Does Sell UNLIMITED SPACE For Reseller
Nov 10, 2008
I traced this sites:
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 1161 ms 797 ms 839 ms <hidden>
2 673 ms 876 ms 821 ms <hidden>
3 574 ms 839 ms 881 ms
4 743 ms 863 ms 857 ms
5 661 ms 899 ms 779 ms <hidden>
6 570 ms 875 ms 840 ms <hidden>
7 774 ms 462 ms 784 ms <hidden>
8 544 ms 401 ms 359 ms <hidden>
9 * * * Request timed out.
10 831 ms 562 ms 539 ms [
11 578 ms 557 ms 562 ms []
12 469 ms 460 ms 457 ms [
13 683 ms 682 ms 576 ms []
14 609 ms 581 ms 580 ms []
15 567 ms 599 ms 557 ms []
16 592 ms 599 ms 618 ms [
17 573 ms 558 ms 580 ms []
18 676 ms 581 ms 580 ms []
19 510 ms 577 ms 580 ms []
20 663 ms 580 ms 581 ms []
Trace complete.
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 1414 ms 761 ms 664 ms <hidden>
2 1038 ms 1036 ms 680 ms
3 374 ms 1421 ms 376 ms
4 437 ms 1278 ms 1019 ms
5 1162 ms 783 ms 797 ms
6 525 ms 359 ms 377 ms
7 371 ms 378 ms 378 ms <hidden>
8 646 ms 420 ms 359 ms <hidden>
9 * * * Request timed out.
10 * * 4187 ms [
11 1618 ms 1499 ms 2183 ms [
12 658 ms 1522 ms 996 ms
13 2261 ms 1458 ms 3320 ms [4.69.1
14 1655 ms 2463 ms 1435 ms [4.
15 1762 ms 1817 ms 2062 ms [4.
16 1718 ms 1340 ms 2638 ms
17 2300 ms 455 ms 1739 ms [74.63.
18 1421 ms 420 ms 1978 ms [74.63.
19 461 ms 437 ms 599 ms [74.63
20 541 ms 576 ms 581 ms []
how can they sell UNLIMITED ALPHA MASTER RESELLER to others?
Is that true that they are your customer?
All I know is, You do not sell unlimited space at
Are those sites cheaters or are the illegal? I did not find a specific or complete postal address or person name on those sites.
Are there companies out there that we can purchase IP's from? We might be moving data centers in 6 months and I am sick of asking my customers to always change their IP's every year.
Are there companies that we can purchase an IP block from and then carry those over to different data centers?
I am looking for something like a /26.
We currently have (2) /27's with our data center right now, but I would prefer a single /26 to keep all our IP's in the same range.
I've looked at trying to get them from ARIN, but the minimum they want to sell is a /22.
Also, how easy is it for data centers to announce your own IP space?
while looking for a host I've found that there are many hosts that offer unlimited web space and unlimited bandwidth for very little money like 4$ per month and there are also expensive web hosts that offer limited but big webspace and high bandwidth for much more money. What am I missing here? If a big website like yahoo decides to buy that 4$ per month host and move there, what would happen? Would the bandwidth really be enough and not slow down? If it wouldn't carry yahoo then why do they say it's unlimited? I'm confused because I've heard about people spending thousands of dollars for big websites every month.
I bought hosting with unlimited bandwidth, space, domain, etc. A few days ago I install script to sell photos. So I upload huge of photos and maybe eat their bandwidth and space. And today my account is deleted without any warning! I tried to ask this but no answer yet.
Is the Unlimited space and bandwidth is totally lying??? But why even hostgator selling the unlimited features?
an recommendation on a shared hosting reseller with unlimited bandwidth(or atleast about 1500gb) and about 60-70gb harddrive? And preferably have servers in the US and europe, so i can pick one in usa and 1 in europe.
I went into Reseller center this morning and clicked "View Usage/Stats and Manage (suspend,terminate,etc)" to find out that for that specific reseller:
Disk Space Used in Meg: 6323.02 Disk Space Limit: 4662
How is that possible?
I went back and clicked "Edit Privileges/Nameservers",
Resource Usage Limits|| Resource Max Allowed ||| Overselling Allowed Disk Space MB* ||||||| 5000 ||||||||||||||||| NOT CHECKED Bandwidth MB* ||||||| 200000 ||||||||||||||| NOT CHECKED (Sorry if my table is a bit crooked)
My reseller was able to go over the limit I have setup for him.. Should'nt he have a message that he cannot go over the limit or something preventing him of going over 5000 megs?
