Which Features? Support .. Space ..Features .. Uptime

Jan 2, 2009

Which do you feel is the most important (of course they all are), but if you had to choose one...?

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IOS Features

Jan 31, 2007

I got a list of IOSas following

Advanced enterprise Services SSH
Advanced IP Services SSH
Enterprise Services SSH
IP Services
IP Services SSH
IP Services SSH LAN Only

Could someone give me a little more explaination as to whats the differences between each?

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Top VPS Features To Consider

Oct 15, 2007

I'm very familiar with shared hosting but VPSs are a whole new ballgame. What are the top things to consider when looking for a VPS plan, just in a general sense? I figured the biggest are:

Hard Drive
Control Panel
IPs included

I know with shared hosting you need pay attention to what is installed, programming, databases, etc. but how essential is that on a VPS? I know this is basic stuff. I'm very new to it, but hope to get a handle on it. Sooner or later, (probably sooner than later) I will want/need to upgrade from shared to VPS. Any other features I should keep in mind while searching?

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Most Important VPS Features?

May 12, 2009

The market is full of VPS providers with different combinations of features.. some offer huge amounts of ram, bandwidth, managed, unmanaged, etc.. The sheer number of choices is dizzying..

My question is, if you had to pick one feature of a VPS plan that was most important to you, what would it be?

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Imap Server Features

Jul 22, 2008

We have a customer with problens in his imap service, the connection to the server goes down all the time.

so the questions are:

- there is a time limit to stay connected? we can open a imap section and keep it open all the day?

- is possible to use the same login (use@domain.com) in 3 or more places at the same time?

- is possible that the imap server is with more connections than it can handle?

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Exchange Features Becoming Standardized

Jan 10, 2009

This has been a topic that has been slowly developing without too much in the way of discussion. Exchange has been the killer email solution now for years - it's integration with Outlook, its sleek webmail and support for mobile devices and push email is almost unbeatable. THe only problem is your stuck in a windows environment and have killer licensing costs associated with the priveledge of using it.

We run a web hosting service down here in New Zealand where the market isn't quite as cut throat as in places like the US and that is reflected in prices. Hosted exchange accounts sit around $30NZ per month per email inbox, quite high considering our median income is around $30,000NZ.

I think this has priced the service out of the rich of small/medium sized businesses and as a result many people here don't know of or use the features which could radically improve their email experience.

<< removed >> after days of searching I came across Smartermail and its support for syncml. << removed >>

From what I see, it seems that the collaboration and integration exchange has such as in calendar/contacts/tasks is becoming standardized accross mail servers.

Do people think that in the future these features will become a standardized feature of most mail servers?

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Owner: What Is Your TOS Regarding Unlimited Features

Dec 16, 2008

After my bad experience regarding unlimited features on this link: [url]

I tried to search some of webhosting provider tos regarding their unlimited bandwidth and space. Here one of the tos: (sorry, I hide the name).Unmetered Bandwidth Policy
The purpose of the ********* unmetered bandwidth policy is to assure owners of standard operating web sites and small businesses that they will not be surprise billed for bandwidth usage. It is one less thing someone will need to worry about while hosting their web site at *********. The ********* unmetered bandwidth policy does not cover certain web sites.

These include the following:

* Web Portals/Communities/Forums - Any sites that have members and/or forums.
* Online Gaming - Includes online casinos and single/multiplayer online games.
* Image Galleries - Includes eBay or other online auction image dumps.
* Downloads - Any site that prompts for a download or has large applets.
* Audio/Video - Any streaming content, web-cams or audio/video downloads.
* Chat - Includes PHP and Java chat rooms. CGI-based chat is not allowed on our servers.

If you are planning on using our servers to host one of these sites, ********* will allow for 50 GBs of transfer per month. You will be billed $10.00/10 GBs/mo thereafter.

All other accounts for personal and small business are allowed unmetered bandwidth. If you adhere to our Terms and Conditions of Use Policy and run a standard web site, you will be covered under the unmetered bandwidth policy. (99.9% of all ********* hosted web sites currently qualify for their unmetered bandwidth usage.) Accounts that do not follow our Terms and Conditions of Use policy are classified as metered bandwidth accounts and will be billed accordingly.

Unmetered Web Space Policy
********* customers are privileged to be offered unmetered web space for their sites on certain plans. ********* will start you out with 1000 MBs of space. Once you approach 90% of its use, simply request additional space from Support. ********* will then add another 1000 MBs of space, free of charge. You can continue this process until you no longer require additional space. The intent of ********* is to provide a large amount of web space to serve web documents, not an off site storage area for electronic files or a backup of your PC. Ninety Percent (90%) of your web pages (html, etc.) must be linked with files (.GIF, .JPEG, etc.) stored within your space, hosted on a ********* server.

Web sites that are found to contain either/or no html documents, a large number of unlinked files, will not be offered any additional web space under our Unmetered Web Space Policy.

Read the tos carefully, it can be tricky right? So if your the owner of webhosting provider that give unlimited bandwidth and space.. what is your TOS?

