Experience With BuzzServers.com - 3 Months

Sep 12, 2009

I have host with them less then 3 months, and in that time my sites ware down about 15 days ...

1 month ...
I have bought first dedicated server with buzzservers.com and I have thought that my problems finely get end. But NO ... After I have pay them, I have must wait instead 24-48 hours more than 7 days to get my server and even then they gave me something completely different. After maybe 7 days, I have requested OS reinstall because some problems with installing some components, yes I have also made mistakes but not like buzzservers.com . I have thought that OS reinstall will be complete very quick but again NO. I have wait another 8 days to get my sites back, because they have some problems, they even not respond to support tickets more than 3 days, not just to me, but to many other customers. And after they finally installed everything, we have agreed that they will in return for my lost days I only for next month pay half of price and they will install some addons (Just to add, I have send them maybe about 2-3 tickets and they only at the end of month change my Invoices for paying only half price, and they never install what I have ask from them.) This is end of my first month ... pretty nice ... haha

2 month
It is begin nice, everything work nice, and this was very good month with buzzservers.com. But some where in the middle of the month, I get notice that my Cpanel license is not OK, I could not access to cpanle or any of my customers, they sort this after 3 days, also there was some problems with slow resolvers, witch they sort out after 2-3 days. I almost forgot ... With my server I have ordered Fantastico support, about 3 dollars I think, they NEVER install that ... I have send them every month ticket about that. they just forgot or replay me, It will be installed soon, but NO ...

3 month and last month of my horrible experience with BuzzServers.com.
After more then half month past OK, at end of month my server stop responding, I have send them tickets and they replay me that HDD is bad. I have ask them that they if possible to just extract backup data, my sites, they agree. After waiting about 24 hours they finish install, but when I have log in to WHM i start to get many errors, I report them that, and after waiting more than 2 days they respond me that they can not install Cpanel, and that I must wait ... That was to much for me ... I have then ask them to keep my backup data and return me half of money for next month because I have pay them before HDD failure ... They say YES. After I have bought new server, it past maybe 12-15 hours, and ask form them my backup, they say that they lost them ... !!! I could not believe ... I have been calm and wait another 3-4 day to see will they find my backup ... but of course you can guess ... They never find them, they even some how delete backup on bad HDD.

I have then ask from them to return all my money for next month ... but NO ... I am now waiting more then 45 days now for my money ... I have only open 1 tickets, never be angry or insult them or something other, I always tray to nicely resolve things ... This is only big problems, I do not even wish to write about many small problems, how they forgot things or like now they do not even wish to replay me now ... I have also tray everything to resolve with they support, and to not start topics on this forum, but I see that they only tray to get on time and everything forget ...

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My Experience With VPSland -- 3.5 Months

Jun 11, 2007

Just wanted to share here my experience with VPSland.

I've registered to the provider 3.5 months ago. I was in a hurry to find a fully administrated windows-based hosting service, and so I finally chose VPSland. At the time I wasn't aware of this forum, BTW.

The server was available for my use about 6.5 hours from the submission of my order, a reasonable time IMO. Unfortunately my good impressions with this provider end at this point.

The server seemed nice and responsive, so within a few hours I proceeded to request VPSland for some DNS records in their DNS servers, before I set my domain to use their name servers.

Although my request for the DNS records was simple IMO (I could do it in 2 minutes), it took them over 2 days to fully comply with my requirements. At first, it seemed like they do not take the time to carefully read what I write them. Then, it seemed like they just have no idea of what they are doing. At some point they even told me I should "allow sometime for DNS propagation", although the nslookup outputs I've provided them showed clearly that I was querying their own servers, so propagation isn't an issue.

My first support ticket therefore left me concerned with their support team's ability, but I just hoped for the best and continued on. Another request for DNS changes a month later, followed also the same pattern, though this time, I was able to wrap it up within just over a day.

Shortly after I finished this first issue, the VPS crashed while I was working on it. I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary, and the connection simply fell, with the control panel for the VPS being inaccessible as well. So I submitted another ticket saying there is no communication, and the control panel is down. To this I received the reply "try restarting the VPS from the control panel" (which, as I clearly said, was down). So again, it seems they don't read what I write them. To their merit, I should say that their initial reply (though unhelpful) was quite rapid -- within 6 minutes. I took them, however, another 3/4 hour to actually fix the problem.

The VPS kept crashing later quite often, with a total of 4 crashes during the first month, 2 crashes during the 2nd month, and another 2 crashes during the 3rd month. The treatment for each of these crashes took 30-60 minutes, so none of these were horrible, but I was pissed off of not having a peace of mind, obliged to constantly monitor the site to assure it is online.

But what really took the cake was what happened a week ago. My VPS crashed, and was down for a whopping 18 hours -- during this entire time I had no web or mail services. This left me shocked. I couldn't understand how can any serious company allow a service to be down for 18 hours. They said that there were some problem with the node running my VPS, and the whole time I was thinking, if there is a problem with a single node (since other VPSs were up at the time), why not just move the VPS to a different node? I actually said that to them, and begged them to get the VPS running, but as I said, this only happened after an 18 hours failure, when they finally fixed the node.

