Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Mail Not Being Sent Properly - Remaining In Queue
Jan 11, 2015
I am relatively new in Plesk and have problems with mail not being sent properly. On the server, there is installed a WordPress installation. Mail from this WordPress installation never reaches for example suscribers. Almost all mail remains in the Queue and will be deleted after 7 days. Could it be because I do not have an SSL Certificate? I use:
On the server, there is installed a WordPress installation. Mail from this WordPress installation never reaches for example suscribers. Almost all mail remains in the Queue and will be deleted after 7 days. Could it be because I do not have an SSL Certificate? %
My mail queue is growing up. I've stopped qmail but the queue goes on growing I must have an script running injecting mail in the queue, how can I find the script? I looked the running process (ps ) but I can not find anything (there is a lot of process!!!!)
I can receive email from all accounts and all domains.
The problem is that when sending an email to an external email (gmail., hotmail, .... etc) this is sent to mail queue and do not leave that place.
If I attempt to remove even a small message from the mail queue, using the panel interface, the screen grays slightly but nothing happens. If I refresh the screen after several minutes, I'll sometimes get the following message:
"This operation is taking too long. Check the results in a few minutes."
Switching to Postfix eliminated the problem. But with Postfix, all of my Mailman lists (scores of them) broke, so I had to switch back -- and the problem reappeared.
I am looking for a replacement to my existing ISPConfig 3.x installation and have heard a lot of good things about Plesk, so I decided to put up a test server with a trial version of Plesk 12.The server is running Centos 6.5 64-bit minimal install with all system updates applied before installing Plesk. After installing Plesk I used the commands from the attached text-file.After compiling PHP 5.5.20 with no errors displayed on screen I created a new subscription plan as a copy of the #default domain" plan and changed the name to "PHP 5.5 website" and in the Hosting Parameters I changed PHP to run still run as a FastCGI application but use my compiled PHP 5.5.20 instead of the OS vendors PHP 5.3.3.The configure options used are the same as I did use for my ISPConfig 3.x servers.I also tried the configure options shown here: [URL]... But the command ends with a "configure: WARNING: unrecopgnized options: --enable-fastcgi"
If I compile with the attached script I get a HTTP 500 error when visiting the selected website (which is a clean installation of Drupal 7.34) and in the error_log for my test site I get this: " [Sun Dec 28 18:51:48 2014] [warn] [client x.x.x.x] (104)Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server [Sun Dec 28 18:51:48 2014] [error] [client x.x.x.x] Premature end of script headers: index.php " x.x.x.x is the internal IP of my router/firewall.I have also looked in the Plesk Administrator GuideIs there a known issue with Plesk 12 and CentOS 6.5 64-bit when wanting to use multiple versions of PHP, since both the version compiled using the KB article above and my own attached script worked fine on my ISPConfig 3.x servers.
PRODUCT, VERSION, MICROUPDATE, OPERATING SYSTEM, ARCHITECTURE plesk parrells ,12.0.18 ,Update #26 ,centos 7 , 64 bit PROBLEM DESCRIPTION file in documenRoot folder eg httpdocs wont display properly STEPS TO REPRODUCE create a new sLTubscriptions , then ftp files into document root folder using filezilla
[Code] ....
The weird thing is when I put the files into a subdirectory (eg /) the site itself shows correctly. But when I put the files back into the document root folder(eg httpdocs) it doesn't show correctly. Also no css or javascript error messages show up in the chrome debug window?
In the Wordpress Toolkit several WP installs appear with exclamation mark and title: "A Wordpress installation was previously detected at this path, but it is not operating properly".
Recently, I keep getting an email from my dedicated server company (godaddy, plesk 8.2 windows) that I've reached my daily limit of 1000 emails when I only send like 20-40 a day max.
So I want to take a look at whats going on, what emails have been sent/received and are still in queue?
Can can I access my mail queue using Plesk? And then how can I delete them?
How to get plesk (12) to set the SOA record properly on existing domains?
Let me explain the issue first. We use PowerDNS supermaster mode as slave servers. The way this works is we configure PowerDNS so that it sees the plesk server as a so called supermaster.
When a so called supermaster notifies the slave servers on a zone update, if it doesn't exist it just adds the zone and pulls it in. This works very nice and without any scripting required (there's only the issue of removing them, I just have a script that deletes all domains that haven't been able to update in 2 weeks every day from the database).
The only issue here is that BIND does *NOT* ever notify the nameserver listed in the SOA. The nameserver listed in the SOA should be the master (and hence - thus plesk itself) and it being a master it should be where the changes occur and notifying it isn't necessary thus, which is why BIND doesn't do that.
Unfortunately plesk doesn't seem to grasp this concept. It will happily put any nameserver in the SOA record. Have adjusted the template and it seems to work ok for new domains now (not sure how reliably though), but it's a major pain for the existing ones. It's very hard to update them properly.
