Selling Blades As Dedicated

Oct 13, 2008

Does anyone sell (lease/rent etc) individual Blades as dedicated servers? I'm planning to branch into more rack dense colo services and wondered what the WHT opinion on this matter is.

The way I see it, blades offer more redundancy, quicker provisioning and replacement in cases of failure, and lower costs, all of which would be passed to the customers.

I would of course fully disclose the fact that they are blades, just wondering if it would matter to any buyers..

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What Happens To Hosting When Selling A Site

Jul 30, 2008

If you sell a site with a database, what happens with the hosting? Does the buyer keep the same hosting or do they get their own and transfer the site?

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Selling Your IT Department On ISAPI

Oct 2, 2007

I update the corporate website for my company. Our server is IIS and when I need a 301, I have to send a request to IT to do it, as our pages are static .html and .shtml (SSI) and using javascript redirects is not ideal for SEO.

A redesign we're going to be deploying, will include the shuffling of several pages/directories and redirecting of quite a few URL's. This fact alone seems to provide a good argument convincing IT that this is a good idea. From what I've read here and elsewhere, heliontech's solution seems to be the way to go.

Since this is 3rd party, I'm looking to have further leverage to explain my case on behalf of using this. Are there benchmarks and data that support the reliability of this method versus the straight MS stuff?

Also, I'm not real tech savvy on the server end, but I was told that our corporate site and application sites may reside on the same box and that applying the ISAPI rewrite would affect those as well. This would obviously make it a "no sell" with my IT colleagues.

Would sites residing on the same server be globally affected by the ISAPI? If so, is there a way to circumvent this and just set the ISAPI for the one site?

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Do You Think Selling Vps Servers Is Good Business

Jul 5, 2008

I am planning to offer vps hosting but im wondering if its a good idea to start offering vps?

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How Good Is Using Whm/cpanel For Selling Hosting

Jul 12, 2007

I am doing some part-time work for a small web design company that is hoping to get some extra revenue by selling hosting to its customers after it designs the sites for them.

They wanted to know what I thought about it, and so far I've said that it seems like getting a dedicated server (from a larger provider) for about $200/month would be a good fit. If they charged $20/month then they'd make it up after only about 10 customers, and they have many more than that. And with a dedicated server they could put a lot more than 10 accounts on the site.

The thing they're worried about is having to actually administer all those accounts. The sense is that their clients are pretty low maintenance, but if you give one malicious user an FTP account into the server, they are (understandably) worried about that person's ability to affect the entire server.

The dedicated server provider I have in mind provides WHM/cPanel for a relatively small fee, and my thought is that this could address that problem.

So (having only used WHM/cPanel in passing myself), what I'm wondering is, is this the sort of thing where they could give users access simply by giving their customers a cPanel account, and not worry too much about security or configuration (keeping in mind that the dedicated host also has security people working)?

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Selling A 4 Socket Enterprise Server

Jun 3, 2007

I have a somewhat unusual question for a hosting forum, but it seems to fit here reasonably well. I figure that anyone who does colo would know about buying and selling servers.

Right now, I have a very high-end system, basically a Sun V40z:

It is fully configured with processors, memory, but only has a single hard drive currently. The system comes with a built in management processor and OS; from the console you can boot/restart the server, check which DIMMs or processors are working (or failed), etc. It has been barely used, and is in mint condition.

I'm thinking about selling it, because I'd prefer a smaller, more compact server.

Where do you guys go to sell servers? Based on listings here, the server seems to sell in the range of 20K, with a warranty of sorts (30 days):

Obviously, I can provide no warranty, but I have pretty much the same configuration.

It's meant to be a pretty high-end database server, and I just don't need this many horsepower.

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Setting Up Selling E-book Site

Apr 27, 2007

I am selling e-book on

Currently I am using

If I use PDF, how can I know others won't just download my e-book for free?

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Ipower - Blatant Over Selling, Trying To Kick Me Off With Fake TOS

Dec 16, 2008

Ipower - blatant over selling, trying to kick me off with fake TOS

I am currently being ignored on live chat with Ipower.

They issued me with possibly the stupidest TOS violation imaginable. They claimed that I am using my web space for storing files which is not allowed - it must be site content. The links to the files are public on the site. They have admitted, actually admitted, that the TOS is fake. Yet they have just suspended my directories.

The real reason is because they are over selling disk space. Our contract gives me 2 Tb and I am daring to use 25% of that space. They have told me - straight out - they want me off their server because I am using too much of what I paid for.

Why do web hosts like Ipower believe that they can just ignore the law like this? It is false advertising, fraud and breach of contract. They have expressed their contempt for the law in plain English. What is it with these people? Why must I sue them to have this blatantly stupid matter resolved?

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Selling C Class IP Addresses To Forward To Our Server?

May 15, 2008

We are interested to buy different C class IPs so we can host many related sites on the same server. Our hosting provider does not sell different C class IPs. I wanted to know if there is anyway to buy IP addresses from somewhere else, lets say from other hosting companies, or private providers, who would forward the IP to our server. Did you ever hear of such service?

