Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Command Died With Status 100
Mar 30, 2015
Up till the last update Plesk was working correctly. After the latest update I can't send out mail in any form:
webmail, pop3, wordpress forms, etc.
This is the error message I get:
Command died with status 100: "/usr/bin/spamc".
Command output: Mail handler 'limit-out' said: REPLY:554:5.7.0
Your message could not be sent. The user spamfilter is not allowed to send email.
When I reverted back to the last snapshot before the update everything works fine again. But the automated update bot messes it all up again when it downloads the newer version.
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Aug 27, 2014
seems the centos 7 support is not yet fully full.
Error: ifmng failed: sh: /sbin/ifconfig: No such file or directory /sbin/ifconfig 'eth0:1' '' netmask '' up exited with non-zero status 127
In Plesk 12.0.18 Update #14 when adding an IP with the Plesk Webinterface.
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Nov 14, 2014
I can get the service list by /usr/local/psa/bin/service –l
But when i try /usr/local/psa/bin/plesk –-status it show error : No such file or directory
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Aug 25, 2014
We're not able to install the ePages App.
We get this error:
Non-zero exit status returned by script. Output stream: 'Failed to install site: Not Found '. Error stream: 'Failed to install site: Not Found '.
[2014-08-25 17:13:04] ERR [util_exec] proc_close() failed
[25-Aug-2014 17:13:04 Europe/Berlin] PleskUtilException: '/opt/psa/admin/bin/sappmng' '--run-application-script' '--script-file-name=configure.php' '--script-name=remove' '--script-language=php' '--user-name=xxxx' '--application-full-name=file:////opt/psa/var/apspackages/ePages-6.10-8b4212cd8-fdd0-5e46-5949/cache' failed with code 1.
[Code] ....
I configured the App in the application vault to the ip address of our plesk server.
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May 3, 2015
I want to run a script that will loop through all of the domains on a particular server and remove all MX records with mail.*.I am testing on a single test domain at the moment but I'm not sure how to do the wildcard./usr/local/psa/bin/dns -d -mx '' -mailexchanger mail.*
The following example command is from: URL....To add an MX resource record specifying domain name as the mail exchanger for the record, and setting the mail exchanger's priority to the DNS zone on the domain to 15:
# ./dns -a -mx mail3 -mailexchanger -priority 15..What does the got to do with it? Isn't it just adding a MX record
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May 19, 2014
With the endless security patches, is there a command that can be used to verify that all current microupdates have been applied?
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Mar 10, 2015
i have to delete all PTR records in over 80 domains in a Plesk 12 panel, when i tried to run the dns command to remove the PTR record from a domain, i got the error :
Code: Unable del record in DNS server: unable find DNS record ...
There is a KB article about this specific problem : [URL] .... , but it refers to older Plesk versions (8.x-10.x). I gave it a shot by copying the fix file from all 3 different versions to /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/api-common/ and i got the following PHP errors:
PHP Warning: include_once(class.PHostingManager.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory; File: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/api-common/cuDns.php, Line: 4
PHP Warning: include_once(): Failed opening 'class.PHostingManager.php' for inclusion (include_path='/usr/local/psa/admin/plib:/usr/local/psa/admin/externals'); File: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/api-common/cuDns.php, Line: 4
[URL] ......
Is there any workaround this PTR issue? Also, is Parallels going to update the article and provide solution for Plesk 12?
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Jul 25, 2014
I just upgraded my Plesk 11.5 on Plesk version: 12.0.18 Update #9 , and after the upgrade the Postfix stop working. And forwarding, receiving is not working at all and I am getting message bellow.
OS: CentOS 6.5 (Final)
Plesk version: 12.0.18 Update #9
This is the mail system at host can delete your own text from the attached returned message. mail system
<>: Command rejected
Final-Recipient: rfc822;
Action: failed
Status: 5.7.1
Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; Command rejected
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Jul 23, 2015
I'm using this script as a cron to generate DKIM keys for the domains I have. It's an easy script. And it does it's job just OK. I have the necessary software installed and configured.
