Hosting Storage (shared Vs Reseller)
Feb 2, 2009
how come the difference between shared and resellers storage is so different? If you buy shared, you can get stupid amounts of storage like 250 gigs or even unlimited for $5 a month. Yet the same company sells a reseller account for $30 and you only get 20 gigs.
Assuming you are going to split that up and sell that 20 gigs in 1 gig blocks to try and make money, why wouldn't your potential customer buy the shared account instead, and get way more space? It seems backwards to me. Shared $5 should be 20 gigs, and resellers $30 should be 250 gigs. I'm talking about big name trusted sites, not fly-by-nights who have unlimited everything.
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Sep 26, 2008
Which companies besides for Dreamhost allow the storage of backup files on their shared hosting accounts?
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Oct 26, 2008
For those host which are not overselling, they have obviously the space for file storage. But should they allow file storage on their shared hosting account, if they aren't overselling, and the files are legal?
Well, this can also be counted as a survey I need
It would be best if you provide a reason if your vote is no.
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Apr 18, 2008
I have a few projects of making websites for some clients. I want to buy some hosting space, should i buy shared or resellers accounts? When they say one can host unlimited domains on a shared hosting space does it mean one can also use it for different clients. As of now i am not interested in just selling domain names and hosting spaces to clients. I need space only to host the website i design for my clients.
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Jul 6, 2007
why reseller accounts are considered better than shared hosting accounts?
Both are the same, except that reseller manages each domain separately. Shared hosting is way much cheaper than a reseller, are there really big negatives which make them much cheaper?
If SEO and Adsense wise, there is a difference between shared and reseller, due to separate domain management in the reseller being favourable for SEO, I would go with reseller.
So far, I've done shared hosting, and using htaccess, had no problems setting up multiple sites in my shared account, which is a lot cheaper than any reseller account. Not sure how the search engines would treat my multiple sites....
Are addon domains (in a shared hosting) - bad, since Cpanel actually treats them as subdomains?
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May 22, 2007
Wouls it be better to have a good resseller account like Cirtex RC1 or take a 256Mb cPanel/Lxadmin VPS?
It's for a relatively busy Joomla site.
I don't feel like adding it to my main VPS as I fear it will affect performance.
My current VPS is 512Mb from Solar VPS and I could up this to 768 for less money but I want to separate the 2 sites.
My budget does not allow me to spend more than $20-$25 more.
The catch is I want it managed.
Would a reseller account be the way?
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Apr 2, 2009
This question gets asked a lot in our Helpdesk and I figured I would post our knowledgebase article here to help anyone else wondering the Pros and Cons of Unlimited Domain Shared Hosting vs. Reseller Hosting. If anyone has anything else to add, I appreciate any feedback on how we can improve our KB article.
Given the present state of shared hosting, many clients may ask "Why would I need a Reseller account if I can host unlimited Addon and Parked domains within a single shared hosting account?". There is certainly enough Disk Space and Bandwidth provided in many of today's hosting packages, so why bother to purchase a Reseller account?
Many don't realize the drawbacks of hosting large numbers of domains within a single hosting account until they've already packed tens of them onto a single package.
So how do you know whether a Reseller account or Shared Hosting account is right for you? The answer is in how you plan to provide access to others and how "mission-critical" the sites are. You should consider the following factors when deciding on hosting a large number of domains:
1. Who will be managing these sites?
2. How important is site security between sites?
3. Will these domains need dedicated SSLs?
4. How resource intensive will these sites be (RAM, CPU, MySQL)?
In a nutshell, Reseller plans are for those who wish to host websites for other sub-clients and a shared hosting package is for a single individual managing multiple personal domains. We'll go over the 4 points above in greater detail.
1. Who will be managing these site?
If you personally own multiple domains and wish to host them within the same hosting space, you can easily do so with an Addon or Parked domain. An addon domain will allow you to host a new domain within a subdirectory of your hosting space. A parked domain will allow you to have multiple domain names point to the same content. Since addon domains reside within the same user space as your main domain, you can manage all of your domains with a single login. You can see the problem if you want to provide another user with access. Since all accounts are managed with a single set of login credentials, if you give another user access to their addon domain you are also giving them access to your main domain. If you have vital information stored on your main domain and you are hosting another domain as an addon domain for someone else, you cannot provide them access to their hosting without compromising the integrity of your main domain.
