Geekstorage 6 Month -

May 22, 2009

I originally signed up with Geekstorage in November with one of their specials. They got me hooked with the "Geek" theme they had, thinking these guys know what they are doing and that was first mistake.

I signed up for the VPS 512 for $55/month, which was decent but not an amazing deal.

This was the special:

The VPS 512 includes...

* 40 GB NAS & RAID Protected Storage (50% more... 60 GB Storage!)

* 400 GB Premium Bandwidth (50% more... 600 GB Premium Bandwidth!)

* 512 MB Guaranteed RAM (FREE Upgrade... 640 MB Guaranteed RAM)

* 1,536 MB Burstable RAM

* Only $55.00/month (Get 50% OFF your first invoice! Use coupon: WHT50MORE)

Since the beginning, my VPS was slow, but they kept telling me that their on and getting it fixed. The server was fast one day and really slow the next and it still is til today. And when I say really slow, I mean really slow; cpanel would take over a min to load, and sometimes I would finish typing up a support ticket before it finished loading. Now as far as support, at first they were very responsive (at least when you're within their 60 days money back guarantee), within 20-30 mins tops. Then after they 60 days, it went to 60 mins, then 2 hours, you get the idea.

I'm a very patient person, and they gave them several months to fix the server issue but that still was not the reason I canceled. I purchased a domain from Godaddy and when I changed the nameserver to our vps, the site was propagated for a couple of hours and then unpropagated, then in the morning was propagated, and then unpropagated. This was the first time that I have had this happen. So I put in support to check to see what was going on, and the support gave me a canned answer, it take 24-72 hours to propagated, but that was not what I was asking, in fact I even mentioned in the ticket from the beginning I know that it takes 24-72 hours. I then asked them again as to what was going on and again he responded with the same answer. So being a little fed up with this, I decided to changed the nameserver to my friends server to see what happens and long and behold within 3 hours everything was up.

Now, I not blaming them for what was going on with the nameserver issue, but it's when I responded back to them that it's working on my friends server and not on mine, they straight out said that I should of provided the domain name and tried to pin it on me.

Again, I don't disagree with that but how was i supposed to know support wanted the domain name, when they didn't even ask for it, which they had a couple of times to do so. And after mentioning that to them, all they could say is if they could cancel my account, that's a great why of saying thank you for your business.

Bottom line, being a paid customer and tech trying to put blame on customers, isnt my definition of customer service. Not professional and bad for business

Pros: Ok price package, but not great
Cons: Bad support, live chat that's never online, a phone number to call that always goes to voicemail, really slow server

After several hours of reading reviews and comparing hosting companies, I narrowed it down to Knownhost and Servint. I ended up going with Servint and I'm extremely happy with the support, price and speed of hosting.

I went with the essential VPS:
30 GB Disk Space
1 TB Monthly Transfer
768 MB Guaranteed (1.5 GB Burst RAM)

CentOS 5 Operating System
4 IP Addresses
Unlimited Domains and User Accounts
FREE Virtuozzo Power Panel
FREE nightly backups
FREE cPanel or Plesk 9 Available [details]
No set-up fee
$49 monthly

I can say my site loaded 10-20 times faster than it did with Geekstorage and their support is amazing, you can email, call or support ticket. They respond to support tickets normal within 10 mins and most of the time less than 5.

Compared to Geekstorage, I get better support, really fast servers, and more bandwidth. Also, I after I switched to Servint, I put in a request to have my hosting canceled, but didnt get any kind of confirmation saying they received it or anything. I put in a support ticket to billing asking if they received it but no response. Then I put in a regular support ticket asking the same thing, no response. Now, it's almost two days since I put the tickets in, I decided to put a post in their forum, and soon as I register and was waiting for admin approval from admin to be able to post, I get an email from Jay saying that they are in the process.

Btw, with Servint same thing happened with another domain, but the difference between Geekstorage and Servint was ... Servint's first response was "what's the sites address?" instead of a canned answer.

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1 Month Review Of GeekStorage

Jan 1, 2009

This is a quick review of the VPS Provider [url] I will highlight four things: Support, Speed/Network, Sales/Setup, and Overall.

I have been hosted at [url]for 1 month now about, with my domain [url], we have 3 Dedicated for VPS hosting and a Hybrid VPS for sales, but I preferred a offsite provider for our main domain [url] So we went with GeekStorage!

