This config is working fine until we try to load resources from the alias over ssl, I believe something is missing in the Nginx config. I'm not getting any info using the logs.
I have setup Nginx to serve static pages. I cache some pages and therefor they are static and should be served by Nginx. Now, how can i check if a specific page actual was served by Nginx and not Apache?
I have a problem with Nginx on myPlesk 12 with wildcard dns.I want subdomains URl to be like root domain url. Exemple. URL...You can see a live exemple here: URL.... give error 404 instead of showing root domain file (URL....). It's the same for images.What specific rule I must add in plesk panel?
I've tried to enable https on a domain /server: vpn, debian 6.0.10, plesk 12.0.18/ but all I receive is a 403 forbidden error. I can't find any other related option, what could be the problem?
When I reboot my centOS 6.5 + Plesk 11.5 server, Nginx doesn't start and every time I need to go to Server > IP Addresses and click Reread IP.Then Plesk says that need to repair one of these ips, I click repair and then Nginx can start. ( I have 3 ips [2 ipv4 and 1 ipv6] )
Configuration: Config server / Preferred domain for web sites / domain.tld Config hosting to domain / Preferred domain / domain.tld
Problem: I've created a primary domain.tld and work without problems I type www.domain.tld and work fine redirect to domain.tld format but I've created different alias and only work www.domain.tld format don't work domain.tld format.
In google webmastertools i see this error in panel
Plesk 12. Using the "Corporate/Business" -> "Power User view".
Where do you add a Domain Alias? The webspace has no option to add this and all documentation I've found so far seems to indicate there should be a button that says add domain or add domain alias.
I want to setup a domain alias without www in front of it. A quite simple task in the past...but not with Plesk 12. So I have a service domain (for example: that I use for ALL clients. But each client has only a subdomain of it as alias in his account. so, so on. And only that subdomain...nothing more...for each account. How to achieve that in Plesk 12?
When creating a domain alias in Plesk, I can activate Web, Mail and DNS. When I activate "Mail" I would think that I now can create a mail address with that domain (myaddress @ But I can't. If I create a new one I only can choose between the "real" domains. Is this a bug or a feature?
I have recently migrated from one server with Plesk 11 to another server with Plesk 12 and cant get the alias emails work properly like they worked before the migration. I can send emails from any alias@alias.domain (via Outlook), but cant receive them.I can receive emails only from the mailbox email of the main domain, but not for the alias-email of that mailbox for an alias domain that worked well for Plesk 11. Where might be the problem?
I have created a webmail.domain.tld in the Webmail-Services (where it says Horde 6.2.1 is installed), but the webmail.maindomain.tld is not working. I get displayed only the "webservers default page". Webmail.maindomain.tld worked well in Plesk 11.There is also no "Webmail" link in the domain control pannel like it used to be in the Plesk 11.I have created a new abonnement with a new domain to test this, but there is no Webmail link for this abonnement as well.
You message for <alias@alias.tld> from 2014/11/17 could not be delivered. 4.0.0 smtp; 454 4.7.1 <alias@alias.tld>: Relay access denied
I am running a CentOS 6.5, 64-bit server with Plesk 12.0.18, and need to install a wildcard SSL for one of the domains/sub domains hosted on this server.
So you have the csr and private key installed (and domain.crt?), you just need to open..
I am a non-tech person trying to configure Nginx to serve static content (apache will remain on port 80 for the dynamic stuff).
Nginx is already installed, what I need is a workable configuration file for nginx so that it serves all static stuff (images and a few folders with static html) and instructions in how to create it. The server is running DirectAdmin panel, Apache 2.24, PHP 5.23 and XCache 1.2.
I've got a situation in which I need to have a set of mail accounts that share a domain name with a domain that's already in use as a domain alias and because the domain is already in use, I'm unable to create a new account using that domain. I tried explicitly adding "www" to the domain alias so I could keep the address as an alias and reserve the "" name for use as a separate account, but Plesk won't allow for that.
How to address this? The idea I'm currently considering is to delete the domain alias and then create the new account and manually set the DOCUMENT ROOT of the new account to refer to the other domain's document root. I'm sure this could create some difficulty in Plesk so I'm looking for input before trying it. I'm actually not even sure exactly where I would be able to redefine the document root with Plesk allowing the change and not overwriting it later.
If all else fails, I can setup a new account on a different and unrelated Plesk server, but I'd prefer not to do that.
I think the wrong text is displayed for the option "Remove Domain Alias".