When hosting sites as a Reseller, your clients in turn will want access to their account and will want exclusive rights to their disk space and server resources. With a Reseller account, each sub-account you create gets its own username, password, and isolated user space on the server. Individual clients of yours have access to their user space and their user space alone. In addition to the isolation with regards to access concerns, each account also gets their own cPanel access. All of the same great features that you use to manage your sites can also be given to your clients. Next time client Y wants to add an email account, you don't have to do it for them for fear of giving them access to your cPanel, you can simply give them their login details and they can manage their own email accounts.
2. How important is site security between sites?
This is along the same lines as point 1. This is not necessarily related to who you are hosting for, but what content you are hosting. Imagine that you are a webmaster and you are hosting your own personal site-in-a-box community forums (such as PHPBB or vBulliten) on your main domain and a company website for a paying client on an addon domain. It is not uncommon for popular scripts to have security flaws in older versions. Script authors will often update security flaws in later versions of their software. For this reason, it is very important to keep scripts up to date on your site. But let's assume you forget to update your scripts for a couple of months and an unscrupulous individual takes advantage of a well known security hole. Using this exploit, they gain access to your forums and any subdirectories. Since you are hosting another domain as an addon, they now have access to this domain's content as well. A site defacement on this company's site may not bode well for you when they are considering you for web master services in the future.
If these two domains had been separate into two individual users (i.e. two subaccounts created through a Reseller), their content would've been inherently isolated server side by Linux's user management. Sure, your forums still would've been affected by the security hole, but the break-in would've been isolated to your site alone.
Going back to our example, let's say that instead of a corporate website as an addon domain you are hosting an image gallery site for all of your cats. In this case, it may not be a big deal if a compromise in your main domain spreads to your addon domain. After all, they are both owned by you and you're only losing some time and effort to restore these sites from your local backups (which I'm sure you've actively maintained ). But then again, you are losing time and time is money. If these sites had been separated into individual users, again, you'd only have to restore one site's content.
The idea here is isolation. Reseller plans provide you with the peace of mind to know that if one of your users doesn't keep up with their site's content as actively as they should, their actions won't negatively impact the content hosted on other domains. If you and those you host in your addons are diligent webmasters, maybe this point won't have much bearing on your decision. Only you can say for sure.
3. Will these domains need SSLs?
As of this writing, SSL certificates must have a dedicated IP address to be installed. If you are hosting multiple domains on the same shared hosting package, you can still install an SSL (or purchase a dedicated IP address and install one) but you are limited to exactly one SSL on your account. If you are hosting multiple domains on the same package (and consequently the same IP), you must choose which domains gets to have the dedicated SSL.
Sub accounts of Resellers can each be placed onto separate IP addresses and, as a result, can each have their own dedicated SSL installed.
Of course, both shared accounts and Resellers' sub accounts can use the server's shared SSL free of charge. However, some clients prefer to see their domain in the URL bar when they visit https.
4. How resource intensive will these sites be (RAM, CPU, MySQL)?
We've already established that disk space and bandwidth will be no problem. But what about CPU, RAM, and MySQL resources?
It's important to be aware of the resource needs of your website. As administrators, we have to make sure all users "play nice" on the server. We can't have user X eating all of the CPU cycles computing pi to the trillionth decimal place while you are trying to serve web pages to your loyal visitors. We have to monitor the actions of all of our users and in the event someone is stepping beyond the bounds of acceptable resource consumption, we have to take action. In most cases, this entails disabling the abusive script, but in extreme cases we have to suspend the abusive user account to prevent other domains from encountering performance degradation on their sites.
If you are hosting 100 domains as addon domains, all serving nothing but static HTML pages, maybe you will stay off the radar.
But considering most sites are more complicated than static HTML, you may want to be aware of how many sites you host as addons and what content they serve. If you're hosting the latest and greatest Joomla modules, with up to date news feeds, integrated forums modules, polls, blog posts, etc your site can certainly require a degree of CPU to serve your pages. Now imagine you have 5 or 10 of these sites all hosted as addon domains. The resources these sites need to generate their content can quickly add up and before you know it you've got a friendly email from Acenet, Inc. in your inbox wondering why your user is consuming 2 of the 8 CPU cores on the server. That may be an exaggeration, but you get the idea. In the event your resource usage becomes so excessive that we have to suspend your user, now all of your sites are down instead of whichever one may be the direct cause of the spike in CPU, RAM, or MySQL consumption.
