Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Existing SSL Cert Removal

Sep 23, 2014

So after the palaver yesterday, I managed to remove everything to a degree enough to reinstall Plesk. I'm still having quite a few issues but at least the websites are up and running again.

One of the more important ones is SSL certificates. Apparently they still exist somewhere, but they're not showing up in Plesk.

I tried doing /usr/local/psa/bin/certificate -l -domain <domain>, however that returns:

PHP Notice: Undefined index: CSR; File: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/api-common/cuCertificate.php, Line: 878
Error occured while sending feedback. HTTP code returned: 502
PHP Notice: Undefined index: Priv; File: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/api-common/cuCertificate.php, Line: 878

[Code] .....

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Disable Panel Removal From Add / Remove Components

Feb 20, 2015

I found that in the Autoinstaller that there is an option to remove the Plesk Panel as a component. One of my customers ended up selecting this option and nuked all the psa functions. As you can imagine this was a nightmare for them since Plesk went away on them.

Is there a way to disable this feature either pre or post Plesk installation (or both) so future customers don't have this option? If there is a way to do this (and of course enabling it again if necessary)....

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Self Signed Cert Only SHA And Not SHA2

Jan 16, 2015

how/where can i change this ? DB, File ? Or impossible ?

Or have i create my own one and then to import it ?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Export SSL Cert To PKCS12

Jun 9, 2015

I have a valid cert installed for a particular domain on my plesk server. I would like to take that cert info and export it to a valid PKCS12.

I was looking for the actual cert or pem files on the server but couldn't find them. Should i just copy all of the cert information to text files and create a pkcs12 via command line?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: SSL Cert For Specific Domain

Dec 15, 2014

Currently i'm running a server with 12 customers on it. They all have their own domainnames and subscriptions. One of them wants to secure his site with SSL and also his mail traffic. Currently he is using the server for receiving/sending e-mail. I want to install a certificate so that domain is secured. How can i accomplish this?

When i look on the server there is only 1 PEM file for the whole server. If i'm going to install his KEY and CRT in that file than all my clients will use that certifcate right? Can i make it so that only his domain uses thoses certifcates? Plesk is configured to use Postfix with Courier.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Change SSL Cert Assigned To IP Address

May 4, 2015

I changed the default certificate (I added the certificate and marked as Default in Server->SSL Certificates).Also I assigned the SSL certificate to my domain.

This works fine, but now I'm trying to make the website PCI Compliant and their test shows that if you request the certificate from the ip address (instead of using the domain) it showns the Parallels self signed certificate instead os showing the default certificate i uploaded). I used also tool and it shows the same. How to change the certificate shown for the one I bought?

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Assigned New SSL Cert To IP Address - Still Showing Old

May 24, 2014

I had an SSL cert that is about to expire so I purchased a new one, installed it, uninstalled the soon to expire cert. Went into Tools and Settings > IP Addresses, and assigned the new certificate to the IP.

Although I deleted the old certificate, it still shows in a browser as well as when I test the domain at a SSL server testing website. The new certificate shows also in both browser and test website, but it is a secondary certificate after the soon-to-expire cert.

How do I get rid of the original certificate?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Can't Create New Domain In Existing Subscription

Jan 31, 2015

Since about a week, we've been having trouble creating new domains in an existing subscription, we always get this error message:

Error: mailmng-outgoing failed: ERRORutgoing:domains.subscription_id may not be NULL

We tried the suggested fix in the KB [URL] .... but we get this output:

# /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/mchk
==> Checking for: mailsrv_conf_init... ok
==> Checking for: mail_handlers_init... ok
==> Checking for: mailsrv_entities_dump... ok
==> Checking for: mail_admin_aliases... ok
==> Checking for: mail_auth_dump... ok
==> Checking for: mailman_lists_dump... ok

[Code] .....

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Create New Domain In Existing Subscription

Aug 23, 2014

I have a problem in PLESK.I want to create in an existing subscription a second domain to host another site (this subscription already contains a domain).Clicking CREATE DOMAIN (in the subscription), here's the error message I get: IP addresses of domain for email services are not set (thus the domain can not be created).

