IWeb8 Technologies - A Flat Out Nightmare
Mar 11, 2008
I warn you, there is not a single good thing to be said about iWeb8 after our vast experience with them so if you want cliffnotes, picture a man shuffling through around 100 emails, invoices and chat logs while screaming in frustration. I’m attempting to piece together a structured account of our experience at iWeb8 Technologies through all that so bear with me here.
We run a non-commercial website that receives around 20 million page views per month. The problem is we quickly outgrew our technical know-how and had a pickle on our hands once our dedicated server at HostGator started buckling under the pressure. Friday is our most active day, as that’s when we have new content for our members – it’s also the day when our server became virtually inaccessible due to the traffic. We needed a solution, because HostGator basically told us to upgrade our machine or stop bothering them, [click here] for that story.
We narrowed our choices down to 2, SoftLayer or iWeb8 Technologies. We called them both up and learned about their datacenters and what direction we should go with our situation. SoftLayer’s salesman misunderstood a bit (as we later learned, more on that later) and offered us an overwhelmingly costly setup (upwards of $1500+ per month). iWeb8 ‘s sales representative “Brian” reeled us in with a couple promises –
1)The solution they outlined to us (2 web servers, 1 database server) would work.
2)If we opted for Level 5 management ($149/month) they would “treat our servers as if they were their own” (word for word)
We were very excited and worked out the details with them. We were convinced to go with a 12 month plan which would save us money in the long run. Our server manager suddenly switched from “Brian” to “Patrick Bertrand” at that point. And then the problems started.
The very first Friday we were fully set up on their servers, we crashed. We crashed under less traffic than our single cheap dedicated server at HostGator handled. It took iWeb8 1 hour to reboot our server. The next Friday, we crashed. We were down for 3 hours before we were rebooted. On 11/08/07 We asked for a hardware diagnostic and an inquiry into why we were crashing with pretty much twice the power we previously had – they told us we should add 2GB more ram to our servers for $50/month each.
We had them install the 2GB on one server to do them in phases, and thus minimize downtime. After the installation of ram that server performed far worse than it ever did before, and shot up to 100% CPU usage with 1 user online. This was my first experience with the post 6 PM Janitors who man their support staff. Apparently after that timeframe all the knowledgeable techs go home. After hours of waiting and talking on live chat / phone (to the same person every time, the only person who answered…) I was basically told that nobody there could do anything and I would have to wait until 8 AM EST for a senior technician to look at it. OTHERWISE, I could pay $180/hour or some ridiculously high number to get it immediately looked at. That Level 5 support really pays for itself huh?
I hired an emergency outsource administrator to look at it, he quoted me at $200 until the problem is resolved which was a steal. He found that I didn’t need ram at all. It was in fact my faulty motherboard that was causing the problems on that server. Ooooooh! Thanks for doing your “hardware diagnostic” properly and telling us to upgrade our ram for $50/month iWeb8, you’re really looking out for your customers. Finally at 12:15PM EST noon the next day it was looked at and replaced.
Exactly 1 week later on 11/15/07 all of our servers went offline for an hour or two. We were told it was a network issue and it was resolved. Nice.
Now here’s where the monster problems started. On the evening of Tuesday 12/01/07 all of our servers went offline. We opened an emergency ticket and the Janitor responded saying 3 apache modules were missing (huh?) and that it was fixed. Thing is, it wasn’t fixed at all. All 3 servers were still offline and unreachable. Finally our outsourced server admin gets into one of them and sees the load at 150+ with a ton of httpd threads open. He runs netstat and concludes we’re being DDoS attacked. Swing and a miss again, iWeb.
