Webhosting For Family Tree

Oct 28, 2008

Start thinking to build Family tree website.


Is there template available? What is the recommended Web designer software for this purpose (Foum, upload/download video/picture).

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Which Linux Family Operating System Is More Stable

Aug 6, 2008

I would like to know which Linux family Operating System is more stable and have a better support for a Dedicated Server .....?

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Fedora (realtek Rtl8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet Nic)

May 19, 2008

I am testing FEDORA on my localhost server, with dual partition with windows 2003 server,

The problem is, that FEDORA can not install NETWORK CARD driver by default or by selection.

In my Windows device manager i see i am using (realtek rtl8139/810x family fast ethernet Nic), but i can not find its driver to use on linux (fedora)

Can someone guide me how can i make (realtek rtl8139/810x family fast ethernet Nic) use on FEDORA installation.

i have tried searching google ... but can not find linux driver for same...

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A 7 Month Review Of Wired Tree

Mar 9, 2009

I simply take my WiredTree VPS for granted as it just runs, and runs, and runs with no worry or concern on my part.

However, when support is required, it is absolutely top-notch. I recently needed to set up an ftp account via cPanel. I ran into a strange problem with cPanel where it wouldn't accept a password as it didn't conform to the required security rating - and I had no idea how to achieve that rating (cPanel documenation could use enhancement). Anyhow, I've learned that it just isn't worth banging my head against the wall to figure something out, when I've got the WiredTree support team to rely on. I opened a support ticket and after a few exchanges (one would have been enough but I tend to beat a dead horse) the problem was taken care of.

All of my support tickets have been handled within unreal (insane for that matter) response times - even low priority requests get handled within just a few minutes.
The network is absolutely rock solid - the only downtime I experienced was for scheduled maintenance and was for only a brief while.

My hosting experience with WiredTree has been flat out the best hosting experience I've even had in the 13 years or so that I've had servers hosted for me. I only have a low-end VPS (384) with them, yet I feel as if I'm being treated the same as the guy with a complex turbo-hyper-cluster with chrome and white-sidewall tires.

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Wired Tree Owns Apthost

Jun 16, 2008

does Wired tree own apthost?


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Samba :: Tree Connect Failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME

Apr 11, 2008

I have configured samba on my server but when i access shared directory but i can't its gives error.......

Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.25b-1.el5_1.4]
Server not using user level security and no password supplied.
tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME

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Various Questions: Which Cpanel Tree To Run - When To Update - How To Troubleshoot..

Nov 20, 2007

I have a zone.net VPS with 1152mb of RAM.

I don't resell, I am using the VPS for personal use to run a small vBulletin board (30-60 members on at a time), a Mambo site that is used to aggregate news (12,000 or so news items), and then a couple small personal static sites, and about 25 email addresses.

My VPS has the following versions listed in WHM:

WHM 11.11.0 cPanel 11.15.0-R17853
CENTOS Enterprise 4.5 i686 on virtuozzo - WHM X v3.1

It is currently setup with the default update settings that came when Zone.net set it up, which are:

cPanel/WHM Updates = Manual Updates Only (STABLE tree)
cPanel Package Updates = Automatic
Security Package Updates = Automatic

Question 1:
So, for the type of site I am running, is the stable tree the best? While it is a small vBulletin community, lack of down time is my main goal, so I need to balance getting updates fast enough to keep it secure, but not getting 'bleeding edge' bugs introduced. Which tree is the best balance?

Question 2:
Should I be running automatic updats on cPanel/WHM or keep it manual and check here and other forums for important updates?

Question 3:
I recently had a problem where Horde stopped working. Zone.net's support staff helped me, and suggested two things to attempt to fix it, and this "/scripts/fullhordereset" fixed it. So, since I am new to VPS's and more specifically, working with Linux, how to I learn/research things like this in the future. Should I be checking out forums/communities for each individual app (like Horde), or is there a better option?

