Cpanel Installed Over Plesk On Fed4-64bit

Jul 31, 2007

I am pleased to report success with my first attempt of installing Cpanel on a 64bit vps running Fed4. In fact..this is the first time in known history I have tried anything this..uhhh.."risky"..and it work the very first time. Cpanel had no problems completely replacing the already pre-installed plesk.

Kudos to the Cpanel folks for that!

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RHEL 5 - 32bit V 64bit Running Cpanel 11 For Hosting

Jul 8, 2008

As cPanel is an integral part of server hosting and has the ability of compiling Apache 1.3.x with PHP4 (cgi) and PHP5 (dso) on your server OS.

Does anyone know or have baselines/benchmarks for which performs better generally for hosting: 32bit or 64bit RedHat 5 when cPanel 11 has compiled for the Apache and php mentioned above on either of these OS editions? (assume latest versions of apache/php4/5)

I was wondering if 32bit performed better or 64bit on a quad core Xeon. Don't forget PHP is compiled for prefork and not multi-threading for Apache 1.3.41 (which are considered legacy 32bit forked apps compiled against 64bit OS).

Or rephrased, could i be hampering performance by running it on a 64bit OS on a Xeon (X3210) or improving performance? I'd assume 64bit would offer better all round processing power, or is this a misconception.

I recently decided to get a server on RedHat Enterprise 5 X86_64 (64bit), when i wondered if 32bit version would have provided better performance and been the better options for compatibility.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Spamassassin Is Not Installed?

Oct 21, 2014

I have a problem with Parallels Plesk 12 Web Host Edition. In the dashboard, Plesk tells me that Spamassassin service is not running and not installed.

How to setting up it ? Is there a component, a service to buy, or do i have to configure it through SSH ?

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: PHP 5.2 Installed But Does Not Show Up

Oct 8, 2013

I just finished installing Plesk control panel on a clean installation on windows server 2008 r2 SP1.

Everything is fine except that even though i have installed php 5.2 (chose to install php 5 along with php 5.3 and 5.4) but php 5.2 does not show up in the panel and plesk ignores it.

I can confirm that the folder corresponding to php 5.2 is in the right place along with the other php versions and i can see that the php.ini file exists in there. but i had no luck getting it to work.

I also cannot see LSAPI handler option in plesk's "website scripts and security" section.

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Cannot Create New Domains PHP Not Installed

Jul 31, 2012

I have a dedicated server here in the UK with fasthosts (win 2008 server, IIS 7), which which has been running fine for nearly a year. it was running plesk 9.2, and then out of the blue it got errors creating a new domain saying that PHP wasn't installed.

PHP was/is installed on the server, and is still running fine within my 12+ domains/websites. at the point of the error it was running 5.3.8 - i had manually upgraded the version outside of Plesk, but it had seen the new version when installing new domains.

When Plesk stopped seeing that PHP was installed, my hosts asked me to upgrade Plesk, as it would solve the issue. I used that ai.exe program, and choose v11.

The control panel installed OK - but I did lose my websites for a while, due to it downgrading my PHP to v5.2, and installing an older MySQL version which tried to use the same ports etc (I also have manually installed mysql v5.5 and have 1gig databases in that installation!).

After chosing the upgrade to 5.3 option in the Plesk control panel, and turning the Plesk installed Mysql v5.1 service off and to disabled in windows services - 'revealing' my 5.5 version, I could at least get my websites up and running once again!

Once all those were running (the priority), I have found that v11 Plesk has the same problem as v9.2, namely that it doesn't think that PHP is installed and available.

The error on installing a new domain;

Error: Failed domain creation: Unable to update domain data: Execute websrvmng --add-domain "" failed with error code 1: PHP 5 is not installed

Oddly it does see PHP 5.3.15 in the Service components screen, and it's ticked 'green' in that page, so all looks well.

On trying to install a new domain using plesk I get this;

And also on pages such as webmail - it also shows 'PHP not installed' against those webmail clients which would need PHP to run.

Any way to 'force' Plesk to see that the PHP 5.3.15 version that it itself installed (and I've removed the component and re-installed using Plesk).

My list on the server components page;

ASP 7.0.6002.18276
ASP.NET 2.0.50727.4016
FastCGI Support 7.0.6002.22343
Perl v5.10.1 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
PHP 5.3.15
SSI 7.0.6001.18000

I've tried something found on this forum (under the 10.4 area), but that hasn't fixed it;

"C:ParallelsInstallerparallelsPANEL-WIN_11.0.9dist-msi-Microsoft-2003-i386php53.msi" you will have an option for "repair" - ran that, no difference.

