Building A Streaming Media Server

May 3, 2006

I need to build a video server that supports remote inbound live streams (multiple sources) and multiple outbound streams. I'm interested in hearing feedback or suggestions on Real Media Server, Microsoft Media Server, or other alternatives. Please share your thoughts on any of these. I would prefer Linux hosting and would prefer Windows Media formats. I would love to hear what some of you have had successes with.

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Media Streaming Server ..

Sep 14, 2007

Any one know why media streaming server dont working?

I installed the media streaming server, 1 month ago and it was working well. However, from Thursday to now it dont working. I have checked and the wmv files only run 3seconds is broke.
please tell me what the reasaon make my server doesnt working?

OS: Windows 2003 enterprise R2
Streaming Protocaol : MMS

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Live Streaming Without Flash Media Server?

Aug 31, 2008

I have a VPS server running on Windows 2003, and would like to stream live videos to about 50-80 people. I was wondering is there a way to have a FLASH based stream embed into my website, without paying for a software like Flash Media Server?

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Streaming Media Hosts

Jul 26, 2007

I know this type of question pops up every once in awhile here, but we are currently using MediaMax. Upon comparison, MediaMax (formerly Streamload) was the best affordable solution we could find. Lately however, it's been very buggy, and supports takes forever (actually never) responds. Can't seem to find a support phone number for them either.

So I was wondering what other alternatives anyone here is aware of? We have 500+GB worth of AV materials.

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Flash Streaming Media Host

May 9, 2006 does flash streaming media, features unlimited connections, and redundant servers.
Has been around for a while and is a Macromedia Alliance Partner but I can’t find any feedback on them anywhere.

Anyone have any information?

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Hosting Media For Streaming Slow Your Site Down?

Jan 15, 2009

I wanna know if upload media to server for streaming will slow your site down?

Reason is that I have a few audio books on my server for my members to listen to, and I have a feeling that my site is using more and more resources and its getting slower and slower each day.

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Media Streaming, Encoding And Decode The Video File Like Youtube

Mar 30, 2009

I'm planning to buy a share hosting support media streaming, encoding and decode the video file like youtube, or others

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FFServer :: Streaming Of A File To Watch That Movie In Windows Media Player

Apr 28, 2009

Im working at time with ffserver ... i test ffmpeg with flash streaming and it works perfectly but i want to do anoter step.

Im trying to do a streaming of a file to watch that movie in Windows Media Player. The problem is that i have a lot of errors of "buffer underflow" when i stream the video.

I Post My Config:

Port 8090
MaxClients 1000
MaxBandwidth 10000

<Feed feed1.ffm>
File /tmp/feed1.ffm
FileMaxSize 5M

<Stream test.flv>
Feed feed1.ffm
Format flv
VideoCodec flv
VideoFrameRate 15
VideoBufferSize 80000
VideoBitRate 200
VideoQMin 1
VideoQMax 5
VideoSize 352x288
PreRoll 10

<Stream test.asf>
Feed feed1.ffm
Format asf
VideoFrameRate 2
VideoSize 848x480
VideoBitRate 256
VideoBufferSize 40
VideoGopSize 30
AudioBitRate 96

As you can see i listen in all the ip source so i can acess to the file but ... dont work ...

Many of messages of the error:

[flv @ 0xb7df29a8]rc buffer underflow
[flv @ 0xb7df29a8]rc buffer underflow
[flv @ 0xb7df29a8]rc buffer underflow
[flv @ 0xb7df29a8]rc buffer underflow
[flv @ 0xb7df29a8]rc buffer underflow
[flv @ 0xb7df29a8]rc buffer underflow
[flv @ 0xb7df29a8]rc buffer underflow

Line that i use:

ffmpeg -i /descargas/anime/Soul_Eater/RnF_Soul_Eater_42.avi


My OS is debian eth.

