Anyone Else Get A E7200 Special From TheNYNOC? Hows It Working For You? Mine Died...

Aug 18, 2008

Let me start off by saying I'm not here to trash TheNYNOC or anything of the sort, in fact they've been fairly pleasant to me sofar. But I'm wondering if anyone else is having problems with the recently advertised E7200 dedicated server special they've been advertising here at WHT?

When I first ordered my server a couple of weeks ago it was delayed an extra couple of days because they were having problems with the E7200 Core 2 Duos getting along with the motherboards they were using - no big deal, I know from experience that the E7200 is a great little C2D but it can be a real booger with certain motherboards. (Some boards still can't handle the new 45nm cores) But they finally got my server delivered and BOY was it FAST compared to my old Celeron 2.4ghz that I had at ExistHosting (now GoGax). I was one HAPPY camper.

Well tonight I come home from a party to dozens of emails from people saying half of my sites are down, email isn't responding, etc. Upon logging into the server I quickly discover that there is an apparent hardware failure of MASSIVE proportions going on. Half of the files on the server were missing, what was still there was corrupt, and almost every basic linux command resulted in a nasty I/O error.

Last login: Fri Aug 15 23:23:29 2008 from
[root@hammond ~]# fsck
-bash: /sbin/fsck: Input/output error
[root@hammond ~]# shutdown now
-bash: /sbin/shutdown: Input/output error
[root@hammond ~]# vi
Vim: Caught deadly signal BUS
Vim: Finished.

Bus error
[root@hammond ~]#
Before Vim completelystopped working I also spotted some errors in /var/log/messages complaining about a couple of bad sectors on /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 so I suppose I could have just gotten a bad HDD... I dunno though something seems weird.

So I'm wondering, has anyone else with this particular server from TheNYNoc been having problems after a few weeks, or am I just unlucky? Hopefully it's just a bad drive and not some weird exotic problem with the E7200 + mobo combination. I don't fancy having to setup my server a THIRD time in the next few weeks. A second time is going to be bad enough.

Dang it, I just had everything perfect the way I like it too.

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Current Knownhost Special Vs. PowerVPS Special?

Aug 4, 2007

In the webhosting offers section (vps hosting), both Knownhost and PowerVPS are running deals.

The PowerVPS deal seem MUCH better in terms of cost, and memory, and bandwidth.

I've read through several posts here on the board about each company. From what I've read, Knownhost is GREAT! The stuff I've been reading about PowerVPS says that things have not been that great in the recent past for them.

I'm writing now only to get opinions and comments about the deals they're offering right now and which you think would be a better choice.

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Hows The Pittock

Mar 17, 2007

I was wondering if anyone here had experiences with the Pittock over here in Portland, Oregon. We need more space, so we are looking to get a few full cabinets and fill them up with large dell servers. Anyone used them before, how are they? I read a few threads here about them but none of them explained their service.

I am going to schedule a tour in the new couple weeks to get the feel of the datacenter.

Also if you guys have the phone number for the colo guy can you PM it to me, he left me a voice mail awhile back with this phone# but I don't think I kept it.

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Someone Else's Domain Name Is Pointing To Mine

Feb 28, 2008

I'm designing a site,, to (obviously) sell scooters. Just yesterday I saw on my Google Analytics that people were getting to my site by searching for X-treme X-10, a particular brand and model of scooter.

I typed the keywords into Google to see what my rankings were, and I was on the fourth page. But the green URL in the search listing showed up as

When you go to, it's all the same information as my website, and changes I make through my FTP login update immediately. If you go to, you can click on the "Electric Scooters" link on the left nav and it will keep you on mamafocka, but give you the exact same page as on streetsmartscooters (I set that particular link to be relative in the includes file).

My site is hosted on a Windows 2003 virtual server from GoDaddy. says that and both have the same IP - I just signed up for a dedicated IP address tonight from GoDaddy, but I'm not sure how long it takes to propagate.

Will getting a dedicated IP fix this problem, or have I wasted 6 bux? Is there any way to block that domain name from pointing to my site? It doesn't look to my novice eyes like this is a redirect.

Also, I installed FreeFind on the site earlier this week, I believe. Could somebody have messed with something through that?

