Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Setup FTP Access - Connecting To Server?
Sep 28, 2014
I setup FTP access on Plesk, then when i try connect to the server it seems to be trying to access through a old installation on FileZilla Beta server manager, that was obviously installed on the server a while back. I can only think it is not using which ever FTP manager Plesk uses.
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Apr 1, 2007
I have had great difficulty in setting up OpenVPN, so I thought, when I finally do get it to work, I will write a HOWTO, so other can hopefully benefit…
This guide was done using a FC4 VPS, running on Xen, it will work on OpenVZ, all you need to do is ask your VPS provider to install “tun support”.
1.First of all get a few additional repos, If you already have your repos setup, skip this step
If you have Fedora 3, follow these steps,
If you have Fedora 4, follow these steps,
If you have Fedora 5, follow these steps,
If you have CentOS, follow the “additional third party CentOS repos”
Then issue these commands, each line is a new command, anything beginning with "#" are comments so dont try to execute those.
yum update
yum install openssl openssl-devel
# openssl and openssl-devel may be installed already… so don’t worry
2. Right, now you want to install OpenVPN, here are the commands,
yum install openvpn -y
#Now check that it works
service openvpn start
service openvpn stop
3. A few things to setup before you can make certificates, issue these commands,
find / -name "easy-rsa"
#you should get an output like this…
#Now, make a copy of the easy-rsa directory, to /etc/openvpn/ ( make sure you #have put the right version number in i.e. mine was -2.0.7, change if needed)
cp -R /usr/share/doc/openvpn-2.0.7/easy-rsa /etc/openvpn/
cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa
chmod 777 *
mkdir /etc/openvpn/keys
4. You need to edit the vars file, located in /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa
You can use any editor you like, I used vi.
Change the line
export KEY_DIR=$D/keys
export KEY_DIR=/etc/openvpn/keys
Also at the bottom of this file you will see something similar to this,
export KEY_ORG="My Org"
Change this to your own values.
5. Now its time to make the certificates, enter these commands
. ./vars
# just hit enter to the defaults apart from Common Name, this must be unique
# call it something like mydomain-ca
./build-key-server server
./build-key client1
# remember that common name must be unique e.g. use mydomain-client1
# and YES you want to sign the keys
./build-key client2
# do this step for as many clients as you need.
6. We are almost done now… right we need to create a few config files, you can download my template from here,
cd /etc/openvpn
# make sure you change a few things in the server.conf file, like DNS
# servers
touch server-tcp.log
~ this makes the log file..
touch ipp.txt
this makes the IP reservation list.
7. You need to make a few changes to OpenVPN itself. Go to..
cd /etc/init.d/
edit the openvpn file
#Uncomment this line (line 119)
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
Add these lines below it, changing to your public IP address,
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to
Now install iptables if you don’t have it already,
yum install iptables
#test it
service iptables start
service iptables stop
8. Now for the client config files. If your client is a Windows machine, make sure you have installed OpenVPN, use the gui version, downloadable from here;
You need to copy a few files from the server to your client machine, here is the list, located in /etc/openvpn/keys/
## WARNING ## Use a secure way of transferring these files off the server, something like WinSCP.
Put these files in this directory C:Program FilesOpenVPNconfig
Now you need to make a client config, here is an example..
PHP Code:
clientdev tunproto tcp#Change to your public domain or IP addressremote 1194resolv-retry infinitenobindpersist-keypersist-tunca ca.crtcert client1.crtkey client1.keyns-cert-type server#DNS Options here, CHANGE THESE !!push "dhcp-option DNS"push "dhcp-option DNS"comp-lzoverb 3
Make sure you edit any of the lines with comments above them.
