What Is "Override .htaccess Support"

Feb 15, 2008

what is Override .htaccess Support?


how can i enable this feature in Dedicated Serevr?

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Prevent .htaccess Override Of Upload_max_filesize Only

Jul 20, 2008

I'm having issues with users setting their upload_max_filesize, and post_max_size values in .htaccess in excess of 500M 1000M

As a result their users are uploading and converting some huge files and pegging my cpu's.

Is there a way to allow .htaccess override for all values except upload_max_filesize & post_max_size

or perhaps there is another solution out there to limit .htaccess by user?

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Free PHP Host With .htaccess Support?

Sep 2, 2007

I'm looking for a free web host to host my portfolio. I need:

1) Php/MySQL Support
2) .htaccess support, so I can have search-engine-friendly URLs.
3) Preferably I'd like there to only be a text/graphic ad at the bottom of the page, or to be able to pay a small fee and have the ad removed. (No popups)

Is there any such host available, or can any of you guys here who sell web hosting set me up with one such account?

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Yahoo Hosting Doesn't Support .HTACCESS

Jun 20, 2007

Yahoo web hosting doesn't support .HTACCESS file. What is the solution for it on yahoo web hosting?

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Lighttpd + Mod_Security And Full .htaccess Support

Nov 7, 2007

Im considering alternatives to Apache web server for high traffic servers.

I already installed lighttpd + fastCGI (which is great!), integrated php5 and mysql5 without any problems.. After searching over the net i can see that there are lot of problems to have .htaccess files working in the same way as in Apache 1.3/2.x .

The solutions I've seen for this require almost a complere re-write of the .htaccess rules and even the app code in some cases, i mean, this is not good. Have anyone configured lighttpd to work with generic .htaccess files ? any guides please?

Also another important thing on a webservers is the security, apache is able to handle mod_security (a must in web server security I think), but i do not see any documentation on how to migrate mod_sec to lighttpd, any ideas about this?

Im testing this on Debian + PHP5 and MySQL 5 with latest lighttpd package.

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PHP.ini Override

Jul 30, 2009

i use Cpanel/WHM , how can override php settings when php run az CGI ,when i put php.ini in root of any website the setting didn't override main php.ini settings.

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CPanel Php.ini Override

Apr 12, 2008

I am setting a dedicated server for a mate with cPanel/WHM 11. He says he wants a custom php.ini file such that you can override the settings when you upload a php.ini file in /home/site/public_html/

how to allow this in the global settings?

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Why Doesn't .html Override .php

Feb 20, 2009

I have a curious problem, and have scoured the net for a solution.
Basically, while developing a Joomla site, I have had a standard .html holding page in place.

I uploaded the Joomla site in the 'background' to continue developing the website while the holding page was in place. I always thought that .html would always display first in the browser, before index.php.

However the index.php file always displays first. I've tried changing the htaccess file etc but at this point nothing seems to be working.

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PHP Disable Functions Override

Apr 23, 2009

In the php.ini ive disabled several functions for security reasons but i need to enable exec() and shell_exec() for WHMCS Status, but i dont want it enabled for anything or anyone else. I know you can over ride global php.ini but i preferably dont want that on and also i forgot where that option is but i was wondering if there was any work arounds or would i have to enable exec() and shell_exec() globally or enable php.ini override.

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Apache :: Setting Up A Local Domain With Working Override

Feb 25, 2014

I'm trying to accomplish two goals: First, get "Pretty Links" to work on my local Wordpress instance; second, to set up a local domain for the site.I have a fresh install of Apache 2.4.6 running, and I'll I've done is enable the rewrite and vhost_alias mods. Nevertheless, here's my apache2.conf: URL....

I need to have AllowOverride set to All. This, I gather, allows .htaccess files within the subsequent directories to alter the apache config. To try one thing at a time, I'm accessing the site from localhost/var/www/dhae/Wordpress (foregoing the domain). I tried altering the 000-default.conf to oblige this: [URL] .... -- all I added was the <Directory> section. This didn't work, and neither did changing the AllowOverride to All in the apache2.conf.

I wondered if perhaps I needed something more specific to the directory, so I tried using my second goal to accomplish this. I wrote the dhae.conf: URL....

I've also added the following line to my HOSTS file: dhae.dev

This hasn't worked either. I've tried virtual host config stuff as much as I could find, and I'm just not having any luck. What I have even came from this site (URL....).

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Using Vhost.conf To Override Suexec Directive In Httpd.include

Oct 20, 2009

I need to change the server configuration on Plesk such that the SuexecUserGroup directive is removed, so the user's cgi scripts run as the apache user (www-data), rather than as the user specified in that directive (the domain user), as on an unshared (non-VPS) server. I don't care about security from other domains because only one domain runs on it anyway, so making the user domain-specific is irrelevant from a security point of view and stops some of the user's code working.

This directive is found in
and is:
SuexecUserGroup user psacln
(this line appears twice, for ports 443 and 80)

I understand that this file can't be modified, as it may be overwritten by Plesk. Therefore additional directives must go in the vhost.conf file.

Will the following vhost.conf file do the trick and override the directives in httpd.include?

<VirtualHost domainIP:443>
SuexecUserGroup www-data www-data
<VirtualHost domainIP:80>
SuexecUserGroup www-data www-data

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Flash Support And Real AudioVideo Support?

Mar 13, 2008

Has anybody heard of Flash Support and Real AudioVideo Support? MMHosting.com offers this kind of support and I wonder if it's effective?

What do you think of it?