Reapplying template -> no change to master NS/SOA Switching mode to slave and back to master -> no change to master NS/SOA Resetting to default -> no change to master NS/SOA
The only way I've found so far is to delete the records manually, add them again and hope it doesn't change the order (yes it does this a lot, you'll have the correct order listed, click apply and the order just changes. Some times it adds them to the bottom of the list, some times to the top - not confusing at all).
Plesk really should be taught that if it's master, it should be the one in the SOA. Whilst my issue is larger due to the supermaster and slaves not creating the zone (and hence my slave not functioning), it is an issue in any setup because a slave listed as SOA will not be notified and doesn't pick up on the changes right away. Depending on the refresh times it might take quite some time for the slave to pick up the change then, which isn't desirable either as it will leave you with a slave that still returns incorrect records.
I have a server(godaddy) with plesk. It was all working well till 8 - 10 days ago. I didnt notice it one week later where I started receiving a lot of failed mail notices. Then on investigation, there were more then 50K spam mails in the mail queue and the mails that were supposed to be sent(registration, forgot password) were also held up in the queue. I found the source of the spam and fixed that.
Also I cleared the mail-queue. Now when I try to send out a test message, it still gets held up in the mail queue. But I can send a test mail to the same domain ( All new user registration mails are also held up and this is greatly affecting the site.
Code: Unable to update . An error occurred while processing your key. You can try updating it later.
So I log into Plesk license management and click 'Retrieve Keys'. The following message is displayed:
Unable to connect to license server [URL] .... cURL error description: transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining(18)
There are posts about the curl error on other sites, but they all seem to be from developers and the solution is to program cUrl differently, so as a Plesk user this option obviously isn't open to me.
I'm having a hard time figuring why me emails are not delivered to mailboxes.
A bit of context: OS: Ubuntu 12 Plesk pannel: 11.5
This server was supposed to be a new server (upgrade) from a previous who was working correctly (Also Linux with Plesk but both older versions).
After new server installed and websited up and running, I decided to create mailboxes and then copied all mailboxes (including emails and folders) to this new server.
First issue I got was i could not connect, until I figure out permissions were incorrect (for root after copy) and fixed it to be accessible by "popuser" (each user to access his mailbox).
Now i can connect, but new emails stay on qmail and can't be delivered to mailboxes.
Even after I have deleted the emalboxes and recreate them (now new emails are being delivered) all those emails in the queue can't be delivered.
I forced queue flush with "postqueue -f" but I get errors on the log:
(temporary failure. Command output: .qmail has prog delivery but has x bit set. (#4.7.0) 4.2.1 Message can not be delivered at this time )...
Which user should i give permissions (if that is the case) so tha both popuser (email user) and qmail/postfix can write on the mailboxes and deliver messages?
I just upgraded our Plesk 10.4.4 to 12.0.18 (on Ubuntu 10.04, about to be upgraded to 12.04). Now I get the dreaded 'queue file write error' in postfix on message delivery.
It tries to open /usr/lib/plesk-9.0/postfix-queue (which is not there) in this block in
plesk_virtual unix - n n - - pipe flags=DORhu user=popuser:popuser argv=/usr/lib/plesk-9.0/postfix-local -f ${sender} -d ${recipient} -p /var/qmail/mailnames inet n n n - - spawn user=mhandlers-user argv=/usr/lib/plesk-9.0/postfix-queue 10027 before-queue inet n - - - - smtpd -o smtpd_client_restrictions= -o smtpd_helo_restrictions= -o smtpd_sender_restrictions= -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject -o smtpd_data_restrictions= -o receive_override_options=no_unknown_recipient_checks inet n n n - - spawn user=mhandlers-user argv=/usr/lib/plesk-9.0/postfix-queue 10026 before-remote plesk_saslauthd unix y y y - 1 plesk_saslauthd status=5 listen=6 dbpath=/plesk/passwd.db
And on top of that, If disable all the milters/proxy and just try to deliver to plesk_virtual directly, the e-mail just disappears. Postfix thinks it was delivered, but it is not.
I also tried piping some text through /usr/lib/plesk-9.0/postfix-local with the same parameters postfix gives it, but also then nothing. No error, no exit code, no message in maildir.
There are a bunch of fixes around for the queue file write error, but nothing works because the nature of my problem is different. There is a KB article around for Plesk 9, which can hardly be useful.
I tried restoring postfix-queue from the backups, but if I try to use that, the mail.log eventually says:
Jan 30 01:20:00 ytechosting /usr/lib/plesk-9.0/psa-pc-remote[6621]: Message aborted.
I also used /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/mchk to no avail: the only change it makes to my, is adding an empty line. And, I suspect it uninstalled my psa-courier, because it was gone at some point, and mchk was the only thing I did after knowing courier was still there.
How can the postfix config refer to that postfix-queue when it's not there? Is this even a valid file for Plesk 12?