Lots Of Dedicated Server

May 7, 2007

Our current problem is that when we try to start sshd daemon we get the error "/lib/libc.so.6: version GLIBC-2.4 Not found".

The next problem is that when running things such as "hostname" we get the error "Floating Point Exception (core dump)."

OS: Fedora Core 4
Kernal: 2.6.12-1.1398_FC4smp
Control Panel: cPanel 11.3

Think it could be cPanel? If so, how to downgrade?

Also, when I do ls for the / directory, I see a whole bunch of core.***** files.

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Getting Lots Of Data Off A Dedicated Server...

Nov 30, 2008

I have a project (using multiple servers) that has generated 3TB of data (compressed), with another .5TB or so each month, and the hard drives on my servers are very close to capacity.

The data doesn't need to be accessible online, so I'm trying to find a low cost way to deal with this data. Keeping the data on dedicated server(s) raises the monthly cost every few months, which isn't good. Transferring that much data to my location via the Internet is costly and inconvenient.

I'm thinking the best option would be to find a host that can ship hard drives to me, after I copy data over. Does anyone know if that is something that hosting companies are willing to do?

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Node Setup - Lots And Lots Of Low Spec Servers Or

Mar 29, 2008

I run a large service on 2 machines (we're talking 8x2.66Ghz processing power, 4-6GB ram, etc), however we are thinking about creating a node/clustered setup to help spread the load, bandwidth, mysql (having one server for hundreds of thousands of databases is not wise it seems :p), diskspace etc. Lots of machines just seems to be a cheaper and more powerful option.

Would you advise going with lots of lower end machines, or just a few mid-range machines.

Here is what I propose:

3 of these
Dual Xeon 3GHZ Dual-Core (4x3GHz)
500GB Sata Drive
4000 GB Bandwidth


4 of these
2GB DDR2 RAM (Upgradeable)
2000GB Bandwidth


7 of these
Dual Xeon 3.06 Ghz

All of the above are roughly similar prices in total.

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Building A Server With Lots Of Storage Space

Mar 7, 2008

We are going to offer web space to our students and we want to build a new server just for this purpose. We were looking at buying a storage array, a RAID card, and a server. I have no problems building a server; however, I have never built anything with an external enclosure. I am thinking about buying this storage array:

www newegg com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816702010

I plan on installing hard drives in every drive bay for a total of 12 drives.

The problem I'm having is I don't know what type of RAID card to buy. I saw this one; but, I don't know if it will work with this storage array.

www newegg com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816116062

Thanks so much for any light you can shed on this! I apologize for the link but I do not have enough posts insert URLs.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Sending Lots Of Spam From Server

Nov 8, 2014

I have a Plesk v12.0.18_build1200140606.15 os_CentOS 6 server. using postfix

And Lots of spam is send from my server.

I tried: [URL] .... but with no results.

on the moment the /var/log/maillog file is over 5,5GB

and the /var/log/maillog.processed is over 7,2GB and splitted into multiple .gz files

What can I do to find the source of the problem and stop it ?

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High Server Load / High Swap / Lots Of Httpd

Feb 20, 2008

I have a cPanel server with 4GB RAM

My server hangs time to time, once or twice a day. This is the last status when it happens.

Server Load 75.90 (2 cpus)
Memory Used 92 %
Swap Used 65.78 %

When I was still inside SSH when it happens, the processes I can see inside "top" are a lot of httpd processes.

So I "killall -9 httpd", I had to do it 30~40 times

#killall -9 httpd
#killall -9 httpd
#killall -9 httpd
x 30~40 times until no pid process found & the server load is back to normal.

Before that, I check httpd fullstatus, they look very normal, same goes to what I see inside WHM Apache status & cpu usage status.

At first I thought it was a memory problem after consulting with a server admin, so I replaced all 4GB new ram stick (such a waste)

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Lots Of Bandwidth

May 25, 2008

My friend is setting up a media sharing site which will use a lot of bandwidth. He would like to colo two 2U servers with 10TB or so of bandwidth each. I have advised him that FDCservers unmetered is about the best price he can have. Can anyone else suggest a place offering 100mbit or 10TB of transfer for less than $1000/month per server.

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Best Management With Lots Of Bandwidth

May 23, 2009

Best management with Lots of bandwidth...

I am going to be starting a filehosting site soon and i need a dedicated server fully managed one. With that i also need alot of bandwidth.

Budget: $150-200

I was looking at [url]but didnt like it much.

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Send LOTS Of Email

Feb 25, 2008

We are running an application on IIS that sends out 4-500 emails per day via a smarthost, but nearly 11,000 every weekend. None of this is bulk mail...

We need a new smarthost provider ASAP, as our current host is discontinuing this service this week, and we were just notified.

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VPS Service W/lots Of RAM & Port Speed?

May 18, 2008

know a good VPS hosting service which offers a lot of RAM & Port speed for a cheap price?