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Softlayer Support Vs Theplanet Support

Jul 12, 2008

I'm undecided between an upcoming dedicated hosting server and am moving between Softlayer and ThePlanet. My decision partly comes down to support.

I've read many reviews on WHT about both companies, but not necessarily comparing them from people who have experienced both.

So my questions (keep in mind this is my first dedicated. I have used VPS in the past with good support) Which offers MORE support (not better) - I'm curious which company might consider my support questions as "part of the default service package" or "need additional service plan for that" More detailed support - my usual experience with support is support staff assume you already know a high level so it may take going forward and back 5 times via email to get a full answer
Overall support satisfaction - any other comments

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Hivelocity Support, Or No Support

Nov 23, 2008

I've been with Hivelocity for 2 years. Occasionally we have problems, but it works. Their support staff can do very simple things relatively fast, however if you have some serious problems, e.g. failed disk and need to be replaced and do restoration from backup, it will be hell!

They will NOT do what asked in Reload Request, delayed answer to chat, no answer to tickets for many hours.

So far I'm very disappointed of Hivelocity support.

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.htaccess On IIS

Jun 3, 2008

I am using a script, on which i want to enable friendly URL, below are the instructions.

Friendly URLs Settings
Apache Settings

(please add the following lines to your
.htaccess file to turn on friendly URLs)
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /hcl/friendly_url.php [L]

But, issue is, i am using IIS on Windows Server.

How can i implement this?

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Com To Co.uk With .htaccess

Sep 7, 2008

I want a rule in .htaccess that will convert all .com addresses into .co.uk ones as I have a .com mapped to the .co.uk address for the site.

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Mar 11, 2007

I have a vds with godaddy. I uploaded my site and then uploaded .htaccess (AddHandler server-parsed .html) Then when I go to my site in browser I get this error.

Safari can’t open the page “mydomain”. The error was: “lost network connection” (NSURLErrorDomain:-1005) Please choose Report Bug to Apple from the Safari menu, note the error number, and describe what you did before you saw this message.

The thing is, I did the exact same thing on another domain with the same htaccess file and everything works fine. SSI is enabled on both.

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Oct 11, 2007

I'm currently having a problem with a site of mine. The problem is that trying to go to domain.com/subdirectory/ (with or without the trailing slash) gets a 404 error (even though the directory exists).

However, domain.com/subdirectory/file.php works fine.

When trying to figure out what is causing this, I remembered that someone who recently did some work on this site had to add something to the .htaccess file. Here's what they added:

RewriteCond $1 !.(php|ico|gif|jpg|png|css|js|htm|html|txt|zip|pdf)$
RewriteCond $1 !^$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [L]

I haven't done much with .htaccess, so I really have little idea what any of the above means or does (although I know it does something important).

So I guess my question is, could this bit of code be causing my problem? And, if so, how can it be corrected without messing up what this code was put there for in the first place?

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Can I Use .htaccess With IIS

Jan 24, 2007

My application is on Windows plateform and using IIS as webserver.

Can I use .htaccess to secure my directory...

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Jul 12, 2007


RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^showtopic=([^&]+)&st=0$ RewriteRule ^forum/index.php$ [url]
I get a 500 Internal Server Error when I put that in my .htaccess file. Got it from [url]

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Jul 18, 2007

htaccess file that will redirect all requests for the domain to --


so what I want is all traffic to be secure and use the 'www'.

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*.* And .htaccess

Jul 10, 2007

If I do rm -f *.* I see that .htaccess is not deleted

If I do copy -f *.* /somedir .htaccess is not copied.


What should I do to represent all files including .htaccess?

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Oct 4, 2007

i have a mobile download site.. now i dont want users to directly download from my site.. i mean hotlinking..

I hav a referal thing in my .htaccess

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^[url](/)?.*$ [NC]

Now there is a flashget like software for mobiles.. i want that my users are able to download using that software but the prob is that soft doesnt sends any referal info.. so in my .htaccess i want to allow that software and i am trying this

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^.*FGet 1.0.*$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^[url](/)?.*$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^[url](/)?.*$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^[url](/)?.*$ [NC]
RewriteRule .*.(zip|avi)$ - [F,NC]

where FGet 1.0 is the HTTP_USER_AGENT send by the software, but this doesnt works.. can plz give me the right code for it

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Sep 28, 2007

I'm have a bit of a mare getting some htaccess to work.

Here's my code:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^([-_!*$@~:.a-zA-Z0-9]+)$ [url]

The above works on a CPanel server but i've just moved the site to a fedora core 6, with standard httpd no control panel.

This is an entry from my log files:

PHP Code:
X.X.X.X [28/Sep/2007:11:51:34 +0100] "GET /my_profile.php?username=my_profile.php HTTP/1.1" 302 349 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30)" 

For some reason it appends the my_profile.php to the end of the url, and it does it to any file in the same directory and just keeps going around in a loop, why would it do this?

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Redirect Old Url To New Url Using .htaccess

Jun 6, 2009

Apache redirect. I would like to point all the old site URLs to my site homepage e.g.

[url]should point to [url]

or better,

[url]should point to [url]

tell me the redirect code i need to add to my .htaccess file to make this work?

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Htaccess And UA Whitelist

May 30, 2009

What are the most common UAs? What I want to do is whitelist all the legit UAs and block the rest.

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Htaccess- Redirecting

Apr 26, 2009

I'm trying to redirect all people who go to [url]to [url]

I've got this but it doesn't do anything: (and I did verify that the .htaccess works, as

I added garbage text and tested and got an error).

Options +Indexes
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.mydomain.com/directory/$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [url]

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