Question 4:
Unfortunately, I don't know what I don't know. Such as what tree to run, when to do cPanel updates, when to do Apache updates, how to make sure all my configs are right. Any suggestions on how to both make sure my WHM is configured the best way for my purposes, and more importantly, what is the best way of moving from WHM

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Move The Entire Contents Of A Directory Tree To Another Directory

Sep 18, 2008

I want to move the entire contents of a directory tree to another directory.

So for example we may have a directory with 15 directories inside, each directory contains files itself. I want to copy all the files from the directory tree into another directory located somewhere else one the file system. I want only the "files" to end up in the other directory and not the file structure too.

Im running CENTOS latest version.

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JB Webhosting

Jan 24, 2009

Anyone on here a client of jbwebhosting.com?

I've been trying to get in touch with them regarding a 4PSA licence I bought from them a while back, but they are not returning any emails to either myself or 4PSA.

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Has Anyone Used Lunarpages Webhosting?

Nov 4, 2007

Has anyone used Lunarpages webhosting? How is their support and up time?

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Adult Webhosting

Feb 25, 2009

What is the best host that allows adult hosting that is a reputable company with solid uptime. Cheap shared hosting is fine anything other than lunar pages that allows for monthly billing.

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Looking For Adult Webhosting

Feb 8, 2009

Is there any adult webhostings that you have hosted with or recommed that are reliable and affordable ??

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Looking To Buy Good Webhosting

Apr 6, 2009

Can anyone let me know where to look?

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Basic Webhosting

Mar 24, 2009

I am planning to host my personal website which will be a bunch of static pages for the time being with the possibility of moving to PHP/Pearl CMS later.

For this, I think that a basic hosting plan of about .5-1GB space and 5-10GB bandwidth would be well enough.

Can you please suggest me a host which would cost around 2-3$/month and has a moderately good service? I came across companies like Umbrahosting and HostPC which are cheap. Do you have anything to say about them?

Moreover, some hosts give combo offers of webspace+domain registration. Is it wise to register the domain through the host or to register it separately through godaddy etc?

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Are There Any Flaws In Webhosting

Jul 3, 2009

Will there be any web hosting security flaws if I buy hosting straight from the package?

Sorry for the post but I am worried if it will be vulnerable or not.

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Thawte SSL And Webhosting

Jan 4, 2009

I am currently hosted at by a webhotel that does not offer SSL security.

I have purchased a Thawte SSL123 certificate which I need to have installed on my webhost due to security while handling online payments.

What is required is the ability to setup subdomains. Some hosted exchange would be good as well, as to running a smallsized business.

which webhost I could move?

Would it be possible to use Godaddy.com and install the Thawte SSL certificate on their hosting?

How about the requirements for setting up a secure webserver by yourself? Prices for the hardware/software etc.?

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Webhostingchoice Vs Webhosting-10

May 12, 2009

Both Webhostingchoice.com and Webhosting-10.com

are web hosting reviews websites.

Which one do you favor?

have you had any experiences with them?

positive or negative?

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Ecommerce Webhosting

Nov 1, 2008

Im in the process of setting up my ecommerce store selling baby/childrens clothing items etc. But I cant decide what webhosting site to use. Ive heard a lot about hostmonster and 1and1...which one of these are better?

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Don't Use Namecheap Webhosting

Mar 17, 2008

I've just received my second suspension from them, for having 5 visitors on my website, which was abuse of their resources.

I had issues with them last month, they claimed I was using too much resources and had to upgrade to Business class. I've paid for two years there as it is.

Every time I would get these notices, I'd work with them and it was found that one comment bot was hitting my site repeatedly (one post several times in a row which really shouldn't cause any problems anyway) and would cause things to raise. In their email, their support said:


Your account is unsuspended now. Please check and prevent future overloads.
Also we can block ip addresses of your referrals, when all connections is from one ip instead of suspending your account. Should we block and similar?

