Understanding Exim_mainlog
Aug 24, 2007
For the last week or two my VPS keeps getting added to blacklists.
Yesterday I noticed that a website on the server was forward mail from a contact form to the clients AOL account, obviously scripts were completing the form on the website and that was being sent to AOL, who would of obviously blacklisted the IP.
I've stopped that now, but we're still getting black listed. I've had my VPS provider get exim to record the path that sent the e-mail, and there are no scripts on the server sending out mails that I should be worried about.
Some questions to help me.
How can you identify an outgoing e-mail? is it by the character '=>'? If so, is it normal for there to be e-mails being sent out:
2007-08-23 19:04:10 1IOH2K-00038j-Jg => /dev/null <shaun[at]sr8.co.uk> F=<aaron_straubegnvu[at]yahoo.com> R=central_filter T=**bypassed** S=0 QT=6s DT=0s
2007-08-23 19:04:10 1IOH2K-00038j-Jg Completed QT=6s
I'm puzzled as to why the server keeps being blacklisted, when I can't really see any problems in the log file?
The CBL website (which blacklisted us) says we were added at around 19:00GMT, so I've checked the logs for that time and can't really find much.
On the server there is one account with an autoresponder set as that person is away on holiday.
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Mar 4, 2008
Something where I can see quickly all the mail trafic of a mail account (with all the detail)
If it is posible I want to give some clients a way to view his log.
Sometime ago I have MailScanner but antispam wasnt good (so I install ASSP), but MailScanner have the best email reports (I want exactly that).
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Dec 1, 2007
just reading my exim mainlog
there are soo many entries in there like activities every second
is this thing normal? does everyone get things like that?
2007-12-01 15:39:03 [24780] H=(acasa-wunxr966z) []:4505 I=[]:25 F=<hurdlingm290@tulipjewelry.com> rejected RCPT <a$
2007-12-01 15:39:03 [24780] SMTP connection from (acasa-wunxr966z) []:4505 I=[]:25 closed by DROP in ACL
2007-12-01 15:39:03 [24777] H=pool-71-178-230-135.washdc.fios.verizon.net (Wireless_Broadband_Router) []:4624 I=[]$
2007-12-01 15:39:03 [24777] SMTP connection from pool-71-178-230-135.washdc.fios.verizon.net (Wireless_Broadband_Router) []:462$
2007-12-01 15:39:03 [24776] H=pool-71-178-230-135.washdc.fios.verizon.net (Wireless_Broadband_Router) []:4623 I=[]$
2007-12-01 15:39:03 [24776] SMTP connection from pool-71-178-230-135.washdc.fios.verizon.net (Wireless_Broadband_Router) []:462$
2007-12-01 15:39:03 [1382] SMTP connection from []:55819 I=[]:25 (TCP/IP connection count = 7)
GNU nano 1.2.4 File: exim_mainlog
2007-12-02 01:25:14 [17530] ident connection to timed out
2007-12-02 01:25:15 [1382] SMTP connection from []:1614 I=[]:25 (TCP/IP connection count = 9)
2007-12-02 01:25:16 [17527] H=adsl196-236-229-217-196.adsl196-16.iam.net.ma []:59900 I=[]:25 F=<patti@myrealbox.c$
2007-12-02 01:25:16 [17527] SMTP connection from adsl196-236-229-217-196.adsl196-16.iam.net.ma []:59900 I=[]:25 c$
2007-12-02 01:25:16 [17528] H=79.red-83-42-176.dynamicip.rima-tde.net []:29547 I=[]:25 F=<mostafa.Brindel@bhcat.com>$
2007-12-02 01:25:16 [17528] SMTP connection from 79.red-83-42-176.dynamicip.rima-tde.net []:29547 I=[]:25 closed by $
2007-12-02 01:25:16 [1382] SMTP connection from []:4202 I=[]:25 (TCP/IP connection count = 8)
