I am currently in the process of migrating a few hundred domains from one server to another using Plesk's Migration & Transfer Manager. The servers have the following name servers allocated:
Server 1: ns9.example.com & ns2.example.com Server 2: ns1.example.com & ns2.example.com
In the DNS Zone Template in Tools & Settings on Server 2, can I just click Apply DNS Template Changes and change all migrated domains NS records to ns1/ns2? Will this affect custom DNS entries as a lot of the domains have DNS changes that need to remain. I'm just hoping that this might be a quicker way than going into each domains DNS zone and manually changing ns9 to ns1.
I just really don't want all the domains DNS zones to reset to the standard template on Server 2 ...
I've been messing about a lot recently and I've had to rebuild my VPS template a lot in the past month. For some reason, Plesk is finding user data from a bunch of previous instances, so I've got to a point now where it's saying users exist when they can't be found in the panel interface.
I don't know how my VPS provider's infrastructure works but I'd presume that when I rebuild the server it's a total new instance and no data should carry over.
Is the the user data stored locally, and how would I go about clearing out the obsolete data?
With the standard-DNS-Layout every customer has an MX-entry like MX 10 mail.customerdomainexample.com
The problem is, that inbound mailservers get a TLS warning, because the mailhostname does not match mail.companydomainexample.com, which is the domain with a valid SSL-Certificate pointing to the same server.
Wouldn't it make sense to change the default template to mail.companydomainexample.com since it is the same machine anyway?
I disabled the reverse proxy and i got following error:
Code: Fehler: Aufgrund von Fehlern in den Konfigurations-Templates konnten keine neuen Konfigurationsdateien für den Apache Webserver erstellt werden: Template processing failed: file = /opt/psa/admin/conf/templates/default/server.php, error = Template_Exception: syntax error, unexpected '=>' (T_DOUBLE_ARROW) file: /opt/psa/admin/plib/Template/Processor.php
[Code] ....
Now I got the problem that i can't create the /etc/apache2/plesk.conf.d/server.conf
edited /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/templates/custom/domain/nginxDomainVirtualHost.php and add this include hhvm.conf; and work but it's possible to edit this setting only for one vhosts? I must enable only for one vhost because i have some php script not work with hhvm
We have a problem with our plesk servers. I executed "/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/httpdmng --reconfigure-all" and now the plesk interface shows an error message:
I found out that all domain configs were generated correctly, but the psa database shows an error (select * from Configurations where status = 'error'; ) for file /etc/apache2/plesk.conf.d/server.conf.
I'm using this script as a cron to generate DKIM keys for the domains I have. It's an easy script. And it does it's job just OK. I have the necessary software installed and configured.
The way it works is:
The script check if the domain in queue has a record for it. If it doesn't, OpenDKIM generates a one time DKIM record for mail._domainkey that I am entering to my dns records for all the domains I have.
After creating the DKIM record, it checks and deletes mail._domainkey records if there's any. Then adds the generated DKIM to plesk dns zones and disables/enables greylisting to create the appropriate dns entry.
If it does have a DKIM recors on the hdd already, then it removes
mail._domainkeyand TXT o=-entries.
After that it basically adds the already generated DKIM record and it disables/enables the greylisting for each domain in order to recreate "TXT o=-"
Up till here, it works fine. I can see these entries when I check the DNS Settings. They are there.
But whenever I run this script either via cron or manually, I get an error message on my panel: (You can check the screenshot as well)
Warning: The DNS zone was modified. If you would like to apply DNS template changes to this zone, either click the 'Apply DNS Template Changes' button on this page or choose the 'Apply the changes to all zones' option in Server Administration Panel > Tools & Settings > DNS Template Settings > Apply DNS Template Changes.
And unless I manually click "Apply DNS Template Changes" for EVERY SITE it doesn't go away.
So, I was wondering, is there a way to scriptize that command? Or how to prevent it?
This is the command I use to generate DKIM and add it to Plesk database, also if any such record exists, delete and re-write it:
1: Obtain two Nameservers. ns1.maindomain.com, ns2.maindomain.com. (Completed) 2: Glue the Nameservers to the server's IP addresses. -> ns1.maindomain.com / -> ns2.maindomain.com (Completed) 3: Successfully register domain and make sure it's pointing to the correct server. (Completed) 4: Register new domain (client.com) to server using ns1.maindomain.com & ns2.maindomain.com as it's nameservers. (Problem)
Reason: Can't edit the template correctly due to a suffix .<domain> that I cannot get rid of.
In order for me to use (ns1.maindomain.com) and (ns2.maindomain.com) as the namerservers for client.com, I'll need to be able to edit those fields entirely. I don't want Plesk to append the client's domain name to the NS record.
This may be a very simple thing to remove, but I give up.