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Building A Server

Mar 24, 2009

I am thinking about buying this processor and building a server with it. This processor is very affordable for me but I am wondering what kind of server I should run it as? Do you think the processor would be able to handle a heavy DDoS attack and act as a good firewall?

Let me know, here's the processor I want to build the server with:

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Building A Dedicated Server

May 30, 2009

I have built my own computer before with ease. However, I am aware that building a dedicated server can be slightly different. I have a question.

Should I go with 'normal' hardware or specially made 'server hardware'?

I am aware that 'server hardware' is more expensive, but is it really that much better? I don't want to spend out lots of cash just for a minor performance increase.

Also I was looking at these rack mount cases as I am going to Co-locate the box. However I don't know which would be the best to use with my configuration.


I'm hoping to use a Quad Q6600 and 4GB RAM but I'm stuck on which motherboard to use,

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Buying/building Web Server

Jun 15, 2008

So I need to build or buy a server to run my site. The site will use a basic LAMP setup and we will also be allowing for file uploads and downloads. File sizes aren't expected to be too large, mostly word/PDF documents and maybe some Powerpoint presentations. At the moment we can only afford one box to run the whole site so we need to build something that can handle both file serving and basic site stuff.

I'm wondering what kinds of hardware we would need to make this happen. If I were to setup a box with a quad core CPU, 4-8GB of RAM, and a few 15K RPM drives would that be able to handle file serving and PHP/mySQL? Would multiple processors be required? What about RAID?

I guess the real question is what kind of hardware requirements are involved with setting up a file server. I'm guessing running PHP and mySQL is not really an issue but I don't want the site to slow down because of the file serving. I'm sure some of you have experience with this sort of thing so if anyone knows please let share your thoughts.

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Building A Backup Server/nas/san

Jun 8, 2008

Wondering what the most cost-effective and efficient way of building up a bulk backup server. I'm colocating some equipment and will have a private network.

I have a full cab, and only a few servers in it, so lots of room to spare.

Now this will originally just be used for my own users, but I need ease-of-use and expandability. For example, I can load it up with lots of cheap SATA drives, and a raid card. However, what do I actually do on the software end? Installing Linux and setting up rsync crons is the easy part, but what about permissions? Is there an easy way to create users?

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Building A Server For Colocation

Nov 26, 2007

In me effort to go colo I have been studying as best I can different server builds. Here is some information you may want to know or be able to help me and others with.

Quest: Build a server designed for serving html and other uses as a webserver (mail, database, etc). Limux operating System

Chipset- Although I found a lot of good and bad motherboards, I could find no information regarding chipsets and Linux. maybe it does not matter, who knows? Also..upgrading motherboard and chipset AFTER server is up and running seems like a challenge.

Harddrives- It would seem best to get a harddrive made for a 24/7 uptime. Not ALL drives are like this. Seemingly, unconfirmed, SCSI drives are for this pupose. However, Western Digital has made some 'RE' drives that are to be up 24/7 with no issues.
Note: 7200+ rpm drives appear to fail more often and some suggest a more stable 5400rpm.

Built in NIC vs Adding one- Very little could be found on this, but would assume a much better one should be bought and not use an onboard one. Some onboards can have probelm with some linux distros too. I would buy one and add it...a good one.

CPU- very little talk was available on linux's use of multiple CPUs. Very little talk was available on speed and use of multiple versus single cpu units. Example- how would a single cpu of 3ghz do against 2 CPUs of 1.8ghz.
Having two CPUs does allow for a server to utilize different CPUs for different processes, so if one is busy, the other can be used.
No information was really available on the difference..or what you should buy for the actual CPUs.

RAM- Buttloads of ram out there. No info on what works best with linux, which works best for a server, or what kind would work best for a server.

Motherboard- many are available and many suggest different kinds, but no definitive reasons have been given. No idea which would be best for a linux web server.