2007-12-02 01:25:17 [17531] ident connection to timed out
2007-12-02 01:25:17 [17529] H=(cpe-76-91-84-170.socal.res.rr.com) []:4913 I=[]:25 F=<occurrenceq@bhrugu.com> rejecte$
2007-12-02 01:25:17 [17529] SMTP connection from (cpe-76-91-84-170.socal.res.rr.com) []:4913 I=[]:25 closed by DROP $
2007-12-02 01:25:17 [17530] H=m92.net85-168-154.noos.fr []:1310 I=[]:25 F=<Eng-Mroz@ROWELLMANAGEMENT.COM> rejected $
2007-12-02 01:25:17 [17530] SMTP connection from m92.net85-168-154.noos.fr []:1310 I=[]:25 closed by DROP in ACL
2007-12-02 01:25:18 [17531] H=cpe-75-82-171-71.socal.res.rr.com []:1614 I=[]:25 F=<Kallio@jeunesfilles.org> rejected$
2007-12-02 01:25:18 [17531] SMTP connection from cpe-75-82-171-71.socal.res.rr.com []:1614 I=[]:25 closed by DROP in$
2007-12-02 01:25:18 [1382] SMTP connection from []:48177 I=[]:25 (TCP/IP connection count = 6)
2007-12-02 01:25:18 [1382] SMTP connection from []:1137 I=[]:25 (TCP/IP connection count = 7)
2007-12-02 01:25:18 [1382] SMTP connection from []:3302 I=[]:25 (TCP/IP connection count = 8)
2007-12-02 01:25:19 [17535] H=ppp1-139.ciscom.ru []:4202 I=[]:25 F=<attorneylff8@torborg.com> rejected RCPT <azeer@mp$
2007-12-02 01:25:19 [17535] SMTP connection from ppp1-139.ciscom.ru []:4202 I=[]:25 closed by DROP in ACL
2007-12-02 01:25:19 [1382] SMTP connection from []:52503 I=[]:25 (TCP/IP connection count = 8)
2007-12-02 01:25:20 [17538] ident connection to timed out
2007-12-02 01:25:20 [17538] no host name found for IP address
2007-12-02 01:25:20 [17538] list matching forced to fail: failed to find host name for
2007-12-02 01:25:20 [17539] ident connection to timed out
2007-12-02 01:25:20 [17539] no IP address found for host cpe-24-29-242-1.neo.res.rr.com (during SMTP connection from []:1137 I=[69$
2007-12-02 01:25:20 [17539] list matching forced to fail: failed to find host name for
2007-12-02 01:25:20 [17540] ident connection to timed out
2007-12-02 01:25:20 [17540] no IP address found for host dsl-189-138-165-115.prod-infinitum.com.mx (during SMTP connection from [189.138.165.$
2007-12-02 01:25:20 [17540] list matching forced to fail: failed to find host name for
2007-12-02 01:25:21 [17539] H=(cpe-24-29-242-1.neo.res.rr.com) []:1137 I=[]:25 F=<lesley.Ervamaa@agustinbarreto.com> $
2007-12-02 01:25:21 [17539] SMTP connection from (cpe-24-29-242-1.neo.res.rr.com) []:1137 I=[]:25 closed by DROP in A$
2007-12-02 01:25:21 [17541] ident connection to timed out
2007-12-02 01:25:21 [17541] no host name found for IP address
2007-12-02 01:25:21 [17541] list matching forced to fail: failed to find host name for
2007-12-02 01:25:21 [17538] H=( []:48177 I=[]:25 F=<thiam3@searchhound.com> rejected RCPT <larifi$
2007-12-02 01:25:21 [17538] SMTP connection from ( []:48177 I=[]:25 closed by DROP in ACL
2007-12-02 01:25:22 [1382] SMTP connection from []:1465 I=[]:25 (TCP/IP connection count = 7)
2007-12-02 01:25:22 [17540] H=(dsl-189-138-165-115.prod-infinitum.com.mx) []:3302 I=[]:25 F=<emasculateq@tulsavrp$
2007-12-02 01:25:22 [17540] SMTP connection from (dsl-189-138-165-115.prod-infinitum.com.mx) []:3302 I=[]:25 clos$
2007-12-02 01:25:22 [1382] SMTP connection from []:1886 I=[]:25 (TCP/IP connection count = 7)
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Nov 22, 2007
I want to use scp to backup files, however I find most tutorials confusing as to which computer is the remote and the local. Is the local the one you are logged into via ssh command, or the computer from which you logged into ssh.