The way it works is:
The script check if the domain in queue has a record for it. If it doesn't, OpenDKIM generates a one time DKIM record for mail._domainkey that I am entering to my dns records for all the domains I have.
After creating the DKIM record, it checks and deletes mail._domainkey records if there's any. Then adds the generated DKIM to plesk dns zones and disables/enables greylisting to create the appropriate dns entry.
If it does have a DKIM recors on the hdd already, then it removes
TXT o=-entries.
After that it basically adds the already generated DKIM record and it disables/enables the greylisting for each domain in order to recreate "TXT o=-"
Up till here, it works fine. I can see these entries when I check the DNS Settings. They are there.
But whenever I run this script either via cron or manually, I get an error message on my panel: (You can check the screenshot as well)
Warning: The DNS zone was modified. If you would like to apply DNS template changes to this zone, either click the 'Apply DNS Template Changes' button on this page or choose the 'Apply the changes to all zones' option in Server Administration Panel > Tools & Settings > DNS Template Settings > Apply DNS Template Changes.
And unless I manually click "Apply DNS Template Changes" for EVERY SITE it doesn't go away.
So, I was wondering, is there a way to scriptize that command? Or how to prevent it?
This is the command I use to generate DKIM and add it to Plesk database, also if any such record exists, delete and re-write it:
ADMIN_PASS=`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow`
MYSQL_BIN_D=`grep MYSQL_BIN_D /etc/psa/psa.conf | awk '{print $2}'`
mysql="${MYSQL_BIN_D}/mysql -N -uadmin -p${ADMIN_PASS} psa"
query="select name from domains;"
domains=`echo $query | $mysql `
for i in ${domains}; do
echo "Processing $i"
[Code] ....
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Apr 9, 2015
I'm looking to set up a schedulled backup from command line.
I haven't found the correct command, could you tell me if it's possible and how ?
Additional question: I'm looking too, to set for the server the max number backup file to save, do you know how to do it from cli ?
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Jan 17, 2015
Is there a command line way of removing Plesk backups?
I'm looking for the command line equivalent of these steps: Log into Plesk as the server admin > "Tools & Settings" > "Tools & Resources" > "Backup Manager" > check a backup and click "Remove".
We have a script that copies the contents of "/var/lib/psa/dumps/" to Amazon S3 for long-term storage of backups. It runs nightly after a scheduled Plesk backup. Once that script completes successfully, we'd like to delete the Plesk backup to free up disk space. We have Plesk's "Maximum number of backups in the repository" set to 1.
But Plesk appears to keep that backup around while creating a new backup (which makes some sense). This is causing us trouble because the server does not have enough disk space for two backups. As a temporary solution, I'm manually deleting the backup each day through the Plesk admin, but would like to automate it if possible. If automation is overly complex/risky, we'll look at upping our disk space instead.
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Feb 23, 2015
Is there any way for a client to use command line mail in a script. Client has ssh access via chromed environment.
Wants their script to be able to send an email on completion.
plesk 12 on Centos6.6
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Apr 13, 2015
while plesk was trying to update automatically (as per the normal preference settings) but suddenly gave this error
Execution failed.
Command: autoinstaller
Arguments: Array
[0] => --select-product-id
[1] => plesk
[2] => --select-release-current
[3] => --upgrade-installed-components
Details: Doing restart of Parallels Installer...
File downloading products.inf3: 100% was finished.
File downloading plesk.inf3: 10%..20%..30%..40%..50%..60%..70%..80%..90%..100% was finished.
File downloading ppsmbe.inf3: 17%..26%..37%..47%..57%..78%..88%..100% was finished.
File downloading sitebuilder.inf3: 22%..35%..48%..60%..73%..86%..100% was finished.
