
Apr 9, 2009

I have a few guys that keep spiking to about 30%+ cpu. This is fine if stops after 2 minutes from my tos but it keeps lasting for 30 minutes+ so I manually suspend them for about 10 minutes etc. are there any whmcs programs or addon's or any script in general that will suspend a user for 5 minutes if a large amount of cpu is being used?

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Error Suspended

Apr 3, 2009

I when unsuspended website, Show the below error on the website.


You don't have permission to access / on this server.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Apache/2.2.11 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.7a mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ PHP/5.2.9 Server at [url]Port 80

View 0 Replies View Related Suspended.

Jun 13, 2008

i bought a server from, I thought they were pretty good, They've been around since 1997, Although i've been waiting activation of the server, Today it has been suspended.

This Account Has Been Suspended
Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible.

Does anyone know whats happened with them? I also sent in a support ticket 2 days ago and didn't get a responce, Did they die down?

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1and1 :: Suspended My Domain

Aug 6, 2008

had a nice run with them for almost 3 years probably never had a problem until now; cancelled account today.

they suspended my domain (it was a free domain that came with the account) and service for hosting "pornography."

the abuse email says that i am violating

You agree and warrant that Your Data shall not violate any Laws concerning obscenity and shall not contain or link to any pornography, or depictions of bestiality, rape, sexual assault, violence, torture or disfigurement, or other content deemed objectionable by 1&1, in its sole discretion.

the link they sent me that was in violation was [mydomain]/index.php#HARDCORE_XXX_SEX_39948382_JPG.JPG

yes, a nonexistant anchor on a blank page. not an actual file.
in addition to that; abuse/billing/etc is taking more or less a week to reply to my emails.

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Why Does The Suspended Page Redirect

Jul 14, 2009

How come when my reseller suspends an account, the suspended page just redirects to his homepage? Does something need configuring..?

View 3 Replies View Related :: Account Has Been Suspended

Jan 8, 2009

Trying to access now:
and receive:

This Account Has Been Suspended
Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible.

(default cpanel suspended account page)

I have my backups on, and the servers are online, but something is wrong.

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Cases Where Vps Account May Get Suspended

May 26, 2009

I have a VPS account with WHP which is unmetered monthly transfer and a caped speed at 3 mbps, they saying that you are allowed to use %100 of the cpu:


My question is what would be a case that they may suspend my account?

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VPS Empire :: New Account Suspended

Jul 15, 2008

i just Got VPS from Vps empire , at Sunday

i paid , 5$ via paypal ,

today moring when i wake up

i got this mail from there support ,

Dear Customer,
Due to unlawful activities on your VPS your Services at VPS Empire have been suspended. Please contact our helpdesk at for more information. ...

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Backups And Suspended Accounts

May 19, 2008

Is there a way to keep an account suspended in WHM and ensure that they don't get processed in my daily/weekly/monthly backups without manually selecting the account in WHM?

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Canaca Suspended Accounts

May 24, 2008

my account with them just got suspended a few days ago. The reason was they think I was sending spam emails and make their server unstable. They sent me the evident email which was an email I sent to group about 20 people from a non profit organization for a meeting request and discussion of projects. I answer to them and asked for restoration of my email receiving account at least so I can download all the important business email that are still on the server (I'm using IMAP). They never answer both the Sales and the Support. The whole site is suspended. Those Canaca IT guys don't seem to know the differences between a spam email and a legitimate one. They also claimed that they host 200 accounts per server and that is I'm sending more than 100 email it would jam up their server. It seem by that they don't know how to configure their Linux server properly either. I asked around while looking for a replacement hosting service. Many can easily do 500 emails/hour.

By experiences, I also found that their server was performance at all and experiences lots of downtime within one year of hosting with them.

So I strongly recommand to everyone NOT to host with Canaca. If you're already with them start looking for an alternative berfore they suspend your account. You can't afford your customer to see your website showing 'Account suspended' and cannot reach you by email either.


Originally Posted by pawas

While surfing I have come accross many websites which were suspended by canaca, Is it clients are violating their Terms or they are not reliable?

Have you noticed any thing like that, I saw atleast 5 suspended websites in last month.