Lets say I am on my Windows computer. I open up putty, and login to the ssh connection of a remote linux computer. What scp command do I enter into the ssh terminal to copy a file from D:ackup of the windows computer to /home/backup of the linux computer?
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Oct 22, 2007
I am getting ready to install APF, I have read multiple articles, but am still confused with the following parameters and what needs to be included in each:
These are the ports that I want to use:
How do I know what port goes in what parameter? How do I know if it goes in TCP or UDP and if it goes in Ingress or Egress?
What is the difference between TCP and UDP?
Is it ok to have a port listed in both TCP an UDP, and also in Ingress as well as in Egress?
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Nov 7, 2007
having my own dedicated server. I have apf installed and I wanted to see how it blocked IPs so I had a friend, whoes IP I knew, help me. I added his IP to the deny_hosts.rules, thinking that would block him from my server, but it did not. Now, mind you, the way I added his IP was to simply use an editor and add his IP to the bottom of the list. Then I got to thinking, does teh apf only load the rules every so often? If so, how can I tell when or how often the rules load? ALso, do I need to add an IP using apr -d IPNUMBER in order for the apf to recognize it? I'd appreciate some info on how the apf works and how I can add IPs myself that I want to add and be sure that they are being blocked.
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Jan 5, 2007
I am going to place my first physical server to a server room. I wish to use it also as an nameserver for my domains and I am missing some basic principle there. I can probably configure BIND etc, but how will the servers upper in the hierarchy learn that this is a nameserver for certain domains? To start with, I have several empty domains (they are not hosted and so far using nameservers of a big company).
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Dec 31, 2006
I am still trying to diagnose a problem some members have on my forums, when they load a page it will load a grey screen (my background color) and stop, after 15-30 seconds+ it will finally load the page
i opened a ticket with my server co and they forwared it to the NOC, NOC said it was apache config problem, server co said it was fixed and was due to apache log reaching 2GB limit, logrotate installed
same problem still existed, opened tk with server management co, they tweaked httpd.conf and disabled logs, problem still exists
I asked 3rd management co about it, changed some settings in httpd, said it may be due to ads on the sites, i took out the ads and a stat script
problem still exists, the thing is the problem exists with some users and not others, doing speed tests to the server shows it is very quick, load is low, no i/o wait and i just installed the second GB of memory so memory is fine
this is happeneing to users on seperate forums, one using vB, one using IPB, so it is server/ hardware related, AMD barton 3000, with 2GB ram, nowehere reaching the bandwidth limit or 10mbps port speed limit
any ideas? doing tracerts to the server shows a timeout before the sites IP address, every time, but doing a tracert OUT of the server shows no time outs....
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Dec 13, 2006
One of the other message boards that I am on has a server at LayeredTech.
Now they said in there they had no issues whatsoever with the network. But when I did this tracert: .....
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Nov 21, 2008
I have a basic understanding of their role and how they work in general (mapping domain names to ip addresses).
I'll start with my setup/scenario:
Plesk - (dedicated company server - serving parent site via WHMCS)
ResellerClub - (domain registrar)
Cpanel/WHM - (shared server)
1. What would be the recommendation for a new hosting provider when it comes to name server(s)?
2. Do most who have limited resources use the BIND service on each WHM shared server itself? So if you have umpteen shared servers you would have umpteen name servers, as well?
2a. If so is it preferred/recommended to ultimately use completely separate/dedicated server(s) for DNS services for all shared servers? What is common?
3. If using the WHM shared server itself is the common practice, what are its pros and cons?
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Jun 20, 2007
I recently went from dedicated to Dotster VPS to cut down on price and also because I do not have as many of clients I once had.
I chose their cPanel Premium
Soon after I realized via the Virtuozzo Panel, that I have limits on everything
I was pretty upset that none of these limits were posted anywhere on Dotsters site and its a surprise not welcomed.
I want to post some images so maybe you can tell me if their limits are reasonable or if they are way off.
I had them actually raise my diskinodes from 400/500k to 600/700k
and also my quotaugidlimit from 100 to 200.
For some reason I have 162 ugid's but i have only restored 23 or so accounts on this server, with no other special things running besides the standards. Shouldn't I be around under 100 ugid's?
