Hosting Onshore (Aust.) Vs. Offshore (US)
Jan 22, 2008
I have an ecommerce website built in .NET. We sell alot of records, music etc., so having fast loading mp3 samples is important.
Our shop is based in Australia and most of our customers will be based in Australia.
My questions is:
Will it make a difference whether we host in Australia or the U.S.?
Will hosting in the U.S. slow us down (in terms of website loading and mp3 samples loading)?
I am not sure how large the website is, but it has SQL databases and it currently has about 1.5 gig of mp3 samples uploaded to it. I am predicting we will need around 3 gig of disc space to start off with and then an increase of around 1/2 gig per month.
How do you think the website downloading speed and data transfer speed of mp3 samples on our website will be affected if we host in the offshore (in the U.S. for example)?
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Oct 22, 2009
I am thinking about getting image hosting website, which will support both adult and regular images and might be have a look like this one:
[url removed]
I asked some Onshore VPS hosting companies and they do allow adult image hosting. I am having TOS rules enabled about copyright rights and will support "report abuse" button so if somebody complains I could easy remove reported image. But anyway I think that it may cause some problems in the future.
My question is: which VPS is better and more reliable for this idea, Onshore or Offshore? and Why? What problems could I face with this type of website?
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Mar 26, 2008
I've been using a shared webhost that is on's network, however have experienced frequent hiccups with the network. I was looking at leaseweb, but their low prices really scare me.
The web server should preferably be in the Netherlands.
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Dec 2, 2008
I have a website that embeds anime videos hosted on websites like youtube/veoh/megavideo.
Is there a country/place a can host this type of site where it is legal to do this kind of embedding/linking. (none of the videos are hosted on website)
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Nov 14, 2008
If Theres Any Offshore V.P.S Hosting With Cpanel.
Looking For About
30-40 Gb Disk Space
100-150 Gb Bandwidth
Other Specs Not Really Fussed
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Apr 13, 2008
some quality offshore dedicated server providers. I have heard of Leaseweb and Piradius. Leaseweb seemed not to be a good choice as if I recall properly I read that previous hosting clients were dissatisfied with the lack of support. Is this true - what do you Leaseweb clients have to say? I could not find the Piradius servers so I gave up looking for them. Does anyone know where I can find their "actual" website?
Also, it would be helpful if someone can tell me how to find out who hosts a website by checking some data. For example, here is a Piradius client. Piradius might be a datacenter for all I know, so how I do find out who the hosting company is?
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Aug 2, 2008
any recommendations on any hosting companies that wouldn't be under jurisdiction of the US laws? i'm not thinking of doing anything illegal. i'm interested in working on a site about a company that is outsourcing their employees. employees want a public forum but not at the cost of being exposed.
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May 14, 2009
Like many of you, i'm very keen on protecting my privacy. I live in a European country and i don't trust my government or Brussels.
Unfortunately my knowledge about computer privacy is very little, so i hope you guys can help me out a bit.
What i need is:
- Anonymous offshore e-mail account, in a country like Hong Kong, Belize etc.
Payment by western union, SSL or other encryption, no record storage like when i logged in with which IP address etc.
- Anonymous offshore proxy, also in an offshore jurisdiction like Hong Kong.
Payment by wetsern union, Highly encrypted, no records etc.
I found some companies who offer these services, pretty much offers everything i need. But can i trust them? Because they only exist in "cyberspace". (not really offshore and they snoop in your records and emails, pro-actively work together with the gov.)
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Mar 29, 2009
I've been searching for a truly offshore hosting company (still vacillating between VPS and dedicated server, mostly because of my need to control my server) for my entirely legal, communications businesses websites that serve high profile individuals who like their privacy as much as I like mine. My goal is to be out of reach of the US civil legal system where anyone (American or not) can file frivolous lawsuits and use the purported power of the US subpoena to compel discovery and other information about me and my businesses that they couldn't otherwise obtain. They look at my businesses and see dollar signs; deep pockets they can get into with the right lawsuit.
It doesn't matter if a lawsuit has any legal basis here in the US; it's that one has been FILED that provides the right to subpoena and discovery. (I worked in law firms for years; I know how easily this can and is done.) And that means the defendant has the obligation to fight back or lose. Fighting, or even settling, can be costly to a small business.