Support has been excellent. Usually I have to request rDNS PTR but guess what, I didn't! It came all configured and everything. I've had two support tickets, one of which I've quickly resolved myself and the other one was fixed within a few hours.
Overall the support is excellent and nothing is wrong, a few extra techs could do (this is a personal pet peeve of mine but it isn't a problem with most, actually it's not much of a problem with me as I only had 2 support requests.)
Network and Speed

What can I say? They have their nodes at WebNX, a great provider! I get excellent pings, speeds, and my mail server etc. is nice and fast. I have 512MB guaranteed RAM but there are only 2 main sites on the VPS, using about 200-300MB of RAM (with cPanel/WHM).
Uptime has been superior, I've gotten 100% Network and VPS Uptime! Not even a second I've seen the network go down, for any reason. Only time when it was down was when I accidently blocked myself via IPtables, had to use a proxy to get in SSH/WHM and unblock myself , but that's another story there..


Setup time was average. Took about 36-40 hours for my VPS to setup, a bit long, but they made sure it was running great, gave me status updates, and Jay did everything he could to make my VPS run faster and smoothly through the queue. I used the 'WHT50MORE' special and got a generous 50% off my 2 month prepayment .

Sales is also great. They have an excellent portal and everything. I'd say there are no problems with their billing. I haven't had a chance to open a sales ticket but I'm sure that there would be no problem.

The free control panel that comes with each GeekStorage VPS is perfect, I find that a great need aswell.


GeekStorage is a excellent, top-notch company. I'd give it 5+ stars, and reccomend it to ANYONE else who is looking for a stable & fast VPS provider. Don't hesitate: Go Geek!
Verification for the MODs: Domain is [url] hosted via GeekStorage (they use dedicated servers/colo at WebNX)

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Geekstorage- 1 Month Review

Jan 14, 2009

For over a year my websites were on a VPS with JaguarPC. They were nothing but great and I was happy to be a customer with them, however my websites did not warrant the resources that a VPS provides and there was no point in paying for something that just wasn't getting used, so I decided to cancel my account and find a shared host for a low cost.

I found GeekStorage through WHT and liked what I saw. Jay answered all my pre-sale questions professionally though it wasn't as quick as I'd like (it took an extra couple days which he apologized greatly for) However the reviews were positive on here and on google, their pricing was good and I even got to use a WHT coupon code to save additional money. With a 60 day moneyback gurantee there wasn't much risk so I took the plunge. Setup was done within 30 minutes and I was off and running.

I now have 3 sites being hosted on my account and have not ran into many problems. The only hiccup I receive is that the sites do slow down, at first I thought this was Geekstorage but it is my ISP instead as no one else has experienced it. But as to them actually going down completly that has not happened yet, they've been up and running everytime I check and no one from my guild (one of the sites I run) has experienced problems and a couple people have said it's faster.

I haven't had to contact support too much which is a good thing. But when I did they have answered my questions and so far have solved the few problems I did have. They are usually quick the respond but the longest I had to wait for a response was about an hour. Shortest time I think was about 15 minutes. When they do respond they are professional and easy to get along with. They seem to have a way of explaining things so that anyone can understand without dumbing it down if that makes sense.

After 1 month I am overall happy with Geekstorage, my sites have been running smoothly besides my hiccup that only I experience. The server itself seems to not be overloaded which is good. For anyone curious I reside on the zeus server. But if this level of service continues I am happy I chose Geekstorage and hope for many more months of good service

And ofcourse the websites. [url]
This is my guild's website. Vbulletin is our forum software and it has its fair share of addons mainly resulting in WoW. Before last week it was also running EQDKP with it until we as a guild decided not to use DKP anymore. [url]
This is my hobby video 'studio' where I post my projects and such. It is ran on Joomla 1.5 with its on set of extensions [url]

Finally this site is my personal blog that goes in hand with It is ran on wordpress

Clarified Judgement and Dreaming Dolphins receives the most traffic and Dolphin nights was just opened this month so don't expect much if any traffic to come to it for a bit.

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GeekStorage -1 Month Review ...

Apr 2, 2009

My review for

I have been with GeekStorage for about a month and to say the least I have not been a happy person. Before I even was with GeekStorage I hosted with Dot5hosting which wasn’t a good story either. Overall GeekStorage was not what I expected. Their support team at first was excellent and speedy, but then as time passed tickets would get answered in 8-10 hours.

My intent to switch to GeekStorage was primarily because I thought they had fast servers. I had read some good reviews about them and I was convinced. Their prices where good, they had some good specials and they had a 60 day money-back guarantee. Of course, before I host with any company I always contact them and ask them a few questions, just to get to know them little. Their owner, Jay, replied promptly and from that point I was ready to order.

At first, I was impressed. Their servers where much faster than the ones they had over at Dot5Hosting. I was like a little kid in a candy store believing I had just found the perfect host at a good price. I was wrong. After a few days I started to notice that my site would freeze up for 10-20 seconds while loading. I contacted their support team and they said this was caused because some users where “abusing the resources” and that “they were looking into the issue”. I thought this would only be temporary so I waited a few more days to see if the problem would go away. To my surprise it did not. So again, I contacted the support team and told them. They said that they where removing the users that caused the problem and that the problem would be fixed soon. Again, I waited and the problem was still there.