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No Shell Access To My Server Exept Mine

Mar 17, 2007

how can I get sure there is no shell access to my server exept mine. I mean alkl the security issues I should care for preventing shell access from all my users and hackers.

I have diabled all the shell accesses of my users via can I disable the exec() function on my server?

View 9 Replies View Related Deceive Me

Sep 28, 2008

at 9/18/2008, i ordered one server,

PLAN: E1200 Dual Core - 1GB RAM - 80GB Drive - 1500GB Transfer

but "thenynoc(" give me "P4-2.6/512M/80G"

i sent alot of mails about RAM and CPU issue, NO reply,

i request cancel and refund , NO reply.

just now, my server has been poweroff, NO mail reply still

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Beware Of Thenynoc

May 27, 2008

thenynoc support is ok for me, and the network speed is alright.

When it comes to downtime, not to mention to the previous downtime, but the recent on may, they had been down for about whole day, i then submit cancellations on may 21, because they required at least 14 days notice.

I just couldn't understand why they shutdown my server before my next payment cycle which is on 12th of June, i thought i had pay for whole month?

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SPAM Died Me

Mar 19, 2007

my support and sales mailbox almost get full of spam and advertise emails. i turned on spamassasin but it have not any effect..

i wondering to myself to delete support and sales mail account and create a new one with another spell ( for example something like instead of

is there any way to get rid of these spams ?

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Exceptional Experience With TheNyNoc

Jul 27, 2008

I've now been with TheNyNoc for a couple months now and my experience has simply been exemplary! Andy and Kody have been helpful in all my requests and questions. Any support ticket that had been opened was answered in less then 10 minutes, usually 5. At one point Kody even messaged me on MSN to tell me about 5 minutes of downtime, I hadn't even noticed, nor did any of my clients. I don't think I have ever seen a company so open and honest about everything. They are 100% honest with any sort of question, issue, or comment you may have. You WON'T get any of the lies, or uninformative information you receive elsewhere when an issue arises. Andy and Kody are both exceptional in the service they provide.

I originally decided to try out TheNyNoc because I had a client who wanted a server on the east coast and didn't want a BurstNET server. After much searching I decided on TheNyNoc due to their quick response and professionalism. It's a PLEASURE to deal with TheNyNoc where there has been no surprises and no negative experiences. The servers have been very sound and all my contacts with sales and technical support have been timely, technically competent and courteous. I look forward to a long professional relationship with TheNyNoc.

So Thank You Andy and Kody for all your hard work and making my job so much easier!

View 7 Replies View Related = Scam - BEWARE

Sep 27, 2008

yet another review, yet another VPS burned through because of incompetent sales staff, incompetent DC staff, and even more incompetent network admins.

Since noon, I have been getting alerts off and on that my vps (monitoring, off site support, a few projects) was down. Not a worry, I open a thread here. Now, maybe it's just me, maybe not, but that's not the point. The point is that for 3.5 hours, my VPS with nynoc was down.

Now, I opened a ticket with them about this, giving them the options which were fair:
credit me with a month (reasonable, given my going rate, or the going rate for ANY tech @ hourly rates) and apologize for downtime, or

Refund my $10 credit (overpayment) and I'll find service elsewhere starting Oct. 7th.

Their response? "There was no downtime".

Ok, so they deny downtime, not a surprise, others like to pull the same thing. I show them proof of downtime, to whit, they respond again "There was no downtime".

So, I show them more proof (this time from their own systems). Their response? We're not going to argue, there was no downtime. Immediately after that, they locked my account in WHMCS like little children, and locked me out of my VPS (thankfully I was still able to restart it).

So, is this wrong? nope, not at all. Not UNLESS you're holding someone else's money for services rendered, and refusing to deliver said services.

A bit of an explanation on the 'overpayment' part:
Somehow, when the system created the email subscription link (via paypal), their system created it @ $5.x more than it should be. So, the subscription continued on paying $5 or so more a month , which WHMCS rightfully put in as 'credit'. My thoughts were that I'd let it build up, catch up to a month, and then cancel the subscription, resuming when it was necessary. not a bad idea really.

Now, for the proof here, the same stuff that was shown to them:
Image 1 - From their network and VPS node - shows downtime from approx. noon to approx 3.30

Image 2&3 - My network - same thing
Image 4 - Total downtime today, again , from my network.

