Moving Servers To New Datacenter And Downtime

Apr 30, 2007

Does anyone have any suggestions on how you would physically move servers from one datacenter to another with minimal downtime?

The IP address is going to change, so the server will go off and then come back online with a new ip.

Just how much downtime is acceptable before customers get annoyed?

When is the best time to do it?

Move them yourself or courier or any other ways?

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Site5 Moving To ThePlanet Datacenter

Apr 3, 2007

I'n my email today...


My name is Todd Mitchell, I am Chief Operating Officer at Site5. We rarely send out company wide emails, so you can be sure that a very special announcement is necessitating this type of mass distribution! Today I have some remarkable news to share with you regarding Site5, your web hosting account(s) and a new partnership we've solidified over the last several months. We are proud to announce a new strategic partnership with The Planet (, a very well-respected infrastructure provider, which will soon be housing our server fleet and network in their state-of the-art, enterprise-level data center.

As I'm sure you're aware, Site5 is well known in the web hosting industry for a number of reasons:

- Site5 is innovative: Demonstrated in the research and development of Flashback, NetAdmin/SiteAdmin, Backstage and our stable web hosting platform.

- Site5 is transparent: Our weblog [url], forums [url] and corporate web site [url] are prime examples of our transparent nature and operation. We are upfront and honest about everything we do at Site5. Clients are family.

- Site5 has award winning support: Whether you contact our billing, sales or support groups you are guaranteed a high level of customer service. We pride ourselves on our 24 x 7 in-house support group. Site5 does not outsource and that makes a difference.

We are building upon those core competencies by focusing our efforts on improving our server hardware, data center and network via this new business relationship. Throughout our continued growth we have added value to every aspect of our hosting platform without increasing prices to clients, and this announcement is certainly not an exception.

Site5 Internet Solutions, Inc. (one of the largest and fastest growing web hosting providers in North America) and The Internet Services, Inc. (the largest dedicated hosting / infrastructure provider in North America) have come together to form a mutually-beneficial partnership. We have selected The Planet to be Site5's sole data center, hardware and network provider after evaluating several other data center providers relative to our current hardware infrastructure. Following months of meetings, several on-site data center/ hardware evaluations, and a significant amount of consideration for our clients, we selected The Planet because they maintain a great support structure, the best hardware quality, and a shared desire to help Site5 provide the best hosting experience in the industry.

How will this affect you?

- Name brand servers: Our entire infrastructure will be migrated to enterprise level Dell servers custom made and tested specifically for Site5.

- Hardware upgrades: Every single server in our existing fleet will be upgraded to new hardware! We are standardizing our fleet on dual core Intel Xeon processors and large redundant and fast RAID arrays.

- Network upgrades: The Planet over the last several years has built out a substantial network. Rated #2 in North America, their network is resilient, reliable and redundant at all points. This network upgrade will ensure that your visitors and clients can access your web site(s) 24 x 7 without interruption and we will be able to guarantee that your pages will load exceptionally fast.

This new partnership is a substantial commitment for The Planet and Site5. Both companies employ exceptional people and this partnership is just a glimpse of great things to come from Site5 over the next 12 months. We are committed to keeping you informed and we will continue to send emails with pertinent information regarding this new partnership. Please keep an eye out for our emails and remember if you think you've missed an email, all notices and information will be reposted on our official forums - [url]. The official press release regarding our new partnership will be released to financial analysts and news wire services on Tuesday April 3rd, 2007.

We hope this news is as exciting for you as it is for us. As we finalize the migration details for each server, we will post forum updates with all of the information you will need about your server's move and how/when your account will be upgraded. Thousands of people have been a part of the Site5 community for years, and we continue to see record growth, so we wanted to be sure that this move would help express our gratitude for your business.

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Moving Large Amounts Of Data From One Datacenter To Another

Jul 22, 2008

Scenario: Our website has 3 terabytes of data (photos, database files, etc).

1. How does one move all of this data from one hosting company to another?

2. How does this typically work? Does it involve buying the actual disks?

3. Does this need to be specified in a contract that's signed with the hosting company?

Copying it over the Internet (ftp, sftp, or http) is not an option.