Best one I found so far at the "VPS Hosting Offers" forum:

Windows 2003 Enterprise
2048 MB RAM
20GB Space
1000 GB Bandwidth
$70 dollars USD

This would be used for hosting a gameserver~

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Lots Of Keepalive Requests In Apache

Mar 31, 2008

I have been experiencing a lot of Keepalive requests for a particular image on a particular domain. please see the lines below.

0-11233931/63/63K 0.15100.40.030.03 http://mydomain.com//images/logo.jpg HTTP/1.1
1-11233941/77/77K 0.18100.40.050.05 http://mydomain.com//images/logo.jpg HTTP/1.1
2-11233951/42/42K 0.76000.40.170.17 http://mydomain.com//images/logo.jpg HTTP/1.1
3-11233971/57/57K 0.04000.40.020.02 http://mydomain.com//images/logo.jpg HTTP/1.1
4-11233981/46/46K 0.27000.40.040.04 http://mydomain.com//images/logo.jpg HTTP/1.1

These are just a few lines from the top.

How can i prevent this from happening.. it seems as a SYN Flood, or maybe a DDoS.

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Lots Of Bandwidth For Arcades Sites

Jun 27, 2008

I've a few arcades sites and they're using more bandwidth than my servers can handle (> 2TB month). I currently have two dedicated boxes.

The sites are static, so they don't require much processing power, just bandwidth (lots of .swf files).

My current host(liquidweb) offered me a 10mb unmetered for 100usd/month, which sounded too much, as I think that I'd be better renting more servers(Or VPSs) and spreading the sites (avoiding single point of failure).

I searched and thought about trying mediatemple grid service, which offers 1TB bw/month.

What do you guys think? Will I be able to use all the BW they promise, ow they will try to kick me off saying that I'm using too much resources(even I hosting only static files)?

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Plesk VPS - Lots Of Bandwidth This Month

Jun 30, 2007

I usually move 900MB to 1.1GB or so of Data per month.

I noticed today that I've moved 3.5GB this month. How can I tell what file(s) are being moved?

I'm uncertain how I have tripled how much data I usually move.

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Apache Hangs When Having Lots Of ..reading.. Requests

Jan 26, 2008

A weird thing happents once on few days on my server, and it's not a regular thing or on exact time.

When I have this problem no page can be loaded in the browser, but WHM is working, i think because it's accessed by IP .

In apache status page I can see lots of ..reading.. requests which are there even for 10 - 20 seconds sometimes.

Usualy the server has 10 - 20 requests/s :

CPU Usage: u35146 s2297.05 cu2.74 cs4.5 - 6.97% CPU load
11.2 requests/sec - 83.0 kB/second - 7.4 kB/request
10 requests currently being processed, 8 idle servers

But when the ..reading.. requests appear it goes much higher like 100 to 200

11.5 requests/sec - 85.3 kB/second - 7.5 kB/request
200 requests currently being processed, 0 idle servers

after 3 minutes :

160 requests currently being processed, 30 idle servers

When I logged on to SSH I saw that there are ~150 conection from a single IP .

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Exim Mail Queue - Lots Of Emails

Jan 17, 2008

1) What would you guys say is average in terms of the # of emails in the Mail Queue?

2) What steps can be taken to tighten it up? If I start with a clean slate, it only takes about a week or less for my mail queue to reach 1000 or more. Most of it seems like junk mail.

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SSH Or Program How To File Replace Lots Of Files

Jan 14, 2007

I have anywhere between 80,000 - 90,000 webpages that have a single code into this. Unfortunately at the time the web developer I used didn't use PHP includes. So each .html file has the code in it.

I want a way so I can do a single command either a program or an SSH command can find the syntax in the files and replace it will code I have. Its just a single line of code that is basically for an adsense code, so the pub-blahblahblah etc..

Does anyone know of a SSH command I can use, or a program that will find and replace without manually opening up each file? 80k - 90k of opening files then find/replace will take forever!

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I Have Lots Of Bandwidth, But My Host Is Slow - Should I Pay For Virtualization

Sep 12, 2007

I use a host that gives me way more bandwidth and space than I need, but it is still super slow. It's Dreamhost who is known for charging very low fees and promising the world. Although my sites do load and I get unlimited everything pretty much, I can't stand the slow loads.

They have offered me virtualization of my server so I can create my own virtual server with 150Mhz and 150MB of dedicated CPU/memory for $15 more a month... do you think that will speed me up a lot or should I just suck it up and pay for a better host that doesn't pimp themselves out so badly?

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Is Ufs Slower Then Ext2 For Lots Of Files In A Single Directory

Aug 23, 2007

We used Red Hat with ext2 as our file system on an old server with 100k+ of image files in a single directory. This seemed to preform ok until we switched to FreeBSD using UFS. Now images load very slow. I have read that Ext2 uses and internal hash to speed lookups, while UFS does linear searches for lookups.