Control panel versus no control panel - after a little learning curve it would appear a non control panel is easy to use for a single user server. Control panels are buggy, have many issues, but do allow multi user systems and shared servers to be easily used. Some seem very limited in the updated versions of software. I will be going with fedora, but no control panel. The overhead is not something I want to deal with..or the bugs, or the old software, of the issues of upgrading. Ensim and cpanel seem most used and professionally serviced.

Raid- Just working on this one. No real info as to the best type of raid card for a linux webserver. Raid 1 is a mirror system i believe that allows you to have two drives where one is a ghost of another (sort of)? Do not know how much this slows the system or the drives down, but a mirror would be best in the case of a failure.
Do not know what happens when there is a failure (will system freeze, ignore it, hang?)

Partition of drives: It would seem that putting the linux system on one aprtition, the /home directory on another, and perhaps the mail directory on another is a way to make it easier to deal with certain issues. If you need to compile, reinstall, or whatever with linux and all your data is not on the partition, it becomes easier. If a partition gets screwed, the data is spread out, so much can not be destroyed. The actual amounts for the partitions are not evident in my research.

ANyway, that is a synopsis of info I have been perusing these last few days. Usually you can only find someone talking about something they use and like, but no real details to balance out why something else will not be as good.

One other note: Distros of llinux are all over the place. But for a webserver I do not think any distro is really needed. Perhaps just building your own kernel would be good (and a great learning experience)...but that remains to be seen.

I will be posting a web page in the coming weeks with a detail of how I built, where i bought, and how I installed, my new server here.

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Building A Simple LAMP Dev Server

Jul 18, 2007

I currently dev locally on a cobalt RAQ (ollld!) and would like to upgrade this setup.

I'm looking for a simple way of getting a linux system setup for internal dev work with the basics... mysql, apache, php5, and some kind of version control - subversion / cvs.

Are there any linux liveCDs that I could use to make something like this quite easily?
For our production server we use plesk, so a control panel similar to that for setting up new dev domains would be useful. Open source of couse tho.

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Building, Running & Managing Your Own Server Farm

Jul 25, 2009

Building, running and managing your own Server Farm.

This thread is dedicated to those who find themselves on or considering this path.

Here, I am not hosting any ‘foreign business interests’ or associating with any other ‘hostile networks’. I am needing to create many sub-nets, with 3 to 5 WAN’s inbound and outbound. I have a ‘research sub-net’ needing special considerations and will link associates/contractors by VPN. The product-line will also require Radius Server(s). Plus more details and requirements that make the whole project most complicated.

(Thanks to ‘leeware’ for this beginning theme)

1.0 Objective: Building a 30-50 Server facility:

I checked my records and made this decision 2 - ˝ months ago. Since then I have acquired 28 servers, an internet security device, two 3com’s, two 4-port kvm’s, a few small Cisco switches and a host of power related stuff.

2.0 Justification for Building vs leasing:

Control. Costs. Open options. Unique demands more easily appreciated by myself as I am the one possessing the vision. Choosing who I work with as I do the hiring/contracting or initiate associations.

We are generally molded by personal experiences and these set-up our prejudices. I am certainly no exception. My experiences with hosts generated an excellent introduction to the wide world of websites/control panels etc and some products that support it. But the too often cryptic communications, some surprise costs due to my ignorance and that vulnerable ‘boxed in’ feeling made me wonder…

2.1 What is your rational for building vs leasing?

One of my major ‘cross the line’ rational came when I discovered I could buy a used server each month for a similar cost of leasing one. Next, were all my own confounded ‘special circumstances’ that kept cropping up and of course these were not the fault of any hosting company. Lastly technology came to my street in the form of good multiple pipes and my zoning is acceptable because I am off a major highway.

3.0 Business Objectives:

My business objectives center around a very long-run project that I have already long ago completed and keep updated to viability. And I would rather keep that subject to another venue.

4.0 Budgetary Information:

I have enough ‘resources’ to pull it off.

4.2 What is your operating budget (How much money do you plan to spend on an ongoing basis to keep the place running for 12-24 months?)