So as it stands, Plesk 11 is running, and most functions work, it just doesn't recognise the PHP install that it put in place... so I can't add software which requires PHP through Plesk, nor add new domains. All existing domains are running and using PHP fine - so it's installed OK.

One error I've noticed on startup - within the PHP error log, is the following - which I'm guessing is coming from the Plesk's own PHP executable (I can see it uses a 5.3.10 version in it's own admin area, with an extended php.ini file? ) I'm guessing the plesk's php.ini extension is trying to double load some dlls (which isn't a problem?) but seems to not find the php_sockets.dll - although that file is in the directory specified!? If it's a php dll around network sockets, maybe it is trying to use those to communicate with a running php instance? (Just guessing here?)

[30-Jul-2012 15:56:42 UTC] PHP Warning: Module 'mbstring' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
[30-Jul-2012 15:56:43 UTC] PHP Warning: Module 'mysql' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
[30-Jul-2012 15:56:43 UTC] PHP Warning: Module 'mysqli' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
[30-Jul-2012 15:56:44 UTC] PHP Warning: Module 'pdo_mysql' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
[30-Jul-2012 15:56:44 UTC] PHP Warning: Module 'pdo_sqlite' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
[30-Jul-2012 15:56:44 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:pleskAdditionalPleskPHP53extphp_sockets.dll' - The specified procedure could not be found. in Unknown on line 0

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Joomla Not Working To Be Installed From Applications

Jun 21, 2014

I tried to install Joomla on my server from applications ( Not manualy ) . I go at applications on plesk's panel then i click on Joomla and the click to install it. After that , it shows that it's downloadiing ( Downloading Joomla... ) and it isn't doing anything else. It remained stuck at 0% like forever. I waited more than 2 hours once, and it didn't do anything. It was just stuck at zero. Other applications are working.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: PHP-FPM Installed But Not Showing Anywhere In Control Panel

Apr 8, 2015

I've installed PHP-FPM into Plesk 12 and it is showing as a running service. However I can't find any way of enabling it per site at all. I'm still just getting the 3 standard PHP options:

Apache module
CGI application
FastCGI application

The documentation states the option would be available on a per-site basis but it isn't.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: PhpMyAdmin Running On Nginx But It Is Not Installed

Jan 3, 2015

i've uninstalled nginx and php-fm from plesk panel.but phpmyadmin info still showing it is running on nginx 1.6 and while uploading sql file i'm getting 503 gateway error.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Multiple PHP Not Working With Installed MySQL

Dec 19, 2014

I've enabled one more php using this guide: [URL] .... but mysql is not working with the new php installation, how to get it working?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Roundcube Not Installed And Horde Not Loading?

Feb 22, 2015

In the list of available webmail clients there's only Horde. Why don't I have Roundcube? I thought it's preinstalled with Plesk 11.5 and higher.

When accessing Horde webmail, the page never loads till the end and all I get is the top menu, no e-mails.

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Can Cpanel Be Installed On A Cloud?

Sep 30, 2009

cpanel on a cloud, can it be done and auto scaling?

if so, who has this?

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Scripts Of SPAM And Phishing Installed On Server?

May 22, 2014

I are running an Plesk 11.5 on a Ubuntu 12.04 machine. Since days i have problems where i see scripts of phishing sites and mailer scripts installed in the httpdocs directory of various domain.

How I can prevent that people outsiders install this scripts on the server? Where is the bug that allows this?

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Virtual Machine Template With Installed Panel

Mar 20, 2015

I would like to create VMM template with installed plesk panel 12.0.18

But after I executed sysprep plesk panel didn't work.

All services, application pool work, but when I try to connect https://localhost:8443 I get an error "The page can't be displayed"...

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: How To Change Document Root With Web Applications Installed

Feb 8, 2015

i am relatively new to Plesk, i ordered a vserver with Plesk a couple of months ago and spend a lot of time setting everything up and developing several new websites. I am used to developping new websites on a hidden adress (sth like instead of the top level) and then switch the document root to point to the hidden directory when all is done. This practice has served me and my clients well for the last 10 years.

Using the Plesk features like built-in applications seemed like a good idea at the time but wanting to switch the new websites live i have now found out that Plesk won't let me do this since..It is impossible to change document root because there are web applications installed on this website.

I had read somewhere on the interweb that the v12 would let me do this so i just spent the better part of today updating to v12 .. but alas no luck, the limitation is still there. Is there a way to remove this limitation ?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: How To Disable Xcache Being Installed Or Updated Automatically

Apr 29, 2015

I wanted to permanently get rid of xcache from my Plesk 12 as some softwares we are using crashes if xcache is installed or enabled on server.

At present I am doing yum remove to remove xcache php extension from server which is allowing our software to work but after couple of days, its coming back again.

