SPAM Died Me

Mar 19, 2007

my support and sales mailbox almost get full of spam and advertise emails. i turned on spamassasin but it have not any effect..

i wondering to myself to delete support and sales mail account and create a new one with another spell ( for example something like instead of

is there any way to get rid of these spams ?

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Lighttpd - Backend Died; We'll Disable It For 5 Seconds

Jan 10, 2008

My log is filling up with errors + 500 internal displaying:

2008-01-09 16:17:50: (mod_fastcgi.c.2703) fcgi-server re-enabled: unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-1
2008-01-09 16:17:59: (mod_fastcgi.c.1731) connect failed: Connection refused on unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-1
2008-01-09 16:17:59: (mod_fastcgi.c.2885) backend died; we'll disable it for 5 seconds and send the request to another backend instead: reconnects: 0 load: 5
2008-01-09 16:18:05: (mod_fastcgi.c.2703) fcgi-server re-enabled: unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-1
2008-01-09 16:18:18: (mod_fastcgi.c.1731) connect failed: Connection refused on unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-1
2008-01-09 16:18:18: (mod_fastcgi.c.2885) backend died; we'll disable it for 5 seconds and send the request to another backend instead: reconnects: 0 load: 5
2008-01-09 16:18:24: (mod_fastcgi.c.2703) fcgi-server re-enabled: unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-1
2008-01-09 16:18:33: (mod_fastcgi.c.1731) connect failed: Connection refused on unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-1

I have tried all sorts of combos.

Core2Duo 1 processor
Lighttpd 1.4.18
PHP 5.2.5
xcache 1.2.1
2gig ram

fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
( "localhost" =>
"socket" => "/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket",
"bin-path" => "/usr/local/php5/bin/php-cgi",
"min-procs" => 2,
"max-procs" => 6,
"bin-environment" => (

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Command Died With Status 100

Mar 30, 2015

Up till the last update Plesk was working correctly. After the latest update I can't send out mail in any form:

webmail, pop3, wordpress forms, etc.

This is the error message I get:

Command died with status 100: "/usr/bin/spamc".
Command output: Mail handler 'limit-out' said: REPLY:554:5.7.0
Your message could not be sent. The user spamfilter is not allowed to send email.

When I reverted back to the last snapshot before the update everything works fine again. But the automated update bot messes it all up again when it downloads the newer version.

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HD Died, OS Reload Partially Broken, Dead In The Water

May 29, 2008

I've a dedicated server at ThePlanet / Servermatrix for the past few years and for the most part the service has been okay. Uptime has been good and support used to be fairly swift.

Early wednesday morning the primary hard drive in my server started dying. Throughout the day various services kept going up and down and overall the entire server was very unstable. I didn't get much movement from ThePlanet's support team - they would reboot the server, SSH and other services would come back online, and so they would close the ticket.

Thirty minutes after the reboot the HD would switch to read-only and stuff would start dying. So they finally recommended that I replace the HD and do an OS reload. I said fine as I had a backup of all of the accounts on a 2nd hard drive.

Well it took until 6am this morning for the OS reload to finally be completed, but when it was done apache was *completely* screwed up. WHM was up and running but if you went to the server IP address in the browser you got an error.

It turns out that something really badly went wrong with the OS reload but it took them hours before they even admitted that there was something wrong that needed more action. It's now 10pm and while email and other services are up, apache is still nonexistent.

When I try to run easyapache it barely starts before it errors out with a bunch of missing dependencies. I cannot instal GD and a bunch of other items, and I keep getting error messages that SSL isn't installed either.

Please visit [url] for help with this error.!
No original working apache backup to restore!
Executing '/scripts/initfpsuexec'!
Executing '/scripts/initsslhttpd'!
Compiling report...
Sending report (6304 bytes)...
If you want to create a support ticket with cPanel regarding this please reference 'BuildAP Report Id': '741873'!
Report processed.
Verbose logfile is at '/usr/local/cpanel/logs/easy/apache/build.1212079281'
seems the yum repo being used has bad files:
Error: Missing Dependency: zlib = 1.2.3-0 is needed by package zlib-devel
Error: Missing Dependency: libjpeg = 6b-0 is needed by package libjpeg-devel
--- -0 isn't a normal package id.