Call this file client1.opvn and put it in C:Program FilesOpenVPNconfig
Make sure the file extension is .opvn not .txt
To connect right click on OpenVPN in the taskbar >> Connect
To test ping
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Aug 18, 2014
I have a rented VPS with 2TB of disk space and a plesk license in order to host the sites that i develop and my sites, and found myself with around 1.8TB of free space, plesk samba management and plesk vpn management but with few missing pieces for my idea. My idea was to setup vpn tunneling between my laptop and desktop to plesk server and access samba share from the server like they were in my LAN.In the firewall I have opened only the classic mail and web ports (obviously plesk access too).
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Jan 27, 2015
I have windows server 2012 and Plesk v12.0.18 #30 - I noticed speed problem.
When I try to connect to mySQL with:
$conn = new mysqli('localhost', 'joomla_***', '*****', 'joomla_test');
Connection takes 1 second!!!When I try to connect with '' instead of 'localhost' connection takes 0,009 seconds.
1. I tried solution to add line ' localhost' to c:windowssystem32driversetshosts - but no luck.
2. I tried to edit C:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskMySQLDatamy.ini - adding lines
then restarted mySql but 1 second lag time on connection was still there.
3. I even tried to disable IPv6 but still no luck
I guess all users windows windows server 2012 has the same problem??!?!...
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Apr 17, 2014
I want to use Gmail to host my email. I have already confirmed my domain and now I can successfully send emails via my domain.
However in order to receive emails I need to add/update the MX records on my server. I did that (I think) but now, 24h later, the records don't seem to be updated yet.
For instance still shows that there is only one MX record: [URL] ....
This is my setup where you can clearly see the MX records required by Google:
I changed the TTL to some minutes but still the changes don't seem to be propagated.
The screenshots are taken from "Website & Domains" -> my domain -> DNS - that should be the right thing to change, correct?
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Oct 16, 2013
I have Plesk 11.5 (service provider mode) on a Windows 2008 server IIS7.Most of my sites are developed in .asp and therefore i use a custom 500-100.asp error page that check s the IP of the visitor then displays either a friendly error, or if its my IP a full error of what has happened (it also emails me the error). This allows me to debug pages easily whilst developing and to keep an eye on anyone trying SQL Injection hacks on my sites (as the error and email also have session variables and IP address).I dont have root access to the server as it is a Webfusion dedicated server.I have following the Plesk documentation -
1) Switch on custom errors for the subscription
2) Look in virtual directories and navigate to error documents
3) Find the error in question (500:100) and change it to point at either a file or URL
FILE - I had the data centre add in the 500-100.asp error page in to the virtual template so that my page is available in the list of virtual files - this didn't work but that maybe because its not a static page??
URL - when i add the path it says its incorrect, if i add a fully qualified address, it accepts it but it doesn't work.give me a specific example of the URL that can be entered relative to the root as the format in the documentation isn't accepted. The last step is to restart IIS which is also an issue as i cant seem to do this from the Plesk panel..It is as if it isn't catching the 500:100 error, and only catching the general 500 error??
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Jun 29, 2012
after upgrading to plesk 11 i get this error (Image attached)
so basicaly i cant do nothing..
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Aug 28, 2012
How can I allow only one ip or a list of ip addresses to access port 8443.I need to limit access this port to few ip addresses and not everyone
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Aug 18, 2012
Health Monitor Module is installed and running on server, but not visible under Server Administration Panel > Home > Server Health on Plesk Panel 11.0.9 update #7. Is there a trick to configuring home to show it and/or a direct way to launch view of server health?
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Feb 3, 2015
I have just looked at the plesk panel log - /usr/local/psa/admin/logs/panel.log - and seen an alarming number of attempts to access plesk using the admin user. i.e.
[2015-02-02 14:53:46] ERR [panel] [Action Log] Failed login attempt with login 'admin' from IP
I have fail2ban installed and set up for other things...
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Dec 31, 2008
if its possible to find a VPS reseller that allows you access to their HyperVM or Xen installation, soo you can add/remove/update accounts instant with out going through their management system ?
I really think this type of service has potenial, if its possible to do this in a safe way and low cost.
