CentOS 5 64bit VPS

Aug 14, 2007

Does anyone know of a VPS provider that can provide a CentOS 5 64bit OS?

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CentOS 5.3 (64bit) SSH Port

May 4, 2009

I have changed the SSH port in sshd config, and restarted the server and sshd, but it still runs on port 22, and my firewall says its running but its not blocking anything either. I restarted iptables, and all that still nothing...

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Centos 64bit Phpinfo

Jan 16, 2008

anyone have a cpanel server running centos 64bit or fedora ? i would appreciate a phpinfo. then you can remove it afterwards i need to debug something in 2 of my servers.

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CentOS 5x But 32bit Or 64bit

Sep 3, 2008

2 server configuration will look something like below. I heard that the 32bit kernel is better for the web server since I'll have cpanel on it. Anyone able to confirm this or should I just put 64bit on both of them?

Web Server
5420 2.5GHz (Dual QuadCore)
2x250GB SATA2 (RAID1)

DB Server
5310 1.6GHz (Clovertown, DUAL processor)
2x73GB SAS (RAID1)

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Openvz Kernel On Centos 64bit

May 21, 2009

I was Use Centos 64bit and when i install the openvz kernel and the openvzquota:


yum -y install ovzkernel

yum -y install vzctrl vzquota vzpkg

I reebot my server and never boot up

I was planning to use a 8gb ram that's why i select 64bit.

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Clamav Compile Problem On Centos 4.3 64bit

Sep 30, 2006

I'm trying to install Clamav on my Centos box (64bit version) but on the Make command I get the following error:

/usr/local/lib/libz.a(gzio.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
/usr/local/lib/libz.a: could not read symbols: Bad value
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [libclamav.la] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/clamav-0.88/libclamav'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/clamav-0.88'
make: *** [all] Error 2

I'm guessing is something to do with X86_64 but I still can't find a solution to this.

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32 Bit Or 64bit

Jun 10, 2009

32 bit or 64bit for cent Os 5.3?

I am planning to purchase 2 vps for my friends, 1 vps which I am currently in touch is providing wide range, they gave option for 32bit or 64 bit, is there going to be change in the performance of the vps based on this selection

and which is better for the future causes, this vps might have an community forum, few blogs and some file upload site,

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Jul 30, 2007

There's idea to move to 64bit, Current Software Specs are:-

CentOS 4.4
PHP 4.3
MySQL 5.0
Apache 2.0
No CPanel

Web site mainly running on Apache, PHP, MySQL and NFS.

What do you think about stability of these softwares on 64bit processor.
Also which better AMD Opteron or Intel woodcrest ?

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32bit Vs. 64bit

Mar 3, 2008

I have been trying to research this but I cant seem to find an answer.

The big question I am trying to figure out is the comparison in clock speed for different processor bits.

For example, a 32 bit Pentium 4 at 3.2ghz versus a 64 bit AMD Athlon 2.0 Ghz?

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32bit Or 64bit VPS

Feb 29, 2008

while setting up a server which will host VPS's. Currently I have CentOS 5.1 x64 as the host OS, and I'm playing around with Xen for VPS's. Would you recommend a 32bit VPS, or a 64bit VPS?

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8GB RAM And 64bit Server

Dec 19, 2008

For those of you who has 8GB RAM on their servers, are you running 64bit OS on the server? How good are those 64bit OS? Are they stable?

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Is It Worth It To Go 64bit

Jul 30, 2008

I wonder if there is a big advantage if I would go 64bit instead of 32bit. Now I mean standard webserver + mysql. And how about compatibility isses?

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64bit Windows Vpses

Oct 21, 2009

Are these unheard of?

Are there any out there? Im looking at recompiling some custom server software into 64-bit ... (I am waiting on one library to be updated) .. to make use of the extra RAM allocations, and slight speed increase.

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Vmware 32bit To 64bit

Jul 8, 2009

how i can migrate vmware 32bit to 64bit without delete any vps... ?

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Xen And 64bit Operating Systems

Jun 1, 2009

I tried installing CentOS 64bit using windows image and vnc that comes with HyperVM and it says (your cpu does not support long mode. use a 32 bit distribution), and if I try to install Windows Server 2008 I get blue screen with a stop and error.

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Witch OS 32bit Or 64bit

Dec 5, 2008

Witch OS 32bit or 64bit

I have a server with follow specifications:

Intel Celeron D/215/220
1.20+ GHz
1 Go DDR

Witch version of Centos is the best for this server. Centos 32bit or 64bit...

