Cpanel Licensing

May 13, 2007

Whats the most cost effective method of purchaseing cpanel licenses for colocated servers?

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Cpanel Licensing For VPS

Jul 9, 2008

i was thinking about partitioning my servers into a number of VPSs to sell.

in regard to offering cPanel, i see that licensing is $425 a pop. is there any way of registering for multiple servers at a low cost.

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VmWare And Xen Licensing

Oct 7, 2009

Which VmWare product allows me officially to use it for VPS hosting business (ESXi does not allow that)? Do you have a link to document where they specifically authorize use of their software to make and sell VPS? Are there any legal limitations? What about vSphere standard?

What about Xen, what are limitations of free version? Which payed version is best for VPS hosting, are there any legal limitations?

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Windows Licensing - VPS

Apr 12, 2008

how does Windows handle licensing on Virtual Dedicated Servers? Does SPLA licensing cost the same as a full dedicated server?

This would be a VMware server, with multiple Windows virtual servers.

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Windows Licensing?

Apr 15, 2008

I'm sure this has been covered before, but during my search I didn't find much, maybe someone can point me in the right direction.

Okay, so here's how it goes...

I, and a partner, plan on purchasing a 2U server and we're going to co-locate this server in Chicago. This server will be serving a new gaming company we plan on opening. Now, my main issue is obtaining Windows for this server. I have found plenty of retail CD's with like a 5 CALs included, but that was in the $750-$1000 range, which I understand this is what Windows server really cost, but I believe I could find it cheaper.

Does anyone know the BEST, and preferably the cheapest place to buy Windows Server 2003 (Specifically Standard 64bit - R2) or even an "external" monthly license, if such exist. I am new to the entire Windows Server licensing and pricing stuff, so any information would be very much helpful.

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Virtuozzo Licensing

Nov 22, 2008

if anyone has an idea of which dedicated provider has the most reasonable prices when it comes to Virtuozzo licensing. I have looked at several and it seems prices vary.

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VPS Windows Licensing

Apr 19, 2007

Is there any difference between lincense cost of windows 2003 server SE for virtual server and standalone physical server?

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Windows VPS Licensing

Sep 14, 2007

I'm helping one of my clients setup some windows VPS's but we're having some serious confusion as to how the licensing works.

I've read on that they now are far more accepting of virtulization and allow, with a single license, anywhere from 4 to unlimited VPS installs with it.

Now, my question is: Does this count with leased licenses? Say I leased a license from my datacenter (say i did 2k3 STD) for $25/m. Would I then be allowed to install it on however many VPS's allow under MS without issue or how does that exactly work?

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Cisco Licensing

May 16, 2007

From the posts in this forum it would appear that a number of forumites are colocation service providers and web hosters that use Cisco gear.

I was reviewing the Cisco End User License Agreement that was included in the router box. Under the General Limitations section, "Customer shall have no right, and Customer specifically agrees not to:", item (iv) states, "use or permit the Software to be used to perform services for third parties, whether on a service bureau basis or time sharing basis or otherwise, without the express written authorization of Cisco".

Does this mean that a service provider is required to acquire
a separate license similar to the Microsoft Service provider license?

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Cisco IOS Licensing

Aug 3, 2007

My understanding is that the IOS software running in most of their products is non-transferable. So clearly this prevents a user from receiving updates if they purchase used hardware (i.e. ebay). However, isn't it possible to purchase an IOS software license from Cisco for any of their supported product?

Their web site is a mess! I've spent, literally, hours on their site trying to figure out how to purchase such a license, or how to purchase a service plan that might entitle me to IOS updates.

And how does "SMARTnet" fit into this puzzle? Do I need a SMARTnet contract to download maintenance updates, even for *new* hardware that I've purchased?

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How To Set The Licensing In Windows 2008

Sep 11, 2009

I have problem locating the Licensing module which allow us to add/delete CALs/Processor licenses, where is it now in Windows 2008?

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Microsoft SPLA... VPS Licensing

Apr 30, 2009

Can anyone give me some insight on how VPS licensing works with SPLA? According to my reseller, each VPS needs its own standalone license which seem to differ with what I read somewhere about Microsoft Server 2008 allowing up to 8 virtual stances with 1 license or something like that.

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New SPLA Licensing Terms

Sep 11, 2009

Heads Up.

Forget everything you've learned about Windows Server "authenticated" and "unauthenticated" licensing for your monthly SPLA reports. The game has completely changed, and NOT for the better.

Microsoft has changed to "outsourcer" and "non-outsourcer" licensing instead.

