To Transfer From Linux Plesk To Windows Plesk
Nov 3, 2008I have a server running Linux and PLESK, and am interested in switching to Windows and PLESK. Will the backups made under Linux restore under Windows?
View 1 RepliesI have a server running Linux and PLESK, and am interested in switching to Windows and PLESK. Will the backups made under Linux restore under Windows?
View 1 RepliesI want to transfer an account from a windows server to my linux server.
How can I do that?
I'm migrating from Plesk 9.5 to 11 and I'm getting the following on my Transfer Pre-Check from within the Migration Manager."The destination DNS server does not support networks in the Transfer Restrictions Template, but some subscriptions have networks in DNS transfer restrictions. The records with network IP addresses in the DNS transfer restrictions will not be restored."
I've gone to Server, DNS Settings, Transfer Restriction Template and added the new server's IP to the list of allowed networks to no avail. I also couldn't find any documentation on what the cause might be.
I am trying to transfer a subscription to another customer but it fails with this error message...
this subscription requires more resources than can be provided by the new owner's provider
I can't find any limits for a customer so I don't know why it won't transfer. This is plesk 12.
Is there a limit somewhere as to how many subscriptions a customer can have?
Buy the new Dedicated Server Self-Managed Dedicated Servers - Self-Managed - Intel Xeon E3-1240v2 Quad Core But i don;t have cpanel installed in my server i had now Managed VPS Server with whm panel had only 1 site [URL] .... don't have too much data i m facing server issue problem they request me to buy dedicate server i buy self manage server it cost me less but now i search on google alternative whm i find parallels but i m new here don;t know how to install and transfer it WHM tO Paralllels plesk panel
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to transfer Plesk 12.0.18#34 from an Ubuntu 12 server to an Ubuntu 14 server.
Using the transfer manager, I got these warnings:
The following Apache modules are not installed on the destination server: authz_default. Please install and enable these modules to prevent possible problems. The following Apache modules are disabled on the destination server: roxy_http,proxy_html,proxy,authz_groupfile,reqtimeout. Please enable these modules to prevent possible problems. The php_version 5.3 is not available on the destination server. Instead, Plesk will use the following version: 5.5. To use the same php_version as on the source server, you should turn on or install it on the destination server. 3 domain(s) will be affected.
I am a bit puzzled by the authz_default warning as it is not supported anymore on Apache 2.4.
If I override and launch the transfer, I get these errors:
PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object; File: /opt/psa/admin/plib/backup/Conflicts/PleskDataManager.php, Line: 173
PHP Notice: Undefined index: [IP of old server]; File: /opt/psa/admin/plib/backup/Conflicts/PleskDataManager.php, Line: 180
Best platform for IMAP mail (Cpanel, Plesk Linux or Plesk Windows)
I need to setup 5 email accounts on my domain, each will use IMAP and store messages on server, so total space taken by each account will be 2-5 GB.
I have decided to go with as I'm close to them and ping is fast.
What is the best solution for IMAP and large email accounts: Linux Cpanel, Linux Plesk or Windows Plesk?
Each account will be accessed by 2 people differently by Thunderbird and occasionally by webmail, so nice webmail is a plus.
Plesk from plesk server Migration, I want to do
I get the following error.
Error: No Migration & Transfer Agent found. Data migration cannot be performed.
I need to transfer plesk from current existing server to a new server. I don't need to migrate existing data. I've already installed plesk in a new server. How to retrieve the license key files. I cannot access the existing plesk panel over SSH or HTTP due to an IP blocking issue.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to transfer a domain from the server for Plesk 11.5 to 12 system is SUSE 13.1. After restoring the manager from within Backup getting errors:
python is not supported. It will be disabled for the following objects: xxxx.xx
Warning: domain "xxxx.xx"
Failed deployment of mail user bbbbb@xxxx.xx
Execution of /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/api-cli/mail.php --create bbbbb@xxxx.xx -passwd '' -passwd_type sym -mailbox true -mbox_quota -1 -aliases add:bbbbb -forwarding false -ignore-nonexistent-options failed with return code 1.