My temper started to rise a little and I contacted the support team again, this time asking that they move to another server. They replied saying they didn’t have any other server’s available and that they were setting up a new one in the weeks to come. Of course “weeks” could mean two weeks or eight weeks. I dint want to wait, so after some negotiation I was finally moved to another server.

For a while it seemed that problems had gone away on this server, but again I was wrong.

My website would sometime freeze up and wordpress loaded slower than ever. So again I submitted another ticket, and they replied saying that the “slowness” was caused by users abusing the resources. At this point I was not putting up with GeekStorage anymore. After a bit of investigation I saw that GeekStorage was packing all of their shared servers. So even if they moved me to another server it would still be slow.

I then began my new quest to find a new host. You might have seen some of my threads around this forum looking for hosts that “don’t oversell” I finally stumbled into StableHost and they seemed to have what I was looking for. I contacted their support team and Tyler responded promptly answering all my questions clearly. He even offered me a free trial month to test the waters with them.

So I created my account with HostStable and then asked them to transfer my site over. They responded in about 2 minutes and my site was up and running 15 minutes after I created the ticket. I couldn’t be happier now with StableHost. Not only are their servers blazing fast but their support team is exceptional. I will post a 1 month review about StableHost once I reach that mark.

GeekStorage has now issued me a full refund.

This is my website

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1 Month Review Of Geekstorage

Sep 24, 2008

Before signing up I searched all over the internet as I always did. I was looking for a “managed” VPS. I headed to WHT as my main source of information then google, few days later I narrowed my options to 3: Liquidweb, Wiredtree and Geekstorage, I was so confused that I decided to flip a coin :p but something changed my mind, it was the Geekstorage (whtspecial)
VPS Special - 50% OFF (one-time), FREE 128 MB RAM Upgrade & 50% MORE space & bandwidth! ***Coupon code: WHT50MORE
It became an easy choice now since I'll be paying around $18 for a 512mb RAM VPS! and of course I paid annually ;-)

My order was confirmed 2 hours and a half after paying, VPS was up and running 5hours after confirmation, this make it 7 hours and 30 minutes between paying and SSHing your VPS :-)

The VPS came with all requested options and is fast, very fast. Support is fast too, the average response time is around 1 hour. I asked almost every kind of question from email not sending problem to installing firewall and securing the vps to installing apache modules. I got positive answers to all of these. I can say I'm satisfied.

Something else I like about Geekstorage is the client area. Its very neat and gives you every single information you might need. Every email sent to/from geekstorage is saved there so you will never need to search your email archive for an old ticket. Updating the hosting package and adding options to it can be easily done from there too. However something is missing, its not possible to disable auto renewal manually, to do so you have to email sale team.

This is all I can think about for now. If you need any information about Geekstorage from a customer view don't hesitate to post here.

Geekstorage Website

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Feb 11, 2009

I signed up for in January. I use the account mainly for sandboxing new development, but I also maintain my website on my account. My website is not a real issue right now because my portfolio is not up right now, and I am not super worried about it.

Anyways, working on a clients website on my account, and for the last few days, I have experienced ftp outages, slow connections, and sometimes httpd outages. I informed them of this a couple of nights ago, and they said they were aware of the problem. Same thing was happening the next day, so I updated the ticket. They said they were working on the issue and it would be fixed in 24 hours.

The response time was good, but I also still feel in the dark. Its been a real issue trying to do updates to the clients site, when I am unable to connect to the ftp for sometimes 5 minutes or more.

I am considering switching hosts, but I went with geekstorage because I heard good things about them, and I also paid for 3 months in advance.

I understand there will be problems sometimes, but I just still kinda feel a bit disappointed.

Any comments from current or past geekstorage customers, would be helpful. I am really trying to decide if I should wait it out longer, or just bail now, and get my refund.

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Apr 8, 2009

Just wanted to share some positive feedback about Geekstorage..

I'm not qualified to provide a proper "review" or anything, just another schmo customer; but a happy one.

When shopping for my VPS provider I needed access to good server resources and good quality bandwidth at a fair price.. They keyword is Fair not cheap. I believe that you get what you pay for and if you're shopping for the cheapest product you're going to get the cheapest service..

Since being with Geekstorage I've been very happy with my products performance (VPS35, VPS50, and back to VPS35), and with the communication I get from both billing and technical support. Tickets are usually answered within 4 hours of my submitting them.

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Send Email To 282 Users (1-2 Times A Month & Not Every Month) Spamming

Mar 6, 2009

My website suspended by a hosting service provider they told me that I try to send some spamming emails, the details about my website it's very small with 282 users (before suspended) I used phpBB version 2 and send news to users with phpBB send mail function. Frequency of sending is not more than 2 times a month and not every month.