I can't even transfer my accounts off the server as that's also broken - I was going to all of the accounts off to my KnownHost VPS but I keep getting an authentication error ("sshcmdpermissiondeny") even though I'm definitely entering the correct root password.

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Clamav Died :: Malware Acl Condition: Clamd: Connection To, Port ...

Aug 21, 2006

malware acl condition: clamd: connection to, port 3310 failed (Bad file descriptor)
This is a normal Cpanel FC3 exim/clamav server.

Has anyone come across this annoying yet little error?

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Anyone Else Get A E7200 Special From TheNYNOC? Hows It Working For You? Mine Died...

Aug 18, 2008

Let me start off by saying I'm not here to trash TheNYNOC or anything of the sort, in fact they've been fairly pleasant to me sofar. But I'm wondering if anyone else is having problems with the recently advertised E7200 dedicated server special they've been advertising here at WHT?

When I first ordered my server a couple of weeks ago it was delayed an extra couple of days because they were having problems with the E7200 Core 2 Duos getting along with the motherboards they were using - no big deal, I know from experience that the E7200 is a great little C2D but it can be a real booger with certain motherboards. (Some boards still can't handle the new 45nm cores) But they finally got my server delivered and BOY was it FAST compared to my old Celeron 2.4ghz that I had at ExistHosting (now GoGax). I was one HAPPY camper.

Well tonight I come home from a party to dozens of emails from people saying half of my sites are down, email isn't responding, etc. Upon logging into the server I quickly discover that there is an apparent hardware failure of MASSIVE proportions going on. Half of the files on the server were missing, what was still there was corrupt, and almost every basic linux command resulted in a nasty I/O error.

Last login: Fri Aug 15 23:23:29 2008 from
[root@hammond ~]# fsck
-bash: /sbin/fsck: Input/output error
[root@hammond ~]# shutdown now
-bash: /sbin/shutdown: Input/output error
[root@hammond ~]# vi
Vim: Caught deadly signal BUS
Vim: Finished.

Bus error
[root@hammond ~]#
Before Vim completelystopped working I also spotted some errors in /var/log/messages complaining about a couple of bad sectors on /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 so I suppose I could have just gotten a bad HDD... I dunno though something seems weird.

So I'm wondering, has anyone else with this particular server from TheNYNoc been having problems after a few weeks, or am I just unlucky? Hopefully it's just a bad drive and not some weird exotic problem with the E7200 + mobo combination. I don't fancy having to setup my server a THIRD time in the next few weeks. A second time is going to be bad enough.

Dang it, I just had everything perfect the way I like it too.

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Died At /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ Line 132

Jul 10, 2009

got error with cpanel linces after force reboot

and when i try to set the licnse

i got this error

Updating Internal cPanel Information.......Died at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ line 132.
...propagated at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ line 132.

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Move Spam To Spam Folder Not Available?

Oct 17, 2013

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1
Panel version 11.0.9 Update #59, last updated at Oct 3, 2013 02:06 AM
MailEnable version 5

I see in the plesk documentation that the screen to enable SPAM filtering for an individual there is an option to "Move spam to the Spam folder". I don't see that option so I am wondering if it is only available on some versions of Plesk, or in combination with certain mail servers. How to make that option available?

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Spam Bnc.txt?

Nov 17, 2008

One of our customers on a VPS downloaded this file and then ran it perl bnc.txt

I am wondering if its a spammer using the script to send spam.

It seems to be written in Portuguese, I have translated parts of it and it reminds of of the typical spam subjects you find now-a-days.

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Spam Bot

Aug 15, 2008

We are having some big issues with a spam bot on the server. We can remove the bot but could you please explain, IN DETAIL , how to configure the NAT to prevent outbound port 25 connections to the internet except from our real mail servers on with windows server 2003. Currently, the only firewall on this system is the standard windows one.

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So Much Spam

Aug 19, 2007

through some accounts on the server and the amount of spam in their mail queue is really frustrating. I had to set admin accounts for each site I run and the spammers have discovered them, so I am looking for a ssh command where I can just easily clean all the spam out. I tried cat /dev/null > /var/mail/"the username" but that didn't work.

