Hosting Only To Storage Files
Jan 20, 2009
I need a hosting with 5-10 GB Hard-drive Space and about 500 GB of bandwidth (maybe a bit less). Without any features (apache, php, etc). I need only Ftp to upload and share video files.But not very expensive, not more than $10-$20.
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May 11, 2007
we're LearnOutLoud and we're currently running out of space on our 1.2 terabyte server filled up 90% with audio files. We'll be expanding in the coming years with the audio files that we'll be adding and we're looking for the best option for storing our audio files.
We're talking with our ISP about getting an 8 drive chassey with 8 500GB drives for a total of 4.0 terabytes with a RAID setup giving us about 3.5 terabytes to work with. It will cost us in the $3000-$5000 range and we're just not sure if we want to put that up at the moment, as this growth will be over time and we may not even need all this space.
What we'll be storing on this new server would be just audio files (audio books that are purchased on our site). They are not accessed very heavily so we don't need to concern ourselves too much with processing speed or bandwidth.
We're looking into some other solutions for storage such as Amazon S3, Media Temple, and some other ones. We don't need a lightning fast expensive content delivery network like Limelight Networks, as their storage costs are way too much. We want something we can grow and pay as we grow.
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Mar 3, 2015
I am having problems with two accounts, I get the following errors:
Failed to copy files storage to destination path. stderr: filemng: Cannot open destination file '/var/www/vhosts/domain.tld/httpdocs/index.html.Chn3rn' System error 122: Disk quota exceeded stdout: filemng: Cannot open destination file '/var/www/vhosts/domain.tld/httpdocs/index.html.Chn3rn' System error 122: Disk quota exceeded
I have run the command
quotacheck -avugfm
And the output from the command
df -i
Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on
/dev/vzfs 20000000 1542375 18457625 8% /
/dev/simfs 20000000 1542375 18457625 8% /tmp
/dev/simfs 20000000 1542375 18457625 8% /var/tmp
none 1415577 113 1415464 1% /dev
I am at a loss, I don't know what else to try.
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Sep 24, 2009
I need to put a proposal for a client who has 20 TB data storage (files/images).
Will propose PHP/mysql - mysql for meta data of files and other authentication etc. Application/mysql could just be ~10 MB.
The storage would increase (incrementally) ~ 1 TB per year.
And data needs stored at a different place for Disaster Recovery point of view.
Need to figure storage costing.
Please give me some pointers:
a) How to find high storage hosting provider?
b) Has any one experimented with Cloud Computing, and if so any ball park potential costing? I attempt S3 and could not figure costing.
c) or any other suggestion.
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Feb 2, 2009
how come the difference between shared and resellers storage is so different? If you buy shared, you can get stupid amounts of storage like 250 gigs or even unlimited for $5 a month. Yet the same company sells a reseller account for $30 and you only get 20 gigs.
Assuming you are going to split that up and sell that 20 gigs in 1 gig blocks to try and make money, why wouldn't your potential customer buy the shared account instead, and get way more space? It seems backwards to me. Shared $5 should be 20 gigs, and resellers $30 should be 250 gigs. I'm talking about big name trusted sites, not fly-by-nights who have unlimited everything.
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Dec 17, 2008
I've gone Geek! I just switched to GeekStorage hosting a little less than a month ago, because my previous host was just ridiculous. I won't get into it because I could go on for days about my old host, it was just plain horrible. I'm not really one to mudsling or drag people's livelihoods down, so I'll just let them remain anonymous. Alot of the problems probably weren't in their control but they were numerous. That's enough of that though, because I've packed my bags for greener pastures and don't even want to look back.
Anyways, so I've been at Geek Storage for about a month now, on a shared hosting plan.
In this time I must say that I have been quite impressed with them. I've been through a number of hosts throughout the years, and have been studying the hosting game for years now. So since I know what to look for, I shopped around here at WHT for a couple of months and was drawn to Geekstorage. It was not an easy decision to make, finding a host, I'm very very picky.
First of all, I've fallen in love with the Litespeed http server. I still have all the benefits of apache, such as mod_rewrite, and any other apache modules. With Litespeed, PHP code executes blazingly fast. When I first benchmarked a Zend framework bootstrap on the servers, I fell in love. And once it was cached in memory... well let's just say it was like the time when Bruce Willis was dead at the end of the Sixth Sense. This is coming from a HUGE performance stickler... I am rarely impressed by these kinds of things. Some bigger MySQL queries that took ~0.148s to execute on my old host don't even have a benchmark reading on these servers (they round off to 0.00001s). I don't know why there was such a remarkable difference, perhaps just more memory available on the server compared to my last host.