I've already contacted the hosting provider they didn't help anything just say "Hold on" for 1 day a ago.

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GeekStorage Support

Jul 31, 2008

GeekStorage's support is awesome. They usually answer within 10 minutes and so far (only been with them for 2 weeks!) they have solved every issue perfectly.

The quality of their support and their attention to detail is the best I have seen in the past 5 years.

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Geekstorage Review, Geekstorage VPS Review

Oct 28, 2009

I was looking for a Virtuozzo VPS for some testing purposes some time back.

Thought to give Geekstorage unmanaged VPS a try.

After ordering I opened a ticket to get an update on the status. After more than 3.5 hours I got a response and they sent the details needed to verify the order.

After around 4 hours I was told it would be ready that day. I was very happy as everything went smoothly till then.

Ticket response time is some 2hours-8hours on average from my experience, that is the good part there.

After I saw the VPS login details I went to the cPanel but ...
1. The cPanel was outdated (2-3 versions back do not remember exactly).

2. I tried from more than one connection and from more than one computer to make sure it was not any error on my part, but the cPanel would either time out or take a dead-long time to open.

cPanel either not opening or taking a long time to open can not be accepted on a VPS even if it can be accepted on shared hosting/reseller hosting.

I reported it to them in ticket, their answer was "It is possible to see slowdowns on cPanel access during peak hours" (on a VPS)

So i told them to cancel it and provide a refund. A week went away after that I did not say them anything, but the ticket got closed after a week without any reply or refund.

I then updated the ticket again. And they refunded me excluding $18.

I almost forgot about that in 1 week as I remain busy with other stuff and the price was not that amount, but I got an email after a week saying the ticket was closed. I checked to see no one replied or refunded when I 'poked' them again.

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GeekStorage Review

Mar 28, 2009

I joined GeekStorage a few months ago. (January Approx) and was extremely excited as I had been reviewing hosts for around six months while developing my site, and GeekStorage was always in the fore front of my mind.

Signing up was great, and in the first month I didnt use the space as more development was needed. Whenever I did have an issue or question it was always answered promptly and proffessionally.

However, Beginning in March I began using my webspace alot, not resource wise but frequenting it and trying to start my community. This is when the problems arose.

My site would load extremely slowly. I was the only user on it, and only had vBulletin installed. I thought maybe its vBulletin so I uninstalled it, removed everything I had uploaded and then accessed the site. Even the file folder page loaded slowly at that point.

Upon sending in a ticket I was informed that nothign was wrong and maybe it was on my end....Not what I want to hear when I can load other major sites quite quickly and im on a more than capable cable modem.

Then things became progressively worse, I would say in the last week I have gotten numerous server timeouts, just today my co-owner and I waited for two minutes before the background to the page even came up.

And my last ticket was not even responded to. Its been over a week for that.

So my review of GeekStorage is stay away. I have seen numerous people have slow loading problems and sometimes people reply with oh its probobly growing pains. Well when I go to a new restaurant and I get a cold meal because they just opened and are floaded with guests and not enough waiters, I dont go back.

I feel that they have done nothing to look into the problem. Even a post on their "geekmunity" by another user on the "Zeus" server has gone unanswered as to why the serverload is high.

I will now be looking into a dedicated server so if something goes wrong It is my fault and not because a company is overselling and being reactive instead of proactive.

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MediaTemple Or Geekstorage

Feb 5, 2009

I am hosted with Media Temple, but looking to get out from under their slow grid system. I am on their (dv) service but was looking around on Geek Storage's reseller web hosting.

Few Questions:

How is their support response time?

Knowledgeable Support Staff?

Kind friendly service?

Fast Setup?

Things I like that I don't like about MT

GS, utilizes cPanel which I love, plesk I hate, and mt for some reason uses plesk.

So what are your thoughts on GS?

View 11 Replies View Related VPS Slow

Jan 6, 2009

After my bad experiences with the other provider, I decided to go with for my hosting needs. I found plenty of positive reviews for them but so far, it doesn't look good :-/

The support was fast enough, but not really helpfull.
My basic problems, so far, are:

1. The VPS is _really_ slow. Simple operations like listing (ls) the contents of directories with 4-5 files takes around 1~1.5seconds. Editing /etc/vim/vimrc with vim takes around 3 seconds (to open, I mean).

2. While trying to install phpmyadmin from the default ubuntu repository took me almost 10 minutes, from downloading to installing the packages. Something my old Dual P3 (yes, pentium 3) did in less than 2 minutes. Accessing the phpmyadmin page (with a web browser) took around 3 seconds, and no, I don't mean loading the database scheme and stuff, just the login screen. It just stood there for 3 seconds, then instant load. No, it wasn't a DNS problem. My browser was just hanging at "Waiting..."

3. Bandwidth is _really_ low. Tried downloading different files located all around the world and I never seen more than 300k/s, max. Sometimes it drops to a painfull 150k/s and just stays there.