ERROR: Currently installed version of product with ID 'plesk' is not available from download site anymore.Please upgrade to the next available product version to receive software updates.Seems like the RPM got damaged, but I already fixed that part, now when I put "install" I'm geting the following
Installation started in background..Getting bootstrapper packages to installation list:
Following bootstrapper packages will be installed: (empty)
Getting packages to installation list:
Following packages will be installed: (empty)
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Patch for plesk 12.0.18 will not be installed since it is already applied.Error: You already have the latest version of product(s) and all selected components installed. Installation will not continue.HOWEVER the "mail" and mail server configuration no longer shows in "tools & settings".
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Apr 2, 2015
We have a plesk server running on a Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS machine. We check the state of the mailqueue with nagios, executing the "mailq" command. After the AutoInstaller upgraded our installation from 12.0.18 update 38 to 39, we noticed, that the nagios check failed.
After investigating a little bit, it seems that we found the problem:
When I enter "mailq" in the shell, the command is executed and gives me an proper output. But when I try to execute the command with its full path "/usr/bin/mailq" nothing happens, and I have to cancel with [ctrl]+[c]. The which-command delivers exactly the same path as written above...
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Mar 26, 2015
Why servers are being run out of memory by the 'sort' command even when the logs are small? Here's what is currently on a site:
-rw-r--r-- 2 root root 22392143 Mar 26 11:40 access_log
-rw-r--r-- 2 root root 68018869 Mar 26 10:50 access_log.processed.1
-rw-r--r-- 3 root root 67671664 Mar 26 09:50 access_log.processed.2
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 69908 Mar 26 10:50 access_log.stat
[Code] .....
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Dec 9, 2014
I have a subscription and I'm able to switch the subscription to a given service-plan, but I'm unable to sync the subscription with the plan, using the CLI. These are my commands:
/usr/local/psa/bin/subscription --switch-subscription <> -service-plan Hosting
result => The subscription <> is now associated with the service plan Hosting..When watching the webinterface in Plesk, I see the domain is "connected" to the service plan, so far so good. However, I notice that the subscription is not synced.
Back to the CLI, I've tried some combinations, but I can't get the subscription synced. The webbased interface keeps telling me that the subscription is unsynced. Here is what I've tried:
/usr/local/psa/bin/subscription --sync-subscription <>
And I also unlocked it (just in case it was locked) like so: /usr/local/psa/bin/subscription --unlock-subscription <>
The funny part is that the CLI tells me: "Subscription <> was synchronized with the associated service plans." but unfortenately it's not if I look through the GUI. Only if I click the sync-option webbased the subscription get synced. we have to transfer over 1000 domains and need to sync these domains with a given service-plan.
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May 27, 2014
We're attempting to redo all of the Plesk default templates. I created my skel file (.zip), uploaded it and run the command as noted here [URL] ....
The CLI sites for a moment and then I am dropped back to command line. It seems to have worked...but, is not.
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May 5, 2015
I'm attempting to utilize the WordPress Toolkit. After clicking scan on a webspace with WordPress installed the panel returns the error "'plugin list' is not a registered wp command. See 'wp support'.".
I've tried it on a few servers that has the WordPress Toolkit installed, but they all return the same error.
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Jul 15, 2014
We're trying to migrate a Webspace from a 11.5 to a 12.0.18 Plesk host using the Migration Manager. The Webspace contains 4 domains. The main domain of the webspace gets migrated fine, however, all of the "child" domains fail with the following error:
Execution of /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/api-cli/domain.php --create -webspace-name -do-not-apply-skeleton -notify false -guid 733c0e02-4b75-4f73-8421-03b23051d65d -creation-date 2013-06-06 -skip-plan -ignore-nonexistent-options failed with return code 1.
Stderr is
Wrong syntax for command's '-webspace-name' parameter. '' does not match the pattern '/^[[:alnum:]]([[:alnum:]-]{0,61}[[:alnum:]]){0,1}(.[[:alnum:]]([[:alnum:]-]{0,61}[[:alnum:]]){0,1})+$/iu'.
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Apr 7, 2015
Although running
/usr/local/psa/bin/dns --info
shows the 'ecz1' TXT record exists for "" :
... TXT ecz1
[Code] ....