Quoting Microsoft:


"Outsourcing is an application or service that a service provider manages for their customer. For purposes of this definition, the managed application or service is:
(a) Used by its customer's employees, contractors, agents, or vendors
(b) Not the service provider's intellectual property

I contacted MS directly for clarification on how this applies to webhosting. The response was, if the service provider is (and I quote), "simply managing the infrastructure layer and not managing anything else... in other words just keeping the lights on", that is non-outsourced.

If you are providing any software or management of the environment, even something as simple as Windows Updates or other basic management tasks on the server-- which is the case, for example, if you are running a shared webserver, then it is "outsourced".

Your email server is providing a service that is considered an outsourced service, and you must report (and pay for) an "outsourced" license for that server.

And here is the bad news.

Under the old terms, the Datacenter edition of Windows Server (which allows unlimited VMs at no additional charge on the machine where the license is assigned) cost just under $50/month.

The new "outsourcer" Datacenter license is nearly $250/mo. Yes, you read that right, a whopping 400% monthly license fee increase for Datacenter edition.

A single copy of Windows Server Standard edition is over $75/mo. when used in the outsourcing role.

Other pricing and terms have changed as well, so grab a copy of the new SPUR and READ it. All it takes is a moment of uncertainty to put you wildly out of compliance under this new layer of insanity.

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Microsoft Licensing For Virtualization

Nov 3, 2009

Microsoft said this about Microsoft Licensing for Virtualization

Windows Server 2008 Datacenter
Run any number of software instances in physical and virtual operating system environments on a server.

Now,I have some questions:

1)Is this method of licensing just for hyper-v or we can use it on vmware ESXi or Xen?

2)How we can use Microsoft Volume Licensing on Vmware ESXi and Xen?

3)What is the best solution for windows virtualization?(vmware esxi or hyper-v or xen)

4)what is difference between xen and xenserver?

5)which control panels we can use for hyper-v,vmware ESXi and xenserver?

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Cheapest Virtuozzo Licensing

Jul 13, 2008

where can I find cheapest virtuozzo licensing or even dedicated server with virtuozzo licensing. Budget is $300/mo. Bandwidth needed at least 10tb/mo.

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Mysql Licensing Query

Nov 17, 2008

Our local authority is looking into using MySQL database for some internal applications and possibly our website.

Do we need a commercial or enterprise license for this particular use or can we use a free version?

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VPS Providers, Licensing Concerns

Jul 26, 2008

so let's get this all hashed out... it'll be interesting to see how people handle various situations.

Before responding, let's keep this thread signature free.

I recently came across an issue where a customer wanted to bring their own Microsoft products/licenses to the table. Got a few questions for the other providers out there... this really needs to be hashed out.

Microsoft is very strict when it comes to enforcing their license policies, we all know this much.

So... when a customer wants to install their own software, what do people do to help ensure that whatever agreement you have with your upstream provider or Microsoft isn't in voliation by allowing someone to bring their own licenses?

What steps do you take to ensure validity of said licenses?

How do you define, much less enforce, these guidelines?

What role, if any, should a provider play in doing their part to help stem illicit license abuse?

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Cheapest Virtuozzo Licensing For 100 Vps?

Jul 10, 2008

where can I find cheapest virtuozzo licensing for 100 vps?

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Virtual Server 2005 And Licensing

Mar 21, 2007

I bought Windows Vista Ultimate OEM and installed it on the physical machine, can I install Virtual Server 2005 and install the ultimate OEM version again on the VIRTUAL server 2005??

I run MySql but I hate to run it on the physical machine, want to run on a virtual machine.

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Licensing :: Windows 2003 And Exchange Server

Feb 28, 2008

if I have a dedicated server with WS2003, would I be allowed to install my own software (with license)? such as MS SQL Server - I have an MSDN subscription and multiple licenses.... would this be ok to do so?

What about Exchange Server? I have a License for that also...again, MSDN subscription

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Windows Server Licensing Per Device Or Per Concurrent Connections

Aug 12, 2008

I will be running Plesk.

I only need 1 user, Administrator with full Remote Desktop Connection access.

But I need to be able to serve websites using Plesk.

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Hyper-V, Clustering Windows 2008 Servers And Microsoft Licensing

May 23, 2008

I currently have a server (Xeon 1x5310, 4gb RAM, 4x500gb hdd in Raid 10) with Windows 2003. Now do to a project I'm looking at installing Windows 2008 and upgrading to 2x5310 and 16gb of RAM on my server.

I'm looking to create a virtualized test environment for development of a new web service I'm working on. What I'm looking to develop right now is 2 file servers, 3 web servers, 3 MS SQL database servers and 1 DNS server (would prefer but not sure if hardware can handle it. Virtualization would be ideal as this is very similar to what we believe will we have when we launch the service.

