Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Use SSL That Was Installed Directly To Windows

Sep 19, 2012

Prior to using plesk, I had a few sites that had SSL certificates installed, the old fashioned way (manually through IIS). I have now setup those domains in plesk, and I need to somehow make PLESK aware of these SSL certificates.Right now, I setup the domain in plesk, give it a dedicated IP, and allow SSL connections. It chooses the default certificate and my already installed in IIS SSL certificate isnt listed.

Is there any way I can get it listed? I went to the add an SSL area, and it seems that this area is only good for generating new SSL certificates, but mine is good for another 1+ years.The bummer is that for some reason, anytime I make any type of change to the site in plesk, that it seems to overwrite the SSL bindings and changes my manual changes to the correct certificate (through iis) back to the default certificate.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: WordPress - Changing PHP File That Is Installed Directly To Root?

Oct 27, 2014

I have a file that creates subscriptions , customers and domains. moreover, also installed wordpress to new domain. it makes it through the php file .

The problem I have is that when installing wordpress on plesk domain is installed in a subdirectory called wordpress in the root directory instead .

Is there any way of changing the php file that is installed directly to root ?

Ask this because from the plesk panel is done, there is an option through the file but can not.

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: PHP 5.2 Installed But Does Not Show Up

Oct 8, 2013

I just finished installing Plesk control panel on a clean installation on windows server 2008 r2 SP1.

Everything is fine except that even though i have installed php 5.2 (chose to install php 5 along with php 5.3 and 5.4) but php 5.2 does not show up in the panel and plesk ignores it.

I can confirm that the folder corresponding to php 5.2 is in the right place along with the other php versions and i can see that the php.ini file exists in there. but i had no luck getting it to work.

I also cannot see LSAPI handler option in plesk's "website scripts and security" section.

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Cannot Create New Domains PHP Not Installed

Jul 31, 2012

I have a dedicated server here in the UK with fasthosts (win 2008 server, IIS 7), which which has been running fine for nearly a year. it was running plesk 9.2, and then out of the blue it got errors creating a new domain saying that PHP wasn't installed.

PHP was/is installed on the server, and is still running fine within my 12+ domains/websites. at the point of the error it was running 5.3.8 - i had manually upgraded the version outside of Plesk, but it had seen the new version when installing new domains.

When Plesk stopped seeing that PHP was installed, my hosts asked me to upgrade Plesk, as it would solve the issue. I used that ai.exe program, and choose v11.

The control panel installed OK - but I did lose my websites for a while, due to it downgrading my PHP to v5.2, and installing an older MySQL version which tried to use the same ports etc (I also have manually installed mysql v5.5 and have 1gig databases in that installation!).

After chosing the upgrade to 5.3 option in the Plesk control panel, and turning the Plesk installed Mysql v5.1 service off and to disabled in windows services - 'revealing' my 5.5 version, I could at least get my websites up and running once again!

Once all those were running (the priority), I have found that v11 Plesk has the same problem as v9.2, namely that it doesn't think that PHP is installed and available.

The error on installing a new domain;

Error: Failed domain creation: Unable to update domain data: Execute websrvmng --add-domain "" failed with error code 1: PHP 5 is not installed

Oddly it does see PHP 5.3.15 in the Service components screen, and it's ticked 'green' in that page, so all looks well.

On trying to install a new domain using plesk I get this;

And also on pages such as webmail - it also shows 'PHP not installed' against those webmail clients which would need PHP to run.

Any way to 'force' Plesk to see that the PHP 5.3.15 version that it itself installed (and I've removed the component and re-installed using Plesk).

My list on the server components page;

ASP 7.0.6002.18276
ASP.NET 2.0.50727.4016
FastCGI Support 7.0.6002.22343
Perl v5.10.1 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
PHP 5.3.15
SSI 7.0.6001.18000

I've tried something found on this forum (under the 10.4 area), but that hasn't fixed it;

"C:ParallelsInstallerparallelsPANEL-WIN_11.0.9dist-msi-Microsoft-2003-i386php53.msi" you will have an option for "repair" - ran that, no difference.

