Unlimited Space And Bandwidth ...?

Dec 15, 2008

Unlimited space and bandwidth... totally lying?

I bought hosting with unlimited bandwidth, space, domain, etc. A few days ago I install script to sell photos. So I upload huge of photos and maybe eat their bandwidth and space. And today my account is deleted without any warning! I tried to ask this but no answer yet.

Is the Unlimited space and bandwidth is totally lying??? But why even hostgator selling the unlimited features?

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A Shared Web Hosting Service With Unlimited Space/bandwidth, Or A Dedicated One With Limited Space/bandwidth

Jul 29, 2008

which case is more preferred: a shared web hosting service with unlimited space/bandwidth, or a dedicated one with limited space/bandwidth?

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Unlimited Space And Bandwidth For 4$

Oct 1, 2009

while looking for a host I've found that there are many hosts that offer unlimited web space and unlimited bandwidth for very little money like 4$ per month and there are also expensive web hosts that offer limited but big webspace and high bandwidth for much more money. What am I missing here? If a big website like yahoo decides to buy that 4$ per month host and move there, what would happen? Would the bandwidth really be enough and not slow down? If it wouldn't carry yahoo then why do they say it's unlimited? I'm confused because I've heard about people spending thousands of dollars for big websites every month.

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Does LimeStoneNetworks.com Sell UNLIMITED SPACE For Reseller

Nov 10, 2008

I traced this sites:

Tracing route to vertualhost.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 1161 ms 797 ms 839 ms <hidden>
2 673 ms 876 ms 821 ms <hidden>
3 574 ms 839 ms 881 ms
4 743 ms 863 ms 857 ms
5 661 ms 899 ms 779 ms <hidden>
6 570 ms 875 ms 840 ms <hidden>
7 774 ms 462 ms 784 ms <hidden>
8 544 ms 401 ms 359 ms <hidden>
9 * * * Request timed out.
10 831 ms 562 ms 539 ms so-3-1.hsa1.LosAngeles1.Level3.net [
11 578 ms 557 ms 562 ms vlan52.csw2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net []
12 469 ms 460 ms 457 ms ae-72-72.ebr2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net [
13 683 ms 682 ms 576 ms ae-3.ebr3.Dallas1.Level3.net []
14 609 ms 581 ms 580 ms ae-63-63.csw1.Dallas1.Level3.net []
15 567 ms 599 ms 557 ms ae-13-69.car3.Dallas1.Level3.net []
16 592 ms 599 ms 618 ms LIMESTONE-N.car3.Dallas1.Level3.net [
17 573 ms 558 ms 580 ms 1-203-63-74.reverse.lstn.net []
18 676 ms 581 ms 580 ms 6-203-63-74.reverse.lstn.net []
19 510 ms 577 ms 580 ms 74-201-63-74.reverse.lstn.net []
20 663 ms 580 ms 581 ms vertualhost.com []
Trace complete.
Tracing route to yourservers.info []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 1414 ms 761 ms 664 ms <hidden>
2 1038 ms 1036 ms 680 ms
3 374 ms 1421 ms 376 ms
4 437 ms 1278 ms 1019 ms
5 1162 ms 783 ms 797 ms
6 525 ms 359 ms 377 ms
7 371 ms 378 ms 378 ms <hidden>
8 646 ms 420 ms 359 ms <hidden>
9 * * * Request timed out.
10 * * 4187 ms so-3-1.hsa1.LosAngeles1.Level3.net [
11 1618 ms 1499 ms 2183 ms vlan51.csw1.LosAngeles1.Level3.net [
12 658 ms 1522 ms 996 ms ae-62-62.ebr2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net
13 2261 ms 1458 ms 3320 ms ae-3.ebr3.Dallas1.Level3.net [4.69.1
14 1655 ms 2463 ms 1435 ms ae-63-63.csw1.Dallas1.Level3.net [4.
15 1762 ms 1817 ms 2062 ms ae-13-69.car3.Dallas1.Level3.net [4.
16 1718 ms 1340 ms 2638 ms LIMESTONE-N.car3.Dallas1.Level3.net
17 2300 ms 455 ms 1739 ms 1-203-63-74.reverse.lstn.net [74.63.
18 1421 ms 420 ms 1978 ms 6-203-63-74.reverse.lstn.net [74.63.
19 461 ms 437 ms 599 ms 74-201-63-74.reverse.lstn.net [74.63
20 541 ms 576 ms 581 ms hostingwitch.com []

how can they sell UNLIMITED ALPHA MASTER RESELLER to others?

