Large Media Files & Backups

Jul 16, 2008

I've been using Lypha for the past 4 years, but they've taken the last straw (gigabytes of backups went missing and they wont reply to emails as to why).

Looking for a web hosting package for under $10/month that has large enough disk-space/bandwidth to allow me to backup large audio / video files to it, as well as the normal site operation (I use it for portfolio website, as well as hosting additional domains)

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Web Hosting For Upload Media Files

Mar 4, 2009

i need a webhosting for upload mp3 and video clip without copyright ..

and just need :

15gb hdd

150gb bw

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How To Upload Media Files Directly To S3

Apr 21, 2008

We are using EC2, this EC2 is already linked with S3 for uploading the back of database.

We are using PHP script for this and its working fine. Now our developers want to upload media files directly from Client PC to the S3. This should be without disturbing current EC2 . We have implemented the uploading functionality through Flash. It will be great if you could tell us a way.

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VPS For Hosting Downloads/Media Files

Aug 30, 2007

I have a little project for a website that contains some of Downloadable files
and Media Files!

In my calculation..., I may use about 50 GB storage
and if the number of visiors is as what im expected i'll need 1 TB bandwith or some less!

let's talk about the hosting part here
i know that there are some companies that over more than 300 gb storage and more that 3 TB of traffic!

but i don't think they are going to work with my project so... i searched for a vps to start my project ..., and im thinking in dedicated server in the future..,so let's not talk about the future right now!

I want to talk about the ability of vps for downloads hosting!
the vps I've found is this one:

Disk Space : 60,000 MB (60 GB)
Number of Domains : Unlimited Domains
CPU Limit : Equal Share
Guranteed Memory : 512 MB
Burstable Memory : 2048 MB
Monthly Bandwidth : 2,000 GB
Included Control Panel : cPanel / WHM

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Mod_Security Log Files Too Large

Nov 7, 2008

Linux Fedora 6, Apache 2 with Mod Security, MySQL.

Our mod_sec logs get incredibly large very quickly. In the configuration for mod_security, we have specified logging options as
SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly
SecAuditLogRelevantStatus "^[45]"

but the mod_sec.log gets to almost 10 GB (in a matter of 5-6 days) before it is truncated to mod_sec.log.1 and a new one is created.

Is there a way we can specify that a max size of one log file is 1 GB, for example?
Or another question, how come it gets so huge so quickly? We thought that logging "RelevantOnly" will only display errors / requests that are deemed security risks.

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Hosting Large Flv Files

Oct 6, 2008

I have a customer who wants to sell access to videos of conferences he runs.

Each flv vid is approx 1 - 1 1/2 hors long approx 380MB each and there will be about 12 videos per conference.

approx 4 - 8 conferences per year.

My customer suggests 10 - 20 people will buy access to watch each video.

Access to watch the videos will be through a password protected webpage.

issue - the current site hosting company only allow uploads up to 150MB per file.

Can I host the flash videos elsewhere and deliver them through the password protected web page without anyone else being able to see them via server they are hosted on?

This would also reduce the bandwidth going through his current site server.

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Locate Large Files

Jul 7, 2008

I am trying to locate what large file are filling up the / on the server but I am having trouble using the find command to do this.

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Speed Up Serving Large Files

Nov 9, 2009

I'm working on a web site which will basically be a flash games portal. I have a dedicated server running Apache 2 on a 100mbit dedicated line but my download speed for large files (flash files of over 5mbs) is really slow. I am thinking this is because of Apache but I don't know much about this. I've read that I should change for a lighter http server for serving static files. The way my server is set up is I have 2 virtual machines running, one doing the PHP processing and the other serving static files, both running Apache, so if I have to change HTTP server for the static files it would be very easy. Although I am not sure if this is necessary or if I can tune Apache to push files faster than this.

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FTP :: Stop Uploading Large Files

Jul 17, 2008

I'm facing a very strange FTP issue with one of my shared-hosting accounts, while all of my other servers are having no problems but only this one, when I try to upload a file (whatever file) larger than 500kb from my local PCs, in most cases, the file would stop uploading during the process and hang there until it times out.

There are 2 interesting things though:
The file transmission typically hangs when approximately 248kb of the file have been transferred, pls see the attached screenshot for example.

If you look at the attached screenshot, you will notice that the uploading transmission hangs when 248kb of the file have been transferred. This is very strange and what I mean is that for example, I randomly pick up a file, and attempt to upload it onto my host for 10 times, now see, 5 times it will hang when 248kb of the total size have been transferred, 3 times it will hang at other points *near* 248kb (224kb or 280kb typically), 1 time it will hang at another random point, and 1 time it might be uploaded successfully (yes, there is still a tiny chance for the file to be uploaded successfully).

