Apache :: SSL Cert Files And Mod Rewrite For Multi-tenant Hosting

Feb 21, 2015

I'm trying to set up a multi-tenant web application across multiple servers and would like to provide ssl for those tenants

I know this is possible to dynamically assign ssl using mod_rewrite, but I'm worried about speed.

Does apache cache the ssl cert file(s) when using mod_rewrite, or does apache lookup the ssl file every handshake / session?

How ssl cert files work and if using mod_rewrite is a worthy approach if connection speed is important.

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Apache :: Mod Rewrite Rule To Disallow Direct Access To Files From Some Directory

Oct 26, 2014

in wordpress is wp-includes folder, i dont want anyone just execute file from this directory so it just serve wordpress not any malicious file be executed from there,

so i added this rule into /wp-includes/.htaccess:
RewriteRule ^(wp-includes)/.*$ ./ [NC,R=301,L]

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Apache Rewrite ==> Lighttpd Rewrite

Jul 24, 2008

I dowload a scripts with a .htaccess file

DirectoryIndex index.php
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^link/([0-9]+)[/]*$ /redirect.php?id=$1
RewriteRule ^link/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)[/]*$ /redirect.php?tag=$1

I want to convert it to lighttpd rewrite rules, urgent, also I can't contact with the scripts author,

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Apache :: Bypass Client Cert Requirement For Localhost?

Feb 20, 2013

I just setup an intranet wiki running apache2.2 on ubuntu 12.04. The server currently requires two-way certificate authentication (i.e. a server cert AND client certs).In <VirtualHost *:80>, Redirect permanent / https://<intranetSite>

Everything works dandy, except now that I'd like to find a way to bypass the client cert check for localhost so that I can run some maintenance scripts via cron on the server. Or perhaps it's possible to bypass SSL entirely, just for localhost?

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How To Create Multi Dns For One Domain To Multi Webhosting Servers

Jul 19, 2009

i have 100 web hosting clients that i want to move 50 clients to another server but i only now have one domain for the dns

server 1#

hostname : host01.dnsdomain.com
nameserver1 : host01.dnsdomain.com
nameserver2 : host02.dnsdomain.com

server 2#

hostname : host01.dnsdomain.com
nameserver1 : host03.dnsdomain.com
nameserver2 : host04.dnsdomain.com

and in the domain control panel i set the nameservers for the dnsdomain.com

nameserver1 : host01.dnsdomain.com
nameserver2 : host02.dnsdomain.com

and i didn't create account for it just dns only

is this a right way to create multi dns for multi webhosting servers?

and when i want to make subdomain hosting account site someting like


it didn't work

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Wierd Htaccess Url Rewrite- Rewrites All Index Files

Apr 19, 2008

I have worked with mod_rewrite for years and never encountered this problem. I am converting html pages to a single php file and it works perfectly. I used htaccess the rewrite the urls to appear the same so that no links would be broken or lose SEO value.

The only problem is that my friend who also helped build the sites added different directories and within those directories are index.htm files that serve as a home page for the separate directory. Like /info/index.htm and /help/index.htm within the root directory. The problem is that for some reason my mod_rewrite directs to the main index.htm rewrite even if I include the whole path to the file. In htaccess I have this so far:

RewriteEngine on

RewriteRule index.htm$ index.php [L]
RewriteRule servers.htm$ index.php?action=servers [L]
RewriteRule movies.htm$ index.php?action=movies [L]
However there is a directory named "info" and inside that directory it has an index.htm file and it seems to conflict with my first mod_rewrite. I tried using:

RewriteRule /info/index.htm$ index.php?action=info [L]
and used other methods but none seem to work any ideas?

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Apache Multi Process Limit

Jun 9, 2007

I am in a bind with Apache's multi process limit. Let me explain what I am doing. There's this website which has career details of all the football players since the beginning of professional football. They have a simple web form which allows you to look at a player's profile by entering his name or his 7 digit numeric id number (on that website).

One of my client wants a list of all the players with a certain "flag" in their profile. So I created an automatic form submission and HTML parsing script to get details of all the players with that "flag" in their profile. Let me not go into too much details and tell you that after applying a few pattern rules to the id number, the number of possible id numbers comes to about 1 million (instead of 10^7; each field can have {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}=10 digits, so net combinations = 10*10*10*10*10*10*10).

Therefore, to completely automate this process I wrote a script which would generate an id number, submit the form with that id number, and parse the resulting HTML profile for the "flag". If the script finds a hit on the flag, it stores all the fields of that player in a database. This script is working absolutely fine but the speed I was getting was about one check per second which means that I would have to leave the script running for about 11 days (to process all of about 1 million checks).