Is that true that they are your customer?

All I know is, You do not sell unlimited space at limestonenetworks.com.

Are those sites cheaters or are the illegal? I did not find a specific or complete postal address or person name on those sites.

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Avoid Providers Offering Unlimited Space And Transfer

Feb 4, 2009

I have read many on this forum express that people should avoid providers offering unlimited space and transfer.

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HostGator - Unlimited Bandwidth?

Apr 5, 2008

HostGator has a "SWAMP" package with unlimited bandwidth for $15/m. I find this hard to believe.

I wonder if they have some kind of a "within fair use" rule in their TOS?

Has anyone ever tried to use a huge amount of bandwidth on this package?

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Is Really Bandwidth Unlimited In Some Hostings

Aug 20, 2008

There are many hosting service providers around the world. Many are advertising, Unlimited Bandwidth, Unlimited Disk storage .

I choose one of those company for one my hosting need. It is not much a big website but has some traffic. Also nothing to download or upload... all the content is text based. In one month hosting started to suck.. lots of downtime and database error from the hosting side.

End of the day, I was asking for a VPS solution. My God! they do not have any VPS or dedicated server solution at all.

Why the hosting companies just buildup their advertisement. And why should they offer what they cannot provide. And their strength I still see is.. they are still saying to me that they are hosting is Unlimited Bandwidth, Unlimited Disk storage.

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FastHosts Offering Unlimited Bandwidth

Mar 28, 2009

FastHosts is offering unlimited bandwidth, is this for real?

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Dreamhost Unlimited Bandwidth. How Much Have YOU Pushed

Sep 10, 2008

Signed up with Dreamhost and my account was closed after two days (no warning). Was on track to push 1-2TB a month. They said my video blog was a "file dump"

Two questions:

1) How much bandwidth has anyone actually been able able to use with them (or any overseller) and how'd you do it?

2) How can you get what's advertised? Do VPS accounts let you use all your bandwidth? Could you list some hosts that will not find excuses to shut you down? I have no idea how much bandwidth is reasonable to expect with shared hosting

My Dreamhost account was jusjon4 if anyone from the company could let me recover my data that'd be great (I don't even want a refund)

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Limited Versus Unlimited Bandwidth

Dec 12, 2007

I am having trouble working out which host to choose for a new project.

I usually opt for Webmania or Heart Internet - they are excellent providers but Webmania now applies a bandwidth cap that may be too low and Heart's cheapest package does not provide sub-domains. I can't be sure whether 12GB will be big enough for a site that will contain galleries of high-res images (I have no prior experience with caps and traffic predictions are impossible at this time) and to get sub-domains from Heart means a £90 per year package (too much).

Streamline is one of the few good-value providers that do not cap bandwidth, but I have concerns about the effect that this may have on server speed given that it is bound to attract the kind of sites that are really heavy on bandwidth. This point was mentioned in an article recently.

If I take the last option, will I be hampering the performance of my site?

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Unlimited Or Large Bandwidth Server In USA And Canada

Jan 12, 2009

I'am looking for a dedicated server located in USA and Canada (one in US and one in Canada) with unlimited or large (5-10TB) bandwidth on 100mbit port ....

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Unlimited Bandwidth With 10mpb, Reasonable For Hosting Server

Nov 30, 2008

i have a server for hosting wibsites, with 1000 mbp connection speed, but with 2000 gb limited bandwidth.

i need more bandwidth , so i have 2 options: 1000 gb cost 100$

or unlimited bandwidth with 10mbp connection speed.

is 10mbp enough for this server ( it contains about 200 website )?

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Recommendation On A Shared Hosting Reseller With Unlimited Bandwidth

Apr 17, 2008

an recommendation on a shared hosting reseller with unlimited bandwidth(or atleast about 1500gb) and about 60-70gb harddrive? And preferably have servers in the US and europe, so i can pick one in usa and 1 in europe.

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Truth About "Unlimited Space" Hosts

Jun 5, 2008

Most of the "big" companies have been changing their ads lately, offering "unlimited" space and bandwidth, this one being one of them.


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Host That Doesn't Lie About Bandwidth Space?