I created a New Client Default Domain by copying plesk's original Default Domain.This template is for clients we move from older versions of plesk up to servers with plesk 12.x. Under resources for that "Service Plan Name"
I have Sites published with Presence Builder set to 0 and.Allow customer to create trial Presence Builder websites. Not checked.When I log in as the client I still see Presence Builder with edit Website.I also confirmed the correct plan was picked for that subscription by picking the new "New Client Default Domain" and under add-on plans I picked "remove"
But when I log in as the "client" to see what they would see I see Presence Builder and Edit Website available.How do I get rid of that selection?I can see a client clicking on it and basically over writing their current website.
When you click on "Forgot your password?" in Plesk for Linux 11, you'll get an email like this: Dear <firstname>Your password could not be sent because it is stored in the encrypted form.To set up a new password, please follow the link: <link to reset password>
How can I change that? It's a bit sparse and it doesn't even include a email signature with the company name.
The IP addresses assigned to our servers have changed so it's time to update the default SPF information contained in the DNS records for ALL of the domains hosted on our servers:
However, when we update the resource record in the DNS template and then "Apply the changes to all zones...",
Panel will apply changes from the template to all DNS zones including the customized ones. Note that user-modified records always remain intact. For example, if the template contains a new record that was already added by a customer, Panel will keep the customer's record.Click to expand...
I purchased an ssl certificate and installed it in plesk via server->ssl certificates. I then followed the following guide to set up imap and pop to use my cert (instead of using the default i used my cert into) URL... Now I'm getting an issue with sending emails, something about SSLHandshakeException, and some clients can't even log in. MTs support mentioned this might have something to do with POODLE.
When adding a subscription with a certain plan, I get this error"Error: The plan was not applied: Custom changes in PHP settings" almost instantly after I initiated the creation of the new subscription. Another service plan doesn't have the issue, and though I tried finding the reason why one works while the other doesn't I simply wasn't able to. The service plan in question is used for over 40 others without a problem just when I select it for a new subscription, I get the mentioned error message.I am using Plesk 12 on Linux, all latest updates installed.
Would like to know how to implement css and images to work with custom error documents. For some reason the folders are ignored even with the correct path being entered within the html. Only plain text appears.
I have the web pro edition panel 12 on centos 6.5 64bit, and i have made some custom firewall rules in order to be able to run a teamspeak server. The problem is that the firewall randomly blocks the teamspeak port and keeps it blocked unless i restart the firewall.
We are successfully using fail2ban on our server (CentOS 6.6, Plesk 12.0.18), that is, jails running and blocking potential intruders
However, we tried to create a custom jail for the CMS that is being used by most of our clients.
I followed the instructions (Tools & Settings > IP Address Banning (Fail2Ban) > Jails > Manage Filters > Add Filter) and created the filter I wanted, but then it does not appear in the list, even though it displays a message reading that the filter was created successfully. Then, if I try to create a new Jail, the filter is not available from the list.
Looking at the directory /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ I can find a file that has the same name as the filter I created, with a .local extension (the file name does not contain whitespaces or other special characters)...
Have some very important questions regarding changing plesk ports and creating full backups.
1. When changing plesks port number, what exactly will it effect? Will it effect auto updates, etc.?
2. When creating a backup, I'd like to backup the entire server to rollback at anytime when changes are made to core files, is this possible?
3. With backups, somehow I'd like to schedule backups to possibly make nightly copies to an external hard drive on my computer for a fail safe method just in case the server happens to crash and I'd need to restore to another server/service. How would this be possible?
As the admin user, change the setting for a particular email account called "The maximum number of outgoing email messages" to a value beyond the default. For example if the default is 35, set it to 75. This is common -- often we have customers who send larger quantities of messages than the average user.
Login as a reseller with access to manage the email account and attempt to change any *other* value. For example, you could completely ignore the outgoing mail messages value and change just the Auto-Reply value
Plesk refuses to allow the change and kicks me back to the first tab with the following error:
The value must be in the range 0..35. Only the Plesk administrator can adjust this setting.Click to expand...
unfortunately I can not move a customer to another reseller, because of this error:
"Einige der ausgewählten Kunden wurden nicht zu **** **** verschoben. Der ausgewählte Reseller besitzt nicht die Berechtigung 'Verwaltung der DNS-Zonen', aber einige der Kunden besitzen sie."
which means "Some of the selected customers could not be moved to **** ***. The selected reseller does not have permission to configure DNS-Zones, but some of the customers do."Well, the customer does not have this permission, because no DNS-service is installed on the server.If I check the customer's permissions there is no point "DNS configuration" or something like that.
I read in the Plesk 12 release notes that resellers should have access to the new Wordpress toolkit. However, when I login with a reseller account, the Wordpress tool does not show up in the left-hand side menu. What do I need to do to give resellers access?
-----Original Message----- From: Provider Co. [mailto:<email>] Sent: <date> To: <customer name> Subject: Notification: Resource limits exceeded by reseller account.
The <account name> account is approaching or already exceeded the limits:However, no exceeded or close to exceeded resources were found.This is in the KB, but no date is on it. Has this been fixed?URL...