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: How To Stop Creating FTP Accounts And Remove Existing Ones

Dec 26, 2013

I have noticed that for each new subscription I create Plesk automatically creates an FTP account. Further; I cannot delete this. (It seems the Remove button would allow me to delete additional FTP accounts but not the one added when the subscription was created).

I would like:

1) To delete these system created FTP accounts

2) To prevent it doing this in future. I would like to create subscriptions without FTP accounts.

I'd prefer to do it this way and leave the FTP server running. However; I am wondering about disabling FTP access altogether if I have to. I do use SFTP. I'm afraid my Linux knowledge is so limited I don't know if SFTP uses the FTP server; so if I turned off the ftp server whether that would prevent sftp access?

The motivation for doing this is that while I have 'customers' and subscribers in fact I am the only user and will transfer files to the server by SFTP and then move them around the server logged on via SSH. Since I'm not using FTP it seems sensible not to have all these accounts floating about.

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Plesk Automation :: Selected Webspaces Scheduled For Removal But Not Deleting

Mar 27, 2015

So per my other message [URL] .... we have four websites which we can't delete from PPA (Services/Websites doesn't have a way to do that) or from Hosting Panel (Webspaces says, "The selected webspaces were scheduled for removal," but they don't delete). In Hosting Panel, three have always shown as Failed and one as Pending.

The DNS zones can be deleted but they reappear if I "Apply DNS Template Changes" presumably because the websites are defined.

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Add Existing MSSQL Database?

Sep 18, 2012

I restored some some databases outside of Plesk in a MSSQL 2008 instance. Plesk knows about the MSSQL intance but is not aware of the databases. I want to add them to Plesk so they will be backed up.

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: How To Import Existing MS SQL Database Into Subscription

Apr 2, 2015

I've created a website for a client using Sitefinity CMS and MS SQL Server 2008 R2. I've transferred the database from my local SQL server to the production server using SQL Management Studio.

I've created a customer and subscription for hosting the website and it's all up and running perfectly. However, I want to automate the backup of the SQL database for the website which I can only do if the subscription knows about the SQL database for that website. So, how do I associate the two? How do I get the database to show up in plesk for that customer such that it can be part of the scheduled backups - and of course also somethign I could restore via plesk if I had too?

The database exists. It wasn't create via plesk in any way, but I want plesk to be able to back it up, and ideally for it to show up in the customers subscription, etc.

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Add Existing MailEnable Mailbox To Configuration

Mar 8, 2015

Plesk Windows 12, MailEnable mailserver

I added users directly to mailenable (using their migration utility to import from an old mail server which plesk does not support). The domains exist in plesk but not the individual email users/mailboxes.

Now I want to add those email users to plesk but it doesn't let (not surprisingly), when I try to add a user it returns an error: "Unable to update the mail account properties:mailmng failed: MEAOPO.Mailbox.AddMailbox failed"

My question is: How can I add the users that already exist in MailEnable to the plesk configuration? (i.e. ignore the error and add the user to the plesk database, or even better yet if plesk can read the configuration and add all users)

Tthe plesk kb articles suggest running mchk.exe but that is designed to take users from plesk and add them to mailenable, I need the reverse).

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Select Existing SSL Certificate For Domain

Oct 20, 2014

I added a new SSL certificate in `Plesk -> Tools & Settings -> SSL Certificates` and now want to link an existing domain to it.

However, on domain SSL Certificates page, the only option displayed is to create a new certificate. I can't select one of the existing ones.

Am I missing something? How can I link already added SSL to a domain?

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Plesk Automation :: Activate Web Hosting For Existing Subscription?

Mar 12, 2014

How I can change the "Resource type for web hosting" for an existing subscription?

I've been created a subscription with no web hosting, but now I need to activate web hosting on that subscription.

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Associate Existing Database With Subscription

Feb 24, 2015

Plesk12 on IIS8.5/Windows2012r2.