Oct 8, 2008

I am sure this thread was most likely created before but I haven't been able to find anything on the particular host I just had an issue with.

It goes like this.

I've been through web hosts ever since 1998. I've grown accustomed to web hosts deceiving their customers by listing '20 gigs of BW use, or 'Unlimited BW' (which we all know is BS) but for the past few years, I actually had a host who didn't lie about how much BW their customers got with the packages. I signed up for a 20 gig BW account with HostVector and I've used up to 19 gigs and they have never said a single word. I left them recently because they were bought out by Millennium Services and ever since then, its been a nightmare. Constant down time, tech support nowhere to be found. Sadly to say, I had to leave that host due to fact that their new owners have no clue what they are doing.

I found ELIEF and thought they looked promising. I signed up for the package that listed 20 gigs of BW, now at first I thought okay.. this may be fishy, but if this was a flake, they would have specified that customers really won't get 20 gigs of BW.

Regardless, I trusted them the way I trusted HostVector. Seeing how I am a musician, I uploaded a 80MB pack and sent it to some friends to download and not even a 12 hours later. My account was suspended because it apparently caused their server to crash?

I checked the stats and only 68 users downloaded that 80MB file.

This is beyond aggravating. I know there are countless web hosts who lie about this type of stuff but why cant at least specify someplace on their page a more detailed info about bandwidth usage? Maybe put an asterisks next to the BW section like some hosts do and explain that what is listed there is not the reality.

So here I am, my domain is suspended. My fans/listeners/friends are wondering what happened and I am sitting here angered beyond belief because I thought this type of lying was something that hosts stopped doing in the late 90s.

Any recommendation guys? Does an honest web host who actually offers the same amount of BW they list on their hosting packages, exist anywhere?

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Need Huge Space & Bandwidth Hostgator

Nov 6, 2009

i need around 300+GB bandwidth, 20+GB space with 2-5MB of sql database. is it suggestible to take hostgator starting plan (hatchling)?

is hostgator worth that?

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Low Space And Bandwidth, Reliable Hosting

Aug 30, 2008

I am planning to create a website for my business. Its a bulk exports business and there will be very few visitors, less than 1000 a month. Also space needed should also not exceed 100 mb as I will only have some html information pages and a few pictures of my products.

However, the webhost should be reliable and have an easy to use interface as I am a beginner in this field (I hear cPanel is good). Also I have 2 more domains/businesses which I hope this same hosting should cover so it should have addon hosting.

Please recommend a reliable hosting provider with a good interface and price under $25 per year.

The registrar I will be using for the domain is Namecheap as I am planning to register a .in (India) domain name and very few have that option.

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Need 1000GB Disk Space/200TB Bandwidth?

Aug 28, 2008

OK so I've been in the hosting industry a very long time now and I have noticed that overselling has got more and more crazy over time. 7 years ago, 2GB of disk and 10GB bandwidth was considered overselling. Today, its common to see offers at 1000GB/1000TB.

So my question, to all you looking for web hosting, do you really think you will need all that space and bandwidth?

I'm going to let you in on a little secret. (Some might hate me for this!) Out of all my customers, 99% use less than 1GB disk and 5GB transfer.

Every hosting provider out there knows this, and will tack on a bunch of 0s to their offer to make it look more enticing . The thing is, if you aren't using the space, you aren't getting any extra value. If you come even close to the amount they offer, I am willing to bet you will be suspended faster than you can blink. This advertising tactic is very misleading and a lot of newcomers base their decision off the meaningless numbers they see. <<Snip>>

Bloggers - Think again if you believe you need anything more than 1GB of space. You could type blog posts until you are blue in the face before you come close to using 1GB(unless you incorporate a lot of videos and images)

Forum owners - Considering most forums are text based, forums use hardly any bandwidth. If you run a highly active forum, eventually you will start consuming decent amounts of disk space. However, there is no way that a shared host would allow such a forum to exist on the servers. You will be shut down before you use even a fraction of that 100gb/1000tb.

What should you consider than? If you see a host offering such impossible amounts of resources for an even more impossible price, look elsewhere. If you want a decent service, look to spend $5-10/m for a reasonable amount of disk space and bandwidth.

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Do You REALLY Need 1000GB Disk Space/200TB Bandwidth

Aug 28, 2008

I've been in the hosting industry a very long time now and I have noticed that overselling has got more and more crazy over time.