If each of these had been separate Reseller accounts, the offending account could've been suspended temporarily while we work through the cause, leaving the rest of your domains live and kicking.
The conclusion here is that you need to be aware of the needs of your sites in a general sense. Hosting unlimited domains within a shared hosting space is certainly a nice feature. For those webmasters who have multiple presences on the web, it's very convenient to be able to manage all of their personal domains from a single control panel. For those entrepreneurs who are hosting multiple domains for other individuals, the features and security associated with a Reseller plan and the inherent isolation of Linux users is a must have.
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Oct 3, 2007
The more I read on the forum, the more I'm beginning to consider a reseller plan.
Basically, I'm an ASP.NET/MS-SQL developer and I foresee myself developing (and possibly managing) a relatively small number of websites for people who likely have neither the technical skills nor desire to get too involved with maintaining their websites. So, I need to be able to host multiple domains, have multiple databases, and probably multiple FTP accounts.
The obvious advantage of reseller accounts, as I understand them, is that they give you the ability to provide the website owner (my customer) the tools to manage their site in more or less the same way they could if they directly set up their hosting account with GoDaddy or whomever. But, if my customers end up being people that don't want to mess with any of that, then this capability is not important. However, after looking at, which I saw recommended in another thread, it seems the sheer capacity of resources available, e.g. unlimited databases, 200 domains, make it worth the slightly higher cost.
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Jul 19, 2007
I currently have Reseller Hosting with Clook UK costing me £21.14 per month but I have noticed several providers now have VPS packages available for only £17.99 per month. The VPS packages are able to offer more storage space and higher bandwidth for less money.
I'm considering making the move to a Linux VPS service but need to know if the learning curve is steep in comparison to the CPanel/WHM environment I am used to?
I'll be looking to move 3 sites which all include forums onto this new service.
Can anyone recommend a good but fairly cheap host? All servers must be UK based.
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Aug 17, 2008
Here is my dilemma, thanks to a thread in these forums I was directed to a hosting website called and I was interested in using them, because it does not appear that they oversell at all. My question is regarding the fact that they have the shared hosting for $12/month with ~5gb of disk space and 50gb of transfer. I then just looked at reseller hosting for the heck of it, and noticed i could get a reseller hosting account with 45gb storage and 450gb of bandwidth for $10/month. Even though I wont be selling hosting, or anything like that, can I use a reseller hosting account like a normal shared hosting account?...just with more space and bandwidth?
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Apr 23, 2008
I would like to know the different between the shared hosting and reseller hosting?
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Oct 1, 2007
I know to some of you this may sound like a totally silly question. But I would like to know what the main advantages are if you have a VPS instead of a shared reseller hosting.
I notice some of the basic VPS packages give you 512MB of memory. Other than that, the rest of the stats seem to be along the lines of what you might get in an advanced reseller hosting plan such as one available from Reseller Zoom.
I am looking into VPS as a dedicated server is a little over my budget, however, I am not entirely clear what makes VPS better.
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Apr 17, 2008
an recommendation on a shared hosting reseller with unlimited bandwidth(or atleast about 1500gb) and about 60-70gb harddrive? And preferably have servers in the US and europe, so i can pick one in usa and 1 in europe.
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May 26, 2009
BEST RELIABLE HOSTING, affordable hosting
ALLOWED: warez linking - nulled script - legal porn
warez linking allowed
nulled script allowed
Host Unlimited Domains
Unlimited Sub Domains
Unlimited Email, MySQL, FTP
PHP5, MySQL5, CGI, Perl5
DDOS Proof, ionCube, Ruby
99.99% Uptime Guarantee
cPanel® 11, WHM, Fantastico
Web Hosting Control Panel
MS Frontpage WebSite Hosting
ImageMagick 5.5.2 Support
Unlimited Email and FTP Accounts
Fast, Free 24/7 Tech Suppor
Reseller Hosting Available
2 Web Based E-Mail Programs
Streaming Audio/Video Hosting
SUPER 12$ year
5 Go Storage
30 Gb Transfer
Control Panel
EXPERT 24$/year
20 Gb Storage
100 Gb Transfer
EXPERT 36$/year
50 Gb Storage
600 Gb Transfer
» 100 Gb Disk Space
» Unlimited Bandwidth
50 $/YEAR
w w w .azhosty .com
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Feb 6, 2008
I setup an iSCSI target and two iSCSI initiators but I am having some trouble sharing the storage.