You'd think they'd compensate me for something like that, but first they offered me only one buck (something which I perceived as an insult, really). I complained again, but all they offered was, in accordance with their SLA, a measly 10% credit, which is 2.9 bucks.

The last 18 hours long crash finally shook me from my stagnancy, and I begun to do some serious research for a new, dependable provider. I'm hoping to move from this provider by the end of the month.

The main advantage of VPSland is their low prices. They also usually offer reasonable response times for "normal" support requests.

However, anything beyond the scope of the very standard support request takes a very long time to complete. They are highly independable, and from what I perceived, most of their staff is unskilled.

I'd post our site's address here, so you can see that VPSland really hosts it, but being a new user I'm prohibited from posting the URL here.

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Buzzservers Review

Jun 2, 2009

Some weeks ago I was looking for a new dedicated server and as always came to WHT to search for a deal and of course for a review of interesting providers, I was near to get a server on hivelocity and saw an awful review about their support so of course better to not get in troubles I continue with my search, found buzzservers with nice deals and no bad reviews on this forum. I apply with them moved my data and after 2 days the hard disk got broken they took 2 full days to tell me that my data cant be recovered. Of course after all this I wanted a refund because I dont want to be on a company that have bad hardware and with very slow support (at least when tragedy happen), they agreed to refund me but after 15 days I am still waiting. Is sad that some companies dont care about their customers, they even deleted my support ticket account but still mailing me overdue billing emails.

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Are Buzzservers.com & Skyeservers.com The Same

Oct 16, 2009

are buzzservers.com & skyeservers.com the same? they have the same layout, and the same specials and vps package too!

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BuzzServers - 1 Month Review

May 26, 2009

A couple of weeks ago I saw an AMD offer in the Dedicated Offers section that Buzz Servers were offering and I thought I'd give them a shot, although the AMD was not what I wanted. I contacted their sales department and managed to get a quote for around $200 for a Core i7, 12GB RAM and Windows.

They told me the server needed to be shipped in, which I was fine with, ordered on the Sunday, setup on the Wednesday which is good considering the fact it needed shipping in.

I've needed support on a few occasions when Windows stopped working for example, Jason and Richard offered some great support and managed to fix the server via the KVM unit they had attached. Although it took about 24-48 hours to get fully fixed, they kept me updated and they are really great guys to deal with.

The network is fast, I'm in the UK and when I click "Connect" on RDP, I'm logged in literally right away and it's absolutely perfect for my game development and Windows VPS hosting. All in all, the provider has been great for me, Richard is amazing and has been a saint to work with. Jason helped greatly with my pre-sales questions.

Network - 10/10
Support - 9/10
Pricing - 10/10
Overall - 9.5/10

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36 Months With ServerAxis

Mar 8, 2009

Well I have to say to begin with, I never expected to be with one provider for so long. My sites are low volume enough that it would be a waste for a full dedicated server, but I wanted the control that a VPS provided.

Four or five years ago, when I first started trying to find a VPS, I floundered. Fpund more problems, and slow unreliable servers. I averaged about 3 host a year during that time. It was at this time I started reading about XEN, and the concept of it's method of virtualzation intrigued me, so I started searching for a host that offered this type of VPS.

My first experience was a big let down. Not really sure what the problem was, and cannot remember the name of the host, but that server was extremely slow.

It was then that I came to WHT and found the VPS offers here. There I saw an offer by ServerDave, signed up only to find there was a waiting list for new VPS. It originally took about a week (to my initial disappointment) to get provisioned. The VPS had 1 gig of ram allocated that was almost unheard of at the time. As soon as I started setting up I could tell the difference in speed and responsiveness.

I did have one problem, contacted support about it, and it was fixed within a couple of hours. Turned out to be a php misconfiguration. That was the last problem I ever had with my VPS. All my other contacts with support has just been a few general questions, and of course once to upgrade to a new VPS (newer OS) wich they provided me more than enough time to complete my move.

For most of the time, the only graphs they offered were network graphs, but just recently they have performed an upgrade and the graphs now chart - cpu - disk utilization - along with the network charts.
For a control panel I chose DirectAdmin, which I now love. And 5 dollars a month is a great price for it.

Uptime has been terrific. In my three years, my server has only gone down about four or five times for a short time. These all were for upgrades that was well announced before the downtime which was usually just a system reboot for a kernel update.

I use CentOS, and they do auto yum updates which makes it nice. I update my server software manually through directadmins custombuild scripts.

They do have another control panel for auto OS reloads, but this of course does not install your control panel. This is why when I moved from CentOS 4 to CentOS 5 they provisioned another VPS for me (free of charge).

All in all this company has been a pleasure to work with. I look forward to the next 3 years with them.

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WebTHosting.com [6 Months+]

Jul 11, 2009

Just wanted to give a short review of WebTHosting, an offshore hosting company.I am with them more than 6 months.

SO far the greatest hosting service I ever had. WebT Hosting is fairly affordable, with fast and reliable networks, and great support. Their uptime and server load is quite satisfactory.

One most important and the best thing is their live support and sales service. also the response of their support ticket is really fast.