So, is it unreasonable to expect individuals reimburse you properly for downtime? Not at all. Consider that the reasonable tech makes $30-50/hr, and 3 hours of sitting and waiting for someone else to come up and deal with the problem, so the tech can resume work. Yeah, that's a bit of a rip off, and it's unrealistic to expect full reimbursement (which I didn't). A month's credit for their screwups is more than reasonable given the amount of time loss.

Is it unreasonable for individuals to expect 'credit' to be paid appropriately? Not at all. Again, if the business didn't want it to be paid appropriately, they should turn it off immediately. If they let it build up, they are responsible for refunding it, in case the customer DOES decide to leave.

This brings us to this:
Is it reasonable for a company to simply 'terminate' service, and lie to the customer because they don't feel like admitting their wrongdoings? Of course no, that's the childish way out.

Taking people's money, early termination of service = theft, no matter how you slice it (and yes, I DID give them a specific termination date if they chose to go that route).

Now, it's back to the grindstone, yet again, trying to find a VPS that is actually respectable, reasonable and well known, while being reasonably priced!

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Terrible (2 Days Review!)

Jul 10, 2008

I purchased the plan called vps3.

I configured DirectAdmin and uploaded my scripts like flv players, some php test scripts and the only output I got was php errors and non working FLVs (The browser ask me to download the flvs, instead of playing in jw media player).

Thats, because no modules and extensions were installed, which I asked in my pre-sales question email, befor buying the vps.

I asked for a cancellation of the account a few minutes later I had no access anymore to the IPs, DirectAdmin, Hypervm or any FTP Accounts.

I have paid $24.99 (With promocode NEW50) and got only 2 days access to the vps! Kody R. from told me, That a refund is not possible (because of their ToS).

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TheNYNOC - Billing Error And Denied Access

Feb 18, 2009

I've had a tiny VPS with Nynoc for a while, and have been satisfied with it's performance.

Today, I just purchased their supervps 3 ($15/mo) and paid 6 months in advance. Although the full amount of the purchase was $90, I was billed only $85 in the invoice. My paypal account showed they had deducted $5 immediately before the order. Anyways, I completed the payment and got confirmation email.

However, few hours later I come to learn via paypal emails that the subscription had been cancelled and the $85 payment refunded!

I tried to login to the client portal, and surprise! Access denied! I tried to reset the password using the "forgotten password" link, now it says my e-mail address doesn't even exist in the database!

I contacted support via e-mail and awaiting a reply.

In the past few months I've received some weird invoices from nynoc. Sometimes they sent me invoice for $0, and then notify me that the invoice was paid in full!

Clearly, their invoice & billing system is having trouble. And now I'm being locked out of my client area. (My old VPS is still running though.) Worse still, there was no word from the nynoc staff.

Has anybody experienced billing errors with nynoc?

View 7 Replies View Related

Lighttpd - Backend Died; We'll Disable It For 5 Seconds

Jan 10, 2008

My log is filling up with errors + 500 internal displaying:

2008-01-09 16:17:50: (mod_fastcgi.c.2703) fcgi-server re-enabled: unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-1
2008-01-09 16:17:59: (mod_fastcgi.c.1731) connect failed: Connection refused on unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-1
2008-01-09 16:17:59: (mod_fastcgi.c.2885) backend died; we'll disable it for 5 seconds and send the request to another backend instead: reconnects: 0 load: 5
2008-01-09 16:18:05: (mod_fastcgi.c.2703) fcgi-server re-enabled: unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-1
2008-01-09 16:18:18: (mod_fastcgi.c.1731) connect failed: Connection refused on unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-1
2008-01-09 16:18:18: (mod_fastcgi.c.2885) backend died; we'll disable it for 5 seconds and send the request to another backend instead: reconnects: 0 load: 5
2008-01-09 16:18:24: (mod_fastcgi.c.2703) fcgi-server re-enabled: unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-1
2008-01-09 16:18:33: (mod_fastcgi.c.1731) connect failed: Connection refused on unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-1

I have tried all sorts of combos.