I partitioned the drive when I used the first initiator, a 1TB partition, I mounted it without any issues, it showed up in df -h.
Now I went to mount the iSCSI target on the second initiator, I mounted it fine, the partition I made on the first initiator was recognized on this one, however when I add files to either or, the changes aren't recognized on the other initiator. Any ideas why this might be?
I put 1GB of files in one initiator and I ran the df -h command on the other, and it still had the same amount of free space.
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Sep 17, 2008
I'm trying to setup a shared virtual storage enviroment (much like a external harddisk) for about 5 users working offsite/remote in a drag n drop environment like windows folder.. It's mostly just doc/xls file.
Is there any service out that that allows this or software I could use if I have my own webspace/server?
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Aug 4, 2008
bext type of server to get for my current requirements please.
I need a server to host a simple company web site and our product which is also a web site.
The company web site will be set up soon but the product is still 5-6 months away from being put onto the market. So at present I need a server to host the web site and also need a place where I can host the web site product as I continue to develop it and upload files to the server.
Now ultimately the web site product will have a number of users (I hope!) will contain content including video presentations and will will have a forum so it's important that users have fast access to such material without having to wait.
I thought I would go for a VPS from a company called VT6 Internet who have had some good reviews on this forum.
My budget is around £70 ($140) per month.
However I'm now considering whether I might be able to save some money and go a for a decent (buy cheaper option) in the mean time while the product continues to be developed.
Such as a shared host or a reseller?
I would be really grateful for any advice from you guys please.
If you were in an early stage situation like mine would you go straight for a VPS or make do with a shared or reseller and upgrade as your company grows?
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Apr 27, 2008
I was just curious. When reseller accounts only cost another $10-15 per month, I was wondering if a lot of people just go straight to a reseller account, and don't bother with normal shared account. For me, I always get at least a reseller account, and haven't purchased a shared account in a few years now.
And I suppose there are two ways of looking at this:
1. Ratio of shared accounts to reseller accounts
2. Ratio of total domains on shared account to reseller accounts
Is there any sort of data on this?
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Jul 8, 2007
I think I probably have read enough to know that I need reseller, but just in case ...
I want to give free websites and hosting away to members of my team. I want them to all have separate domains and IP addresses.
I looked at some shared hosting where I can have up to 10 domains on an account, but I'm hoping there will be closer to 50 or 60 of us. I kinda like the idea of them being under my 'umbrella' so to speak; ie if someone breaks our rules too terribly, I have the option of closing their site down. Or if they want to leave the group, they could just pay me monthly for their space.
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Oct 25, 2009
I will get either shared(baby or business) or reseller(Aluminum) from Hostgator but which one is better for me? I will never resell but I will make lots of websites though none of them will probably get too much trafic. If I get shared baby/business, can I host many small websites and control them efficiently? Are all my websites gonna have different directories?
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May 19, 2009
I was wondering what is actually the best service to offer? Shared , Reseller or servers. Im currently looking into shared and resellers but what is the market like for actual dedicated servers?
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Aug 2, 2008
I am currently hosted at Leslie has provided a great service, I've had 99.8% uptime for the year and a half I've been with her (as per However, I would like something with a little more freedom, and there's a big price difference between the $12/mo package I'm on now and the cheapest dedicated server they offer, at $40/mo.
I am pretty sure an unmanaged VPN is what I need, but I guess I need to make sure on that. I know my way around Linux, but I've never managed a server before. I'm sure it can't be too hard.
My current specs are 8gb/100gb bandwidth... my usage is well below that, but I have one client who purchased 6gb of that space, so I need at least 8-10gb to be safe. Bandwidth, I could lower that to 50gb probably. CPanel is not necessary. I don't know how much RAM I'd need.