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Accounts Show Up As Suspended In List

Mar 8, 2008

there are about 5 accounts that show up in suspended list, but they are really not suspended and the dns still points to my server, sites are live. I tried unsuspending. Nothing. I suspended, unsuspended, nothing. I forced a cpanel upgrade, nothing.

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Spam Complaint Domain Suspended

Aug 5, 2008

I use a web developer using a reseller hosting account. One fine night I found one of my domains disappeared. Great agony at night hours because I very much fear it. Any way after hours of pathetic support chasing I got reply that "some one complained about spam through a lot of domains and mine was one and the domain was suspended. Now after receiving my support request they found it false and so on....

In all it was 5 days down. If some how, I haven't checked it, God knows how long might have been the downtime. I have some 60 domains.

Please advise and have your say on:

1) What regular precaution and check I should perform.

2) I have not received any email for suspension of domain. How to watch in such situation. I incidently checked the site and came to know about its status after some research.

3) My Host was very prompt then the domain registrar. The immediately informed me about the clean status of server use. And I was quite confident of my clean server as I have 10 years with various hosts.

So I request all of you, please must say something on the issue for the sake of people like me who devotedly follow this forum for their survival.

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IWEB.COM :: Account Was Suspended For Tos Violation

Oct 28, 2008

My username is getpayd

My shared hosting account was suspended for tos violation (adult content was found..absolutely legal, by the way)

Now all my websites are inaccessible, my control panel doesn't let me in, I cannot get access to my content..

I read your FAQ now, I understand what I did wrong.

"On our shared-hosting it is strictly forbidden to host adult content. This type of content usually generates a lot of traffic and could cause prejudice to our shared hosting clients due to server overusage coming from such websites."

I didn't think my 200 visitors daily put so much loading on your servers but now I see my mistake.

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Still Viewing Suspended Sites WHM And CentOS

Nov 6, 2008

I have a WHM + centos box and i've suspended some customers but guess what... they still have their services running I can still see their websites.

How can i fix that?

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EpicVPS (VAServ) Suspended My Server

Sep 27, 2008

Today i found out my server was suspended by VAserv without any notice beforehand. They sent me a email stating that i violated some policy as per email here:
The server was suspended for AUP violations. Your server has IRC chat software installed as the message clearly states that

> I found these suspicious looking connections on the Undernet IRC Chat
> Network connecting from a netblock you control. The originating ip(s)
> and undernet server(s) each one was connected to is listed below. The
> destination port they were using is most likely port 6667. Other
> possible

The Chat software that you are using may be using IRC as an internal interface for operation.

Regarding the supension, We suspend all the domains, vps, servers who violate our terms and conditions and comes under scanner for AUP violations without any warnings given.

i am not running any IRC clients/servers. The only thing remotely close is a Userplane webchat app that i'm currently installing, and that is a private chat script. So even after all this emailing back and forth, my server is still suspended. Very lack of respect for their customers. I'm preparing to move my business elsewhere, i've actually been waiting for this... just needed a reason, and now i have one. Since they took over EpicVPS.. my original 80gb allocated storage have been taken away... somedays i see 50gb , other days i see 30gb.. i suppose they are overselling which is causing the fluctuation, even though they claimed its backup storage lol. Anyhow... has anyone encountered this, do they have the right to lock me out of my own server without notice?

I noticed that since their acquisition of EpicVPS, there has been alot of attitude from staff and a lot less user friendly. Network lags alot more now as well. All downhill.

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UltraWebsiteHosting Account Suspended For Spamming

Jun 10, 2008

I found out why my website has been down for 8 days. I finally contacted someone at UWH and found that someone jacked my domain and spammed. So they suspended my account.

What really pisses me off is David Turner over at UWH has accused me of sending the spam. Even after I told him is was not me, he still accused me of sending the spam and threatened to bill my credit card for the spam fees.

I can tell you the $hit will hit the fan if he charges me anything and he had better stop accusing me of sending spam and appologize and it would be nice if THEY WOULD STOP THE SUSPENSION OF MY ACCOUNT!