7 years ago, 2GB of disk and 10GB bandwidth was considered overselling.

Today, its common to see offers at 1000GB/1000TB.

So my question, to all you looking for web hosting, do you really think you will need all that space and bandwidth?

I'm going to let you in on a little secret. (Some might hate me for this!) Out of all my customers, 99% use less than 1GB disk and 5GB transfer.

Every hosting provider out there knows this, and will tack on a bunch of 0s to their offer to make it look more enticing . The thing is, if you aren't using the space, you aren't getting any extra value. If you come even close to the amount they offer, I am willing to bet you will be suspended faster than you can blink. This advertising tactic is very misleading and a lot of newcomers base their decision off the meaningless numbers they see. Here is an article that covers web host overselling a little more.

Bloggers - Think again if you believe you need anything more than 1GB of space. You could type blog posts until you are blue in the face before you come close to using 1GB(unless you incorporate a lot of videos and images)

Forum owners - Considering most forums are text based, forums use hardly any bandwidth.

If you run a highly active forum, eventually you will start consuming decent amounts of disk space. However, there is no way that a shared host would allow such a forum to exist on the servers. You will be shut down before you use even a fraction of that 100gb/1000tb.

What should you consider than? If you see a host offering such impossible amounts of resources for an even more impossible price, look elsewhere. If you want a decent service, look to spend $5-10/m for a reasonable amount of disk space and bandwidth.

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How Much Disk Space And Bandwidth For Single Wordpress Blog

Jun 2, 2008

how much disk space and bandwidth would be needed to run a single Wordpress blog. I'm not a popular name, so I doubt I will have too many viewers besides my closest friends. In addition, I tend to make layouts which are a "teensy-bit" graphic-heavy :p

Is 2GB (disk space) and 30GB (bandwidth) supposedly enough?

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UK Web Hosting 500MB Space 1GB Bandwidth Existing .org.uk Domain

May 3, 2008

I'm the webmaster for a church website: stpetersbraunstone.org.uk and our domain & hosting renewal is coming up, so I'm looking to see if there's a better deal.

We're with namehog.net (and have been for 2 years with no problems at all) on their Professional package. The renewal fees are 105GBP (web hosting) + 5.90GBP (domain name) + 17.5pc VAT to cover the next 2 years, which comes to 130.31GBP.

The site is powered by WordPress, so PHP and MySQL are needed. And we upload lots of photos, so need at least 250MB webspace I'd have thought. So far, our highest monthly bandwidth usage has been under 800Mb, and our visitor numbers are increasing and our highest monthly figure so far was 401.

Any recommendations gratefully received. There seems to be many different companies out there who offer what I want, so I'm after some personal recommendations please.

I've already used this site to discount streamline.net due to bad reviews.
I'm looking at fuzioned.com and redfoxhosting.co.uk - any thoughts?
I've also come across no-wires.co.uk - has anyone had any good or bad experiences with them?

And yes, I have submitted my details to the "request quote" thing.

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Webmin Creating Folder/user With Space And Bandwidth Quota

Jun 14, 2008

how can i create directories in my (public_html / htdocs folder) that have disk space and traffic quota?

i activated the disk quota to the native linux file system and i tried to create a user but i could not put this user in any folder in the public_html (i dont know how to do this) also there is no option to create bandwidth quota..

one more detail is that the folders need to be protected with login and password because people may try to enter this folders (e.g. www.mydomain.com/protectedfolder)

all this using webmin or another free good script.

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Fast Webhost, Little Disk Space, With Php, Mysql, Phpmyadmin, And Alot Of Bandwidth

Apr 1, 2008

The most important requirement is that the webhost must be fast. It must have alot of bandwidth.

The disc space is not so important. 200 MB would be enough.

It must have PHP, MySQL and phpmyadmin installed.

Must be accesable through FTP.

There are offcourse more requirements. But the main thing is that i want it to be fast.

My pages will be only informative and exists of just mainly text and an image every now and then.

Do you know any fast webhosts that is good to handle websites with large amounts of visitors?

I'm looking for something around 6 dollars per month.

I dont know much about webhosting at all, so i'd appreciate any help i can get

Also i see websites where you can register a domain. But the prices vary, isn't a domain just a domain? What makes this price difference?