There are people and lawyers here whose only source of income is such lawsuits--especially of the "John Doe" or "CyberSLAPP" type. Sometimes the only objective is the destruction of a business by a competitor or enemy--and a lawsuit targeted to a small business can have that affect. Those of you who are in the US know exactly what I mean; we have entire industries designed to protect us from frivolous legal actions that are costly to fight. Lawsuits are sport here and hosting companies, rather than be sued themselves, capitulate to a simple, threatening letter from a private attorney (or a bogus attorney letter from anyone trying to locate somebody), canceling private domain registration and revealing other information about a client. Many webhosts, here and abroad, don't even validate the letter or contact the client to allow them to quash a subpoena or respond to the letter before they "out" the client. I'm not talking about law enforcement agencies investigating a suspected crime; I'm talking about private citizens using a legal system gone haywire to harm those with American interests or connections.
There are numerous other threats to privacy here, too, including USA Patriot Act excused government snooping, stalkers and just plain nosy citizens sniffing traffic and hacking your website to learn things about you they want to know. But the legal actions are my biggest concern. Therefore, it's just cheaper to go offshore with my websites and domain registration (and take other protective actions to protect my privacy and content), making them as anonymous as possible, than to pay for all of the liability coverage I would need in order to protect myself and my businesses from lawsuits, which can be upwards of several thousand dollars a year AND require me to sign personal guarantees as well as put my name and contact information into one of those databases from which anyone, anyplace in the world can buy my info.
So, I need a hosting company in a privacy friendly jurisdiction (read, one that not only values free speech but won't "give you up" at the first hint of a legal threat) that has NO connection the to US, the surveillance societies that other countries have become or oppressive governments that harm those who speak out again political or other corruption or whatever. (That rules out MOST countries on the planet.)
However, most of the companies I've considered either use American servers to host their OWN sites, use American servers to host client sites or have some other connection to America! Some of them purport to be "truly anonymous" or "private" yet have American divisions or are American companies offering offshore privacy! Others register your domain privately or sell you DNS management and then park your domain on US servers! How can you claim that and be connected to the US or another surveillance society? (See the Privacy International website to learn what I mean by "surveillance society", if you don't know.)
It's gotten so that, in part because of one of my favorite Firefox add-ins that tells me where the server of a company is ACTUALLY located, regardless of their domain name's geo-designation, if I see an American flag on my browser bar, I don't even let the site load up before I close it. Connections to America mean client's privacy and confidentiality can be breached by an attorney letter or subpoena to the company hosting the server or to the American branch/hosting partner of the "offshore" company where the target has hosting. (And DNS cloaking or URL redirects aren't always successful.)
So, why do "offshore" hosting companies on American servers, using American hosting companies to serve clients, who are resellers for American hosting companies or that have other, direct or indirect connections to America, call themselves "offshore" when their assets are on American servers and subject them and their to American legal action and law (like the USA Patriot Act?)? Don't they know this is true?
Do clients desiring true privacy or anonymity (even those living outside the US using non-US hosting) understand the risks of hosting with or allowing your offshore registrar to park your domain on the servers of a hosting company with US ties (like a US division or parent) if they want to avoid US-related issues when hosting? I mean, even using Google ad dollars and similar US services if you're trying to remain offshore with your websites can subject you to legal action in the US and all that it means.
And, just who are the TRUE, reliable offshore hosts in privacy friendly jurisdictions who have great service AND price structure? Do they exist?
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Nov 2, 2009
I'm considering getting a 2nd VPS but offshore. I'm looking for a very good host thats been around for a few years and offers great support (maybe phone support if it's available?)
I need at LEAST 768MB guaranteed RAM (preferably 1GB), 300GB bandwidth, and cPanel/WHM all for around $40-$60 / month.
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Mar 5, 2009
Does anyone know any Swedish VPS providers, i only need a tiny server and perhaps later i will move onto something big if there server speeds are good.
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Nov 4, 2008
What are some good offshore datacenters? So far I've found Ecatel, but I'm yet to get a reply back from them.
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Aug 15, 2008
I have very specific needs for a VPS provider that can host a reverse engineered game server (NOT WoW) I want to run. I will not be using BitTorrent or IRC or the like, but I want to run an emulator that may or may not fall into DMCA reverse engineering issues (the legal implications just aren't all together clear with the DMCA). I just don't want to have to deal with getting unplugged constantly over something that is not illegal. I won't be hosting any copyrighted material or the like.