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Grsecurity Sysctl Features

Jul 29, 2007

Does anyone know where I can get some good docs on the grsecurity sysctl tunable features? Or does anyone know them or some useful ones?

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What Dedicated Server Features Makes You Go WOW!

Jul 2, 2008

Hey, I'd be interested to hear a bit about the dedicated server features that would "turn you on" as potiential dedicated server client. What would make you go "WOW, thats cool", which features that would be indifferent to you and which ones you'd rather be with out...and why?

Thanks a lot for your input. I've listed a few options, but please feel free to post more below!

(also, just to make it clear, we (uk2group.com) does not offer all of these services, so this is not a lame attempt to spam or promote our services...)

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Hostgator Alternative With Similar Features

Feb 27, 2009

I am having many accounts with hostgator and have been using them for almost three years now. Their prices are good and service is good also (during the recent 6-8 months).

I am looking for some alternative shared hosting service.

We will need around 15 hosting accounts on different servers, with different dedicated IPs (which should be in different C Class).

For a similar plan (baby) with hostgator, i am spending $9.95 per month. I am looking at reducing the hosting costs.

Cpanel Hosting

Dedicated IPs (in different C Class)

4-8 domains to be hosted

MYSQL and PHP with some basic modules installed

What i am looking for is a reliable company with many servers, on which they can give me

small shared accounts, to host around 4-8 low traffic websites.

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Features Of A Web Hosting Review Web Site

Dec 16, 2008

Both from a customers point of view and a hosts perspective. What features would you like to see a web hosting review web site have?

I know most would like:

* No affiliate/paid advertiser links for so called 'top hosts'

* Advertisers to be clearly displayed as advertisers/affiliates

* Rating system to be rated on actual reviews, pricing, uptime, features

* Ability for host to respond to review made by customer

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Bandwidth Or Features?which Is Important In Webhosting

Dec 22, 2007

i have entered in contract with a web hosting compnay and they are providing the cheapest rate.But have no good features..only they are giving 20 gb bandwidth for 15$.So is this good plan.

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Configuring Mail Features Of Windows Server 2003

Jan 23, 2008

Please pardon the "newbie" nature of this post. (Due to circumstances outside my control, I've had management of a Windows Server 2003 VPS thrust upon me, and I'm feeling like a fish out of water!)

I have finally abandoned any hope of getting phpmailer to work with Joomla 1.0.13, so I've decided to configure the POP3/SMTP features of my server so that I can use Joomla's SMTP mail service. (Joomla's SMTP option is limited to port 25 and cannot use ssl.) Anyway, I've tried to set up my POP3 and SMTP services, but I must be doing something wrong. I have both services set up with my registered domain name -- and a check of the DNS in the SMTP setup comes back OK. However, if I try to use my domain name as my SMTP and POP servers in Outlook Express, the program times out while "looking for host." If I enter "localhost" or my IP address (numeric) as my mail servers, I get a dialog box asking me to log in. However, when I try to log in -- using my administrator name & password -- it doesn't work.

I should probably stress that I'm using SERVER 2003, not an EXCHANGE server for this. I have need for one, whole mailbox to make my stupid contact form work, which is why I'm doing this in the first place. If this doesn't work, I'm going to create my own contact form in html, throw it into a joomla content page, and use the phpmailer script to send it manually. Not ideal, as it will always go to the same mailbox, but I'm getting to the point where I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!

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Server Uptime Or Support

Aug 13, 2008

Would you rather have your site hosted on a server that goes down frequently, but with support that is constantly monitoring it, and resolves all of your issues in a timely fashion?


Would you rather have your site hosted on a very reliable server, but when a problem does arise, support is either not knowledgeable enough, or is incredibly slow at fixing the problem?

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2nd Account With Infrenion.com (Best Support & Uptime)

Apr 13, 2009

i am proudly saying that i signed up for the second account with infrenion.com
only because of their incredible support and server uptime.really i am saying with my heart,if you don't believe my words just try their live support.

I am hosting a 5 very big sites with their business plan (8GB space,180GB hard disk).Now i am taking new account just for a dedicated ip for that new site.

i have already reviewed them many times in this forum.So if you are looking for a best reliable hosting ,i recommend you infrenion.com.

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Does Support Matter If There Was 100% Uptime And Scalability?

Dec 1, 2008

Does support matter if there was 100% uptime and scalability?

Our team has been developing scalable sites since 2004. We started renting servers from Layeredtech then, since they had good reviews and they were still good until we migrated away from dedicated server land. Although we have systems administration backgrounds, it still took time away from developing software in order to administer the servers (look over logs, backups/restores, performance graphs, hardware failure, etc). Having said that, one thing I've noticed is that customers are usually happy if servers are always running and running fast.

To get rid of the systems administration part we tried Mosso (they had just released, great support but a lot of problems), we tried mediatemple's grid (also had a lot of problems), couldnt try EC2 because of persistent storage, and lastly we are currently using thegridlayer (it lags, the initial request takes about a second to display a page with no load on the server).

