Automated Backups

May 20, 2009

I have a dedicated server that only has around 3-4gb of data on it. I would like to do automated nightly backups for as cheap as possible. I don't want to pay to have my server managed just to be able to have automated backups, so what other solutions do I have? I know I can get really cheap storage from Amazon or Mosso, but is there a way to automate this?

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Mysql Automated Backups

May 18, 2009

some software that can be ran on a desktop that will allow me to download and backup my databases from my Cpanel server.

I have a remote backup server that once the databases are backed up can be uploaded to this location. Im not too sure if im going around things in a long winded fashion, but ideally i need a solution that can take management of my database backups.

The cpanel dedi im using at the moment is currently utilising the Backup feature, so this is a secondary backup. At the same time i would like to select which databases are backed up too.

Realistically im looking for your expert advice here, im a novice when it comes to server admin etc so your expert help to guide me would be fantastic. Im not to sure whether i would need a desktop tool to back these databases up, or whether it can be done at a server level? Dare i say it im just used to using GUI's and not so familiar with command lines etc.

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Automated Backups And Disaster Recovery

Jun 8, 2009

I'm used to operating dedicated servers. This year I want to venture into getting a reseller account and / or media temple account.

With my dedicated servers, I do automated mysql dumps and I do nightly rsyncs of all my /home /etc and other important data so disaster recovery is possible.

My question is, how do you do the same thing? Sleep well at night? with these regular web hosting accounts?

I see most newbie people who pay for web hosting do not bother to backup their data. Ignorance is bliss until disaster strikes.

How do you automatically backup your data (mysql and directories) in your multiple web hosting accounts like reseller or grid service media temple?

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Automated OS Reloads

Mar 5, 2009

Which VPS providers offer automated OS reloads for their clients?

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Automated MX Records For New DNS Entries In WHM

May 18, 2009

I run my own Mail Server.

Everytime I create a new website account in WHM I am required to go in and manually edit the DNS record to include the MX record of my mail server.

I would like to streamline the process and need a way to make WHM automatically include my MX records every time I create a new account. Is this possible?

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Got This Email From Automated CPanel

Sep 17, 2008

MPORTANT: Do not ignore this email.

The hostname ( resolves to . It should resolve to Please be sure to correct /etc/hosts as well as the 'A' entry in zone file for the domain.

Some are all of these problems can be caused by
/etc/resolv.conf being setup incorrectly. Please check this file if you
believe everything else is correct.

You may be able to
automaticly correct this problem by using the ' Add an A entry for your
hostname ' under ' Dns Functions ' in your Web Host Manager

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VPS Backup External? Automated Or Manual?

Dec 19, 2008

I have a few questions about backup. Other than any backup service provided by your host, do you backup your vps regularly?

Is it automated or manual?

Are you using any external backup service / server?

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Automated CPanel Home Dir Backup - How To

Apr 23, 2007

Is there a way to automate the generation and FTP of home directory backups in Cpanel?

CPanel lets you create a full account backup and ftp's the result to another server but can only be done manually from what i understand. Is there a way to initiate the process automatically? maybe schedule it for once a week.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Automated Secondary DNS

Feb 25, 2015

Are there any providers out there can be integrated with Plesk so that DNS zones for all vhosts are automatically propagated on the secondary DNS service?

I've asked DNS Made Easy but they advised that the domain has to be set up manually with them first.

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Is It Possible To Build An Automated Server That Could Record Radio From The Net

Nov 13, 2008

I run an online music archive site . Djs can upload their mixes to share and we also archive radio shows for people to listen back to.

Basically I was wondering if it would be possible to build a secondary server that could do this for me.

The secondary server could have multiple cast rippers running and could record internet radio shows, then once finished recording transfer it could send them over to my primary server to add to the website for people to download.

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CPanel Automated Backup Is NOT Backuping One Big Database

May 2, 2008

i recently find out that I don;t have an database backup for one of my biggest websites.

The database I'm talking about has 228 tables (198.6 MB)

In the backup file I only get this :

-- MySQL dump 10.11
-- Host: localhost Database: lxxxxxxa_sXXXl
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- Server version5.0.45-community-log

/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;

The other databases I have tried are all ok, but none is this big. Is there any size limit ?

I have uploaded an printscreen with the setings of my WHM.

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CentOS & Automated File System Check

Mar 14, 2008

I have a centos server & whenever I reboot it, it goes into File System check and takes about 1 hr to turn online.

The irony is, I reboot the server only when the load goes high (esp when traffic is high).. And the server is down for long times when traffic is high.

The server config is pretty good, but it shows these problems once in 15-20 days.

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Automated Emails For Server

Nov 17, 2014

I am using a Linux server together with Parallels v10.31 ... Unfortunately I get little or no real support from my host so and if I do it's cryptic.

I have been getting a large amount of emails from my server [hundreds daily].
I have attached a screen grab indicating type of email being sent.
I have created only one cron job and that was to reset the RAM on a regular base.

Also is it safe to update to the latest version without a major disaster happening....

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Automated Remote FTP Backup Shell Script For PLESK

Jul 4, 2008

I found this useful script to get backup in plesk:

http://www.web-hosting-control-panel...kup/gfx_backup ...