So my main problems that I have is the folowing limits:
diskinodes: I have only 35 gigs used of the 50 allocated, their initial quota of 500,000 seemed low. now they bumped be to 700,000 and i'm almost there.
quotaugidlimit: for only having 23 accounts it's crazy to believe that I had to have their initial limit raise to 200. I have noticed a lot more users like #2121, #13232, #124312 and so on compaired to my dedicated server. My dedicated had about 5, this VPS shows about 30 or so.
kmemsize: their limit is 18,022,400 bytes, which I always seem to be reaching.
privvmpages: hard limit is 292,912 and i'm usually exceeding this one.
Here is a screenshot of my QoS:
Also, I noticed once I reach/exceed limits, the first things to be shutdown is my webmail and cpanel and so on, but the sites stay up Is there a way of setting up which resources are shut down in what order? To have mail up is the biggest request. I rather have ftp and cpanel down first.
I am really not happy with what is going on and gaining some user feedback would be great. I really wish Dotster had a complete breakdown of limits, before I bought.
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Jul 15, 2007
A good amount of the threads in this forum are just people asking what co-location is.
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Mar 23, 2009
So I just need some clarification:
-bash-3.2$ free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 2000 1131 869 0 219 513
-/+ buffers/cache: 398 1602
Swap: 4094 0 4094
How much memory have I used?
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Aug 3, 2009
I want to understand the mechanics of a DDOS attack. I have been doing a lot of reading about them this weekend.
The way I am understanding it, a DDOS attack is done at the network level. It may be requesting that pages from a given website, or websites, are served up, but it basically will effect the entire network. So if 'page display' requests are made to a website(s) that is hosted at ABC Hosting (example only), to the tune of 15GBs then I have to assume that the network will be terribly degraded. If that is so, wouldn't other servers also get taken out?
I believe the architecture of the internet is something like this (example only):
Gnax --> Planet, SoftLayer, RackSpace, etc.. --> Reseller --> Smaller Reseller --> Me
If that is true, is each level along that route using their own networking system or are they all dependent on ones that major Data Center uses?
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Apr 18, 2008
I use Munin to monitor the health of our servers, I can tell by looking at the graphs there's nothing to worry about, however, I'm struggling to baseline acceptable performance.what would be classed as 'normal' output for some of the more relevant munin graphs.
I've been looking at the Apache* modules and this is the output from one of our servers:
average of: 300 accesses per minute, 6 busy servers and 4.10MB a minute volume
max of: 1400 accesses per minute, 81 busy servers and 51MB a minute volume
This is a dedicated box running one site.
We have another box that is running approximately 30 sites
average of: 30 accesses per minute, 1 busy server and a 500K a minute volume
max of: 322 accesses per minute, 11 busy servers and a 4MB a minute volume.
These servers are pretty much the same spec, dual core 64Bit, 4GB of ram, two SATA disks in RAID1.
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Mar 25, 2007
I'd like to seek help on how to read eximlog file. I saw the below inside eximlog. I'm wondering now because realemail@domain.com does not exist on this user emailaddress when I browse his cpanel. Now who is sending it? the only correct info is the pixelxl which is the user.
2007-03-25 14:49:41 1HVMXt-0000SV-7j => pixelxl <realemail@domain.com> F=<vsbqd@domain.com> R=localuser T=local_delivery S=2213
2007-03-25 14:49:41 1HVMXt-0000SV-7j Completed
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Jul 4, 2007
trying to understand the colocation business model (for webhosting).
Am I right in assuming that following business model:
1. Rent a portion (or full) rack from datacenter, e.g. calpop.com
2. Buy servers and get them shipped to datacenter
3. For unmanaged servers, typically most support will be limited to reboots, reinstall of OS/control panel, and server hardware issues - correct?
4. Provide basic support, or sign-up with companies like bobcare.com to provide support to clients who order server
One-time cost (for 1-3 years): Cost of dedicated server hardware
Ongoing monthly costs: rack rental + outsourced support (optional)
...plus marketing costs....
Please let me know if I missed something or overlooked details...