The next things to try were VPS then managed dedicated servers. We decided to try VPSes so we can isolate sites from each other and add VPSes as needed for specific sites. So I got a zone.net and they were running fine until they had a problem mentioned here. People recommended them because they had fast servers, now is the opposite because of this one downtime.

So finally, my questions:

1) how much do you think support is needed if your hosts provides fast servers and 100% uptime?

2) What measures do you take (if any) to verify the host's procedures such as backups, company size, profitability, etc?

3) How do you verify that a host is not overselling before buying a hosting package (assuming shared or VPS)?

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Virpus Terrible Support But Great Uptime

Jul 12, 2008

I`ve been using virpus for 6 months and support was always terrible but uptime was good.

I`ve never been able to login to hypervm which i`ve supposed to login, when i open a ticket regarding this they always forward the ticket to so called management department which in fact do nothing at all.

If you`re looking a vps provider with no support but good uptime then choose virpus but if you`re looking for little bit support then stay away from them.

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How Is Steadcom Vps? Their Billing Is Rude But How Is Support/uptime

Oct 30, 2007

for reviews and i couldnt find one negative review on them here on WHT unless i missed one.

billing did reply apologizing if it seemed like an insult.. although i cant seem to see it any other way as a direct insult? ill still looked passed it and give em a shot.. "

How is their vps uptime/support? as soon as i get this paypal issue straightened out im going to try them out since i havent read anything bad about them.

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Web Space Storage Or Get Additional Space From Another Server

Oct 14, 2008

im running out of space on one of my sites but i have more then plenty of data transfer.

Unfortunately my hosting packaged it weird where they provide not enough hd space. Im trying to figure out is there a way where i can use another server or hosting company that can provide space only and use their servers just for space?

i think amazon.com offered this but wasnt sure how exactly this works.

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Apache :: ProxyPass Has A Space Will Not Start With A Space

Sep 19, 2013

Apache 2.2.25 on windows 32

I have a ProxyPass that looks like

ProxyPass /Share Documents http://partner2/Shared Documents/

But Apache will not start with spaces. I tried

ProxyPass /Shared%20Documents http://partner2/Shared%20Documents/

Apache would start but the passthrough doesn't work. What do I need to do? I have several url's with spaces.

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A Shared Web Hosting Service With Unlimited Space/bandwidth, Or A Dedicated One With Limited Space/bandwidth

Jul 29, 2008

which case is more preferred: a shared web hosting service with unlimited space/bandwidth, or a dedicated one with limited space/bandwidth?

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Flash Support And Real AudioVideo Support?

Mar 13, 2008

Has anybody heard of Flash Support and Real AudioVideo Support? MMHosting.com offers this kind of support and I wonder if it's effective?

What do you think of it?

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Softlayer Support Vs Theplanet Support

Jul 12, 2008

I'm undecided between an upcoming dedicated hosting server and am moving between Softlayer and ThePlanet. My decision partly comes down to support.

I've read many reviews on WHT about both companies, but not necessarily comparing them from people who have experienced both.

So my questions (keep in mind this is my first dedicated. I have used VPS in the past with good support) Which offers MORE support (not better) - I'm curious which company might consider my support questions as "part of the default service package" or "need additional service plan for that" More detailed support - my usual experience with support is support staff assume you already know a high level so it may take going forward and back 5 times via email to get a full answer
Overall support satisfaction - any other comments

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100% Uptime Possible

Mar 28, 2009

I am shopping around for a new dedicated server and am running into sites that offer 100% Uptime guarantees.

Is 100% uptime possible? Wouldn't that mean that they never reboot their server, or never perform specific maintenance/updates on the server?

I guess when I see 100% uptime, I would expect perfection. I thought I'd ask here if this is possible because I'd hate to invest dollars on something false.

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How To Keep 100% Uptime

Jul 7, 2008

A web will be down due to many problems, like disk failure, web services dead etc. even ISP offers 100% network uptime SLA. So, my question is how to keep a web 100% uptime?

for instance, when any server(either db server or web server, either hardware or software failure)dies, the redundant server may immediately and automatically take over the dead one.

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100% Uptime On VPS?

Jun 11, 2008

Is this possible I can get 100% uptime on my VPS. I think if I buy another VPS and use it for secondary VPS and If my first gone down that VPS start working after that.

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99.9% Uptime

Oct 5, 2008

how come every web host says they have 99.9% uptime? I just saw a new webhost that started last week and they said they had 99.9% uptime. They've only been around for a week, they should have 100%. Why does every web host advertise that fact?

Next, how is that .1% lost? Do their servers crash for a second?

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VPS And Uptime

Apr 23, 2007

I currently have two VPS 1 at modvps.com and i'm having some serious problems with downtime.

Could someone recommend a vps service where i can have something near 99,999% of uptime?

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100% Uptime

Apr 23, 2007

i think in dedicated servers you can put second server and if first server gone down second server autometically start working.

is this possible in VPS too. I have four VPS

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