Here are my needs:
Windows 2003 Based VPS
384-512MB RAM upgradable if needed
10GB Disk space (Don't really need even that much)
150GB+ per month transfer
a good connection with semi-low latency (doesn't need to be as low as a counter-striker server or the like but needs to be solid and fast)
A control panel of some type is fine, but I only really need Remote Desktop access
Other than that I am pretty open. Country of origin doesn't matter too much and I would only like the company to be somewhat reliable. I want as cheap as possible of course, but I would be willing to spend ~$50 USD per month.
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Apr 25, 2008
I want to host mp3 forum whihc some legal and some illegal ( since impossible for me to check every single post ). i will remove the post if someone report it though. I need a managed offshore dedicated server with cpanel.
i will spend arround $200-200
Minimum spec
4 gigs memory
1000 gigs quality bandwith
mainly my users are from asia.
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Oct 15, 2009
I can't find providers with 10Krpm HDs+ offshore and they have to have good support. Also I need atleast 2Tb over 100Mbit.
The reason why I need it to be offshore is because my client wants to have a subtitles sites and I'm not exactly sure if its legal or not in america and UK. Also netherlands or germany is preffered I looked at swiftnoc but not sure if they have 10krpm hard drives.
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Aug 22, 2009
Have a client who is looking at hosting a number of sites offshore, likely in Panama. The sites are targeting Central American users, so he wants to host them close to his users.
I'm sending out some emails to some datacenters I've seen recommended (HighSecured, HostingPanama), though one concern I have is what is involved with exporting servers outside of the US.
I know when ordering through Dell, one of the questions in the process is about exporting the servers. For a country like Panama, what sort of restrictions do they have? What kind of expenses should I expect with customs or what not?
Finally, anyone have any experience with shipping servers offshore? My biggest concern is with hardware replacements. Most colocation there seems to be per-U than 1/2 rack, so I couldn't necessarily have a spare standby server or spare parts sitting in the rack. Even if they could store some spare drives or what not, how do you deal with getting replacements there from Dell, or RMA'ing bad drives? Seems like there would be a lot of time lost and expenses due to shipping things around.
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May 18, 2008
I am currently having some problems with my Off-Shore Host, too many downtimes and MySQL errors so I am looking for a new OffShore Web Host. I need a web host that can host: and it must be offshore. Anybody here has any experiences with a good Off Shore Host?
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Mar 24, 2009
is there any host offshore that allow rapidshare inks
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May 9, 2008
Anyone know some cheap offshore clustered shared host?
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Nov 15, 2008
Does anyone know of cheap offshore data centers, we have some customers in need of offshore hosting services.
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Jun 13, 2008
looking for a dedicated server outside usa/canada, with irc access under 75$.
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Jun 25, 2008
please recomend me any vps providers in india, rusia, china and other offshore states.
i want >256MB RAM, >2GB HDD, pay via paypal, >300GB bandwidth, one or two IPs
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Apr 23, 2009
I'm trying to find at least three web hosting companies to choose from to host a Joomla websites on a shared server. Would consider dedicated if the deal was right. I have a friend of mine who wants to create a church website, and is looking for the best deal. I use Netfirms which I have never had an issue with, but I didn't want to be bias, and would like give him other options to choose from.
Is there a good WebHosting Review site, I could check out, or maybe someone could recommend their top three. I reading threw the forums here and I noticed there are not that many complaints with Hostgator. Again, I just want to see if there was anything out there better.
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Mar 5, 2009
I'm hosting wmv,wma,mp3 files, streaming of video can be done with Windows hosting, but my website script is with php.
Do you suggest Windows Server 2008 hosting or redhat linux hosting?
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Jun 4, 2009
Lets say you're a customer looking for web hosting, but do have technical experience - you know, you develop your own websites, you've had experience in this sort of thing before.
What if you came across a provider who seemed to offer a good service, they're high quality, they can host your website on their brilliant setup etc... but they do not provide any e-mail accounts with your hosting?
We're developing our own shared hosting setup, our own control panel too. Regardless of the control panel though, we wouldn't feel comfortable hosting peoples e-mail. We have plenty of experience in every other aspect of general shared hosting - but not looking after e-mail accounts nor the associated software.
To be honest I don't think that many shared hosting providers truely handle e-mail properly, and that job should really be left to the professionals.
We could of course guide customers or potential customers on why we won't offer e-mail accounts (i.e. not wanting to offer something we know we can't provide to a high enough standard) and instruct them on how to setup e-mail with another provider (such as Google, who will do this for free with limitations).