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Does CSF & APF Work With FreeBSD 6.2 64Bit

Feb 4, 2008

does CSF & APF work with FreeBSD 6.2 64-Bit?

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Choosing 32bit Versus 64bit OS

Jun 13, 2008

I'm in the process of preparing to install CentOS 5 on my server, and was wondering whether most people recommend going with the 64bit version or sticking with 32bit. My server's CPU is 64-bit capable (Xeon 3060 at SoftLayer), and I have previously run CentOS 4.4 64bit on it, though I did have some struggles from time to time getting things to work (following setup guides that tend to assume 32bit more often than not).

I'll be running just a standard setup of PHP 5, MySQL 5, and Apache 2, powering several moderate-traffic sites that run on the Drupal CMS (e.g. about 7000-10000 visitors per day total, though hopefully more in the future of course). I don't plan on running a control panel other than Webmin, though I might get DirectAdmin or similar in the future to make hosting some friends/clients a bit simpler.

Will going with 64bit offer any worthwhile advantage with this setup?

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64bit Guest Os On 32bit Host

Sep 9, 2007

I was surprised when hypervm brought in a 64bit guest os. Maybe it's me..but...is this a good idea? Maybe it works fine.. it just does not *seem* like it would.

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Imap-2004g Php5 64bit Error

Sep 21, 2006

/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/imap-2004g/lib/libc-client.a(osdep.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
/usr/local/imap-2004g/lib/libc-client.a: could not read symbols: Bad value
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [libphp5.la] Error 1

This happens in php recompile
When trying to install under 64bit

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Vmware Server Problem With OS 64bit And Some Cpus

Nov 7, 2009

Many people have some problems with vmware server on some 64bit operation systems.
If your server's ram is more than 6GB, you have to have a 64bit OS but I have tried to install vmware server on a 64bit server, it seems to be crashing my vmware server every 5 min and I cant use it more until I reset this service.

CPU : Intel Xeon Nehalem 3440 2.53Ghz Quad Core w/ HyperThreading (8 virtual cores)
Ram : 4 GB DDR2
Os : CentOS 64bit

I have had an another server and i have solved this problem whit Debian. but on CentOS I usually have problem, and I cant use vmware server.

Have you any idea how i solve this problem on CentOS 64bit?

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Cpanel Installed Over Plesk On Fed4-64bit

Jul 31, 2007

I am pleased to report success with my first attempt of installing Cpanel on a 64bit vps running Fed4. In fact..this is the first time in known history I have tried anything this..uhhh.."risky"..and it work the very first time. Cpanel had no problems completely replacing the already pre-installed plesk.

Kudos to the Cpanel folks for that!

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RHEL 5 - 32bit V 64bit Running Cpanel 11 For Hosting

Jul 8, 2008

As cPanel is an integral part of server hosting and has the ability of compiling Apache 1.3.x with PHP4 (cgi) and PHP5 (dso) on your server OS.

Does anyone know or have baselines/benchmarks for which performs better generally for hosting: 32bit or 64bit RedHat 5 when cPanel 11 has compiled for the Apache and php mentioned above on either of these OS editions? (assume latest versions of apache/php4/5)

I was wondering if 32bit performed better or 64bit on a quad core Xeon. Don't forget PHP is compiled for prefork and not multi-threading for Apache 1.3.41 (which are considered legacy 32bit forked apps compiled against 64bit OS).

Or rephrased, could i be hampering performance by running it on a 64bit OS on a Xeon (X3210) or improving performance? I'd assume 64bit would offer better all round processing power, or is this a misconception.

I recently decided to get a server on RedHat Enterprise 5 X86_64 (64bit), when i wondered if 32bit version would have provided better performance and been the better options for compatibility.

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Difference Between CentOs 5.0 And Centos 4.5? Both With Plesk

Oct 1, 2007

What is the difference between CentOs 5.0 and Centos 4.5? (Both contains Plesk)

Would CentOS 5 contain more updates and fixes? CentOS 4.5 be more stable?

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32 Or 64bit & Existing Domain Net Vs New Domain

Jun 9, 2008

delving into a new server, a dual opteron w/Centos. Got two questions as I think about setup.

1) 32 bit or 64bit?

2) Regarding host names and server assignemt...I can either assign it as a node to a domain hosted elsewhere in a reseller account, or I can start with a completely unused domain which is currently parked.

Any preference, in an ideal world?