My default internet uploading speed is 80kb/s-100kb/s, lately I found that, when I limit the uploading speed on my FTP client (e.g. max. 30kb/s), everything WILL WORK without any problem! No hangs, no interrupt.. Whereas when I free up the uploading speed limitation and let it upload with my regular speed, the problem appears again.

It seems to me that the FTP hangs only when the uploading speed is higher than 60kb/s. However my host provider told me that they have customers uploading without any problem at over 400kb/s, and they said "there's no problem or limitations on the server at all".

Up until now, I have done following things to troubleshoot the issue but with no luck:

Contacted my host.
Disabled/Enabled the PASV mode on my FTP client.
Tried different FTP clients on different computers (FlashFXP and Filezilla).
Rebooted my router and reseted everything with the factory default settings.
Contacted my ISP for the issue, they "did something" but nothing were helpful.
Rebooted all my PCs.
Disabled both firewalls on my PC and on the router.

Furthermore, I have asked another friend of mine in another city with another ISP to test the FTP uploading, but unfortunately he got the exact same problem. And I've done some search on the internet for hours but no one seemed to have the same problem..

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VPS :: Large Files And Taking Too Much Space?

Nov 22, 2008

I just logged into my VPS and was astonished by how much space I have in use.
8.09GB... but I can't figure out what's using up so much space!?

How can I find out were large files are located ? Since it's increasing daily

I use LXAdmin with HyperVM Control Panel

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Multiple Large Core Files

May 20, 2007

Just noticed quite a few large Core. files within one of our websites (within a sub folder of public_html). Anyone knwo what these are and how they got there?

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Transfer Large Data Files

Jun 15, 2008

I have a debian box, and have archived a gallery in to a .tar file, 5.77gb.

I have a centOS box, and have used wget to bring the data file over to the new server.

However upon doing so it only detects it as 1.8gb when it starts downloading.

I have terminal access to both servers, just trying to bring my files over from one server to another.

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Large Video Files Need To Be Streamed

Mar 30, 2007

I am developing a web application for a private investigative firm. They do surveillance work and therefore have surveillance videos. I would like the capabilities of uploading the videos online and allowing the client to login and view their surveillance video online.

Currently, we get the video from the PI, put it on a DVD and then mail it to the client.

This takes too long. We want the client to be able to view the video online.

Some of these videos can be up to 2 hours long.

First, is this even possible?

- how much bandwidth would a website like this take?
- Is there a host that can hold hundreds of GB of video?

I want to convert it to flash to save file size and also so I can stream it.

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How To Move Large Files To New Host

Mar 21, 2007

I have some 100's of MB's to move and I'm definitely not doing it by transferring it via my PC / FTP.

I seen all the tutorials on how to move your MySQL databases, but what about full folders etc, how do I move those (putty?)?

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Optimizing Lighttpd For Large Files (180mb Avg)

May 9, 2008

I have four servers with a quad xeon, 4gb ram, and 2x300GB SAS 15K RAID0 harddrives, pushing a total of 1.6gbits. It serves a lot of zip files with an average flesize of 180mb. My question is, how can I optimize lighttpd 1.4.19 to push its max with very low IO-wait. I've looked up some stuff and only found options that deal with lighttpd 1.5 and use Linux-AIO for the backend network. Currently I use writev with 16 workers and an read/write idle timeout of 10s. Logging is off, too.

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Removing Large Files Or Folders CentOS

Jul 13, 2008

Something weird happening here. I have tried every string possible...

There are a number of folders I want to remove off my server, tried the good old and simple...

rm -r /folder/

And then went and ended up with a string as long as my screen. No matter what I do, as it goes recursive in to the directory it asks me if I want to remove each file individually. No matter what string or action I take it insists on asking me as it goes to delete each file.

Could this be a configuration option in CentOS?

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Daily Backup + Rsync Ssh + Large Number Of Files

Oct 29, 2006

i just wana know is it safe to do remote daily backup for about 70,000 files?

file sizes is about 200kb and every day i have about 1000 new file, so rsync first should check old files becouse i am deleting about 30-50 of them daily and them backup new 1000 files ,
so how much it will take every time to compare that 70,000 files?

i have 2 option now:

1-using second hdd and raid 1
2-using rsync and backuping to my second server , so i can save about $70 each month.