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HostChum Servers All Down - Cant Reach Them - All Day Downtime

Apr 15, 2009

I wouldn't trust to host anything. Today I awoke to my server being down. No notice of anything no email no nothing of anything planned. So I goto their site to check the situation and wow their site is a parked page from godaddy so that doesn't get me anywhere. But I did write their phone number down just in case. So after many calls with no answer I left a message and phone number each time. No calls, no emails, no nothing.

Just gone into thin air, all my hard work of building sites and they just rip it out. I had a day of downtime just a week ago when the switched datacenters. Now they just shut everything down with not a word.

This has to be the worst treatment by a company ever, so I wonder if I will ever get to get the files from my server. What jerks save your money and never use this company.

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How To Move Sites/servers With No Downtime

Apr 14, 2007

I see several ISP advertising that they can help clients without any downtime? I now have a couple of large clients I am supposed to move to my servers. They are moving from cpanel servers to my cpanel servers, so the moving part is easy enough, but how should I proceed to have no or very little downtime?

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Poweful In-house Hosting Or Multiple Datacenter Servers

Jan 12, 2009

Currently my company's websites are hosted on a dual xeon beast with 8 gigs of ram and two SaS raid 5 arrays(i think). The bottle neck occurs with our single T1 connection. Our traffic is using an average of 97% of that T1 24 hours a day. We're looking into adding another T1 at the price of $600 monthly (bandwidth is expensive in our rural area).

I'm wondering if moving to two less powerful dedicated machines (one for db and one for apache) in a datacenter would be a better use of our money. For instance, The Planet is offering a Intel Xeon 3040 1.8 GHz Dual Core server with 1gb of ram and cPanel (something we don't have but I would prefer to have) for $175/month. Two of those would be cheaper and free up bandwidth for user PC's in-house.

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Moving Servers

Aug 5, 2009

i've moved servers (joomla site).

only problem is that I'm on limited bandwidth internet, and i still have some really large files on the old server. can i transfer them to the new server without re-uploading them?

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Moving Servers

Mar 18, 2007

Im about to move servers as my old one was running so slow, but im worried about losing important emails in the change over. I remember reading something ages ago that said if you change a specific setting on the old server 24 hours before switching then when you switch the DNS will route to the new server quicker.

way, AVOID Stiletto Media web hosting. There support is useless and they have regular downtime, like 8-24 hours a WEEK. The servers are also incredibly slow. Dreamweaver constantly times out when trying to connect!)

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Moving Servers

Oct 5, 2007

I want to move around 20Gb of files from dreamhost hosting account with custom control panel to a cpanel VPS in another datacenter.

Is there anyway of transferring all the files to new host without downloading and uploading to the new host. Coz i have normal DSL and 20 GB downloading and uploading can take years.

There are some forum files CHMOD to specific values if you can transfer them without resetting them in new host also cool.

Can anyone give help? both servers have SSH and FTP

I get to know you can rar them and Wget it from the VPS.

But thats file by file.

Is there a way to move complete directory with wget command?

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Moving Emails Between Servers

Jan 15, 2009

I have web site on one shared hosting. Now I want to move to another provider. However on first one I have around 500MB of emails which I would like to move also, because I only use web mail.

I found some instructions that I can copy Qmail's folders and emails and then restore them, but since this is something that providers will charge me for ($80 just for backup), I'm looking for another solution.

I was thinking that since both servers allow IMAP access, I could simply log in in one and another and then copy emails between folders.

- Would this work?

- When I log in with Microsoft Outlook, I only see "Inbox". I don't see "Sent" or other folders which I also have to copy. How to work around this?

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Plesk Moving Servers

Jan 10, 2008

Long story short, my web host is unreliable and after a down period of 3 days - I want to move my website to a new dedicated server.