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My 11 Months With Imountain

Aug 3, 2008

cant believe its almost been a year already, but like sand through the hour glass so goes the days of our lives. anyway, my almost year with imountain has been one of pure bliss. everyone on the imountain team needs to be commended cause they have consistently been there when i needed them and have truly bent over backwards to answer any remedial question i may pose or fulfill any request without hesitation. their support team is phenomenal and have truly gone above and beyond the call of duty and it has been truly appreciated.

uptime has been excellent. there has been only a few hours of downtime and most of that has been scheduled. even though they had to shut me down last week, but i truly couldnt be mad at them cause they did everything they could to rectify the issue. i run a music blog and some spider/bot was trying to download everything in my directories at one time which of course brought/slowed down the server i am on. i could tell that they hated taking me down, but business is business and i know i was affecting other people's businesses. in the end they tracked down the main offender and everything returned to normal.

in regards to speed, i think my site loads pretty quickly. i have not been told otherwise. people are quick to complain about other stuff and loading times has not been one of their gripes.

all in all i would give them a 9.5 out of 10 and will continue to recommend them to anyone who will listen.

my site is [url]

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3 Months Review About Iwebfusion

May 5, 2009

have use iwebfusion for 3 months, write this review share with you.

iwf was a nice host provider,i buy a vps with their los angeles DC,

1 uptime 10/10
no downtime in 3 months.

2 support 8/10
2~6 hours, if not lucky, no more than 24 hours.......

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Hivelocity 14 Months Review

Apr 6, 2009

I'd been with hivelocity for 14 months by now and i'm thinking to continue my bussines on there.

I created a thread on the past, this is the thread:


And this is what i said:


What can i say?

They just Rock, Dave and steve are just great.

Dave is my account manager he is helpfull, quickly and very efficient.

i would like to recommend people to join in hivelocity.

They are just more than fine, my server is working great and i had 2 issues resolved.

1 issue in less than 20 mins (another server in the rack was consuming a lot of bandwith)
the other issue was a little more complicated but it has been resolved too, thanks Dave

They have the same problem with support than sharktech (not managed), but if you talk to your account manager or Steve they will take care of it and get the problem resolved in a few minuts, that's just cool.

Service and support for me was really good in one week with they .. i will stay for a long time here if everything goes right.

and if we can, stablish a long term business based on trust (i'm a coder i can help)

Well from that moment to now i can say the following things:

No downtimes, only schedules (maintenence)

No support problems.

I upgraded my server to a quad2core and for 6 months payment, they gove me a second HDD!

I'm sending new customers to hivelocity right now, and trying to start reselling their servers.

¿why do i want to?

Because Steve and Dave, are responsable guys.

Because Network works fine.

Last server i bought for a customer: 1 day setup, no problems. I did a hardware check and it was OK, no HDD failures and TEMPERATURE was the right.

Because they understand if you have a problem.

Because support is there to help, even if you don't pay for "Managed services"

And i think that, they manage customers as well, that you can feel as a part of the company and not just another Argentinian customer.

So, watching the huge financial crisis, i want to give a good review about this company, and try to get more and new customers to they.

I would highly recommend to buy their services, this is not another company this is one of the best companies i ever knew.

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ServerBoost 3 Months Review

Oct 2, 2009

This is my first review regarding a dedicated server prodiver, so forgive me if i miss anything.

We are a small web hosting company located in Greece and after many years in a Greek Datacenter, we were seeking for a reliable provider with Managed Dedicated servers. After a lot of search here in WHT, we came through ServerBoost which is located in Holland.

Sales: Jelle was very patient during our talks, although we were just researching at the time being. A really nice guy and a true professional, answered all my questions as I was skeptic regarding the migration, or details of our contract and service. ( personal fears :p )

Support: They say the first impression is the most significant and I must admit that mine was pretty good. Starting from the Server migration ( From 2 old/slow servers to a brand-new Dell one. ) which went really smoothly from ServerBoost part, taking the downtime to minimal time!

Our SLA contract has a specific time window for support requests but it hardly takes over some minutes or 1-2 hours to get a response ( regarding the time of the day of course! ) and Jelle is always there when i need to ask something.

Hardware/Network: Our Dell server is running really good, and the network is really reliable as "promised". Good speeds and ping ( from Greece ) which is important for our customers.

Conclusion: For me, having dealt with only one foreign company in the past for hosting ( US ), ServerBoost is the ideal one to do business with, because they look really "caring" about our business and their flexibility is priceless.

I'm looking forward using ServerBoost for a long time, really satisfied! :-)

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IGXHost Review ~Two Months

Oct 14, 2009

I would just like to say that they surprise me for a shared host.

Support: 10/10

Uptime: 9/10

Speed: 9.5/10

Value: 8/10

Although I pay quite a bit I still think it's worth it. About $15/mth for 15GB HDD and 75GB transfer. My website handles ~300K hit's daily with only a few hiccups. It's uptime is something like 99.97% which is decent. The only big incident is when I first signed up I was transferring my domain which took a few days, but was resolved professionally. So far it's a big thumbs up.


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NYNOC 6 Months Review

May 9, 2009

Decided to give a VPS a try back in November. Ordered through one the sales advertised in the offer forums, got set-up in less than 12 hours.

In terms of performance, the VPS works fine.