The servers have Ruby/RoR installed, as well as Python. I am a really big fan of Python, in fact I believe it will take over the scripting world in the coming years, becoming more popular than PHP and Perl. So this was a selling point to me, since I want to get into Django development more.
Another selling point to me was PostgreSQL databases. Though I am using MySQL for all my current projects, the scope of some bigger projects I am looking into getting off the ground in the future (when I can only find the time...), require a more robust database system. What's funny is when I first signed up for GeekStorage the PostgreSQL database connection settings weren't working correctly, and PhpPgAdmin (the postgreSQL phpmyadmin equivalent) was not working. I sent in a support ticket and the problem was solved almost immediately. I think I may be the first client to use the pgsql databases!
I guess I should probably put a link to one of my sites here. This one's kinda greyhat, in fact I wouldn't even reccomend going to it because I've shoved an barrage of ads onto the page. The myspace crowd seems to love them. Here's the URL anyways:
[url]. Coming soon: Popups and peel away ads,
I haven't experienced any downtime, any slow page loads, or any other problems of that nature. I hope it continues to be that way, and as for now I am very happy with my decision. The best part to me, is it seems I have found people just as geeky about technology as me. Everything is the current version, Ruby, pgsql, mysql, PHP, etc. All up to date and ready to go. I love staying current on technology, and the Geeks really seem to know their stuff.
And before you ask I'll be sure to give the 3-month, 6-month, and 1-year reviews in due time Geek Storage Web Hosting
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Sep 26, 2008
Which companies besides for Dreamhost allow the storage of backup files on their shared hosting accounts?
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Sep 20, 2007
I'm completely torn on going the absolute budget route vs spending more for something that'll allow easy upgradeability in the future. I basically need lots of space but file sending-- media like mp3s, video, etc.
it'll be raid 5 and I'll need at least 2-3TB initially but the ability to expand would be nice.
option 1:
nice chassis with plenty of hotswap bays with sas expanders
expensive sas raid card
option 2:
cheap chassis to serve "immediate" needs and go with more later.
not sure what I'd use as a card? maybe even onboard?
regarding reliability: I once saw a database of failure rates of different models. raptor was the most reliable of the "desktop" drives. anyone have the link? I'm wondering of the seagate ES drives are worth the extra money vs the non-ES drives. they're supposedely more reliable and the "server versions" of sata drives.
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Mar 27, 2009
My earlier one month review of Geek Storage got deleted with the whole WHT-take over thing, and I figured it was about time to write a new review anyways.
GeekStorage has been a dream host for me. I have a developer package with them. I recently upgraded my account to unlimited domains, because I am slowly migrating all my domains and sites over to them.
I am paying ~$7 a month for a ton of features. I could actually get it cheaper, if I paid more in advance. Right now I'm paying quarterly, but after this next session I will most likely switch to yearly and get an even better rate. I'm getting 10GB storage, 250GB bandwith (the next upgrade would be $8/month for 25GB/500GB). I get unlimited domains, MySQL, PostGreSQL, blah blah blah. So it's feature rich, very affordable, and it's not overselling.
The features outweigh anything I've seen. The setup for PHP performance sticklers like me is incredible. The Litespeed web server is the way to go in my opinion. It has the ability to use apache modules, so that is great for easily modifying rewrite rules and whatnot with an .htaccess. Litespeed is so incredibly fast, I'll never settle for less again. Hopefully, as long as GeekStorage keeps up it's act I won't have to!
If you ever want an Apache or CGI module or anything of that nature, all you have to do is submit a ticket and they'll install it! I've never seen such a personal host where you can make requests like that.
GeekStorage also has PostgreSQL, a major selling point for me. However, nobody else on the server uses it. I say this because my only ticket so far was when I first joined GeekStorage and PhpPgAdmin (postgresql phpmyadmin equivalent) did not connect correctly. I put in a ticket and they fixed it right away.