I have a few questions I'm hoping you might be able to answer:

1) With the upgraded hardware specs, should it be able to handle the load if I assign each virtual entity 1 core with 2gb of RAM each?

2) I would like to create each of the multiple servers in a cluster (ie cluster of webservers) as this is how it will be in production. But, I've never worked with clusters before so:

a) where can I learn about clustering windows 2008 servers?

b) is this possible to do in a virtualized environment?

3) How does MS work the licensing? I want to have each server running Windows 2008 and 2-3 of them running SQL Server 2005.

a) Do they charge extra for each virtualized server?

b) Does this mean I have to purchase 3 complete copies of SQL Server or is there a way I can pay a low license fee for use in a non-commercial, non-production environment?

4) Does anyone see any problems with this setup or have any suggestions for me?

* I do have money available to spend on a good solution, so if you have suggestions that cost please let me know. I just thought virtualization would be the way to go as the project will be in development for at least a year with no public access.

** I realize that Hyper-V hasn't been released yet (that I know of) so information on it might be limited

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Plesk Automation :: How To Count Websites For Per-website Licensing Model

Apr 17, 2015

I've asked sales a few times but they don't seem to know...what counts as a "website?" In PPA as a test we set up two subscriptions and one mail-only secondary domain on one of them. The Services/Websites tab lists all three, but only two are marked as Website under Hosting Type while the third is marked No Hosting. Does that count as two websites for license purposes, or three?

I'm trying to plan for multiple domains, subdomains, etc.

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Died At /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ Line 132

Jul 10, 2009

got error with cpanel linces after force reboot

and when i try to set the licnse

i got this error

Updating Internal cPanel Information.......Died at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ line 132.
...propagated at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ line 132.

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CPanel Horde Vulnerability Found - Update Your CPanel

Mar 7, 2008

An arbitrary file inclusion vulnerability has been discovered in the Horde
webmail application. At present, we can confirm that this security
vulnerability in question affects Horde 3.1.6 and earlier. Based on
incomplete information at this time, we also believe this affects Horde
Groupware 1.0.4 and earlier as well (cPanel does not use Horde Groupware
at this time).

cPanel customers should update their cPanel and WHM servers immediately to
prevent any chance of compromise. The patch will be available in builds
11.18.2 and greater (or 11.19.2 and greater for EDGE systems). The updated
builds will be available immediately to all fast update servers. The
builds will be available to all other update servers within one hour of
this posting.

To check which version of cPanel and WHM is on your server, simply log
into WebHost Manager (WHM) and look in the top right corner, or execute
the following command from the command line as root:

/usr/local/cpanel/cpanel -V

You can upgrade your server by navigating to 'cPanel' -> 'Upgrade to
Latest Version' in WebHost Manager or by executing the following from the
command line as root:


It is recommended that all use of Horde 3.1.6 and earlier be stopped (on
cPanel and non-cPanel systems alike) until Horde updates can be applied.
You can disable Horde on your cPanel system by unchecking the box next to
'Server Configuration' -> 'Tweak Settings' -> 'Mail' -> 'Horde Webmail'
within WHM, and saving the page with the new settings.

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How To Use External CPanel Mysql In Another CPanel Server

Mar 14, 2007

I have 2 servers both have cpanel. I want to use 2nd server's mysql in my site which is on 1st server. I think thats not that hard. I don't wanna do clustering as this is temproary.

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Transferring Cpanel Emails To Another Cpanel

May 8, 2008

I am in the process of moving websites and emails to a new host. I am doing the transfer manually because we are gradually moving different part of the site at one time to allow developers to work on new parts.

I now want to migrate all of the email accounts off the old cpanel server to the new cpanel host. What files and settings do I need to move so settings are not lost, such as save mail and contacts?

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SSL With CPanel

May 11, 2009

I'm having big trouble trying to update an SSL certificate with cPanel.

I'm such a dummy that I've ended up buying 2 SSL certificates to see if that may fix it.

I now have 1 certificate for and 1 for just

I have logged into the account in cpanel and uploaded both certificates and when I view them in Security -> SSL/TLS manager -> Certificates They both display the correct host, correct issuer, and correct expire date.

But when I try to visit my site using https I get:

The certificate expired on 4/8/2008 7:59 PM.

(Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer)

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Vps Or Rps With Cpanel And Whm..

Jan 21, 2009

can anybody make me offers on a vps or rps with cpanel and whm?

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Log Into CPanel Via WHM

Apr 17, 2009

I had a website created a few years ago. I am trying to update that website now. As ROOT, when I log into CPanel via WHM, I am unable to see a File Manager.

What would be my next steps?

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