In terms of service, this is where the ball is dropped.

The issue is that they set me up in LA, and I'm on the East coast. So I've contacted support, asking if a move was possible. When they said yes, and I've confirmed that their offer to move it during the night was fine, I've even shut everything down to make things smoother.

The next morning, I receive an email telling me I will get another one once it's done... the following day, I receive an email that it can't be done, as I have a x64 OS and there is no space on the node.

So I let this slide, and decide that sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and decided to offer them to BUY another one, this time on the East coast, if they could offer me the same setup as I have on the West coast. They've agreed, and I did the order as they requested... That was around noon 2 days ago, and still nothing today...

For another example, I've requested a ticket because the /dev/tun wasn't configured properly in the container... I don't know what they did, but it corrupted my VPS so bad that I have to re-initialise it completly. Another example: I've posted a ticket that their gentoo image is faulty (no network support at all!), and to my knowledge this was still not fixed.

So yes, NYNOC has some cool ideas like an online chat, even offered an EYEOS desktop, forums, tips, and great prices... but for me now this ain't worth it much and will be canceling my accounts. I guess coming from VPSFarm has spoiled me (instant setup, quick support), and will be looking for a new provider.

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4 Months FsckVPS Review

Oct 8, 2009

1. Month

I used 15 days of godaddy's shared hosting before FsckVPS. Due to unexpected traffic, I had to move to a VPS. So I chose FsckVPS's 512mb packet.

I was very sattisfied with them. Their servers were fast and the VPS got setup in just a few seconds.

The hacking incident happened this month. I was still pleased by the way they handled it. So I decided to stay with them. They decided to give 2 months free after the hacking incident.

2. Month and 3. Month

Everything was very smooth, running perfectly. Servers were still fast after I got switched to a new one after the hacking.

4. Month

This is the second time I paid to FsckVPS and I was pretty happy about it.

Then I have been informed that they will be switching servers. They told that it would take around 4 hours per vps.

So when I noticed that my vps was down for the first time, I didn't react and waited. After being down for about 8 hours, I sent them a ticket. The response came after 4 hours saying that it was now online.

I logged in to my vps and the first thing I noticed was how SLOW it was. After a while, it crashed and I couldn't reach to my vps anymore. I sent a ticket, they reset the server, it got a little better.

This happened about 4 times. Everytime I sent a ticket asking why this is happening, I only received a response saying it is OK now.

After 3 weeks of being like this, I decided to switch to a new VPS provider.

Now I am on my new VPS provider, hoping for better results.

My fsckvps will expire in 4 days and it is still very slow.

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2.5 Months Review Of WiredTree.com

Sep 24, 2009

After having a dedicated server for more than 70 days from WiredTree.com, I thought that it would be a good time for a review.

I came across them through good reviews in this forum and took the opportunity to get one of their special offers (Core i7). As a short summary in advance: I can fully recommend them to anyone seeking a managed dedicated box.

I just had contact to Sales twice - Once as I tried to bargain for an even cheaper offer than the special one they already had (without success, by the way) and a second time when it came to an eventual server upgrade. Response time was quick, the answers were professional and friendly and there is nothing I could complain about.

Server Setup:
I was in a totally different time-zone than WiredTree while ordering the server. As they have the practice to call their new customers for identity verification, the call reached me at night time and I could not pick it up. So I called them in the morning and they called me back again. It must have been deepest night time in Chicago at this moment. From this telephone call on, it took less than 2-3 hours (as far as I remember) until the server was ready and online.
Another thing is their "ServerShield Server Hardening" that they perform before you get the box. I never received a dedicated server before with so many tweaking measures taken in advance. MySQL performance was improved, the firewall was well configured, security checks were already made, everything felt fine-tuned in advance. So, again, very good job done by WiredTree.

Hardware Quality:
You might say: "You've only been with them 70+ days. Of course, there was no hardware problem during that short time". Well, I read here at WHT about customers of other hosts who had the first failures already at the moment they received the new box. So - No hardware problems at all until now.

I am not very experienced in server management and tend to get nervous if something doesn't work and support takes more than 30min. to answer questions. I know that this makes me annoying sometimes, but at least I always try to be friendly. Fortunately, WiredTree seems very good prepared for nerve-wrackers like me... Support never took more than 15min. to answer my requests and in at least 2 cases, they even bent backwards to help me with problems that had nothing to do with them. Every single request got solved in a very short time. I contacted support at the most unusable hours of the day because I often travel between different time zones - They were always there, like an own IT-Crowd in your pocket. Two thumbs up for their support staff.

100% Uptime during the whole time. No hickups at all, no problem that I would be aware of. Fine speed all the time. There is really nothing negative that I could say.

No billing issues at all. Everything worked correctly.

Their customer portal "Grove":
Well. Hmmm. Okay, one thing first: I saw several customer portals during the last 10 years. And none of them blew me away. I haven't seen SoftLayer's yet and was told that theirs should be even nicer than grandmas cheese cake, but the grass is always greener on the other side as long as you have never been there. Let's say that "Grove" is surely one of the better and nicer looking customer portals around. It bundles a lot of information and offers a good way of communication. The rest is a question of taste...