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Apache :: After Enable APC Pages Throwing Lots Of PHP Notices

Nov 24, 2013

I have installed APC on our Windows server. After I enable APC and restart apache our pages throwing Lots of PHP Notices.

Code :

System Windows NT 6.1 build 7601 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Web Server Edition Service Pack 1) i586Architecture x86Server API Apache 2.4 Handler Apache LoungeThread Safety enabledPHP Extension Build API20100525,TS,VC9Apache Version Apache/2.4.2 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.1c PHP/5.4.4Virtual Server Yes

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Suitable UK Linux Hosting Packages For Lots Of Small Sites

Sep 5, 2007

Does anyone know of a hosting Linux package (must be UK based) that has the usuals (PHP, MySQL, subdomains, email, Apache ModRewrite) that is geared towards hosting lots of low bandwidth sites?

I use several great hosters but they limit the amount of addon domains or charge you through the roof for extra ones. I'm thinking a package that will let me do 15 - 25 domains. More would be a bonus. The bandwidth allowance is not a problem. A lot of my customers' sites use less than 100 MB a month.

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Dedicated Virtual Server Vs Regular Dedicated

Sep 3, 2007

What is the difference between Dedicated Virtual vs Regular Dedicated Server?

Also what are the pros and cons of going with Virtual?

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Dedicated Server Along With Dedicated Support

Apr 1, 2008

to move from shared windows hosting to Dedicated windows hosting. This will be our first dedicated server and experience with dealing it too.

Someone suggested me Rackspace. But they were charging premium rates 440 USD for entry level windows server.

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Dedicated Server Vs Virtual Dedicated Server ..

Sep 7, 2008

I am currently using a shared hosting but due to increasing traffic and server load my existing host is not able to provide reliable services and I am planning to upgrade my hosting service.

While I was searching for Dedicated Servers, I learnt about Virtual Dedicated Servers but I am not very sure about their reliability? Are Virtual Dedicated Servers useful? My website current serves over 2500-3000 visitors a day resulting in 30,000 pageviews and I am expecting the traffic to grow by atleast 2 folds in the next few months as I start some PPC campaigns and Email Marketing for my website. Can a Virtual Dedicated Server cater such needs assuming my website to be more of less dynamic website written in php?

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Is There An "email Host" That Lets You Send Lots Of Emails

May 10, 2009

I have a list of a few thousands subscribers and want to use a joomla component to handle my sign ups and announcements. Problem is my web host only allows a certain amount of emails per hour, and a cap on emails per day. Are there any email hosts, meaning, a service I can sign up with that will allow me to send these emails? I don't want anything complex like aweber and constant contact. I just want the articles on my site's news section to become the actual announcement/newsletter. I thought about Feedburner, but they don't let you import your subscribers.. I wouldn't be sending announcements every day, but perhaps a couple of times per month..

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Don't Have Root Access To Server As It Is A Webfusion Dedicated Server

Oct 16, 2013

I have Plesk 11.5 (service provider mode) on a Windows 2008 server IIS7.Most of my sites are developed in .asp and therefore i use a custom 500-100.asp error page that check s the IP of the visitor then displays either a friendly error, or if its my IP a full error of what has happened (it also emails me the error). This allows me to debug pages easily whilst developing and to keep an eye on anyone trying SQL Injection hacks on my sites (as the error and email also have session variables and IP address).I dont have root access to the server as it is a Webfusion dedicated server.I have following the Plesk documentation -

1) Switch on custom errors for the subscription
2) Look in virtual directories and navigate to error documents
3) Find the error in question (500:100) and change it to point at either a file or URL

FILE - I had the data centre add in the 500-100.asp error page in to the virtual template so that my page is available in the list of virtual files - this didn't work but that maybe because its not a static page??

URL - when i add the path it says its incorrect, if i add a fully qualified address, it accepts it but it doesn't work.give me a specific example of the URL that can be entered relative to the root as the format in the documentation isn't accepted. The last step is to restart IIS which is also an issue as i cant seem to do this from the Plesk panel..It is as if it isn't catching the 500:100 error, and only catching the general 500 error??

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Difference Between A Virtual Private Server And A Dedicated Server?

Feb 11, 2009

What is the difference between a virtual private server and a dedicated server?

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Converting A Dedicated Server Into A Flash Media Server

May 10, 2009

I am going to be buying a dedicated server from kimsufi Most likely the 2XL Package.

My streamers will be using my server aswell, On weekends we will be running 3-4 streams at a time, weekdays 1-2 at a time.

Spreading all the streams out, at anyone time we will have 300 viewers.

I need to know your advice on this before i go spending money.

How do i convert my dedi into a flash media server, i need red5 or something, thats all i know so far. My streamers wil be streaming to server with FME, And i also want it coded so that my streams can only be embedded on my site.

Basically i dont have a clue where to start, how long would it take me to set up etc....

In addition, what kind of server do i need, windows / linux / traffic / burstable / standard etc..

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