For a migrated site, how can I associate an existing DB with a subscription? The only option I see is to add a new database and this is not a new database?

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: How To Enable IETF Across Existing Domains Using CLI

Nov 11, 2014

I noticed that IETF had not been enabled initially in the DNS template. This has been corrected but we now have numerous domains without that enabled. I would like to enable this on all those domains. Doing so from the GUI would be too time consuming for that number of domains.

So is there a cli switch that will turn this on for all domains or that I can run against all the domains?

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APF Removal

Feb 18, 2008

I am giving CSF a try and so far like what I see. I removed APF with the following commands:

rm -fv /etc/cron.daily/fw
chkconfig –del apf
rm -frv /etc/apf

But it appears that I still have 'symlinks' for the following in /usr/local/sbin:

apf -> /etc/apf/apf
fwmgr -> /etc/apf/apf

These two items are blinking. How can I safely remove them?

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Spamhaus :: Trying To Get A Removal From Them

Aug 2, 2008

trying to get a removal from them, how quick was the request usually processed, or even get any type of response from them?

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Ddos Protection Removal

Apr 5, 2009

if your web host has some hardware ddos protection and i'm assuming it blocks the ip address/addresses of a DDOS attack, will it Unblock that ip address/addresses after a certain amount of time?

Because a person's computer may unknowingly be part of a botnet that does a ddos attack, and that innocent person won't be able to access the server if their ip address is not unblocked by the ddos hardware right?

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PleskFatalException - Domain Removal Error

Feb 10, 2008

I'm trying to delete a domain from my Plesk 8.2.0 panel, but whenever I try to delete it, I get the following error:

ERROR: PleskFatalException
Unable to remove hosting: SiteAppManager: fwrite() failed: Empty error message from utility.
sappmng: Unable to getpwnam for user bollymayne
sappmng: User bollymayne not found
proc_close() failed: Empty error message from utility.

0: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/class.PhDomain.php:290
PhDomain->reset(integer '0', boolean true, boolean false)
1: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/class.BsDomain.php:313
BsDomain->reset(integer '0')
2: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/class.BsDomain.php:307
BsDomain->delete(integer '0')
3: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/class.BsDomain.php:540
4: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/class.Manager.php:352
5: /usr/local/psa/admin/htdocs/domains/removeDomains.php3:50

I've rebooted the server and Plesk and MySQL, yet I still seem to get the error. Any suggesstions?

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Quota.user File Removal

Mar 22, 2008

is there a way to stop the quota.user files from being created? They're taking up a lot of diskspace.

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SSL Cert

Mar 11, 2007

Have been given a task where I am not familiar at all..

Task I have been given is to 1. implement mod_ssl in apache 2.2.4
2. create ssl cert for mail server
3. create ssl cert for Terminal Server

Now the problem is am unsure when I create these crt files and keys should I enable a pass phrase or not?? Am using openssl and the documentation states if it is a server certificate then maybe better not to have a passphrase..

Initially I thought I dont want the user when they check there mail to have to authenticate their mail account and also the passphrase for the cert and same for the TS users but am unsure of the meaning and usage of the passphrase.

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About To Buy An Ssl Cert

Jan 15, 2007

for my online service. Do i spend the money for the special ssl cert that makes the ie7 bar green or a normal ssl cert?

Been thinking about getting an account on resellerclub for $200 and selling a cert to myself. Their other stuff might be helpful too. sounds like a plan?

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IpsCA SSL Cert

Jul 12, 2008

Have anybody got their SSL from ipsCA, ?

The ssl seem to be fully validated for only $38, and both firefox and IE recognized it.

Their partner program look nice,but i did not hear anything after contacting their email. Is there anyone here is their partner?

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SSL Cert. Where Start And How To

Oct 20, 2007

I'm interesting to start with use of SSL cert.

First use is for any customer that have protected area and would have more security of data sent.

Have you any suggest for start, any link to help/faq and rapid how to?

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