After exchanging pleasantries with the Janitor all night the senior staff finally got in at 8AM. His conclusion was to shut down apache and wait it out, since iWeb8 has no DDoS mitigation systems. Great. 2 days pass and nothing improves. We talk with our server manager to find out if we can terminate our contract and take our business elsewhere due to the pile of [expletive deleted] they’ve dumped on us ever since signing us, and the uselessness of “Level 5” support. He responds saying, and I quote
“Concerning level 5 support, have you requested the monitoring service alerts to be sent to our sysadmin cell phones ? if you did please provide the original RT number so that i can investigate to see why it has not been done on our side”
Wonderful. So you’re basically paying for nothing until you use your psychic powers to determine that you need to request something you thought was assumed with your $149/month. Nowhere when we signed up were we told we had to submit a ticket to request that our Level 5 support is useful. He also mentioned that the original salesman was “wrong” in offering us the phrase “we treat your servers like they’re our own”.
He responds again saying the website is working from his side. We test from 3 ISPs and proxies and we can’t connect, so no, it’s not working. Our server admin determined that their solution involved blocking pretty much all incoming traffic except their own range. We once again requested that the contract be terminated, as we were blatantly lied to on multiple occasions and they’re threatening our website with their poor level of service. He says he needs to discuss it with the higher ups.
At this point I’d already moved my sites to a 2 web server 1 database setup at SoftLayer, they put my site under their Cisco Guard and their team actively worked against my DDoS attack, ending it within a few hours. I’ve been happily at SoftLayer ever since 12/5/07 without any issues on this setup. See my review of them by [clicking here].
Anyway, on 12/17/07 iWeb sends a global email to all their customers informing them that “Improvements will be made to night and weekend customer service”, thus admitting that they were actually manning their Janitors – too little too late though.
On 01/15/07 we still hadn’t heard from them (except for a couple dozen invoices that failed because we weren’t going to send them anything until this was finalized), so we talked to our lawyer and threatened legal measures on iWeb8 if we didn’t hear from them so that we could terminate the contract. On 01/16/07 we got an email from Patrick Bertrand confirming that the contract could be ended, they would send us the details later.
Turns out the details was they wanted 20% of the remaining contract value to terminate, which he ensured me was a “good deal” because “he knows his company and this is the lowest they’ll go”. Is he trying to sell me a car or what? At this point it’s whatever, if we can pay $1,495.26 (20% of the remaining contract) to make the iWeb8 nightmare end, let’s do it. So we did, on 01/25/08 we paid the entire amount and our contract was effectively terminated.
Now in March the nightmare returns. We receive an email from them demanding that we pay $740.00 for “services” rendered from the period of when he said he’d talk to the higher ups till we were waiting for them to do virtually nothing until we called them up in January.
At this point we’re weighing the option of paying off these swindlers and being done with it once and for all (even though they’ll probably come back to us in June with “interest” invoices on this current one) against fighting it. That’s where we’re at now… I hope this was enlightening for you if you’re considering falling for iWeb’s lies, random surcharges and all in all horrible service.
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Nov 24, 2007
Display some text in a web browser from a file called text.txt
text.txt will have many lines and some of them I do not want users to be able to modify and overwrite.
config_item_1=user can edit
config_item_2=user should see but not edit (could be on any line)
config_item_3=user can edit
config_item_4=user can edit
The user has made their changes in the web browser and clicks submit. I then need this info to be saved as the text.txt file however some checking needs to be done first. Anything matching config_item_2 should be removed. This could be on any line. Anything not matching should be permitted and added.
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Jan 1, 2008
Ive found the following server on Iweb8.ca ,thus I have several questions.
1.Anyone have any suggestions on a recommended Free control panel?
2.Does anyone have any Iweb8 coupons or discount codes?
3.Does anyone know any Canadian server companies that could provide equal or better server for the price ?
4.Also my software is ASP/MS SQL based. Would I need to purchase MS SQL or is it possible to download from microsoft site and install on server ? . If MS sql has to be paid for I know iweb.ca offer monthly payment option for it but does anyone know a cheap place to get a license for MS SQL ?