The issue can be caused by extra spaces in the TXT record:
[root@a10-52-143-28 ~]# /usr/local/psa/bin/dns --add -txt 'ecz1 ' -domain ecz1
SUCCESS: Creation of DNS record in Domain '' complete.
[root@a10-52-143-28 ~]# /usr/local/psa/bin/dns --del -txt 'ecz1' -domain ecz1
Unable to del record in DNS server: unable to find DNS record
In the following example I have 3 such TXT records with 3, 5, 7 extra spaces and remove record with 3 spaces:
[root@a10-52-143-28 ~]# mysql -u admin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` psa -e "select host, val, (length(val) - length(rtrim(val))) as extraspaces from dns_recs where host='' and val like 'ecz1%'"
| host | val | extraspaces |
| | ecz1 | 5 |
| | ecz1 | 3 |
[Code] ...
Click to expand...
Click for original message
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Apr 21, 2015
We found an issue after running plesk mchk command to restore all the mail server settings with SpamAssiassin settings enabled for all email accounts on the Plesk Server.
After running the mchk command, we found many warning messages in the psa maillog as following "authpsa : No such user [Email account] in mail authorization database".
We checked the mysql database for records on the Email Account that the error is referring to but found that the Domain Email Database was deleted (email address, password, email data). Is this something normal that the plesk mchk command does? Plesk 12.0.18 Update #37
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Mar 19, 2007
my support and sales mailbox almost get full of spam and advertise emails. i turned on spamassasin but it have not any effect..
i wondering to myself to delete support and sales mail account and create a new one with another spell ( for example something like instead of
is there any way to get rid of these spams ?
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Feb 25, 2007
In httpd-status under vhosts column i sometime see "(unavailable)" instead of actual vhost.
Can you please tell me if it means that the connection has timed out or something else?
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Jan 10, 2008
My log is filling up with errors + 500 internal displaying:
2008-01-09 16:17:50: (mod_fastcgi.c.2703) fcgi-server re-enabled: unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-1
2008-01-09 16:17:59: (mod_fastcgi.c.1731) connect failed: Connection refused on unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-1
2008-01-09 16:17:59: (mod_fastcgi.c.2885) backend died; we'll disable it for 5 seconds and send the request to another backend instead: reconnects: 0 load: 5
2008-01-09 16:18:05: (mod_fastcgi.c.2703) fcgi-server re-enabled: unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-1
2008-01-09 16:18:18: (mod_fastcgi.c.1731) connect failed: Connection refused on unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-1
2008-01-09 16:18:18: (mod_fastcgi.c.2885) backend died; we'll disable it for 5 seconds and send the request to another backend instead: reconnects: 0 load: 5
2008-01-09 16:18:24: (mod_fastcgi.c.2703) fcgi-server re-enabled: unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-1
2008-01-09 16:18:33: (mod_fastcgi.c.1731) connect failed: Connection refused on unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-1
I have tried all sorts of combos.
Core2Duo 1 processor
Lighttpd 1.4.18
PHP 5.2.5
xcache 1.2.1
2gig ram
fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
( "localhost" =>
"socket" => "/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket",
"bin-path" => "/usr/local/php5/bin/php-cgi",
"min-procs" => 2,
"max-procs" => 6,
"bin-environment" => (
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May 29, 2008
I've a dedicated server at ThePlanet / Servermatrix for the past few years and for the most part the service has been okay. Uptime has been good and support used to be fairly swift.
Early wednesday morning the primary hard drive in my server started dying. Throughout the day various services kept going up and down and overall the entire server was very unstable. I didn't get much movement from ThePlanet's support team - they would reboot the server, SSH and other services would come back online, and so they would close the ticket.
Thirty minutes after the reboot the HD would switch to read-only and stuff would start dying. So they finally recommended that I replace the HD and do an OS reload. I said fine as I had a backup of all of the accounts on a 2nd hard drive.
Well it took until 6am this morning for the OS reload to finally be completed, but when it was done apache was *completely* screwed up. WHM was up and running but if you went to the server IP address in the browser you got an error.