4. Timeouts. First night they got my VPS up I had small downtime periods. I was trying to edit the DNS files and I had like 20 disconnects in 1 hour. The connection was working for 2 minutes, then *poof* dropped for another 2 minutes.

5. The virtualization. I can't install simple software as pureftpd. All I get is "Jan 4 20:38:21 vps pure-ftpd: (?@?) [ERROR] Unable to switch capabilities : Operation not permitted". Tried different workarounds (trying to avoid recompilation with --without-capabilities) but nothing worked.

As answers, all I got so far is:

- for the connection problem:

"Could you please provide the results of a traceroute when this problem is occurring? We will forward it to the DC and see if they can determine any network issues. Thank you, and apologies for the trouble."

Got the answer 1 hour after I asked them if there's something wrong, but it was too late... the problems were gone, for the moment.

- the slow response from the vps:
"2-3 seconds is understandable during peak hours, however we have not seen this issue come up on node3 since the server was rebooted recently. If the issues arise again

please let us know, we will check on the cause."
I *almost* understand about the peak hours, but it's not normal. I remember this was an issue with *shared* hosting. This was one of the reasons I got a VPS in the first place.
Basically they're telling me that during peak hours my customers will have to wait 3 seconds for my websites to load. You know what the average user does after waiting that many seconds for a page to load? Closes the browser or types another address.

I have the VPS512 plan (the $55 one + $3 safetyweb protection) + extra 50% bandwidth and disk space. My VPS is located on NODE3.

Anyone else experiencing the same issues (maybe on another node?) I'm still hoping for this issues to go away, maybe it's something temporary, but if this happens for the whole week, I'll definatelly ask for money back (they have a 60day return policy).

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Anyone Hosted With GeekStorage

Dec 2, 2008

I'm thinking of getting a small shared account with GeekStorage, just wanted to see if any others were happy with them? A quick search revels a few negative threads about load/downtime but most seem quickly resolved.

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WiredTree Vs. GeekStorage

Nov 11, 2008

I am in the market for a VPS. I am looking to be with a stable company, and although I desire the best possible value, I also need a solid, stable product, and this will be used for a business project. It seems to me GeekStorage is newer on the scene, but I have not been afraid to use a brand new company before. Wiredtree obviously has a very good reputation on WHT and other places across the web, but there isn't much on GeekStorage, and what there is is mixed. However GeekStorage has some very active forums on their site, and the people seem to be knowledgeable. Their offers seem to be very similar, although GeekStorage gives a little more RAM at a little lower price (with their current special). Also they do offer DirectAdmin, although I think I am going to go back to cPanel anyways.

Any GeekStorage customers out there willing to pipe in, Wiredtree customers welcome as well.

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Disappointed In Geekstorage

Sep 7, 2008

In the beginning everything was fine, must say Norman at geekstorage is a great guy, but the other guy Jay Higdon is a total piece of work. One of the worst people i have ever tried working with.

I got hosting with them about a week ago, norman helped me setup the site to work, but not fully, main feature of the site failed due to server setup errors. In the beginning when i got the host there was tons of whm erros and errors on server that norman needed to fix.

Anyway my complaint is this, today I sent a ticket and explained that i will need to migrate my site to a different host but after when its done i will email them again and tell them its done so they can cancel my account. About 5 min later i try to log into my site, and none of my sites are working. I tried emailing Jay, which was the person working at the time and asking him what did he do, and that i said i need to migrate the site to another server.
I never got a reply, got my refund (-$18), but all my work is gone and i cannot get in touch with Jay. When i open a ticket, i get a message from him that ticket was deleted.

I know there is lots of happy people with this service but this is a warning, if you try cancel with them they will treat you like a piece of garbage. Now, im out of a server, all my work is gone, geekstorage is ignoring all my messages to even get my backups, cause i know they have them (i had the addon safetyweb where they make 2 backups a day)

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GeekStorage Reviews

Aug 19, 2008

It seems as if there are no reviews of GeekStorage on here. Has anyone had any experience with GeekStorage VPS's?


I'm looking for a new VPS and they have caught my eye, but with no reviews I'm a little hesitant to switch over to them...

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Any Reviews For

Sep 30, 2008

I just signed up with for vps server. Any one having experience with them?

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Jan 19, 2008

I am just dropping in my week one positive review of I migrated my two domains to them earlier this week from, after having been with for two years.

I had to endure too many growing pains with vistapages, and I am on a tight budget, so was looking for something similar to what vistapages offered at a similar low price.

Vistapages upgraded the server I was on in recent months and things had been a lot more stable, so I was about to give up my search and renew for two years with them until I clicked on the link in one of Jays posts here.