Core2Duo 1 processor
Lighttpd 1.4.18
PHP 5.2.5
xcache 1.2.1
2gig ram

fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
( "localhost" =>
"socket" => "/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket",
"bin-path" => "/usr/local/php5/bin/php-cgi",
"min-procs" => 2,
"max-procs" => 6,
"bin-environment" => (

View 13 Replies View Related

Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Command Died With Status 100

Mar 30, 2015

Up till the last update Plesk was working correctly. After the latest update I can't send out mail in any form:

webmail, pop3, wordpress forms, etc.

This is the error message I get:

Command died with status 100: "/usr/bin/spamc".
Command output: Mail handler 'limit-out' said: REPLY:554:5.7.0
Your message could not be sent. The user spamfilter is not allowed to send email.

When I reverted back to the last snapshot before the update everything works fine again. But the automated update bot messes it all up again when it downloads the newer version.

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JaguarPC New Special

Jul 4, 2007

Wow im looking at the new jaguarpc specials and they look really nice. What do you think about moving from another provider?

Its 2 months free and 15% off for the life of the plan! it's making me feel that i should rush and sign up before its too late...

But im happy with my current provider, its just the 10$ less and the bigger specs thats making me really think about it

View 14 Replies View Related

HD Died, OS Reload Partially Broken, Dead In The Water

May 29, 2008

I've a dedicated server at ThePlanet / Servermatrix for the past few years and for the most part the service has been okay. Uptime has been good and support used to be fairly swift.

Early wednesday morning the primary hard drive in my server started dying. Throughout the day various services kept going up and down and overall the entire server was very unstable. I didn't get much movement from ThePlanet's support team - they would reboot the server, SSH and other services would come back online, and so they would close the ticket.

Thirty minutes after the reboot the HD would switch to read-only and stuff would start dying. So they finally recommended that I replace the HD and do an OS reload. I said fine as I had a backup of all of the accounts on a 2nd hard drive.

Well it took until 6am this morning for the OS reload to finally be completed, but when it was done apache was *completely* screwed up. WHM was up and running but if you went to the server IP address in the browser you got an error.

It turns out that something really badly went wrong with the OS reload but it took them hours before they even admitted that there was something wrong that needed more action. It's now 10pm and while email and other services are up, apache is still nonexistent.

When I try to run easyapache it barely starts before it errors out with a bunch of missing dependencies. I cannot instal GD and a bunch of other items, and I keep getting error messages that SSL isn't installed either.

Please visit [url] for help with this error.!
No original working apache backup to restore!
Executing '/scripts/initfpsuexec'!
Executing '/scripts/initsslhttpd'!
Compiling report...
Sending report (6304 bytes)...
If you want to create a support ticket with cPanel regarding this please reference 'BuildAP Report Id': '741873'!
Report processed.
Verbose logfile is at '/usr/local/cpanel/logs/easy/apache/build.1212079281'
seems the yum repo being used has bad files:
Error: Missing Dependency: zlib = 1.2.3-0 is needed by package zlib-devel
Error: Missing Dependency: libjpeg = 6b-0 is needed by package libjpeg-devel
--- -0 isn't a normal package id.

I can't even transfer my accounts off the server as that's also broken - I was going to all of the accounts off to my KnownHost VPS but I keep getting an authentication error ("sshcmdpermissiondeny") even though I'm definitely entering the correct root password.

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Dedi Special From Aspnix

May 29, 2009

ASPnix offers SmarterBundle for FREE with any Dedicated Server Accounts.

Purchase ASPnix Dedicated server TODAY and get SmarterBundle Professional ($747 in value) at no additional cost!

So what do you think of their offer?

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Clamav Died :: Malware Acl Condition: Clamd: Connection To, Port ...

Aug 21, 2006

malware acl condition: clamd: connection to, port 3310 failed (Bad file descriptor)
This is a normal Cpanel FC3 exim/clamav server.

Has anyone come across this annoying yet little error?

View 6 Replies View Related

[Review] Super Special Servers

Dec 6, 2008

[Review] Super Special Servers

Well, this isn't so much of a review as me saying what's happened in the last week since I ordered a server from them.

November 29th- Ordered a server, expected 2-3 days till my server was up. It turned out to be 2-3 business days (M-F). This, I admit is my fault for not reading carefully. A few more days, I did not mind.

I also submitted a ticket requesting more information on delivery dates and they said that my server would be up in 1-2 days.

December 2nd- I submit a ticket (Tuesday) just checking that they still remember by server. It's fine, they give me information on how their process works and why it may take up to three days.