Old Server - Fedora Core 6 with Plesk 8.1 (64 bit)

New Server - Cent OS 5 with Plesk 8.0 (Still to confirm version)

My problem is how to transfer all data from one server to the other? The most important item to backup are the emails, and the rest I can do manually. Ideally I would want to backup the entire server in a one, and upload it to the new one but I doubt that will be possible.

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Moving Mail Servers.

Jan 31, 2007

how to go about switching mail servers. is used as the MX record and is where users point their mail clients for POP/IMAP access. I'm obviously going to be relocating the record to a new IP.

My questions are:

In the interim period, can I have exim 'redirect' POP/IMAP connections to the new IP (for users), and can I have exim relay/forward (not sure on the term in this case) mail received from old DNS caches to the new mailserver IP?

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Moving Servers, What Happens To Emails

Jun 5, 2007

I'm going to start moving all my resellers from one dedicated server to another.

I'm going to do it like this:

Suspend their account in whm, but instead of it saying account suspended, it will be changed to something such as "Account Transfer in Progress". This will prevent changes to db's, files etc which could be lost during the transfer.

Once all accounts have been transferred I will change nameserver IP's to new server. They can then use their accounts as normal on new server.

What I want to know is:

What will happen to emails that are sent while the accounts are suspended, will they bounce?

how I could transfer the accounts (150-200) with minimal downtime, I would be interested.

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Moving Servers: No E-mail Loss

May 30, 2007

I am moving a couple clients over to my server tonight, but I wanted to make sure I took steps that they don't miss any e-mail that might be sent. It is my understanding that say the switch happens tonight at midnight. Any e-mails they did not download from the old server will be stuck on there correct? Because they would come in the next morning and hit outlook and download just from the new server?

Is there a set protocol for doing this move with minimal client hic-ups?

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DNS Servers, Moving From BIND To TinyDNS.

Jan 25, 2007

I currently have 2 DNS Servers with CPanel-DNSOnly Installed, used with CPanel's DNS Clustering options to store dns entries from CPanel web servers.

I am looking to buy a Windows server(probably with plesk), which i think will not support current CPanel DNSOnly Servers ?

What i need to do is

1. Migrate CPanelDNSOnly(which uses BIND) to TinyDNS on both servers

2. with a simple web-based management of dns entries(to give control to my clients, like

3. and auto updating of DNS Entires from other CPanel and Windows servers, without conflicting same domain records from different servers (which i think can be solved by updating entires by Latest Modified date/time).

I am not an expert, and not really sure if i will be able to setup everything myself. here i need your help, guidence, and links to tutorials and help... From where should I start? What and How should I do? Should I consider hiring a System admin? any sugestions or reference for such admins?

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Redirecting Users Whilst Moving Servers

Jun 15, 2008

I have a question regarding status pages. Whilst setting up a new website, upgrading forum scripts etc what is the best way to redirect users?

I would like myself and one other person to have access to run the tasks, however I would like to redirect visitors to the website to a standby page whilst we are doing this.

What is the best method? .htaccess? IP based?

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Cannot Bring Up Any Sites After Moving All Accounts To New Servers

Oct 21, 2007

We recently moved all our hosting accounts from our servers to new servers with a new host. In the process of this move, after moving all the domains and setting the nameserver ips to the new ips, none of the sites are pulling up. I changed the ip for all nameservers to the ones provided to me by the new host but we cannot figure out why the sites are not pulling up, he says everything on his end is fine? Talking about 100+ clients who have been down for over a day now after changing the nameservers and cannot figure out whats going on. All we did was set the ips on my current nameservers to the new ips below.

Now they are claiming they can bring the sites up, but none of the clients I have talked to can bring them up. Also I cannot bring up any domains or ping them from my home or work.

Example domains that are not working that were moved:

The works fine.

The accounts transferred over fine in WHM. We were using a dns redirect in WHM on the old server before changing nameservers to make sure it pulled them all up fine.

ips for the nameservers and

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Moving A Large 4gig Website Between 2 Dedicated Servers

Sep 11, 2005

I'm moving a large, 4 gig site between 2 servers (both have cpanel... if that's an option). Is there a way to do it quickly and correctly? How would I transfer such a large site?

