Moving Servers

Oct 5, 2007

I want to move around 20Gb of files from dreamhost hosting account with custom control panel to a cpanel VPS in another datacenter.

Is there anyway of transferring all the files to new host without downloading and uploading to the new host. Coz i have normal DSL and 20 GB downloading and uploading can take years.

There are some forum files CHMOD to specific values if you can transfer them without resetting them in new host also cool.

Can anyone give help? both servers have SSH and FTP

I get to know you can rar them and Wget it from the VPS.

But thats file by file.

Is there a way to move complete directory with wget command?

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Moving Servers

Aug 5, 2009

i've moved servers (joomla site).

only problem is that I'm on limited bandwidth internet, and i still have some really large files on the old server. can i transfer them to the new server without re-uploading them?

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Moving Servers

Mar 18, 2007

Im about to move servers as my old one was running so slow, but im worried about losing important emails in the change over. I remember reading something ages ago that said if you change a specific setting on the old server 24 hours before switching then when you switch the DNS will route to the new server quicker.

way, AVOID Stiletto Media web hosting. There support is useless and they have regular downtime, like 8-24 hours a WEEK. The servers are also incredibly slow. Dreamweaver constantly times out when trying to connect!)

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Moving Emails Between Servers

Jan 15, 2009

I have web site on one shared hosting. Now I want to move to another provider. However on first one I have around 500MB of emails which I would like to move also, because I only use web mail.

I found some instructions that I can copy Qmail's folders and emails and then restore them, but since this is something that providers will charge me for ($80 just for backup), I'm looking for another solution.

I was thinking that since both servers allow IMAP access, I could simply log in in one and another and then copy emails between folders.

- Would this work?

- When I log in with Microsoft Outlook, I only see "Inbox". I don't see "Sent" or other folders which I also have to copy. How to work around this?

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Plesk Moving Servers

Jan 10, 2008

Long story short, my web host is unreliable and after a down period of 3 days - I want to move my website to a new dedicated server.

Old Server - Fedora Core 6 with Plesk 8.1 (64 bit)

New Server - Cent OS 5 with Plesk 8.0 (Still to confirm version)

My problem is how to transfer all data from one server to the other? The most important item to backup are the emails, and the rest I can do manually. Ideally I would want to backup the entire server in a one, and upload it to the new one but I doubt that will be possible.

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Moving Mail Servers.

Jan 31, 2007

how to go about switching mail servers. is used as the MX record and is where users point their mail clients for POP/IMAP access. I'm obviously going to be relocating the record to a new IP.

My questions are:

In the interim period, can I have exim 'redirect' POP/IMAP connections to the new IP (for users), and can I have exim relay/forward (not sure on the term in this case) mail received from old DNS caches to the new mailserver IP?

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Moving Servers, What Happens To Emails

Jun 5, 2007

I'm going to start moving all my resellers from one dedicated server to another.

I'm going to do it like this:

Suspend their account in whm, but instead of it saying account suspended, it will be changed to something such as "Account Transfer in Progress". This will prevent changes to db's, files etc which could be lost during the transfer.

Once all accounts have been transferred I will change nameserver IP's to new server. They can then use their accounts as normal on new server.

What I want to know is:

What will happen to emails that are sent while the accounts are suspended, will they bounce?

how I could transfer the accounts (150-200) with minimal downtime, I would be interested.

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Moving Servers To New Datacenter And Downtime

Apr 30, 2007

Does anyone have any suggestions on how you would physically move servers from one datacenter to another with minimal downtime?

The IP address is going to change, so the server will go off and then come back online with a new ip.

Just how much downtime is acceptable before customers get annoyed?

When is the best time to do it?

Move them yourself or courier or any other ways?

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Moving Servers: No E-mail Loss

May 30, 2007

I am moving a couple clients over to my server tonight, but I wanted to make sure I took steps that they don't miss any e-mail that might be sent. It is my understanding that say the switch happens tonight at midnight. Any e-mails they did not download from the old server will be stuck on there correct? Because they would come in the next morning and hit outlook and download just from the new server?

Is there a set protocol for doing this move with minimal client hic-ups?

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DNS Servers, Moving From BIND To TinyDNS.

Jan 25, 2007

I currently have 2 DNS Servers with CPanel-DNSOnly Installed, used with CPanel's DNS Clustering options to store dns entries from CPanel web servers.

I am looking to buy a Windows server(probably with plesk), which i think will not support current CPanel DNSOnly Servers ?

What i need to do is

1. Migrate CPanelDNSOnly(which uses BIND) to TinyDNS on both servers

2. with a simple web-based management of dns entries(to give control to my clients, like

3. and auto updating of DNS Entires from other CPanel and Windows servers, without conflicting same domain records from different servers (which i think can be solved by updating entires by Latest Modified date/time).

I am not an expert, and not really sure if i will be able to setup everything myself. here i need your help, guidence, and links to tutorials and help... From where should I start? What and How should I do? Should I consider hiring a System admin? any sugestions or reference for such admins?

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Redirecting Users Whilst Moving Servers

Jun 15, 2008

I have a question regarding status pages. Whilst setting up a new website, upgrading forum scripts etc what is the best way to redirect users?