The bad news:
I cancelled the server today. The company I work for has rent several servers at another host and paid them 1 year in advance. One is totally unused (great planning, MnMgt!) and I was offered by my boss to use it cost-free for that period of time. Well, this is an opportunity I have to take... Saving $300 a month is quite a lot of money. But I am determined to go back to WiredTree as soon as my "free time" is over.

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SmoothVPS Review - 4+ Months

Jan 17, 2009

I've been using SmoothVPS for about 4 months (and colleagues of mine have been using them for more than that) based on posts from WHT as well as recommendations from others in the industry. Bob @ SmoothVPS has been extremely helpful, very responsive, and is seemingly always online to help me with even the most basic of questions. He has bent over backwards to accomodate my random needs and helps me with specific server configurations that I can't figure out - even with third-party packages that he is not required to support!

I have three Linux-based VPSes with Bob and he has no problem configuring them to my specific needs with whatever version OS that I require. I plan on adding many more as I migrate all my servers to him - I've decided to give him my exclusive business due to how well everything runs and how competitive the price is. Billing is simple - Paypal subscriptions or regular invoices make it a snap to manage (even if I lose track, which I do - sorry Bob).

The bottom line is that SmoothVPS is the place to go for your VPS needs. I haven't needed Windows boxes there, but I will probably mess around with one in the near future to test some software. They're moving to a new DC in the near-future - and they're giving me 30 free days of IP migration to make sure the process runs smoothly. Just amazing.

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Krypt VPS Review - Few Months...

Feb 12, 2009

I've had a Krypt VPS for a few months now, started with the VPS400 package and moved up to VPS800 over time. Initially (I'm guessing they had just gotten into providing VPS's) the service was EXCELLENT! My VPS was located in their LA datacenter on the Level3 backbone. First two months the VPS was rock solid, I was running a full LAMP (no optimizations) install along with Webmin. By the 3rd month I started having issues with sluggishness, both on the site and SSH. Put in a support ticket which got responded to within 10 minutes as usual (fantastic support!) and their techs moved my VPS to a less loaded VMware node. Things were again pretty solid for about two weeks, then the same thing happened again. I let it be for a few days thinking it may just be a spike, but even after a week it was still pretty horrid. I had even turned off the LAMP install and Webmin in favor of a lone Lighttpd install to serve static html pages. Mind you by this time I had been upgraded to above their VPS800 package, yet I was still having performance issues. Put in another ticket and asked to be moved to another node, they said sure and asked a timeframe, I told them asap and let the issue be. After 4 hours of not hearing anything back, I update my ticket to find out that they were having some issues with the VPS, ok bad things happen, give them time. A few hours later I ask again and am told that they formatted the VPS without any authorization from me...Its a VMware host, they could at the least have attached the virtual hard drivei mage to the new install of my VPS, but they prefered to just delete it. I run several ESX servers at work and even with a nonbootable (according to them) image, the hard drive can still be mounted and recovery can be attempted. I was angry but I have a few dedicated servers with Krypt so I gave them another chance. I took the freshly installed VPS and started hunting down backups to restore from. Installed LAMP and Webmin, gave it a week and once again: slow. I'm fairly certain that CentOS repo apps and Webmin arn't enough to cause a VPS to dog down this bad, even with *everything* turned off (top shows 24MB ram usage) SSH and pages being served by lighttpd are taking 3-10 seconds to come up, as before they came up before I even let go of the button.

Support: 10/10
Service: 6/10
VPS Quality: 5/10
Network: 5/10 (great in the beginning, after a week less than 400KB/s)

Overall they're a great provider, but they need to monitor their nodes more carefully and find abusers. It seems to me like they're either overloading their nodes or have something misconfugured thats causing issues. I was told a few times to restart my VPS which didn't help at all. Orderded a VPS with them about 2 weeks ago on a different account, havn't even touch it since I got it, as of right now, SSH is sluggish, apps like top take an average 5 seconds to come up, max throughput is ~300KB/s from Seattle (hit ~7MB/s when I first got it). Same issue as my other VPS. I'll provide my domain to the mods for authentication.

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Volumedrive 3 Months Review

Apr 23, 2009

I thought I could share my opinion on VolumeDrive after being with them for a few months. I always appreciated when I could find in-depth reviews from hosting companies when I was looking for one so I hope some peope will find this review useful.

First of all, here my plan with them:


AMD Athlon64 3200+
1 GB DDR2 Ram
120 GB SATA Hard Drive
3000 GB of bandwidth on 100MB port
2 IP addresses
Ubuntu Server 8.04 Linux

This package costs me $49.95 per month.

It all started when I contacted them to have more information on their services and what they have to offer. They replied very quickly and sent me a document detailing every offer they have and how their plans work. It's a shame that all that information wasn't available on their website, they proposed roughly 3 different dedicated solutions on their order form when you can actually choose a bunch of other options. Anyway, I asked a few other questions (like if they could install Ubuntu even if it wasn't listed in the available OS, and they had no problem in doing this). Again, they replied quickly. I made my choice and as I made my first payment, my server was online 24 hours later, as stated in their e-mail.

