Yahoo Hosting Doesn't Support .HTACCESS

Jun 20, 2007

Yahoo web hosting doesn't support .HTACCESS file. What is the solution for it on yahoo web hosting?

View 19 Replies


Apache :: HTAccess Doesn't Work On Localhost

Mar 12, 2013

I need to modify a web that is working in the server. I'd like to download it to my computer and test it. For this reason I have to change the htaccess file to change the redirects, but it doesn't work, appears 404 error

This is the code.

RewriteEngine On #rewritecond %{http_host}
^ [nc] rewritecond %{http_host}
^camps [nc] #rewriterule
^(.*)$$1 [r=301,nc] rewriterule
^(.*)$ http://localhost:8887/camps/$1 [r=301,nc]

View 3 Replies View Related

How To Contact Yahoo Mail Support

Jul 23, 2007

Sometime, my server returned this error:-

MailEnable: Message delivery has been delayed.

Message is waiting at for delivery to

Reason: Mail Server for could not accept your email at this time. MailEnable will keep trying to deliver this message and will notify you of any progress.

After a while, then i could telnet to port 25. Sometimes it can't.

View 5 Replies View Related Doesn't Seem To Really Have 24/7 Support

Apr 18, 2007

I try calling they never answer the phone, I try them on AIM they never answer. I haven't been with them long, so far I needed 2 reboots the first one took 2 hours and the second one is going on 5 hours and still hasn't been done.

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XO.COM Doesn't Support Custom Aliases And ASP/C# At The Sametime

Jun 30, 2008 doesnt support c## and ASP on our current hosting plan. They do have a higher plan with ASP and C## enabled BUT it does not have custom aliases on the new plan so either we ditch or find another host. The reason why we C## and ASP is for the same client we are having the flash issues with. They sent us their files but mostly all are asp based with .aspx extensions and c## coding. Im thinking maybe thats the reason why the flash isn't working right?

But we need a new host with custom aliases and c##, ASP enabled..

Can you recommend? We are currently paying around $50 a month for 5GBs, 75MB bandwidth etc.

The host MUST also have CUSTOM ALIASES as we do have clients that like our domain name...

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Free PHP Host With .htaccess Support?

Sep 2, 2007

I'm looking for a free web host to host my portfolio. I need:

1) Php/MySQL Support
2) .htaccess support, so I can have search-engine-friendly URLs.
3) Preferably I'd like there to only be a text/graphic ad at the bottom of the page, or to be able to pay a small fee and have the ad removed. (No popups)

Is there any such host available, or can any of you guys here who sell web hosting set me up with one such account?

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Lighttpd + Mod_Security And Full .htaccess Support

Nov 7, 2007

Im considering alternatives to Apache web server for high traffic servers.

I already installed lighttpd + fastCGI (which is great!), integrated php5 and mysql5 without any problems.. After searching over the net i can see that there are lot of problems to have .htaccess files working in the same way as in Apache 1.3/2.x .

The solutions I've seen for this require almost a complere re-write of the .htaccess rules and even the app code in some cases, i mean, this is not good. Have anyone configured lighttpd to work with generic .htaccess files ? any guides please?

Also another important thing on a webservers is the security, apache is able to handle mod_security (a must in web server security I think), but i do not see any documentation on how to migrate mod_sec to lighttpd, any ideas about this?

Im testing this on Debian + PHP5 and MySQL 5 with latest lighttpd package.

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Yahoo Hosting

Jul 6, 2007

Has anyone ever used Yahoo to host their website? I have heard some good and more bad comments about them. I am a rookie at this so my site is going to be pretty basic. How do they rank vs. other hosting companies?

Yahoo has an “easy site creator” tool to make a site with a template like process. Do sites that use these rank as well in search engines as sites built without a template?

View 24 Replies View Related

Yahoo Hosting Reviews

Jan 8, 2009

yahoo offering unlimited bandwidth and space at very low cost around $50 (2000INR in our currency),is it reliable or not?

Because i have a wallpaper site requires some server resources but not so high.

suggest me,can i take this one?

View 14 Replies View Related

Yahoo Web Hosting With WordPress

Jun 28, 2008

It seems that Yahoo does web hosting, and they offer WordPress as one of their one-click install kinds of things. Given the absolutely absurd responsiveness of, I was curious if anyone actually used them as a webhost?