I would like myself and one other person to have access to run the tasks, however I would like to redirect visitors to the website to a standby page whilst we are doing this.

What is the best method? .htaccess? IP based?

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Cannot Bring Up Any Sites After Moving All Accounts To New Servers

Oct 21, 2007

We recently moved all our hosting accounts from our servers to new servers with a new host. In the process of this move, after moving all the domains and setting the nameserver ips to the new ips, none of the sites are pulling up. I changed the ip for all nameservers to the ones provided to me by the new host but we cannot figure out why the sites are not pulling up, he says everything on his end is fine? Talking about 100+ clients who have been down for over a day now after changing the nameservers and cannot figure out whats going on. All we did was set the ips on my current nameservers to the new ips below.

Now they are claiming they can bring the sites up, but none of the clients I have talked to can bring them up. Also I cannot bring up any domains or ping them from my home or work.

Example domains that are not working that were moved:

The works fine.

The accounts transferred over fine in WHM. We were using a dns redirect in WHM on the old server before changing nameservers to make sure it pulled them all up fine.

ips for the nameservers and

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Moving A Large 4gig Website Between 2 Dedicated Servers

Sep 11, 2005

I'm moving a large, 4 gig site between 2 servers (both have cpanel... if that's an option). Is there a way to do it quickly and correctly? How would I transfer such a large site?

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Hardware: Db Servers, Web Servers, File Servers. Cpu, Ram, Disk

Jan 20, 2007

I have a lot of questions here so if you can't answer them all I understand. even pointing me somewhere where I could get the answers would be appreciated; hardware sites focusing on server hardware, forums focusing on such, etc.

we plan to have three different types of servers:

- db server (self explanatory. mysql. for forums, mysql driven sites.)

- file server (lots of files around ~2-10MB, consistant 70mbps right now, but we want more room for upgrades. needs a LOT of storage room.)

- web server (lots of php files, but also static things like plain html, images, etc. also includes all misc services for the setup-- dns, etc.)

could I be given a rundown for which hardware each of the three should have? I don't need specifics, even just knowing that more ram is important here while cpu doesn't matter as much, or that the fastest disks available are a must, etc would all be valuable info for me. despite that, I certainly wouldn't mind specific hypothetical hardware configs.

for the database server I'm assuming the more ram the better. not entirely sure about the cpu? also not positive on disks...

for the fileserver, how much ram would be practical or useful? disk io will be an issue I'm because plenty of people will be pulling files at once so the disk needs to read from multiple places. scsi (and even raptors) are not an option as we need 750GB+ of space on a reasonable budget. more ram will take some load of of the disks, but how much is neccessary / reasonable?

for the web server I'm assuming cpu first, then ram, but it'll likely need less ram than the db server?

I'm more lost on the disks than anything. scsi on the fileserver is not an option under any circumstances due to $/GB. for the db & web server I'm willing to pay for scsi if the performance increase really does warrant the extra money, but I'd like to be convinced before shelling it out. if you have benchmarks geared at server hardware when it comes to disks I'd really appreciate it.

also, what's the best way to network these together when colocated? each one with a dual gigabit ethernet port and then the communications go to and from the router?

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Send Mail To Another Servers But We Cant Recieve Mails Another Servers

May 24, 2008

We send mail to another servers but we cant recieve mails another servers. We can't recieve with webmail and outlook.

I look logs but there is no error and our ip is not in blacklist.

there is the error in our server


linux cpanel centos 4.6

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Load Balancing 2 Web Servers And 2 MySQL Servers

Mar 28, 2008

I was wondering if it is possible to cluster 2 web servers and 2 mysql servers with only one server working as load balancer.

I am planning to use LVS (ldirectord and heartbeat).

Let's say I have 3 IPs allocated to the load balancing server. (Main IP) (Web Load Balancing IP) (MySQL Load Balancing IP)
If a connection is made to .223 it would pass the request to one of the web nodes.
If a connection is made to .224 it would pass the request to one of the MySQL nodes.

Is it possible to do this?

If not, can I run, for example, nginx on 223 IP address to provide forward proxy? (Then it would not be able to HA but the main point is to load balance so)

Also, what would be the best way to keep the data same on both web servers? This is a web cluster for a very high traffic forum with a lot of uploads every hour so it has to do real time synchronization. I heard that DRDB is only one way and not two way so I'm not going to be able to use this.

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Renting Colocated Servers As Dedicated Servers

Oct 11, 2009

I am just colocating servers and managing them myself, and renting services off of them. In the future I would like to start offering dedicated servers as well. I am wondering if many companies do this, or if its more of a general practice to just setup as a reseller? The worst part that comes to mind is thinking of how to do billing for the bandwidth per month. With my setup I would only be offering flat bandwidth packages (like 2TB a month) but even so, I cant think of anyway to automate it so WHMCS knows if they went over, if so, how much, etc.

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Moving Up To VPS

Jul 11, 2008

I've been on shared hosting for nigh on 3 years now. My site suddenly started growing rapidly recently and my shared host now has requested that I move onto a VPS or Dedicated as soon as possible (I would stay with them, but they don't have VPS options sadly)

My site is an image host, a dynamic image host too.