This question gets asked a lot in our Helpdesk and I figured I would post our knowledgebase article here to help anyone else wondering the Pros and Cons of Unlimited Domain Shared Hosting vs. Reseller Hosting. If anyone has anything else to add, I appreciate any feedback on how we can improve our KB article.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Given the present state of shared hosting, many clients may ask "Why would I need a Reseller account if I can host unlimited Addon and Parked domains within a single shared hosting account?". There is certainly enough Disk Space and Bandwidth provided in many of today's hosting packages, so why bother to purchase a Reseller account?
Many don't realize the drawbacks of hosting large numbers of domains within a single hosting account until they've already packed tens of them onto a single package.
So how do you know whether a Reseller account or Shared Hosting account is right for you? The answer is in how you plan to provide access to others and how "mission-critical" the sites are. You should consider the following factors when deciding on hosting a large number of domains:
1. Who will be managing these sites?
2. How important is site security between sites?
3. Will these domains need dedicated SSLs?
4. How resource intensive will these sites be (RAM, CPU, MySQL)?
In a nutshell, Reseller plans are for those who wish to host websites for other sub-clients and a shared hosting package is for a single individual managing multiple personal domains. We'll go over the 4 points above in greater detail.
1. Who will be managing these site?
If you personally own multiple domains and wish to host them within the same hosting space, you can easily do so with an Addon or Parked domain. An addon domain will allow you to host a new domain within a subdirectory of your hosting space. A parked domain will allow you to have multiple domain names point to the same content. Since addon domains reside within the same user space as your main domain, you can manage all of your domains with a single login. You can see the problem if you want to provide another user with access. Since all accounts are managed with a single set of login credentials, if you give another user access to their addon domain you are also giving them access to your main domain. If you have vital information stored on your main domain and you are hosting another domain as an addon domain for someone else, you cannot provide them access to their hosting without compromising the integrity of your main domain.
When hosting sites as a Reseller, your clients in turn will want access to their account and will want exclusive rights to their disk space and server resources. With a Reseller account, each sub-account you create gets its own username, password, and isolated user space on the server. Individual clients of yours have access to their user space and their user space alone. In addition to the isolation with regards to access concerns, each account also gets their own cPanel access. All of the same great features that you use to manage your sites can also be given to your clients. Next time client Y wants to add an email account, you don't have to do it for them for fear of giving them access to your cPanel, you can simply give them their login details and they can manage their own email accounts.
2. How important is site security between sites?
This is along the same lines as point 1. This is not necessarily related to who you are hosting for, but what content you are hosting. Imagine that you are a webmaster and you are hosting your own personal site-in-a-box community forums (such as PHPBB or vBulliten) on your main domain and a company website for a paying client on an addon domain. It is not uncommon for popular scripts to have security flaws in older versions. Script authors will often update security flaws in later versions of their software. For this reason, it is very important to keep scripts up to date on your site. But let's assume you forget to update your scripts for a couple of months and an unscrupulous individual takes advantage of a well known security hole. Using this exploit, they gain access to your forums and any subdirectories. Since you are hosting another domain as an addon, they now have access to this domain's content as well. A site defacement on this company's site may not bode well for you when they are considering you for web master services in the future.
If these two domains had been separate into two individual users (i.e. two subaccounts created through a Reseller), their content would've been inherently isolated server side by Linux's user management. Sure, your forums still would've been affected by the security hole, but the break-in would've been isolated to your site alone.
Going back to our example, let's say that instead of a corporate website as an addon domain you are hosting an image gallery site for all of your cats. In this case, it may not be a big deal if a compromise in your main domain spreads to your addon domain. After all, they are both owned by you and you're only losing some time and effort to restore these sites from your local backups (which I'm sure you've actively maintained ). But then again, you are losing time and time is money. If these sites had been separated into individual users, again, you'd only have to restore one site's content.
The idea here is isolation. Reseller plans provide you with the peace of mind to know that if one of your users doesn't keep up with their site's content as actively as they should, their actions won't negatively impact the content hosted on other domains. If you and those you host in your addons are diligent webmasters, maybe this point won't have much bearing on your decision. Only you can say for sure.
3. Will these domains need SSLs?
As of this writing, SSL certificates must have a dedicated IP address to be installed. If you are hosting multiple domains on the same shared hosting package, you can still install an SSL (or purchase a dedicated IP address and install one) but you are limited to exactly one SSL on your account. If you are hosting multiple domains on the same package (and consequently the same IP), you must choose which domains gets to have the dedicated SSL.
Sub accounts of Resellers can each be placed onto separate IP addresses and, as a result, can each have their own dedicated SSL installed.
Of course, both shared accounts and Resellers' sub accounts can use the server's shared SSL free of charge. However, some clients prefer to see their domain in the URL bar when they visit https.
4. How resource intensive will these sites be (RAM, CPU, MySQL)?
We've already established that disk space and bandwidth will be no problem. But what about CPU, RAM, and MySQL resources?