Communication with Volumedrive's staff is always great, I've had an issue one time where my internet connection was realllllly slow. I e-mailed them and it took a few minutes before I received an answer to my e-mail with someone trying to find what was wrong. We exchanged a few e-mails trying to find what was the issue and the issue got resolved in no time. Aside from this problem, I've never had any network or hardware issue (still have a fresh new server though)

I also personnaly think that their prices are far superior to what other companies offer. Their plans are flexible and if I want a hardware upgrade for example I know I can just contact them and we'll work out the details.

The only downsides I can give them is that their website is missing a lot of information. When you are looking for a server you may not want to spend time contacting each company by e-mail to ask question and have more information, you rely on the website to give you a lot of details. Also, their invoice system is not so great. You receive an e-mail saying you need to pay them and they only accept paypal. When your payment is done, you don't receive any confirmation e-mail. It's not bothering me much for a 50$ server, but I'd want a more conventional billing system with automatic renewal if I had a big business going on with them.

All in all, I really like volumedrive! I'd recommend it for everybody looking for a low cost dedicated server, they're fast, professional and helpful. You just need to send them an e-mail to get the plan that works for you so tow thumbs up for Volumedrive!

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ServerBoost.com/.nl Review (7-8 Months)

Nov 4, 2009

We have been with ServerBoost since March '09.

2x Quad Core Xeon E5430
12 GB DDR2 FB-DIMM memory
2x 146 GB SAS 15k RPM
Hardware RAID 1

A little more expensive than some other NL hosts but you get what you pay for.

Total setup time was 3 days after payment (the server was a custom setup), because we had to wait an extra day for the setup Jelle gave us a free upgrade (better CPU and HDDs) which was amazing seeing that the setup period wasn't that long anyway.

In the past 7 months we have had 2 small bits of downtime, 1 was scheduled - when they upgraded their datacenter and the other was due to a RAID card failure, which was promptly replaced in less than an hour. Their network is faultless.

We only have the free SLA yet Jelle responds within minutes, and his responses are always friendly and professional. However I haven't needed to contact support outside of business hours so I cannot vouch for that, but during business hours it's top notch.

I can't recommend ServerBoost enough, I'm 110% pleased. We/I have 5 servers in EU each with different providers and ServerBoost is by far my favourite and the one I recommend most.

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Dynaceron : 3 Months Review

Jun 5, 2009

I'm sharing my experience with Dynaceron till now .

Month one;

I wanted to try a Linux server and I ordered one of their hardware, that came with CentOS. I have had many questions about Linux, as I am new to it, and the friendly tech support people helped me find answers. The questions I had were often answered in under 3 minutes. I've had 5 minutes of downtime, but that was because I ordered a 4 gigabyte ram upgrade.

Month two;

I decided to go back to Windows and I asked them if they could install Windows on my server, They asked if I had my data backed up, when I said yes they said they were going to start the install ASAP, after 1.5 hours I received an email with the login details..

After 15 days I asked if they could upgrade my uplink to 1Gbps; The upgrade was done without a server reboot.

Month three;

No problems so far, everything has been going well. Seriously, in my opinion they are the best service around, couldn't ask for better. Their uptime is fantastic. In 3 months I've only experienced 5 minutes of downtime, but again that was because I ordered a hardware upgrade.

I would highly recommend them to anyone that is looking for Quality hardware and support.

I will write a review back in 3 months or if I ever experience a problem I will update this thread.

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[REVIEW] VPSRight - 4+ Months -

Oct 7, 2009

Finally I managed to get some time to write another review about my host, VPSRight. Simple summary, one of the best webhosts that i have ever had. With great support and resources. And the best thing is they think about their customers.

Talking about their support, they're an excellent bunch who knows what they are doing and what they're being asked. Extremely prompt on responses and are usually responded within an hours time. In the initial month or so I've submitted a lot of tickets and they were dealt with ease.

Their servers are great and fast. Not overloaded and recent uptimes have been great. For the last 3 or so weeks I've had no downtime. And after switching from FluidVM to SolusVM the host nodes have become much more stable.

Network is also great and have a good connection speeds. I rarely go below the 1Mbit/s when downloading files to the server (incoming). A few weeks ago we had a small issue of packet loss for a few hours, as result of a DOS attack on another server at the DC. It was soon mitigated and services was fully restored.

In the months of June/July, VPSRight inured a lot of downtime due to DC migrations and s/w migrations. Therefore they made the next billing cycle free to all it's customers as a compensation. This something good as host and they've taken responsibility for the actions they took.

Now everything is a smooth ride and I am a very happy customer of theirs. I'd happily recommend them if someone is looking for reasonably priced, managed, decent spec VPSs.

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Zinkhosting.net Review [6 Months]

Apr 30, 2009

I think Zinkhosting.net does not get the credit it deserves. In the last ~7 years I have been with many different hosts, and I have to conclude that Zinkhosting.net has been the best. From day one I knew this company wanted to serve the customers, and the small size allowed them to do so. Many large companies ignore the customers when it comes to reliability, price, and support. With Zinkhosting.net I did not have any downtime, and the prices were great compared to other companies. The main reason I stayed with Zinkhosting.net was the support I received. The owner himself was able to help me out on many situations where I did not understand why a certain script was not working. Even though he did not have to offer this sort of support, he still did so out of courtsey. I hope Zinkhosting.net can keep on serving my needs in this manner.