Does any one want to offer us this serivce?

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Companies Selling Provider Independent IP Address Space? Scam

Jul 29, 2008

They seem to sell or help you get Provider Independent IP space and AS numbers, is this a scam or is it something allowed by ARIN?

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Beware Of Hostmedia Selling "company"

Jun 10, 2008

Seems he gave up on the 419 when he came to america and now is doing other scams ....

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Time For A Dedicated? And Opinions On Future Hosting Dedicated Servers?

Mar 26, 2009

Some information about my forum:

I run a VBulletin forum with - 575,614 post, 14,369 members and 2.9 million page views per month. On average there are 300 - 400 people on the site.

The server right now is a Linux CentOS VPS with 1.1 gigs of memory. The hosting provider keeps telling me that I need a dedicated server.

Question # 1 - In your opinion - do you think its time for a dedicated server?

The server I am looking at has these stats:

250GB HD

The price I was given is pretty good. So the offer is going to be hard to pass up.

Question # 2 - Has anyone here used Future Hosting for their dedicated server solution?

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Dedicated With Cpanel Migration From Shared To Dedicated

Sep 8, 2008

I have an account that is going from a shared hosting account to a dedicated with theplanet and I want to transfer it. Concerns I have is that the site is using an SSL. What things do I need to watch out for when transferring. Since I don't have root access I will have to do this transfer with the account function, correct?

This site has a database and SSL, so I thought it would hopefully be easier to use the cpanel account migration tool

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Dedicated Virtual Server Vs Regular Dedicated

Sep 3, 2007

What is the difference between Dedicated Virtual vs Regular Dedicated Server?

Also what are the pros and cons of going with Virtual?

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Dedicated Server Along With Dedicated Support

Apr 1, 2008

to move from shared windows hosting to Dedicated windows hosting. This will be our first dedicated server and experience with dealing it too.

Someone suggested me Rackspace. But they were charging premium rates 440 USD for entry level windows server.

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Shared Hosting Or Dedicated Hosting Why Some Webmasters Prefer Dedicated Servers

Apr 7, 2009

I use shared web hosting service to get my website online. I'm wondering how many people use dedicated servers or virtual private servers instead and pay from $20 to several hundreds of dollars? Will I face any big problem with shared web hosting package which makes me choose dedicated servers?

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1.7 Dedicated CPU VPS Vs. 1.7 Celeron Dedicated

Jan 25, 2009

i would just want to get your inputs if which server performs faster or better:

VPS running in Core2Quad @ 2.40GHz with 12 gb of ram
guaranteed 1.7 Ghz CPU
guaranteed 1 GB memory burstable to 2 GB
170 GB disk


Dedicated server
Celeron 1.7 GHz
1 GB memory
160 GB disk

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Split Dedicated - VPS Or Dedicated

Oct 27, 2008

What would you classify this as? Seems like it's the in-between for VPS and dedicated with completely reserved resources and much higher storage capacities than VPS can offer.

Personally, if it runs a hypervisor or container is a VPS but this sure does blur the lines a bit.

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Dedicated Server Vs Virtual Dedicated Server ..

Sep 7, 2008

I am currently using a shared hosting but due to increasing traffic and server load my existing host is not able to provide reliable services and I am planning to upgrade my hosting service.

While I was searching for Dedicated Servers, I learnt about Virtual Dedicated Servers but I am not very sure about their reliability? Are Virtual Dedicated Servers useful? My website current serves over 2500-3000 visitors a day resulting in 30,000 pageviews and I am expecting the traffic to grow by atleast 2 folds in the next few months as I start some PPC campaigns and Email Marketing for my website. Can a Virtual Dedicated Server cater such needs assuming my website to be more of less dynamic website written in php?

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VPS Or Dedicated From SDX

Nov 6, 2008

VPS or Dedicated from SDX

I'm running a Joomla site with about 15,000 page views/day on JaguarPC at present. Its a mainly passive content - no message boards or applications. They disabled my site stating that CPU/Database use is too much. Should I move to a VPS or Dedicated server now ? Budget range $50-75/month.

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Dedicated Or VPS ...?

Mar 29, 2009

I am tossing around the idea of moving from my dedicated server to a VPS server. This is due to my ever growing server needs.

Currently, I use a small percent of a $400 softlayer server, about 500gig disk space and 2tb bandwidth. Is this too big for a VPS? Is there anything special I need to take into consideration for the move?

I was also wondering if other VPS's on the same server would slow down mine or if I would just allocated a % witch would be reserved for me.

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May 30, 2009

I know what is a dedicated server and a VPS well everyone knows that but what is a VDS is that the same and a VPS

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WHM Dedicated IP

Feb 27, 2009

I have a master reseller account with a host and i ordered a dedicated IP address so i can install a SSL certificate, I have not done this before so just wanted some info.