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Aug 6, 2013
I recently setup Plesk 11.0.9, and I want to setup SimpleDNS into my plesk panel. I installed SimpleDNS 5.2 on the server, and I followed the instructions in this post --> [URL] ...., but when I refresh the components page in the panel, I never have the Simple DNS.I setup port 8053 in SimpleDNS' HTTP API, I accept any ip address, I remove the firewall and Plesk can not see it.
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Feb 15, 2015
in last two day we have problem with plesk on windows server 2008 r2 plesk version is 12.we have Access is denied error in some part of plesk like: can not add email address.can not edit email address..can not active on suspend domain..i Conant support team and they are solve problem but after on day. problem came attachment i attach error log file and screenshot on errors.
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Dec 23, 2013
I have enabled mail for and can access my eMail via Opera Mail as a download.
However, I cannot access webmail. Typing "[uRL] ...." into the address bar of my browser (Chrome) results in the message "No input file specified."
I believe this is a PHP setup error. I have tried disabling / enabling PHP support for himivest (in accordance with [URL] .... ) but this had no effect.
What must I do to enable webmail?
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Sep 20, 2014
i recently purchased a VPS Server from OVH, So far all is good with it, I have 4 domains parked off in a local South African Server that using DNS Records are pointing to the VPS Servers. The website etc is all displayed 100% so no issues there.My problem comes with email, Generally I use GMAIL to access all my emails using their POP3 and SMTP Feature by just putting in the details like how outlook is. Unfortunately it keeps on saying connection timed out and at times says another error to do with denying access.
So then I try accessing my email using the webmail interface, Im using mailenable and mailenable webmail, I cannot access the webmail through the panel neither can I access it using the link or as it gives the following error:
Service Unavailable: HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.
My setup for my emails is as follows: I have 4 domains (for example sake lets call it domain1, domain2, domain3, domain 4) now domain2,3 and 4 3 individual email addresses with no mailboxes as I set it up on plesk so that all email from there gets forwarded to main Domain calling it domain1. like this way I do not have to open so many and all email found on one place. However I would like to make sure I can still send using the domain2 email address which logic tells me I should just need username password and the smtp settings.
But unfortunately even that when I want to set up on gmail or even outlook is giving me the same issues as mentioned above.!I googled and I looked through the forums about IIS application pool and restarting mailenable servers I did all of that but still the same error and issues, the domains have been propagated properly I waited 72hours just incase!
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Feb 11, 2014
I had used Panel version 11.5.30. I unable to access Hosting Services / Domains !
You can see this picture show about this case !
I don't know why this Panel error ???
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Nov 5, 2013
All settings of the custom error page were made ​​and worked correctly, however the next day the setting was lost after reset again and returned to work.
But stopped working again, I use Plesk 11...
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Mar 16, 2015
A few day ago when i access Windows plesk i receive error Access Denied. [URL]..... Even i made these steps i still receiving Access Denied when i access. I tried use PLesk REconfigurator, put psaadm permissons on all C:, update plesk, windows and still having this issue.
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Apr 6, 2015
Login Plesk 12 In Error :
Operation failed
The operation you were performing failed. You can retry the operation with or without changing its parameters. You may also want to report this problem to our support.
Error show :
Access is denied.
---------------------- Debug Info -------------------------------
Windows 2012 and Mssql 2012 .
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Jun 12, 2008
How do I setup a VPS on my Server?
It is Windows Server 2003.
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Jul 13, 2008
I want to be able to do some testing on a Windows Server. Instead of finding a domain and finding web space I figured I could just use one of my own PCs as a web server.
However, I've never done that before and have no idea what I would need.
Does anyone have a tutorial of what needs to be installed (OS, software, etc) in order to setup a Windows web server? Doesn't have to have any features other than supporting ASP. And I'd need to be able to access it from the internet via my ISP and a port.
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Jul 9, 2008
I am a good systems administrator but I have never setup a windows web server. Are there any tutorials out on the web that would show me how to do it. Is it true when a dedicated server is purchased the only thing I have to do is transfer the htm or asp files?