Immediately I was intrigued by their name and site design, and then even more so when I saw their offerings. I really like how they don't have a typical commercial looking site and feel. After looking at maybe a hundred or more hosting services on the web that all look the same, it was honestly a refreshing experience. I know that's not a technical point really, but I guess the geek look and talk just appealed to my geek nature.

I've learned by spending time here at WHT, and from two years with vistapages to be skeptical and that whatever host I end up with that I need to be prepared to get what (in my case very little) I pay for, so I try not to have high expectations and just hope that I get pleasantly surprised by good enough service that I can endure, or maybe better. I have definitely been pleasantly surprised so far by

They handled all my pre-sales questions well, and thanks to their current 25% off coupon code available here at WHT, I got their developer plan for $4.50 per month, which fits in perfectly for me, where my sites are low traffic (currently under 2 gigs transfer for the month), but I have plenty of room for growth with them if I need it, and in pretty much whatever way I may need or want to grow.

I gave Geekstorage my login info for vistapages, and they migrated my domains for me the same day I signed up (3 gigs of data, a menalto gallery/database, a couple wordpress databases, etc...), they just plugged it all straight in and I was up and running that evening. I sure enjoyed not having to lift a finger! (thanks again to Geekstorage for that)

I made a mistake and changed my nameserver addresses when I didn't really need to (I had been using and could have just left it that way), and that change caused me a day of down time on one of my addon domains, which always sucks, but that was obviously my fault, and they were completely responsive and polite to my unnecessary questions that I kept emailing to them...

The one minor issue after the move was because of the lack of Litespeed support for shtml, but they went to work on that right away when I reported it to them, and for me it was just for a little toy script I have anyway, and I had some php code as a workaround for it (for random text display), so no biggy there, but more importantly what I learned from the issue was that as far as customer service goes, these guys are on top of it, and have kept me posted with regular emails on the status...

I've noticed that the server speed is great with them for my sites and better than what I had. With vistapages it used to be a real drag going to make wordpress posts and stuff because the control panel was so sluggish, and there was always high cpu use at all times. This is not the case where I am now, at least not for now... I know there isn't nearly as much traffic or sites on the shared server I am on now as there was with, and I am going to enjoy that as long as it lasts!

Anyhow, I am very happy with my choice so far, and completely recommend if you are looking for a low budget shared host to go with these guys.

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LiquidWeb / GeekStorage / ServerComplete?

Aug 30, 2008

I want to move my vps from my current VPS hosting. I have shorten my option become those 3 provider. Would WHT members help me to choose which provider is the best one?

RAM: 512MB
Storage: 50GB
Bandwidth: 400GB
Price: $50/month

37.5 GB Storage!)
300 GB Premium Bandwidth!)
512 MB Guaranteed SLM RAM)
1,152 MB Burstable SLM RAM
Price $35.00/month

45GB Disk Space
768MB Guaranteed RAM
500GB Premium Bandwidth
HyperVM Management Console
2 IP Addresses
Price $42.95 + $5 (cPanel License) = $47.95

My primary VPS usage is for hosting my phpBB site with average user access around 100 in the same time. Also I need full managed VPS, so support must be good..

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Communication Problems With Geekstorage

May 26, 2009

I found a couple which i am thinking about at the moment, but what motivated me to make this thread is my current experience with geekstorage.

While the service was friendly and the transfer from my previous host was flawless, i am having a communications problem here that might lead to a disaster. And i explain myself:

When i made the transfer, i asked for a demo account, even for some days so i could test a real account on a real server and not just the links most hosts showcase that might actually be hosted on much better hardware and faster servers.

There was no option for that, but there was the option of me canceling my account at any time during a 60 day period with no questions asked. For varied reasons which do not really have something to do with geekstorage specifically but my own taste of the services, i want to move to a new host. However, even after 2 tickets & 1 pm at the geekstorage forum, i still have to hear back from staff and i am getting nervous because i am closing in on the 60 day mark and i am afraid that someone might be able to take advantage of that. I am not saying that a typical person would, especially since the tickets were before the 60th day, but i have seen a lot so i am getting nervous nonetheless.

This is the last place i would be willing to make this matter public, as i understand it might make some people think badly of geekstorage. This was not my intention at all and geekstorage can really be a great host for you, if it covers your needs well.
But not replying to customers when they request something you shout you provide, while on the other hand, replying lightning fast when ordering or moving is infuriating at least.

I would happily go on and not post this, but either way, i am forced to do so, since i do not know of any other place i can talk with like-minded people on such matters. Sometimes, reviews can be good or bad, this one is bad but not about the services, rather than the way they communicate. Accepting that a product/service is not for you is a good thing and it does not mean you cant suggest a service YOU don't like to someone else that might do. But such ways are bad anyway you look at it and do not warrant any suggestions.

And keep this in mind. Even if someone from geekstorage replies to this thread, what will their excuse be for not replying FIRST at my tickets (and any other tickets for that matter), but at a friendly forum?