Their pricing is decent, but I'm wondering about performance? I'm currently with Dreamhost, and I'm okay with them, except that WP performance isn't great (not awful, though, either), despite having wp-cache installed and operational.

So how good it Yahoo's small business webhosting? Their TOS seems pretty generous as well.


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Yahoo Web Hosting - Big Name Worst Services

Jul 15, 2008

I bought a hosting package from Yahoo Small Business India.

Initially i was happy because the package was cheap and had good features. Database was easily set up I installed php admin tool also with one click install. No other packages are available. One has to manually upload and install.

I tried to upload phpbb but i wasn't able to upload some files. I emailed them and asked why the server gives an error while uploading .htaccess files, the reply was we don't support it. I uploaded it without .htaccess and installed it. I installed wordpess and wanted to have clean URLs but yahoo does not support mod rewrite. I don’t know much about php and databases.

9th July 2008: While I was learning I modified some tables due to which my database administrator permissions were lost. I was able to login using phpadmin but unable to create new databases and modify previously created databases and tables. I emailed customer care regarding the problem and got a useless reply on 10th July that I should change the password of the database administrator.

I changed the password but the problem was not resolved. On 11th I again emailed the problem in detail with screenshots to the customer care. On 12th, I got a reply “we have forwarded this issue to the technical team and we will inform you once this issue is resolved.”

On 12th I emailed to ask when the problem will be resolved but got no reply from them. Till date (15th July) the problem is not resolved. No one even wants to reply to emails.

See below my emails and replies given by yahoo customer care:

My email to yahoo customer care on 9th July:

I have some problem with database. By mistake i modified my original user name which i created while setting up the database. Now i can't access the tables that were created with previous user name. When i log in using phpadmin and try to see any tables i get the message. Access denied. Moreover, I also cannot create any new tables. I have NOT modified the yroot user;. Can it be recovered.
Please help.


Reply to the above query from Yahoo India on 10th July

From: Yahoo! India Small Business <>
Subject: Re: Troubleshooting (KMM90534089V76144L0KM)
To: "Vinay Chhabra"
Date: Thursday, July 10, 2008, 1:19 PM
Thank you for writing to Yahoo! India Customer Care.
With regards to your query, follow the below steps to assign a new user
name and password to access your database:
1.Logon to your "web hosting control panel".
2.Go to "create and update" tab.
3.Select "MySql databases".
4.Select "database administrator" and assign your user name and
password and click "submit".
For further assistance please write to us.
Thank you again for writing to Yahoo! India Customer Care.
Senior Customer Care Specialist
Yahoo! Customer Care


My email to yahoo customer care on 10th July:

Dear Sir,
Thanks for your reply. I have already done that from database administrator link but the problem is not resolved. This problem has started since yesterday because of my mistake. I modified the original database administrator "user name" from the database "mysql". After modification all my permissions have lost. I have not modified the yroot user. So can you grant the administrator permissions to new user The problem is that after logging in using phpadmin i don't have permission to create a new database. The databases and tables that I created earlier are also not available to me. I am also attaching the screenshot (.gif) of what error i am getting. When i click any database in phpadmin i get the following message:

SQL query:
MySQL said:#1044 - Access denied for user to database 'wpress'

If there is no solution then please reset the database, so that MySQL database can be set up again.
(Vinay Chhabra)


Reply to the above query from Yahoo India on 11th July

From: Yahoo! India Small Business <>
Subject: Re: Troubleshooting (KMM90547155V54693L0KM)
To: "Vinay Chhabra" < >
Date: Friday, July 11, 2008, 11:09 AM
Hello Vinay Chhabra,

Thank you for writing to Yahoo! India Customer Care. With regards to your mail, we have forwarded this issue to the technical team and we will inform you once this issue is resolved. Thank you again for writing to Yahoo! India Customer Care.

Senior Customer Care Specialist
Yahoo! Customer Care


My email to yahoo customer care on 12th July:

Dear Sir,
When can i expect the problem to be resolved. I reported the problem on 9th. Today is 12th. If there is problem in resolving then please reset the database. I think it will be much more faster.
Vinay Chhabra


I have emailed them several times but no replies……………………

If you want good customer support then do not buy any package from Yahoo.

Technical service: 0 out of 5

View 8 Replies View Related

Switching From Yahoo Web Hosting, Need Help On TOP Hosts

Aug 19, 2008

I have been hosting my website with Yahoo for almost a year now. I am looking into a new hosting service that is better than Yahoo. I will be having a Content Management System (probably Joomla) and few more databases. Planning on installing a free shopping cart.