Downtime? I haven't had any. I'm not sure how to track that, but I have some moderate volume niche sites that are constantly getting organic traffic. I have consistently made sales through these sites and have not noticed any drop-off. Everytime I go any of my sites hosted at GeekStorage, they load up quickly. I'm at ease of not having to worry about my sites going down.
Most of my sites are kinda greyhat, so I don't like to post them. So here's one you can use to confirm I have hosting with GeekStorage: [url]
So their website is: If you want fast shared hosting, tons of features, lots of space and bandwith without overselling, and people who know what the *@)# they're doing, and all at an awesome price-- then I can recommend GeekStorage. They've been a class act so far
If you have any questions or something I didn't get to I'll try to keep an eye on this thread, otherwise you can PM me.
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Jul 18, 2008
Just got a letter from InMotion. They don't like I uploaded my backup files to them, which makes their hosting benefits totally pointless to me and I will be moving to some other cheaper hosting since I basically only use email.
So I need some place to store my backups... I need only about 5 Gb, and I don't care about bandwidth, as I don't plan to download them unless all my HDDs will burn or get stolen or something so I don't need bandwidth. And it should be no more than few bucks/mo.
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Oct 26, 2008
For those host which are not overselling, they have obviously the space for file storage. But should they allow file storage on their shared hosting account, if they aren't overselling, and the files are legal?
Well, this can also be counted as a survey I need
It would be best if you provide a reason if your vote is no.
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Aug 21, 2007
on good hosting setups for getting large amounts of disk space.
I would like to be able to offer up to 2Gb storage space for 100s, maybe up to a few 1000 users - any solution should scale well. The files would be static files that might be up to 400Mb in size.
It would be nice to be able to give users FTP access to their disk space, although it's not a core requirement.
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Aug 7, 2008
I'm trying to migrate my vps to another server, and basically I need to move the entire public_html directory from first server to the second. As its almost 2.5 gb, downloading and ftping isn't really an option, so I'm thinking i need to tar and then gzip it, and then somehow transfer it diectly.
so my question is what is the proper command to use for tar and gzip in this case? and what method to transfer. should i use wget or is there a better way. Once i have it on my destination server how do i untar it, and what path will it untar to?
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Nov 1, 2009
First of all I should say sorry for my English, it's not good but I hope you can understand it.
I have a downloads site where most of the content are .zip and .rar files. I use about 300GB/month of bandwith, and it's growing a lot so I decided to move the files to a file-based hosting.
So, I'm looking for a service like Rapidshare, Megaupload... in their premium accounts. I need:
· About 300GB of monthly bandwith or more.
· About 5GB of hard disk space.
The main purpose is to share files, so I don't need any database, php support or any other thing... just file sharing.
I want to spend about 100€/120$ on it every year.
I was thinking on an "unlimited" hosting as HostGator, but the ToS of must of them says it's not allowed to use it as a file sharing account.
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Nov 23, 2008
i am confused which one is better VPS or Dedi ? my budget is very low under $25-20 / Month , I saw some dedi offers for $30/month from prontoserver i think is that Good?
or Go with a VPS? i need 60GB and 400GB of bw so what is the best thing?
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Oct 6, 2008
I have a customer who wants to sell access to videos of conferences he runs.
Each flv vid is approx 1 - 1 1/2 hors long approx 380MB each and there will be about 12 videos per conference.
approx 4 - 8 conferences per year.
My customer suggests 10 - 20 people will buy access to watch each video.
Access to watch the videos will be through a password protected webpage.
issue - the current site hosting company only allow uploads up to 150MB per file.
Can I host the flash videos elsewhere and deliver them through the password protected web page without anyone else being able to see them via server they are hosted on?
This would also reduce the bandwidth going through his current site server.
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Mar 4, 2009
i need a webhosting for upload mp3 and video clip without copyright ..
and just need :
15gb hdd
150gb bw
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Dec 22, 2007
I was asked to redesign one web site. Nothing much complicated. I've got username and pass to hosting provider. Now I can see the files of web site that are already there but how can I download them because only upload seems to be possible. And if so why is that so?
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Aug 30, 2007
I have a little project for a website that contains some of Downloadable files
and Media Files!
In my calculation..., I may use about 50 GB storage
and if the number of visiors is as what im expected i'll need 1 TB bandwith or some less!
let's talk about the hosting part here
i know that there are some companies that over more than 300 gb storage and more that 3 TB of traffic!
but i don't think they are going to work with my project so... i searched for a vps to start my project ..., and im thinking in dedicated server in the future..,so let's not talk about the future right now!