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Nov 6, 2007

Someone on our server is sending spam mails, he does not know about it.

Most spam are sent to, and

I'm getting loads of these Mail delivery failed mails:

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

The e-mails come from the system/user account e-mail of the domain (, where DA is Direct Admin.

I think it sent more then 30.000 mails in 2 days.

Also received a complaint from aol.

How can I trace this? What can I do to fix it?

Is it a some crappy written php script?

He said he updated joomla, wiki and smf forum.

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Pervent SPAM

May 1, 2008

I use cpanel license, i enable phpsux on my server, but user can send email without smtp address.
how can pervent user for send mail without smtp?

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Spam From EasyAntiSpam

Jan 29, 2009

I just got this from EasyAntiSpam. Unless my address is harvested from the HostingCon database, I've certainly never been in touch with them. Disappointing either way.

Good afternoon! I hope you are doing well. I am the new Director of Sales for Easy Antispam and I wanted to get in touch with you to find out who currently provides you with your anti-spam solutions?

I have listed below a few key benefits for our antispam solution here at Easy Antispam [url]

· Fully brandable quarantine with customizable url
· Customer level whitelisting
· Nothing to install. No complex configuration changes to make.

All you have to do is redirect the MX.

Easy Antispam is a service of Interjuncture, Corp. which was founded by George A. Roberts IV and Frank Spaulding in 2004. Easy Antispam offers a solution that doesn’t cause more problems and work than the spam itself. Thousands of businesses, organizations and individuals rely on Easy Antispam’s Email Protection Services to defend their inboxes against spam and other threats. So, what are YOU waiting for? Get protected, sign up now for a 30 day free trial.

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Spam On Gmail

Apr 18, 2009

I have a linux server with shared hosting ,now for couple of days one of my client face problem regarding spam with gmail,I have also cross-checked all the mandatory records,and we have already create MX,SPF & reverse dns record with domain keys for that domain.

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Emails Spam

Jun 25, 2009

im getting 50 and more spam mails each day, how do i secure my vps to stop 99% of the spam from coming in as i understand theres no way to completely block spams.

Im using directadmin control panel and enabled SpamAssasain but its not much of use even when i apply strict options on it.

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Spam Filtering

Jan 5, 2009

I used to have a reseller account and have shifted everything to a dedicated server. I now find that a couple of clients are getting lots of spam when they didn't before.

It seems that the servers used by the reseller account had some level of basic spam filtering installed; my provider suggested I look for a filtering program to install on my server.

There are, of course, dozens of them, so I wondered if anyone has any experience - enough, perhaps, to make a recommendation.

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Block Spam

May 12, 2009

I'm having difficulties with a whm running on centos dedicated server. The problem is that we receive too much of spam and junk emails. by too much I mean 2000 bulks per week. It's killing us.

how I can stop it.

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Spam And Security

Jul 5, 2009

I am facing some major SPAM problems.

I am a web host from the city of Kolkata, India.

Almost 95% of my clients are from my city - others are also known to me. I know many of them face to face - there are very little chances that any of them are SPAMMER.

Still my server IP is blacklisted - several times in last 1 year - I changed my datacenter - but the problem still persists.

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Spam Being Sent From Our Server.. But How And From Where

Apr 2, 2009

We're using whm/cpanel and we're always up to date with the latest upgrades (with all our scripts).

2 weeks ago, we receive a notification from SpamCop saying that our server was sending out spam. We verified everything and found nothing. 2 days ago, same story.

We tried looking at our logs and found nothing. Does this mean that there's a security hole somewhere? How can we find out from where the spammer is sending his viagra emails from ? We do not want to be permanently banned because of a spammer.

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Mail Going To Spam

May 27, 2009

I have problems with my mail server.

I have installed cPanel WHM.

In my server there are many accounts and now I discovered that not all accounts, when they send email to hotmail and yahoo, go to spam.

It does not happen in all accounts.

How can I bypass the filter of yahoo and hotmail for all domains configured on my server?

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Cgi Spam Script

Mar 31, 2009

i have this in my account:


some script that sends (a LOT)spam, and dissapears

Does anyone know what that was?

i cannot find anything about it

i disabled cgi scripting,

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Spam From Parallels

May 20, 2009

I guess the economy must be hitting them hard. They have resorted to unsolicited commercial email, everyone's favourite.