Same as previous and I will note that ‘time and attention’ is keenly important.

4.3 More importantly, where is this money going to come from? If from investors they generally require a sound business plan.

I require a sound business plan and have it.

5.0 Return on Investment:

Accomplish goals on and on…

5.1 After you account for the initial capital expense to get everything up and running + your on going operating costs, how long will it take you to make back your initial investment and then reach profitability? (12/24/36 months for longer?)

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Building A Storage Server. Power Consumption

Oct 30, 2008

I'm building a storage server out of spare parts that are lying around here at the office. Purchasing a brandnew server kinda overshoots it's target, since all basic hardware is available lika a big Chieftec 4U casing with 2x 4drive SATA hotswap bays.

The machine will just be dumb storage for saving our backups.

The plan is to add a decent serverboard, proc and some ram as a baseline. On top of that a 3ware 8-port RAID-controller with 8 1TB harddrives (seagate has some nice ones).

Now the only issue i'm having is powerconsumption. The case has an 460W PSU, but I'm not sure if that's enough.

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Building A Server With Lots Of Storage Space

Mar 7, 2008

We are going to offer web space to our students and we want to build a new server just for this purpose. We were looking at buying a storage array, a RAID card, and a server. I have no problems building a server; however, I have never built anything with an external enclosure. I am thinking about buying this storage array:

www newegg com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816702010

I plan on installing hard drives in every drive bay for a total of 12 drives.

The problem I'm having is I don't know what type of RAID card to buy. I saw this one; but, I don't know if it will work with this storage array.

www newegg com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816116062

Thanks so much for any light you can shed on this! I apologize for the link but I do not have enough posts insert URLs.

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Media Server

Feb 26, 2009

Say I use about 1 TB of bandwith / month in media: images, small files, etc. What would be the best hosting option? Most shared hosting I've tried have booted me for using too many resources.

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Dedicated Server & Media

Apr 4, 2009

Don't have much experience with dedicated servers, Just wanted your opinions on this.


100Mbit Burstable Unmetered Dedicated Server #1
CPU - Pentium E5200 (dual core)
Memory - 2GB RAM
Hard Disk Space - 300GB HDD

According to the package, it's " 100Mbit Burstable Unmetered Dedicated Server "

I plan on hosting only media, (video files). Are these specs enough to support alot of people downloading?

Also, I've never setup this sort of server before - when I go to click on order now it asks me certain preferances.


Raid Controller, OS version, Operating system, Control Panel

There is quite a few options to choose from the drop down menu, I have no idea what they mean.

With dedicated server's is it the same as normal vps? Login, upload, Cpanel etc?
Or is there something else to it?

Just need to host media - nothing special.

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Windows Media Server

Apr 25, 2009

my Hosting service (Hostway) offered Windows Media Server at the time. I wanted visitors to have the ability to quickly stream .wma's, so I went for the cost.

now...I'm unemployed; & money is real, I was thinking of dropping Hostway...going over to GoDaddy; & switching my means of musical delivery to .mp3's.


1) How much slower is mp3 streaming from a conventional server than .wma from a dedicated server?

2) Is there a way to speed it (mp3) up (save decreasing file size)?

3) Will .wma's stream without the dedicated server; & if is that implemented?

I really need to save money in this economy...but I don't want my listeners to suffer. Is that possible?

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Dedicated Server & Media

Apr 3, 2009

Don't have much experience with dedicated servers, Just wanted your opinions on this.


100Mbit Burstable Unmetered Dedicated Server #1
CPU - Pentium E5200 (dual core)
Memory - 2GB RAM
Hard Disk Space - 300GB HDD

$ 159 /month

I plan on hosting only media, (video files). Are these specs enough to support alot of people downloading?

Also, I've never setup this sort of server before - when I go to click on order now it asks me certain preferances.


Raid Controller, OS version, Operating system, Control Panel

There is quite a few options to choose from the drop down menu, I have no idea what they mean.