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Dec 14, 2014
I migrate to 12.0.18 Actualización #28, última actualización Dic 11, 2014 02:12 PM.
When I try to Access to the domains in a specific client I´m geting this error:
Internal error: D:Plesk is out of webspace
MessageD:Plesk is out of webspace
File Webspace.php
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Feb 22, 2015
Windows Server 2012r2
Plesk Panel 12.0.18 Update #36, last updated at Feb 20, 2015
my server running version 12 on win server 2012r2 of the panel. Sometime in the last few days something has changed and I can no longer load the Admin panel on ip:8443.
I can access the panel by using remote desktop into my server and loading it locally.
I also can not connect to the server using the mobile manager app or via telnet. If I disable the firewall in the Plesk panel it works fine so I checked my firewall but incoming on 8443 is allowed. It seems the firewall is blocking ports that were previously open as I can't remote access my MS SQL server either without switching the firewall off.
The only change I'm aware of since I last used the panel is the update #36 install. Not sure where to look next?
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Mar 20, 2014
I have 2 webspaces on my server, and
I initially setup, everything works fine and I can access the emails for through
Then I setup using almost identical DNS settings, except that each domain has its own dedicated IP
Now, the problem is I am not able access, the error message is server not found, why is this?
It seems that I can only access the emails for using
I have mailenable version 8 standard installed...
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May 29, 2009
I've just purchased a Windows Server 2008 VPS plan with a hosting provider. With that I have needed to open up several ports - 21 (FTP), 25 & 110 (Mail) on Windows Firewall.
My first question is about security on those ports. So far I've just opened them in Windows Firewall and that's it. Is there anything in particular I should consider to keep those ports secure?
I've also had to install a mail server. So far I've installed the standard version of MailEnable and have it running fine. The problem I see is that the standard version has no spam filtering and no virus checking.
So I did some more looking into all this and found SmarterMail, the free version. The thing that gives this potential comes straight off their site... "SmarterTools understand what it is like to be part of a growing company. Budgets are tight, and often money is not available for software expenses.". This is exatly where I'm at, a small business with no software budget, at least not for now.
After looking into it, it appears as though we would have to pay for spam/virus protection when using MailEnable, because this is for commercial use (Maybe there's some free spam/vrus software for MailEnasble I'm not aware of), but we would have that included with SmarterMail. As an added note, this VPS facility is for a single domain and I realise that SmarterMail only allows for 10 accounts, but we can live with that for now.
Does anyone have real world experince using MailEnable vs. SmarterMail in this kind of scenraio? If so, from experience, what do you think is the best option?
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Jul 24, 2008
i have linux.i want setup vpn server on this,and take several account vps to windows clients
how may?
i can`t use of openvpn
do you have another tools?
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May 25, 2014
When I tried access parallels plesk panel 11.5 ... It's show windows password, if i enter Administrator credentials i see login of parallels, if i cancell i receive this error: "401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials."
I also tried use reconfigurator but i receive this error on attach 2...
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Jul 6, 2015
When trying to delete A client I get the following error:
Internal error: Access is denied.
Message Access is denied.
File Hierarchical.php
Line 105
Type Exception
I'm on plesk 12.0.18 Update #53 and have run the plesk reconfigurator to check for permissions issues.
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Sep 22, 2012
I have a problem with my plesk v11, when i create a new subdomain and upload my application to that and make a request to view my web page it get Server Error 401 :
401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
But my main web site have not any problem and works fine, my changes that didn't work :
1) change in web.config file :
<authentication mode="None">
2) change in web config file :
<allow users="?"/>
Another question that i have is this happens because the Plesk's default permission assigning to the main domain so the users can view content without problem, but the permission isnt assign to the created subdomains ?
If this is the problem, how can i fix it so my users can see the content with our Windows Authentication or Forms authentication or anything else?
this is my domain name :
and this is my sub domain :
Also parallels default host files not have any problems, for example :
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