So, that all being said, does anyone have any recommendations for a reliable VPN host that costs near waht I'm paying now? ($12/mo). I can pay more, especiall for quality, I just don't know what is average for my specs.
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Nov 21, 2008
Is there any advantage to paying extra for Reseller Hosting vs. the Business Shared plan if you are not going to be reselling the space?
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Jan 26, 2009
i need a company that offers all of these services.
uk or us not fussed really.
shared -
reseller -
ftp -
ircd -
shells -
eggdrop -
bnc -
shoutcast -
i have bittraffic so far. but dont really wanna use them ...
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Apr 29, 2008
I've had a look at the different types of hosting, and had a guess at the description,
A machine with many, many domains on each for individual customer.
Same as above with SSL?
One machine to yourself, one domain?
You have a dedicated potion of a machine to use as many domains on as you want?
You own the server, someone else looks after it.
Hard Disk space and Bandwidth to be apportioned to each domain as you see fit, cpanel with each domain so that you can 'resell'
So what type of hosting would I want to host 5 to 10 of my own websites that use around 100GB a month bandwidth?
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Jan 20, 2009
I need a hosting with 5-10 GB Hard-drive Space and about 500 GB of bandwidth (maybe a bit less). Without any features (apache, php, etc). I need only Ftp to upload and share video files.But not very expensive, not more than $10-$20.
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Sep 24, 2009
I need to put a proposal for a client who has 20 TB data storage (files/images).
Will propose PHP/mysql - mysql for meta data of files and other authentication etc. Application/mysql could just be ~10 MB.
The storage would increase (incrementally) ~ 1 TB per year.
And data needs stored at a different place for Disaster Recovery point of view.
Need to figure storage costing.
Please give me some pointers:
a) How to find high storage hosting provider?
b) Has any one experimented with Cloud Computing, and if so any ball park potential costing? I attempt S3 and could not figure costing.
c) or any other suggestion.
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Dec 17, 2008
I've gone Geek! I just switched to GeekStorage hosting a little less than a month ago, because my previous host was just ridiculous. I won't get into it because I could go on for days about my old host, it was just plain horrible. I'm not really one to mudsling or drag people's livelihoods down, so I'll just let them remain anonymous. Alot of the problems probably weren't in their control but they were numerous. That's enough of that though, because I've packed my bags for greener pastures and don't even want to look back.
Anyways, so I've been at Geek Storage for about a month now, on a shared hosting plan.
In this time I must say that I have been quite impressed with them. I've been through a number of hosts throughout the years, and have been studying the hosting game for years now. So since I know what to look for, I shopped around here at WHT for a couple of months and was drawn to Geekstorage. It was not an easy decision to make, finding a host, I'm very very picky.
First of all, I've fallen in love with the Litespeed http server. I still have all the benefits of apache, such as mod_rewrite, and any other apache modules. With Litespeed, PHP code executes blazingly fast. When I first benchmarked a Zend framework bootstrap on the servers, I fell in love. And once it was cached in memory... well let's just say it was like the time when Bruce Willis was dead at the end of the Sixth Sense. This is coming from a HUGE performance stickler... I am rarely impressed by these kinds of things. Some bigger MySQL queries that took ~0.148s to execute on my old host don't even have a benchmark reading on these servers (they round off to 0.00001s). I don't know why there was such a remarkable difference, perhaps just more memory available on the server compared to my last host.
The servers have Ruby/RoR installed, as well as Python. I am a really big fan of Python, in fact I believe it will take over the scripting world in the coming years, becoming more popular than PHP and Perl. So this was a selling point to me, since I want to get into Django development more.
Another selling point to me was PostgreSQL databases. Though I am using MySQL for all my current projects, the scope of some bigger projects I am looking into getting off the ground in the future (when I can only find the time...), require a more robust database system. What's funny is when I first signed up for GeekStorage the PostgreSQL database connection settings weren't working correctly, and PhpPgAdmin (the postgreSQL phpmyadmin equivalent) was not working. I sent in a support ticket and the problem was solved almost immediately. I think I may be the first client to use the pgsql databases!