It's important to be aware of the resource needs of your website. As administrators, we have to make sure all users "play nice" on the server. We can't have user X eating all of the CPU cycles computing pi to the trillionth decimal place while you are trying to serve web pages to your loyal visitors. We have to monitor the actions of all of our users and in the event someone is stepping beyond the bounds of acceptable resource consumption, we have to take action. In most cases, this entails disabling the abusive script, but in extreme cases we have to suspend the abusive user account to prevent other domains from encountering performance degradation on their sites.
If you are hosting 100 domains as addon domains, all serving nothing but static HTML pages, maybe you will stay off the radar.
But considering most sites are more complicated than static HTML, you may want to be aware of how many sites you host as addons and what content they serve. If you're hosting the latest and greatest Joomla modules, with up to date news feeds, integrated forums modules, polls, blog posts, etc your site can certainly require a degree of CPU to serve your pages. Now imagine you have 5 or 10 of these sites all hosted as addon domains. The resources these sites need to generate their content can quickly add up and before you know it you've got a friendly email from Acenet, Inc. in your inbox wondering why your user is consuming 2 of the 8 CPU cores on the server. That may be an exaggeration, but you get the idea. In the event your resource usage becomes so excessive that we have to suspend your user, now all of your sites are down instead of whichever one may be the direct cause of the spike in CPU, RAM, or MySQL consumption.
If each of these had been separate Reseller accounts, the offending account could've been suspended temporarily while we work through the cause, leaving the rest of your domains live and kicking.
The conclusion here is that you need to be aware of the needs of your sites in a general sense. Hosting unlimited domains within a shared hosting space is certainly a nice feature. For those webmasters who have multiple presences on the web, it's very convenient to be able to manage all of their personal domains from a single control panel. For those entrepreneurs who are hosting multiple domains for other individuals, the features and security associated with a Reseller plan and the inherent isolation of Linux users is a must have. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
I'm new to Private Virtual Server and the package offered by different company are quite confusing.
I was on RackForce and their basis VPS package dds200-L can host 100 domain names on Plesk and unlimited domain names on WHM/Cpanel.
On 1and1 it didn't say if Plesk support 100 or unlimited domain names. My question is, do we always have the liberty to host unlimited domain names on our PVS?
After migrating to a larger setup, I'm left me with with four large servers (specs are listed below) that I don't have any use for. I would like sell VPS hosting on it, and let the support/payments/whatever be handled through my friend's hosting company. I have been crunching some numbers, and finally came up with some prices/offers, but I am unsure if the CPUs can sustain the number of clients. Let me know what you think.
Also, if you could tell me what most VPS users are mainly looking for, it would help a bunch in configuring offers.
I am thinking about launching an all in one hosting company but the only problem I have is I don't know what I need to have hardware and software wise to start hosting dedicated servers. My servers will go into a data center in Tampa FL.
what I need to be able to host dedicated servers. For example how to I do a network installation of linux and things like that.
I have about a year left on my contract with Lunarpages and would like to sell it (at a discount to what I paid for it). Where's the best place to post this kind of thing?
I have moved away from using modernbill, and have a licesnse to owned mb 250, i was wondering if MB allows the transfer of their licenses, Its just to overwhelming for us and even after renewing the 6mnths support period on it just cant get it going how i want it.
I have order 2 servers from ftp at October 12 2008, both are setup at same time!
At October 13, the general support tell me that server have been hacked? I haven't start using both servers, why them are been hacked? they said the problem is sloved... so ok...
I got plesk installed on both server, but both server ftp not working. the ftp module is installed but i cannot connect from anywhere on the work!
I create 4 new ticket to sales, general support and billing, but no one want slove the problem, they reply me like this:
""We offer only the default OS installs.
The helpdesk does not provide support in configuration of any software packages. You may however contact our managed services department at for a price/availability quote. If you would like us to move your ticket to their department, please let us know.""
the server is setup error and got hacker attack it, they just leave it without doing anything, what should i do?
I already write a ticket to cancel servers, but until now no response!
I just want you guy to know, If alphared don't have problems, i will still stay with them! I will never use FDCservers any more!
I'm just curious to how many accounts one can create on a server
And have them all in use without going over the server limits.
Create 100 listener accounts / 96kpbs Autodj features 1 gig of storage to uploaded audio files
How much bandwidth would you allow each account? It's very hard to judge, considering any of them could be running audio files off their hosting 24/7 Or live broadcasting 24/7 It's possible they might be in use this much, or not.
I'm looking for a solution not too pricey where we can create a lot of unhosted and hosted shoutcast radio accounts for users.
I've been looking at different packages to get ideas dule core, 2 gig ram, 400 gig hard drives Unmetered bandwidth, anything that is linux is good; so centos opperating system I'd need support like msn support
But im building a better picture now and i feel these accounts should be ready for some potential clients.
I would have thought at the start i could create a few 100 decent sized shoutcast plans with hosting etc on one server.