Its been over 24 hours from when my host transfered my IP to my account and my website keeps showing some other website o my laptop and if i check it on 1 of my other computers it shows the WHM & cPanel success page...

i know i have to leave it to set the new DNS etc but should it be showing another website? and how long does it take to set the new IP fully as my email and website is all offline

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Feb 5, 2009

Why it so expensive?

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What Does Dedicated Ip Mean

Apr 5, 2009

Self-explanatory title, I think.

Besides that, do you recommend dedicated ip to be bought along with host?

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Low-end Dedicated Vs VPS

May 19, 2009

I'm just wondering what the prices are for lower end dedicated servers and how many websites you can fit on them?

(lets say each website is a small 5 to 10 page website with 200 meg space usage and 1 to 2 gig transfer per month)

I'm currently using reseller but once my client base is built rather than buy 5 or 6 reseller plans, I thought it'd be logic to simple upgrade to a dedi.

I know VPS are used for name servers and whatnot, how do they compare with low-end dedicated servers?

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One Dedicated Vs Two VPS

Mar 18, 2008

I'm in the middle of deciding on the hosting I'll use for a site I plan to launch in a month or so. The site is a web app built on Drupal (mysql 5 / php5). It is somewhat resource intensive, as thousands of rss and csv files are updated almost constantly. My last site I hosted across two VPS's, one for the DB and one for everything else. My main concern is scalability - being able to handle whatever is needed.

So I'm looking for some advice on what to do, trying to get the most power, and best scaling options - while trying to keep costs down. I can get a fairly powerful dedicated, fully managed, from liquidweb for around 230/mth. At that price, I thought maybe it would be better to have two VPS's. My experience in this area is limited so instead of running my mouth perhaps I'll let someone else suggest something..

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VPS Or Dedicated

Sep 19, 2008

I have a website with forum that has been doing pretty well. I'm presently using a shared hosting account and am considering moving up to a VPS because of anticipated future growth and the terrible service I have gotten from my hosting provider.

I have a graduate degree in IT but don't work in this field professionally. Because of this, I'm very good at coding in php, html, javascript, etc. but very terrible when it comes to network administration and my knowledge of unix and linux. But I know I can eventually learn. Because of this I already know I will go with a managed plan if I go VPS.

To be honest with you, after studying many posts on this site for the past few days, I was convinced I would go with a VPS account with either Knownhost or Wiretree since they have managed VPS. However, I have seen one post in the VPS Forum here where one person said his site, which included a forum, was on a dedicated server and at times with 100 users logged into his forum at one time his server could barely keep up.

I am presently getting about 2.5 million hits per month (80,000 hits per day) with about 22,000 page views per day. However, I only have about 500 members in my forum and on average only about 30 logged in at any given time. I get about 5000 unique IPs coming to my website each month. My bandwidth usage is less than 20 GB per month. To me it doesn't really seem that I need a dedicated server but my site is growing steadily.

So it made me question my decision about moving to a VPS plan. Maybe I need to consider a dedicated plan?

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1 Dedicated Or Many VPS

Apr 26, 2008

I have a dedicated server running all my services, including Plesk (WWW, FTP, DNS, etc), E-mail (SMTP, POP, Antispam, webmail) and database (MySQL and SQL Server).

I´m thinking to break this dedicated Server in 4 VPS (** Windows VPS, powered by Microsoft Virtual Server **) to do a better load balance (where a service don’t affect performance of another), increase services uptime (since each of them will be isolated) and increase scalability (since I will be able to move each VPS to Virtual Dedicated Servers when needed - like PowerVPS's PowerXMS plans).

This is what I´m thinking to do:

- 1 VPS for Plesk (WWW, FTP, DNS, etc),
- 1 VPS for isolated web applications (WWW and FTP - no control panel)
- 1 VPS for E-mail (SMTP, POP, IMAP, Antispam and webmail)
- 1 VPS for database (MySQL and SQL Server)

I have some questions about it:

1) Do you think that breaking a dedicated server in some VPS is a good thing? The benefits that I mentioned above are correct (better load balance, increase services uptime, increase scalability)?

2) Do you know what software licenses must I lease to have the Plesk core in a server and the e-mail services on another server? Looking at SWSoft website I found some info about Plesk Expand, but it focused to expand the core of Plesk, having multiple Plesk instances hosting all services in all servers and it require a Linux SO, which I don’t want to have and admin. Do you know how can I separate the Plesk core from the e-mail services in 2 separated servers without having to lease a Linux VPS just to run Plesk Expand?

3) Do you if data traffic between VPSs are metered? (this change from a provider to another?)

4) Do you know if a Virtual Dedicated Server (1 dedicated server running 1 VPS) has significant loss of resources other whena comparaed to a dedicated server?

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Dedicated IP

Nov 4, 2007

How can I determine that my IP is not shared? I bought dedicated IPs and not sure whether reseller provided me dedicated or shared.

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Dedicated IP

Aug 24, 2007

to have a dedicated IP hosting plan if you plan on creating a Joomla + VirtueMart e-commerce website with less than 100 products to sell?

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