I'm experiencing the situation with zone transfer to PDNS slaves.
Spoiler: Bind master options
// $Id: named.conf,v 2001/10/15 07:44:36 kap Exp $
options {
allow-recursion {
notify yes;
also-notify {
[Code] ....
PDNS have slave=yes enabled and works great with PDNS master server I also have.
But, as written by PDNS community:
For example, if you use as primary NS-record you need to have ‘’ as the nameserver-record in de supermasters-table.Click to expand...
I get a notification email...
Code: Unable to update . An error occurred while processing your key. You can try updating it later.
So I log into Plesk license management and click 'Retrieve Keys'. The following message is displayed:
Unable to connect to license server [URL] ....
cURL error description: transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining(18)
There are posts about the curl error on other sites, but they all seem to be from developers and the solution is to program cUrl differently, so as a Plesk user this option obviously isn't open to me.
When I start the process in Migration & Transfer Manager i have this error: Error: Connection timeout. I see in the log file:
[2015-07-08 19:39:55.977|22820] INFO: Launchpad started : /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/launchpad --send-scout --host=... ... .... --port=22 --login=root --session-path=/usr/local/psa/PMM/msessions....
[2015-07-08 19:39:56.021|22820] DEBG: Connecting to ....:22
[2015-07-08 19:39:56.021|22820] DEBG: Resolving ..... .....
[2015-07-08 19:42:03.344|22820] ERR : Unable to open socket to ......:22: Connection timed out
[2015-07-08 19:42:03.398|22820] INFO: ConnectionTimedOut[....]: Timeout while attempting connection to host ........ [./../commons/socket.h:65]
plesk::Socket::Socket(const string&, short unsigned int)
[2015-07-08 19:42:03.399|22820] INFO: Launchpad finished. Exit code: 12
In two servers the configuration is identical: CENTOS 7 and PLESK 12
I am trying to transfer a subscription from one customer to another but comes with the error:
Warning: Unable to continue subscription transfer: this subscription requires more resources than can be provided by the new owner's provider.
I tried the following: ~# /usr/local/psa/bin/domain --update %domain.tld% -publish-sb-site false as per [URL] ....
I've got a serious problem with a domain I purchased from parallels marketplace.
I have a plesk installation at my current provider ( and I ordered a domain via the integrated services of plesk:
Great. So now I own the domain.
However, I cannot propagate my IP or set the domain's dns servers. Of course, a proper DNS template has already been applied.
My plesk installation is not hosted by parallels. My provider ( sais, they can't do anything, because I ordered via plesk panel. The domain has been purchased via, but the registrar is tucows. I have no user account for tucows. Regardless what the plesk KB sais, it is NOT possible on my marketplace account to set the nameservers. I don't have that option in my marketplace account.
It seems like I have a domain now that I cannot use. Where can I set the nameservers for the domain?
The parallels support is hidden behind seemingly 1000 barriers. Whom can I contact to set the nameservers for me? I CANNOT even transfer the domain to my provider as the domain status is "server transfer prohibited".
I'm trying to migrate old server into a new server.
Both uses plesk 11.5.30 version.
I'm using the "Migration & Transfer Manager" for importing everything but it does not work. The error is
Error: launchpad error (Error code = 2):
== STDERR ====================
Unable to start SSH session: Unable to exchange encryption keys
Seems like an ssh problem but ssh from shell works fine in both directions.
I tried also to create public key and put into authorized_keys with no luck..
I am having a linux and a window servers, I want to move my
domain from Linux to windows server.
I can transfer the public_html folder to "wwwroot".
can any one tell me that how to transfer the data base from linux
to windows server?
i would like to move few clients from my old linux VPS that runs on Cpanel .. to my new windows VPS tat runs Plesk .. you see there were several attempts by new provider .. they cant guarantee that accounts can be fully migrated even manually they only copied site files to new server .. the client account's still running on linux vps cpanel, they are intact .. clients dont have any php or mysql files they are just plain HTML and Flash files .. i can move site files .. im concerned about mail accounts and emails that already in my clients inbox (they are using IMAP accounts) .. do you guys know any guideline or step by step how to migrate my clients
P.S. please consider me as an uneducated person .. my background is designing not programming or network administration.
