Atomated Backups Of Files And Db

Oct 23, 2008

free system or script for automatically generating file and database backups on my server and emailing me a notification when the yare ready. I want it to be able to schedule itself so that it can take care of all my backups.

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Large Media Files & Backups

Jul 16, 2008

I've been using Lypha for the past 4 years, but they've taken the last straw (gigabytes of backups went missing and they wont reply to emails as to why).

Looking for a web hosting package for under $10/month that has large enough disk-space/bandwidth to allow me to backup large audio / video files to it, as well as the normal site operation (I use it for portfolio website, as well as hosting additional domains)

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Offsite Backups (via Rsync) - What Files/folders To Backup

Jun 3, 2009

I'm currently using (amongst other backup systems) rsync to an offsite space (am using BQBackup at the moment)

I'm just wondering - apart from backing up all of /home/, /var/lib/mysql/ and the important config files (httpd.conf, php.conf, etc etc) is there anything else that *needs* to be backed up?

Obviously in a worst case scenario, a new machine would be deployed with a fresh OS install (and a fresh WHM/cPanel install) so I wouldn't worry about backing up OS files or cPanel core files, although I'm wondering if there's anything apart from the /home/ directory and the MySQL databases which would be lost (and so need backing up) in the event of a crash?

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Transferring 200 Files : Total Files Size Is 25 GB!

Jan 2, 2008

I couldn't keep my mouth shut (technically fingers). A customer wanted to upgrade servers and he needed a way to move the data across. Since I don't allow hard drives to be swapped, they have to do it manually all by themselves. I generally allow up-to 4 days for them to transfer data and make DNS changes, etc. But this time, I offered help! I agreed to move the data (darn me) and it just came out of me, involuntarily.

God knows what just happened... but in a positive way, customer is extremely happy!


Both servers are on cPanel - with root access (duh)

200 odd files which total to 25 GB

1 database about 100 MB in size (no biggie)

I was planning on using one of my Windows 2003 servers (via remote desktop) to download the 25 GB and upload the 25 GB, but that sounds like a waste of resources and time.

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WHM Backups

Oct 25, 2009

In WHM I set my backups to go to the / directory in a flder called backup. This filled up rather quick and that partiton is now full!

I was going to change the location to /home as i have over 400GB of space here but it says: Setting this to /home is a very bad idea.)

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Backups Through FTP Or SSH

Jul 29, 2008

How many would you guys recommend me? Currently I make backups on my own server and one at offsite. And what's the diffrence making backups trough ssh ot ftp? Because right now I work with ftp because I don't understand ssh.

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FTP Backups And NAS

Jan 8, 2008

I have a VPS and an NAS in same data center that are connected via a private network within the datacenter. I can access the datacenter's private network and both servers via VPN.

I can access VPS via SSH. How do I FTP the data on the VPS to the NAS without downloading to my desktop and re-uploading?

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Apr 19, 2007

I've got a VPS with SLHost and have setup a remote backup account with RVPalace

The VPS is running WHM/Cpanel

I'm running a fairly busy forum and host a few friends sites on the server to. (CMS systems etc)

What's the best way to go about backing up the data to this remote host?

Would you say WHM's backup system is sufficient?
I don't feel comfortable with one backup every 24 hours, so i'm wondering if there's anyway to reduce that to every 6 hours?

Or would you guys recommend RSync instead?

I do have a question regarding RSync...something that worries me

If it's set to backup the sites every 6 hours and only backs up when something changes (Files/databases)

If, god forbid, a site gets hacked, but isn't noticed and Rsync kicks in and backs up the hacked site, there'd be no way to go back to a previous backup, would there?

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Jul 29, 2007

what I want to do is a backup every night of the files on my servers from the Data Centre to a server in our local office. What would be the best program to do this?
The OS would be Windows Server 2003.

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R1Soft CDP Backups

May 16, 2009

Can anyone recommend a provider/reseller either in the UK or US?

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Automated Backups

May 20, 2009

I have a dedicated server that only has around 3-4gb of data on it. I would like to do automated nightly backups for as cheap as possible. I don't want to pay to have my server managed just to be able to have automated backups, so what other solutions do I have? I know I can get really cheap storage from Amazon or Mosso, but is there a way to automate this?

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Cpanel Backups

Apr 14, 2009

I would like to know what is the difference in cpanel between a full backup and a daily or weekly backup, and how they work together. I was under the impression that a daily backup was a backup of all the files at the end of the day but apparently according to my host this is not so, and Im a bit confused as to what is the purpose of the daily and weekly backup.

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FTP Backups, Doing RSYNC

Oct 28, 2008

FTP backups, doing RSYNC what is needed?

I have a linux box with pure-ftpd as FTP backup server. However, we want to explore/expand to RSYNC now.

Is there a package that allows RSYNC to be used for FTP users?

This is basically like what do FTP services like BQbackup use to allow RSYNC, etc.

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Restore A Backups

Jun 23, 2008

I have dedicated server and I have daily,weekly and monthly backups located in:

root: /backup/cpbackup (my secondary drive)
each account's backup locate in specific directory like:
the backup of account will be located in:
root: /backup/cpbackup/website1
all backups are not compressed file

So, How can I restore one or more backup?

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Plesk Backups

May 2, 2008

any one know where Plesk stores all the backups on a vps

I want to download all these using automated FTP

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Restoring Backups ...

Nov 20, 2008

how to restore an account from backups as my WHM backs up to an external server via FTP and I dont have a clue how to restore.