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Jul 27, 2007
I use my dedicated server to host my own large site and web forum, and I want to stop hosting my own email server so I don't have to manage it. I want to use Google Apps for Your Domain to manage my email, pointing my MX records to Google. However, I am not clear on how this will effect PHP scripts sending email on my server. My vBulletin installation sends 1,000+ email notifications every day, which far exceeds Google's 500/day sending limit, so I obviously can't use their SMTP servers. If I'm sending mail from my own server via PHP, though, and my MX records point to Google's, how can vBulletin send an email from an address at my domain? I've been reading up on how email works, but I just can't seem to figure out how this works...
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Aug 3, 2007
I'm looking into knownhost and they offer twice the bandwidth in their California option for the same money. Jay from known host said I should pick the one with the best ping times. I'd like to put the information here so someone might perhaps tell me what my best choice is.
I'll put the stats here and then if you could tell me which one is better (Texas vs. California) that would be great.
But if you think that the times between the two are only marginal (both real good), then could you help me decide about getting double the bandwidth for the same price.
I know nothing of course, but the two data centers look like their both giving great speeds (Texas being better though). But perhaps both speeds are great. If that's the case, can anyone tell me why someone would not take the higher bandwidth offer?
Thanks, I really appreciate any help with this!
Here is the info...
Texas (ping):
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=56 time=1.26 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=56 time=1.35 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=56 time=1.41 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=56 time=1.22 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=56 time=1.51 ms .............
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Jul 5, 2008
I was checking my netstat and I saw something like this:
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State User Inode PID/Program name
tcp 0 1 207.45.xxx.xx:3306 SYN_SENT 48 3130522 5339/httpd
tcp 0 1 207.45.xxx.xx:3306 SYN_SENT 48 3131478 7180/httpd
tcp 0 1 207.45.xxx.xx:3306 SYN_SENT 48 3130994 6732/httpd
tcp 0 0 65.55.xxx.xx:80 TIME_WAIT 0 0 -
tcp 0 0 65.55.xxx.xx:80 TIME_WAIT 0 0 -
tcp 0 0 65.55.xxx.xx:80 TIME_WAIT 0 0 -
tcp 0 0 65.55.xxx.xx:80 TIME_WAIT 0 0 -
tcp 0 0 65.55.xxx.xx:80 TIME_WAIT 0 0 -
I see that there are some connections from my server to some remote mySQL server, and I am curios to know which script is running them. ( 207.45.xxx.xx:3306 5339/httpd)
I try through lsof but it is not that it points directly to the website running this connection.
I also see some strange connections like:
tcp 0 0 65.55.xxx.xx:80 TIME_WAIT 0 0
I want to know if this is some uncontroled script in my server.
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Jan 20, 2008
I've been working with Linux lately and been wondering how Linux (Fedora/CentOS) manages its memory usage efficiency.
What I've been noticing is, Linux uses quite a lot of memory for just a single application. For example, Firefox-bin uses like around 100mb of memory.
At the same time around, when KDE/Desktop Environment aren't installed, Linux uses very small memory for non-GUI applications, such as those of hosting-related services.
Isn't using 100mb of memory for a browser application a bit too much? Is the memory information under "top" command represents the physical memory available? Is there any difference in performance when in physical server compared to virtual server (virtuozzo for example)?
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May 9, 2008
I don't know anything about CPU. According to BlueHost, they offer 40 seconds of CPU processing within a 60 second period. Our sites are mainly forums and blogs. For the next year, at most, we'll have 200 unique users a day, we're guessing. Do you think running something like WordPress or forum software would be too much with BlueHost's restrictions? We will focus on 10 sites during this time, so it'll be about 2,000 unique visitors a day across our entire account.
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Apr 26, 2007
1) All VPS hosting services emphasize their high level of network connectivity (Tier 1 etc.) but how to learn about this topic and choose the fastest service?
2) What is really the state of the art and fastest network connectivity available?
3) Is there a map/list of the biggest US network hubs and which web hosts are connected to them?
4) Is the old ping response time the best metric to verify a web host speed connectivity?
5) Is there an indipendent and unbiased website that reviews and report web hosts ping response times?
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Feb 18, 2007
Do you have a website or have you been involved in hosting a website for your company or some of your friends? Then you should have heard about the terms Bandwidth and Data transfer. Often there is confusion in understanding both these terms.