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Virtual Private Server (VPS) Unlimited Number Of Website With Unlimited Number Of Domains?

Oct 5, 2007

I'm new to Private Virtual Server and the package offered by different company are quite confusing.

I was on RackForce and their basis VPS package dds200-L can host 100 domain names on Plesk and unlimited domain names on WHM/Cpanel.

On 1and1 it didn't say if Plesk support 100 or unlimited domain names. My question is, do we always have the liberty to host unlimited domain names on our PVS?

Can anyone recommend a good VPS hosting company?

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Web Space Storage Or Get Additional Space From Another Server

Oct 14, 2008

im running out of space on one of my sites but i have more then plenty of data transfer.

Unfortunately my hosting packaged it weird where they provide not enough hd space. Im trying to figure out is there a way where i can use another server or hosting company that can provide space only and use their servers just for space?

i think amazon.com offered this but wasnt sure how exactly this works.

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Apache :: ProxyPass Has A Space Will Not Start With A Space

Sep 19, 2013

Apache 2.2.25 on windows 32

I have a ProxyPass that looks like

ProxyPass /Share Documents http://partner2/Shared Documents/

But Apache will not start with spaces. I tried

ProxyPass /Shared%20Documents http://partner2/Shared%20Documents/

Apache would start but the passthrough doesn't work. What do I need to do? I have several url's with spaces.

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Bandwidth Monitoring :: Create Bandwidth Charts Of Network Objects

Apr 3, 2009

I have a Sonicwall NSA 3500. Does anyone know if you can use it to create bandwidth charts of Network Objects (e.g. IPs or Groups of IPs)?

I am thinking something like Cacti, but I don't know the code to pull that info or if it's even technically possible.

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Why Going Unlimited?

May 8, 2008

It seems there is a small surge that is rising with big hosting companies moving towards unlimited.

I think it started with Yahoo and now over the last few days I have noticed some other companies listed below going unlimited on space/bandwidth.


With this in mind, I suspect many others will start to follow. We shall see in the coming months.

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1&1 Unlimited

Aug 12, 2008

I spent 2 weeks reading the materials this company has on it's website, AND, asking them several pre-sell questions to see if they would 'fit the bill', so to speak.

After answering all my questions, I ordered a 'managed' server, because although I have had vps's and other hosting accts., I didn't feel confident managing my own server.

Plus, they have a summer "special" for only $49.90 for the first 3 months, on a 24 month contract.


First, it took 2 and-a-half weeks to setup my server. I had to go screaming to paypal to get them to tell me my server was ready. (They SAY it'll be ready within 5 days) I had to cancel the contract, and rant and rave to get that far. (Who needs the stress - know what I mean?)

Also, I had called their support a couple times to try to get the status of my server order, and the people working for them, don't know a darn thing. I got sent to two different places, just trying to find out what had happened with my server order.

Anyway, I was satisfied that I finally had my server, and removed the claim at pp. The drama continues . . .

One of the questions I had asked them PRIOR to buying, is how much additional ip's would cost for this package. They gave me the cost, and I made a 'mental note' of it.

Last night, I sent an email to them requesting several more IP's, as I need them for several projects I've been WAITING to get started.

I was told that I can't HAVE additional IP's for my server. Has anyone EVER heard of that before?

Upon spending more time on the 'server' interface, it's nothing more than an admin panel, (not windows, whm, centos, or cpanel, etc.) that you can build 'a' website with.

Lots of FLUFF, but not the definition of a server AT ALL! It's somthing that a complete newbie would order because they can't make their own website.

So, now I've wasted almost a month screwing around with this company, and they out and out LIED to me, (I have the emails to prove it) and I'm left 'out' $50, all the time they wasted, AND, I don't know if I'm even going to be able to afford another solution until next month! I'm just getting started and my budget isn't very big, but I AM honest, and I pay my bills. I'm on disability, so I have to plan my budget carefully, until I get rich that is.
(Sorry, sidetracked there, 'cause I'm VERY upset right now.)

Bottom line, this company sucks all the way around. I think they are just so big, that there isn't any personalized service at all, and their customer service people are dumb as rocks.

Avoid them like the plague!

Have a great day everyone. I've been crying all day, so I'm going to go do some aromatherapy with a hot bath and some candles. Tomorrow is another day, and hopefully God brings me another solution.

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