So as it stands, Plesk 11 is running, and most functions work, it just doesn't recognise the PHP install that it put in place... so I can't add software which requires PHP through Plesk, nor add new domains. All existing domains are running and using PHP fine - so it's installed OK.

One error I've noticed on startup - within the PHP error log, is the following - which I'm guessing is coming from the Plesk's own PHP executable (I can see it uses a 5.3.10 version in it's own admin area, with an extended php.ini file? ) I'm guessing the plesk's php.ini extension is trying to double load some dlls (which isn't a problem?) but seems to not find the php_sockets.dll - although that file is in the directory specified!? If it's a php dll around network sockets, maybe it is trying to use those to communicate with a running php instance? (Just guessing here?)

[30-Jul-2012 15:56:42 UTC] PHP Warning: Module 'mbstring' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
[30-Jul-2012 15:56:43 UTC] PHP Warning: Module 'mysql' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
[30-Jul-2012 15:56:43 UTC] PHP Warning: Module 'mysqli' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
[30-Jul-2012 15:56:44 UTC] PHP Warning: Module 'pdo_mysql' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
[30-Jul-2012 15:56:44 UTC] PHP Warning: Module 'pdo_sqlite' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
[30-Jul-2012 15:56:44 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:pleskAdditionalPleskPHP53extphp_sockets.dll' - The specified procedure could not be found. in Unknown on line 0

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Joomla Not Working To Be Installed From Applications

Jun 21, 2014

I tried to install Joomla on my server from applications ( Not manualy ) . I go at applications on plesk's panel then i click on Joomla and the click to install it. After that , it shows that it's downloadiing ( Downloading Joomla... ) and it isn't doing anything else. It remained stuck at 0% like forever. I waited more than 2 hours once, and it didn't do anything. It was just stuck at zero. Other applications are working.

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Virtual Machine Template With Installed Panel

Mar 20, 2015

I would like to create VMM template with installed plesk panel 12.0.18

But after I executed sysprep plesk panel didn't work.

All services, application pool work, but when I try to connect https://localhost:8443 I get an error "The page can't be displayed"...

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: PhpMyAdmin Not Installed - Button Disabled In Panel

Sep 22, 2014

I'm on plesk 11.x on Windows.

There are a reason because phpmyadmin is not installed and the button in the panel WebAdmin is disabled ?

In plesk 11.5 for linux phpmyadmin is installed from default.

How to install it via plesk ?

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Slow Website Performance With Perl And Python Installed On IIS

Jan 3, 2015

I noticed that all my client websites were as slow as a snail snot before uninstalling perl and Python.

Is it normal that perl and python components slowing down IIS?

I search online, it is a common scenerio for those two to slow down IIS.

After I uninstalled perl and python as well as awstat, the site are working as fast as before.

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DS With Windows 2003 Server Installed

Apr 21, 2009

any DS provider, well-known and providing good support who does offer DS with Windows 2003 Server installed?

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Windows Server 2003 Installed. How To Add Websites

Oct 3, 2008

I have a Windows Server 2003 package installed on a server. I own a number of websites that are being hosted some place else. How do I get my websites set-up to run on my new server?

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: FTPS Windows Doesn't Work

Nov 11, 2014

FTPS is not working after upgrade from plesk 11. On plesk 11 windows and linux worked fine, after upgrade my windows server, it stopped working.

PS C:Windowssystem32> & "C:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskadmininpmm-ras.exe" --check-repository --dump-storage=ftps://****:****@***.***.***.***:21 --debug --verbose
[2014-11-11 21:16:12.981| 4688] INFO: pmm-ras started : "C:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskadmininpmm-ras.exe" --check-repository "--dump-storage=ftps://****:****@***.***.***.***:21" --debug --verbose
[2014-11-11 21:16:12.997| 4688] INFO: Repository 'ftps://***.***.***.***:21': Initializing...