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Bogus Copyright Infringement Complaint: Suspended

Sep 29, 2009

I did some independent contractor work for a friend starting a new branch of his business from mid-April to mid-July. I should have known better than to trust this "friend" as he is a snake and has not paid me for the work I did beyond the partial month of April. May/June/July bills are due totaling $3800.00 and he will not pay up. The middle of July was the last work I did for him and am no longer doing any of his projects.

As part of start-up and marketing a driver education program I created a website. I paid for the (generic, not associated with his business name) domain name, am the registrant, paid for the hosting, and full control the website. The website design and updating fees are part of the amount due, and I told him I would be happy to give him administrative rights to the website since I already had it up and running.

When he figured out he couldn't sneak behind my back and talk the web host service out of the access info, he was quite ticked off. Out came the gloves and he started a different domain name/website with someone else and they cried "copyright infringement" to the hosting company so my web site would be suspended. QUESTION: When the web host receives a complaint such as this, what is the proper procedure for handling it based on the DMCA and copyright laws? The host's site only has a statement in his policy about what to do if you are a target of copyright infringement. Common sense would tell me (although laws and common sense don't always go together) that as the customer of the hosting company, I should have been notified, given the opportunity to take down whatever they were objecting to, and then show the host that I did take the material off. I need to look into the Intellectual Property aspect of it, but that is not what I'm concerned about at the moment.

What rights do I have as the one getting bushwacked to have my website re-activated? Am I entitled to view all supporting documents? I have opened a support ticket asking why it was suspended 18 days ago, they responded with the emailed complaint (minus supporting documents) from the new web host, and didn't say what I needed to do to remedy the situation.

I intend to clear all of his stuff off my website and use it for another purpose, since I've already paid for the domain name and a year of web hosting.

The next step, after getting this website freed up again will be taking the deadbeat to conciliation/small claims court to collect the amount due with the assistance of an attorney. In our county if you appeal a judgement, it goes to district court and you have to have an attorney. I can see this guy with deep pockets financially beating me up for the fun of it. I can't afford to play that game.

Sorry this got long, but the moral of the story is: Do NOT trust friends who are snakes to others in business dealings...they will be a snake to you, too.

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My Midpulse Experience - Accounts Are Suspended Before Due Date

Sep 23, 2008

I have been with Midpulse for about a month, while hosting has been fine, but they really have serious issues with Billing.

I had selected Paypal Subscription when I signed up on 22-Aug and the subscription is paypable today 23-Sep, yet Midpulse Suspended my account yesterday itself for Non-payment Now, I'm confused whether I should cancel Paypal subscription or not.

Plus their HTTPS Billing area does not even open... so how the hell are customers supposed to Login to Billing area...

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Domains Suspended After Backup

Nov 24, 2014

A load of my domains were backed up last night and they have been suspended ever since. I have tried the following:

1. Domains -> Backup Manager -> Back Up
2. tick off the box to the left of "Suspend domain until backup task is completed"
3. Tick off the box to the left of "Domain configuration"
4. Click "Back Up".

...That did not fix it

I've tried suspending/activating the domains, but I just receive "Error: Unable to activate the domain: The domain is suspended."

I've also logged into MySQL PSA database and run "update domainaliases set status=0 where status=2;" ...That did not fix it

I have checked and /var/www/vhosts/ file is missing.

I have also run the following command: /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/httpdmng --reconfigure-all

That did not fix it

if I try "/usr/local/psa/bin/domain -u -status enabled" I receive the following error message...

An error occurred during domain update: Turn on domain failed: /usr/share/tomcat5/conf/server.xml:1451: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document vice>
tomcatmng: Unable to parse tomcat server config /usr/share/tomcat5/conf/server.xml

I'm on the latest 11.0.9 Update #63

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Domain Suspended And Can't Reactivate

Jun 14, 2014

A domain has become suspended for some unknown reason so the client's site is down (we're getting the Web Server's Default Page). The account limits have not been exceeded and it appears there's no logical reason why this should have happened. In any case I've tried changing the status within Plesk 11 but without success. I've also tried to access via SSH but I'm getting an access denied message even through the password being entered is correct.