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Writing Large Files - Risk Of Damaging Filesystem

Jan 19, 2008

Does writing large files (ie, 10GB backups in one archive) cause any risk of damaging a linux filesystem?

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How Do You Host Large Video Files And Support The Bandwidth

Feb 8, 2007

I've got a client who wants to host audio files... Here are the sizes:

50 x 75MBs
300 x 10MBs
400 x 5MBs

That totals 8750MBs or 8.75GBs... If he gets hundreds of visitors, it could end up being 1000's of GBBs or bandwidth.

I don't know what to look for to support so much bandwidth... Do you buy bandwidth? Are their special companies out their that host it for you?

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Atomated Backups Of Files And Db

Oct 23, 2008

free system or script for automatically generating file and database backups on my server and emailing me a notification when the yare ready. I want it to be able to schedule itself so that it can take care of all my backups.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Content-length Limit When Uploading Large Files

Jun 18, 2015

Domain has PHP Settings in Plesk set to 2G and I get this error when uploading a 48MB file using Wordpress. I assume I need ot modify this manually in conf file somewhere to allow uploading large files?

Requested content-length of 48443338 is larger than the configured limit of 10240000..

mod_fcgid: error reading data, FastCGI server closed connection...

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Offsite Backups (via Rsync) - What Files/folders To Backup

Jun 3, 2009

I'm currently using (amongst other backup systems) rsync to an offsite space (am using BQBackup at the moment)

I'm just wondering - apart from backing up all of /home/, /var/lib/mysql/ and the important config files (httpd.conf, php.conf, etc etc) is there anything else that *needs* to be backed up?

Obviously in a worst case scenario, a new machine would be deployed with a fresh OS install (and a fresh WHM/cPanel install) so I wouldn't worry about backing up OS files or cPanel core files, although I'm wondering if there's anything apart from the /home/ directory and the MySQL databases which would be lost (and so need backing up) in the event of a crash?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: 413 Request Entity Too Large - Can't Upload Backup Files With Backup Manager

Sep 17, 2014

I have a 6GB backup file created with another Plesk Backup Manager, now I trying to upload this backup file to my Plesk Backup Manager but after upload 3% I am getting "413 Request Entity Too Large" error, I tried with disable NGINX but still getting this error.

how can I resolve this error or is their any other way to upload my file on backup manager?

I see that Backup Manager have a file size restriction of 2GB how can I increase this?

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Transfer Large Many Files From Server To Server

Oct 23, 2009

In reference to my previous post, i want to tranfer accross 7GB of data, approximatly 80,000 files i believe it is (due to a gallery script).

It's currently on another host (on a webhosting account) which uses their own control panel which has no options but to manage databases, the only way i can see to do this is via FTP but it'll take me days. I've tried using compressing and backup scripts, but the damn execution time on the hosts server is too low to allow the files to be zipped. Are there any ways? Can i login to my VPS via SSH and anyhow pull off the files from the other hosts server?

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Anyone Try VPS Media

May 1, 2008

I was just wondering if anyone else here uses or has used VPS Media?

I have been with them since Monday and running a Counter-Strike server. So far my experience has been positive. My VPS was up and running within minutes of signing up and they were not hesitant to help me prepare it for CS server.

Now I'm thinking about buying another VPS from them for a web server but I cant decide which distro to pick. I'm familiar with CentOS, is Debian or Fedora much different for running a web server?

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Media Hosting

Apr 22, 2009

Hopefully this will be a quick and fairly simple question. I already have my site hosted with another provider and very, very happy with the service.

However, i want to add video support to my site. However the current provider i use doesnt have the functionality i need (FFMPeg, etc).

So what i am looking for is a reliable host who will store, convert/encode my files and then stream them for a decent prices. As it will be a new feature to my site im not looking at spending a fortune to start with (i know, how many times have you heard that?) but will be happy to upgrade capacity as and when.

Im not interested in fancy cPanels or bogged down features for "Web Hosting" which i will never use. I just need a host that can store, encode and stream my media (i will handle the scripting side. Ideally they would be located within Europe, but thats not 100% nessesary.

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Media Server

Feb 26, 2009

Say I use about 1 TB of bandwith / month in media: images, small files, etc. What would be the best hosting option? Most shared hosting I've tried have booted me for using too many resources.

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Media Hosting

Jul 28, 2007

moderate single webhosting for audio/video hosting...

may be 1-3gb which moderate cost..

so what should be cost..ideal and which is relaible one...

whats about the free service like youtube...

or paid but not for music rapidshare...

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