In Plesk 11.5.30 Update #13, in a Webspace, on the Websites & Domains tab, if I click an alias, a window appears for the alias with the option to "Remove Domain Alias". If I move the cursor over the text "Remove Domain Alias", or click on the link, I see a pop-up: Removing this website will also delete all related files, directories, and web applications from the server.
I think this is incorrect because removing an alias should not remove any files, directories, and web applications.
I´ve read that a whole https website might be better for SEO than just a mixed version. So I want to change the whole website to https.
We are using Plesk 12 on Win 2008 R2. One Website is using DotNetNuke 7.3.2.
How can I automatically set the whole website to https?
What happens to the users that just type without http or https.?
What is the right search engine friendly technique to permanently redirect to the https version even when the user is not using the application protocol prefix http/https?
Where can I do the setup in Plesk 12 fro Windows?
Are their any other drawbacks that I have to think over before I do the changes?
my VPS hosted by Strato was hacked and seems to be part of a botnet now. Until now I thought that the automatic backups of the provider would be enough and I did no separate backups using pleskbackup. Unfortunately the hacker attack was earlier than my oldest backup.
Now I want to move the complete server content including the configuration of approx. 10 domains to a new one. Therefore I want to make a backup of the plesk 9.5 server using pleskbackup to import it on the new server running plesk 12.I can access the old server in recovery mode only, which means, that a recovery system runs with the content of the old server mounted under /repair. Is there a possibility to tell pleskbackup, that the content to backup is mounted under /repair? Otherwise it seems, that I have to move the content manually...(I tried starting the old server in normal mode, but it immediately starts doing evil things, so this doesn't seem a good option...)
I've been fiddling with Plesk to get HTTPS to work for [URL] .... Unfortunately I haven't had any successes at forcing HTTPS, all result in a 'to many redirects' message.
The certificate is already activated and can be verified trough; [URL] ....
We will be migrating from plesk 9 to plesk 11 and I am having some trouble finding a fix for something. Previously, http and https could either share a directory or have split directories (httpdocs and httpsdocs) for a site. Now all I see is httpdocs and I can't find a way to have separate directories.
I have Plesk 11.5 installed on my server. There are about 30 sites on the same shared IP address. I need to set up a site to be accessible via https://<ip-address-of-the-server> . According to the documentation I went to Setting -> IP Addresses and selected the desired site from the drop down. Now http://<ip-address-of-the-server> (note, 80th port) works like a charm. Unfortunately https:// displays only the first page of the selected site; all CSS, JS and other files are not found (404).
I did some research and found that Nginx forwards the requests to Apache for all the PHP files and tries to handle all the static files by itself (what is expected and correct). But it looks like that there is no special configuration for nginx which would specify where to get these static files for the IP address, and Nginx just uses the first loaded config (started from b in my case).
I temporary resolved this issue by modifying the last_nginx.conf for the desired domain this way: listen XX.XX.XX.XX:443 default_server ssl;
Note I added "default_server" directive. Of course it would be erased on each reconfiguration of the config files, but as for now I do not see how I can put it in custom nginx.conf or on the server servel level. I reckon Plesk should include the directive in the file the same way as it produces last_httpd_ip_default.conf Apache config for the selected domain. It looks to be an easy fix on the template level, may be I will do it later, but for now this is just the bug report.
the hostname is also in the serversettings of plesk. When we go to we become redirected to https://www:8443. The only way to connect to plesk is to use https the redirect from http doesnt work.
I moved my content from www,mysite,com to subdomain,mysite,com. I'd like to direct people who come to my site from search engines to the new location of the content.
For example, if they searched for pink purse and the search result was www,mysite,com/pink_purse,html, when they click that link, I'd like for them to redirected to subdomain,mysite,com/pink_purse.html. Can this be accomplished with some .htaccess magic?
Today at 12.50 pm my (ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS) server running plesk 12.0.18 suddenly stopped serving websites. Any attempts to access a webpage on any vhost returned the 502 bad gateway using Nginx error messsage.When I looked at the nginx logs, I found messages like:
Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client: m.m.m.m, server: , request: "GET /server-status HTTP/1.0", upstream: URL....
Restarting apache & nginx (/etc/init.d/apache2 restart & /etc/init.d/nginx restart) made no difference and I had to reboot to restore http access.
Strangely if I browsed with port 7080 specified (i.e. http://n.n.n.n:7080), this worked fine for all vhosts, so apache (which I believe is listening on this port while nginx listens on port 80) is working fine - nginx is just not able to pass stuff to it?