People expect to have the same kind of service as they get on day one. If you are only motivated to bring customers in, then you wont keep them for long, that's for sure. I was expecting the same kind of service i got on the first days, which i didn't.

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Review For GeekStorage After About 3 Weeks

Mar 26, 2009

Here is my review for GeekStorage after about 3 weeks with them. I'm also looking on suggestions for a new host, more explained below.

Signing up was a snap and I payed with Paypal. At first everything seemed smooth but I slowly started to notice that my site was loading slowly, even slower than my old host (dot5hosting-yuck) To top it off, the pages that where loading slow where just normal static html pages. Php pages like wordpress and my forum where even slower. At times, the speeds did get a little faster but then at other times they would slow down.

Their support team is alright, some tickets would get answered in less than an hour while others would take more than 3-5 hours. They did help me reinstall some databases and I give them props for that.

Many people did complain in the forums of the same "speed" problem I had but the team offered no solutions except that they "where looking in to it". They claimed that one of their servers had many users abusing the resources. They moved me to another server which was a bit more stable, but again the slow speeds would creep at times.

Overall, GeekStorage was not what I expected it to be. Good thing I still have the 60 day guarantee.

Now here is my question to you all: I'm looking on switching hosts. I want a host that is not only stable (speed-wise) and that is fast. I run static html, and php (wordpress and IP Board) I was looking into Surpass hosting, what do you think about it, is it fast and stable?

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Opinions & Experience About

Oct 20, 2009

Would you share any opinions and experiences you had with GeekStorage? Does anyone know anything about the folks working there?

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Installing Magento On Geekstorage

Jan 4, 2009

i just sign up for i want to host my magento online store but since they dont provide one click install for magento i am abit lost i dont no how to install it? so if any of you know any easy way to install it in

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[Review] Geekstorage - Not So Happy

Oct 5, 2008

I have to tell you about my not so happy experience with Geekstorage.

Let me make it short:

Slow loads, there are hours where it's barely loading, from anywhere in the world, I've sent in 1-2 support tickets, but the only answer I got was that it should be okay again (oversold?), no concrete answers at all.

Right now, I'm having a DB Error on my forum, been so for the past hour or so, still waiting for a reply to my ticket, marked as High Priority.

Support: Slow, just plain out slow, I was assured to get my tickets answered within a hour when I spoke to their sales dude, sadly, they havent been able to hold their end of the bargain within that one.

Overall: They are good if you want to have slow loading websites, fly by the day support answers, and in my shoes, a DB Error on my forum.

I am looking for a new host, anyone with any good recommendations ? Pref EU location, but will also be able to live with a Texas based location.

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GeekStorage Won't Enable Xcache.var_size

Feb 23, 2009

I recently received an email from GeekStorage support telling me that they just won't enable xcache.var_size on their shared hosting server.

If you're going to host a vBulletin board on GeekStorage, forget it -- XCache datastore won't work there

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Can't Get In To My Geekstorage Reseller C Panel...advice Please

Jul 4, 2008

I am wondering if any of you guys can give me some advice. I can not access my geekstorage reseller hosting panel nor will any of the sites come up on the net for me.

I think everyone else can see them but I can't access them. Geekstorage says they my IP is on the allow list and I am not blocked from their end. They said it was with my ISP.

I have embarq dsl. I called embarq this morning and they said that my ip was not blocked any way shape or form on their end. He was even able to pull up my cpanel and some of my sites. Also I can pinged from my computer to my control panel and it went through. I have done system restore on my machine thinking maybe windows update had caused something but that is not the case. Any advice would be greatly apprecaited. I have been with geekstorage several months and never had an issue accessing my accts.

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About InnoHosting, HostGator, GeekStorage, FlyHigh, KnownHost

May 27, 2008

(The features I asked for: Zend Optimizer, IonCube Loader, cron jobs, PHP.ini, .htaccess, mod_rewrite, PHP SAFE MODE OFF, and PDO for MySQL -- and I focused on packages around or below US$20)

HOST: InnoHosting - They get amazing reviews here, and I got excellent (!) live chat support (from Rameen I believe). He responded the second I clicked the 'Live chat' button, and was able to answer even my most technical questions right off the bat. Fast, efficient, and to the point - very cool. They are also one of the most expensive in my lineup though, at $20 for a 10GB/200GB solution, which is really the only downside I've found.

FEATURES: Inno offered every feature except SSH, but they told me if I needed something (within reason) done on the server, just let them know and they would be happy to do it for me.