Configuration NOW-IV - mysite.com - Athlon64 X2 6000+, 2GB RAM, IDE, 2 X HD 320GB, Raid 1, Remote Reboot Port, Port 10mbps - 169$ USD
Bandwidth GB included : 1500 GB - Additional GB. 0.60 $USD
IP addresses Up to 7 IP (Use note to justify requested IPs)
Operating system WIN2003 Standard (EN) - None / Remote Desktop + IIS - 35$ USD
Administration Managed Level 1 - 0$ USD
Additionnal products 2GB RAM - 25$ USD
Total monthly price -$229
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May 31, 2006
So I finally have a site that is getting a lot of traffic. Yeah for me. That is when the problems start.
05/29/06 - I get a call from HostGator stating that my site keeps crashing their server and that I need to move to a semi-dedicated. I had a choice of upgrading or they were going to move my site to a 7-day temp server. That is totally fine with me so I say okay and upgrade.
05/29/06 - I receive a welcome email for my new semi-dedicated server and I think all is good. Next, I receive an email stating that they needed my account login and pass so they can transfer the files. I respond with the login details. So I assume that the transfer has been made and everything is okay.
05/30/06 - Everything is cool. Site is running smooth.
05/31/06 - My site gets suspended at around 1pm. No warning we are going to take your site down, no 7-day move to a temp server (like they said they would), just a big SITE SUSPENDED page. I call wondering what the heck happened.
Call 1 - HG: It appears that you have two accounts and the site that was using the most cpu power is on the "Baby" plan. Me: Huh? I thought that was transferred over to the semi-dedicated. HG: No transfer ever took place. I am then told that I have to fill out a bunch of forms in order to have the transfer happen. Fine, so I do that.
Call 2 - No response received from the transfer form submission so I call to see what is up. I am then told that a transfer DID take place. Then why is my site not up? Please allow 1 hour for updating is their response. Fine.
Call 3 - (one hour later) ME: Why is my site not up? HG: The site needs to be transferred. ME: HUH?!?! (I am furious at this point, but I keep my cool.) Okay so WHEN will it be transferred?? HG: I will have it done IN ONE HOUR the manager said!
Call 4 - (several hours later(I had college)) ME: Why is my site not up? HG: The transfer is taking longer than expected (only a 3 gig site) so it will be, yes, ANOTHER HOUR!!! I am pulling my hair out by now.
Call 5 - (one more hour) Me: Why is my site not up? HG: We needed to change the dns settings (I think this is what he said). Me: Okay how long will that take... you guessed it ONE HOUR!!!!!! OMG.
Call 6 - It has only been 30 min. so we will see if this really takes an hour or not. I am sure I will be calling them though.
Here is where I may have caused an issue:
In the initial email asking for my account login details I responded with the login details AND I also asked (in the same email) to see a CPU usage log. They treated this as a support issue so the login details for the transfer never made it to the transfer department!? Their response to this was that they thought I wasn't sure if I was going to go with a semi-dedicated plan... well I ALREADY PAID FOR IT. So why would I not be sure if I wanted to upgrade when I already paid for it?? Only they know.
All in all, my site has been down almost all day and I have lost a lot of money and visitors too I am sure. I used to think that HostGator was awesome, but after all of this I am starting to think less. I am still going to give them the benefit of a doubt and stay with them, but if you ever need to go from a Baby account to a Semi-Dedicated be sure to STAY ON THEM AND MAKE SURE IT GETS DONE!
After reading NUMEROUS fantastic reviews I know this is not the norm of HostGator, but it happened to me!
My head hurts now.
Sorry I just had to vent somewhere as this has really upset me.
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Aug 7, 2007
I am currently in the process of looking for a VPS or Dedicated Server provider in Canada. I realize that the cost of doing this will be more than having one in the US but I am willing to pay the extra price.
I first started looking at Rackforce and they seemed reasonable but after reading a few things I found iWeb8.com and for about $7CAD more I could get a dedicated server with them rather than a VPS with Rackforce.