Lets just say i can't afford to fork out 200 per month and not know exactly what i have to do to provide these accounts.
But i feel they will sell or i wouldn't waste my time with the idea.
If the service is decent i think i'll have a lot of intrest.
What software is recomended for sell VPS under Linux, im using OpenVZ but I need something mor easy for manage because we don't want to put commands and create scripts for every VPS creation. Also, what hardware is recomended?
Last week my brother puchased a CD which promised contains thousands of unique templates through [url]
He sell it locally for Indonesia market and leave no contact info.
He showed me and I'm surprised that what did guy did is copied from all sources included majority which is available alot of through the net (example: [url]burn it into CD and sell it illegaly.
I reported the site to and got the followin reply: ---------------------------------------------
Since there are no templates on the site, you will need to provide evidence of this some how.
Regards, Richard F. Network Security Administrator ISP Blacklist Administrator/Level 3 Systems Administrator PGP Key: [url] ---------------------------------------------
I'm not trying to bash HG, but I need your opinion: is the HG respond is already correct?
So learn from the same thing, if I set a website sell cracked properties and only delivery the product through CD or email (not downloadble one) I can host it with HG as long as no offensive files in their server? Or in this case HG just ignore it because could not understand Indonesia languange?
My Review / Experiances of Limestonenetworks My Advise Avoid like the plauge 01-07-09 01:14 PM I placed an order for a server 01-08-2009 Server is ready Orginal Config DotnetPanel Windows Web 2008
I had problems from the start IIS Not starting correctly Dotnetpanel issues including adding websites.
So I fixed what I could and then employed someone to do the work. Afterlooking around I found someone who looked proffessional and told me he could do the work.
He got back to me after a few hours and said their were problems with the server OS and DotnetPanel install.
It would take longer to fix but he would try After A day or so, he sent me and email stating he was unable to get it to work correctly and said the entire OS needed to be reinstalled. So I contacted LSN and told them about the problems I was having and decided to ditch the Windows 2008 Web server for a more roboust soloution.
I went for the classic Centos and Hypervm soloution.
LSN happy loaded my server with a fresh OS and I proceed to employ my normal guy to install and configure the server AV went on firewall went on Lex went on Hypervm went on IP Address Binded to network adapters.
But all the VPS we setup only had the "local lan adapter IP" making them inaccessiable from the outside world.
After somemore looking at the matter I resorted to contact LSN and get them to remove /change the interfaces.
This gave the VPS the external IPS but were still not connectable from the outside world. so far I spent 65$ on the orinal comapny who looked at setting up the web 2008 server additioanl 45$ on a diffrent tech to confirm the fault and been billed for a second money at singlehop.
so I contacted "customer support" and all I wanted was a refund, even if it was parcial. I just wanted a refund. I lost out on to much money and to many hours sitting infront of the computer typing up support contacts.
Please read the transcript below I strongly advise you not to use LSN they are not a helpful company
You are now chatting with ryan ryan: Hello, thank you for visiting Limestone Networks! How may I assist you today? ibby@: Hello Ryan, I want to make a complaint. ryan: Oh no! What appears to be the issue? ....
after reading the complete thread about Limestone's TOS and weighing their latest server offering, I took the plunge and just spent $160 on a monthly server.
My email from them is dated today at 6:44 pm.
Let's see how long it takes to get this server in my hands. Nothing special in the order, an extra hd for backup, that is it.
I'm a newbie here but not a newbie to unmanaged servers. If this one goes off without a hitch, I'll move a few sites from a box I currently have a ManageMyBox (no problems with them, at all, just looking for a datacenter closer to home and this seemed like a good deal).
I've got a few servers around many companies, yet never tried them(LSN). To me they are a bit fishy, by how cheap their servers are. Any experience with them(Good/Bad), please share it.
I am very happy go give everyone a review of
Here is My story!
I was in a bunch and needed a VPS server because My other one went down unexpectedly, so i needed a new server in under 5 hours. I looked all over, and came upon one very special company, I placed the order, and selected to have HyperVM/OpenVZ installed. The server was setup in 3 Hours! This was the fastest setup time for a dedicated server I have ever seen. When I submit a support ticket, I have a response within 30 mins. This is truly one of the best datacenters ever! Their staff is very helpful! To be honest, I am so pleased with them, I just now ordered a second server from them! Yes, You do pay a bit more, but you definatly get what you pay for, and ill tell you what, this extra 2 cents is worth it all the way!
I would recommend to ANYONE!
im running out of space on one of my sites but i have more then plenty of data transfer.
Unfortunately my hosting packaged it weird where they provide not enough hd space. Im trying to figure out is there a way where i can use another server or hosting company that can provide space only and use their servers just for space?
i think offered this but wasnt sure how exactly this works.