About 80% of my visits are from the US so I have decided, even though I am UK, that I need a US VPS.

I need it to be cheap, like $30 (To start with, while I gain funds) and generally reliable.

Would anyone know where such VPSs are? I would like 300MB or more RAM and about 5-10GB of disk space. My main issue right now is quality of customer service, I don't want to end up with a company that either has poor customer service or puts extreme restrictions on activity.

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Moving To VPS

May 14, 2007

I have two reseller accounts at the moment, where all my domains are spread out at the moment. And I have just purchased a VPS from SolarVPS, and I'm awaiting the account details. Is there a way that I can transfer the sites across easily, such as creating a full backup and then restoring on the new VPS, or would I have do it individually for each website?

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Moving To Our Own AS

Feb 6, 2007

It's now coming to the point where I really want to consolidate all of our kit (mainly in the UK) and move to our own AS number, now I already know what routing equipment we're going to use and that is appropriate for the amount of traffic we need to carry, but what I'm stuck with now is which transit providers to use. I don't mind spending a reasonable amount on transit, but not stupid amounts. It also doesn't matter where I can pick these up as the plan we have includes our own links between buildings.

First of all let me say this is going to be a very slow process, so please do not PM me with your offers for transit, I'm not interested.

The plans are to peer at a couple of exchanges, most likely LINX and Xchangepoint, and to pick up around 3/4 transit providers. Because most UK traffic goes via peers, what I'm really looking for are the bigger providers to improve transatlantic routes rather than smaller providers which just make the hop count longer, my shortlist is currently:


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Jun 13, 2007

recently moved from webhosting to VPS less than a month ago.

I got my VPS set up quite easily, however I have been experiencing a lot of downtime.

I have experienced around 60 hours of downtime in the last month itself, and i am quite pissed cause the provider claims 99.9% uptime guarantee.

I want to try out another provider but would not want to get burnt again…

Could you guys recommend any good VPS providers to me?

I would need 512 Ram / 2 IP’s >10GB Disk space and about 250-300GB bandwidth.

But one unique requirement that I have is that I need to run a few irc clients( not ircD servers, eggdrop type bots ) for my services.

Other than that the VPS would be used for a heavy duty forum and high hit website. With several other low hit websites as well.

Services wise I mainly need apache/php and mysql (heavy usage)

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Moving From APF To CSF

May 25, 2007

Anyone have thoughts about moving from APF to CSF? We are running a cPanel server and have heard lots of good things about CSF.

Anyone have details for a non-technical person?

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Moving Via SSH

Mar 6, 2007

I'm moving from a VPS to a dedicated server and most of the files/databases have been transferred.

I have a folder (with files) in the /usr/local/ folder of the VPS (chatroom software), is there anyway I can transfer them to the dedicated server in its /usr/local folder through SSH/Telenet?

I have used it before to move my MYSQL database but I was following step-by-step instructions from Vbulletin, I guess this will be different compared to transferring a database backup.

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Nov 24, 2008

MOVING from LIQUIDWEB to ... ?

I want to move from liquid web, but i don't know where to go.

the reason is, i need more bandwith (about 1000GB) and they said, the limit in a VPS is 700GB, to get more i should go to a dedicated.

my budget doesn't allow me to go to a dedicated.

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Moving From

May 10, 2005

i am moving from

i am facing a lot of technical errors hosting pages.

it does not support emailing it gives out errors.

it does not support file handling and directory creation

can anyone tell me a good hosting company.

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Moving From Shared To VPS

Oct 11, 2009

I am presently running a website at ICDSoft on a shared hosting account.

Here are the specs on the server where my site is hosted

Server has


2 Quad-core Xeon processors
multi-terabyte RAID 6 disk array.

Now, I would like to know, if I move to VPS, which VPS plan would be the best.

How much should my minimum VPS ram be?

Are there any speed tests you would like me to run on my present server?

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Moving Hosts

Jun 11, 2009

I just had a thought. If I am moving from one host to the other, the old host would still have my files. Whats stopping them from just using the files to copy my site. Basically is there an easy way to delete my files from my old host?

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Moving On From IX Web Hosting

May 16, 2009

I have had my social networking site in development for a few months now, and have been using IX web hosting. Slow response times were one thing--I can handle that for now. But, especially now, emails generated by my application and sent to Yahoo are delayed by several days--apparently Yahoo is restricting the number of messages from IX servers?

My app only generates a dozen or so emails.

So ...

1) Is there a workaround with IX?

2) If I switch, should get a dedicated server? Or maybe use the cloud? I have been looking at rackspace, although I haven't received a call-back from their sales team in four days (sic)

3) Other options?

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Moving From Mosso To A VPS

Apr 21, 2008

I'm moving away from Mosso after their service is kinda shaky and expensive. For now, my websites don't need scalability.

I looked at WiredTree but they seem to have problems (as posted here) but they do seem like the best of the bunch.

What I'm looking for is managed VPS with spam protection, great uptime, and fully managed (updating software, helping out with DNS changes, etc.)

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