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FSCKVPS Account Suspended (Stay Away From Paypal Subscriptions With Them)

Oct 23, 2009

Hi all. If you are a FSCKVPS member then be aware that you should NOT pay your invoices using their Paypal subscriptions.

Here's my story: My first monthly payment I made using a regular Paypal payment. Everything was ok. So I created a subscription the next month and was immediately billed by Paypal. Interestingly my invoice was still marked "UNPAYED" in the fsckvps system. So I opened a support ticket (10 days ago now). They forwarded it to their "Billing Level 2" departement and told me that they have problems processing Paypal payments that are subscriptions. Days went by and nothing happened. I received emails that my payment was overdue so I asked them again to please mark the invoice as "PAYED". Nothing happened.

Until yesterday they suspended my account!!! Ever since I'm trying to get my account back online. I even payed the invoice again (!!!) using a regular Paypal payment but that didn't help anything except that I'm paying twice for no service now. Nobody seems to care. I opened another ticket with support, hoping that another departement might be more helpful but the ticket was just again forwarded to "Billing Level 2". There's no phone number or anything to contact them. It's a shame, because I like their service and the technical support personnel has always been a great help to me. But not their billing people.

KHB-300228: Invoice #207287 unpayed?
SFX-669282: URGENT KHB-300228 / Invoice #207287
OCV-518983: Unsuspend suspended Account !!!

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Subscription Suspended By Bandwidth Overuse

Aug 1, 2013

What happens to subscriptions which automatically suspended because of overused monthly bandwidth , at new month ? do they automatically activate or we should activate them manually ?

And does the monthly bandwidth counter reset at first they of new month or it reset 30/31 day after subscription creation date?

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Domain Is Suspended Every Day By Backup And Not Resumed

Jan 16, 2014

"Domain is suspended every day by backup and not resumed" - [URL] ....

How can I configure for default this setting "Un-check the Suspend domains until backup task is completed option in the scheduled backup task properties" ?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Domain Stuck On Suspended Even After Unsuspending

Feb 2, 2015

Transferred plesk server to another.. Now customer domain is stuck on suspended and does not want to unsuspend even after I entered the command and enabled active on plesk../usr/local/psa/bin/domain -u -status enabled

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Account Suspended Due To Server Overloading - Unknown Ip Causing This Issue

Dec 14, 2007

My host has suspended saying my server was overloaded and sent me a log to my mail and i don't have access to cpanel also. I just have a wordpress blog and when i had contacted host through chat they told some ip might be causing this issue so ban that ip when ur account is unsuspended.

But i am really unaware of how to find which ip is causing this issue as i have little knowledge on analysing logs. Any help regarding this is highly appreciated and please leave your suggestions for me.

I am pasting the logs that were sent by host to me in mail:

Srv PID Acc M CPU SS Req Conn Child Slot Host VHost Request
0-5 22363 32/49/49 K 5.76 2 1695 583.9 0.82 0.82
GET /index.php/181/ HTTP/1.1
1-5 22365 81/81/81 W 42.69 3 0 3060.8 2.99 2.99
GET /index.php/181/ HTTP/1.1
2-5 22367 87/87/87 K 45.81 2 991 3287.3 3.21 3.21
GET /index.php/181/ HTTP/1.1
3-5 22369 2/41/41 K 2.07 8 0 15.3 0.12 0.12
GET /wp-content/plugins/postratings/images/stars/
6-5 22387 0/13/13 W 2.21 57 0 0.0 0.12 0.12
GET /index.php/181/ HTTP/1.1
7-5 22388 76/76/76 W 39.94 0 0 2871.9 2.80 2.80
GET /index.php/181/ HTTP/1.1
8-5 22396 0/26/26 W 2.46 38 0 0.0 0.34 0.34 GET /whm-server-status HTTP/1.0
13-5 22413 0/18/18 W 1.46 44 0 0.0 0.33 0.33
GET /index.php/181/ HTTP/1.1
14-5 22414 0/25/25 _ 0.76 55 672 0.0 0.28 0.28
GET /wp-content/uploads/2007/12/cup.jpg HTTP/1.1
20-5 22464 2/14/14 K 0.66 8 0 52.5 0.14 0.14
GET /wp-content/plugins/postratings/images/loading.gif HTTP/1.1
21-5 22484 0/6/6 _ 1.31 40 329 0.0 0.03 0.03 GET /~realrina/nun.jpg HTTP/1.1
22-5 22510 27/37/37 K 18.07 0 1832 982.5 1.25 1.25
GET /index.php/181/ HTTP/1.1
23-5 22523 8/34/34 K 1.76 8 0 94.6 0.30 0.30
GET /wp-content/plugins/postratings/images/stars/rating_on.gif
27-5 22540 0/10/10 _ 3.36 39 167 0.0 0.19 0.19
GET /wp-content/uploads/2007/10/anand.jpg HTTP/1.1
28-5 22542 1/14/14 K 1.76 8 823 151.9 0.23 0.23
GET /wp-content/themes/ProSense%20Redux/images/picture.jpg
29-5 23481 0/6/14 _ 0.37 11 2803 0.0 0.11 0.12 GET /img/player.png HTTP/1.1
30-5 22584 32/44/44 K 15.47 0 1284 989.6 1.06 1.06
GET /index.php/181/ HTTP/1.1
31-5 22588 22/25/25 K 5.77 0 751 468.0 0.46 0.46
GET /index.php/181/ HTTP/1.1
32-5 23520 0/5/8 _ 0.20 19 414 0.0 0.05 0.09
GET /images/files/36.jpg HTTP/1.1
33-5 23627 1/6/22 K 0.06 3 967 28.0 0.06 0.35
GET /index.php/category/telugu-online-movies/page/4/
36-5 23637 2/3/6 K 0.00 3 37 0.0 0.000 0.03
GET /files/color/garland-9bf1a50e/menu-expanded.gif HTTP/1.1
37-5 23673 8/9/16 K 0.49 8 0 126.9 0.20 0.21
GET /wp-content/uploads/2007/12/movie_dus_kahaniyaan.jpg HTTP/1
38-5 23674 1/3/10 K 0.00 11 1536 23.0 0.06 0.15 GET /affiliate/scripts/sb.php?a_aid=17&a_bid=7
39-5 23690 10/10/22 K 0.99 3 0 35.6 0.03 0.29 GET /files/color/garland-9bf1a50e/bg-tab.png HTTP/1.1
40-5 23693 0/5/10 _ 0.00 44 1106 0.0 0.04 0.07 GET /affiliate/scripts/sb
44-5 23721 1/3/6 K 0.00 8 0 0.4 0.000 0.00
GET /wp-content/plugins/share-this/share-icon-16x16.gif HTTP/1.
45-5 - 0/0/3 . 0.00 39 1 0.0 0.00 0.00 GET
/files/color/garland-9bf1a50e/menu-expanded.gif HTTP/1.1
46-5 - 0/0/5 . 0.22 22 1332 0.0 0.00 0.04
GET /index.php/181/ HTTP/1.1
47-5 22780 51/52/52 K 26.66 0 940 1927.2 1.88 1.88
GET /index.php/181/ HTTP/1.1
48-5 - 0/0/3 . 0.00 37 6786 0.0 0.00 0.02
GET /index.php/181/ HTTP/1.1
51-5 - 0/0/13 . 0.26 35 34109 0.0 0.00 0.06
GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1
54-5 23746 2/3/3 K 0.51 3 0 0.0 0.02 0.02
GET /files/color/garland-9bf1a50e/menu-leaf.gif HTTP/1.1
55-5 23747 0/0/0 W 0.00 20 706795599 0.0 0.00 0.00
GET /index.php/181/ HTTP/1.1
56-5 - 0/0/3 . 0.00 16 4868 0.0 0.00 0.00 GET /serverstats_inc.php HTTP/1.0
57-5 - 0/0/5 . 0.09 44 0 0.0 0.00 0.01 (unavailable)
POST /users_adm/start1.php HTTP/1.1
58-5 - 0/0/1 . 0.00 24 1640 0.0 0.00 0.02
GET /index.php/181/ HTTP/1.1
61-5 - 0/0/2 . 0.07 12 10194 0.0 0.00 0.01 GET /play_wmp.php HTTP/1.1

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