Shared SSL Cert

May 11, 2007

user of shared SSL and trying to use my hosts shared SSL cert to process the form opened from a menu link. The form opens OK using href=[url] on the test page, but when I submit the form using the action=[url] I get a IE cannot display this webpage error.

The host says:
The way you are using our shared SSL is correct. Still there is lot of scripts in the /home/blah-blah/public_html/staging, calling the link [url], which in turn gives error. This means that the scripts do not work on our shared SSL. It seems you need a separate SSL installed for your domain for the scripts to work properly.

Should it matter how many scripts (I assume he means php scripts) there are in the /staging area?

Is there another way to securely send this form to the server for processing? Do I need a cert for this domain to make this work? I've seen threads on this topic in other forums but the discussion level was between experienced developers, not a beginner like me. I would appreciate a do this not that kind of answer if possible.

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IE7 Warning For Shared Cert Offered By Host

Sep 2, 2007

As many Reseller Hosts offer shared certificates as a feature, and many resellers have small-business clients who make good use of this, is anyone else finding it a major problem where visitors using IE7 get an error message for pages using the shared certifcates?


There is a problem with this website's security certificate.

The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority.

Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server.

We recommend that you close this webpage and do not continue to this website....

As a layperson visitor seeing that, I would not even think of using the link they offer to "continue" anyway. It scares customers off. I asked my Host about it and he said that it is beause all the shared SSL's are self-signed certifcates, so they do incur that error.

How are others dealing with it? No other option but to advise the client to get their own certificate?

Are there resellers that do NOT have this problem with their shared certs?

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SSL Cert

Mar 11, 2007

Have been given a task where I am not familiar at all..

Task I have been given is to 1. implement mod_ssl in apache 2.2.4
2. create ssl cert for mail server
3. create ssl cert for Terminal Server

Now the problem is am unsure when I create these crt files and keys should I enable a pass phrase or not?? Am using openssl and the documentation states if it is a server certificate then maybe better not to have a passphrase..

Initially I thought I dont want the user when they check there mail to have to authenticate their mail account and also the passphrase for the cert and same for the TS users but am unsure of the meaning and usage of the passphrase.

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About To Buy An Ssl Cert

Jan 15, 2007

for my online service. Do i spend the money for the special ssl cert that makes the ie7 bar green or a normal ssl cert?

Been thinking about getting an account on resellerclub for $200 and selling a cert to myself. Their other stuff might be helpful too. sounds like a plan?

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IpsCA SSL Cert

Jul 12, 2008

Have anybody got their SSL from ipsCA, ?

The ssl seem to be fully validated for only $38, and both firefox and IE recognized it.

Their partner program look nice,but i did not hear anything after contacting their email. Is there anyone here is their partner?

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SSL Cert. Where Start And How To

Oct 20, 2007

I'm interesting to start with use of SSL cert.

First use is for any customer that have protected area and would have more security of data sent.

Have you any suggest for start, any link to help/faq and rapid how to?

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Cheap Wildcard Ssl Cert

Mar 29, 2007

Where can I buy cheap wildcard ssl certificates?

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Firefox And An Intermediate Cert

May 22, 2007

I had to reinstall a Verisign cert last week. After cleaning out a mess of old certs, keys and csr's I finally got the thing to install properly.

However, I get a "Website Certified by an Unknown Authority Error in Firefox".

Everything including the intermediate crt is installed correctly as far as I can tell and I get no error in any version of IE.

Here from the httpd.comf file:

<IfDefine SSL>
<VirtualHost IPADDRESS:443>
DocumentRoot /home/myuser/public_html
UserDir public_html

User myuser
Group mygroup
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/myuser/public_html/cgi-bin/

SSLCertificateFile /usr/share/ssl/certs/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /usr/share/ssl/private/
SSLCACertificateFile /usr/share/ssl/certs/
SSLLogFile /usr/local/apache/domlogs/
CustomLog /usr/local/apache/domlogs/ combined
SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown

The key matches the cert, and the cabundle is directly from Verisign.

Has anyone had a similar problem with getting a Verisign or other intermediate cert to work properly? I've reissued the thing twice and so far nothing has changed. It's like the intermediate cert isn't being sent even though it is installed.

When viewing the cert in firefox the Certificate Hierarchy only shows my domain. In internet explorer is shows Verisign Class 3 Public Primary CA -> Verisign Class 3 Secure Server CA -> My domain.

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SSL Cert Doesn't Work On IE

Apr 20, 2007

I ordered a RapidSSL (also called QuickSSL) cert from (GeoTrust) to test out an email service. It works on firefox, but not in any version of IE I have on my two computers at home, a PC and a laptop running 6.0sp2 and 7.0 respectively.