What do you think is a top web host to replace Yahoo?

View 10 Replies View Related

Physical Path Of Yahoo Hosting

Jan 14, 2007

what is the physical path of yahoo hosting

i tried this

PHP Code:


but bank page

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Hostgator,, 1&1, WestHost, DreamHost, And Yahoo Web Hosting?

Apr 12, 2008

I am trying to pick a hoster, but I would like some help please. The site I am making is going to be a personal site, with a photo gallery, which will start out with about 500-1000 photos and will grow anywhere from 10-a few hundred a month. I also plan on having a small blog.

The hosters I am currently looking at are:

Hostgator,, 1&1, WestHost, DreamHost, and Yahoo Web Hosting. Which provider out of these do you think would be the best? Also are there any other providers you recommend.

View 14 Replies View Related

IonCube Loaders On Yahoo Web Hosting Unlimited Account

May 29, 2009

Is there any how possible to install ionCube loaders on Yahoo Web hosting? They don't give access to php.ini which is needed to load ioncube. Any ideas?

View 10 Replies View Related

What Is "Override .htaccess Support"

Feb 15, 2008

what is Override .htaccess Support?


how can i enable this feature in Dedicated Serevr?

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Hosting Company Doesn't Respond - Is My Domain Lost

Aug 12, 2009

its not actually my domain but the other day an older lady contacted me frustrated because she had lost her login info for her dog kennel site. She tried for over a month to get a hold of the company but no one returns her calls or emails. She contacted me to see if there was anything I could do. The first thing I did was fire off an email and call the number I was given. Left a msg to call me back, waited a few days sent another email and made another phone call...nothing. So I did some sniffing around and found the company had changed names to Black Wire Marketing (from teknon media). So I sent emails to them and made phone was the same phone system as the previous number.

My question is this, is there any protocol for recovering a website or more importantly the domain, if the hosting company has left town? The original site definitely resembles a flyby night reseller setup and not one that had a lot of thought put into it, wreaks of IM (why do IM people think they make good hosting service providers?).

View 4 Replies View Related

Image Hosting Htaccess

Jun 29, 2008

My goal is to block hotlinking of fullsize images and display a image when they attempt it... but allow clickable thumbnails to be shown. For some reason the following isn't working...

My htaccess looks like this:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /images

#Allow if it's not from another website
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^[url]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^[url]

#Allow if it's the hotlink.gif
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} hotlink.gif [NC,OR]

#Pass through thumbnails or hightlights as-is
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} .thumb.jpg$ [NC,OR]

#Return an anti-hotlink gif in place of any visual media
RewriteRule .*.(jpe?g|gif|bmp|png)$ css/images/hotlink.gif [R,L,NC]

View 4 Replies View Related

Web Hosting That Support SVN

Jun 1, 2009

I want to buy a hosting service with following feature



3 Rsync


5 Wordpress, Drupal support ( plan to run multiple wordpress and drupal site in this hosting plan)

6 multiple domain name support in one hosting plan

7 a lot of bandwith

8 great customer support, and low down time

I do some research and have a chat with and they seem to support everything i need however, after reading some review seem like they try to force you to update to dedicate server when your bandwidth is up.

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Need VPS Hosting With Mysql 4.X Support

May 7, 2009

Hey all. I have some legacy web applications that requires MySQL 4.X to function. Too much pain to upgrade. Can any of you recommend a VPS linux hosting provider that you can vouch for, who also support MySQL 4?

I am currently using MediaTemple GS which has MySQL 4 support; however, recent problems have made me want to consider other options. Unfortuantely, MediaTemple DV (thier VPS option) does not have MySQL 4 as an option.

Many thanks.


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VPS Hosting With Mysql 4.X Support

May 7, 2009

I have some legacy web applications that requires MySQL 4.X to function. Too much pain to upgrade. Can any of you recommend a VPS linux hosting provider that you can vouch for, who also support MySQL 4?

I am currently using MediaTemple GS which has MySQL 4 support; however, recent problems have made me want to consider other options. Unfortuantely, MediaTemple DV (thier VPS option) does not have MySQL 4 as an option.

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HostFresh Hosting And Support

Sep 11, 2008

I am currently hosted with HostFresh on their HongKong sever (Shared Hosting) and my site has been down for 7 days now!