The alternative to the above is that we mask in a third party to look after e-mail, i.e. resell someone elses e-mail services as part of our hosting packages. The third party would require API access to setup/remove accounts..
What do you think? Are we just acting stupid trying to provide web hosting without e-mail hosting included? I noticed a while back Dreamhost encouraged their customers to use an alternative e-mail provider!
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Oct 26, 2009
I have about 5 sites all hosted on my same hosting account. One of those domains is attached to the hosting account. I place my other domains in a folder of a sub-directory of my main domain. This has been working fine, up until today when i noticed a weird error. I give you a little example of how my sites are setup
my main domain:
My other sites hosted in a sub-directory of my main domain:
How my other sites appear on the web:
This works fine for every page until i go to
It redirects to for some reason
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Feb 27, 2008
Can WHT'ers please suggest some reliable UK hosts so I can do some research on them? I am just looking for a small hosting account hosting one domain.
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Aug 31, 2014
Plesk 12 - Domain with no hosting I'm getting error when changing hosting settings to Website Hosting
Error: Some fields are empty or contain an improper value. ('home' = '')
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Jun 4, 2008
*web hosting
*game server hosting
*voice server hosting
Ive finished the template at the moment here is how it looks: ...
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Apr 2, 2009
This question gets asked a lot in our Helpdesk and I figured I would post our knowledgebase article here to help anyone else wondering the Pros and Cons of Unlimited Domain Shared Hosting vs. Reseller Hosting. If anyone has anything else to add, I appreciate any feedback on how we can improve our KB article.
Given the present state of shared hosting, many clients may ask "Why would I need a Reseller account if I can host unlimited Addon and Parked domains within a single shared hosting account?". There is certainly enough Disk Space and Bandwidth provided in many of today's hosting packages, so why bother to purchase a Reseller account?
Many don't realize the drawbacks of hosting large numbers of domains within a single hosting account until they've already packed tens of them onto a single package.
So how do you know whether a Reseller account or Shared Hosting account is right for you? The answer is in how you plan to provide access to others and how "mission-critical" the sites are. You should consider the following factors when deciding on hosting a large number of domains:
1. Who will be managing these sites?
2. How important is site security between sites?
3. Will these domains need dedicated SSLs?
4. How resource intensive will these sites be (RAM, CPU, MySQL)?
In a nutshell, Reseller plans are for those who wish to host websites for other sub-clients and a shared hosting package is for a single individual managing multiple personal domains. We'll go over the 4 points above in greater detail.
1. Who will be managing these site?
If you personally own multiple domains and wish to host them within the same hosting space, you can easily do so with an Addon or Parked domain. An addon domain will allow you to host a new domain within a subdirectory of your hosting space. A parked domain will allow you to have multiple domain names point to the same content. Since addon domains reside within the same user space as your main domain, you can manage all of your domains with a single login. You can see the problem if you want to provide another user with access. Since all accounts are managed with a single set of login credentials, if you give another user access to their addon domain you are also giving them access to your main domain. If you have vital information stored on your main domain and you are hosting another domain as an addon domain for someone else, you cannot provide them access to their hosting without compromising the integrity of your main domain.
When hosting sites as a Reseller, your clients in turn will want access to their account and will want exclusive rights to their disk space and server resources. With a Reseller account, each sub-account you create gets its own username, password, and isolated user space on the server. Individual clients of yours have access to their user space and their user space alone. In addition to the isolation with regards to access concerns, each account also gets their own cPanel access. All of the same great features that you use to manage your sites can also be given to your clients. Next time client Y wants to add an email account, you don't have to do it for them for fear of giving them access to your cPanel, you can simply give them their login details and they can manage their own email accounts.
2. How important is site security between sites?
This is along the same lines as point 1. This is not necessarily related to who you are hosting for, but what content you are hosting. Imagine that you are a webmaster and you are hosting your own personal site-in-a-box community forums (such as PHPBB or vBulliten) on your main domain and a company website for a paying client on an addon domain. It is not uncommon for popular scripts to have security flaws in older versions. Script authors will often update security flaws in later versions of their software. For this reason, it is very important to keep scripts up to date on your site. But let's assume you forget to update your scripts for a couple of months and an unscrupulous individual takes advantage of a well known security hole. Using this exploit, they gain access to your forums and any subdirectories. Since you are hosting another domain as an addon, they now have access to this domain's content as well. A site defacement on this company's site may not bode well for you when they are considering you for web master services in the future.