I'm trying to create a network connection from Windows (8.1) to my Plesk filesharing folder, which should be straight forward. For some strange reason my Windows desktop PC doesn't establish the connection but shows me an error message, saying that the provided folder is invalid (see attached images).
View 1 Replies View RelatedOn the server running Windows migration manager. Firewall is turned off.
On the Linux server Panel Set address and port manager migration. Username and password of an administrator account Windows.
After you click Next, we get this error:
launchpad error (Error code = 2):
== STDERR ====================
Unable to start SSH session: Timeout waiting for banner
On Windows server - Plesk 11.5
On Linux server - Debian 7 - Plesk 11
One of our customers gave me a plesk backup!
i want to restore the plesk backup into Cpanel/Whm
How to restore plesk backup in WHM?
Is there a way to transfer plesk accounts to cPanel platform? Things to note, that I do not have root access, but do have WHM as it is a reseller account.
View 4 Replies View Relatedto transfer(Convert) 500 websites from cpanel to plesk ? i have root access to both servers.
Any converter to convert the backup?
I have two VPS servers. I am canceling one of my VPS servers since I got a better deal somewhere else, better ports ect..
My vps is using cPanel. The other VPS is using Plesk.
From my cPanel VPS, I though there was an option via WHM to transfer accounts / files from my Plesk VPS. Is this possible?
how I would go about doing a transfer from Plesk to CPanel ... is there a script or anything to automate the transfer from plesk to cpanel.
Is there anyone that made a similar transfer that could tell me how he did?
How can I transfer our resellers from cpanel to plesk ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedFTPS is not working after upgrade from plesk 11. On plesk 11 windows and linux worked fine, after upgrade my windows server, it stopped working.
PS C:Windowssystem32> & "C:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskadmininpmm-ras.exe" --check-repository --dump-storage=ftps://****:****@***.***.***.***:21 --debug --verbose
[2014-11-11 21:16:12.981| 4688] INFO: pmm-ras started : "C:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskadmininpmm-ras.exe" --check-repository "--dump-storage=ftps://****:****@***.***.***.***:21" --debug --verbose
[2014-11-11 21:16:12.997| 4688] INFO: Repository 'ftps://***.***.***.***:21': Initializing...
Latest Update 12.0.18 Update 12 appears to have removed PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.5 from my dropdown under hosting settings.
The only PHP that is left is PHP 5.3
Yet, the updates and upgrades page still lists PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.5 as installed.
Also PHP is still working on the virtual websites that were previously enabled with either 5.4 or 5.5, but not able to change using the Plesk Panel.
Given that Parallels has broken the Panel in that latest automatic update I'd hope it can be resolved ASAP.
I can't even find any references in the KB about Plesk 12 on Windows regarding PHP versions
I can even give feedback about the broken patch as every feedback channel requires paid support.
I have faced the following ftp backup error in windows plesk 11.5.30
Transport error: unable to send directory to repository: Transport error: unable to put local file C:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskPrivateTemp/ to Curl error: Failure when receiving data from the peer
Prior to using plesk, I had a few sites that had SSL certificates installed, the old fashioned way (manually through IIS). I have now setup those domains in plesk, and I need to somehow make PLESK aware of these SSL certificates.Right now, I setup the domain in plesk, give it a dedicated IP, and allow SSL connections. It chooses the default certificate and my already installed in IIS SSL certificate isnt listed.
Is there any way I can get it listed? I went to the add an SSL area, and it seems that this area is only good for generating new SSL certificates, but mine is good for another 1+ years.The bummer is that for some reason, anytime I make any type of change to the site in plesk, that it seems to overwrite the SSL bindings and changes my manual changes to the correct certificate (through iis) back to the default certificate.