When I raised a trouble ticket, Geotrust responded with a ppt attachment that clearly shows the cert working for the domain in IE. I have no reason to doubt them, but I replied with a ppt of my own showing the cert not working and am waiting for their reply.

Is it possible for a cert not to work on a specific browser like this? When I asked my email service provider, they said the following:



This indicates a problem with the SSL certificate that was installed. Possibly, an intermediate certificate issued by your certificate authority is need to be installed in addition to the one you gave us to enable Internet Explorer to fully trust your certificate and show the secure site.

Note for example that the only difference between going to
[url]and [url] is the certificate in use ... the same server and software with the same settings is used in both cases. I recommend going back to Geotrust and ask if there is a Geotrust Intermediate certificate that should be installed in addition to your issued certificate."

The domain is CNAMED to their server so that the app looks as if it is being run off my domain. I don't think there is anything non-standard about this because LuxSci is a topnotch provider and this is how they enable their clients to run private label services.

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To Get Old SSL Cert Revoked If I Move Provider

Nov 4, 2007

If I get an SSL certificate from one SSL provider and then decide to go with another provider for the same subdomain, do I have to get the first one revoked or simply replace the old with the new?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Existing SSL Cert Removal

Sep 23, 2014

So after the palaver yesterday, I managed to remove everything to a degree enough to reinstall Plesk. I'm still having quite a few issues but at least the websites are up and running again.

One of the more important ones is SSL certificates. Apparently they still exist somewhere, but they're not showing up in Plesk.

I tried doing /usr/local/psa/bin/certificate -l -domain <domain>, however that returns:

PHP Notice: Undefined index: CSR; File: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/api-common/cuCertificate.php, Line: 878
Error occured while sending feedback. HTTP code returned: 502
PHP Notice: Undefined index: Priv; File: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/api-common/cuCertificate.php, Line: 878

[Code] .....

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Self Signed Cert Only SHA And Not SHA2

Jan 16, 2015

how/where can i change this ? DB, File ? Or impossible ?

Or have i create my own one and then to import it ?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Export SSL Cert To PKCS12

Jun 9, 2015

I have a valid cert installed for a particular domain on my plesk server. I would like to take that cert info and export it to a valid PKCS12.

I was looking for the actual cert or pem files on the server but couldn't find them. Should i just copy all of the cert information to text files and create a pkcs12 via command line?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: SSL Cert For Specific Domain

Dec 15, 2014

Currently i'm running a server with 12 customers on it. They all have their own domainnames and subscriptions. One of them wants to secure his site with SSL and also his mail traffic. Currently he is using the server for receiving/sending e-mail. I want to install a certificate so that domain is secured. How can i accomplish this?

When i look on the server there is only 1 PEM file for the whole server. If i'm going to install his KEY and CRT in that file than all my clients will use that certifcate right? Can i make it so that only his domain uses thoses certifcates? Plesk is configured to use Postfix with Courier.

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1 SSL Cert... 1 Domain... 2 Servers. How To Setup A Backup Server

Jan 13, 2009

We have two in-house servers, one is hosting our public web server. The other one was just purchased to host a mirror of the production server (as a backup). The site is protected by an SSL cert... my question is how do i set up the server(s) so if/when the backup server needs to be switched into produciton, the SSL cert will transition flawlessly?

They are both apache 2 servers.

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Code Signing Certificate (cert Companies Becoming Vampires)

Jul 9, 2007

One year ago a company I work for purchased and used a Code Signing Certificate from Comodo. This type of cert. ables to sign code, so your software executable files display 'company info' when downloaded, and avoid confidence warnings from Vista/XP and so on.

Now it's time to renew this cert (well, just purchase a new one) and surprise, this type of cert. has *raised* the price on every certification company I've looked.

Although I think this is just stealing money from companies, we need it, so I was wondering if you have some good deal to share.

I've seen $179 *a year* at Comodo, $499 *a year* at Verisign (holy cow), and the best deal so far is $563 for *three years* at

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Apache :: Bypass Client Cert Requirement For Localhost?

Feb 20, 2013

I just setup an intranet wiki running apache2.2 on ubuntu 12.04. The server currently requires two-way certificate authentication (i.e. a server cert AND client certs).In <VirtualHost *:80>, Redirect permanent / https://<intranetSite>

Everything works dandy, except now that I'd like to find a way to bypass the client cert check for localhost so that I can run some maintenance scripts via cron on the server. Or perhaps it's possible to bypass SSL entirely, just for localhost?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Change SSL Cert Assigned To IP Address

May 4, 2015

I changed the default certificate (I added the certificate and marked as Default in Server->SSL Certificates).Also I assigned the SSL certificate to my domain.