Bandwidth is the capacity of the network or the server that hosts the website, to send data at a moment. It is the amount of data sent per second from the server. This count more because, if there are many websites in the server and a million hits for the sites the server should be capable of sending that much of data at that moment. If the web server that you host your website has high bandwidth then the users visiting your site would see the pages quickly.
If you refer to the bandwidth there are two numbers separated by "/". The first number indicates the bandwidth that is allowed to send data and the second number indicates the bandwidth allowed to receive data. In most of the cases the bandwidth to send data is less than the bandwidth to receive data.
Data transfer is the amount of data that is sent by the server over a period of time.
For example the monthly data transfer allowed for a particular site might be 1GB. This means that the website account is allowed to transfer data from their website for only 1GB per month.
Consider that you have a page in your website that is of size 100kb. If this page is visited 100 times per month, then the data transfer added to your account would be 10 MB due to this page alone. Hence to minimize the data transfer it is always better to minimize the file size of the web page. This can be done in many ways.
You should know that a web page contains not only text but also media content such as images, sounds, videos, and downloadable files. When you create your web page you should keep in mind that you optimizing all these files so that the page loads quickly and the data transfer is kept at the minimum. That is why most of the photos related sites have thumbnail pictures so that they can reduce the data transfer due to the main page and the user is allowed to download the actual image only if they are interested in seeing that image.
While hosting a website with a service provider most of us tend to see only the features that are available for your hosting and the web space that is provided for your plan.
The cost to the web hosting company due to these are very less when compared to the cost due to data transfer.
If you know that you website is going to attract a lot of visitors to it, then you should go for an account or plan that has more data transfer per month. This would save you a lot of money. So the next time you purchase a web hosting plan keep an eye on the Data Transfer allowed for your plan.
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Oct 10, 2009
A month back i signed up for reseller hosting with santrex, earlier I've had a VPS since a couple of months which i regularly pay for.
The reseller account was however not according to my expectations as i did not get required amount of support as i should have got.
I did not wish to continue with the Reseller account so i simply did not bother to pay the due RESELLER invoice, however i paid the VPS invoice, BUT my VPS account got banned and the reseller went on being active.
What sort of stupidness would you guys call this? Carelessness or slow at understanding? This kind of services can never be expected from a well known host.
I've liked their services, but i must say after this i am really disappointed.
Here's a screen to show things better :
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May 11, 2008
cpsrvd up
Server Load 3.94 (4 cpus)
Memory Used 18.5 %
Swap Used 0 %
Disk /dev/md1 (/) 24 %
Disk /dev/md2 (/tmp) 3 %
Disk /dev/md3 (/home) 97 %
Disk /dev/md4 (/usr) 40 %
Disk /dev/md5 (/var) 75 %
Disk /dev/md0 (/boot) 30 %
Server load and Disk /dev/md3 (/home) are showing red dots.
to understand this page on cPanel. I can imagine that red dots are not a good thing while the green ones are, but I don't know what it all means or if I should be complaining about this to my host...
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Jan 24, 2008
I am setting up the HotLinking access in cPanel for one of my accounts and don't understand the wording of this section.
It first has the list where you put in the domains that you want to allow hotlinking for.
Then below that it has an input that says, "Extensions to allow:". For this input, does that mean extensions to allow for EVERYONE, or just the domains listed in the section above?
You think they'd be clearer on that in the documentation, but they aren't. Help on this is greatly appreciated.
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May 16, 2008
As my site is growing, I've been advised by fellows here in WHT that I need to upgrade to VPS.
After little research, I got an idea in theory about how it works. But still have very basic questions;
1. As known there are managed and unmanaged (self-managed) services. Say that I got a fully managed plan that includes a cPanel+WHM, would I need extra skills other than skills required for managing website on a shared host? Would I need low-level commands or server side stuff? In other words, can I just use cPanel, FTP, file manager, etc to upload files, manage emails, FTP accouts, and just do everything exactly as done on a shared host? Note that I will use only single website so I don't need to worry about multiple accounts on the plan.
2. In theory, a shared host means many websites share a server including its resources. In VPS, also, a number of clients run on a single server (it not like dedicated). So, then what's the main difference between shared host and VPS?
For 1st question, if you reckon that "management" may vary between different providers, I can give you specifically what service I'm planing to have:
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