PRICE: $20 for a 10GB/200GB reseller package

HOST: HostGator - They seem to have a good reputation here too, apart from the odd complaint over backups and business practices. I get the impression that HG is HUGE, which is both appealing and scary, since huge hosts may be more reliable in the long run, but often don't do support too well. I contacted them via live chat, which I'm sorry to say wasn't as great an experience as InnoHosting. It took quite a while for a supporter to reply, and for every question, I had to wait up to several minutes before getting an answer. Also, he couldn't answer my more technical questions, instead referring me to email support. He did however supply me with a URL to phpinfo() when I asked about it, and I found my answers in there.

FEATURES: HostGator offered every feature I asked about, although they mentioned I might have to contact support for mod_rewrite privileges. I'm not sure I trust the supporters answers entirely, but it's hard to argue with their price and the ability to move to one of (seemingly) hundreds of other servers if I wind up on a too-crowded one.

PRICE: $8 for a 600GB/6TB package (which is obviously pure über-overselling, but check out (wasn't allowed to link the URL) for a refreshingly honest explanation by Brent)

HOST: GeekStorage - These guys stand out in the lineup in several ways: First of all, they don't have a great reputation here, and secondly, they have an entirely different concept than pretty much every other hosting provider out there. They are geeks, cater to geeks, and talk the geek talk. From what I've heard though, they don't always walk the geek walk, but I just find their site so appealing. The simple fact that they specify their plans in true geek detail says a lot. They don't have live chat support though, so I contacted them via their ticket system, and received a response (from Jay Higdon) after 5 hours. That's acceptable for pre-sales, but I sincerely hope they have better response times for customers in distress. However, their forums seem to tell a tale of frequent outages and frustrated clients.

FEATURES: Like true geeks, GS supported everything on my list, except PHP.ini access (users are supposed to use php_value in .htaccess instead, which is probably fine in most cases). In addition, the GS package has 2 dedicated IPs, MX record access, and a whole slew of other neat features that nearly noone else offers - and that I don't really need, but they do make my geek heart all warm and fuzzy.

PRICE: $20 for a 25GB/200GB reseller package, which is about the disk space I need, so that alone makes it an appealing choice.

HOST: Fly high / FlyHigh - Another company with great reviews on the forum. I really wanted to check them out, but their database is down, so I can't get through to the customization, and I can't even open their contact page. Sadly, that little glitch is going to cost them my business. If FlyHigh is reading this, you probably want to get on that pronto, hint hint..

FEATURES / PRICE: I couldn't even ask them, so I wouldn't know.

HOST: KnownHost - KnownHost seems to have a good following on WHT as well, so I decided to check them out just now. I emailed the about features an hour ago exactly, so I haven't heard from them yet. (I will update my post here as soon as I do.)

FEATURES: (coming)

PRICE: $20 for a 10GB/75GB reseller package

Other hosts I checked out, who didn't make the cut:

* HawkHost: Their live chat appeared to be online, but noone replied. That's an instant disqualification with me, even if their service looked great and their reputation on WHT is excellent.

* GoDaddy: I've heard mostly bad things about GoDaddy, but their insanely low prices ($7 for 150GB/1.5TB) warranted a closer look. Their website is one huge epilepsy-inducing mess though, and I couldn't find half the info I needed, so I went with my gut feeling and ditched them.

So now - barring a _really_ good offer from someone else - it's down to either Inno or Gator for me, especially because they are both avid readers/contributors here on WHT, which is a huge lpus for me. But I'm really not sure which to pick. The great support at Inno, or the larger disk space at Gator. 10 GBs will be cramped for my use, but Inno charges $40-45 for 20 GBs, which seems a bit steep to me (since I won't be reselling).

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GeekStorage Problem, Wont Refund Prepaid Service

Jan 23, 2009

We know the problem with geekstorage that their vps nodes are oversold.

i asked for a refund for the months i havent use yet, and they wont refund me, they just say that i will get credit, but i think it is not fair he can not hold my money for a service that has not been provided yet, im not asking for a full refund, just for the months i prepaid

i have 268 dollars in favor, i offer a deal to jay to just refund me 218 dollars instead of 268, and now he is not responding my tickets i have been waiting more than 24 hours to get a response

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Wiredtree Month By Month Review

Jan 28, 2009

I've signed up with Wiredtree for a Managed VPS 12 days ago.

I know it's not enough time to write a review. But I decided to write my first impression then keep you updated by writing a new review at the end of each month, so expect one at 12 February.

For now, these guys are simply the best I've tried.

They reply you in 15 minutes or less and if it took them more, 20 minutes or something, then be sure that they're investigating your problem. If you can't wait for 15 minutes, then go ahead and give them a call on their toll-free number and they'll be with you second by second. Their support wont just solve your problem, but they'll educate you telling you what caused the problem and how did they fix it.

I'm solicitous about security. But with these guys, I finally sleep peacefully knowing that my VPS is well secured.

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Month To Month Hosting With No Set Up Fee?

Oct 11, 2008

are there any month to month hosting with not setup fee

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