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Any Colocation Providers Offer Automated Cpanel Licenses

Jul 1, 2008

Just wondering, since it appears to be hard to come by, but are there any providers that offer the option to use an automated system in order to provision new licenses for cPanel (or others?)

For example, you're setting up a VPS in the middle of the night, customer wants cPanel. You can't use the trial licenses via since they limit you to 3-4.

If your provider has an automatic API to bill and provision your license, you're good to go. If you don't...

Options? I'm mainly looking in Montreal (I know of Netelligent and Iweb, but both are manual povisioning).

It's not a make-or-break thing, but something nice to have.

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Plesk Automation :: Automated Secondary / Backup MX Server

May 8, 2014

It has been bought to my attention during our upgrade planning, that PPA & Plesk Panel do not offer the functionality for setting up a backup MX servers. In our current configuration we use Sendmail as both secondary and tertiary MX servers. These are manually configured and prone to configuration mistakes.

Multiple scenarios need to be taken into consideration.

Scenario 1: Hosters Plesk hosted primary mail server + secondary & tertiary mail servers.
Scenario 2: Client hosted primary mail server + hosters secondary & tertiary mail servers.

I am looking for alternate ways for backup / secondary MX servers for our planned PPA / Plesk deployment. An automated solution would be ideal, but we are falling short trying to find a solution to streamline the process and remove margin for error.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Redirect On Automated Login And HTTP Referrer

Oct 21, 2014

I'm trying to redirect users to database/mail management pages with automatic login link, while logging in part works ok, I have issues with redirections.

Plesk is installed on different server than my site, and if I try to use "success_redirect_url" param in link url, it will show this error "Original link and target URL should be on the same domain."

It works ok if I prevent browser from sending http referrer to plesk, but I'm not sure if it will work for all user as this depends on their browser.

Is this a bug? Is there a workaround that would not depend on used browser?

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Personalised Custom Hosting Or Automated Hosting

Mar 15, 2007

I wanted to know which one do you prefer these 2.

1.) Personalized hosting with custom made packages
Support via IMs, PMs & Emails. "Feel at home"

2.) Automated hosting & pre-made packages.
Support via inefficient "live help" operators who have the same answer - "Your support request has been forwarded to a higher authority" . No interaction with the owner & the "professional feel"

I like no. 1 & thus I provide hosting on the same principles.

So which one do you prefer, & if you are a host, which one do you incorporate?

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WHM Backups

Oct 25, 2009

In WHM I set my backups to go to the / directory in a flder called backup. This filled up rather quick and that partiton is now full!

I was going to change the location to /home as i have over 400GB of space here but it says: Setting this to /home is a very bad idea.)

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Backups Through FTP Or SSH

Jul 29, 2008

How many would you guys recommend me? Currently I make backups on my own server and one at offsite. And what's the diffrence making backups trough ssh ot ftp? Because right now I work with ftp because I don't understand ssh.

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FTP Backups And NAS

Jan 8, 2008

I have a VPS and an NAS in same data center that are connected via a private network within the datacenter. I can access the datacenter's private network and both servers via VPN.

I can access VPS via SSH. How do I FTP the data on the VPS to the NAS without downloading to my desktop and re-uploading?

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Apr 19, 2007

I've got a VPS with SLHost and have setup a remote backup account with RVPalace

The VPS is running WHM/Cpanel

I'm running a fairly busy forum and host a few friends sites on the server to. (CMS systems etc)

What's the best way to go about backing up the data to this remote host?

Would you say WHM's backup system is sufficient?
I don't feel comfortable with one backup every 24 hours, so i'm wondering if there's anyway to reduce that to every 6 hours?

Or would you guys recommend RSync instead?

I do have a question regarding RSync...something that worries me

If it's set to backup the sites every 6 hours and only backs up when something changes (Files/databases)

If, god forbid, a site gets hacked, but isn't noticed and Rsync kicks in and backs up the hacked site, there'd be no way to go back to a previous backup, would there?

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Jul 29, 2007

what I want to do is a backup every night of the files on my servers from the Data Centre to a server in our local office. What would be the best program to do this?
The OS would be Windows Server 2003.

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R1Soft CDP Backups

May 16, 2009

Can anyone recommend a provider/reseller either in the UK or US?

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Cpanel Backups

Apr 14, 2009

I would like to know what is the difference in cpanel between a full backup and a daily or weekly backup, and how they work together. I was under the impression that a daily backup was a backup of all the files at the end of the day but apparently according to my host this is not so, and Im a bit confused as to what is the purpose of the daily and weekly backup.

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FTP Backups, Doing RSYNC

Oct 28, 2008

FTP backups, doing RSYNC what is needed?

I have a linux box with pure-ftpd as FTP backup server. However, we want to explore/expand to RSYNC now.

Is there a package that allows RSYNC to be used for FTP users?

This is basically like what do FTP services like BQbackup use to allow RSYNC, etc.

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Restore A Backups

Jun 23, 2008

I have dedicated server and I have daily,weekly and monthly backups located in:

root: /backup/cpbackup (my secondary drive)
each account's backup locate in specific directory like:
the backup of account will be located in:
root: /backup/cpbackup/website1
all backups are not compressed file

So, How can I restore one or more backup?

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