With dedicated server's is it the same as normal vps? Login, upload, Cpanel etc?
Or is there something else to it?

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Windows Media Server

Apr 23, 2008

I have a vps at 3dgwebhosting I would like to install wms I get it installed but when I try to config. a live publishing point it ask for a url for the encoder and where where is it but also when I try to start the point it will not start can some one help?

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Windows Media Server

Aug 2, 2007

companies offering a managed server for streaming windows media video files.

they are about 400kb/s and streaming to about 100 people at once.

storage space is about 80gb and bandwidth of 2000gb/month

server must be fully managed and the files are archived, I do NOT need live streaming

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Converting A Dedicated Server Into A Flash Media Server

May 10, 2009

I am going to be buying a dedicated server from kimsufi Most likely the 2XL Package.

My streamers will be using my server aswell, On weekends we will be running 3-4 streams at a time, weekdays 1-2 at a time.

Spreading all the streams out, at anyone time we will have 300 viewers.

I need to know your advice on this before i go spending money.

How do i convert my dedi into a flash media server, i need red5 or something, thats all i know so far. My streamers wil be streaming to server with FME, And i also want it coded so that my streams can only be embedded on my site.

Basically i dont have a clue where to start, how long would it take me to set up etc....

In addition, what kind of server do i need, windows / linux / traffic / burstable / standard etc..

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Media Server Running Windows Server 2003 Std: Yes Or No

Jul 10, 2007

Most people probably run Linux on their media servers, but since I don't know much about Linux and the media server we have is unmanaged, I was wondering how you guys feel about running Windows Server 2003 Std on a media server instead of Linux. We'll only be using the server to host Flash video files (.flv) and we'll be serving those vids on websites hosted on other servers, resulting in approx. 50,000-100,000 media views per day (filesizes range from approx. 5MB to 10MB). We don't want to run Windows Media Services, just a Web server (IIS6) and have the Flash video players on the external websites take care of the streaming/downloading part.

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Streaming Server

Mar 26, 2009

I'm looking for a streaming server to stream a few flv videos, some mp3s, 3gp, mpg, mp4. If we can get this with a single host it would be really helpful.

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MMS Streaming Server

May 28, 2009

I am thinking of streaming something to the internet and i will be streaming it through MMS through Windows Server 2003.

The streaming rate will be around 500-600 (Good Quality)

I want to know if i have 1000 people watching at the same time, what kind of server and bandwidth do i need so they dont experiance any buffering/slowness/downtime at all?

Is this server enough for what i want to do:

Dual core ATOM 330 CPU
100mbit Unmetered Bandwidth


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Server For MP3 Streaming

Oct 31, 2009

I have mp3 streaming website hosted on VPS from WiredTree
after a down time more than 12 hours I decided to move from them

My mp3 files size APPROXIMATELY around 60 GB

for good fully managed Dedicated server that meets my requirements

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Adobe Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5

May 19, 2009

I am thinking about making a web site that streams HD movies and videos that I have created myself. I was wonder could you use Adobe Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5 to do so I know i would have to buy a dedicated server and a fast one with a good load of bandwidth. The big question am asking is that can you base a website or content management system around the interactive server.

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Anyone Know To To Create A On A Media Temple GS Server

Jun 17, 2007

I've got my with Media Temple, but I can't seem to figure out how to create a [url] url with my server.

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Streaming Server Experience

Sep 29, 2008

I am planning to purchase a streaming server for ~ 200$ - 500$/ month. And I would like to hear your past experience or expertise. I am sure this will help lot of people here that are looking to buy streaming servers.

For my specific need,

Streams are usually 450Kbps and they run for 12 hours straight per day and 30 days. And I run at least 50 slots at a time.
[450Kbps*50*3600*12*30]= ~30TB (Worst case scenario)

I think need 100Mbps shared (I hope to run at least 50Mbps when there is a streaming event).Thank you for all the help.

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