(I have absolutely no preference, but it occurrred to me it may or may not be of consequence, perfomance & IT-wise and generally speaking .. all things being equal, of course.)

Like I said, a newbie. So I'm braced for the if-you-have-to-ask, you-shouldn't-be-in-one" musings for these rather basic boneheaders.

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Upgrading From Centos 4.6 To Centos 5.2

Aug 19, 2008

Does it worth to upgrade cent os to latest version on server where is installed whm/cpanel?Could i request upgrade from cpanel support ?

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CentOS 4 32-bit Or CentOS 4 X86_64 Bit

Aug 7, 2007

which one do i have to choose?? and why?

my server is P4 3.6GHz HTT with 2GB RAM

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HOW TO : CentOS 3/RedHat 9 ---> CentOS 4.5, Step By Step.

May 18, 2007

I've made a how to, based on my personal knowledge about upgrading a CentOS 3, RedHat 9, or 8?, Fedora Core, and maybe others, to the new CentOS 4.5 OS. (or CentOS 4.x)


Please post, comments, questions, etc. here.
I've myself upgraded many servers this way, (even, tonight, I upgraded another, so I finally decided to do this with all my notes)

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Getting GUI On New CentOS VPS

Oct 17, 2009

linux and after several days testing different distributions and a bunch of different ways (e.g. freenx,vnc XFCE ...) I've decided to setup a vnc-server on CentOS-5-i386-minimal and use KDE as a desktop environment.

After reloading my vps with centos-5-i386-minimal, I logged in as root and executed:


yum update

yum -y groupinstall "KDE (K Desktop Environment)"

yum -y install vnc vnc-server firefox X11 xorg

I then added a user "abt" and set the password. Then I logged in as abt and execute : vncserver, it asked for the password and created the appropriate .vnc directory and files.

I then edited xstartup file and replaced "twm &" with "startkde &" and executed vncserver once again, this created desktop number 2 for me.

The problem is that after running TightVNC(on vista) and entering IPNUMBER:2, It successfully connects to vnc-server but what i get is a black screen with X cursor!

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Centos HDD

Jul 21, 2009

i have a colo server, lately im having problem, every 2-3 oclock in the morning my server crash, i asked the server management to have a look at it but no luck, they install rpm, reduce the http max, etc, etc ( i dont want to mention the name since my server management have helped me alot and its not fair for them if i speak a bad thing about them ) anyway,

I bought the server from siliconmechanics iServ R254

CPU: 2 x Intel Xeon E5410 Quad-Core 2.33GHz, 12MB Cache, 1333MHz FSB, 45nmHi-k
RAM: 12GB (6 x 2GB) DDR2-667 Registered ECC - Interleaved
NIC: Intel 82573V & 82573L Gigabit Ethernet Controllers - Integrated
Hot-Swap Drive - 1: 150GB Western Digital Raptor (1.5Gb/s,10Krpm,16MB Cache,NCQ) SATA
Hot-Swap Drive - 2: 500GB Seagate Barracuda ES.2 (3Gb/s, 7.2Krpm, 32MB Cache, NCQ) SATA
Optical Drive: Low-Profile DVD-ROM Drive
Power Supply: 520W Power Supply with PFC - 87% Maximum Efficiency
Rail Kit: 2-Piece Ball-Bearing Rail Kit
OS: CentOS 5 - 64-bit - Preload, No Media
Warranty: Standard 3 Year - Return to Depot - Advanced Component Exchange

Configured Power: 255 W, 262 VA, 871 BTU/h, 2.4 Amps (110V), 1.3 Amps (208V)

Im using CENTOS 5.2 x86_64

i check on the message log, this is the error before crash

hdc: status timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
ide: failed opcode was: unknown
hdc: no DRQ after issuing MULTWRITE_EXT
ide1: reset: success
hdc: status timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
ide: failed opcode was: unknown
hdc: no DRQ after issuing MULTWRITE_EXT
ide1: reset: success
hdc: status timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
ide: failed opcode was: unknown
hdc: no DRQ after issuing MULTWRITE_EXT
ide1: reset: success

Motherboard manual


i read on centos forum its a problem with the drive - the 500 gigs( the server read my hd as ATA instead of ATA )

i tried to go to BIOS and change to AHCI but server doest recognize the drive


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Jun 6, 2008

Is there really no package in yum for APC (Alternative PHP Cache)? Everything I'm seeing suggests I build it from source.

Is this the way to go? I can, it just seems unlikely to me that there's no build of it.

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