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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: PHP Missing After 12.0.18 Update On Windows

Aug 11, 2014

Latest Update 12.0.18 Update 12 appears to have removed PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.5 from my dropdown under hosting settings.

The only PHP that is left is PHP 5.3

Yet, the updates and upgrades page still lists PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.5 as installed.

Also PHP is still working on the virtual websites that were previously enabled with either 5.4 or 5.5, but not able to change using the Plesk Panel.

Given that Parallels has broken the Panel in that latest automatic update I'd hope it can be resolved ASAP.

I can't even find any references in the KB about Plesk 12 on Windows regarding PHP versions

I can even give feedback about the broken patch as every feedback channel requires paid support.

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Windows 11.5.30 FTP Backup Not Working?

Jan 22, 2014

I have faced the following ftp backup error in windows plesk 11.5.30

Transport error: unable to send directory to repository: Transport error: unable to put local file C:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskPrivateTemp/ to Curl error: Failure when receiving data from the peer

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Windows 2003 Vs. Windows 2008 - What Is The Difference For Windows Media Services

Oct 2, 2008

I was actually curious about this since Windows 2008 version came out.

What is the difference between Windows media services on Windows 2003 and Windows 2008?

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Windows Licenses :: Rent Windows Server 2003 Web Edition?

Nov 17, 2008

Any company rent Windows Server 2003 Web Edition ?

SPLA and External licenses ?

With Micfrosoft need pay 2,000$

I wait your answerds.

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Windows 2008 Versus Windows 2003 Server

May 26, 2009

With Windows 2003 server, there are comprehensive lists of what you need to do to secure the server before use. For Windows 2008, I wonder is there such a list? Or is it true as what I heard from Microsoft that it is already secured out of the box?

Anyone has any resources on the hardening or preparation of 2008 for server hosting uses?

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Is Windows 2008 Slower Than Windows 2003

May 8, 2008

I'm making a reasonably uninformed comparison here. Since Windows Vista is noted to be more resource intensive and slower than Win XP, are we right in assuming that Windows 2008 is slower than Windows 2003?

For instance, with two boxes with an identical hardware setup but the two different server OSes, will the same application like, say MySQL run slower on the Win 2008 machine?

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Do Shared Windows Hosters Actually Like Windows Technology

Dec 10, 2008

There seem to be strong forum rules in place about the kinds of posts that hosters can make.

But from my perspective it is somehow leaving a large gap in useful information I would like to know that I can't quite put my finger on right now.

So I would like to get responses from Windows hosters in this thread without violating any forum spam guidelines and I sure hope I'm not wasting my time here with this concept but here goes...

So, the topic:

Ultimately, the thing Windows Web Hosters are providing is the delivery of information that has been constructed by developers using program code they have assembled using a large array of mostly .NET technology.

The reason the Hoster is providing Windows hosting is that a sufficiently large enough population of Web Developers have been attracted to some aspect of the Windows technology stack.

And there is certainly lots of innovative and interesting technology that attracts developers to focus on .NET in just the same way that there is also interesting technology in the Linux world.

So here's the problem. It appears as if the Windows hosting companies with the odd exception have almost no interest in Windows and .NET technology.

But if they actually did have such an interest, it is not clear how they would communicate it for discussion here at WHT because of the spam rules and of course trying to communicate anything at all about hosting on the general internet is just swamped by spam. The noise level is just insane!

So I am hoping that such a discussion can take place in this thread by asking some very specific questions:

1. What interesting Microsoft technology have you researched, tested or played with lately?

2. What programs or scripts have you personally developed lately to investigate .NET 3.5 features?

3. What do you think of XBAP delivery from the net and why do you think it hasn't caught on in a larger way since it sure delivers a richer client experience than Flash or even Silverlight.

4. What do you think of Azure and will Microsoft let hosters be part of the cloud anytime soon? Can you think of useful or interesting Azure mashups from a hosting perspective?

