etc. So if you think getting a server with them, think again!

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BQ Backup/BQ Internet Anyone Using Them

Jul 2, 2008

I am getting a VPS soon and am wanting to get somewhere to backup the VPS and found BQ Backup/BQ Internet does anyone use them and are they reliable?

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Internet Network

Nov 17, 2007

I am about to build the company network and I have some questions to know what I am speaking about with the company we will hire to do the job, so I would like to ask some questions, being sure here someone skilled will be able to help me.

The current company network is made of two optical fiber with each one it’s own router and ISP behind. I am thinking about to take a third ISP and ask for our own /24 PI, rather than current two /25 PA we have with each provider.

I would like to setup a highly available Internet link. Most probably I will ask a third provider to offer us the /24 PI and use it as main provider and use the two others to feed and to help us to reach high availability as BGP4 is able to balance over different networks.

It is not impossible to tweak performances later with OSPF protocol. The total maximum (theoretical) speed would be 150 Mbit/s for the 3 links together (but pushing as it will probably never happend), current peaks are more about 30-35 Mbit/s.

So I have some questions :
- Do we need to get an AS to achieve this?
- Is Foundry Networks NetIron NETIRON MLX-4 or NETIRON MLX-8 good for this job?
- Will we be able to push (in case) up to 300-400 Mbit/s with this wheel (over 3 providers)?
- What is the approximate price of such wheel?
- What else do I have to think about?

At this time, I am only interested about the Internet network. The prority is the availability and not the speed, but it would be good to do not have to change machines if the average traffic to Internet is going to double in 1 year.

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New Internet Line

Jan 15, 2007

i have a win 2003 server and iis6

i have about 300 sites i will change my internet line

to change all web sites ip's to new ip in iis how can i do that?

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