Reliablity - 10/10
Price - 10/10
Support - 10/10

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4 Months Hivelocity Review

Oct 16, 2009

I've been seeing alot of negative threads about Hivelocity so I decide to post my review.

A little more than 4 months ago I ordered a server on Hivelocity using an offer they posted on twitter, it was a Core2Duo for $75/month and first month for $50. I ordered on the chat and the sales told me there wasn't any package with the Core2duo so he used the next cheapest server to order(Core2Quad q8200, everything else was the same) and wrote a comment saying that the actual server would be a Core2Duo.

I paid the bill, submitted some documents(on June 7) and waited, I had to send a few emails because there wasn't any progress with my order and by June 10 the server was live. When I logged in I realized I was given the Core2Quad q8200, same specs, better CPU

Ever since then I've not needed to talk to support for anything except adding some services(extra IP and 100mb port, both were quickly added and with no problems).

My server has been up ever since:

PHP Code:

 22:49:49 up 127 days, 17:45,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.05, 0.07 

And I've had very little downtime, according to Pingdom 99.98% uptime since June 15:

Their service has been Very Good so far and I've had no problems.

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MyProHost 3 Months Review

Apr 12, 2009

Just want to share my experience with them.

The story begin at 13th January when the first time i put an invoice there, at that time they offer Semi Managed VPS (reselling from santrex). Support ticket was answered not more then 12 hours and all of issues were solved really fast. except when i order my 2nd vps which take almost 24 hours to be provisioned, but still it's really reasonable.

@ 24 Feb, i got an email stated that they're launching their own node and offer me a special deals, of course i said yes. and it's become fully managed VPS. After i moved my 2 vps to this new node i was never ever submit a single support ticket until now and never had a major issue. i got only one downtime not more then 10minutes when the node got kernel panic, that's what they said on live chatt.

Live chatt support is really friendly and helpful. the server speed is fast, i use these vps for VPN and got no complaint about the speed from my clients.

I have 2 Basic VPS with them. and very happy with it.

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Review IWebfusion 4-5 Months

Jan 19, 2009

I hereby want to review iWebfusion.

4-5 months ago my website was in desperate need for a new hosting solution, I looked around on this forum and found iWebfusion.

They offered a discount back then that allowed me have a onetime discount.

I signed up for their "Pro Plus" VPS which costs $40,- a month and added as a comment that I needed to get up and running fast since my website (which is fairly popular) already was down for around 3 days.

I chatted with Nikolce and he promised me to get me setup ASAP. In less than 6 hours I was up and running (Not counting the DNS propagation).

To be honest I wasn't sure what to expect from them since they offered a very powerful VPS against only $40,- but I was surprised positively.

In the 4-5months that I was with them they answered every ticket very fast and with skilled correct answers.

Overall I would rate them an 9/10.

I won't rate them an 10/10 as I sometimes felt that my VPS had more speed to offer...but didn't, later on I found out that my CPU limit wasn't raised as Jacob from iWebfusion should have done, he sincerely appologized later on for this issue but it didn't really matter...and humans make mistakes from time to time

I'm not with them anymore since I'm a guy who likes to try out different company's and services (that's also probably why I have a thread here with problems related to La(m/n)ehost).

Also my website grew out of VPS services and I wanted to try out a other company for a semi-dedicated solution.

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MediaLayer - 4 Months Review

Mar 10, 2009

I signed up with MediaLayer [url](ML) for my client in November last year.

I've read a lot about ML here which are mostly (all?) good +ve reviews & so I decided to pick them to host my client's site.

Since the website is an ecommerce site based on Magento, I needed something that could handle application load. Its for this reason I chose ML.

Magento itself is pretty slow the first time until cache starts working.

So far its been smooth at ML and this post is just to add to the pool of its +ve reviews on WHT.

There was just one unexpected downtime which lasted for a few minutes. It was the mysql server that was down, not the http server (litespeed).

You dont get a whole lot of space at ML, so hosting a lot of raw data like images can be pricey - most of the space taken on my client's site are product images - and duplicated in cache for every dimension by Magento. As of now it gets 500-1000 pageviews a day but this is to increase over 10 times this year and if it goes beyond shared hosting limits (which I doubt), we'll move it to ML's VPS.

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Powermonster 4 Months Review

Jun 17, 2009

After my longtime webhost went belly-up, and after doing much research, I had the good fortune to come across powermonster.

There I've found super reliable servers, hosting plans with all the features I could want, and fast, friendly support(average reply time less than 15 minutes). There's been no downtime or other troublesome issues.

I have a reseller account and host several dozen websites. I've worked with many webhosts over the years, and the level of service I've found at PM is really exceptional.

powermonster has exceeded my high expectations and I know I have found a good long-term solution for my reseller hosting needs.

here is my blog on their LA CP server: [url]
here is my business blog on their LA DA server(litespeed): [url]

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Hawkhost.com VPS Review After 4 Months

Oct 26, 2009

This is only a small review of me for hawkhost.com. I had used their Standard VPS for 4 months.

I ordered a vps and got my vps after a hour. Good for me.