This works fine, but now I'm trying to make the website PCI Compliant and their test shows that if you request the certificate from the ip address (instead of using the domain) it showns the Parallels self signed certificate instead os showing the default certificate i uploaded). I used also tool and it shows the same. How to change the certificate shown for the one I bought?

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Assigned New SSL Cert To IP Address - Still Showing Old

May 24, 2014

I had an SSL cert that is about to expire so I purchased a new one, installed it, uninstalled the soon to expire cert. Went into Tools and Settings > IP Addresses, and assigned the new certificate to the IP.

Although I deleted the old certificate, it still shows in a browser as well as when I test the domain at a SSL server testing website. The new certificate shows also in both browser and test website, but it is a secondary certificate after the soon-to-expire cert.

How do I get rid of the original certificate?

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Apache :: SSL Cert Files And Mod Rewrite For Multi-tenant Hosting

Feb 21, 2015

I'm trying to set up a multi-tenant web application across multiple servers and would like to provide ssl for those tenants

I know this is possible to dynamically assign ssl using mod_rewrite, but I'm worried about speed.

Does apache cache the ssl cert file(s) when using mod_rewrite, or does apache lookup the ssl file every handshake / session?

How ssl cert files work and if using mod_rewrite is a worthy approach if connection speed is important.

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VPS And Vs Shared

Mar 7, 2009

I'd like to install ACP because I have a account on the VPS with which I'd like to try it. The problem is that I already have Zend Optimizer installed (by default) and I've read that the two do not co-exist well together.

1) Is there a way to configure PHP such that ACP is only installed for this single cpanel account? or is the process of uninstalling Zend and then installing ACP a global thing that will have to affect all accounts?

2) Also, if I do go ahead and uninstall Zend, and then install ACP, but have a problem, is there a good way to reverse what I've done if there's a problem?

Clearly I'd backup php.ini, but other than restoring the VPS, is there an easier way to "go back to a restore point" (for lack of a better phrase)?

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Shared To VPS ..

Jun 26, 2008

I've been on shared hosting for 2 years and I'm experienced in Cpanel/WHM (mails,ftp,database..etc).

My question is that if I sign up for a FULLY Managed VPS hosting , will it be very easy to me getting up everything to work just like It used to be on my shared hosting ?
I'm not looking to have full root access and start modifying the system according to my preferences. I just need everything to be set up smoothly.

The purpose of my move to VPS is because I'm in need to start a social networking website which will be addressing a quite large number of traffic.

I just need to upload the script files,create the database,and setting up some mail accounts.

So with my previous experience in Cpanel,can I go ahead and start my vps hosting easily ? or there are tricks I need to be aware of ?

And finally,please recommend me the best between those hosts :
eurovps , vpslink or wiredtree.

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Ip Shared

Jul 30, 2007

we have transfer any site to new dedicated server


if we digit our main shared ip is possible to view the subdomain of one of the last site trasnfered..?

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Shared IP And Other IPs

May 10, 2007

When I sign up for a hosting server, I was given 6 IP. One shared IP and a bunch of other IP. Usually, the other IP are series of numbers after the shared IP. If the shared IP is, then the other IPs are,, etc.

curiously I wrote this into test.php

echo file_get_contents[url];

Sure enough, the IP that shows up is the IP of my website.

The thing is the IP that hows up is always the shared IP.

For example, if one of the other IP is

and I type in webbrowser, IP chicken will still say that my IP is

So, what are the other IPs are for?

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Shared SSL

Mar 11, 2007

how's to setup a shared SSL on Cpanel server.

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Shared And VPS

Nov 14, 2007

I am going to buy a new server with the config

4 X Dual core 2.8Ghz
12 X 1 GB Ram
300 X 4 SCSI 10K HDD
24mbps dedicated b/w

Can i use this server to run both shared hosting and VPS. If so how.

I want to use directadmin for shared hosting service and vps.

How many VPS can be created using this dedicated server any idea?

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Any One Know How To Set Up Shared SSL On 1and1?

Mar 31, 2006

Hi Can anyone tell me how to set up shared SSl with that came with my 1and1 package please. I set up the shared SSl for one of my domains but don'd know how to do it so that when a person types in the normal domain name http: it automatically goes to the secure site. I rang technical support and they told me I would have to rename all my links to, there must be any easier way surely. My web developer has created all the site and I really don't want to change all the file names.

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