I guess I should probably put a link to one of my sites here. This one's kinda greyhat, in fact I wouldn't even reccomend going to it because I've shoved an barrage of ads onto the page. The myspace crowd seems to love them. Here's the URL anyways:
[url]. Coming soon: Popups and peel away ads,
I haven't experienced any downtime, any slow page loads, or any other problems of that nature. I hope it continues to be that way, and as for now I am very happy with my decision. The best part to me, is it seems I have found people just as geeky about technology as me. Everything is the current version, Ruby, pgsql, mysql, PHP, etc. All up to date and ready to go. I love staying current on technology, and the Geeks really seem to know their stuff.
And before you ask I'll be sure to give the 3-month, 6-month, and 1-year reviews in due time Geek Storage Web Hosting
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Sep 20, 2007
I'm completely torn on going the absolute budget route vs spending more for something that'll allow easy upgradeability in the future. I basically need lots of space but file sending-- media like mp3s, video, etc.
it'll be raid 5 and I'll need at least 2-3TB initially but the ability to expand would be nice.
option 1:
nice chassis with plenty of hotswap bays with sas expanders
expensive sas raid card
option 2:
cheap chassis to serve "immediate" needs and go with more later.
not sure what I'd use as a card? maybe even onboard?
regarding reliability: I once saw a database of failure rates of different models. raptor was the most reliable of the "desktop" drives. anyone have the link? I'm wondering of the seagate ES drives are worth the extra money vs the non-ES drives. they're supposedely more reliable and the "server versions" of sata drives.
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Mar 27, 2009
My earlier one month review of Geek Storage got deleted with the whole WHT-take over thing, and I figured it was about time to write a new review anyways.
GeekStorage has been a dream host for me. I have a developer package with them. I recently upgraded my account to unlimited domains, because I am slowly migrating all my domains and sites over to them.
I am paying ~$7 a month for a ton of features. I could actually get it cheaper, if I paid more in advance. Right now I'm paying quarterly, but after this next session I will most likely switch to yearly and get an even better rate. I'm getting 10GB storage, 250GB bandwith (the next upgrade would be $8/month for 25GB/500GB). I get unlimited domains, MySQL, PostGreSQL, blah blah blah. So it's feature rich, very affordable, and it's not overselling.
The features outweigh anything I've seen. The setup for PHP performance sticklers like me is incredible. The Litespeed web server is the way to go in my opinion. It has the ability to use apache modules, so that is great for easily modifying rewrite rules and whatnot with an .htaccess. Litespeed is so incredibly fast, I'll never settle for less again. Hopefully, as long as GeekStorage keeps up it's act I won't have to!
If you ever want an Apache or CGI module or anything of that nature, all you have to do is submit a ticket and they'll install it! I've never seen such a personal host where you can make requests like that.
GeekStorage also has PostgreSQL, a major selling point for me. However, nobody else on the server uses it. I say this because my only ticket so far was when I first joined GeekStorage and PhpPgAdmin (postgresql phpmyadmin equivalent) did not connect correctly. I put in a ticket and they fixed it right away.
Downtime? I haven't had any. I'm not sure how to track that, but I have some moderate volume niche sites that are constantly getting organic traffic. I have consistently made sales through these sites and have not noticed any drop-off. Everytime I go any of my sites hosted at GeekStorage, they load up quickly. I'm at ease of not having to worry about my sites going down.
Most of my sites are kinda greyhat, so I don't like to post them. So here's one you can use to confirm I have hosting with GeekStorage: [url]
So their website is: If you want fast shared hosting, tons of features, lots of space and bandwith without overselling, and people who know what the *@)# they're doing, and all at an awesome price-- then I can recommend GeekStorage. They've been a class act so far
If you have any questions or something I didn't get to I'll try to keep an eye on this thread, otherwise you can PM me.
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Jul 18, 2008
Just got a letter from InMotion. They don't like I uploaded my backup files to them, which makes their hosting benefits totally pointless to me and I will be moving to some other cheaper hosting since I basically only use email.
So I need some place to store my backups... I need only about 5 Gb, and I don't care about bandwidth, as I don't plan to download them unless all my HDDs will burn or get stolen or something so I don't need bandwidth. And it should be no more than few bucks/mo.
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