December 3rd- It's now been 3 days, so I submit a ticket. I get a reply saying that it will be up tomorrow.

December 4th- Still no server.

December 5th- Still no server.

So basically, now I'm just hoping that I will get this server within the next little while before all of my players (I'm using this to run a web based game) disappear from the 2 day downtime so far.

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6 Free Months Vs. Special Package Deal

Apr 21, 2009

What would you prefer and why?

Would you prefer 6 free months on a new sign up.


A special built package that is loaded with things for a good price?

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Apache :: Access Forbidden If URL Contains Special Characters

Jun 3, 2013

We have many intranet document what linked on our intranet site. We use "apache builed in" directory listing to handle documents on browser, and make accessable to users. Because this not so user friendly we try to use a template (h5ai-[URL] ....) for mod_autoindex.

Unfortunatelly if file or folder name contains special characters (like é,á,ű,ő,ú,ü,ö,ó) than get Access Forbidden - Error 403. If change the folder name, than its ok.

I use xampp. how to solve this.

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: URLs With Special Characters - Error 404 Not Found

May 28, 2014

I'm migrating some websites from old server with virtualmin, some websites have files with special characters as à,ö,ç etc...

On the other server the files (images for example) are served well but on the new server with plesk 11.5 error 404 appears. (Nginx reverse proxy is activated)...

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: URLs With Special Characters - Error 404 Not Found

May 28, 2014

I'm migrating some websites from old server with virtualmin, some websites have files with special characters as à,ö,ç etc.. On the other server the files (images for example) are served well but on the new server with plesk 11.5 error 404 appears. (Nginx reverse proxy is activated)

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Died At /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ Line 132

Jul 10, 2009

got error with cpanel linces after force reboot

and when i try to set the licnse

i got this error

Updating Internal cPanel Information.......Died at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ line 132.
...propagated at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ line 132.

View 5 Replies View Related

QC Xeon X3220 Vs QC Xeon 5320 - Which Is Better? Dell Upgraded Mine To 5320

Nov 18, 2007

I just ordered a dell server a few days ago and have noticed in addition to a free harddrive upgrade I now have an upgraded processor for the same price.

PE860 Quad-Core Xeon X3220 2.4GHz/2x4MB 1066FSB (105W)
Free Processor Upgrade to QC Xeon 5320

The question for me is which is better? The previous processor was the low energy 105W one which suited me fine as I'm co-locating this to a DC where they are very strict on power consumption.

Is this one going to provide a noticable performance increase over the first? Is it a major power hog?

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Non-working Forwarding Email Account On Working Domain

Apr 24, 2008

I have a domain with a few forwarding email accounts that forward to email accounts... for some reason every once in a while these accounts stop working...

This is the error I get when I email to that account:

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: ...

View 9 Replies View Related

[cPanel] Not Working | - Working Ok

Jul 24, 2007

I have problem, - not working - working

When I creating new subdomain: - all working ok, I have problem only with this one domain.

I deleting, deleting dns zones, deleting account, adding domain to other account - all not working for

View 4 Replies View Related

SSL Not Working

Jul 13, 2009

I've been working on a script which requires SSL, and in doing so, I've realised that my SSL is playing up for all domains on my server. I receive the error message: "An error occurred during a connection to SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. (Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long)".

I am using Apache 2.2 with PHP 5.2.10 along with cPanel/WHM. It used to work, but I assume maybe one of the updates have messed it up? I haven't actually touched anything in the configurations apart from going about the regular updates for cPanel.

I had a look in the httpd.conf, and I can't see any entries for virtual hosts on port 443.

View 14 Replies View Related

Rpm/yum Is Not Working

Aug 9, 2008

Tried to run "yum clean all" or rpm, it's just no working at all. No error in yum log.

OS: CentOS 5, 64bits.
kernel: 2.6.18-92.1.10.el5xen

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Why Is My IIS NOT Working

Jan 8, 2008

I'm a MS Access 2000 guru, and I'm trying to build a web page in Access. As per the instructionsin your article on [url], I've installed the IIS through the Add Windows Component section of the Add/Remove Programs application in the Control Panel. But after building the ASP file, as directed, and putting it in the C:Inetpubwwwroot folder, the browser gave me the standard "Page Not Found" display.

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