5. Have you tried any totally silly and insane things with the .NET runtime inside of SQL Server 2005/2008 that would give your DB guys a heart attack?

6. Have you tried out the Google systems where you give your employees 20% of company time to play around with personal projects like this?

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Best Platform For IMAP Mail (Cpanel, Plesk Linux Or Plesk Windows)

Nov 17, 2008

Best platform for IMAP mail (Cpanel, Plesk Linux or Plesk Windows)

I need to setup 5 email accounts on my domain, each will use IMAP and store messages on server, so total space taken by each account will be 2-5 GB.

I have decided to go with as I'm close to them and ping is fast.

What is the best solution for IMAP and large email accounts: Linux Cpanel, Linux Plesk or Windows Plesk?

Each account will be accessed by 2 people differently by Thunderbird and occasionally by webmail, so nice webmail is a plus.

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Plesk For Windows ...

Jun 23, 2008

I am currently using Plesk 8.1 as my control panel and it's running on Windows 2003 Standard. Was wondering how I could actually configure Plesk/MailEnable to actually work with Port 587 as an alternative port to sending out emails.

Currently Port 587 is totally Not Working which is getting a few of my clients quite upset. This is due to the fact that their stupid ISP actually blocked off ALL access to Port 25.

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: How To Add PHP

Dec 18, 2014

How do I add php as I am trying to add IonCube and its getting errors.

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To Transfer From Linux Plesk To Windows Plesk

Nov 3, 2008

I have a server running Linux and PLESK, and am interested in switching to Windows and PLESK. Will the backups made under Linux restore under Windows?

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Webmail In Plesk On Windows

Jan 8, 2007

i havw windows server 2003 with plesk installed

when i log to webmail i just see Horde ....

what i am asking for can install more than Horde

like neomail or squeirll?

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Plesk Installation Windows

Jan 5, 2009

i have windows server 2003 and i also have plesk 7.5.... every time i try to install plesk it says thats i need frontpage 2002 or later and url]...i have both but it still says i dont have it

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Windows Server- MS SQL + Plesk

Jan 7, 2009

We are about to shift from linux server to plesk for some reasons given by our management.

I am interested to know that Plesk 8.X or 9.X comes with MS SQL edition in built? or we have to install that separately? This is for a hosting server so the server should have both MY SQL and MS SQL both, how to shift this in plesk, is it possible?

Also if we install plesk will it come with tomcat server? or not? some hosting clients need Java with tomcat?

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Windows Hosting With Plesk ..

Apr 25, 2008

Please recommend Plesk Windows Hosting companies.

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Plesk 7.6 To 8.6 On Windows Server

Aug 2, 2008

I have a windows server with plesk 7.6 i want to install the new version of plesk 8.6, how can I do? I want my domain names (4) be working well with the new version of plesk. I don't know if I backup my domains, plesk 8.6 will recognize from 7.6.

the main reason I want plesk 8.6 is because i want to use the latest version of php and also i want to install wordpress and I think the new plesk will be working fine with these programas

do you have any ideas how can I keep my domain working after I install new plesk?

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Cheapest Windows VPS With PLESK

Apr 24, 2007

which company is the cheapest Windows VPS Provider with plesk?

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Downloading To Plesk In Windows VPS

Aug 11, 2007

On MY Desktop in Plesk 8.1, it shows:

Server Info

How/where can I download a windows program?

Do you download to Plesk, like you would to your own Desktop,
or do you upload to Plesk?

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Windows Managed VPS + Plesk

Apr 30, 2007

I'm currently running a small hosting business. We only have Linux servers but now some clients are requesting ASP and dot net support.

I don't have any experience with windows servers, that's why i need a managed one ( actually i have been running linux on my desktop + servers for more than 8 years, so i don't use windows for a long time ).

I probaly will have a dedicated one soon, but first i need to "feel it" running a VPS.

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Ftp Is Not Working

Aug 4, 2012

not because reason FTP has stopped working.FTP access already created continue to operate, does not work any additional FTP account or the principal to create a new domain.

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