I found traces in autoinstaller log, but I am not sure how to completely disable only xcache for all php versions installed on server i.e. PHP 5.3, 5.4, 5.5

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: PhpMyAdmin Not Installed - Button Disabled In Panel

Sep 22, 2014

I'm on plesk 11.x on Windows.

There are a reason because phpmyadmin is not installed and the button in the panel WebAdmin is disabled ?

In plesk 11.5 for linux phpmyadmin is installed from default.

How to install it via plesk ?

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Installed Fantastico But Unable To See In Cpanel?

Jun 13, 2008

I have just install fantastico through WHM but my client not able to see fantastico in cpanel. how can i give fantastico to the client.

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Cannot Get Mod_dav Installed On CPanel System

May 14, 2008

I have installed SVN but it also requires mod_dav to be installed. I have tried installing it but keep getting a broken APXS error. However, APXS is working fine on other installs.

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Slow Website Performance With Perl And Python Installed On IIS

Jan 3, 2015

I noticed that all my client websites were as slow as a snail snot before uninstalling perl and Python.

Is it normal that perl and python components slowing down IIS?

I search online, it is a common scenerio for those two to slow down IIS.

After I uninstalled perl and python as well as awstat, the site are working as fast as before.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: WordPress - Changing PHP File That Is Installed Directly To Root?

Oct 27, 2014

I have a file that creates subscriptions , customers and domains. moreover, also installed wordpress to new domain. it makes it through the php file .

The problem I have is that when installing wordpress on plesk domain is installed in a subdirectory called wordpress in the root directory instead .

Is there any way of changing the php file that is installed directly to root ?

Ask this because from the plesk panel is done, there is an option through the file but can not.

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Plesk Automation :: Linux Platform Installed On Remote Host Is Not Supported

Feb 16, 2015

I tried adding an apache service node to PPA Admin Node.

I referred to the specs at [URL] ....

Specifications of the Apache server node are:

RHEL 6.4 64bit
CPU 2.5GHz
Free Space 18GB
Ports Opened:
80, 443: HTTP, HTTPS
8352-8999: Communication between a service node and PPA panels
22: Communication through SSH
20, 21: FTP connections

But when I tried adding it as a service node, PPA says The Linux platform installed on the remote host 'xx.xx.xx.xx' is not supported. Please, check the list of supported platforms.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Pre-installed And Customized Wordpress Installations With Themes And Plugins?

Mar 10, 2015

how to setup pre-installed wordpress themes and plugins so that customers can have them as soon as they auto-install wordpress? I am sure the files are stored somewhere, but can't find it.

Also, any way to disable the auto-install wordpress link from to just Some in-experienced customers will have a hard time since they wouldn't understand that selecting custom is the way to go.

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Health Monitor Installed But Unable To Load Configuration File

Aug 31, 2013

I just installed the Health Monitor add-on in a brand new Plesk 11.5.30 on CentOS 6.4 but all that it's area in Plesk displays is this funky looking error:

{"status":"error","statusMessages":[{"status":"error","class":"","content":"Unable to load configuration file.Click to expand...

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Anti-virus Program That Can Be Installed On Version 12.0.18 As Extension Or Component?

Jan 14, 2015

"What anti-virus do you use on your postfix email server powered by Plesk?".Is there an anti-virus program that can be installed on Plesk version 12.0.18 as an extension or component? I need it primarily for protection of incoming email from malware.I've seen in Add or Remove Components in the Mail hosting features that I have installed Kaspersky antivirus, but I didn't seen anywhere that it actually can be configured from within Plesk. It also, as far as I can see, doesn't do anything. what is Kaspersky antivirus used for in Plesk and how can I configure it?

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32 Bit Or 64bit

Jun 10, 2009

32 bit or 64bit for cent Os 5.3?

I am planning to purchase 2 vps for my friends, 1 vps which I am currently in touch is providing wide range, they gave option for 32bit or 64 bit, is there going to be change in the performance of the vps based on this selection

and which is better for the future causes, this vps might have an community forum, few blogs and some file upload site,

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Jul 30, 2007

There's idea to move to 64bit, Current Software Specs are:-

CentOS 4.4
PHP 4.3
MySQL 5.0
Apache 2.0
No CPanel

Web site mainly running on Apache, PHP, MySQL and NFS.

What do you think about stability of these softwares on 64bit processor.
Also which better AMD Opteron or Intel woodcrest ?

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32bit Vs. 64bit

Mar 3, 2008

I have been trying to research this but I cant seem to find an answer.

The big question I am trying to figure out is the comparison in clock speed for different processor bits.

For example, a 32 bit Pentium 4 at 3.2ghz versus a 64 bit AMD Athlon 2.0 Ghz?

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