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How Much Downtime Is Too Much Downtime

Apr 30, 2008

In your opinion how much downtime is too much downtime?

1, 2, 5 hours over the course of a month? 99.8%, 98%, 95% total uptime too little?

I mean I can understand technical difficulties and I am willing to be patient with my host especially when the service (when it is up) is good but where exactly do you draw the line, start asking questions, or canceling that contract and demanding your refund?

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Jul 17, 2007

i have 150 domains my server I wish it to migrate to a new server I can do restore domains, mail and users and data, stats to new server. I need minimum downtime so I need your's advice step by step which service need to restore first so my user get minimum downtime.

WIndows 2003 Enterprise
SQL server2005.

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VPSVille - Downtime

Oct 19, 2009

Moved to them recently from Wiredtree as my clients were asking for a uk-based server. I am a small time host, mainly to friends and family.

I've had more downtime in a week with VPS Ville than I ever had with Wiredtree.

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EUKhost Downtime

Jan 4, 2009

i've recently been experiencing a lot of apache downtime on my eUKhost VPS. anyone else having this problem? it's driving me crazy and i'm thinking about moving.

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How Much Downtime Does It Take To Become Unacceptable

Sep 24, 2009

Recently our provider has been having unplanned long outages (along with a complete server move that took several hours). This has turned out uptime statistic from exemplary to mediocre (100% to <99%).

As we are a hosting company and normally have an extremely good amount of uptime, when is it time to give up on the provider? I am extremely concerned this will become regular and our uptime will simply continue to go down the drain, however, they have been good and have been the main attribution to our 100% uptime (along with our great technicians and hardware).

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3dgwebhosting Downtime

May 10, 2008

It's not even been a month that I started subscribe a windows 2003 VPS hosting with them and now their website is gone and I am unable to access my VPS server

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DNS Name Transfer, Want No Downtime

Jun 11, 2008

I am the webmaster for a high level court system. We run mainly .php and MySQL like most do. We are in the process of doing a transfer to 1 and 1. I want to be able to test everything (database wise) before I do the transfer. I thought the best way to do so would be to purchase another DNS name and server and transfer everything there first to test and then when that is fully operational have a redirect to there and do the DNS name transfer from the old site to 1 and 1, and when the DNS name is on 1 and 1 take the redirect off . I don’t want any downtime at all.

This might not be the most cost effective but for downtime I thought it would be the best way, especially when I can have a live test before the transfer.

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Hostingzoom & Downtime

Dec 5, 2008


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PowerVPS Downtime

Oct 25, 2008

The downtimes in powervps still stay.

In the forum here i put a story about when i was changed to vz45 from vz69 some months ago and the problem is growing. One month ago, around 1/oct, was a half day.

Yesterday i detect a problem at 08:40 am aprox, and they are working in that but something is AWFUL here.[url]

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Downtime Alert

Jul 13, 2007

I have many domains and webservers. so it's hard to monitor everything usually. i heard there are some websites and softwares to do this.

does windows 2003 have anything default like this ? or can anyone suggest the application for my windows 2003 server? which sends alerts if any error is going on my server?

Also there any other websites which is doing this monitoring? because i have some shared accounts and i want to monitor it too.

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Documenting Downtime

May 4, 2007

I'm having a bit of a quabble with my current host because our server was unreachable for an extended period yesterday, and since I made a traceroute that arrived at their datacenter but not at our server, I was assuming it's a crystal clear network issue.

Today however they tell me that a traceroute means nothing. To quote them:


Please note that having a traceroute end prematurely does not always indicate a problem with the network it ends at. Being that traffic is typically asynchronous, the return path back to you does not follow the same providers. Your traceroute can not fully take into account network connectivity issues on the return path nor will it show them. You would need a traceroute to and from the server at the time of the issue (while this may be impossible if the server is down, opening a ticket immediately and informing the technician you would like a traceroute to X.X.X.X IP would hopefully catch the return path issue).

What do I make of this? First time I've heard that, when the network is down, I need to contact my host to tell me. But without any polemic - is this what it boils down to?

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