So i came up with this idea to divide the check into ten parts and i created separate scripts for each part. Now basically the first script checks for the first 100 thousand combinations, the second checks for another 100 thousand combinations, and so on.

The problem is that I am able to get only two of these scripts running at the same time. So it would still take me at least 5 days to get all the results. The rest of the scripts just sit there in the server's backlog. This is definitely due to Apache's limitation to handle multiple processes. The server I am using to run this script as well the target webserver both run on Apache2. I am sure it's not a problem with the receiving server. It has to be my Apache web server which is running the scripts. I have tried using mpm_winnt (on a windows server) as well as the prefork and worker modules (on a linux server) without any luck. Has any of you ever faced the same situation?

For those concerned about the legitimacy of this work, rest assured, this is absolutely legit. There's nothing in the website's use policy which restricts somebody from doing this. Moreover, my client hired me to do this only because the website owners were not able to hand over the data he required. They gave the stupid reason that they are helpless in providing the data because they don't have a system in place which would allow them to do a search restriction!

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Multi Language Hosting

Apr 10, 2008

Is "selectable Multi-Language" professional for a hosting company website? and does it attract more clients? I mean giving visitors a drop down menu of some major languages and allow them to select the language of your website. Is it professional to have? attract more clients?

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Apache :: Multi VHost / Single File

Mar 20, 2015

I'm actually working on a project in wich one I use Zend Framework 2. In this project I have 4 websites. (this is require, I don't want to change it).

I have 1 Virtual Host for each website:

- com-mywebsite.com
- cp-mywebsite.com
- pos-mywebsite.com
- ap-mywebsite.com

Each Virtual Host redirect to the same folder and same file because everything is in the same project so same entry point (same index.php)

actually if I type each url in a browser, they all redirect to the same part of my project so I added some routes in ZF2 to access to one website and not another :

- com-mywebsite.com/com
- cp-mywebsite.com/cp
- pos-mywebsite.com/pos
- ap-mywebsite.com/ap

This is a quick and dirty fix because I also can access to the ap website with this url : com-mywebsite.com/ap

I'd like every website to be accessed from their root:

- com-mywebsite.com
- cp-mywebsite.com
- pos-mywebsite.com
- ap-mywebsite.com

And I don't want to display /something after it to access to the website even if after you can access to some other pages of each website.

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True Multi Site Hosting

Jun 2, 2008

Are there any hosts on the net with reasonably priced true multi site hosting*?

I'd host something like 5-6 small wordpress & blog sites, no special diskspace or bw requirements.

I know Site5 offers something like this, but I'd like something with over 80% uptime

(* By this I mean each site should have its own cpanel & the sites should be completely separate, due to the fact that I'm lazy & don't want to set up domain pointers or whatever they are called.)

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Starting To Look At Multi-computer / Rack Hosting

Sep 28, 2008

We are currently in a limited Alpha for a very demanding web application. We'll (hopefully) be in closed Beta in 3 months and go live / open beta after all issues are fixed.

Our problem is that we know that we will need, even for the open beta, a costly setup.

We are talking about 2 front-end servers for Apache / PHP / Memcached, 2 for a Mysql Cluster / replication / partitioned (undecided) and at least 1 just for pre-processing stuff that later will go to the database.

Growing from those requirements is very possible, so we would like to be able to add new computers to the cluster, more processing machines, more front-ends, a load balancer, etc.

Of course we have considered the Cloud (Amazon S3 and stuff), but those 5 initial machines are a must for us.

My question is, what is the best solution here, a rack with a private Lan/fast switches?

What are the recommended companies for this kind of installations? Will they manage everything or just rent the rack?

Any clues about how costly (setup and monthly) this kind of setup would be? I can't find specific prices for these "special installations" anywhere, they all want us to call and we are just preparing for 4/6 months on the road.

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Apache :: How Can URL Rewrite

Apr 25, 2013

how can i url rewrite, i tried to myself but failed miserably!.host.com/movie.php?id=123, 123 being any number!to: host.com/movie/123

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Apache Mod-Rewrite Unavailable

Jul 25, 2008

I have all my specify modules are loaded in pache like mod_rewrite in other face I have a script need require mod_rewrite in install steps but I have in testing : Apache Mod-Rewrite Unavailable

but when I run httpd -l I get this list

PHP Code:

[root@server ~]# httpd -lCompiled in modules:  core.c  prefork.c  http_core.c  mod_so.c[root@server ~]# 

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Apache Rewrite Rules

Jan 12, 2007

With this whole no-www thing going on. I've decided to have a look at whether I can do this for my domains.