I want to talk about the ability of vps for downloads hosting!
the vps I've found is this one:
Disk Space : 60,000 MB (60 GB)
Number of Domains : Unlimited Domains
CPU Limit : Equal Share
Guranteed Memory : 512 MB
Burstable Memory : 2048 MB
Monthly Bandwidth : 2,000 GB
Included Control Panel : cPanel / WHM
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Sep 7, 2007
I'm currently looking for a good, realiable and fairly priced webhost to use for hosting files for downloads. Wont be hosting an actual website on the account - just files.
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Oct 24, 2009
I want to know the best offer for hosting my site:
I've 10 GB dowloadable files zip, mp3,...
I need to host at least 10 Domains and unlimited SubDomains.
PHP5 and at least 10 MySQL DBs.
I prefer Umlimited Bandwidth and Ulimited visitors hits.
I've a forum with +22k I prefer to e-mail them weekly so I want to know outgoing e-mails limit.
It will be good if there is a Shell access.
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Oct 29, 2008
When i try to upload a image files to the linux based shared hosting server application with java and .Jsp files
(using apache common file upload) the following exception is getting...! access denied ( /var/chroot/home/content/h/e/r/heritageameric/html/heritageshopping/abc.txt write)
Hosting people suggesting me that i need .htaccess file to solve and get write permission..!
But iam completely new to this .htaccess file concept..!
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Nov 6, 2008
I signed up for hosting with IX Web Hosting in April of 2007. There have been two occasions that they provided the perfect example of Terrible Customer Service. So much so, my last pony ride with IX Web Hosting was my last. I decided to call it quits and move my account to Host Gator.
I keep my most important sites on a dedicated server at If you are interested in a dedicated server or VPS, I highly recommend Servint. You will not beat the level of service and professionalism this company offers. But that’s another post in itself.
The point is, I had some SEO tests I wanted to perform and I was looking for a hosting company that would allow me to host 10 different domains in the same account on different ip addresses. IX Web Hosting had the plan I was looking for. So in April of 2007, I signed up for a hosting account.
Overall, I was pretty satisfied with the server performance at IX Hosting. I experienced very little if any downtime from server issues. They don’t offer a standard cpanel interface like most web hosts. It appears to be a proprietary / in house control panel.
It was pretty straight forward and with a little time I was up to speed.
Then on June 5, 2008, I got the following email from a System Administrator at IX Web Hosting.
My name is Anthony, and I am a system administrator at IXWebhosting. I’m here to ensure a reliable and fast hosting / e-mail environment. This is the reason why I ask you to get in touch with us.
We have received numerous complaints from third-parties about spam originating from your website. As you may know, spam is an on-going problem for all internet users, hence all companies have very strict rules against spam. I am here to ensure that neither you nor any other customer is facing any downsides which could be the result of these spam regulations.
We ask you to immediately cease and desist any such activities. If you are unaware of this activity, please contact me or any of my colleagues via this ticket, phone or live-chat so that we can find the reason for the spam activity together and fix the issue instead of the symptom. Viruses and things of that nature may be installed on your computer and will cause the spamming. We recommend that you run an anti-virus program. If you currently do not possess an anti-virus program, you may download a free version. Please just follow the link below to find Google’s best links for free anti-virus software: [url]
In order to ensure your hosting and mail environment is working flawlessly, we ask you to get in touch with us within the next 72 hours. I highly appreciate your time.
Best Regards,
Anthony Washington
System Administrator
They identified the domain as This is a domain I own but have never promoted. Not only had I not sent spam through IX Web Hosting, I averaged less than 200 sent email a month on all the domains on my account. So on June 6, 2008 I responded to IX Web Hosting with the following two messages.
Hi Anthony,
I can assure you I am not sending spam from this domain or any others. I’m a little surprised that this domain is in question? I set it up over a year ago and haven’t ever promoted it. I don’t send any type of email over this domain. I have no reason to. It gets no traffic or inquiries.
Are you sure there isn’t some type of mistake? Otherwise, there are a couple of php style contact forms on that site. Could a hacker use that sort of thing to send spam? How can we track this down?
Brent Crouch
Here is the second email I sent on the same day.