I hope this finds you well. I am currently attempting to reach out to companies that offer web hosting services and either use, or have used, Parallels Plesk Panel as a part of the service offerings. The goal is to re-introduce Parallels Plesk Panel and hopefully revive any previously established relationships. This includes looking into why the Parallels Plesk Panel business slowed, or stopped completely, within your organization.

We are working very hard to establish a reputable channel within the hosting marketplace. In order to do so we need to look at what is currently working and what is not currently working. The best place to begin this research is with companies that have used us, but now don't really offer our products. With that said, are you available for a phone call to discuss?

My goal is to understand:

* Do you currently offer control panels, if so, is Parallels Plesk Panel a part of your offerings?

* If you are no longer offering (pushing) Parallels Plesk Panel, is there a reason?

* Would you be receptive to some sort of "trial" program to re-introduce you to Parallels Plesk Panel and our Service Provider Partnership Program?

I look forward to your response and hopefully speaking with you soon.

Antoine Wilson
Partner Recruitment Manager
Service Provider Division
Parallels, Inc.
+1 (703) 995-4170 Direct
+1 (703) 991-5511 Efax

AIM: scrams93

Skype: antoine.wilson

ICQ: 215351114

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Spam Cannibal / Ptr

Jun 17, 2009

I was running an IP check on

It shows blocked because of this reason:

no reverse DNS, MX host should have rDNS - RFC1912 2.1

Is it actually possible to setup some kind of generic ptr records on IPs, even if they are assigned to dedicated server clients?

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Spam From Server

Jul 14, 2009

I noticed that reported server usage from Plesk is 2.x - 3.x, so I went to mail queue (in Plesk) and saw lots of mails that shouldn't be there.

There were several senders under the domain sendint LOTS of emails to lots of addresses in the same email. There shouldn't be a sender, as that domain isn't hosted on our dedicated server.

I know little about Linux administration... I tried going to the /var/log folder and grep for dedibox on the messages and maillog files, but nothing found...

How can I know if someone connected to our server as an user or something like that?

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How Stop Spam

Apr 17, 2009

I have a server that is sending spam, but I can not know who sent because the server not has installed suphp.

There is another option to see who sends spam?

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SPF To Help Fight Spam

Apr 19, 2009

We are always looking for different ways to help combat spam, and have done things such as disabling pop before smtp on our servers, limiting the number of e-mails per domain per hour and so forth.

Lately we have been considering making SPF mandatory on all accounts. According to what I've read, it allows receiving e-mail servers to check that the e-mail did indeed originate from our e-mail servers and reject it if it fails (depending upon the SPF record configuration of course).

I am thinking something along these lines

"v=spf1 a mx -all"

would be good? or not? Am I right in thinking it would only allow e-mails coming from the IP of the A record on the domain OR the MX record?

2 questions:

1) This would mean that clients would need to use our SMTP servers (authentication is already required on our end, so that's not a big deal) or otherwise risk some e-mails been rejected by the recipient server?

2) Are there any potential pitfalls I have not mentioned in this message?

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Image Spam

Jul 12, 2009

I am not sure if many of you have been getting this same spam. But I've been getting spam about sexual topics and the email is just an image with words written on it.

Sometimes the email has words too such as what is written below.


Doees Using sexual Body Langauge to Attract Women Really Works? www. med72. com. Chicago Bulls' Masecot Sued For Baad High-Five

I was wondering if you know of a way to block those emails.

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All Emails End Up In Spam, Any ISP

May 9, 2008

Got this strange issue here. Comcast customers cannot receive any emails sent from my server. With the others, most of the emails are being sent to a spam folder instead of inbox.

Serve is Centos 5 / Cpanel

I confirmed IP has proper reverse dns and is not blaclisted. I also setup SPF as well.

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Controlling SPAM

Jan 9, 2008

I will preface this thread this way:

I know there is no perfect solution to elimating SPAM and not losing "good email".

What do you use that is working well for you? I need some suggestions? I don't have time to babysite/teach a spam filter as I get thousands and thousands of emails each day through various emails address on the server. I cannot use services such as as they don't work with server that use a remote/clustered DNS.

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