Is anyone here currently (or recently was) a customer with either of these companies and can provide some insight into how their service rates? I've read all the posts I could find reviewing them but most of the ones I found were at least a year old. (Although I may have missed some sections somewhere)
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Nov 1, 2009
Only I and another user have access to the server. Suddenly I got loads of 'underlivered emails' in my inbox. And then followed by iweb8 warning me of sending out spam.
Of course I didnt have a clue what was going on. Anyway, I managed to find out to delete the que, changed the password, and it stopped.
I havent a clue how it happened. Was it at there end? Or did someone hack in?
My servers ip is blacklisted on many sites, this is preventing me from sending out most of my business emails. iWeb promised to unblacklist them within '48 hours' 2 weeks later Im still stuck.
I asked them to swap my ips over so I can send my business emails and they refused. So what am I supposed to do?
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Nov 20, 2008
Review: Quillhost.Nightmare, never buy their host!
i see they have a 75%off for the firsth month,
so i think i can have a test, it was nightmare!
you will get these:
1, Downtime is 50% ,even you buy their host the first day!
2, support ticket will be deal after 24 hours! even more.
3, when you want a refund, ticket will be deal in 5 minutes,
and they will not give you money back!
see more later.
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Nov 14, 2008
I moved to pc-core a few days ago its around 15 days. I was aware that they reply to emergency tickets in around 1 to 4 hours even server is down or anything worst. But I thought that I only need them for reboots as PSM is managing my server. PSM told me that they can directly reboot burst server so my this fear was too out.
Yesterday on 14th Nov at 8 PM IST I found that my server got down. I pinged the server and it looks like that there is network issue rather then dedicated problem. PSM made a reboot request but server was not back online.
Now at this situation pc-core was the only help. I made a support ticket that my server is down. After 2 hours of no response to this critical ticket I bumped the ticket for self satisfaction that atlest I am doing something. Anyways after another 1 hour I updated the ticket asking them that it looks like a network problem. I got a response from pc-core around about 3 and a half hour that my server will be rebooted in 15 to 20 min. No problem I thought they must have investigated what server needs. Well after another 1 hour my server was not back. I updated the ticket and beg for investigation as this was the longest downtime since I get into the business even in the worst situations. Now after a long pause I got a response that I had a DMCA complaint for a image and I did not respond to that and now first I need to pay $50 (Around 50% of server monthly cost) for plugging back the server. The first thing is that they never sent me that DMCA I respond to any DMCA within 2 hours with a record. Well this is another thing firstly I need to get my server back online. I asked them get anything from me but put my server back online right now. Now after another long pause I got a reply to pay a invoice for $50. I immediately paid that and updated support ticket. Now as always after a pause I got response that they are unable to see my payment I give them paid invoice receipt from client area and transaction id. I got another response that they don’t want client side confirmation I need to forward them Paypal receipt. I did that and wasted another 1 hour in making them prove that I have paid that invoice.
It was 3:15 AM in India and I thought things will be okey in few moments now as I have done whatever they are asking. Now at 7 AM I found that no response to my ticket that’s 11 hours downtime now. Now at 9:30 AM I found that their support system got down and bouncing back the mails and giving error “License Error: Key file has expired
Since then I made several tries to contact them, used live chat, direct mails but all are bouncing. I made a post to their forums and waited 4 hours no response.
Finally after 17 hours I have no choice to sit back and cry for choosing pc-core.net for my dedicated need.
Few points in brief:
1)DMCA was not forwarded to me.
2)Instead of nulling the IP they unplug entire server. Unplugging is the option when server is spamming not for DMCA.
3)I was forced to pay $50 before my server should be online. They should inform me that I need to pay this amount and put my server back and later add this invoice to my client area.
4)They reply to critical support requests in 4 hours or more sometimes. How can someone wait for a reboot for 4 hours ?
5)They don’t care if client’s server is down for 1 hour or 24 hours.
For saving $30 I paid $50 for no fault of me and downtime that is killing me and didn't let me sleep. I confess my decision was wrong in choosing pc-core.net for saving and surviving in this economy meltdown . I suggest you to think before going for pc-core.net.