First ticket, i asked them for setup lxadmin/kloxo for me and they did it in next two hours. Good for me.

Second ticket, i asked them for setup some php modules for me. They didn't do it for me, but they teach me how to setup it, and everything done. Not bad for me.

This month i had some attack in my site, and i asked them to buy some traffic, and i paid $24 for 200GB ( i think their BW is not cheap ), but addition 200GB is not enough for me, this time are days end of invoice, i asked them to give me 20GB BW free, and they accept. Good for me.

Downtime : I don't get any downtime in 4 month. Excellent

At this time, i've request them for refund because i'm no longer use my vps. I ask them today and my current invoice will expire tomorrow. They accept and they give me refund $18 to my paypal account. Good for me.

And this is my score:

- Service : 10/10

- Support : 9/10

- Price : 8/10

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Review: Echoservers.com [6 Months]

Jan 20, 2009

I've started using echoservers.com about 6 months ago, when I was looking for a VPS solution, and I saw the webmaster of another forum commenting about echoservers.com. It was my first VPS experience.

First, I had some basic questions concerning the service, so I sent a few e-mails to sales@echoservers.com with questions like "Will I get a total access root account" and "What are the backbones you're using", and Jesse Kielhorn answered me prompty to all my questions. Actually, since he answers promptly all the time, I can't guess what time zone he's in because it seems like he's always awake

Then, I tried to subscribe with an unverified PayPal account, but Jesse kindly told me to "PayPal Verify" my account first. Right off the bat, I could see that Jesse was a serious man given his very fast response times, his detailed answers to my technical questions, his strong English communication skills and his client requirements. He's a serious man, and he wants serious clients.

This helped me feel more confident about his service, and I decided to give it a shot with his VPS2 service. Essentially, that was a 300 Gigs bandwidth VPS, with 192 Megs of RAM, 10 gigs of storage, and a dedicated 5 Mbps Internet connection for 9.99$ per month. A very interesting deal for me, since I needed an internet connection that wouldn't slow down randomly like some other cheap shared-hosting providers. I could select any open-source operating system I wanted to install for my VPS, for example Cent OS // Debian // Ubuntu // Fedora.

Once I made my decision to use Debian and the payment was done, Jesse sent me an e-mail with my root credentials, always using the same well written, kind and conforting messages. I started using my new VPS, updated the operating system, changed the port of my SSH account and there it was, running at 5 Mbps, with regular very high speeds.

It's now been 6 months, and the service is up most of the time. When downtimes happened, Jesse kindly told me the reason, and my box was back up in no time. Right now, I'm using a VPS3 and a VPS2 with echoservers.com, and I'm still as happy as I was 6 months ago

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Umbrahosting Review - 9 Months+

Apr 3, 2009

I initially signed up with Umbrahosting back last summer sometime in June. The migration was really smooth and my account was set-up within a few hours. My initial tickets were answered promptly.

The first few months up until December the service was just great. Server was fast and no problems. The few times i needed support they were there with an answer within a few hours max.

In January all of a sudden I noticed my main website not functioning properly due to GD missing. I was kind of surprised as they had compiled PHP with it a few months back.

Within a few hours my site was completely down for the next few hours. A few support tickets later and I find out that my domain was moved to a "brand new server" and I should have been notified about this way in advance. I received no such e-mail and no e-mail existed in their support panel listing all the service announcement e-mails sent out. They apologized and to show their commitment gave me 4 months of worth of coupons.
Within a week I started noticing DB connection errors all the times on my main website.

It was very very strange as I was hardly using any resources at the time for that website. There were time that nothing was accessible, not even cPanel or anything. Support kept telling me that it was due to maintenance being done, but it was clear that some kind of overselling was going on.

The next month I was charged twice for the same month. Once contacting their billing department they fixed it and refunded me the second charge and removed 2 coupons (no idea why but did not bother complaining as at this moment I had already begun looking for another host).

Issues with DB connections kept going and finally support promised to move me to a "new quad core". After 2 weeks of promises I was moved and low and behold a few days later same problems! Sites were crawling while they kept doing "maintenance" at random times of the day (12 in the afternoon EST, which is the same timezone where they are located).

Anyways to make a long story short, I have just moved my last domain from Umbrahosting and never ever thinking of going back. Even migrating away was such a pain, server was down again due to maintance and responses to support tickets was below satisfactory. To anyone that actually values their business presence I would recommend to STAY AWAY. They oversell like crazy, no question about it. The one thing they have going is response time to their support tickets. I really liked them in the beginning and was thinking of getting a VPS from them but my entire experience from that point on went downhill.

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[Review] 2 Months With 040 Hosting

Jun 11, 2009


Just thought i would drop a thread in here to let people know about 040 hosting who i host my blog with - www.beatsfortheplanet.com on their shared hosting plan

Service has been exceptional, i had my blog hosted with blogshoster who were terrible, they somehow managed to lose everyones blogs :/. 040 helped me move the blog over to them, i have little knowledge with doing that so it was cool.

No Downtime so far.

Very very cheap.

Blog load is very quick.

They are very very helpful, i have asked many questions and they are always happy to help, quick responses and friendly.

5/5, cant fault the service so far.

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