Hi Anthony,
I am using AVG on my computer and the scan completed finding no viruses. Besides that, I am using Outlook to manage the mail on several of my domains. I don’t even have a send account setup for on my computer. As I stated in the previous reply, I have no reason to since this domain is not promoted.
Can you give me the IP address of where the spam originates? I’d like to compare that to my IP address here at home and office.
Brent Crouch
I had no information to track the issue any further. The lack of response from IX Web Hosting left me to believe the issue had been resolved or there had been a mistake. Then 4 days later on June 10, 2008 I got this message.
We tried to reach you today in order to resolve this issue, but unfortunately it has been well over 72 hours since this ticket was placed. We must sadly suspend your services, please do not hesitate to call us at 1-800-385-0450 any time, day or night.
Best Regards
Amazing! They give me no information to solve this problem. On top of that, they don’t respond to my ticket in 4 days and because I didn’t answer the phone when they called they suspended not only the domain in question but every domain listed in my account.
I called in and spoke to a tech support guy who allowed me to remove the domain in question and in return, he restored my other domains. He also left a message to have the tech support manager call me the following day.
The manager I spoke to apologized for the way the ticket was handled and the lack of information that was given. He said he would follow up with the employees that were responsible for the ticket and make sure it never happened again. He was helpful in looking at the server logs and determining how someone had loaded a spam bot onto my site.
Apology accepted. Stuff happens. I considered it water under the bridge and not a big deal. Not so much…..
After my first run in with IX Web Hosting, I wrote the whole incident off as a fluke. The manager I spoke to seemed very sincere and assured me that wasn’t proper protocol and wouldn’t happen again. I was trucking right along until I got this email from them on October 26, 2008.
Dear Brent Crouch,
We have received notification of phishing material in your account. Phishing files are usually placed through some type of exploit of out dated code, weak file and folder permissions. Packaged shopping carts and photo galleries are usual sources as hackers find exploits and developers fix them almost daily, so unless you constantly update the software or completely secure it things like this can happen.
You must agree to remove this content and update any software that has resulted in security holes. To protect your account from further action you must agree to our request for compliance. Please respond to this message stating your intent to do so. You may either log into your control panel with us, and access this ticket via the 24/7 help desk, or provide this ticket number to our Live Chat or phone representatives. Failure to respond to this message within 72 hours will result in the suspension of the affected domain with us until such a time as this matter is resolved.
The email gave me no indication of which domain had been hacked. When I wrote to live help and gave them the ticket number, I spent 10 minutes waiting only to be told they didn’t know which of my domains had been effected. They recommended I reply to the online support ticket.
Here is the email I sent them in response on October 27, 2008.
I replied to live help and they could not find any information. So far you haven’t told me which domain is a problem.
Please give me the info I need to correct this problem and I’ll take care of it.
Brent Crouch
Eight hours later, I was able to find the problem by viewing all the files on my domains and looking for the files that had been recently changed. It turned out my domain had been hacked and setup with all sorts of eBay and bank phising pages. The site operates on a Wordpress platform which is widely used and is a big target for hackers.
I wrote back to IX Web Hosting for a second time on October 27, 2008.
I found the problem on my domain. I updated the wordpress software to the latest and cleaned up the problem. The only exception is the directory. I am unable to delete this directory as the hacker has removed my access. Please delete the directory.
Brent Crouch
The following day, here is the email I got back from IX Web Hosting.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. Per your request we have removed:
/ - deleted
We will be closing this ticket at this time. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to assist.
Please note that this is the second time this problem occurred. Unfortunately, I have to bring to your attention that as per our terms of service a third instance will result in immediate account termination without notice. No backups will be provided. If you have any questions about how to avoid this from happening again our support team will be glad to advise.
Support Tech Representative
When I seen that response, I was pissed! I run my own server at I’ve hosting accounts at several other hosting companies. I’ve never had a site hacked except from IX Web Hosting.
In 4 months, I’ve had two sites hacked. In both instances, IX Hosting was zero help in locating the source of the problem. In the first incident, they didn’t even reply to my ticket for 4 days. In the latest incident, they couldn’t even tell me what domain was hacked.
Then they send me an email telling me if it happens again not only will they suspend my account, they’ll deny me access to my files! Huh?