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Colocation For Backups

Apr 26, 2007

if anyone knows about cheaper and reliable colocation services in East/ Central. I don’t need premium bandwidth (Internap, Level 3, etc). I need to colocate ½ rack to host my Backups, Bandwidth needed is 5 MB since I use Rsync at different hours, so I don’t need to push more than that.

I try to look for colocation services here in Colorado, but all companies quote me $50 to $70 for each server and $130 per MB.

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Dreamhost Backups User!

Sep 10, 2008

Check this out... I was just diggin around in my Dreamhost panel and discovered something new that I've not even seen announced anywhere... Dreamhost is giving a BACKUPS user on each account, totally separately from the web user. You are allowed... well, I'll just copy / paste straight from the panel:

At DreamHost, you may only keep website-related content on your regular users. You do, however, get one user per account where anything legal may be stored; your Backups User.

This user cannot have any websites pointed to it, nor may you share files via it... it is only to be used as an off-site backup for your personal files.
As such, we keep no backups of files on this account. These are already supposed to be your backups... not your only copy!
(Of course, you should always keep your own copies of all data stored with us.. we make no guarantees!)

Every full DreamHost Hosting plan includes 50GB of backups space!
(Additional usage will be charged at the rate of 10 cents / GB a month: the best backup deal on the net!)

Pretty interesting... they didn't HAVE to do that, it's just another one of those things that they give in order to be even MORE awesome, evidently.

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Rsync Backups And Security

Oct 11, 2006

Rsync seems to be popular as a backup solution, so I thought I give it a look myself. However, after looking for a while I think it is lacking in either (1) usability or (2) security for backups.

Lets use a backup of /home for example:

(1) To make the transfer secure I'd use rsync over ssh. Backup works great - untill you have to restore. Restore works only partially, because all the files now have the user/group id of the user on the backup server (even if the restore is run as root). You'd have to chown all the individual users dirs, permission files....error prone and a lot of manual work --> not good.

(2) Running rsync in daemon mode on the remote server preserves uid/gid and permissions. Restoring works like a charm when run as root. But, hey, now every 13 year old with some knowledge and a packet sniffer can write down your data unencrypted. They just need to look for -lets say- db-info in php files etc and suddenly have access to your customer base or whatever you store.... Even worse if you transfer db dumps or other sensitive data. So it is not safe to use --> not good.

Is there a way to secure the transfer or keep uid/gid info intact?
And how do all the backup providers handle the issue? (This one here claims rsync is secure.)
Or is there another way to fix the problem - restoring uid/gid and secure transfer for backups.

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Best Way To Do Backups To A Remote Computer?

Jul 18, 2007

I have recently wen't with a Windows VPS and am wondering the best way to do backups to a remote computer (hopefully without buying software). Any suggestions?

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Creating Daily Backups

Mar 30, 2009

I want to set up my server (a linux dedicated server) to automatically create daily backups of the pop3, mysql, & webfiles. I want it to go to a server which i have purchased with the exact same specifications.

I am not very good at unix command line/scripting. So what I need is for someone to help me define the backup strategy, select the scripts, and tell me of how to make sure backup server is secure.

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CPanel Remote Backups

Feb 5, 2009

We all know about backups, and compressing files, etc etc... so, what do you guys do in this situation?

I have a quad core, 4gb ram, 250gb disk, when I run cpanel backups to my remote server, the server loads go up to 3.

Is there any way I can control this and lets say... dont let it go bellow 2?

Improved Backup Performance — Speed is safe.

cPanel’s backup facilities in 11.24 have seen significant speed increases. In previous versions, load averages while backups were running could be as high as 3. With our reworked and enhanced backup system, load averages tend to stay around 1.2 when backups run on servers with many accounts. This is an extremely substantial performance increase that you and your customers will notice right away. With our new backup system, there is no reason not to keep your data safe."

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Best Reliable Method For Backups?

May 5, 2009

which is the best reliable method for backups?

i own dedicated server along with cpanel and i want to make weekly backups of about 20 domains in the server.

I have NAS but all files got corrupted (with theplanet) and so i cant rely on it. Please suggest me a inexpensive solution.

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Mysql Automated Backups

May 18, 2009

some software that can be ran on a desktop that will allow me to download and backup my databases from my Cpanel server.

I have a remote backup server that once the databases are backed up can be uploaded to this location. Im not too sure if im going around things in a long winded fashion, but ideally i need a solution that can take management of my database backups.

The cpanel dedi im using at the moment is currently utilising the Backup feature, so this is a secondary backup. At the same time i would like to select which databases are backed up too.

Realistically im looking for your expert advice here, im a novice when it comes to server admin etc so your expert help to guide me would be fantastic. Im not to sure whether i would need a desktop tool to back these databases up, or whether it can be done at a server level? Dare i say it im just used to using GUI's and not so familiar with command lines etc.

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Automatic Site Backups

Sep 24, 2009

I've been searching for a tool to automate website backups for me, that is to keep regular copies of files and databases in case of unexpected data loss. So far I found Site Vault that handles both FTP and MySQL backups at the same time. Does anyone know good alternatives to consider?

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DedicatedNow Off Site Backups

Aug 5, 2008

I've had enough of the Alex/Chris/Tom & Jerry drama.

Anyone here using the off site dedicatednow backups?

Looks like a new service to go with their new site.

Where's the "off site"?

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Backups And Suspended Accounts

May 19, 2008

Is there a way to keep an account suspended in WHM and ensure that they don't get processed in my daily/weekly/monthly backups without manually selecting the account in WHM?

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Securing Cpanel Backups

Jun 26, 2008

I decided to use cPanels backup in a remote FTP server. But before that I want to password protect all the backups so that none unless me can open /restore the backups.

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