When I said yes, I was sent this reply:



IP blocked in our firewall. We'll act similar way, when your account will be leeched from one IP. Now this ticket is being closed.

So tonight, I redo a post, since their hotlink protection isn't stopping hits on the photo being linked to, which involved uploading an image and deleting the old, and shortly thereafter I get this:


Dear Customer,

We have suspended your account due to resource abuse. Please find the related information below:

top - 20:21:33 up 30 days, 3:26, 5 users, load average: 5.07, 4.89, 5.22
Tasks: 187 total, 1 running, 186 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 0.5% us, 0.4% sy, 0.2% ni, 70.9% id, 27.9% wa, 0.0% hi, 0.1% si
Mem: 4148484k total, 3998792k used, 149692k free, 130440k buffers
Swap: 2096440k total, 7720k used, 2088720k free, 2881224k cached

13504 username 20 0 0 0:00.23 0.4 27668 16m 4864 S php
20277 username 20 0 0 0:00.23 0.4 27672 16m 4860 S php
2093 username 20 0 0 0:00.25 0.4 27628 16m 4848 S php
8232 username 20 0 0 0:00.23 0.4 27636 16m 4848 S php
9399 username 20 0 0 0:00.23 0.4 27624 16m 4848 S php
12099 username 20 0 0 0:00.24 0.4 27636 16m 4844 S php
8449 username 20 0 0 0:00.24 0.4 27628 16m 4840 S php
9530 username 20 0 0 0:00.23 0.4 27620 16m 4844 S php

mysqladmin proc stat
| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info |
| 50484 | username_wrdp2 | localhost | username_wrdp2 | Sleep | 344568 | | |
| 50537 | username_wrdp2 | localhost | username_wrdp2 | Sleep | 344525 | | |
| 50615 | username_wrdp2 | localhost | username_wrdp2 | Sleep | 344329 | | |
| 77636 | username_wrdp2 | localhost | username_wrdp2 | Sleep | 300652 | | |
| 121657 | username_wrdp2 | localhost | username_wrdp2 | Sleep | 240337 | | |
| 202546 | username_wrdp2 | localhost | username_wrdp2 | Sleep | 154415 | | |
| 306259 | username_wrdp2 | localhost | username_wrdp2 | Sleep | 50092 | | |

All of them supposedly me. But at any rate, only 5 users at namecheap can apparently bring about a suspension. I have never in my life had such treatment by a host. Most of the site is a static site, where most people land. And this is for less than 50 people on a daily basis.

They may have a good reputation as a domain reseller (yes, they're now ICANN registrars, but they haven't switched over yet, they're still reselling for Enom) but they had better rethink their webhosting.

People I know who have WordPress pages at places like Dreamhost, Lunarpages, all the rest have way more traffic than I do and yet they don't have these problems. I'm just sick at they way I've been treated there.

Whatever you do, don't host with namecheap. I'm truly sorry I did. And if anyone wants to verify that I host with them, it's hauntedlights.com, obviously a really exploitable site. It's about haunted lighthouses.

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Glowhost Webhosting

Jun 28, 2008

I'd like to use these guys for shared hosting to host all my Blogs. I have 4. Want to put them on Domains and get hosting.

I was looking at the professional package, and getting it for 24 months:


Advanced Hosting Package
$19.99 per month
(payment options) ORDER http://glowhost.com/images/div200ab.jpg HOST 10 DOMAINS
40000 MB / 40 GB TRANSFER

how's their service, Uptime? Tech Support?