That’s not a risk I’m willing to take. With the high costs of obtaining customer’s in this business, I’m a little surprised they don’t do a better job of trying to retain them. In my opinion, this policy is unacceptable and makes IX Web Hosting one of the worst hosts I’ve ever dealt with.
I just signed up for a hosting account with Host Gator and have already moved all my domains over. So far, so good.
What’s your experience with IX Web Hosting?
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Feb 21, 2015
I'm trying to set up a multi-tenant web application across multiple servers and would like to provide ssl for those tenants
I know this is possible to dynamically assign ssl using mod_rewrite, but I'm worried about speed.
Does apache cache the ssl cert file(s) when using mod_rewrite, or does apache lookup the ssl file every handshake / session?
How ssl cert files work and if using mod_rewrite is a worthy approach if connection speed is important.
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Feb 9, 2008
Not sure if this is beyond anyones experience here or knowledge but I thought I would give it a try here and see if I can get any insight on this.
Recently I had to work with a IBM xSeries 226 server which runs two SCSI Ultra320 drives in it at this time. I've actually purchased two extra drives for it but the distributor sent me the wrong drives for that server. Now they are saying its my fault of not proving them with more information but I think stating that I have two SCSI Ultra320 drives would be enough for them to send the right ones.
Now they sent me the IBM SAS Serial ATA SCSI drives, so I was wondering if anyone in here has enough knowledge to possibly provide me on the insight on the solution I think might be right to still use these two drives and not being stuck with a $2000 bill and two drives that I don't use.
My solution would be to buy one of the support or any Adaptec SAS Serial ATA SCSI controller cards and put it into one of the available PCIe slots and connect the drives. I've tried contacting IBM regarding this but they want $200 bucks just to say "yeah it will work or no it wont".
Logically I think it would work, the only thing I'm afraid is that let say I spend $400 - $1000 bucks on a controller card and it doesn't work they way you would think, then I'm out $3000 bucks. (drives are $2000 + $1000 for a controller card).
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Jul 8, 2007
I just clicked on the Lunarpages webhosting ad at the top of this forum. Not really hunting for hosting myself but regularly suggest places to clients.
I noticed something strange. Their business account has unlimited storage:
# Unlimited Storage
# 3500 Gigs Data Transfer
For 21.95 per month. That's more space than you get with their virtual private servers.
Now we know that's not possible, machines have limits right? I've seen other hosting providers offer unlimited features as well - and since all servers have limited space and bandwidth abilities how can they offer these types of services with out the FTC cracking down for false advertising?
Beyond that, I don't recommend any service that offers unrealistic plans. Am I just overreacting since it seems more and more common?
** note, this isn't an attack on Lunarpages. They were there and it made this thought pop in my head.
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May 30, 2009
I just like to thank Ryan from Aquarius Storage for helping me the other day set up my test account and test the server's loading time with my website. I now have fully transferred from my previous host, PeachyDandy, as my site loaded very slowly. I have now cancelled my account with PeachyDandy.
With Aquarius Storage my website now loads twice as fast as before. Site loading time according to Pingdom:
PeachyDandy - Average of 6 Seconds
Aquarius Storage - Average of 3 Seconds
Website - Mango Chico
Great job with the support Aquarius Storage! Moreover, the staff are very approachable and welcoming!
If you need speed, Aquarius Storage, is your hosting solution
Thumbs up Aquarius!
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Oct 2, 2008
My site is on forumotion right now. I want to move it and have it hosted somewhere. It is a local Mustang club. I have read all the problems with the oversold sites. I have also looked at others. The big issue is i dont rally know how much space I need. This is the site What it will have is that forum and probably a few webpages. It is still only a month old so it will keep growing hopefully. i just dont want to get way more than I will need.
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Apr 9, 2008
Does anyone know of a good reliable and redundant method of organizing clustered storage? I know that IBM has GPFS - has anyone actually used it? Do they charge a crap load for it?
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Jun 11, 2008
We need a High Speed "FTP Storage Solution" for transferring our files securely between our offices.
requirements are simple:
1. High Speed / Good Port Speed in Megs.
2. Unlimited Sub-Accounts
3. Restrict Access by Sub-Account
4. FTP Based Access is Important
5. Ability to Create Read Only / Write Only Sub-Accounts
Space: 2 GB +
Bandwidth: 20GB +
Speed: Speed is Key For us. He need high speed Solution. Something in tune of Many MeGPS connectivity. Not shared.
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