It turns out that something really badly went wrong with the OS reload but it took them hours before they even admitted that there was something wrong that needed more action. It's now 10pm and while email and other services are up, apache is still nonexistent.
When I try to run easyapache it barely starts before it errors out with a bunch of missing dependencies. I cannot instal GD and a bunch of other items, and I keep getting error messages that SSL isn't installed either.
Please visit [url] for help with this error.!
No original working apache backup to restore!
Executing '/scripts/initfpsuexec'!
Executing '/scripts/initsslhttpd'!
Compiling report...
Sending report (6304 bytes)...
If you want to create a support ticket with cPanel regarding this please reference 'BuildAP Report Id': '741873'!
Report processed.
Verbose logfile is at '/usr/local/cpanel/logs/easy/apache/build.1212079281'
seems the yum repo being used has bad files:
Error: Missing Dependency: zlib = 1.2.3-0 is needed by package zlib-devel
Error: Missing Dependency: libjpeg = 6b-0 is needed by package libjpeg-devel
--- -0 isn't a normal package id.
I can't even transfer my accounts off the server as that's also broken - I was going to all of the accounts off to my KnownHost VPS but I keep getting an authentication error ("sshcmdpermissiondeny") even though I'm definitely entering the correct root password.
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Aug 21, 2006
malware acl condition: clamd: connection to, port 3310 failed (Bad file descriptor)
This is a normal Cpanel FC3 exim/clamav server.
Has anyone come across this annoying yet little error?
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Aug 18, 2008
Let me start off by saying I'm not here to trash TheNYNOC or anything of the sort, in fact they've been fairly pleasant to me sofar. But I'm wondering if anyone else is having problems with the recently advertised E7200 dedicated server special they've been advertising here at WHT?
When I first ordered my server a couple of weeks ago it was delayed an extra couple of days because they were having problems with the E7200 Core 2 Duos getting along with the motherboards they were using - no big deal, I know from experience that the E7200 is a great little C2D but it can be a real booger with certain motherboards. (Some boards still can't handle the new 45nm cores) But they finally got my server delivered and BOY was it FAST compared to my old Celeron 2.4ghz that I had at ExistHosting (now GoGax). I was one HAPPY camper.
Well tonight I come home from a party to dozens of emails from people saying half of my sites are down, email isn't responding, etc. Upon logging into the server I quickly discover that there is an apparent hardware failure of MASSIVE proportions going on. Half of the files on the server were missing, what was still there was corrupt, and almost every basic linux command resulted in a nasty I/O error.
Last login: Fri Aug 15 23:23:29 2008 from
[root@hammond ~]# fsck
-bash: /sbin/fsck: Input/output error
[root@hammond ~]# shutdown now
-bash: /sbin/shutdown: Input/output error
[root@hammond ~]# vi
Vim: Caught deadly signal BUS
Vim: Finished.
Bus error
[root@hammond ~]#
Before Vim completelystopped working I also spotted some errors in /var/log/messages complaining about a couple of bad sectors on /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 so I suppose I could have just gotten a bad HDD... I dunno though something seems weird.
So I'm wondering, has anyone else with this particular server from TheNYNoc been having problems after a few weeks, or am I just unlucky? Hopefully it's just a bad drive and not some weird exotic problem with the E7200 + mobo combination. I don't fancy having to setup my server a THIRD time in the next few weeks. A second time is going to be bad enough.
Dang it, I just had everything perfect the way I like it too.
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Nov 12, 2008
is there a way to look which process/user used the most cpu in last 30min or in last hour.
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Oct 16, 2007
on linux how can i delete files older than the current month (that is leave only this month's files) from one subdir and recurse every directory?
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May 29, 2008
what command to type if I want to check all latest files (edited/saved) on a certain folder?
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Oct 13, 2009
What is Linux command for compressing all the files under a Directory, as
well as all the files in sub-directories under that directory, so that upon
uncompression the files are created in the right directory and sub-directory.
Also of course what is the command to un-compress this compressed file?
In case: the Linux OS here is Redhat Enterprise and the web server is Apache.
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