If these two domains had been separate into two individual users (i.e. two subaccounts created through a Reseller), their content would've been inherently isolated server side by Linux's user management. Sure, your forums still would've been affected by the security hole, but the break-in would've been isolated to your site alone.
Going back to our example, let's say that instead of a corporate website as an addon domain you are hosting an image gallery site for all of your cats. In this case, it may not be a big deal if a compromise in your main domain spreads to your addon domain. After all, they are both owned by you and you're only losing some time and effort to restore these sites from your local backups (which I'm sure you've actively maintained ). But then again, you are losing time and time is money. If these sites had been separated into individual users, again, you'd only have to restore one site's content.
The idea here is isolation. Reseller plans provide you with the peace of mind to know that if one of your users doesn't keep up with their site's content as actively as they should, their actions won't negatively impact the content hosted on other domains. If you and those you host in your addons are diligent webmasters, maybe this point won't have much bearing on your decision. Only you can say for sure.
3. Will these domains need SSLs?
As of this writing, SSL certificates must have a dedicated IP address to be installed. If you are hosting multiple domains on the same shared hosting package, you can still install an SSL (or purchase a dedicated IP address and install one) but you are limited to exactly one SSL on your account. If you are hosting multiple domains on the same package (and consequently the same IP), you must choose which domains gets to have the dedicated SSL.
Sub accounts of Resellers can each be placed onto separate IP addresses and, as a result, can each have their own dedicated SSL installed.
Of course, both shared accounts and Resellers' sub accounts can use the server's shared SSL free of charge. However, some clients prefer to see their domain in the URL bar when they visit https.
4. How resource intensive will these sites be (RAM, CPU, MySQL)?
We've already established that disk space and bandwidth will be no problem. But what about CPU, RAM, and MySQL resources?
It's important to be aware of the resource needs of your website. As administrators, we have to make sure all users "play nice" on the server. We can't have user X eating all of the CPU cycles computing pi to the trillionth decimal place while you are trying to serve web pages to your loyal visitors. We have to monitor the actions of all of our users and in the event someone is stepping beyond the bounds of acceptable resource consumption, we have to take action. In most cases, this entails disabling the abusive script, but in extreme cases we have to suspend the abusive user account to prevent other domains from encountering performance degradation on their sites.
If you are hosting 100 domains as addon domains, all serving nothing but static HTML pages, maybe you will stay off the radar.
But considering most sites are more complicated than static HTML, you may want to be aware of how many sites you host as addons and what content they serve. If you're hosting the latest and greatest Joomla modules, with up to date news feeds, integrated forums modules, polls, blog posts, etc your site can certainly require a degree of CPU to serve your pages. Now imagine you have 5 or 10 of these sites all hosted as addon domains. The resources these sites need to generate their content can quickly add up and before you know it you've got a friendly email from Acenet, Inc. in your inbox wondering why your user is consuming 2 of the 8 CPU cores on the server. That may be an exaggeration, but you get the idea. In the event your resource usage becomes so excessive that we have to suspend your user, now all of your sites are down instead of whichever one may be the direct cause of the spike in CPU, RAM, or MySQL consumption.
If each of these had been separate Reseller accounts, the offending account could've been suspended temporarily while we work through the cause, leaving the rest of your domains live and kicking.
The conclusion here is that you need to be aware of the needs of your sites in a general sense. Hosting unlimited domains within a shared hosting space is certainly a nice feature. For those webmasters who have multiple presences on the web, it's very convenient to be able to manage all of their personal domains from a single control panel. For those entrepreneurs who are hosting multiple domains for other individuals, the features and security associated with a Reseller plan and the inherent isolation of Linux users is a must have.
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Jul 31, 2014
I'have a problem with my aps setup on sanbox.When i create on customer ccp when i click finish i have this error. I must only test.
Error: Instance of application with id 124 and version '1-4' can not be provided: There is no resource of class 'Shared hosting Apache' with provisioning attributes 'Web Cluster' in subscription with id 1.:There is no resource of class 'Physical hosting (IIS)' with provisioning attributes 'Web Cluster' in subscription with id 1..If i add the shared hosting apache resourse i get this error : There are no "apache" services that satisfy given attributes: "Web Cluster".
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