Server is still down and its 2 PM in India.
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Jul 13, 2008
We began hosting with Krypt.com a few months ago after see'ing their advertisements on this forum. We've been aware of Krypt.com for years and always had our doubts about the service they could provide due to some information on their website. We try to size companies up before we order from them because we are a very demanding operation. We do have alot of special requests that help us focus on the niche of customers that we have. I guess you could consider us a difficult customer. When we seen Krypts advertisements on here in connection with their recent UnderNET IRC Server link we figured we'd give them a second look. I personally wouldn't be involved in the webhosting business if it weren't for IRC so i'll always credit those companies that are willing to host IRC (given the reputation it has). We spoke with Mark over at krypt originally and he answered all of our sales questions. Everything seemed good, their ordering system was missing some spots for us to input some options (partitions etc...) so we did follow the order up with an e-mail. The e-mails were not being acknowledged and I did not want to have to pay them to reformat a server just because of a missed e-mail. I was later told our e-mails were being put into their spam folders and requested the reason for this but was not provided with an answer. During our sales conversation with Mark he hesitated when we said we'd be doing e-mail, so we assumed Krypt was very careful about who they let e-mail with spam and all so we looked pretty highly at that and assured Mark that we do not participate in any spam operations.
We were provided the server very quick as ordered shortly after that but the server appeared to be defective. We had a number of problems with the server that were finally deemed to be hardware related. Krypt provided us with another server and everything was good after that. Upon launching the server we found out that they were blocking IRC ports. I specially asked about IRC and the possibility of ports being blocked in our sales chat with Mark so I figured this was a breach of our deal. After requesting a cancellation and refund of the service as it was provided on false grounds I was told that IRC would be permitted but they would have to manually open the ports for us. We spoke with both Ted and Tim from Krypt, they both appear to be partners in the company and both had nothing good to say about the UnderNET server they host. They both claimed to have little to nothing to do with it, said it was work for them to even get it linked and benefited nothing from it. I find this hard to believe since krypts services are mentioned right in the irc servers MOTD (thousands see that daily, free advertising). So we knew what we were up against here. Since they did agree to open the ports for us we did consider this to be a mix-up and let things go.
The uptime has been good, haven't seen any network problems but we have had enough trouble that we're moving away from Krypt. Krypt offers the cPanel control panel but is not licensed from cPanel to provide licenses. We assumed that a hosting company of this size would of been licensed by cPanel and didn't even bother to check. We later found out that they have to purchase each license so when we ordered a VPS this weekend (with cpanel on the order) they just supplied the server without cpanel. I wrote in and said wheres the cpanel and they said we have to wait until Monday when cpanel opens to get a license. Now im no newbie here, cpanel doesn't sell individual licenses to companies (unless it's a bulk purchase) so I know this isn't true. They do sell one time yearly licenses but I doubt that's what Krypt was going to do however it's not my business. They provided a product incomplete and then said it would be days until the order would be complete.
There have been minor things here and there with Krypt and we can somewhat look beyond some of the things we encountered, we just expected more from a company that has been around as long as they have. However we found ourselves unable to mail nationwide isps due to the ip space we were provided being blacklisted. We contacted Krypt about this and were told to "E-mail from somewhere else" They said they were a large operation and they have no control over what people do and they are bound to be listed in the spam databases. So to this day, you can't e-mail Comcast customers (at least on our ip blocks). Tim from Krypt argued this point saying they have several comcast customers however he was proven wrong when I asked him to e-mail our comcast account, he said he did, but we never got his e-mail.
So if your looking for an server company that will provide you with blacklisted ip space, isn't licensed by cpanel, provides an IRC server for major network with dismay (yet keeps the advertisements from it) Krypt is your company. It doesn't matter to them anyhow, as they told us, they have thousands of customers and sell alot to China, we all know how well China conducts itself on the internet.