I tried emailing them for several days, before calling their US phone line 3 days ago, which I was told they could not help and had to wait for an emailmwhich i replied I had been waiting 3 days for a reply..... later that day I finally get a response for my email which asked what the hell is wrong and when it will be fixed, the simply say- site was nullrouted and have to wait for it to come online
this was 3 days ago now... I have sent 1 (sometimes 2) emails per day since, I currently have 8 open tickets, all ranging from the last 6-7wks - YES... I had open tickets when this all began t do with me paying my bill twice, which i heard nothing for weeks so I did a charge back through PayPal.. another mater.
Does anyone else have this problem with support there?
and with the site?

is there a way I can get my files of the server and DB?

can someone please advise what I should do?

I am hopeless with out them as they have my site files, otherwise i would have dumped them days ago!

by the way, I have emailed them number of times, they just ignore me, I am going to be calling again t the U.S in the morning, though they have no idea, and frankly nor do I - I need my DB it has my whole site for the last 18mths on it - over 10,000 members info.

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Hosting PHP With FTP And Dbase Support

May 3, 2007

I am writing a PHP/MySQL application which extracts information from a .DBF file on a remote server and then builds a web page.

However, I just found out that my hosting company doesn't (and won't) support the FTP functions within PHP and they won't enable DBF file support (extension=php_dbase.dll in php.ini)

Does anyone know if other hosting companies will do this?

Also, at the risk of asking a very broad question, is there a place to go to get consolidated reviews of web hosting companies?

View 3 Replies View Related

Hosting With Java Support

Jun 12, 2007

hosting that has PHP, MySQL, and Java. I have found [url]. I would like to know if lunarpages is any good, and if there is anything better. I don't want to spend too much but would like good service and the above specs.

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Free Hosting With PHP, MySQL Support

Mar 10, 2009

Does somebody knows free hosting with PHP, MySQL support? And without banners on the page

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Any Bulletproof Support Hosting Provider

Oct 2, 2009

I'm trying to find a bulletproof support hosting provider that will alowe me to install phplist and send high number of newsletters to customers. I have my dedicated SMTP servers... i just need some place to host my web sites and park my other domains....

and the hosting provider must not suspends my account for any complain form the 3rd party....

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Phone Support For Hosting Companies?

Jun 1, 2008

Is there any companies that offer live support online or over the phone for hosting problems.

In other words

Can i hire a company that helps customers out with their problems online or over the phone?

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How Much Traffic Can Shared Hosting Support

Apr 2, 2009

How much traffic can a typical $5/mo shared hosting account support?

A lot of them claimed "unlimited" bandwidth and storage. Of course there's no such thing as unlimited.

I have a site based on Python, Django, MySQL or Postgresql. It doesn't have any video or other bandwidth heavy elements, but the whole site is dynamic, each page takes about 5 to 10 DB query, 90% reads, 10% writes.

What kinds of traffic can a shared hosting account support for a site like that?

At, someone stated that a $5/mo shared hosting account can typically support 10-20,000 unique users per day or 100-200,000 pageviews/day. Does that sound about right?

Any recommendation for a good hosting company that'd suit my needs? My site will start small but hopefully will ramp up quickly. I'd like a hosting firm that can support that growth.

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Good Hosting Customer Support

Oct 10, 2009

It's imperative for you to know that web host features does not just stop with Unilimited disk space and unlimited bandwidth. There are other very salient features to which some people looking for a host provider have ignore, it is CUSTOMER SUPPORT.

You will not value the importance of a good customer support until you start having problems which you want resolved in the shortest possible time. For some host providers this is like telling them to do the impossible.

It is sad that some of the so-called reputable host don't even have a ticket system not to talk of an on-line chat system where you can ask questions and receive answers in real time.

So, for those of you that are new to hosting or want to change your host, then you had better look for a host that offers good customer support either by Chat, ticket system or forum.

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UK Hosting With PHP5, Curl And PDO Support

Feb 21, 2009

I'm needing to move one of my own websites, as the current shared host doesn't provide curl or full PDO support.

I'm tempted by the basic fasthosts linux home package, as I've used them before for a client, but I'm not sure if they're shared hosting includes curl/PDO support (I know their dedicated servers do, as I've just checked).

I've just sent an email to fasthosts asking, but are there any other hosts I should be looking at?

The site's nothing critical, with pretty low bandwidth needs, but the current hosts uptime isn't anything to shout about.

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