Instead of writing a

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.domain.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ h77p://domain.com/$1 [R=301,L]

for every single domain I'd like to do this for across all domains as standard. I'm not too hot on rewrite rules and have in the past avoided them cos of the complexities. But I'd like to get this done, and no silently do it, but reflect the URL difference in the webbrowsers address bar too.

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Apache :: Unable To Rewrite URL

Sep 24, 2013

I'm trying to rewrite the following URL, and the rewrite seems to work, but doesn't forward to the rewritten page.

From: domain.com/index.php?random

To: domain.com/random

RewriteRule ^random$ /index.php?random [L]

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Apache :: HTAccess - How To Do URL Rewrite

Oct 23, 2014

I have been trying to figure out how to do a url rewrite but no luck so far.

How can I have this [URL] ....

as the default [URL] ....

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Apache :: Getting URL Rewrite To Work

May 25, 2015

On my website at www.jamescobban.net I have a directory which contains an ancient copy of my old static implementation of the site. It is there just in case someone has saved a old URL. However the data in that directory is several years out of date, so I would like to redirect the old static URLs to the equivalent dynamic URLs. For example: URLs.....

I wasn't warned that the <Directory> in the Apache conf file has to specify AllowOverride All whereas the default that is created when I install Ubuntu is AllowOverride None.I wasn't warned that I have to enable the mod_rewrite using a2enmod or else the rewrite commands are rejected.I am testing this on my private copy of the web-site where I can fiddle with options like that in the config file, but when I migrate this to my public server I do not have that privilege, so I want to try setting up the URL rewriting in .htaccess.

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Apache :: Rewrite For Any Directory

Oct 15, 2014

I would like to write a rewrite rule that does the following:

RewriteEngine On

Redirect 301 URL...

So what I want is that the first url is rewritten to go to the second ..I have a whole bunch of links that I have to redirect, so I would like to place them all into one .htaccess file or into the default configuration file of apache. So what I do not want is to create SomeFolder1 and someOtherFolder2 and to place a .htaccess file into that place in order to make it work. In fact I want to ignore the folders of the old link and only use the pagename.

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Apache :: 2.4.4 - Delay / Pause In Mod Rewrite

Mar 13, 2013

I'm running Apache 2.4.4 Win32 on a Windows 2008 server. When trying to optimize a website I noticed a random reoccurring 2550ms delay in Time To First Byte. A file could have a TTFB of 200ms several times but suddenly it would get 2750ms. This could be a static file (image, html, js) or php. I've measured using ApacheBench (locally and remotely), webpagetest.org and bytecheck.com. After much trial and error I found the problem was with mod_rewrite. Disabling this and everything is fine.

I have setup a blank/new install with only basic config change (Listen, ServerRoot etc) to replicate result without anything else interfering. Following is the rewrite section I add to config.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule (^/Pictures.*) /$1 [L]

After Apache has started I execute "ab http://my.example.com/Pictures/Thumbnails/tmb_400X400_FFFFFF_660.jpg" and always get the delay. If I execute again it's normal. If I wait at least 30 seconds I get the delay. Following is a section from error.log with trace8 logging.

[Tue Mar 12 23:28:56.123519 2013] [rewrite:trace3] [pid 7624:tid 888] mod_rewrite.c(468): [client 69.x.y.90:36279] 69.x.y.90 - - [my.example.com/sid#42c748][rid#26df0d0/initial] applying pattern '(^/Pictures.*)' to uri '/Pictures/Thumbnails/tmb_400X400_FFFFFF_660.jpg'

[Code] ....

As you see from line 3 to line 4 the time skips 2550ms. When the TTFB is normal then the log is identical except time doesn't change from line 3 to line 4. If I delete the rewrite section in config then TTFB is always normal, no matter what.

When I testet on the live server the time for fully loaded increase from 3800-4000ms to 8500-10500ms when mod_rewrite is enabled. And that is about 30 requests (php+css+js+images). So the impact is significant.

What can this be? I'm having a hard time believing it's a bug. Isn't mod_rewrite used a lot? I'm running Ubuntu (linux) at home, I'm going to install Apache there and see if I get the same result.

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Apache :: Rewrite Wrong Request

Nov 13, 2013

In my web site I have several index pages in different languages in the following format

[URL] ....

Two days ago I noticed increased, many times. Google bot activity on my site and when I checked my log file I found that all pages crawled were wrong web addresses: to the above index were added existing files from my site like


So, the strings looked like

[URL] ....

And surprisingly all they returned code "200".

My question is: is there any way to rewrite such requests to the first ".html" found in the string.

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Apache :: Mod Rewrite - How To Differentiate Sessions

Nov 5, 2014

I am trying to capture 3-4 digits when sent as part of a URL, for them to be proxied to another URL. I have no control over how the source sends this data, I am supposed to redirect it. Which works.