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Sep 19, 2009
I met James Lumby, the owner of CPC Technologies through QuoteColo. Mr. Lumby’s quotation was so spectacular that I shipped my Dell PowerEdge 1950 to his facility the next day.
Once FedEx got it there, it was online in minutes! We had some issues when the server loaded but the techies were right there ready, willing and able to help. James has done more for me in less than a weeks time then my other data center has since February 2007.
In fact, I am so impressed by his services, I am moving another system to him next week. You can’t go wrong with James and CPC! In my opinion, they are the best!
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May 28, 2008
Well after an almost heated dispute over a very minor infraction with Krypt Technologies, the company has proven itself to be a company worth looking at.
Anyone that knows Jimmy Woods can tell you, he's a tough cookie to deal with, an idiot, jack*** etc, it's often that im called something new. So when a company surpasses our expectations, it's something to write about.
We've been hosting with Krypt for only a few days, we signed up after seeing an offer posted on the dedicated hosting offers section. We were up and running in a day or so.
We had some problems with the server that were tended to right away and eventually we were provided with a new server with some free upgrades to cover the problems experienced.
Im sure it's not anyones policy just to give out free upgrades because of problems out of their control, but Krypt did. They also worked with us on some other unconventional topics that other companies won't.
You can host with any dedicated server in the world, but only a handful are going to give you the kind of satisfaction and support you need to survive in this business and Krypt Technologies is proving itself, at least with this nut, to be a company worth working with. So if you are in the market for a new dedicated server, I would highly suggest taking a look at these guys, you won't be disappointed.
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Sep 17, 2009
This is my one month review of CPC Technologies
Well actually getting closer to two months now. And so far it has been smooth, the network has been up 100% of the time so far. I would assume in part due to their Dual 6500 series routers with redundant gigabit providers fed into them.
James (the owner of CPC) was even so kind as to meet me our there the first day as I had decided to drive up to Dallas and install our gear myself. I made it a mini-vacation with my wife so it was fun. I am actually taking a trip up there again this weekend.
CPC is housed in the Colo4Dallas facility in none other than Dallas TX. But you may have known that already.
Overall Recap:
- Solid Network Uptime
- Great Deal on a full Cabinet
- James is great help, naturally his Cisco and networking knowledge greatly exceeds that of my own. I no longer think I'm awesome with my 2950 switch.
- I've already had to call once at 6AM and he did not even flinch. Got me all set with some hands on tech support. This was my fault anyway, I forgot to send up my Lantronix Spider. But in 30-45 minutes I was up and running again. So that rocks my socks off and keeps my clients happy.
If I think of anything else I'll post it as I usually do in my living reviews. If anybody has any questions or if I missed anything let me know. The fact that he operates out of the Colo4Dallas facility is a huge huge plus. Because C4D already rocks by itself, but with CPC it makes it even easier to deal with anything that comes up.
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Apr 3, 2008
Does anyone have any experience with Pegasus Web Technologies?
Good? Bad?
Any input or ideas will be appreciated?
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Mar 18, 2008
For their dedicated server solution.
seems to be the best deal in town.
@ $69 / month you get to have 320gb worth of HD space!
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Nov 15, 2008
I have been a customer of Codev Technology Ltd for several months now, and am more than happy with their services. I run a booking system website for a ski clu (sunshine.org.nz) and the staff at Codev have been very helpful in getting my systems up and running.
The speed and uptime are perfect, as you would not expect less, and the
service is prompt and friendly.
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Jul 19, 2008
Is anyone else having issues with Layered Technologies. For the past 18+ hours they've been 'down' from the Global Crossing network. Does anyone know anyone at Savvis and/or Global Crossing that can check and see what's wrong with their routing?
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Jun 8, 2008
I am trying to get a hold of the abuse department of Layered Technologies. They host a splog which is continually ripping my content - takes the content down after a complaint - just to publish it again after a few hours.
I only have sales@layeredtech.com - and even so they promise to forward the request - the latest rip is from yesterday evening and still on the other site.
I really like to have this resolved.
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