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Webhosting Names

Sep 23, 2008

Are ALL the names taken ?? I was just messing around to see if there were any available names + "host" or "hosting" word but they're ALL TAKEN

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WebHosting UK - Unbelivable

Dec 28, 2008

I have been with web hosting talk for just this month and in the past 8 days I have had down time at least 1 everyday for around 2-3 hours. I just contacted the VPS support to see why I am not even able to start the server using Virtuozzo Control Panel and this is what they said:

'We are facing a network issue at the moment. Our engineers are aware of this problem. Efforts are on to restore service at the earliest. We apologise for the inconvenience.'
And then I ask them the simple question, Why was I not informed about all this downtime and errors on the system - This is what he said to me:

'We have already posted this on our forum. You can have a look at http://www.webhosting.uk.com/forums/network-status/4724-network-issue.html'
So I say to him:

'So I get expected to look at your forums every time I have downtime or any problems with the network'

'I think this will be the last month of me paying for this server.'
Then he says: 'No every time but if there is any major issues, we always keep posted on our forums.'

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Mar 28, 2008

We have a webhosting company
our details and our webhosting users is Secure
i don`t like any body else knows our users list

but 2 website is there
1 - webhosting.info 2-domaintools.com

those Show our users and website list to everybody

i am not interest for this service,

how can i Stop this service?

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ColdFusion Webhosting

Aug 29, 2008

Does anyone know of a good webhost for ColdFusion MX 7?

I am looking for a webhost I can contact - one with good customer service.

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Webhosting With WAMP

Jan 2, 2008

As generally i stick to hardware...but anyways i have encountered this problem..

I have installed WAMP on my sever

I have opened up Port80 to it(port forwarding)

I can enter both internal address (address of server 192.1068.1.108) and external ips (my external address into my browser on another computer in the network and it works but as soon as you try on a computer outside my network on the internet some where it just times out....

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What's Best Site For Webhosting And Seo

Jul 14, 2008

i have site for php c++ etc and i wanna transfer my host to the best company for webhosting to make site fast easy simple and have great team in seo beacuse am wanna site grow up @ google and search engien optizme etc,,,increase my visitors

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Webhosting And Business

Aug 27, 2008

I am doing SEO and Web designing business for past few years.The main problem I faced in my business is with webhosting.

First I bought shared hosting from some less reputed for cheap rates.But they scam me.

Second I bought a VPS, but they don't work or propagate in all areas.

So now I am going to take a well reputed company to host my sites.

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Your First Webhosting Experience

Feb 9, 2007

What company was your first web hosting experience with? Why THAT company and when? I would find it doubtful that the first is the one that you're with now!

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Yahoo Webhosting 403 Forbidden

Nov 22, 2008

Im having problem with Yahoo web hosting. All .php pages is not working.. it will give you an error "403 Forbidden".

I cant even access my domain webhosting control panel..

I called Yahoo Customer Service and it will take 2-3 days to fix. Sad to know my website is down almost 1 week.

Can anyone tell me what's really going on with Yahoo Webhosting? Do they care their customers?

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Webhosting + Email Server

May 24, 2009

I am setting up a web server (2-3 websites, colo) but am wondering if setting up a mail server (IMAP/SMTP/Webmail for 4-5 mailboxes) alongside is a good practice?

Furthermore to my question, I only need SSL cert for email server and not for websites. Can this be done? Yes or no would be enough for now.

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Webhosting Provider Pointers

May 11, 2009

For the last few years I have run my own webserver from home for personal uses(I'm on an 'always on' dsl cable provider in the UK and using dyndns to get around being on dhcp). I have always resisted hosted services in the past as however, after a recent fatal hard drive crash am considering moving to hosted providors instead. As its for personal use (photo album, personal website etc) I dont want to spend too much (considering £3-£5 a month), my requirements would be:

1. needs php
2. mysql
3. ssh
4. ftp
5. space - will be storing photos etc, so initially maybe 500mb

Imagine my surprise when i started seeing many 'unlimited' data transfer offers. I was impressed looking at JustHosts, but after digging around found they oversell, (don't they all) but have created their own review sites and list themselves at the top!

For personal usage would these 'unlimited' data transfers offers still be a good one? I just need something that will stay up, with reasonable access time for visitors.

I cant find any details on backups in general - is it a done thing where data backup of the web site / data is your own responsibility?

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