#RewriteCond %{HTTP:whoisd-ussd-message} ([d]{2,4})
#RewriteRule ^/original/individual.do(.*)$ https://other.server.com/somewhere/011$1 [P]

The problem is this works for all URLs that have digits to this server. I am expecting to trap URLs that send digits as part of the first call to the server, but this also affects URL calls that are part of other server call transactions, once digits appear, it gets redirected. What can I do to stop this interference?

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Apache :: Unable To Use URL Rewrite On Server?

Aug 15, 2014

after I install my apache 2.4 on my notebook, I install it using PHP and it's successful, but when I use .htaccess

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Apache :: 2.4 Rewrite Rules Broken?

Jul 4, 2013

I got a trouble with a server upgrade on GoDaddy.

Once the server was upgraded from Apache 2.2 to Apache 2.4 all

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Apache :: Internal URL Rewrite Across Subdomains

Jun 8, 2013

I want to rewrite across subdomains, e.g. requests for sub1.mydomain.com/foo.htm -> www.mydomain.com/foo.htm. I can do

this with something like:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^sub[0-9].
RewriteRule (.*) http://www.mydomain.com/$1 [R=303,L]

I want to make it an internal rewrite though, not an external redirect. If I remove the [R=303] I still end up with a redirect (a 302). I assume mod_rewrite is forcing an external redirect because it's to a different [sub]domain.

Is there any way I can overcome this and make the change internal?

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Apache :: Mod Rewrite Based On User Name?

May 7, 2013

I am using apache with subversion and need to redirect a request for a file to a different file based on the user that has made the request. It appears that the URL for the requested file could be changed on the fly using RewriteMap; however, is there any way to get the User (as typically given in the request_rec available to apache hooks) making the request in the program used?

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Apache Rewrite Rule - 404 Error

Apr 29, 2013

I need two rules in apache to work

RewriteRule ^([^/]*).html$ index.php?page=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/([^/]*).html$ index.php?pnumber=$1&page=$2 [L]

First one rule does work and /index.php?page=something redirect to /something.html

Second rule does not work /index.php?pnumber=1&page=something need to be /1/something.html

But when make this link i got 404 error the request url not found.

Where is error, an how i can make to second rule work too?

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Apache :: How To Use Reverse-proxy With Mod Rewrite

Nov 5, 2014

I am running a few different web servers on my home network and have found a way of binding each wb server (and any virtual hosts) to domain names and having a "central" web server rerouting a request to the appropriate server using reverse-proy. at the moment, this central web server is IIS (Windows Server 2008 R2) based and it works perfectly. I want to change the central server to an Apache based one.

As an example; I want the central server to see an incoming http request (e.g sub.domain.com) and reroute it using reverse-proxy to a different web server that wouldn't normaly be accessible from the Internet (e.g

My question is how do you reverse-proxy to a different server on the LAN with mod_rewrite in Apache?

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Apache :: Rewrite JSON / XML Response Possible?

Oct 21, 2014

I have setup a reverse proxy that allows users to query an internal server. That internal server returns a JSON or XML response.

In that response some URLS need to be rewritten as they cannot be resolved externally. Is it possible to rewrite JSON/XML response bodies?

I experimented with "ProxyHTMLURLMap" but that did not work (seems to ignore the JSON response entirely)...

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Apache :: Rewrite Is Not Working For Locations

Nov 22, 2013

After a few years with apache 2.2 I decided to try apache 2.4 Both are running on windows 7. I had to recompile my modules against the new api, but that was succesful. I am now confronted that the rewrite rule for one of my locations :

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Apache :: Trying To Rewrite URLs With Query Strings

Feb 23, 2013

I need htaccess file for one of my sites. I've searched everywhere, and I can't find a solution for my problem.

System Info:
Easy Apache v3.18.1
CentOS 6.3 (x86_64)

So I'm trying to redirect all URLs in a certain query range to a new website. i.e.,


all need to 301 redirect to myotherdomain.com

I don't need to append each query to the new domain. All the URLs simply need to redirect to the naked domain of the other site. So

mydomain.com/?p=35000 is not redirecting to myotherdomain.com/?p=35000

It is simply redirecting to myotherdomain.com

Also, I need to redirect the specific series ([35000-35999]) to the new domain. I want to redirect the www and the non-www URLs.

I've attempted to write the code myself, but when I upload the htaccess file, the URLs are not redirecting. I'm doing something wrong.

Here's what I've tried:


RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^mydomain.com$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.mydomain.com$
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^p=([35000-35999]*)$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ "http://myotherdomain.com/" [R=301,L]

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